[Q] rom+kernel - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

according to you which is the best combination of rom+kernel with respect to battery life?

chaitanyakoranne said:
according to you which is the best combination of rom+kernel with respect to battery life?
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chaitanyakoranne said:
according to you which is the best combination of rom+kernel with respect to battery life?
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If you don't care about OS version, then LiquidSmooth 5.2, Android 4.2.2, Franco Kernel.
If you like stock, 4.1.2 with stock kernel. Battery is PHENOMENAL.
For KitKat, I like CarbonROM with the included kernel.
Happy flashing!

Best is a matter of taste and preference. Asking others is pointless, you'll get a different answer every time.
Just flash a bunch and decide for yourself. And battery life is about setup and usage.... Roms and kernel make a minor difference.
Good luck!
---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------
Also, best threads are normally not allowed....but XDA was kind enough to give this device ONE thread for such questions.

kj2112 said:
Best is a matter of taste and preference. Asking others is pointless, you'll get a different answer every time.
Just flash a bunch and decide for yourself. And battery life is about setup and usage.... Roms and kernel make a minor difference.
Good luck!
---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------
Also, best threads are normally not allowed....but XDA was kind enough to give this device ONE thread for such questions.
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Could not have said it better!
Every user has found what works best for their phone, their apps, their usage, their signal strength...so you will simply get a list of every combination of ROM/kernel. Therefore these threads are not allowed on this development site...sorry.


[ROM] Android Open Kang Project - a500 Teaser [Fixed Wi-Fi!]

Not going to make this too formal. Just putting a teaser out there for the a500 users who want a taste of AOKP. Things will and are broken, namely camera and audio. This is how far I've gotten in 7 days and I had zero source to work with in the beginning. Hope you guys find it pretty good so far!
Full wipe and flash ROM.
Very, very interesting proposal. Thanks greatly for the tremendous effort. As for the broken items and bugs, how is that any different than any ASOP ROM?
Well, hey, I'll download it. You people know me, I'll flash anything
OP, you want me to PM you with feedback?
But if it be bricken me tab matey, I'll be comin fer ya
DL now. Sure is a small file??? 125mb? Sure this ain't fer a kiddie phone?
---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ----------
Would also appreciate ifn you didnt compile yer installer-script
---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------
Ok, install no problems. Looks like you have the same screen artifacts on boot as the current acer boot.image
1. Reboots after going to sleep. My guess kernel
2. I get 3g (501) signal and setings menus. This means it gets a signal, knows it's there, but can't lock on to an apn. Will work with this. Have to check your xml files.
Reboot when sleep is very annoying. Means I have to keep the screen active.
What kernel (device did you get this from?
Am surprised, none of the 501 users want to get involved. Ok, so be it.
Lots of folks are probably at work still...
Moscow Desire said:
Am surprised, none of the 501 users want to get involved. Ok, so be it.
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I'm here, and I want 3g on my tablet
MD's post looks promising. I'll flash it too when I get home.
FloatingFatMan said:
Lots of folks are probably at work still...
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845 pm bro.
Demographics dictate, that most 501 users are in Europe, and east Europe.
---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------
vizzzy said:
MD's post looks promising. I'll flash it too when I get home.
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It's a safe flash
Just remember what the OP said. No Wifi yet.
And, as I stated, if you let it go to sleep, it will reboot. So I would like, to check GPS, which means, you have to get GPS status.apk, and install it manually
But I like the signal bar comes up. But we 501 people, have to work on this. Everybody is fixed on the 500 leak.
Moscow Desire said:
845 pm bro.
Demographics dictate, that most 501 users are in Europe, and east Europe.
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At the time you posted, it was 16:25 in the UK, and 17:25 in the EU. Most people would still be at work, bro.
FloatingFatMan said:
At the time you posted, it was 16:25 in the UK, and 17:25 in the EU. Most people would still be at work, bro.
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Well, you have a point. But, regardless, it's 21:00 in Moscow mate. And I tell you, not a lot have responded to the thread. Compared to the a500 leaked roms. See where I'm coming from?
No offense FFM
---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------
Ok people, I am ex military, family tradition.
I would suggest those interested, we take an issue,
1. GPS
2. Wifi
3. 3g
Forget the kernel issues for now, as it's beyond me at the time.
I'll take 3g. More experience in it. If others want to do it also, well, communicate.
Wifi, should be moderate. Mostly apks and xml.s and hopefully not kernel related (I don't think it is)
GPS will be kernel related, but in this case, because I get signal bars, I think the kernel is ok. So, apk's and xml.
This is just a starting point. And of couse, if we take the same point, it doubles the output.
ROM Control > general UI > uncheck CRT animations to resolve the reboot upon sleep issue
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
not development related but more of an encouragement, I run aopk on my nexus, its the best. So if it becomes fully functional for my tab.... words cannot describe my joy. All the devs apart of any a500 development keep it up guys!! Your work is amazing!!! Thank you so much!
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
bdubs4200 said:
not development related but more of an encouragement, I run aopk on my nexus, its the best. So if it becomes fully functional for my tab.... words cannot describe my joy. All the devs apart of any a500 development keep it up guys!! Your work is amazing!!! Thank you so much!
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
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Just wish, the OP (Dev) would be a liitle more responsive.
Oh well, maybe we have to take matters into our own hands.
It is definately interesting. From a 501 aspect.
Moscow Desire said:
Just wish, the OP (Dev) would be a liitle more responsive.
Oh well, maybe we have to take matters into our own hands.
It is definately interesting. From a 501 aspect.
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Let's see. I spent 14 straight hours working on this build. I posted it at 5:42 AM EST then went to work. I've had no sleep for two days now and because I don't answer for a few hours I'm "unresponsive"? Uh, OK then.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
ProTekk said:
Let's see. I spent 14 straight hours working on this build. I posted it at 5:42 AM EST then went to work. I've had no sleep for two days now and because I don't answer for a few hours I'm "unresponsive"? Uh, OK then.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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your hard work most definitely hasn't gone unnoticed. Fantastic work . I'll be nearby to test all day tomorrow if needed, pm me.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
ProTekk said:
Let's see. I spent 14 straight hours working on this build. I posted it at 5:42 AM EST then went to work. I've had no sleep for two days now and because I don't answer for a few hours I'm "unresponsive"? Uh, OK then.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Not asking for your schedule, as we all have them. Just when you post something, you have to be prepared for immediate response. No offense intended
So, that sorted out, and others know you will respond, where do we go from here?
Fair warning, it is 2300 moscow time. I will go get some sleep. Work for a few hours in the early morning.
So, state your plan of attack.
---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------
And, I would focus on the positive stuff, and not replying to negative things.
This is how we get it working.
MD is 10-7
Wi-Fi is now working! Expect another release today!
Very nice work! Now, just remember to actually go to bed tonight!
FloatingFatMan said:
Very nice work! Now, just remember to actually go to bed tonight!
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I have the next two days off of work. I think I may slip in a few hours tonight and knock out the rest of these issues. As a sidenote, ALL of my work is open source and freely available!

[Q] Best rom

what rom are available and sure to work for the galaxy note 3 sm-n900t
and where can i find them
i am currently using DARTHSTALKER ROM
It's all a matter of option try them out for yourself and make your own decision?
Sent from my SPH-L720
---------- Post added at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------
Sorry if I was a little harsh in retrospect but what's best for someone may not be best for another..
The gamer will sacrifice battery for performance while the person that knows they are not getting a charge for 10 hrs will make sure the battery can last
Best is a term like normal
Normal is a setting on a dishwasher. Noone is normal. Everyone is unique and what normal or best for one could be insane for another
Sent from my SPH-L720
seanpx said:
what is the best rom available for galaxy note 3 sm-n900t
i am currently using DARTHSTALKER ROM
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You are new here, and maybe didn't know that "best ROM" threads are against the rules. Don't be surprised or take it personally if/when this thread is locked and/or deleted.

[DISCUSSION] CyanogenOS 13.0 with MOD

Cyanogen Inc. demonstrated CyanogenOS 13.0 on the OPO at the Mobile World Congress with deeper system level app support called MOD, which will be coming out next month. The Microsoft apps integration is now much more pervasive. So what do you think about it? Are you happy at receiving COS 13.0 or perceive it as further commercialized bloatware integration?
Commercialized bloatware integration. This.
I think it will be just lots of bloatware, but I'll give however a try; I'm still satisfied by stock 12.1 COS
tbh it's gonna be awesome, love it
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
From the video, seemed very nice. I'm looking forward to it.
Some of it seems ok, but i see a lot of headache coming down the road.
maybe even more battery drain...
Actually they want to include it not as bloat but as features under the hood.. They said they want user would not install 100 apps for making things, but system itself should do this.. And mods will be optional i think (except microsoft i think)XD
Wysłane z mojego A0001 przy użyciu Tapatalka
they live on these small fundings .they need money to feed families of everyone working.say with courtsey to them or anyway u get disable button
#sychrome# said:
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
they live on this .they need money to feed employee.say with courtsey
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Come again?
what do u mean??
#sychrome# said:
what do u mean??
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. aww for being polite
.u mean i copied paste
or i should repeat by agenda again everywhere
#sychrome# said:
. aww for being polite
.u mean i copied paste
or i should repeat by agenda again everywhere
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Look again your post above, and probably you will understand.
Now, back on topic here
Well, on 12.1 you can remove everything, I assume you can do on 13 too.
I don't think it will impact a lot on performance. Luckily we have a very mod-friendly device that, in case, can host lighter version of the ROM.
Elvecio said:
Well, on 12.1 you can remove everything, I assume you can do on 13 too.
I don't think it will impact a lot on performance. Luckily we have a very mod-friendly device that, in case, can host lighter version of the ROM.
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Exactly there are so many options for this device even when it comes to CM so if you don't like the Microsoft bloat just use the CM13 Nightlies (there Sultan and many other CM derivatives) . There's Omni, Dirty Unicorns and soon Exodus based on AOSP too.
Personally I'll try COS13 just to see how it looks and performs and if it satisfies me I'll stay on it for awhile.
The OP clearly doesn't like the new additions thanks to the loaded terminology he used ?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
To the people complaining about the bloat, does that seem like a slow device in the video? Not to me... Did they not stress that it isn't about apps, but about deeply integrated features that replace said apps. The way it's shaping up, it's looking to be a good thing. Feel like people are losing it because of Microsoft and to be completely honest, I don't know why. The apps they've released on iOS and Android in recent years have been great, giving even native apps a run for their money. But even if.. What is bloat? Is this not xda? Do not pray for bloat-free phones my friends. Pray to be better modders lol.
Verstuurd vanaf mijn A0001 met Tapatalk
Why are people complaining, about some news into the new upcomming COS13 with Mod.
As I always have done > If you don't like the app, then uninstall it or disable it.
I'm personal look ahead to the stuff and ofcource the new Rom also
So my point are > Stay cool > Wait to see what it brings you
Probably gonna stick with other ROMs, tired of their Boxer and MS bloat
ojaswinsingh said:
Probably gonna stick with other ROMs, tired of their Boxer and MS bloat
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again u can easily remove every app with root. why to make fuss ? and u r helpings someone .
---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 AM ----------
I am thinking whole point of google apps is to divide systems for easy updates and now cm had taken opposite route .

Best Android N rom with good battery?

Hey! So I was searching for a rom with good battery life and is android N. I really enjoy having a swift dark theme on my phone and listening to music quite often. If you could let me know that'd be great! (I'm new here so sorry if this is in the wrong section)
For me the best ever :
ledabe974 said:
For me the best ever :
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There is a new official thread though https://forum.xda-developers.com/on...m-aicp-12-1-n7-1-xrxx-official-t3565968/page5
---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------
I recommend Cosmic OS or Dirty Unicorns (DU is not on xda).
ledabe974 said:
For me the best ever :
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Thank you! About how much screen on time do you get??
Dranoel18 said:
There is a new official thread though https://forum.xda-developers.com/on...m-aicp-12-1-n7-1-xrxx-official-t3565968/page5
---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------
I recommend Cosmic OS or Dirty Unicorns (DU is not on xda).
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Okay cool! I'll have to check those out. Thank you! ^-^
You posted this in the correct location. this will turn into a more general discussion then a quick Q/A. Good luck OP on finding a ROM that best fits you. ^_^
**Please respect every ones opinion, what works for someone might be different for someone else.**
Battery life varies from one person to another depending on how he/she uses their phone and what apps they have and how many apps are running on background etc......... And are you lenient towards more customizability or battery life ? cause some people want both of them, and it is very difficult to achieve both. My suggestion for you would be to try a few of the most popular ROM's and then see which one suits you.
Omni or DirtyUnicorns
I switched from DU to Omni. In my opinion OMNI is the best in this moment.
Still waiting for Paranoid :/
Official Lineage OS. No bloatware/unnecessary features.
try mokee os
I have used almost all the nougat roms out there. I get 3 hours on screen time with lte on 24*7. Probably you'll get more if you're on wifi for sometime. But battery really depends upon your usage pattern. Go for lineage with Franco kernel. Keep it simple

Oreo OTA?

Hey there, is the oreo update really coming? it's been so long since i saw any news related to it
The people who know signed an NDA and will not tell us until the time is right. Someone said it would be April, but with these things it couldn't also be September.
---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
Oh and by the way, XDA rule number one, don't asks for the ETA! ?
Waancho said:
The people who know signed an NDA and will not tell us until the time is right. Someone said it would be April, but with these things it couldn't also be September.
---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
Oh and by the way, XDA rule number one, don't asks for the ETA!
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Oh, well. Guess we'll have to wait
Igorperrotta said:
Oh, well. Guess we'll have to wait
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There isn't no alternatives. Always yours can flash unofficial Rom and have fun in the mean time.
Waancho said:
There isn't no alternatives. Always yours can flash unofficial Rom and have fun in the mean time.
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I know, and i already did, but i use my camera a lot and the sotck rom is the best for camera perfomance
Did you trying the open camera. It's gives me better dark scenario performance than then stocks giveth me. Open camera.
Waancho said:
Did you trying the open camera. It's gives me better dark scenario performance than then stocks giveth me. Open camera.
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I did, and in some scenarios it really performs ebtter, but hdr is slow and now raw support. I really use RAW format

