Phone stuck on logo screen - Intercept General

While i am a noob for Android/Smartphones, I am kinda a geek for pc's... With that in mind, I ask: Why doesn't someone create a program that can be downloaded and placed on a SD card that will run during a smartphones boot up that will start the phone in a "Safe mode" and allow users to fix them.
I currently have a Samsung that keeps freezing when the logo appears. I have attempted to perform a "Soft reset" but it still freezes. I don't know were to turn, so here I am....
I apologize if I have posted this in the wrong forum... Any help with were i should go from here will be greatly appreciated.

try charging it and turning it on....or try to repeatedly take out the battery and then turning it back happens sometimes one mine

You also could run a logcat to see where the phone is hanging.
Are you running stock?

newboyx said:
You also could run a logcat to see where the phone is hanging.
Are you running stock?
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will the phone go to download-mode? hold the volume-/camera/power for about 10secs it should get to a download screen so it can be reflashed, otherwise... well you know...

Sometimes this startup hanging happens for me & it will only boot w/o the SD card. Give that a shot.

This happens to me several times a month. The only solution that works consistently for me is:
1. Remove the battery
2. Wait for several minutes (Seems that some component needs to cool down, or capacitors need to drain, or something)
3. Then plug the battery back in
4. Reboot

i have found that when you hold down the Phone button for about a minute or so after you remove the battery , the phone will vibrate , do not remove your finger until the phone vibrates ...and it should boot from there.

I was talking to a tech rep at Virgin Mobile one day, and asked him if this was a common problem (knowing already that it was). Sparing you the details, what he told me is that when the intercept boots up, something gets jammed up with the 3G. And then the phone locks in the flashing logo phase. Now, EVERY single time I shut my phone down, I put it in airplane mode. It then reboots in airplane mode, and I almost never have a problem (meaning two or three times in the last 6 months). When is does happen, I reboot it again, and it boots right up. I presume that if need be, take it into a place with no signal and reboot it then.


help i9000 after flash, doing loop of at&t logo, can not enter download mode,

help i9000 after flash, doing loop of at&t logo, can not enter download mode,
when plugged in screen goes black.
!! if anyone can help please do not hesitate, mostly appreciated.
Try to hold the Down+Menu+Power combination while INSERTING the battery into the device.
i try that seem to have no response and when unplugged from usb it loop at&t logo
or plugged in usb screen goes black and no response seem from pressing buttons
I had a similar problem as most phones in Canada seem to have Download/Recovery mode disabled, and here is what worked for me.
Grab something like One Click Un Root (all models), and click one click un root (obviously phone has to be on and plugged into the computer).
This should automatically reboot you into Recovery Mode!
All you have to do is "wipe data/factory default" or something like that (should be the third option).
As it states, you will loose all your data, but at least you will have a functionning phone!
did it work?
Hi. I have similar problem. Can anybody give instruction what can I do?
I have this problem too. Please help somebody
Add me to the list. Bell Galaxy S, went to unlock my phone the screen went black. Now it will not boot into the OS, the galaxy S splash screen displays then nothing. The menu and back button light up, thats all. ****[email protected]@
I have not rooted or anything.
Of course my download mode does not work.. Going to try this one click root thing if I can find it.
This is not working. Probably because the phone is not in USB debugging mode as I can't change it... Is there any other way to get the phone into recovery mode?
**** me
i had the same thing happen to me the other day with my bell galaxy s and my phone wont do the 3 button combo trick. i left my phone plugged in to a wall charger for a while until the back of the phone became a little warm. i pulled the battery and then left the power cord plugged in and put the battery back in. i held the volume down and enter button until the battery charging indicator showed up, then i also pressed and held the power button until the boot animation started (this is the blue moving swirl and music, not the galaxy s splash scree) and then i let go of the power button. it took a few attempts at this before it actually worked, but eventually it will go into download mode at which time you can open the odin app, then plug in the usb cable and flash your phone that way. it did seem to make a difference if the back of the phone (around the camera area) was warm. if i let go of the power button while the music was playing and the phone did not enter download mode i would keep all 3 buttons pressed until it shut down again, then i would only let go of the power button while the phone initiated the charging screen, then once the battery logo was displayed i would hold the 3 buttons again and would just keep doing this until it went into download mode. i have flashed it at least 5 times today and i have been able to do this each time.
i also had an issue where odin would not recognize my phone was plugged in and windows would show a message saying the usb device was not recognized. i left the phone plugged in and while in download mode i pressed the volume up, enter button and power button until the phone went blank and when the galaxy s logo showed up i let go of the power button and the phone would go into recovery mode and then the usb drivers would be installed. i would then do the 3 button combo for download mode and odin would work fine. it took several attempts but it does work. i hope this helps you guys
If I hold all three buttons the splash screen does not come on, it just keeps looping the Galaxy S logo until I let go of the power button....
xZeDgEx said:
If I hold all three buttons the splash screen does not come on, it just keeps looping the Galaxy S logo until I let go of the power button....
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That's what mine did too, several times in a row and then it worked. For some reason it only works after the battery is charging for a bit and the back becomes warm. then it works at will
No luck. I am probably screwed getting it exchanged now too as I am passed the 14 days from Best Buy.
the on click thing doesn't work, if your phone is already bricked.
also it is not the phone's fault for not working, the phone was working properly before you tried the hacks.
whenever you do these kind of things you know you are entering into the "not supported" "not covered by warranty" zone.
in the worse case scenario, if you can no enter download mode to recover your phone, it'll be to take the phone back to bell and claim warranty on it, and prentent you don't know what happened to it.
xZeDgEx said:
Add me to the list. Bell Galaxy S, went to unlock my phone the screen went black. Now it will not boot into the OS, the galaxy S splash screen displays then nothing. The menu and back button light up, thats all. [email protected]@
I have not rooted or anything.
Of course my download mode does not work.. Going to try this one click root thing if I can find it.
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AllGamer said:
the on click thing doesn't work, if your phone is already bricked.
also it is not the phone's fault for not working, the phone was working properly before you tried the hacks.
whenever you do these kind of things you know you are entering into the "not supported" "not covered by warranty" zone.
in the worse case scenario, if you can no enter download mode to recover your phone, it'll be to take the phone back to bell and claim warranty on it, and prentent you don't know what happened to it.
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Its my fault??
I did not hack my phone. Its not rooted, I did nothing to it.
By "unlock" I meant exactly that, unlock as in swiping the screen to unlock it.
The more I search the net the more posts I find of Galaxy S phones randomly bricking...
on the original message sounded more like you went to Unlock the phone, as in SIM unlock the phone using any of the tools available out there, and there has been already several people which had the same problem.
if you go back to Bell for an exchange, you better not use the word "unlock" rather use Swipe
as the message on the phone "swipe the screen to unlock"
there are no known issue about this causing the phone to brick.
if that is what happened to you, you should have started a new topic for people to help you, instead of hijacking the topic from the OP, as your issue is different from OP, the OP actually screwed up because he/she flashed the wrong ROM to the i9000
... anyways, Does it work if you reboot the phone?
I have rebooted the phone about 100 times. The phone crashed when I unlocked it to check a text I received. (not hacked). Has not booted up properly since. I have found many others with the same issue who have also not hacked/rooted/unlocked/ their phones.
Waiting on Best Buy to call me back. I am so pissed right now, I have been bragging to my friends and co-workers how awesome this phone is, one has already picked one up, I hope his doesn't brick too. Not recommending it to anyone anymore..
did you load a lot of MP3 to the phone?
can you boot into Recovery Mode?
in the recovery mode you can wipe the Cache and wipe the data
that should make your phone work normal again
it'll be best to open a topic to help you trouble shoot your interesting issue, as it's the first i've hear that you get a black screen after Swiping out of the lock screen
I can't get into recovery mode. I have tried every button combination I have found. I had about 2 GB of music on the phone. I also installed the Android SDK to try ADB, but since the phone is not in USB debugging mode it does not see it.
xZeDgEx said:
I can't get into recovery mode. I have tried every button combination I have found. I had about 2 GB of music on the phone. I also installed the Android SDK to try ADB, but since the phone is not in USB debugging mode it does not see it.
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on the other topics relating to the 3 button not working.
have you tried the heating up method?
or the plugging the battery in, when all 3 buttons are pressed? (of course for this one you will need help from a friend, unless you are very skilled at keeping the 3 button on hold meanwhile able to slide in the battery in with out a 3rd hand)

Display shows Samsung title then goes black same when going into download mode.

First off I am running 4.2.2 on MF3 with root. I have no custom ROM, recovery or any other modules. This literally just happened 30 minutes ago. I've tried searching everything to no avail. My screen randomly went black (after setting it down for 15 seconds) and now it won't work. When I take out the battery and stick it back in the initial pop up is the Samsung name with an unlocked lock that says custom, this will pop up regardless if I press and hold the power button or do anything, which hasn't happened before. After that screen nothing happens as normal. I have tried to boot into download mode and I can get to the initial "WARNING" screen and then get into the download screen with the Android alien and before anything can happen it will go black. So this leads me to believe that is it either crashing or failing after the initial 20-30 seconds of boot sequence. I will also mention that when I have the USB cable plugged into both a computer and a wall outlet that it wont do anything even after i take out the battery and put it back in, try to boot into download, or just hold the power button. The computer won't even recognize that a device has been connected. When it is unplugged I can do what I previously mentioned. Please if someone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. I am really worried that because I have my device rooted I won't be able to take it in for warranty and get it replaced. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advanced!
Same happened to my phone
The exact same thing seems to be happening with my phone, however, my phone was not rooted. After installing KitKat (4.4.2) the phone was acting a bit weird and, all of a sudden, the screen went black. Can't turn it back on since then. The welcome screen comes up only after I put the battery in. After that it is completely unresponsive. I am also able to see the download mode warning before the phone goes off on its own, and the same thing happens for the recovery mode. I see the 'recovery booting' message, but then the phone turns off.
AT&T is has replaced my phone, but I wanted to get my data before sending the damaged phone back. As stated above, the phone is not recognized by my computer, so I can't access the data through USB. The guys at AT&T could not help me with the data recovery. If anyone could help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Phone vibrates but wont show screen?

So after i had sucessfuly rooted my galaxy, unlocked the bootloader and installed cm13 2-3 hrs later cm 13, starts to turn off the screen but stays working since i had it connected to pc and i was able to move files back and forth... now since i couldnt get it to stay working i decided to restore using twrp but after slidingto confirm the restore the phone immediately shuttled its self down, so i decided to flash stock rom which it did flash but with screen off while odin was doing its thing.... now when i turn it on i can hear sound but no image and for the screen to work i have to connected it to a power sourse first then turn it on but stays stuck on verizon screen loading!! so i flashed stock rom again but again same thing!! EDIT now afer it went past verizon screen it said set up wizard stopped working.... i have flashed stock rom like 5 times now..
Current status of phone: phone will turn on sometimes with visuals but most of the time you can listen to it booting with no visuals untill it reaches verizon and just hangs there, last time booted some kind of accecibility feature that telling me what the phone was doing at all times, just right after the verizon logo saying " set up wizard stopped working"
- i can access download mode and recovery mode sometimes with screen working and other times without it working so i might just be soft bricked maybe bootloader brick?
Flash stock firmware with Odin and immediately after flashing, wipe data/factory reset in recovery. Then reboot
Nandr0idC0nsumer said:
Flash stock firmware with Odin and immediately after flashing, wipe data/factory reset in recovery. Then reboot
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This actually worked and booted the phone thanks man... however i dropped the phone and now when the screen do turns on but after couple of minets of usage like 3 minets the screen shuts off but the phone stays fully working, does this means that replacing the LCD will fix this? or maybe something inside is loose as a result of the drop?
Edit: actually after screen shuts down and i leave alone the phone shuts down completely and restarts when i attempt to push power or home buttons and after it restarts the screen is not visible anymore... so to get the screen to show again i have to remove the battery and wait couple of minets to put back on and sometimes this gets the screen to show but some times it doesn't... if i remove the battery and immediately put it back on this wont work i should mention
sn3pro said:
This actually worked and booted the phone thanks man... however i dropped the phone and now when the screen do turns on but after couple of minets of usage like 3 minets the screen shuts off but the phone stays fully working, does this means that replacing the LCD will fix this? or maybe something inside is loose as a result of the drop?
Edit: actually after screen shuts down and i leave alone the phone shuts down completely and restarts when i attempt to push power or home buttons and after it restarts the screen is not visible anymore... so to get the screen to show again i have to remove the battery and wait couple of minets to put back on and sometimes this gets the screen to show but some times it doesn't... if i remove the battery and immediately put it back on this wont work i should mention
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Try opening it up with a heat gun and checking for loose connections.

Note 4 won't boot up! Need to copy data off of it!

Hello everyone, I have had a Note 4 from T-Mobile for almost a year, until recently when I switched to an iPhone 7. The reason for this is because for the past month, my phone would start to randomly heat up quickly, especially on Snapchat. Everyday, the situation got worse, as the days passed by, the phone would reboot randomly, even when the phone is (rarely) cool! Recently, the phone heated fast right after boot, without the launcher even loading yet. All of a sudden, my phone rebooted randomly, and never booted past the Samsung logo ever again.
I have a lot of important data on this phone, like texts and videos, and I realized that I never had USB debugging on (which I always enabled for every Android device that I own). This is a pain in the a**, since now I can't copy over data through ADB or any software that requires it to have it enabled. I even tried other methods from software that would copy a temporary recovery file that would recover the data, but it would either not work on the phone, or other software would hang at 90%. Is there a way I can copy all my data, or at least enable USB debugging remotely? (meaning not through the OS, as it doesn't go through the Samsung logo) All help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
it's good that your phone is booting at all. You can't get past Samsung logo but you can copy your data through recovery. Power off your device then hold combination of three buttons - volume up, home button and power button - for a few seconds till it boots to recovery. When your phone is in recovery mode plug it in to your computer. From this point you are able to copy data from device memory and from external SD card easily.
Graivite said:
it's good that your phone is booting at all. You can't get past Samsung logo but you can copy your data through recovery. Power off your device then hold combination of three buttons - volume up, home button and power button - for a few seconds till it boots to recovery. When your phone is in recovery mode plug it in to your computer. From this point you are able to copy data from device memory and from external SD card easily.
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Sorry man, literally nothing happens when connecting my phone in recovery mode into the computer. BTW, I am on a stock ROM with a stock recovery, with no USB debugging.
What about flashing a custom recovery like twrp that will give an option for copying data although in my experience it never worked so well so I ended up copying to the SD card internally instead. You can easily flash it if you can get into download mode.
Hallo, don't laugh, but one trick that always work is to put your phone without battery and back cover in a plastic bag, such as those we use to place food in the refrigerator, and put it in the freeze for 5 minutes, once you take it out place the battery and back cover and your phone will boot as it used before the problem, I am waiting for the results!
tzamakos said:
Hallo, don't laugh, but one trick that always work is to put your phone without battery and back cover in a plastic bag, such as those we use to place food in the refrigerator, and put it in the freeze for 5 minutes, once you take it out place the battery and back cover and your phone will boot as it used before the problem, I am waiting for the results!
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This sounds so stupid. But can work; I've done it with mixed results dealing with a bad phone. (Google it if it sounds too far-fetched to be true... you'll be surprised.) But the TWRP option -- if the doggone phone will talk at all to Odin (big if) -- is a very good one. Maybe freezer option followed by boot to download screen (if it will appear) and attempt Odin flash of TWRP?

Phone Won't Boot

So my Nexus 6P turned off randomly and then would not turn back on. It would come on and show Google and sometimes even let me enter my pin to start the phone. But it constantly would freeze during start up and just shut down. I got into the recovery and factory reset my phone and now it won't even turn on. I hold the power and it doesn't do anything. I've tried the boot loader and such but it won't turn on at all. Any ideas on what I could do? Thanks!
edlovereze said:
So my Nexus 6P turned off randomly and then would not turn back on. It would come on and show Google and sometimes even let me enter my pin to start the phone. But it constantly would freeze during start up and just shut down. I got into the recovery and factory reset my phone and now it won't even turn on. I hold the power and it doesn't do anything. I've tried the boot loader and such but it won't turn on at all. Any ideas on what I could do? Thanks!
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Sounds like you may have more than one problem, but many have been able to get a dead phone to start by holding the power button down for a very long time, sometimes 2 minutes or more. If it doesn't start, fully charge it and try the power button again. Assuming you are stock with a locked boot loader.... you didn't mention.
My phone is stock with a locked boot loader. I held the button for over 5 minutes and got nothing. I'm wondering if Google would be willing to help me out. Unless anyone has other ideas
It's hopeless. Don't waste your time trying to revive. Contact Huawei regardless of date of purchase.
If it won't power on it's either not charged, a bad power button, or something with pcm. Which is on Motherboard.
Most common scenario is a bad power button because it's most used breakable part. That won't allow the board to receive power or not enough power if it's shorted.
Dunno if you've poked around the interwebs some more regarding this, but I've been slammed with the N6P bootloop error (which appears might be part of your problem) and I found a stop-gap solution. If you feel like you've got nothing to lose, you can try what I've done: Make sure the phone has a little charge, hold it with a hot mitt from your kitchen, and blast the back of your N6P in the region between the camera lens and the fingerprint sensor with a hairdryer. Doing so will trip the big cluster off, which is the source of the bootloop problem. If you can get it to boot to the Google logo, applying the heat for the right amount of time (maybe not too long.. 2-4 minutes tops) may cause it to make it to the spinning color graphics and beyond.
I've been able to resurrect my phone doing this, but only to back it up and do very simple tasks. The moment I do something processor-intensive (Waze, YouTube, etc) it immediately crashes and bootloops again. The only solution beyond this is to unlock your bootloader, download EX Kernel manager and use it to completely disable the big cluster. Then your phone will likely be reliable, but extremely hobbled.
I bought from Best Buy about 16 months ago, so both Google and Huawei have been utterly useless, which is infuriating. Shenanigans like this are criminal. This is my 3rd Nexus phone and I'm considering abandoning Android altogether after this experience.

