Having trouble installing RUU 1.11.617.4 not detecting phone - HTC U11 Guides, News, & Discussion

I'm using the factory USB cable.
PC and HTC Sync Manager can see the phone and transfer files just fine.
yet the RUU installation can't detect the phone, that's so weird.
Does it need to be in Download Mode?
I'm trying the OTA upgrade, but OTA only sees version 1.11.617.3

AllGamer said:
I'm using the factory USB cable.
PC and HTC Sync Manager can see the phone and transfer files just fine.
yet the RUU installation can't detect the phone, that's so weird.
Does it need to be in Download Mode?
I'm trying the OTA upgrade, but OTA only sees version 1.11.617.3
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Had the same thing happen. Downloaded it from HTC. Tried on 2 computers, and the RUU
started but choked, both in Download mode and booted up. Got fixed by using the zip
of 1.11.617.1 then getting 2 OTAs updating to xxx617.4

michaelbsheldon said:
Had the same thing happen. Downloaded it from HTC. Tried on 2 computers, and the RUU
started but choked, both in Download mode and booted up. Got fixed by using the zip
of 1.11.617.1 then getting 2 OTAs updating to xxx617.4
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Just finished OTA to 1.11.617.3, did a update check again, now it offers me 1.11.617.4


Can't reboot recovery

I flashed back to Stock Sprint from the RUU and then let the phone update to the MR update. I rooted and then did the pushed the recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img to the SD card and flashed it (at least I think so, it happened really fast). When I did "reboot recovery" it just powered down the phone and no reboot. In fact, I had to pull the battery to get it to boot normally. If I try to boot to recovery by holding the home key I just get stuck at the HTC splash screen.
Any help is appreciated.
I went through this SAME THING for 3 days when I first rooted my hero and it was driving me nuts! You may have a corrupt recovery img or just a bad root. I would download the recovery img again, and flash the Sprint RUU AGAIN and then root again. Basically start from scratch again . That is what worked for me. Every time I tried rebooting and getting to that screen where u can do a nandroid backup and flash from sd I could not for the life of me get to that screen, It would just power off and reboot and stay on the HTC screen. So try starting ALL OVER again I bet that it will work.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to redownload everything and reflash with the RUU, reroot, and try the recovery image stuff again.
It's been a frustrating day.
I feel your pain man, I went through it for 3 days before someone told me to flash the Stock Sprint RUU. And at the time I didnt even know there was a stock sprint ruu,lol.
OK, redid RUU, rerooted, and reflashed recovery and now it's working.
Now I can go to bed!
BTW, thanks aaron130 for your moral support.
No problem. Glad you got it working!
i'm having a bit of trouble with this as well i cant flash back to the stock sprint firmware with the RUU exe file. it times out on waiting for bootloader and the phone will never reset. has anyone encountered this? i downloaded the RUU file three times and and tried two different computers. i'm just trying to get back to the stock ROM. someone help please?
Yes, Spunkzz. Download and install HTC Sync.
Spunkzz said:
i'm having a bit of trouble with this as well i cant flash back to the stock sprint firmware with the RUU exe file. it times out on waiting for bootloader and the phone will never reset. has anyone encountered this? i downloaded the RUU file three times and and tried two different computers. i'm just trying to get back to the stock ROM. someone help please?
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Try doing it from fastboot. (Off the top of my head) With the phone powered off: hold volume down and then hit the power button. It should say if you want fastboot to hit volume up... press volume up. See if it will flash RUU that way. If not then check your device manager and see if it shows you are missing a driver for your phone.
Spunkzz said:
i'm having a bit of trouble with this as well i cant flash back to the stock sprint firmware with the RUU exe file. it times out on waiting for bootloader and the phone will never reset. has anyone encountered this? i downloaded the RUU file three times and and tried two different computers. i'm just trying to get back to the stock ROM. someone help please?
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I saw a thread about this somewhere. I think it was the Sprint Community forums. Are you on Windows 7? If you are, you'll have to manually download and install the Vista drivers for the phone.
I'll find you a link to them if this is your problem.
arashed31 said:
I saw a thread about this somewhere. I think it was the Sprint Community forums. Are you on Windows 7? If you are, you'll have to manually download and install the Vista drivers for the phone.
I'll find you a link to them if this is your problem.
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I'm using Win7 and all I had to do was install HTC Sync.
jonnythan said:
I'm using Win7 and all I had to do was install HTC Sync.
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Really? I have Win7 x64 and it wouldn't install any drivers. The program installed but it would never recognize my phone and neither did the RUU. I had to download the Vista x64 drivers from somewhere and then the HTC Sync program and the RUU would work.
Here's what I did:
I got the 2.0.8 version off the site.
Installed in normally and let it error with a long dialoge that said something about not installing drivers.
Downloaded the drivers from the site and put them in the HTC Driver folder
Used device manager to manually install the drivers for "Android Device"
And it worked!!
as an update. i figured it out. i was using Fresh Rom 0.5d and for some reason that wasnt letting me run RUU exe file to get it back to the stock rom. i flashed modacos rom and then used the RUU and it worked fine. i'm now back to the stock rom. for some reason after a day something keeps my phone awake. i've been tryign to figure it out but cant seem to narrow it down.
arashed31 said:
Really? I have Win7 x64 and it wouldn't install any drivers. The program installed but it would never recognize my phone and neither did the RUU. I had to download the Vista x64 drivers from somewhere and then the HTC Sync program and the RUU would work.
Here's what I did:
I got the 2.0.8 version off the site.
Installed in normally and let it error with a long dialoge that said something about not installing drivers.
Downloaded the drivers from the site and put them in the HTC Driver folder
Used device manager to manually install the drivers for "Android Device"
And it worked!!
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Ah, Win7 x64 and x32 are going to be different beasts when it comes to drivers. Great info for those running x64 though, thanks.

Link for the Android 2.3.3 GRI54 for the Nexus S 9023

I flashed my Nexus S with CM7 RC 4. Accidentally my original nandroid backup got deleted. I want to flash my device with the factory android 2.3.3 image. Please let me know the link to download the Android 2.3.3 for SNS 9023 GRI54.
You find it on:
I have already downloaded the rom files and the odin but the odin don't recognise my NS.
Can you tell me how to do a fastboot flash ?
If you want odin to recognize your nexus you have to install the samsung usb drivers .. You can find them here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=728929
I have already installed the google drivers but the phone recovery is the clockwork image. I am not able to put the phone to the download mode. I have downloaded the GRI54 image from samfirmware.com. Now I am not able to use it. Is there any other fully cooked image to flash the Nexus S.
I do not have a fastboot image for you ..btw the google drivers are not the same as the samsung drivers ..for odin you will need the samsung ones ...
To go into downloadmode :
turn on you phone, plug your phone into a sb port ( as if you wanted to put something on the phone) then while your phone is still connected to your pc , switch you phone off and keep holding vol up + vol down ..you will see that if you keep holding them phone will go into download mode after you phone is switched off
jaivinder said:
I have already installed the google drivers but the phone recovery is the clockwork image. I am not able to put the phone to the download mode. I have downloaded the GRI54 image from samfirmware.com. Now I am not able to use it. Is there any other fully cooked image to flash the Nexus S.
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You installed the samsung drivers, make sure that your phone is power on,disable the usb debugging, ceheck that microsoft.net framework is installed on your pc. When you connect your phone (on your device manager) you must have "android phone" and below that "nexus s" with out any question symbols.If so then select to update your driver and give the path you installed the samsung drivers (eg c:\program files\samsung ....).
Power off you phone, open Odin and follow the pdf file from samfirmware to load the files (bootloader,pda,modem,csc). Hold your phone from the middle of volume buttons(between vol up and vol down) and immediately connect your phone to your pc with the usb cable .you are going to see the yellow triangle with the android.
Try it
Thanks afilopou, I've managed to enter download mode.
However I've never used Odin before so I'm not sure how to use it.
When I use 'PDA_SOJU_GRI54_TMO_EUR_MR1_SIGNED.tar.md5' for PDA, I get an error and the process stops.
If I start the process without selecting PDA, everything goes smoothly but when I reboot nothing's changed of course...
BTW, my i9023 is from Vodafone Australia (I hope that's got nothing to do with the error). Currently running CM RC4.
Please help.
hamajiro said:
Thanks afilopou, I've managed to enter download mode.
However I've never used Odin before so I'm not sure how to use it.
When I use 'PDA_SOJU_GRI54_TMO_EUR_MR1_SIGNED.tar.md5' for PDA, I get an error and the process stops.
If I start the process without selecting PDA, everything goes smoothly but when I reboot nothing's changed of course...
BTW, my i9023 is from Vodafone Australia (I hope that's got nothing to do with the error). Currently running CM RC4.
Please help.
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What kind of error?on Odin or on your phone?
afilopou said:
What kind of error?on Odin or on your phone?
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On Odin. The error message is in Korean so I don't know what it says, but it says something about the PDA tar. Please see the attached image.
If I do it without PDA, I don't get an error...
hamajiro said:
If I do it without PDA, I don't get an error...
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I see you are using a virtual machine and the host is mac .correct?do you have any pc with windows (not on a virtual machine)?Also please check that you have microsoft.net framework installed
Also i did an md5 check sum for the file from samfirmware and the result is 0557b037f56195497718e1dc575b20c9
Can you pls check the I9023_EUR_GRI54_XXKB3?
And the md5 check sum just for the PDA_SOJU_GRI54_TMO_EUR_MR1_SIGNED.tar.md5 is b594e50fd160428826a66f58a15ad522
afilopou said:
I see you are using a virtual machine and the host is mac .correct?do you have any pc with windows (not on a virtual machine)?Also please check that you have microsoft.net framework installed
Also i did an md5 check sum for the file from samfirmware and the result is 0557b037f56195497718e1dc575b20c9
Can you pls check the I9023_EUR_GRI54_XXKB3?
And the md5 check sum just for the PDA_SOJU_GRI54_TMO_EUR_MR1_SIGNED.tar.md5 is b594e50fd160428826a66f58a15ad522
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Thank you so much for your help.
I don't have a windows PC, but I'll install Windows 7 to my MBP using bootcamp and see how that goes.
I'll check the md5 check sum as well.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Forgot to mention. I tried Odin using Win7 (64 bit) on VMware Fusion, and I no longer got the error for PDA. Everything seemed to work but now Windows can't recognise the NS when I connect with USB! I tried to install range of Samsung USB drivers but installation failed.
Hopefully Win7 on bootcamp will work...
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
hamajiro said:
Forgot to mention. I tried Odin using Win7 (64 bit) on VMware Fusion, and I no longer got the error for PDA. Everything seemed to work but now Windows can't recognise the NS when I connect with USB! I tried to install range of Samsung USB drivers but installation failed.
Hopefully Win7 on bootcamp will work...
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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Looks like that the virtual machine (vm fusion) on macosx generates problems.As far as i remember only parallels worked ok.I have imac as well but i have bootcamp win7 in order to avoid all these problems. Hope to help
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Odin on Win7 Bootcamp worked! Even though I got an error when I was installing the Samsung USB Drivers, Windows started recognising the NS after that.
After using Odin, the only change I can tell from the bootloader is that the 'CARRIER INFO' has changed to 'EUR' from 'XSE'. The bootloader version and baseband version are unchanged. They are still 'I9020XXXKA3' and 'I9020XXXB3'. I thought they were going to change to I9023XXX... but apparently not. Is this normal? I'm confused.
Obviously this rom is for Europe, so my i9023 from Australia probably had a different factory rom. I need to go into a Vodafone store and check but if it's different, it's going to be difficult to find the original rom for Australian i9023...
hamajiro said:
Odin on Win7 Bootcamp worked! Even though I got an error when I was installing the Samsung USB Drivers, Windows started recognising the NS after that.
After using Odin, the only change I can tell from the bootloader is that the 'CARRIER INFO' has changed to 'EUR' from 'XSE'. The bootloader version and baseband version are unchanged. They are still 'I9020XXXKA3' and 'I9020XXXB3'. I thought they were going to change to I9023XXX... but apparently not. Is this normal? I'm confused.
Obviously this rom is for Europe, so my i9023 from Australia probably had a different factory rom. I need to go into a Vodafone store and check but if it's different, it's going to be difficult to find the original rom for Australian i9023...
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Do you remember the initial values?i mean when your phone was with stock rom?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
thanks, really needed this link
afilopou said:
Do you remember the initial values?i mean when your phone was with stock rom?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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No, I don't remember the initial values...
I'll check them at a Vodafone store when I get a chance.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
OK, so I had a chance to go into a local Vodafone Australia store.
The Baseband version under 'About phone' from the settings was I9023XXXKB1.
Under fastbootmode, the bootloader and baseband versions were I9020XXXKA3 and I9020XXXKB1.
However, CARRIER INFO is 'XSE' for Vodafone Australia, where as the CARRIER INFO from the Samfirmware.com ROM is 'EUR'.
Almost back to factory stock condition! Is it possible to change the carrier info? Does anyone know where I can get the stock Australian ROM for Nexus S?

[Q] Can't update to 4.4.4

I reset my phone a few times already but i still can't grab a update that is about 142MB in size. It fails at 26 percent. I am running 4.4.2 Model: SM-G900A. Not sure what my next step is.
sammobile dot com, download the new ROM, flash with ODIN
Or try with KIES3 first
*Detection* said:
sammobile dot com, download the new ROM, flash with ODIN
Or try with KIES3 first
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Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah i tried Kies, and it was pretty worthless for me. I will try what you suggested.
bkz81 said:
Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah i tried Kies, and it was pretty worthless for me. I will try what you suggested.
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Flashed twice now to stock firmware 4.4.2 with Odin same result. Update fails at 26 percent.
Try flashing the PIT file along with the stock ROM
Make sure that is the correct PIT file, the link is for the 16GB SM-G900A
*Detection* said:
Try flashing the PIT file along with the stock ROM
Make sure that is the correct PIT file, the link is for the 16GB SM-G900A
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I tried that, thanks, but now the update fails again but at 32 percent, lol smh. I'm i suppose to run updates first from the google store then try to update?
No, google store has nothing to do with ROM updates
Make sure you're running ODIN as Administrator
*Detection* said:
No, google store has nothing to do with ROM updates
Make sure you're running ODIN as Administrator
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Yes i have been running it as administrator. So far the same result 32% then fails.
Tried a different USB lead, Different USB port, Different PC?
You are running this on a dedicated PC, and not a Mac right?
Phone is in Download Mode?
Samsung Drivers installed?
What is the error when it fails?
Bootloader not locked?
*Detection* said:
Tried a different USB lead, Different USB port, Different PC? I have tried it on different usb ports but not different pc.
You are running this on a dedicated PC, and not a Mac right? PC
Phone is in Download Mode? YES
Samsung Drivers installed? YES
What is the error when it fails? I am able to download the update but when it goes to apply it it just says "update failed" at 32%
Bootloader not locked?
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Not sure about the bootloader thing, and or how to check.
Seems to be a big issue after a little more digging. https://forums.att.com/t5/Samsung-D...re-Update-Failed/td-p/4058678/highlight/false
Are you on AT&T?
If yes, there is a high chance the bootloader is locked and ODIN will always fail
May need to take it to a repair store
This issue is now closed. I went to a AT&T service center this morning and had them update me to 5.0. I believe i went about this all wrong. I should have just downloaded 5.0 firmware from here and just flash it with that. Instead of messing around with and wasting time with 4.4.2 then trying to update via OTA to 5.0, smh. Thanks for the time on this matter.
Lesson learned
Ah well at least you got it sorted
Just wanted to point out you are wrong, locked bootloader does not stop odin from working, ive reflashed my phone more times than i have fingers and toes.
Sent from my twi5ted SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Stuck forever in Software Version 1.13.652.1

I have a completely stock Virgin Mobile HTC Desire 816.
Not rooted or anything.
I've tried to update the software in the phones settings for months now.
It downloads the 120mb update and when I click 'Install Now' it installs about 10% then I get a red exclamation mark and it fails.
So, I go to HTC's website on my PC and I find the ROM to do it manually... Click download.. download fails.
So, I try Chrome and Internet Explorer (god help us) the download fails.
Am I just going to have to never update or? I don't get why it's doing this.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Firehawk2 said:
I have a completely stock Virgin Mobile HTC Desire 816.
Not rooted or anything.
I've tried to update the software in the phones settings for months now.
It downloads the 120mb update and when I click 'Install Now' it installs about 10% then I get a red exclamation mark and it fails.
So, I go to HTC's website on my PC and I find the ROM to do it manually... Click download.. download fails.
So, I try Chrome and Internet Explorer (god help us) the download fails.
Am I just going to have to never update or? I don't get why it's doing this.
Any help is highly appreciated.
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did you get yourself sorted?
has your phone ever been rooted?
try a factory reset
turn off anti-virus and firwalls while downloading the .exe
scotty1223 said:
did you get yourself sorted?
has your phone ever been rooted?
try a factory reset
turn off anti-virus and firwalls while downloading the .exe
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I got it. HTC's website wasn't working right. I tried downloading the
ROM the next day and it downloaded this time. Finally have my phone
Updated. Thanks for the reply.

phone brick while updating to oreo

Today i tried to update to oreo by LG Bidge. i've waited for 2 hours to download the 2.8G update files, then while updating it stopped saying retry, tried again and it stopped and had to do it all over. Now i'm stuck on fastboot screen and keep downloading this update for hours and getting the same errors whithout knowing the problem.
I 've tried to unlock but the OEM isn't enabled and there is no way to do it from fastboot.
Please help me i don't know what to do
Flash with LGUP and Uppercut.
Search the forum for the KDZ file.
Put phone in Download mode, load the KDZ file and flash.
basicreece said:
Flash with LGUP and Uppercut.
Search the forum for the KDZ file.
Put phone in Download mode, load the KDZ file and flash.
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Thanks for your reply
I just updated the phone by another pc and it worked.
Thank you
jopanda said:
Thanks for your reply
I just updated the phone by another pc and it worked.
Thank you
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Hi can you tell me what the difference between those two PCs was? I have the same problem right now.
Noxxit said:
Hi can you tell me what the difference between those two PCs was? I have the same problem right now.
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Sorry but i don't know the difference just made an update to lg bridge then i updated the phone normally event if it took 3h to download the update
after that the phone installed the update and booted with the new oreo android
jopanda said:
Sorry but i don't know the difference just made an update to lg bridge then i updated the phone normally event if it took 3h to download the update
after that the phone installed the update and booted with the new oreo android
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Thank you. Now I tried it on a third PC and replaced the USB cable with the original one. I don't know what part of that was the solution but it worked. Although I had to rerun the update as it was interrupted on the first procedure.
