A2017U B32 System Write Issue - ZTE Axon 7 Questions & Answers

Hi everyone. I installed B32 but i can't edit system.
For example; can't change build.prop. Can't delete anything from system.
It was good on B25.

Uuhh... use a PC, and issue 'adb reboot disemmcwp'
It supposedly doesn't work if you do it from a terminal emulator
It's weird that you don't seem to know about this, since it happens on every stock ROM

Thank you my friend but it is not about it. So it did not help me

I'm having the same problem. If anyone has a solution please post. I tried to remount system to r/w from terminal. even tried to mount system as R/W with root explorer and ES explorer. It's a no go.


[SOLVED] Adb Access Denied on Rooted Kindle Fire

Hi everyone. As a new Kindle Fire user, I bought mine AFTER the recent Kindle 6.2 update. After following step-by-step the instructions posted on this forum to root KF, I seemed to have succeeded at my first attempt. However, when trying to copy and paste either vending.apk or amarket.apk to system/app folder using File Expert which I got from Amazon store, I couldn't get it to work. This means I don't see either apps in the system app folder after I paste them there. I followed the instructions to the T and rebooted KF, still no show. I then tried to install it via adb, I was able to "adb install" googleservice frameworks on KF. But when trying to "adb push" the market app to system/app, I keep getting "adb access denied". I tried re-rooting with superoneclick, still can't "adb push".
I really don't know what went wrong. BTW, I could hard install the market app on to KF and gained access to the market. (I thought KF blocked it.) But all my download from android market seem unsuccessful. I need help. Thanks.
Problem solved. And here's what I found out and how I made it work. Thanks for everyone who posted to help.
After trying what everyone suggested here, I still couldn't get r/w perssion to the system folder. I reset my KF to factory setting and started all over again. This time I realized it was the File Expert app that's causing this problem. Although it seems like File Expert could gain full access to the system, it doesn't allow you to make any modification to the system folder. I know someone claimed it worked on theirs. But if your File Expert comes from Amazon app store, it DOES NOT work when you try to paste anything into the system. When I realized that ROOT EXPLORER is no longer available on Amazon, I figured that could be the reason. After downloading Root Explorer to my PC and installed it onto KF, everything worked like a charm! So for those of you who encounter similar problems, it's not you. It could be the File Expert app that you got from Amazon.
You need to mount system as writable
Thanks Felnarion. But I did that. It didn't help. I followed the instructions step by step. Don't where the problem is. I find it hard to believe that KF allows me to do regular install of android market(the market icon even shows on the carousel) but I can't do it the "sneaky" way? Anyone else tried installing market app directly from the sd card?
In that case I think it's your app. I just downloaded file expert and had problems copying to /system as well.
Try root explorer, haven't had any problems with it.
File Expert is broken in regards to mounting folders RW/RO. Even though it claims it has successfully changed permissions, it never does or they don't stick. I suffered the exact same issue, regarding mounting folders RW/RO, and had to install Root Explorer to get the job done.
mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/mmci-omap-hs.1/by-name/system /system
is the adb command
nycrare said:
However, when trying to copy and paste either vending.apk or amarket.apk to system/app folder using File Expert which I got from Amazon store, I couldn't get it to work. This means I don't see either apps in the system app folder after I paste them there. I followed the instructions to the T and rebooted KF, still no show. I then tried to install it via adb, I was able to "adb install" googleservice frameworks on KF. But when trying to "adb push" the market app to system/app, I keep getting "adb access denied". I tried re-rooting with superoneclick, still can't "adb push".
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This might be a dumb question, but did you
and click OK on the Superuser prompt on the KF screen prior to the adb push attempts? Were you able to mount /system rw through adb? If adb can't get root access there's no way File Expert will be able to.
devilot said:
File Expert is broken in regards to mounting folders RW/RO. Even though it claims it has successfully changed permissions, it never does or they don't stick. I suffered the exact same issue, regarding mounting folders RW/RO, and had to install Root Explorer to get the job done.
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File Expert works fine. I've used it to do all my root related installs. You just have to make sure you check the 'Root Explorer' box under Settings>File Explorer Settings before trying to do any /system mounts, it's off by default.
Thank you everyone for your help. If I remember correctly, I did try "su" in adb. but not sure if entered the code correctly. I also heard about File Expert could be the cause when it comes to gaining permissions. I checked root explorer on File expert settings as well. I'm beginning to wonder if my hard install of market app ,which worked to my surprise, messed things up. I will try to reset my KF to factory setting and start over again. I will report back with the result. Once again, I really appreciate everyone's help.
death2all110 said:
mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/mmci-omap-hs.1/by-name/system /system
is the adb command
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i have to admit this is the first time I see this code. I tried something similar based on an instruction from another site. But not this exact code. I will try it later.
that command line was a life saver
Saved me a future headache
nycrare said:
After trying what everyone suggested here, I still couldn't get r/w perssion to the system folder. I reset my KF to factory setting and started all over again. This time I realized it was the File Expert app that's causing this problem. Although it seems like File Expert could gain full access to the system, it doesn't allow you to make any modification to the system folder. I know someone claimed it worked on theirs. But if your File Expert comes from Amazon app store, it DOES NOT work when you try to paste anything into the system. When I realized that ROOT EXPLORER is no longer available on Amazon, I figured that could be the reason. After downloading Root Explorer to my PC and installed it onto KF, everything worked like a charm! So for those of you who encounter similar problems, it's not you. It could be the File Expert app that you got from Amazon.
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Interesting. I was the one it worked for and I'm pretty sure I got mine from the Market, not Amazon. Good thing I haven't clicked that update button from within Amazon App Store.
Thank you for following up. Perfect example of how it can help others.
Glad you got everything sorted.

[Q] Cant mount /system rw

I cant mount /system as r/w on my nexus 10, I have rooted and tried root explorer and es file explorer with no luck.
I mounted it once, and it overwrote all my changes
kamaltmo said:
I cant mount /system as r/w on my nexus 10, I have rooted and tried root explorer and es file explorer with no luck.
I mounted it once, and it overwrote all my changes
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On Root Explorer did you press the "mount r/w" button at the top?
yeah, I pressed it but it doesn't mount
Do you have superuser installed? If so, open superuser, uncheck root explorer, select forget and restart root explorer and click "allow" when prompted when you try to mount r/w. Let me know if that works.
I do have superuser installed, thanks for the quick reply but its still not letting me mount system
Is superuser giving permissions to Root Explorer?
If it is, all I can suggest at this point is to try and restart the device and try again or re-flash stock and root your phone and try again.
If anyone else knows something I don't then I'm sure they'll chime in soon.
Good luck!
Thanks for the help but its still wont let me mount i re-flash stock and root again still no dice
you need to actually answer their questions instead of just saying thanks
what does it say in superuser? the permission for root exploer
try ES file explorer, and choose mount in there
Superuser is giving permission to root explorer, it says access grant if you need me to be specific, I have already tried ES file explorer, terminal and many of the mount apps in the market place none of which are working
Try updating the SU binary in SuperSU or SuperUser whichever one you have installed. 4.2 requires a new binary to work properly.
how do i update the SU binary in SuperSU

[Q] Busybox

Does anyone know where to get the busybox binary that will work on the nexus 10? Also, how do you manually copy it to the system folder? I'm rooted and on the stock ROM. File explorer used to have an option to remount a partition in read write mode but am not seeing this option now. Anyone know the syntax to remount the system partition with write? I have root and can get shell on the file system.
cowabunga said:
Does anyone know where to get the busybox binary that will work on the nexus 10? Also, how do you manually copy it to the system folder? I'm rooted and on the stock ROM. File explorer used to have an option to remount a partition in read write mode but am not seeing this option now. Anyone know the syntax to remount the system partition with write? I have root and can get shell on the file system.
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You can grab busybox off the market, things like esFile explorer , root explorer, has options to remount RW , or you could just install a custom manta kernel ..

Cant modify file?

I'm trying to replace one of the files in /system/usr/keylayout but i'm getting an error telling me the system is read only.
So i've gone back to the /system folder in Root Explorer and tried to remount it as rw but nothing happens.
So i've gone in and tried to use ADB. I turned on USB Debugging and connected with ADB, used "adb shell" to get in, then every variation of deleting the file and remounting the file system i can. Every method to delete the file tells me its read only, and every method to remount it tells me that the folder isnt in /proc/mounts. If i dont specify a folder and just use /, then it runs and shows a ton of folders, but i still cant delete the file. My goal is to replace it with another.
Any ideas why? I'm rooted with magisk, newest version of platform tools on the laptop, im running OOS IN11AA, stock rom and kernel.

Stock ROM /system and /app R/W permissions?

Hey guys,
I have a Moto G5+ XT1687 that I'm messing with. I've rooted this sucker, TWRW recovery & Magisk are installed on the stock ROM and the phone does appear to have root as I'm able to log into the shell with root permissions, but I still cannot get the /system and /app folders to remount as r/w regardless of what I try.
So far I've had the same issues with Root Explorer, FX File Manager, Shell commands via ADB and terminal emulators. I'm still somewhat new to working with these, so hopefully there's a quick fix for it. Any assistance would be much appreciated!
