Update all active ROMs to have Latest Security Patches. - Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Guides, News, & Discussion

Because of the new BlueBorne Vulnerabilities it'd be appreciated if all the Custom ROMs get updated to have the latest security patches. So I request all the good developers to include the new security updates faster and also check if the devices are no more vulnerable to BlueBorne.

Never been in a worse phone thread on all the XDA.
Still managed to get shocked by the obnoxious users.

Stevica Smederevac said:
Never been in a worse phone thread on all the XDA.
Still managed to get shocked by the obnoxious users.
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Its a discussion thread. So just pointing out something which I noticed and requesting for it. If there is anything wrong with what I have said you can ignore it or tell why it is wrong instead of stating why this or other phone threads are worse than what you could know. Everyone starts as a Noob so don't just jump onto something.
I don't have any knowledge on these things but most of the custom roms here have not been updated to have the new security updates. So just wondering about it since there is this huge news on BlueBorne vulnerability.

Superblazer said:
Its a discussion thread. So just pointing out something which I noticed and requesting for it. If there is anything wrong with what I have said you can ignore it or tell why it is wrong instead of stating why this or other phone threads are worse than what you could know. Everyone starts as a Noob so don't just jump onto something.
I don't have any knowledge on these things but most of the custom roms here have not been updated to have the new security updates. So just wondering about it since there is this huge news on BlueBorne vulnerability.
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It's not the issue if you are a noob or a experienced user. It sounded like you demand an update to every available rom here.
We are all aware of the vulnerability but it takes time.
There are hundreds of millions of devices that will never receive a patch and they'll continue to live their lives normally. S it's not a matter of life and death.
Relax and enjoy . You are on custom rom so the fix is coming quickly.
When will top devices on stock rom receive it? Who knows .


Devs, Please don't hide your Known Issues

I really don't want this to come across wrong, but I just have to say it.
Developers, I appreciate all your hard work. I understand this is all beta/test/etc. I understand it is free of cost, even to those who did donate to one dev or another. You do it because you want to, not because you have to.
But please, for the love of all that's good - keep an updated list of Known Issues!
It sucks having to read 50 pages of posts to try to figure out if a particular release is reliable or not, to find out if there's a key feature broken or buggy. What makes it worse is you can't tell when reading these threads which users are on which release, because many still post issues after they've been resolved. Others post things that aren't really "issues" but user error.
You know what your issues are, you read the threads and you fix the issues. But trying to find a decent rom to flash is very, very difficult when your OP says "No known problems" and the thread that follows show that to be very untrue. It generates a lot of extra posts with people posting things you already know about, and it generates a lot of bad will when someone flashes something only to find that there are a number of game breaking issues.
All it takes is to update a post, say #2, in your thread, with KNOWN ISSUES. Once you confirm a bug, whether you intend to fix it on your next release or not, add it to that thread. It helps you, as a dev keep track of the bug, and it helps potential downloaders know what bugs have been confirmed and make an educated decision as to whether they want to install your release.
Hiding known issues is something I don't think anyone does intentionally, but it feels that way sometimes. It feels like devs are in a popularity contest, and any admission of flaws in their particular ROM is a weakness. Well, to tell the truth, I and many others are sick of installing something that was CLAIMED to be working perfectly, only to have glaring problems that have been there for many versions.
For a civil and productive development community. Please. Be honest with your known issues. It will go a long way in building trust with the people who you're providing ROMs to, and will mean fewer posts for YOU to wade through of users reporting known issues, without having read 500 posts first.
I have a hard time believing that most devs actively hide them. Most of the time it's probably just a bit of laziness. But, yes, it would be helpful when comparing roms if the descriptions had a well-maintained list of active bugs.
Since the developers here are NOT getting paid (NO your $20 donation is not sh*t for the time it takes to make one of these roms), yes WE will have to bear the brunt of testing these roms out and letting them know what bugs if any are in them
The other issue is the people flashing these roms, coming from Eugene's to Whiskey to the ASOP roms may generate some ghosts in the software that the developers cannot duplicate themselves. I know that when I went with the TW 2.2 roms I had plenty of issues, more issues than I have had even when I was stock. Odining back to stock and reflashing the 4.2 TW fixed ALL my problems. Dont know what caused it but since I have flashed a couple of roms prior to that (no problems), I will assume there were some ghosts in my system. This is an example that unless a TW team member is holding MY phone and working on it, they may not be able to duplicate
They don't care to list them. It's beneath some of them.
Maybe AirBus should list "midair exploding engines" as a known issue too...
kponti said:
Since the developers here are NOT getting paid (NO your $20 donation is not sh*t for the time it takes to make one of these roms), yes WE will have to bear the brunt of testing these roms out and letting them know what bugs if any are in them
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+1. Hell, at work I run a $100,000.00+ software suite and even that company won't do what the OP suggests!
If you have a problem with them stop using their roms go back to stock and see how much better theirs is even with a few bugs, not one of you has any right to complain. They do damn good work for free with some donations that do not come close to what they should be paid for it but they do not whine at all.
The problem I find is the "spammy" and useless comments average and pretentious users make which is both hard for the developer and the end user to read the threads. A dev releases a ROM and there is a guaranteed "Oh I can't wait to flash this" comment that will pop up. And there are some issues that are minor and are sometimes not related to the release that are posted and some pretentious loser who extends his ego by trying to make simple matters complicated. This forum didn't much of this problem before and I could quickly flash ROMs easily since I could clearly grasp the status on the ROM project.
I wish they would start a new thread with new releases. It's a pain to try to read through a 500 page thread, and you comments about this or that, and you have no idea which version the person is talking about. I gave up on custom roms and just using the leaked tmo 2.2, thanks for that Eugene
kponti said:
Since the developers here are NOT getting paid (NO your $20 donation is not sh*t for the time it takes to make one of these roms), yes WE will have to bear the brunt of testing these roms out and letting them know what bugs if any are in them
The other issue is the people flashing these roms, coming from Eugene's to Whiskey to the ASOP roms may generate some ghosts in the software that the developers cannot duplicate themselves. I know that when I went with the TW 2.2 roms I had plenty of issues, more issues than I have had even when I was stock. Odining back to stock and reflashing the 4.2 TW fixed ALL my problems. Dont know what caused it but since I have flashed a couple of roms prior to that (no problems), I will assume there were some ghosts in my system. This is an example that unless a TW team member is holding MY phone and working on it, they may not be able to duplicate
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A $20 donation is not worth the risk of bricking a $550 phone just because they got "lazy" and didn't notify donators/downloaders of [a] potentially show-stopping issue.
Posted a new Thread in Dev section for the purpose of reporting issues. So if you have an issue please shoot it to me and I will post it in that thread.
Update: Here is the link for the WIKI page.
swehes said:
Posted a new Thread in Dev section for the purpose of reporting issues. So if you have an issue please shoot it to me and I will post it in that thread.
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You are in a heap of trouble, a lot of people don't read, and you are gonna get 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 repeats of the same issue.
chui101 said:
I have a hard time believing that most devs actively hide them. Most of the time it's probably just a bit of laziness. But, yes, it would be helpful when comparing roms if the descriptions had a well-maintained list of active bugs.
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The issue here is really that a forum is not the ideal place to manage software releases. A list of bugs emerges from community testing, but there's nowhere to "post" that list of issues, or attach it to a specific release. Since there's no way for the community to add such documentation, it falls on the ROM builder, who probably has other priorities.
This kind of project could be well served by using a real software project management software solution, such as say google code, which has an issue tracker and other useful features. But XDA does already give us a better tool than the forum - the XDA wiki!
I wish people would use the XDA wiki more extensively. This would be a good place to keep updated documentation such as this, without requiring the OP to keep a forum post updated with the latest findings. All the OP needs to do is link to the wiki page, and other people can help maintain it.
OK. Looking into Google Code.
(Update) So looking into the Google Code. What Licensing agreement are the ROMs under? Is it GPL v2 or v3 or another license?
swehes said:
OK. Looking into Google Code.
(Update) So looking into the Google Code. What Licensing agreement are the ROMs under? Is it GPL v2 or v3 or another license?
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Depends on the project. The Linux kernel is GPLv2, so any kernels fall under that license. AOSP as a whole uses both GPL and apache code.
The issue with ROMs is that unless they're AOSP derived (like cyanogenmod) they often include binaries for which the license situation is murky at best, so google code isn't really an ideal fit for a "ROM" that's only ever released as a binary.
Really I was throwing google code out there as a well known example, there are tons of other ways to track issues. There are dedicated issue tracking systems such as trac, bugzilla, etc, but they require hosting. Most of the freely available hosted services require that you're running an open source project, which isn't necessarily true for the ROMs here.
IMO a serious project could very well benefit from such tools, but just using an XDA wiki page which community members can freely update is a great first step.
So looked into the Wiki for the Vibrant and have updated some information. Let me know what you guys think. Is this the way to go?
swehes said:
So looked into the Wiki for the Vibrant and have updated some information. Let me know what you guys think. Is this the way to go?
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Not to be the "Spelling Nazi", and I am not even sure if you can change it, but it is "Kernel" not "Kernal". Also, the Dev on Team Whiskey is Sombionix, not Symbionix.
Otherwise, that looks like a great idea, and possible way of tracking things!
EDIT - I guess I could go ahead and make those tweaks, with it being a wiki and all couldn't I....
EDIT EDIT - Fixed it.
Stargazer3777 said:
Not to be the "Spelling Nazi", and I am not even sure if you can change it, but it is "Kernel" not "Kernal". Also, the Dev on Team Whiskey is Sombionix, not Symbionix.
Otherwise, that looks like a great idea, and possible way of tracking things!
EDIT - I guess I could go ahead and make those tweaks, with it being a wiki and all couldn't I....
EDIT EDIT - Fixed it.
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Thanks. On both accounts.
Maybe this should be a post to Microsoft
To quote "there are known, unknowns and unknown, knowns and and even sometimes unknown,unknowns............but.........
Developers ----develop they do not become a bookkeeper of their development.........that is coordinating work...........good luck getting any developer in ANY Specialty to do that............. reporting bugs........
---Maybe this should be a post to Microsoft---
N8ter said:
A $20 donation is not worth the risk of bricking a $550 phone just because they got "lazy" and didn't notify donators/downloaders of [a] potentially show-stopping issue.
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I have yet to see a REAL (completely dead) "bricked" vibrant from flashing a released Rom alone. I have seen a lot of user error cause boot loops or "soft-bricks" & HWL phones become unflashable because the end user didn't take the time to research though. As far as devs being "lazy" I dont really see that when the developer is coming here for us to tell him what else we find wrong. They are coding, you flash, you report back with a logcat. This is how development is made to my understanding. If ppl are to lazy to JUST do this then why shouldn't the developer discount long winded post or something they are not experiencing? If they know there is a bug its in the OP.
If you guys can change the interwebz & how 500 post per update are made completely useless please feel free to do so....
swehes said:
So looked into the Wiki for the Vibrant and have updated some information. Let me know what you guys think. Is this the way to go?
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I think it's a pretty awesome start for sure
As a matter of personal taste, I think having an individual wiki page per ROM (with the known issues and other detailed info) might be nice, although I'm not sure what the policy on new pages is with the XDA wiki.
Speaking from professional experience, the most challenging aspect of any documentation system is always convincing people to use it. It's great to compile the information, but unless ROM builders and devs post a link to the wiki in the forum threads nobody will ever see it. Having good, community based documentation is a benefit to everybody though, so hopefully people will recognize the utility of it and encourage its growth!

[Q] Thread/Sticky for 2.3.3 exploit?

Please don't discount me as some ignorant noob despite my fairly low profile account.
I actually used to have an HTC Touch Pro 2 and used to flash custom ROMs like it was my job but once I got an EVO I decided against it because I didn't really have any complaints with the stock system. Until now of course.
I accepted the OTA update over the air without really knowing what it was. So I decided to go online and research what was actually included in the update and after doing some XDA searching was quickly refreshed on the joys of flashing customs. In the painful irony of it all, I quickly realized that by accepting the update I had screwed myself into some custom flashing purgatory where I suffer from that "itch" for a new custom ROM that we all know.
Anyways, long story short, I was wondering if there was any type of sticky/thread that is continuously updated on the progress of a 2.3.3 exploit or maybe the progress of the unrevoked team so that when I search for that sense of hope multiple times a day I can simply check one location. I did some searching for such a thread but returned no results.
Thanks in advance and hats off to the devs for all that they do.
damn....that sux that you had no complaints until AFTER the OTA update. thats definitely a bad stroke of luck.
I would say, in the mean time, try out different home launchers to try to get the different feel for them (i.e. if it's the Sense launcher that's bugging you, change it up ) I like both LPP (LauncherPro Plus) and ADW...tho I prefer LPP
and to answer the main question: No...there isnt a sticky or thread discussing the progress of the root exploit.
freddykrue said:
I accepted the OTA update over the air without really knowing what it was. So I decided to go online and research what was actually included in the update and after doing some XDA searching was quickly refreshed on the joys of flashing customs. In the painful irony of it all, I quickly realized that by accepting the update I had screwed myself into some custom flashing purgatory where I suffer from that "itch" for a new custom ROM that we all know.
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hopefully the devs will get the exploit out soon so 1)we stop getting the threads demanding the exploit (im not saying this is one of them...just saying that there have been 1 too many of those threads as of late) 2) so that you can start experiencing that "itch" again
I personally will take the OTA and then reroot after the exploit is out so that I'll know how to help others
Progress won't be mentioned until the actual exploit is found, so there's no need to search for a progress report. Until the exploit is found, the progress would be "nothing yet"... so that's pointless to post. As soon as a root method is made, you won't have to search for it. Go to the Evo Q&A section and you'll see questions about it - you'll see discussion & celebration in the General section. You'll probably see the root method itself (unless it's Unrevoked) in the Development section. You won't have to go past the first page to know it's here.
That being said, there's no need for a sticky. And unless you're trying to build a root method yourself, no need to search.
People have to realize that these devs do this in their free time, for free. It bothers me that people that have never given these devs anything expect the new root method now. I'm not talking about you, but so many others come here whining about nobody telling them when it will be ready or about nobody rooting it yet, as if they're owed something. If I had the skills to find a root exploit, I would stop working on it because of these kids *****ing and moaning.
Again, I'm not talking about you... I'm just ranting.
I agree completely. I found it funny that you guys call these guys "trolls." It's perfect. On the PPCGeeks forums back when I was flashing for my HTC Diamond we just called them douchebags but I like trolls, it's clever.
I also wish I had the skills to discover the exploit. I would love to give back to the community. It's all a little over my head though. I'm just another guy reaping the benefits of those generous enough to provide a more enjoyable experience from our devices and liberation from the corporate *cough* horsesh;t.
freddykrue said:
I agree completely. I found it funny that you guys call these guys "trolls." It's perfect. On the PPCGeeks forums back when I was flashing for my HTC Diamond we just called them douchebags but I like trolls, it's clever.
I also wish I had the skills to discover the exploit. I would love to give back to the community. It's all a little over my head though. I'm just another guy reaping the benefits of those generous enough to provide a more enjoyable experience from our devices and liberation from the corporate *cough* horsesh;t.
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the worst part of this thread is that you think you're experienced/old school 'cause you used to flash a diamond. dude, that phone is pretty new in my mind. sit down and read. if it comes up, it'll come up.
detusueno said:
the worst part of this thread is that you think you're experienced/old school 'cause you used to flash a diamond. dude, that phone is pretty new in my mind. sit down and read. if it comes up, it'll come up.
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The HTC Diamond is like 3 or 4 years old by now. These days that's an eternity. I tried using my old diamond for a week or so a couple of months ago, and while I still love the size and form factor, I can't stand the lag factor. The os of windows mobile doesn't bother me, but the lack of power sure does.
detusueno said:
the worst part of this thread is that you think you're experienced/old school 'cause you used to flash a diamond. dude, that phone is pretty new in my mind. sit down and read. if it comes up, it'll come up.
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I wouldn't consider myself old school at all but I would say I have experience. I was flashing for about 2 or 3 years with a combination of the Diamond and TP2.
I'm not crediting myself with any kind of "elderly knowledge" if that's what your concerned about. Some newbs probably know more than me definitely with the Evo being a different OS altogether.
And yes, I loved the phone but the lag was unbearable.

official iCS update

when will the official update from motorola\google will arrive?
azulgrana said:
when will the official update from motorola\google will arrive?
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Look behind you, it might be already there.
can you give me a date?
and I just read that there isn't an option to use the device as a disk drive, is it true?
It will be pushed out on 11.01.2012 but this is very confidential information, please don't tell anybody!
can someone serious answer me please?
Nobody knows. You'll just have to wait like the rest of us.
No one knows.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
azulgrana said:
can someone serious please answer me?
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You're in the wrong place, pal. If you really want an answer, you'll have to find a connection within Motorola... if they even have a hard date set. If you want to be taken seriously, take time to search and read before posting a question. You'd find dozens of threads on the topic in the xoom forums alone (unfortunately, since others choose not to searrch, too) and you'd quickly learn there is no answer to your question here.
You can have ICS on your xoom today if you want it, just not from Moto. Again, do some reading and research and you can determine whether available alternatives are right for you, or whether to wait for a not-yet-announced official update.
Nearly everyone here is helpful and will assist if you do your homework and still have questions... but you have to take yourself and your own questions seriously before you can expect anyone else to do so... or you can choose to be roasted.
hchxoom said:
You're in the wrong place, pal. If you really want an answer, you'll have to find a connection within Motorola... if they even have a hard date set. If you want to be taken seriously, take time to search and read before posting a question. You'd find dozens of threads on the topic in the xoom forums alone (unfortunately, since others choose not to searrch, too) and you'd quickly learn there is no answer to your question here.
You can have ICS on your xoom today if you want it, just not from Moto. Again, do some reading and research and you can determine whether available alternatives are right for you, or whether to wait for a not-yet-announced official update.
Nearly everyone here is helpful and will assist if you do your homework and still have questions... but you have to take yourself and your own questions seriously before you can expect anyone else to do so... or you can choose to be roasted.
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first of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to write your answer.
I did searched(not in XDA, I searched on google) for the answer and found a lot of articles about the XOOM getting the ICS update but they all were very old so I thought that maybe Motorola released a date for the update and I didn't found an answer for that so I decided to ask here.
azulgrana said:
first of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to write your answer.
I did searched(not in XDA, I searched on google) for the answer and found a lot of articles about the XOOM getting the ICS update but they all were very old so I thought that maybe Motorola released a date for the update and I didn't found an answer for that so I decided to ask here.
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The problem is, and always will be - you can never set a solid release date for software upgrades when it comes to this 'chain' that the update must go through in order to be released to us.
From a manufacturer and carrier standpoint, they could never give even the slightest hint of a date for a software release until its imminently close. Reason being, there are so many variables and factors affecting a particular update. If they gave any sort of date other than "soon", then if they missed that date that everyone was expecting - customers would blow a gasket.
So essentially, from their standpoint, it is MUCH safer to keep from giving any sort of date of release.
Bottom Line: An official ICS update should be coming sometime soon. Speculation says the U.S. Wifi-only XOOM will be the first, and then others will soon follow. That is the most we know at this point.
So pull up a chair, grab a beer, and join the rest of us as we compulsively surf these android forums every day for the next piece of news to come forward.
azulgrana said:
first of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to write your answer.
I did searched(not in XDA, I searched on google) for the answer and found a lot of articles about the XOOM getting the ICS update but they all were very old so I thought that maybe Motorola released a date for the update and I didn't found an answer for that so I decided to ask here.
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I had some good guidance (some nice, some not so nice) when I first started using xda, so glad to pass it along. The best was not to start a new thread except as a last resort - most questions are already asked and answered somewhere, and if not there is a likely an existing thread/discussion in which the question fits. For the most part, xda members aren't jerks and are extremely helpful... but the frustration factor rises quickly when the same questions are asked and answered repeatedly. As you'll probably be told at some time, it is a developers forum not really a users forum... they've just chosen to let us in (because we help test what they're dev'ing).
One more suggestion - be more careful with your topic titles. I opened the thread to read assuming you were posting some official announcement... and would bet most others did, too. Be more clear with the title and you increase the odds that you'll get readers that can/will help.
BTW, I'm still getting used to the xda search function (a bit cumbersome, works best in my opinion searching within a subforum), and often prefer a Google search myself. If you add "xda" to your Google search terms, you'll often find what you need.
azulgrana said:
can someone serious answer me please?
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I understand your concern, the more they wait the less we can play with our toy until that other date (ya know, 23/12/2012)
I'll give you a real answer. No body knows.
It seems like the last few updates were dropped with no prior warning. I assume ICS will be a different situation and they would at least give a little heads up (or so I would hope.) If you have a 4G VZW XOOM, expect to wait another month so Verizon can tinker around with it first.
Or, if you want it now, just go to the dev section and flash the wonderful EOS ROM. It takes all of 15 minutes to do if you're already rooted. In fact, I spent more time downloading the files than I did actually flashing the recovery and the ROM + a few bits and pieces that make it work. It's well worth it.
Hope this answers your question.
After getting dragged along month-to-month waiting for an official Android update with previous devices, I've come to the personal conclusion that I'll never wait for an official Android update ever again. The custom ROMs from these forums are always better and are always available far in advance of any official release.
You may want to give this a try. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1400958&page=82
Team EOS (formerly Team Tiamat) has proved to be one of the elite Android dev teams in my opinion and are worth following because they always have something new to try out.
Typically, the update will come in waves and there will be a leak to the blogs a few days before...
Kudos to the people who took the OP and his question seriously. There's no justification for being a d*** to someone who probably isn't familiar with all of the ins and outs of XDA. Come on now...
Anyway, you can watch paint dry in way less time than a carrier or OEM will deliver an official Android version update to their devices (assuming you're using something other than a Nexus device) so custom ROMs are definitely the way to go. It is not uncommon for devs here to release official ROMs before the carriers/OEMs LOL! To that end, check out one of the ICS ROMs from Team EOS in the Xoom development section. Root your Xoom if you haven't done so already, flash one of their ICS ROMs and enjoy . The devs here on XDA are good for releasing ROMs and updates in a timely manner.

moto g6 play xt1922-7(boost mobile) ota zip

i have pulled the ota zip for this model but im not sure what to do with it so here you go to whoever knows what to do.
This is just a patch. Not the complete firmware. Typically only the full firmware is shared here not just a patch. Entire firmware will be much larger then 72MB. You were able to locate the questions and answers forum but the rom forum is where this belongs. There is a thread in there with complete stock firmware downloads.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
yea well im done caring. at least im trying my ass off to get the updated firmware for this specific model since no one else seems to give a damn about this device. this was my last ditch effort. i already switched to a z2 force so good luck to everyone on this. and ive already tried multiple times giving this device away to anyone thats a dev cause i intended on buying a new one but not one person wanted it so im just tossing it at this point. best of luck. if someone thinks they do something with this go for it.
Xplorer4x4 said:
This is just a patch. Not the complete firmware. Typically only the full firmware is shared here not just a patch. Entire firmware will be much larger then 72MB. You were able to locate the questions and answers forum but the rom forum is where this belongs. There is a thread in there with complete stock firmware downloads.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
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I am on a G6+ so throw a fit if you want. We have a dev who will be getting a device soon and I myself am attempting to build los 15.1 to solve the 1 remaining bug we have on Oreo-based roms/GSIs.
That said, I'm glad you're trying to help the community but there is a right way and a wrong way. Generic no detailed information posts like this can be dangerous. Is this OTA1 is it OTA2 is it OTA3? What firmware version is this to upgrade from and to? I see the version in the file name when clicking the link to your G Drive, but that doesn't help users searching through XDA who might find this patch useful. I don't think a google search result that showed this post would convert the URL to the file name. So even google search wouldn't know what to make of your post. Is it a flashable zip or is it flashed via the bootloader with fastboot? In either case how does a n00b know how to do that? I forget the Boost Mobile variant is a Jeter not Aljeter to which there is not even a firmware posted for(although I believe the Aljeter firmware can be used anyways and gives you a more stock google experience I guess). I did not say take down the patch, it's worthless, etc. I did say it is not typical to share them here. If you truly want to help members provide the proper/necessary information. If you want to cry and whine, don't expect sympathy. Pack your bags, and move on to your new device. You could probably sell it and recover some investment by keeping in mind there is a market segment who cares nothing about custom roms and such and may like to buy the device.
i would def like to know who this dev is then cause the only one that was doing anything has already messaged me saying they dont want the device lol. the boost mobile variant has only had one update so i didnt bother saying anything beside ota zip for boost mobile because its the only one we have recieved for our device model if people cant read thats there problem. its frustration as all hell to have someone saying what your saying right now when there is like me and one other guy it seems trying our hardest for this device and everyone else is like "hey lets watch the jeter guys fail". i had planned on cleaning up the post when im not as pissed about owning a phone with so little support. if you have any friends or dev friends that have this model and would be kind enough to pull a better ota file for us PLEASE be my guest.
Xplorer4x4 said:
I am on a G6+ so throw a fit if you want. We have a dev who will be getting a device soon and I myself am attempting to build los 15.1 to solve the 1 remaining bug we have on Oreo-based roms/GSIs.
That said, I'm glad you're trying to help the community but there is a right way and a wrong way. Generic no detailed information posts like this can be dangerous. Is this OTA1 is it OTA2 is it OTA3? What firmware version is this to upgrade from and to? I see the version in the file name when clicking the link to your G Drive, but that doesn't help users searching through XDA who might find this patch useful. I don't think a google search result that showed this post would convert the URL to the file name. So even google search wouldn't know what to make of your post. Is it a flashable zip or is it flashed via the bootloader with fastboot? In either case how does a n00b know how to do that? I forget the Boost Mobile variant is a Jeter not Aljeter to which there is not even a firmware posted for(although I believe the Aljeter firmware can be used anyways and gives you a more stock google experience I guess). I did not say take down the patch, it's worthless, etc. I did say it is not typical to share them here. If you truly want to help members provide the proper/necessary information. If you want to cry and whine, don't expect sympathy. Pack your bags, and move on to your new device. You could probably sell it and recover some investment by keeping in mind there is a market segment who cares nothing about custom roms and such and may like to buy the device.
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Just got the notification for update from Oct to Nov security patch. I'll download tonight. Xt1922-7
Version info
Xplorer4x4 said:
I am on a G6+ so throw a fit if you want. We have a dev who will be getting a device soon and I myself am attempting to build los 15.1 to solve the 1 remaining bug we have on Oreo-based roms/GSIs.
That said, I'm glad you're trying to help the community but there is a right way and a wrong way. Generic no detailed information posts like this can be dangerous. Is this OTA1 is it OTA2 is it OTA3? What firmware version is this to upgrade from and to? I see the version in the file name when clicking the link to your G Drive, but that doesn't help users searching through XDA who might find this patch useful. I don't think a google search result that showed this post would convert the URL to the file name. So even google search wouldn't know what to make of your post. Is it a flashable zip or is it flashed via the bootloader with fastboot? In either case how does a n00b know how to do that? I forget the Boost Mobile variant is a Jeter not Aljeter to which there is not even a firmware posted for(although I believe the Aljeter firmware can be used anyways and gives you a more stock google experience I guess). I did not say take down the patch, it's worthless, etc. I did say it is not typical to share them here. If you truly want to help members provide the proper/necessary information. If you want to cry and whine, don't expect sympathy. Pack your bags, and move on to your new device. You could probably sell it and recover some investment by keeping in mind there is a market segment who cares nothing about custom roms and such and may like to buy the device.
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Contrary to what you said about no firmwares being around for the Boost Mobile variant of the G6 Play, but, there is firmware available for it, even though it uses the Sprint branded firmware the firmwares are still there for it, after use the phone will provision and activate itself for Boost Mobile per your account that's attached to it, here's a direct link to the firmwares for it: Sprint firmwares for JETER XT-1922-7, it even has the latest firmware for the last OTA patch we got for the November Security Patch Level
---------- Post added at 04:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------
Xplorer4x4 said:
I am on a G6+ so throw a fit if you want. We have a dev who will be getting a device soon and I myself am attempting to build los 15.1 to solve the 1 remaining bug we have on Oreo-based roms/GSIs.
That said, I'm glad you're trying to help the community but there is a right way and a wrong way. Generic no detailed information posts like this can be dangerous. Is this OTA1 is it OTA2 is it OTA3? What firmware version is this to upgrade from and to? I see the version in the file name when clicking the link to your G Drive, but that doesn't help users searching through XDA who might find this patch useful. I don't think a google search result that showed this post would convert the URL to the file name. So even google search wouldn't know what to make of your post. Is it a flashable zip or is it flashed via the bootloader with fastboot? In either case how does a n00b know how to do that? I forget the Boost Mobile variant is a Jeter not Aljeter to which there is not even a firmware posted for(although I believe the Aljeter firmware can be used anyways and gives you a more stock google experience I guess). I did not say take down the patch, it's worthless, etc. I did say it is not typical to share them here. If you truly want to help members provide the proper/necessary information. If you want to cry and whine, don't expect sympathy. Pack your bags, and move on to your new device. You could probably sell it and recover some investment by keeping in mind there is a market segment who cares nothing about custom roms and such and may like to buy the device.
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ninjakira said:
i would def like to know who this dev is then cause the only one that was doing anything has already messaged me saying they dont want the device lol. the boost mobile variant has only had one update so i didnt bother saying anything beside ota zip for boost mobile because its the only one we have recieved for our device model if people cant read thats there problem. its frustration as all hell to have someone saying what your saying right now when there is like me and one other guy it seems trying our hardest for this device and everyone else is like "hey lets watch the jeter guys fail". i had planned on cleaning up the post when im not as pissed about owning a phone with so little support. if you have any friends or dev friends that have this model and would be kind enough to pull a better ota file for us PLEASE be my guest.
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My Boost Mobile G6 Play has gotten 3 OTAs since I bought it last July
PimpMy5Ton said:
Contrary to what you said about no firmwares being around for the Boost Mobile variant of the G6 Play, but, there is firmware available for it, even though it uses the Sprint branded firmware the firmwares are still there for it, after use the phone will provision and activate itself for Boost Mobile per your account that's attached to it, here's a direct link to the firmwares for it: Sprint firmwares for JETER XT-1922-7, it even has the latest firmware for the last OTA patch we got for the November Security Patch Level
---------- Post added at 04:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------
My Boost Mobile G6 Play has gotten 3 OTAs since I bought it last July
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?? That was from a few months ago when there wasn't anything uploaded on lolinet and people were complaining about it hard. so calm down lol. We've all gotten 3 updates since then and uploaded on lolinet.
ninjakira said:
That was from a few months ago when there wasn't anything uploaded on lolinet and people were complaining about it hard. so calm down lol. We've all gotten 3 updates since then and uploaded on lolinet.
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I'm calm, just sayin' lol, I think it's funny how people don't wanna wait on development on new devices, in my opinion if you can't wait don't buy the new device, if you buy it knowing that there's not any development available for it then don't complain, it'll just be ignored.
PimpMy5Ton said:
I'm calm, just sayin' lol, I think it's funny how people don't wanna wait on development on new devices, in my opinion if you can't wait don't buy the new device, if you buy it knowing that there's not any development available for it then don't complain, it'll just be ignored.
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Lol sorry. My customer service side took over for. Sec ? but yeah your right. Thats basically what's happened to is I've just started ignoring the people as ****ty as that does sound. Once it's out we will know lol.
I know this is an old post but...
ninjakira said:
i would def like to know who this dev is then cause the only one that was doing anything has already messaged me saying they dont want the device lol. the boost mobile variant has only had one update so i didnt bother saying anything beside ota zip for boost mobile because its the only one we have recieved for our device model if people cant read thats there problem. its frustration as all hell to have someone saying what your saying right now when there is like me and one other guy it seems trying our hardest for this device and everyone else is like "hey lets watch the jeter guys fail". i had planned on cleaning up the post when im not as pissed about owning a phone with so little support. if you have any friends or dev friends that have this model and would be kind enough to pull a better ota file for us PLEASE be my guest.
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In no way do I consider myself a developer, as I am certified n00b status.
But after reading this thread, I've decided to accomplish a goal I've had in mind for a while, for which I have found very little documentation. If I am successful, I'll post a guide. I'm glad the people who know what they're doing can login to sites like this and give the little guys a fighting chance. Thanks!
KnowNoNapsNever said:
In no way do I consider myself a developer, as I am certified n00b status.
But after reading this thread, I've decided to accomplish a goal I've had in mind for a while, for which I have found very little documentation. If I am successful, I'll post a guide. I'm glad the people who know what they're doing can login to sites like this and give the little guys a fighting chance. Thanks!
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Dude this post is old. Like a year old now. I've made the guide for decrypting and rooting and even reflashing stock firmware that I also keep updated. I highly advise you to read everything within the Moto g6 play forum to make sure your not basically gonna be copying me and or just gonna create another guide that will have no point in it actually being here because my guide already covers it.
ninjakira said:
Dude this post is old. Like a year old now. I've made the guide for decrypting and rooting and even reflashing stock firmware that I also keep updated. I highly advise you to read everything within the Moto g6 play forum to make sure your not basically gonna be copying me and or just gonna create another guide that will have no point in it actually being here because my guide already covers it.
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You're being a ****, ****. I was literally thanking you guys, I acknowledged it was an od thread in the title. I thanked you, and the other handful of devs for helping out guys like me, who don't have all of the knowledge to develop themselves, or the money to buy a nicer phone with more support. Anyway I don't hold grudges and I still appreciate your contributions. I'm trying to update mine to Pie but can't find any official files to do so. Anyways ill figure it out, it's just that my moms pixel 2 just broke and we don't have the money to fix it just yet to im really trying to get my jeter ready for her because she needs the phone in order to work. But before all of this i was going to try and compile a custom kernel from scratch for the jeter, for use with the news Andrax Pentesting Framework so that I could finally experience airodump/wifite without external adapter. looks like its gonna have to wait. mom comes first. have a good night bro see ya around.:good:
KnowNoNapsNever said:
You're being a ****, ****. I was literally thanking you guys, I acknowledged it was an od thread in the title. I thanked you, and the other handful of devs for helping out guys like me, who don't have all of the knowledge to develop themselves, or the money to buy a nicer phone with more support. Anyway I don't hold grudges and I still appreciate your contributions. I'm trying to update mine to Pie but can't find any official files to do so. Anyways ill figure it out, it's just that my moms pixel 2 just broke and we don't have the money to fix it just yet to im really trying to get my jeter ready for her because she needs the phone in order to work. But before all of this i was going to try and compile a custom kernel from scratch for the jeter, for use with the news Andrax Pentesting Framework so that I could finally experience airodump/wifite without external adapter. looks like its gonna have to wait. mom comes first. have a good night bro see ya around.:good:
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If you wanna think I'm a **** for being honest with you and forward instead of sugarcoating stuff then go ahead. You said your making a guide. I simply said make sure it's not a guide that already been made because so far we have 5 threads about gsi's and other useless threads that have kinda cluttered this forum and or stuff that my guide covers because once again. There is already enough clutter on the forum. https://forum.xda-developers.com/g6-play/development/ota-moto-g6-play-aljeter-t3921877. To answer your question after being a called a **** that's what your looking for. You have to be on the January security patch to even take/flash it. If you took an Oreo update after the January 1st security patch which I do believe is February 1st for oreo you are out of luck on getting pie until the stock firmware is uploaded on mirrors.
KnowNoNapsNever said:
You're being a ****, ****.
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This unacceptable conduct for XDA. This community is very open to free speech, but personal attacks are not welcome, allowed, or tolerated. I'm not going to report it because the mods have enough work as it is. However, I am going to take the time to educate you on XDA's rules regarding language.
"2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result, what may be OK to say in your part of the world, may not be OK elsewhere. Please don't direct profanity, sexually explicit language or other offensive content toward Members or their work. Conversely, while reading posts from other members, remember that the word you find offensive may not be offensive to the writer. Tolerance is a two-way street." -- Emphasis, mine. Source: XDA Announcement.
Please be civil. That was uncalled for. The guy you were responding to was only trying to avoid more mass confusion, because we have too many guides already.

Android Update for Samsung Tab E T377A

I hope I am doing this right. I may be asking a question that has already been asked. I looked through all of the previous posted forums and was not able to find the answers that I need. They may have been available but I just didn't understand them as such. I am just now getting into this so I am not very tech savy lol. I am sorry and ask if you could just please bear with me. I bought an AT&T samsung tab e t377a at a pawn shop ( probably not a good idea). But all I intended to use it for was on my home wifi. A couple of years ago I went through a terrible experience due to a stalker that had had personal access to my home network. Ever since then I have became extremely security conscious with my devices. From what I understand this tablet has several security vulnerabilities due to the fact that it's not getting the security patches that it needs because it is no longer receiving updates. Right now this is where it stands...
Android version.... 6.0.1
Baseband version.... T377AUCU2APJ2
Build number.... MMB29K.T377AUCU2APJ2
Android security patch level.... October 1, 2016
From what I understand I need android 7. I became interested in rooting this tablet but it looks like there hasn't been a method developed yet that I am comfortable with. Everywhere else that I have pursued answers from has suggested that I may have to purchase a service plan from AT&T in order to get on to their servers before I can get the update to secure this device. Thats bullcrap! I would think that Samsung would provide better allocations. I may be way out of line but I know personally how much the security of these devices matter. Is there any other way for me to obtain the update?? I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks!
If I went about this wrong or inappropriately I do apologize. I did search this site prior to posting for the answers I needed to prevent posting a repeated question but as far as my understanding goes...I couldn't find any. If I posted this in the wrong forum could someone please tell me where I need to post it? I have really researched the sources available involved with technology. This site seems to be the most reliable regarding androids. But due to what all I went through I feel that we may have almost took the advancement of technology too far beyond our own limits. I think offensive security and becoming educated as much as possible about all of your devices is the only true security that you can obtain. If anyone has any advice on how I could update my tablet without going through AT&T or could tell me where else I could look I would greatly appreciate it. Thank yall!
Also...if I am incorrect about my device and what I am needing please let me know.

