Best Android N rom with good battery? - OnePlus 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey! So I was searching for a rom with good battery life and is android N. I really enjoy having a swift dark theme on my phone and listening to music quite often. If you could let me know that'd be great! (I'm new here so sorry if this is in the wrong section)

For me the best ever :

ledabe974 said:
For me the best ever :
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There is a new official thread though
---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------
I recommend Cosmic OS or Dirty Unicorns (DU is not on xda).

ledabe974 said:
For me the best ever :
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Thank you! About how much screen on time do you get??

Dranoel18 said:
There is a new official thread though
---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------
I recommend Cosmic OS or Dirty Unicorns (DU is not on xda).
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Okay cool! I'll have to check those out. Thank you! ^-^

You posted this in the correct location. this will turn into a more general discussion then a quick Q/A. Good luck OP on finding a ROM that best fits you. ^_^
**Please respect every ones opinion, what works for someone might be different for someone else.**

Battery life varies from one person to another depending on how he/she uses their phone and what apps they have and how many apps are running on background etc......... And are you lenient towards more customizability or battery life ? cause some people want both of them, and it is very difficult to achieve both. My suggestion for you would be to try a few of the most popular ROM's and then see which one suits you.

Omni or DirtyUnicorns
I switched from DU to Omni. In my opinion OMNI is the best in this moment.
Still waiting for Paranoid :/

Official Lineage OS. No bloatware/unnecessary features.

try mokee os

I have used almost all the nougat roms out there. I get 3 hours on screen time with lte on 24*7. Probably you'll get more if you're on wifi for sometime. But battery really depends upon your usage pattern. Go for lineage with Franco kernel. Keep it simple


Q/REQ Domination dark/light theme port

Hello to all, and please excuse me if ive posted in the wrong thread. I am fairly new to the forum and have been a long time reader and supporter and finally want to get involved in this great community and...
have a[Q], is there any dev out there working on a port for vertumus's domination dark/light theme, for the sprint galaxy s4 as of right now? If not no worries, would you consider takeing on this project lol ?
I did some homework on this and seen a thread indicateing (link at bottom of post) another dev was infact working on a possible port. I had high hopes for this but dont know if it's still being worked on or if it was dropped all together. no status updates or post have been made for sometime. i wanted to write in the thread and get a status update but don't have permission yet since i am a newbie (at time of post this was true, and is no longer the case )
this theme is absoultely amazeing and I would love for someone with the skills and knowledge to please consider takeing this on. it would be greatly appreciated and i would be more than happy to make a donation to support your time and efforts put into it (with the devs permission of course).
[] link to the thread of the original developer's theme is below[]
[]link to a possible port by another dev below[]
Devoureddreams said he would port the theme. That was on July 8th, almost 2 months ago. I'm not sure what the status is but it's not an easy job. Maybe he'll do it some day, maybe not.
Anyways, have you tried any of the Xthemes? I'm currently using SimpleX_Blue v.4.
Hello xuser,
thanks for takeing some time to reply back to me I appreciate it, glad to see someone else is showing interest in this possible port, your a man of good taste lol anyways... yes! I have tryed out the Xtheme engine and I think it has nice theme capabilities and is a great idea, But i didn't give it to much of a chance. I played around with it for a bit and gave up on it a bit too quick with out really giving it a chance. Mainly for the reason that once I seen vertumus's domination theme. it was so right on the nose and fitted my likeing to the T. like I've seen themes that were nice and said to myself wow that's nice, that's cool but man I wouldn't change a thing about the domination theme it was perfect... in my eyes at least, very appealing. there's probly a good chance if it were ported I would NEVER flash another theme onto my s4 .
aigain I do appreciate the reply and suggestion. I might just give the Xtheme engine another go, also just to note i did infact mention this to vertumus some time ago. he did say he has intentions to bring this theme to the sprint galaxy s4 variant in the future, but didnt give a projected date or time frame sadly but it is nice to know its in his thoughts so im keeping my fingers crossed hopeing ill see it in the forums one of these days lol.
Please don't take this the wrong way. Can you please consider using sentences and punctuation on your posts. We all have something to share here, and it was real difficult reading your posts. Thank you.
Lol! no offense taken, Yes I will definitely work on my grammer
(punctuations, sentences) the whole 9 just for you rather than makeing it one big sentence lol. Yeah Grammer isn't really my hard suite so it's gunna be a bit difficult but I'll manage. I wouldn't want other people to have a hard time reading future post.
Ive seen some hints of future support for multiple carriers. I love the way the lite theme looks with a white s4
nickman529 said:
Ive seen some hints of future support for multiple carriers. I love the way the lite theme looks with a white s4
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Really!!! Dude those words alone just made my day, i know its not like its a "go" and the theme is being made but its that much closer in the right direction... i aint going anywhere ^_^. Its awesome to know this thread is'nt completely dead and that there's still a chance of a possible port awesome!!!
so if you dont mind me asking, when you say "hints" what do you mean, what did you hear? Cumon spill the beans lol. (im all ears)
Yeah the light version was what caught my eye too. It would make my white s4 ultra sexy... That would be the iceing on the cake yeah buddy!!!
~Sac's Rom/KToonz kernel (super bull 2.1 settings) ,operation killjoy +3Minit~
MENACE_69 said:
Really!!! Dude those words alone just made my day, i know its not like its a "go" and the theme is being made but its that much closer in the right direction... i aint going anywhere ^_^. Its awesome to know this thread is'nt completely dead and that there's still a chance of a possible port awesome!!!
so if you dont mind me asking, when you say "hints" what do you mean, what did you hear? Cumon spill the beans lol. (im all ears)
Yeah the light version was what caught my eye too. It would make my white s4 ultra sexy... That would be the iceing on the cake yeah buddy!!!
~Sac's Rom/KToonz kernel (super bull 2.1 settings) ,operation killjoy +3Minit~
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If you go and kinda read through the thread for the theme sprint is mentioned a couple times. One guy asked if it would work and Vertumus told him to try it. No profit of course. But a discussion about the theme being on other devices arose. So hopefully Vertumus took note of that. There was also that one guy that was porting it but then he disappeared
---------- Post added at 07:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------
I have to admit though. Till the day the theme is ported I will probably stick to my TW roms. Just for the air gestures. MultiROM would be sick on this device. Or MoDaCo Switch.... but that's GSM only
nickman529 said:
If you go and kinda read through the thread for the theme sprint is mentioned a couple times. One guy asked if it would work and Vertumus told him to try it. No profit of course. But a discussion about the theme being on other devices arose. So hopefully Vertumus took note of that. There was also that one guy that was porting it but then he disappeared
---------- Post added at 07:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------
I have to admit though. Till the day the theme is ported I will probably stick to my TW roms. Just for the air gestures. MultiROM would be sick on this device. Or MoDaCo Switch.... but that's GSM only
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Yeah its been sometime since ive read/posted in that thread. I messaged vertumus and the dev: devourourdreams (i think his name was) who was working on a port, I messaged them both once regarding this a while back, vertumus got back to me saying he has intensions of bringing the theme to the sprint and verizon s4 but did'nt say didnt sound like it was going to be anytime soon. He did welcome me to flash it as is and see if it worked, tried it, didnt work lol
As for the dev who was porting he's still online and active in the thread. i just got ignored in his thread and via p.m so i left it alone. I didnt want to troll anyone or discourage anyone from takeing on this project.
In the meatime im running sacs rom which is a nice piece of work. i tip my hat to the dev, he went balls out to bring the forum such a nice rom,frequently puts out updates and is nice enough to take request to put into the next ver... He has my support. (highly reccomend it to anyone)
its my daily till the G.E rom's (with sammy cam) kinks get ironed out, even then idk if im gunna switch. i personally like what sac's has done with t.w. Id only consider switching if vertums's theme was brought over then...maybe. In addition to the rom 3minit + Xposed framwork modules keep me happy look wise in the meantime (till port) , KToonz kernel along with operation killjoy, KTweaker shop custom settings (thanks to other amazeing devs) tops it off, giveing great performance & battery life. #Profit
~Sac's Rom/KToonz kernel (luigibull23's settings) ,operation killjoy +3Minit~
MENACE_69 said:
Yeah its been sometime since ive read/posted in that thread. I messaged vertumus and the dev: devourourdreams (i think his name was) who was working on a port, I messaged them both once regarding this a while back, vertumus got back to me saying he has intensions of bringing the theme to the sprint and verizon s4 but did'nt say didnt sound like it was going to be anytime soon. He did welcome me to flash it as is and see if it worked, tried it, didnt work lol
As for the dev who was porting he's still online and active in the thread. i just got ignored in his thread and via p.m so i left it alone. I didnt want to troll anyone or discourage anyone from takeing on this project.
In the meatime im running sacs rom which is a nice piece of work. i tip my hat to the dev, he went balls out to bring the forum such a nice rom,frequently puts out updates and is nice enough to take request to put into the next ver... He has my support. (highly reccomend it to anyone)
its my daily till the G.E rom's (with sammy cam) kinks get ironed out, even then idk if im gunna switch. i personally like what sac's has done with t.w. Id only consider switching if vertums's theme was brought over then...maybe. In addition to the rom 3minit + Xposed framwork modules keep me happy look wise in the meantime (till port) , KToonz kernel along with operation killjoy, KTweaker shop custom settings (thanks to other amazeing devs) tops it off, giveing great performance & battery life. #Profit
~Sac's Rom/KToonz kernel (luigibull23's settings) ,operation killjoy +3Minit~
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I messaged Vertumus about Porting Permissions. Ill try to get it working (already started) just gotta get permission to post
---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------
I really hope i can get it working fully... I love S4 TW features (Air Gestures, Air View, etc...) but the look of that light theme :victory:
---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------
Alright I am gonna install a Stock MF9 deodexed ROM to test this stuff on. (Maybe I should start a thread..?)
nickman529 said:
I messaged Vertumus about Porting Permissions. Ill try to get it working (already started) just gotta get permission to post
---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------
I really hope i can get it working fully... I love S4 TW features (Air Gestures, Air View, etc...) but the look of that light theme :victory:
---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------
Alright I am gonna install a Stock MF9 deodexed ROM to test this stuff on. (Maybe I should start a thread..?)
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If you just testing make a post in general for testing purposes but if you really sure its done then make a thread in themes and apps section
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it booted!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright ill spill my secrets...
It seems (as of right now) to be related to the frameworks
---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ----------
Okay... Phone, New message, Contacts, Maybe more. Dont work. FCs... It is related to whatever is being modified in framework-res apk. twframework-res apk works fine... now onto porting
I'll post screenies later
nickman529 said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it booted!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright ill spill my secrets...
It seems (as of right now) to be related to the frameworks
---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ----------
Okay... Phone, New message, Contacts, Maybe more. Dont work. FCs... It is related to whatever is being modified in framework-res apk. twframework-res apk works fine... now onto porting
I'll post screenies later
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Dude don't play with me like that... Are you serious! your takeing it upon yourself and porting tha theme YOUR MY HERO!!!! (no homo) wow!! I didnt see that comeing. i wanna see some screenies forsure.
So this is going to be ported onto mf9 t.w correct?
If you do decided to make a thread p.m me a link or post it in this thread please for me and others to follow your progress.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
MENACE_69 said:
Dude don't play with me like that... Are you serious! your takeing it upon yourself and porting tha theme YOUR MY HERO!!!! (no homo) wow!! I didnt see that comeing. i wanna see some screenies forsure.
So this is going to be ported onto mf9 t.w correct?
If you do decided to make a thread p.m me a link or post it in this thread please for me and others to follow your progress.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Here it is. And got permission to port from Vertumus. Follow that thread for the updates. Its almost done! Im about to post screenies!!

[Q] rom+kernel

according to you which is the best combination of rom+kernel with respect to battery life?
chaitanyakoranne said:
according to you which is the best combination of rom+kernel with respect to battery life?
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chaitanyakoranne said:
according to you which is the best combination of rom+kernel with respect to battery life?
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If you don't care about OS version, then LiquidSmooth 5.2, Android 4.2.2, Franco Kernel.
If you like stock, 4.1.2 with stock kernel. Battery is PHENOMENAL.
For KitKat, I like CarbonROM with the included kernel.
Happy flashing!
Best is a matter of taste and preference. Asking others is pointless, you'll get a different answer every time.
Just flash a bunch and decide for yourself. And battery life is about setup and usage.... Roms and kernel make a minor difference.
Good luck!
---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------
Also, best threads are normally not allowed....but XDA was kind enough to give this device ONE thread for such questions.
kj2112 said:
Best is a matter of taste and preference. Asking others is pointless, you'll get a different answer every time.
Just flash a bunch and decide for yourself. And battery life is about setup and usage.... Roms and kernel make a minor difference.
Good luck!
---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------
Also, best threads are normally not allowed....but XDA was kind enough to give this device ONE thread for such questions.
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Could not have said it better!
Every user has found what works best for their phone, their apps, their usage, their signal you will simply get a list of every combination of ROM/kernel. Therefore these threads are not allowed on this development site...sorry.

[DISCUSSION] CyanogenOS 13.0 with MOD

Cyanogen Inc. demonstrated CyanogenOS 13.0 on the OPO at the Mobile World Congress with deeper system level app support called MOD, which will be coming out next month. The Microsoft apps integration is now much more pervasive. So what do you think about it? Are you happy at receiving COS 13.0 or perceive it as further commercialized bloatware integration?
Commercialized bloatware integration. This.
I think it will be just lots of bloatware, but I'll give however a try; I'm still satisfied by stock 12.1 COS
tbh it's gonna be awesome, love it
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
From the video, seemed very nice. I'm looking forward to it.
Some of it seems ok, but i see a lot of headache coming down the road.
maybe even more battery drain...
Actually they want to include it not as bloat but as features under the hood.. They said they want user would not install 100 apps for making things, but system itself should do this.. And mods will be optional i think (except microsoft i think)XD
Wysłane z mojego A0001 przy użyciu Tapatalka
they live on these small fundings .they need money to feed families of everyone working.say with courtsey to them or anyway u get disable button
#sychrome# said:
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
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Come again?
what do u mean??
#sychrome# said:
what do u mean??
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. aww for being polite
.u mean i copied paste
or i should repeat by agenda again everywhere
#sychrome# said:
. aww for being polite
.u mean i copied paste
or i should repeat by agenda again everywhere
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Look again your post above, and probably you will understand.
Now, back on topic here
Well, on 12.1 you can remove everything, I assume you can do on 13 too.
I don't think it will impact a lot on performance. Luckily we have a very mod-friendly device that, in case, can host lighter version of the ROM.
Elvecio said:
Well, on 12.1 you can remove everything, I assume you can do on 13 too.
I don't think it will impact a lot on performance. Luckily we have a very mod-friendly device that, in case, can host lighter version of the ROM.
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Exactly there are so many options for this device even when it comes to CM so if you don't like the Microsoft bloat just use the CM13 Nightlies (there Sultan and many other CM derivatives) . There's Omni, Dirty Unicorns and soon Exodus based on AOSP too.
Personally I'll try COS13 just to see how it looks and performs and if it satisfies me I'll stay on it for awhile.
The OP clearly doesn't like the new additions thanks to the loaded terminology he used ?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
To the people complaining about the bloat, does that seem like a slow device in the video? Not to me... Did they not stress that it isn't about apps, but about deeply integrated features that replace said apps. The way it's shaping up, it's looking to be a good thing. Feel like people are losing it because of Microsoft and to be completely honest, I don't know why. The apps they've released on iOS and Android in recent years have been great, giving even native apps a run for their money. But even if.. What is bloat? Is this not xda? Do not pray for bloat-free phones my friends. Pray to be better modders lol.
Verstuurd vanaf mijn A0001 met Tapatalk
Why are people complaining, about some news into the new upcomming COS13 with Mod.
As I always have done > If you don't like the app, then uninstall it or disable it.
I'm personal look ahead to the stuff and ofcource the new Rom also
So my point are > Stay cool > Wait to see what it brings you
Probably gonna stick with other ROMs, tired of their Boxer and MS bloat
ojaswinsingh said:
Probably gonna stick with other ROMs, tired of their Boxer and MS bloat
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again u can easily remove every app with root. why to make fuss ? and u r helpings someone .
---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 AM ----------
I am thinking whole point of google apps is to divide systems for easy updates and now cm had taken opposite route .

Why Still not a SIngle Stable ROM?

Here are many ROMs DotOs, RR, LOS, AOKP and Slim ROM and many other for Android Oreo...
But there is not a single ROM that is Stable and we can use it in our device for daily use!!!
@Bunny You are working on many ROMs but still not a stable one... what are you doing? I know you are working free for us we are not paying you...
We are grateful to you... But Bro you should think that not a single stable ROM??? Because you are not focusing on a single ROM...
But we need a single Stable Rom for Oreo that is enough...
Ressurection Remix is the best one So plz just focus on this first and after stabling it then other ROMs (Android Pie) plz..
We shall be very grateful to you.
A5 2016 Dual SIM...
Afzal922 said:
Here are many ROMs DotOs, RR, LOS, AOKP and Slim ROM and many other for Android Oreo...
But there is not a single ROM that is Stable and we can use it in our device for daily use!!!
@Bunny You are working on many ROMs but still not a stable one... what are you doing?? I know you are working free for us we are not paying you...
We are grateful to you... But Bro you should think that not a single stable ROM??? Because you are not focusing on a single ROM...
But we need a single STable Rom for Oreo that is enough...
Ressurection Remix is the best one So plz just focus on this first and after stabling it then other ROMs (Android Pie) plz..
We shall be very grateful to you.
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which phone you're using?
Afzal922 said:
Here are many ROMs DotOs, RR, LOS, AOKP and Slim ROM and many other for Android Oreo...
But there is not a single ROM that is Stable and we can use it in our device for daily use!!!
@Bunny You are working on many ROMs but still not a stable one... what are you doing?? I know you are working free for us we are not paying you...
We are grateful to you... But Bro you should think that not a single stable ROM??? Because you are not focusing on a single ROM...
But we need a single STable Rom for Oreo that is enough...
Ressurection Remix is the best one So plz just focus on this first and after stabling it then other ROMs (Android Pie) plz..
We shall be very grateful to you.
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I’m not your employee so first please mind your words. I have my own life too, I just don’t have this to do.
Dare you give me orders again I’ll leave the whole damn project.
---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------
Afzal922 said:
Here are many ROMs DotOs, RR, LOS, AOKP and Slim ROM and many other for Android Oreo...
But there is not a single ROM that is Stable and we can use it in our device for daily use!!!
@Bunny You are working on many ROMs but still not a stable one... what are you doing?? I know you are working free for us we are not paying you...
We are grateful to you... But Bro you should think that not a single stable ROM??? Because you are not focusing on a single ROM...
But we need a single STable Rom for Oreo that is enough...
Ressurection Remix is the best one So plz just focus on this first and after stabling it then other ROMs (Android Pie) plz..
We shall be very grateful to you.
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If you think this is so easy, you must do yourself we all will use your rom including me.
Without knowing anything dare you comment on me again. I’m so pissed of from this.
I’m working on dot since 2 months day and night to make it official and you are making a damn separate thread just to point me out. You such an idiot.
---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------
Afzal922 said:
Here are many ROMs DotOs, RR, LOS, AOKP and Slim ROM and many other for Android Oreo...
But there is not a single ROM that is Stable and we can use it in our device for daily use!!!
@Bunny You are working on many ROMs but still not a stable one... what are you doing?? I know you are working free for us we are not paying you...
We are grateful to you... But Bro you should think that not a single stable ROM??? Because you are not focusing on a single ROM...
But we need a single STable Rom for Oreo that is enough...
Ressurection Remix is the best one So plz just focus on this first and after stabling it then other ROMs (Android Pie) plz..
We shall be very grateful to you.
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Just remove this or remove my mention. Else I’ll escalate it to the moderator.
---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------
You know you don’t pay me still you are giving orders as if I don’t have my life. You are just so irritating. If want you can complain too I abused you I don’t give a **** got it. But I’m warning you last time without knowing anything dare you again comment on me.
Sophia.xda said:
which phone you're using?
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Same Phone u have.
bunnyy said:
I’m not your employee so first please mind your words. I have my own life too, I just don’t have this to do.
Dare you give me orders again I’ll leave the whole damn project.
---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------
If you think this is so easy, you must do yourself we all will use your rom including me.
Without knowing anything dare you comment on me again. I’m so pissed of from this.
I’m working on dot since 2 months day and night to make it official and you are making a damn separate thread just to point me out. You such an idiot.
---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------
Just remove this or remove my mention. Else I’ll escalate it to the moderator.
---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------
You know you don’t pay me still you are giving orders as if I don’t have my life. You are just so irritating. If want you can complain too I abused you I don’t give a **** got it. But I’m warning you last time without knowing anything dare you again comment on me.
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I did not expect this reaction when I was typing the thread Sorry Bro If you are thinking that I ordered you.. I was not meant of this all... If you read the post again I called you "Brother"... And It is a respected word and relation here... Moreover I didn't order anything to you that you showed everyone your attitude... I just only suggested you that Brother Focus on only one ROM.. There is no need to focus on all ROMs that might slow you...
Moreover I already confessed that we are not paying you ( mean you are not our employee. We have no right to order you) and I also told you that We are really grateful to you for all of this...
I accept I dont know much about all this Rom development projects... If you remember one month ago I messaged you that if you need help I'm ready..
I am a student of Cyber Engineering, In this semester we have started work on Java Development, Assembly, Computer Architecture and same other things...
Again Bro I'm really sorry for what you thought and We all are grateful to you...
But Bro Please do not show me attitude like this again.
With Best Wishes.
Afzal922 said:
I did not expect this reaction when I was typing the thread Sorry Bro If you are thinking that I ordered you.. I was not meant of this all... If you read the post again I called you "Brother"... And It is a respected word and relation here... Moreover I didn't order anything to you that you showed everyone your attitude... I just only suggested you that Brother Focus on only one ROM.. There is no need to focus on all ROMs that might slow you...
Moreover I already confessed that we are not paying you ( mean you are not our employee. We have no right to order you) and I also told you that We are really grateful to you for all of this...
I accept I dont know much about all this Rom development projects... If you remember one month ago I messaged you that if you need help I'm ready..
I am a student of Cyber Engineering, In this semester we have started work on Java Development, Assembly, Computer Architecture and same other things...
Again Bro I'm really sorry for what you thought and We all are grateful to you...
But Bro Please do not show me attitude like this again.
With Best Wishes.
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Don’t you dare tag me again in your posts. Yes this is my attitude give respect take respect. I don’t care I’ll never meet you in my whole life. Who the hell cares what do you say. Lol [emoji23] So please keep distance from me.
If the rom would be ready I already would have updated the stable version. But still working. How the hell can you say im not working on the rom did you ever checked github? So please I don’t need your best wishes keep your wishes with you. I didn’t show any attitude you jerk this is me. I didn’t invite you to test or use the rom. If you don’t like it don’t use it but dare you comment on me like that again.
bunnyy said:
Don’t you dare tag me again in your posts. Yes this is my attitude give respect take respect. I don’t care I’ll never meet you in my whole life. Who the hell cares what do you say. Lol [emoji23] So please keep distance from me.
If the rom would be ready I already would have updated the stable version. But still working. How the hell can you say im not working on the rom did you ever checked github? So please I don’t need your best wishes keep your wishes with you. I’ll didn’t show any attitude you jerk this is me. I didn’t invite you to test or use the rom. If you don’t like it don’t use it but dare you comment on me like that again.
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Ok Sir.
bunnyy said:
Don’t you dare tag me again in your posts. Yes this is my attitude give respect take respect. I don’t care I’ll never meet you in my whole life. Who the hell cares what do you say. Lol [emoji23] So please keep distance from me.
If the rom would be ready I already would have updated the stable version. But still working. How the hell can you say im not working on the rom did you ever checked github? So please I don’t need your best wishes keep your wishes with you. I’ll didn’t show any attitude you jerk this is me. I didn’t invite you to test or use the rom. If you don’t like it don’t use it but dare you comment on me like that again.
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Anything Else Sir?
Afzal922 said:
Anything Else Sir?
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You could have simply pm me or post this on my thread instead of creating a special thread for it which pissed me off.
---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------
Afzal922 said:
Anything Else Sir?
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You are not my enemy or something but this thread pissed me off like hell.
If you were so concerned you could have simply created this thread without mentioning me or the thing I told above this post. But this was seriously insane.
This action of yours was not good.
bunnyy said:
You could have simply pm me or post this on my thread instead of creating a special thread for it which pissed me off.
---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------
You are not my enemy or something but this thread pissed me off like hell.
If you were so concerned you could have simply created this thread without mentioning me or the thing I told above this post. But this was seriously insane.
This action of yours was not good.
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Sir I told you that I was just suggssting you that work on a single ROM not multiple because it slows you...
Nothjing more...
Moreover I respect you...
And sorry for my low approach..
Afzal922 said:
Sir I told you that I was just suggssting you that work on a single ROM not multiple because it slows you...
Nothjing more...
Moreover I respect you...
And sorry for my low approach..
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No problem buddy no harsh feelings for you.
And please do check github for updates from now onwards.
Afzal922 said:
Here are many ROMs DotOs, RR, LOS, AOKP and Slim ROM and many other for Android Oreo...
But there is not a single ROM that is Stable and we can use it in our device for daily use!!!
@Bunny You are working on many ROMs but still not a stable one... what are you doing? I know you are working free for us we are not paying you...
We are grateful to you... But Bro you should think that not a single stable ROM??? Because you are not focusing on a single ROM...
But we need a single Stable Rom for Oreo that is enough...
Ressurection Remix is the best one So plz just focus on this first and after stabling it then other ROMs (Android Pie) plz..
We shall be very grateful to you.
A5 2016 Dual SIM...
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i do agree:good:
Good question is a definition of "Stable" rom .
I am using LOS 14.1 on my xperia z3c . It has some bugs like : if you turn on the speaker during call , you will not be heared and returning to hearphone will not help. There are some others bugs in this rom , but luckyly I never use problematic features . This is stable rom in my opinion.
I suppose , there are no custom rom where all features are full working ... maybe except official LOS . I am not sure because I never had devices with official LOS/CW support.

Forum here is unfortunately almoust dead

Is it because of missing sources for development, that all roms have probs in complete support? This was my first and of cause my last xiaomi device. There are other facilities with more open development support. Phone is still great, but policie of xiaomi is not. This is an embarressment and very annoying for us users, who gave their money to those facilities. I am sad. Greets. Ray
RayfG said:
Is it because of missing sources for development, that all roms have probs in complete support? This was my first and of cause my last xiaomi device. There are other facilities with more open development support. Phone is still great, but policie of xiaomi is not. This is an embarressment and very annoying for us users, who gave their money to those facilities. I am sad. Greets. Ray
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Yep, this device was pretty much dead on arrival when it comes to development but it had a few great devs that brought it up to Android 9, something that xiaomi did not want to happen as they ended the Max series.
That being said... even though this device is completely dead and stuck on last year's software, I have a really hard time finding an upgrade to it with android 10 from the factory.
If I want stereo speakers, a giant screen and a giant battery with Android 10 out of the box I need to pay around 1000$ nowadays.
I have my eyes on the redmi note 9 that is rumored to have a Max version along side the normal one and the Pro one and that means giant screen and battery with Android 10 around 300$ to 350$.
Happened from oreo times when all first devs moved to other devices and abandoned max 2 oreo had issues but pie was terrible with alot of bugs until now it is what it is max 2 was unlucky for custom roms so most of us are stuck with nougat miui for bugless experience
m1n15s said:
Happened from oreo times when all first devs moved to other devices and abandoned max 2 oreo had issues but pie was terrible with alot of bugs until now it is what it is max 2 was unlucky for custom roms so most of us are stuck with nougat miui for bugless experience
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Though why doesn't give xiaomi the sources for it's device? I think this would be the right step foreward. With me, they lost a customer for ever. That is what it is. The devs here did a great job.
It is not completely dead.
There are some devs like scissordragonboy who released some ROMs for our device at February. Snekk etc..
Me personally I have not tested them all but in due time
目前我正在使用别人移植的MI6 MAX3等版本,现在已经应用于max2 并且取得了不错的效果。至少在中国国内应用还不错,也能安装谷歌但是不能使用gapps 否则容易出现错误。
MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
I'm currently using someone else's transplanted version of MI6 MAX3, which is now available for max2 and has had good results. At least in China the application is good, can also install Google but can not use gapps otherwise prone to errors.
zhanghaitao said:
目前我正在使用别人移植的MI6 MAX3等版本,现在已经应用于max2 并且取得了不错的效果。至少在中国国内应用还不错,也能安装谷歌但是不能使用gapps 否则容易出现错误。
MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
I'm currently using someone else's transplanted version of MI6 MAX3, which is now available for max2 and has had good results. At least in China the application is good, can also install Google but can not use gapps otherwise prone to errors.
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MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
Can you provide a link?
reversegear said:
MOD EDIT: Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES,translation added below:
Can you provide a link?
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Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
zhanghaitao said:
Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
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What rom is that skymi? Whats not working
m1n15s said:
What rom is that skymi? Whats not working
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skymi is rom,It's all right with me
thankyou very much
m1n15s said:
What rom is that skymi? Whats not working
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rom informations? android version? bugs?
bouuman said:
rom informations? android version? bugs?
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I flashed it for a while i think is a port from mi 6 or something like that android 9 china rom i kept it for 15 minutes
zhanghaitao said:
Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
Brush in with OrangeFoxRecovery
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can't land the mi account
andylin1981 said:
can't land the mi account
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I use it normally,Looking forward to improvement
RayfG said:
Is it because of missing sources for development, that all roms have probs in complete support? This was my first and of cause my last xiaomi device. There are other facilities with more open development support. Phone is still great, but policie of xiaomi is not. This is an embarressment and very annoying for us users, who gave their money to those facilities. I am sad. Greets. Ray
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Why dont you join Sanek's telegram group which constantly keep his Pie rom always updated with a huge success that almost totally bugs free and incredibly stable to use as daily driver device.
Sanek's Telegram group:
MOD EDIT: Telegram link removed, please read the STICKY!
Thread cleaned
Please post only in English according to the FORUM RULES
Thank you all for your understanding :good:
Forum Moderator

