Phone Won't Boot - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So my Nexus 6P turned off randomly and then would not turn back on. It would come on and show Google and sometimes even let me enter my pin to start the phone. But it constantly would freeze during start up and just shut down. I got into the recovery and factory reset my phone and now it won't even turn on. I hold the power and it doesn't do anything. I've tried the boot loader and such but it won't turn on at all. Any ideas on what I could do? Thanks!

edlovereze said:
So my Nexus 6P turned off randomly and then would not turn back on. It would come on and show Google and sometimes even let me enter my pin to start the phone. But it constantly would freeze during start up and just shut down. I got into the recovery and factory reset my phone and now it won't even turn on. I hold the power and it doesn't do anything. I've tried the boot loader and such but it won't turn on at all. Any ideas on what I could do? Thanks!
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Sounds like you may have more than one problem, but many have been able to get a dead phone to start by holding the power button down for a very long time, sometimes 2 minutes or more. If it doesn't start, fully charge it and try the power button again. Assuming you are stock with a locked boot loader.... you didn't mention.

My phone is stock with a locked boot loader. I held the button for over 5 minutes and got nothing. I'm wondering if Google would be willing to help me out. Unless anyone has other ideas

It's hopeless. Don't waste your time trying to revive. Contact Huawei regardless of date of purchase.

If it won't power on it's either not charged, a bad power button, or something with pcm. Which is on Motherboard.
Most common scenario is a bad power button because it's most used breakable part. That won't allow the board to receive power or not enough power if it's shorted.

Dunno if you've poked around the interwebs some more regarding this, but I've been slammed with the N6P bootloop error (which appears might be part of your problem) and I found a stop-gap solution. If you feel like you've got nothing to lose, you can try what I've done: Make sure the phone has a little charge, hold it with a hot mitt from your kitchen, and blast the back of your N6P in the region between the camera lens and the fingerprint sensor with a hairdryer. Doing so will trip the big cluster off, which is the source of the bootloop problem. If you can get it to boot to the Google logo, applying the heat for the right amount of time (maybe not too long.. 2-4 minutes tops) may cause it to make it to the spinning color graphics and beyond.
I've been able to resurrect my phone doing this, but only to back it up and do very simple tasks. The moment I do something processor-intensive (Waze, YouTube, etc) it immediately crashes and bootloops again. The only solution beyond this is to unlock your bootloader, download EX Kernel manager and use it to completely disable the big cluster. Then your phone will likely be reliable, but extremely hobbled.
I bought from Best Buy about 16 months ago, so both Google and Huawei have been utterly useless, which is infuriating. Shenanigans like this are criminal. This is my 3rd Nexus phone and I'm considering abandoning Android altogether after this experience.


Phone stuck on logo screen

While i am a noob for Android/Smartphones, I am kinda a geek for pc's... With that in mind, I ask: Why doesn't someone create a program that can be downloaded and placed on a SD card that will run during a smartphones boot up that will start the phone in a "Safe mode" and allow users to fix them.
I currently have a Samsung that keeps freezing when the logo appears. I have attempted to perform a "Soft reset" but it still freezes. I don't know were to turn, so here I am....
I apologize if I have posted this in the wrong forum... Any help with were i should go from here will be greatly appreciated.
try charging it and turning it on....or try to repeatedly take out the battery and then turning it back happens sometimes one mine
You also could run a logcat to see where the phone is hanging.
Are you running stock?
newboyx said:
You also could run a logcat to see where the phone is hanging.
Are you running stock?
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will the phone go to download-mode? hold the volume-/camera/power for about 10secs it should get to a download screen so it can be reflashed, otherwise... well you know...
Sometimes this startup hanging happens for me & it will only boot w/o the SD card. Give that a shot.
This happens to me several times a month. The only solution that works consistently for me is:
1. Remove the battery
2. Wait for several minutes (Seems that some component needs to cool down, or capacitors need to drain, or something)
3. Then plug the battery back in
4. Reboot
i have found that when you hold down the Phone button for about a minute or so after you remove the battery , the phone will vibrate , do not remove your finger until the phone vibrates ...and it should boot from there.
I was talking to a tech rep at Virgin Mobile one day, and asked him if this was a common problem (knowing already that it was). Sparing you the details, what he told me is that when the intercept boots up, something gets jammed up with the 3G. And then the phone locks in the flashing logo phase. Now, EVERY single time I shut my phone down, I put it in airplane mode. It then reboots in airplane mode, and I almost never have a problem (meaning two or three times in the last 6 months). When is does happen, I reboot it again, and it boots right up. I presume that if need be, take it into a place with no signal and reboot it then.

Galaxy S4 Turns Itself Off During Boot

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me troubleshoot my Galaxy S4 which turns itself off every time I power it on. Basically, I'll hit the power button and the Samsung logo will pop up with the the lock icon showing that the device has been rooted. Then, after a few seconds the screen will go black at which point I am unable to do anything to it other than pull the battery out and repeat the process. If I wait a few minutes though, I am able to push the power button without having to pull the battery out. In addition, if I attempt to pull the recovery menu up, it will begin to load but as before, the phone will turn itself off before I'm able to do anything useful. At one point I was able to somehow get it to load Android though that may have just been pure luck at work.
I don't believe that my root access is at fault here because I've had it for several months with no trouble to note. Immediately before this happened my power button began acting strangely in the OS. I attempted to factory reset in order to fix this and that's when this problem started. The only other which that I can think of that may have caused this is Safestrap which I uninstalled shortly after the power button began acting up.
Does download mode also reboot? Then it's definetely some hardware malfunction.
By the sound of it it's a malfunctioning power button.
Lennyz1988 said:
Does download mode also reboot? Then it's definetely some hardware malfunction.
By the sound of it it's a malfunctioning power button.
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Thanks for the help Lennyz, I was starting to think the same thing myself. I'll have to take it in for repairs.

S4 randomly shutting off and not turning back on.

A friend has an S4 GT-I9505. It was bought second hand few months ago.
Lately it has been acting up. Shutting down randomly but now it won't turn back on. We sometimes manage to get it back on, but no always.
It isn't the battery since I have inserted my battery into the phone and it still won't turn on. It won't turn on even when connected to the charger.
We figured it might be the power button so we took it to a guy to check it out. The guy took the phone apart looked at the button and said the button is ok.
He put the phone back together and it somehow worked without problems for a few days (up until now).
He said that the phone might be shorted somewhere. The thing that led him to that conclusion is that he noticed that when inserting the battery the phone would try turn on without pressing the power button.
He also said the boot might be dead because the phone won't go into recovery nor into download mode. Even if it manages to boot into them, it will turn off almost immediately sometimes.
The phone is running 5.0.1 GPE custom rom with Googy-Max kernel. No tweaks or mods.
I know this sounds a lot like a hardware problem. The only thing that makes me have doubts is that it works occasionally without any problems.
He looked at the power button. Honestly it's no surprise he didn't find anything wrong with the power button because the problem with the power button is inside the tiny metal casing making up the button, and it's something that can't be seen.
Get a second opinion from someone other than the guy you took this to. However, I believe this to be a power button issue, easily fixed by replacing the button.
As I said, He took the phone appart, took the motherboard-logic board, whatever you want to call it, out and looked at it. He also took that tiny metal casing that forms the power button out, leaving a tiny white "something" exposed. I guess that's what you're talking about
But I really hope you're right and it's the power button.
Edit: We were the whole time there while he took the phone apart and looked at it. So we saw everything he did. And he didn't do anything special except take it apart and put it back together and it somehow worked for a few more days.
I guess it really is the button. I managed to change the rom, kernel, bootloader. The phone booted up. I pressed the button once to lock the screen but nothing happened. 1 second after that the boot menu appeared. The next second the phone shut down and now it won't turn on again. Except for a brief moment to show the S4 screen and then turns off again.

Never seen this before!

I had an alarm app give me an alarm last night but I was busy in another app and dismissed the alarm in a way that the sound was still going. The only thing I thought to do was to do a reboot of the phone. I gave it a few minutes and when I pulled it from my pocket I noticed that it had not rebooted. So I held the power button for a few seconds and waited for that vibrate then the "Custom" screen.
Held the power button for about 30 seconds.
Good battery, at least 75% before this happened. No sweat. I have a spare battery that I know is 100%. When I put that one in, the phone immediately did a vibrate and gave me the "Custom" screen. Then dead. Power button did nothing.
Pulled the battery and upon insertion, I got that vibrate again. But this time I held Volume+ and I get that tiny blue bootloader message at the top of the screen for a half a second. Then dead. Tried it again and this time did Volume-, this time I got download mode for half a second. Then dead.
Tried all this with power plugged in and get even less. Nothing.
Connected it to a PC (OEM cord straight into the motherboard) and got nothing. No charging LED, no sound from the PC upon plugging. Nothing new showed up in Device Manager.
Did I just do the "Low Effort Brick" method just by rebooting? I have had this thing for a few years, running CWM then TWRP. Several ROMs in the past, xposed, done it all and never once even had a boot loop. Now I have a brick because I rebooted a phone that had been VERY stable for weeks (on Dan's GPE ROM)?
I am not so concerned about the device, I actually ordered a LG G4 already. What I REALLY want is the autobackup of Tasker that is in the internal storage. I know I have a TiBu of everything on the microSD and a TWRP is on there too. But both are a few days old and I have made many changes to Tasker in the past few days. Tasker updates a backup every time you leave the app, so I know I have a very recent file in there. But how do I get it?
It's not bricked. The power button on some S4's are janky. Mine did the same thing for a while. You can try smacking the power button on the corner of a desk or something but otherwise either just keep pulling the battery and trying, try opening it and cleaning the switch, or try replacing the switch.
It's hardware issue with power button. I've got the same issue with my S4. The only solution is to replace the button.
Good advice. Found a few YouTube videos that are pretty close the issue that I have. I shall do some work on this this weekend. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
Hell yeah. Effin HELL YEA. Found a few YouTube walk through videos and got down to the switch. Using my ever-awesome Simpson 260, I was able to determine that the power switch was bad. I exercised it a few dozen times and then it went open. Roughed everything back together (without screws) and got a boot.
Immediately made a TiBu of everything. I will also make a TWRP as soon as that is done. Now I have to source a power switch. I should have no problem replacing the switch. I have a fantastic solder station at work and a 20X magnifier. This shall be my crutch until the LG G4 arrives.
Thanks again for the advice. Proof again that this is a real community.
Side note: I went to AT&T to get my old Vivid back into action to replace my S4. When I mentioned that the device was rooted, they replied with some statement that my "jailbreaking" the device is what caused the failure. I asked if she knew what rooting was, and she said "yeah...jailbreaking". I asked her if she knew what an "unlocked bootloader" was and she just glazed over, mouth open. When I told her that the device has been rooted for years with no problem, she insisted that the problem happened when I "jailbroke" it.

[GT-i9500] BOOTLOOP!

This is my first post here and I'd really appreciate advice in this matter.
I've spent the past couple of hours searching for an answer but nothing works or totally irrelevant results.
I have a problem where I'd rooted my phone with KingRoot, changed it to SuperSU successfully (restarted my phone several times since then and no issues)
I installed TWRP (only the app) from the Google Play store and that's as far as I got before I powered off my phone to cool down before attempting any installation of TWRP. Powered on my phone and I can't get past the Samsung logo.
Recovery won't come up, Download mode works but restarts itself and volume buttons do nothing to let me confirm download mode and so it's sending me in a loop. Samsung logo and restart again and again. I insert my battery and the first thing that happens is my phone goes on a mission, determined to power itself on only to Bootloop.
No, before anyone suggests it be a hardware issue, it's a brand new phone. There's nothing wrong with the buttons.
If anyone is going to point out the obvious in saying that I'm responsible for rooting my device, I'm aware of this. The rooting procedure was a one-click method which was successful and caused no boot issues after restarting the phone countless times.
Can't access recovery
Can't get to Download mode without it getting back into the bootloop after 5 seconds or so. Volume buttons do nothing to confirm download mode.
USB debugging wasn't enabled before this Bootloop occurred
Do I have a paperweight or is there a way to salvage something from this?
The phone isn't supposed to power itself on after inserting the battery.
This behavior is only acceptable when the phone is plugged in while inserting the battery. But even so, the phone wouldn't try to boot up, it would just display the charging animation.
i had a similar problem where my phone would boot up to the white samsung logo as soon as i insert my battery. tirned out the power button was stuck. try gently knocking the power button onto the corner of a table or something with the battery pulled out. it might work for you if your problem is what i think it is.
GDReaper said:
The phone isn't supposed to power itself on after inserting the battery.
This behavior is only acceptable when the phone is plugged in while inserting the battery. But even so, the phone wouldn't try to boot up, it would just display the charging animation.
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Thank you for your response but would you like a video to prove that it is in fact attempting to boot up when inserting the battery?
adrxano said:
i had a similar problem where my phone would boot up to the white samsung logo as soon as i insert my battery. tirned out the power button was stuck. try gently knocking the power button onto the corner of a table or something with the battery pulled out. it might work for you if your problem is what i think it is.
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Oh my god you are amazing thank you so much! Wow. I really appreciate this you've fixed the problem. Thank you!!!
Thanks to all for the time taken to read this and for the responses
Lol it feels great to be helpful.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
BackShooter said:
Thank you for your response but would you like a video to prove that it is in fact attempting to boot up when inserting the battery?
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I tested it on my device (I9505) and it doesn't boot up, it just turns on to display the charging animation. If I want it to boot up I have to hold the power button.
So, in conclusion, it must be your power button.
You can say the phone is new as much as you want, but there is a chance it came with a factory defect.
There might also be a possibility it is refurbished phone, which means it is pseudo-new.
GDReaper said:
I tested it on my device (I9505) and it doesn't boot up, it just turns on to display the charging animation. If I want it to boot up I have to hold the power button.
So, in conclusion, it must be your power button.
You can say the phone is new as much as you want, but there is a chance it came with a factory defect.
There might also be a possibility it is refurbished phone, which means it is pseudo-new.
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You're correct, thank you again I thoroughly appreciate your time and help with this

