Is it possible to root LG G6-H870DS (Dual SiM) with G6-H870 rooting for one simcard? - LG G6 Questions and Answers

i just want to learn if i use G6-H870 international rooting app for my H870ds, is it support only one sim card or it will be bricked???

gilkerh said:
i just want to learn if i use G6-H870 international rooting app for my H870ds, is it support only one sim card or it will be bricked???
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Dude, if you can't do a little research, then i strongly suggest you avoid attempting to modify your phone. Sorry to sound rude, im having a bit of a face palm moment from your question.

You're not sounding rude. A lot of people on this forum wants to be spoon-fed, and that's not going to help them in the long run. They need a smack on the head and get taught how to search.

If you can find a way of unlocking the bootloader you could give it a try. Probably brick you phone yes.

gilkerh said:
i just want to learn if i use G6-H870 international rooting app for my H870ds, is it support only one sim card or it will be bricked???
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You will brick your phone. Don't do it.
Sent from my LG-H870DS using Tapatalk

Just do it and let us know what you think about you new paperweight

What do you mean "just do it"?
How would you do that when the bootloader is locked?

ASW1 said:
What do you mean "just do it"?
How would you do that when the bootloader is locked?
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I think he was trying to point out that it should go without saying that you shouldn't even think about flashing other firmware than the one designed for your actual model. It never ends well.

I think he just wants to root his phone, and thinks that somehow this process involves getting the single sim firmware.
To be able to root you first need to unlock the bootloader. Currently only allowed by LG on the unbranded US and EU versions. NOT possible on any other version, unless someone finds an unofficial way around it in the future.

I haven't tried it, but I doubt you will brick it, most likely it will just reject it, but I agree it's not a good idea to try it without knowing.
All those guys talking about spoon feeding people... if you know the answer to the question just answer it, if you don't know the answer shut up.
I reached this thread doing research and rather than finding information I find your rant.


Verizon X1: Unlocked?

Hi. I finally bought the Xperia x1i a few days ago. But i noticed it said "Verizon" on the back. Also, there are a few Verizon apps like "Verizon Live", which seems i cant remove.
Right now im not in my country so X1 couldnt fully recognize my network, but it did answer to my Minutes Credit request properly.
Im not sure if this is fully unlocked, and if it is, if there could be any problems with my cellphone using ANY of its respective functions. Would it??
Please answer i would thank you a lot!!!
If the phone is accepting your non-verizon sim then it isn't locked.
However your ROM may have some custom verizon settings which you don't like, most can be removed via registery editing.
Another option is to head over to the ROM section of this forum, you find ways to install the generic ROM, or even custom made versions.
Oh well i thought of that! But how risky is it to install roms for someone who simply has no idea of that or programing? Im not stupid, but i would be good if there was a step by step tutorial. Are there any?
jahd5000 said:
Oh well i thought of that! But how risky is it to install roms for someone who simply has no idea of that or programing? Im not stupid, but i would be good if there was a step by step tutorial. Are there any?
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um..yeah there is
ok but how risky is it for some1 who has never done that?
and btw, it is Vodafone, not verizon XD
it's easy fosheezy lol i'm a kid and can do it

Current state of AT&T bootloader?

My partner is looking at getting a new phone, and we are looking around at different models. We want one that we will be able to upgrade and flash custom ROMs on for obvious reasons. For the AT&T model, what's the status of the bootloader? I have read that someone had an unlock method a few months ago, but I've also read that new models have an update that breaks that method. Also I have read that there is a safestrap method to install custom ROMs without having to unlock the bootloader.
Can someone summarize the status of the above for me? We would be buying a new one from AT&T. Would we be able to unlock the bootloader, or use safestrap?
cloakzore said:
My partner is looking at getting a new phone, and we are looking around at different models. We want one that we will be able to upgrade and flash custom ROMs on for obvious reasons. For the AT&T model, what's the status of the bootloader? I have read that someone had an unlock method a few months ago, but I've also read that new models have an update that breaks that method. Also I have read that there is a safestrap method to install custom ROMs without having to unlock the bootloader.
Can someone summarize the status of the above for me? We would be buying a new one from AT&T. Would we be able to unlock the bootloader, or use safestrap?
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The best place to find the information you want is in the threads you said you read. There is nothing else to tell more than what is already in those threads.
scott14719 said:
The best place to find the information you want is in the threads you said you read. There is nothing else to tell more than what is already in those threads.
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Most of them haven't been updated in a month or more, or are dozens of pages deep. If you aren't going to be helpful then just don't comment. I frequent boards for other phones and try to help people with questions instead of condescendingly telling them to go trek through the labyrinth that is the world of Android development.
cloakzore said:
Most of them haven't been updated in a month or more, or are dozens of pages deep. If you aren't going to be helpful then just don't comment. I frequent boards for other phones and try to help people with questions instead of condescendingly telling them to go trek through the labyrinth that is the world of Android development.
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OK, continue being rude and lazy. I'll leave you to it.
Here's some help, your partner is probably going to get mk2 firmware. It's bootloader locked and probably always will be. You can use the right version of safe strap and flash a few roms.

is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?

Is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?
If so where can I find a copy that I may Odin?
It not bootloader is locked
serendipityguy said:
Is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?
If so where can I find a copy that I may Odin?
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Oh wow!
You managed to finally unlock the Qualcomm bootloader?
Please tell us how you did it!
wow another do we have twrp for this phone question.. I guess people think that if they keep asking this question, twrp will magically appear..
Binary100100 said:
Oh wow!
You managed to finally unlock the Qualcomm bootloader?
Please tell us how you did it!
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galaxyuser88 said:
wow another do we have twrp for this phone question.. I guess people think that if they keep asking this question, twrp will magically appear..
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Damn guys.. He obviously isn't as knowledgeable as some of us.. Why should every reply be so douchey? I'm sure you've asked questions at one time or another right? The election is over lol Lets all just start being nice to one another again :highfive:
serendipityguy said:
Is TWRP being developed for the Samsung S7 Edge?
If so where can I find a copy that I may Odin?
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We need more than root to use TWRP. The bootloader has to be unlocked. It's not very likely that you'll see any Samsung US versions unlocked, they've been locked down pretty damn tight for years.
I'm looking pretty hard at the Pixel XL.. I miss flashing roms every other night lol.
Binary100100 said:
Oh wow!
You managed to finally unlock the Qualcomm bootloader?
Please tell us how you did it!
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That doesn't answer his question
cruel91 said:
That doesn't answer his question
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Oh but it most certainly does.
IF the OP managed to crack the bootloader THEN we can progress on the TESTING phase of a TWRP recovery. If he didn't unlock (or crack) the bootloader then thus it is locked, right? Which only answers the question.
One could easy argue that he didn't realize that the bootloader was locked. Okay. So let's do that. We'll assume as such. So let's wonder together now. Why would a device considered the best (and most popular) Android phone on the market not have a custom recovery? Hmm. That doesn't make sense! So instead of posting the inquiry in the appropriate How To Root section... another thread is opened about it. Undoubtedly, if the OP had read about it (s)he would have found that the bootloader is locked. Right? Because what other explaination could there be for the most popular Android phone on the market?
It really just means that every question has an answer but not every answer can *only* be found by starting yet another thread.
But... maybe... just maybe... he DOES have an unlocked bootloader. Wouldn't that be neat? Wouldn't we like to know how? The absence of such is the very reason we don't have TWRP available. Again... a little reading would lead one to discover that very minor detail. Of which the OP clearly didn't do enough. So... the moral of my point is...
nugzo said:
Damn guys.. He obviously isn't as knowledgeable as some of us.. Why should every reply be so douchey? I'm sure you've asked questions at one time or another right? The election is over lol Lets all just start being nice to one another again :highfive:
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A simple search would have answered his question before he posted his/her question.. yes we all started out asking questions and we all have been told the same thing. Search first before asking questions. Its as simple as that. That is what google is for and the search options in these forums..
Binary100100 said:
Oh but it most certainly does.
IF the OP managed to crack the bootloader THEN we can progress on the TESTING phase of a TWRP recovery. If he didn't unlock (or crack) the bootloader then thus it is locked, right? Which only answers the question.
One could easy argue that he didn't realize that the bootloader was locked. Okay. So let's do that. We'll assume as such. So let's wonder together now. Why would a device considered the best (and most popular) Android phone on the market not have a custom recovery? Hmm. That doesn't make sense! So instead of posting the inquiry in the appropriate How To Root section... another thread is opened about it. Undoubtedly, if the OP had read about it (s)he would have found that the bootloader is locked. Right? Because what other explaination could there be for the most popular Android phone on the market?
It really just means that every question has an answer but not every answer can *only* be found by starting yet another thread.
But... maybe... just maybe... he DOES have an unlocked bootloader. Wouldn't that be neat? Wouldn't we like to know how? The absence of such is the very reason we don't have TWRP available. Again... a little reading would lead one to discover that very minor detail. Of which the OP clearly didn't do enough. So... the moral of my point is...
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You have the option NOT to answer instead of being harsh on him
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
cruel91 said:
You have the option NOT to answer instead of being harsh on him
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I don't get how else should do it. It prevents a load of other threads being created. If we tend to be soft on people who don't use a function that was created for a reason, we would be having threads over threads of asking for something that has been answered NUMEROUS times.
cruel91 said:
You have the option NOT to answer instead of being harsh on him
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
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How was I being harsh by inquiring to procedure in which he had used to unlock his bootloader?
Once we are all able to unlock ours then we can develop a fully functional recovery.
I know how you say it.... hey noob topic starter man (just kidding ) that question has been asked a few times already, do a search if you need more information. The same questions over and over tend to clog these threads up. But what clogs them even more, is the multiple flaming responses with no answers or guidance. . Or better yet, you can say... I have a link it's right here vvv.Heresyour
Well this is TWRP built for Snapdragon S7s but won't boot because of locked bootloader.

Is there a way to install a custom rom on H870DS version?

I got the LG G6 H870DS version, i didn't know it has a locked bootloader
Is there any way to override the issue and install a custom rom or am i doomed with the stock rom?
You're doomed I'm afraid. The chance LG will make you able to unlock it in the future is slim to none.
is the h870ds with locked bootloader rootable with kingroot?
I have the european model with unlocked bootloader, but I prefer the dual sim model, I offer straight swap to anyone interested
Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
I've not tried it, don't blame me...
^ ignore that, I didn't read it properly. It's a no. Not yet.
Back to topic.
That's possibly a way
Didn't try it myself
bgumble said:
Back to topic.
That's possibly a way
Didn't try it myself
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Complete BS.
That video is essentially an ad for his YouTube channel then descriptions for a generic unlocker. He even says in the video this tool is only good if your phone is rootable. Don't waste your time.
LOL no disrespect to bgumble though !! Thanks for posting this !

Frendly reminder to unlock your bootloader

If you intend to do basically anything with this phone I highly recommend unlocking the bootloader and leaving it in that state always. Especially do this before accepting any kind of beta ota because you might not be able to roll back without bootloader unlock. Do not for any reason try locking your bootloader again unless a rom you are using specifically says to do so like Copperhead or you may end up semi or hardbricking your device. Having and leaving your bootloader unlocked also makes it possible to recover from almost every single possible problem that can arise with the device on a firmware/os level.
Recent Non Beta OTA Update also Ruined the Phone. Since the Device was Locked it turned into a Useless Brick Now.
So its Strongly advisable to keep the Developer Mode on with USB Debugging ON and Allow Boot-loader Unlock Option ON at-least.
senthil19 said:
Recent Non Beta OTA Update also Ruined the Phone. Since the Device was Locked it turned into a Useless Brick Now.
So its Strongly advisable to keep the Developer Mode on with USB Debugging ON and Allow Boot-loader Unlock Option ON at-least.
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This is mostly the problem I'm referring to as I've now seen like 5 people who are stuck with a broken ota or are stuck on beta with no way off
I bought a second hand Pixel phone(small version) this summer and it came with locked bootloader. But i live in Russia now, so i dont use verizon. Is there any way to unlock bootloader on verizon phone? Android 8.1 last release
Karolei said:
I bought a second hand Pixel phone(small version) this summer and it came with locked bootloader. But i live in Russia now, so i dont use verizon. Is there any way to unlock bootloader on verizon phone? Android 8.1 last release
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Doesn't matter where you are, but there is a post or two on here talking about a guy who can unlock it using remote access and installing flexihub on your machine. If you wanna try it make a windows VM real quick and wipe ur phone after you back everything up that you need
Edit: double post
KittyRgnarok said:
Doesn't matter where you are, but there is a post or two on here talking about a guy who can unlock it using remote access and installing flexihub on your machine. If you wanna try it make a windows VM real quick and wipe ur phone after you back everything up that you need
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Can you give me a link to this thread or to this guy?
Karolei said:
Can you give me a link to this thread or to this guy?
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Literally first non-stickied thread in q&a
KittyRgnarok said:
Literally first non-stickied thread in q&a
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Oh, you are right, sorry. Thank you!
Karolei said:
Oh, you are right, sorry. Thank you!
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No problem my dude. Make sure to do this in a sandbox environment please. Have fun
Karolei said:
I bought a second hand Pixel phone(small version) this summer and it came with locked bootloader. But i live in Russia now, so i dont use verizon. Is there any way to unlock bootloader on verizon phone? Android 8.1 last release
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today,i spand 150¥ on chinese Taobao.he let my 8.1 verzon pixel unlock,its amazing,i found all bbs ,only fine one way to unlock,our phone need S-OFF S-OFF S-OFF(importance say third)s-off need our chinese is king-card,i dont know what speak in english(Key words:S-ON S-OFF htc) through it to return android 7.1 (sorry my english is pool,but i think you can understand,wish you an early unlock)
pingzi- said:
today,i spand 150¥ on chinese Taobao.he let my 8.1 verzon pixel unlock,its amazing,i found all bbs ,only fine one way to unlock,our phone need S-OFF S-OFF S-OFF(importance say third)s-off need our chinese is king-card,i dont know what speak in english(Key words:S-ON S-OFF htc) through it to return android 7.1 (sorry my english is pool,but i think you can understand,wish you an early unlock)
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Do You have bootloader unlocked now?
And how you did it? remote over internet?
can you post link no this service?
KittyRgnarok said:
This is mostly the problem I'm referring to as I've now seen like 5 people who are stuck with a broken ota or are stuck on beta with no way off
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Can you explain this further please, are you saying regular update can brick the phone?
invisibles said:
Can you explain this further please, are you saying regular update can brick the phone?
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A misparsed or improperly fetched OTA can semi-brick a phone yes. It can also happen when the manufacturer or carrier push a broken update. Both scenarios have happened many times with lg and Samsung phones for example

