So before you say it, I've Google'd the entire site, and several other sites trying to find a cure for activesync. I use Quick Menu to auto close activesync. I've set up a dummy server, changed everything to manual. I turned off any serial port other than usb. But it still comes on every time I connect to the internet and wants to sync remotely. I even thought it would be better after I flashed OT4.0, but it actually got worse... Are there any other suggestions, or is anyone else having this problem?
I just use quickmenu to Not Show and Not Close. You can use your taskmanager to kill the process but it will restart randomly anyway it is a persistant process.
yep that's why i gave up trying to mess with activsync.
There has to be something that triggers it, nothing is random. Maybe when it goes online to update weather or email? Someone has to know something. I can't believe that everyone has this problem. It's like my phone runs just the way I like, except it "randomly" gives me the finger.
This problem has driven me nuts and I figured out how to fix it. You need a program like Total Commander, I use Task Manager (not the default one on the phone). Go to where the Notifications are listed, look for one called "repllog.exe" you should have 3 of them. Look for the one that says AppRunAfterTimeChange and disable it. Do a soft reset and you should be set let me know if this works for you.
activesync fix
start/settings/personal/phone/timezones, and uncheck "automatic change time zone and clock" button
thats all you have to do
Thanks Digit! But doesn't this mean that my system time won't automatically update? I can live with that, just curious...
I have a problem with my hd 2.
Somehow I activated the phone lock, i'm not sure how it happened, as I know where the setting is and I don't recall activating it.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to deactivate it again (the check box "Prompt if phone unused for" is grayed out, can't uncheck it)
I can change the settings, like, how much time before it locks up or what password I want to use, but no disable.
I really don't want this phone lock to be activated so if anyone could tell me what to do to deactivate it i'd be most grateful!
Tried to search the forums for it but couldn't find anything.
try clearing the password fields, and changing the time to 0 minutes, and then see if it'll let you untick the box.
You can disable auto lock with BsB Tweaks. That's probably the easiest method.
MidnightDraven: thanks, I tried that but it won't let me clear the password field, just keeps saying that it's not allowed to keep it blank, even if I set the time to 0.....
johncmolyneux: I'll give it a go
Thanks both of you for replying
johncmolyneux said:
You can disable auto lock with BsB Tweaks. That's probably the easiest method.
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I tried out this application, and disabled the "auto lock" function, but I still get prompted when I reboot my phone, that I have to type in the phone lock code ?
Seems to have worked other than that....any other ideas as to how I can get rid of it completely ?
I don't know what to say mate. I just set mine to lock and require a pin, but it let me untick the "prompt if unused" checkbox and blanked out the password for me when I did it. It's now back to the way it was.
Have you installed any software recently?
johncmolyneux said:
I don't know what to say mate. I just set mine to lock and require a pin, but it let me untick the "prompt if unused" checkbox and blanked out the password for me when I did it. It's now back to the way it was.
Have you installed any software recently?
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Well i'm using topix ROM which I got from these forums, and only other thing I have installed is the cab that makes the battery shown in %.
Could it be the topix ROM perhaps?
Krawlor said:
Well i'm using topix ROM which I got from these forums, and only other thing I have installed is the cab that makes the battery shown in %.
Could it be the topix ROM perhaps?
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It's possible. Try raising the issue in the thread you got the ROM from. I'm sure someone else would have seen the issue if it is caused by that ROM.
Figured it out
johncmolyneux said:
It's possible. Try raising the issue in the thread you got the ROM from. I'm sure someone else would have seen the issue if it is caused by that ROM.
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Figured out why it got activated!
When I setup the exchange connection for my workplace must be some sort of security policy, that forces you to activate the phone lock if you want to sync the emails, can't find away around it, but at least the mystery is solved
Thanks again for your help!
Krawlor said:
Figured out why it got activated!
When I setup the exchange connection for my workplace must be some sort of security policy, that forces you to activate the phone lock if you want to sync the emails, can't find away around it, but at least the mystery is solved
Thanks again for your help!
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Makes sense, and worth noting for future!
Glad to help mate
I Have the same issue with exchange.
But there is no other option to disable it? some reg modification?
Hi all,
I've just got my HD2 and it's the first Windows Mobile device I've synced with my exchange server. Had the same thing and it really bugged me but I found a work around. If you're an Exchange admin (or you're in good with those who are), Google search for Exchange-2003-Mobile-Messaging-Part2-Uncovering-Device-Security-Policies - use the first link. You can disable the requirement for a password globally, or you can specify an individual user to exclude from the password policy. I've just added my username in as an exclusion and it works like a treat!
Good luck
When I enable this feature in power saving mode, it disable some background data while it ignores other. It stop things like Spotify, while things like Facebook Messenger is still receiving messages. Anyone know why?
I asked a similar question a while back, and got no answer other than some Google apologists saying it's supposed to work the way it does. It seems to work for some apps, but not all. My guess is the app has to be coded to respect the setting, and Facebook doesn't respect anything.
Does anyone else use 2FA? It seems the setup cannot detect the verification text from Samsung's texting app. I used my watch's number as backup, but I then went into settings to add my other accounts and it didn't work until it switched the default texting app to Messeges.
Anyone else have this problem?
Whenever my location is on, and I go to put it off, everytime Secure Folder screen comes up and asks for authentication.
Before authentication I get a popup saying
"No Location access
Device location for all apps is turned off, and you may not be able to locate your device if it's lost."
I don't know why it is happening all of a sudden, I don't even remember any changed settings.
Can someone please help
Same here.
Same here. Really frustrating. I currently uninstalled it because of this bug...
rajlal said:
Whenever my location is on, and I go to put it off, everytime Secure Folder screen comes up and asks for authentication.
Before authentication I get a popup saying
"No Location access
Device location for all apps is turned off, and you may not be able to locate your device if it's lost."
I don't know why it is happening all of a sudden, I don't even remember any changed settings.
Can someone please help
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Search for 'Device Administrators' (or just 'administrators') in settings, and turn off 'Secure Folder'. This is a built in feature of the rom, wherein secure folder is added as a device administrator by default and it will ask for location every time.
linom said:
Search for 'Device Administrators' (or just 'administrators') in settings, and turn off 'Secure Folder'. This is a built in feature of the rom, wherein secure folder is added as a device administrator by default and it will ask for location every time.
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This did not resolve my issue. Secure Folder was not a device administrator.
Problem solved!
shafty023 said:
This did not resolve my issue. Secure Folder was not a device administrator.
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I did what linom suggested and it turns out Lookout was the issue! I have T-Mobile and it comes pre-installed on new devices as far as I've seen but I'm not sure if other mobile carriers do the same. They had updated Lookout recently and it looks like there was a "better missing device functionality" that may have been added or changed or something. It was the only one that was checked off as a device admin and I turned it off. Problem was immediately solved. Weird that it was triggering the secure folder to open but this definitely fixed the issue.
linom said:
Search for 'Device Administrators' (or just 'administrators') in settings, and turn off 'Secure Folder'. This is a built in feature of the rom, wherein secure folder is added as a device administrator by default and it will ask for location every time.
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jleon0913 said:
I did what linom suggested and it turns out Lookout was the issue! I have T-Mobile and it comes pre-installed on new devices as far as I've seen but I'm not sure if other mobile carriers do the same. They had updated Lookout recently and it looks like there was a "better missing device functionality" that may have been added or changed or something. It was the only one that was checked off as a device admin and I turned it off. Problem was immediately solved. Weird that it was triggering the secure folder to open but this definitely fixed the issue.
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Unfortunately I have no device administrators enabled and still having the issue.
shafty023 said:
Unfortunately I have no device administrators enabled and still having the issue.
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Did you add any app in the secure folder that requires location access? Check the permissions for each app. Also, try uninstalling and reinstalling it again as a last resort. Maybe its a bug. I am not able to replicate the issue. Can you share a screen grab?
linom said:
Did you add any app in the secure folder that requires location access? Check the permissions for each app. Also, try uninstalling and reinstalling it again as a last resort. Maybe its a bug. I am not able to replicate the issue. Can you share a screen grab?
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I hadn't added any apps but I did notice some Samsung apps in secure folder required location permission so I revoked. Let's see if that fixes it
Nope still was happening. I uninstalled secure folder
Disable send last location in find my mobile
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