V20 rewriting voicemail number - LG V20 Questions & Answers

I bought my US996 V20 from B&B and got it shipped to the UK where I live. It works fine in the UK except for one anomaly.
I have my service provider's voicemail number 901 set up as the voicemail number in the phone settings. But if I attempt to ring 901, either by holding down the 1 key OR by simply dialling 901, my phone attempts to ring +17855366... I.e. it dials my UK mobile number but with the American prefix. I then inevitably get the "number not recognised" message.
This is evidently some consequence of the phone being intended for sale and use in North America. But I can't work out why it is doing this or how to stop it. Meanwhile I can't access my voicemail when the phone is set up properly.
To get round this, I put any random incorrect number in the phone's voicemail setting then I can manually dial 901 without the phone hijacking it and redirecting my call to +1..... So it's a minor annoyance at best, but it's intrigued me so if anybody knows why it's doing this, and how to stop it, I'd be very grateful.
All the best


Call barring password on T-Mobile US ???

I have T-Moble here in the US and updated my Pocket PC Phone edition rom versio 4.00.16 ENG and noticed they have this call barring feature in the phone settings that lets you bar incoming or aout going calls but to activate you have to enter a call barring password does anyone know what it is.
i never used or tried it, but i was told its the last 4 digits of your social securty # or last 4 of your fone #
I tried both abd it didnt work but thanks for the info
I always thought call barring was done through the sim/service provider password.
T-Mobile also uses 1234 as a default password often.
also try 5678
Thanks again people i will try thpse suggestions today
Where did you find a 4.00.xx update for Tmobile? I just checked their site and they still had the old Nov 2002 3.16 code up there.
If you look at the ROM Update section of this forum you will see we have easy access to various 4.00.xx ROM updates.
SIM PIN 1 & 2
Ok, I had an experience earlier this year where one of my t-mobile phones (not the PPC) wanted "Sim Pin 2" to access a feature. I ended up getting my sim pin blocked and called up t-mo support. After a little bit of "Try to get the information out of the dumb support person" I finally had the person ask me "Well, I could give you PUK1 and PUK2, if you think that would help", I said i thought it might, and she gave me the two keys to the kingdom (Along with what SIM PIN 2 was originally, just a random string of number). The moral: Call T-Mobile, tell them you have a feature that you can't unlock and that you think you've screwed up your phone bigtime. If they ask if you want to send it in, say no, that you think you can fix the problem if they give you these weird PUK numbers or PIN numbers. They'll probably just be happy to get you off the phone, and these might be the numbers you're looking for.
Tmobile has a special plan called the "data-only" plan that automatically blocks all incoming or outgoing calls. However, it still allows emergency dialing (911) and 611 calls... Just call a rep and have them set you up with that plan! Everything costs the same...

Increasing number of rings prior to diversion or missed call

Can the number of rings prior to a call diversion or a missed call listing be varied on the XDA 2 Mini itself or is it a service provider setting. What is maximum time setting? At the moment it seems about only 20 seconds and i currently miss a lot of calls because I am not quite quick enough getting it out of the holder, opening the cover and answering the phone.
It's an Operator function so you'll need to speak to them about it. You can send codes to some operators from your phone so hopefully they'll tell you what the codes are!
Read This
The (your prefix, your number) can be any number you like, it is the number the caller is diverted to when you do not answer, ie your network answer phone number is default so make a note of this first.

Hermes not showing name display

My provider, Fido, offers a service where the name of the caller and telephone number show up. It's called name display. Unfortunately, on the hermes, the name does not show up. I only get the telephone number.
I have used another phone with this service and the service works.
I have been through several roms and they all give the same result. Any clues to what could be going on?
bump bump77
I never knew there was this funtionality from the provider......
Always thought there was a conversion on the phone when there comes a call in. Number recognition is we'll known, name send with the provider I have never heard off.....
Hope someone has an answer for you!
"What is Name Display?
It's a unique service exclusively offered by Fido and Rogers that lets you see on your handset display a caller's NAME and phone number from Fido, Rogers Wireless and landline callers across the nation, even if it isn't entered in your phone book. So you'll always know who's calling you. "
dying to find a solution
I have Hermes from Rogers. I have name display and of course stop working after upgrading to WM6.
just to prevent duplication, please read what I've done so far at the following link:
I don't have enought info or experience. Can anybody help? Work together or direction whatever...
This cannot be impossible. I don't think HTC developed a driver only for Rogers.

Calls to this number are barred

If this question has been answered before I’m sorry I’ve had a search but can’t find anything.
I’ve using a HTC Touch which was on Orange, I’ve unlocked it and now use Virgin.
The problem is when I try to get my voice mail all I get is the message “calls to this number are barred”. This is annoying as this is one of the reason I prefer Virgin you don’t get charged for them.
Is this a normal thing when you unlock a phone from Orange or is there something staring me in the face that I have missed.
Can anyone help please?
it may still be calling the orange voicemail by the sounds of it, check the voicemail number
i moved from orange to Vodafone and then to O2, and have never had that problem,
I just had this problem moving to a SonyEricsson Xperia X1 on Virgin Mobile UK.
My voicemail access number was +44-051-<mynumber>.
Turns out that the phone dialer was taking out the '0' from the dialing string and I'd get the "calls to this number are barred" message.
After trying a whole bunch of different ROMS and spending quite some time on the phone to the Virgin support staff, I was nowhere. Eventual solution was to add an extra 0 and dialling +44-0051-<mynumber> - the phone dialer only takes out one '0'.
Hope this helps some other frustrated soul.

Where is the "Caller ID Setting"?

Hey everyone,
my Axon seems to hide my phone number by default when I call other people.
I know that the phone is responsible for this because:
1. others can see my number when I call them with my old phone
2. when I put *31# in front of a number to basically override the phones setting the person I'm calling will see that it's me.
I feel like there is no setting to change the caller ID option in my Axon. At least it's not where it normally is (Call Settings, Additional Settings).
Does anyone have a similar problem or even better, a solution?
I asked about this on ZTE`s forum and never received a reply.
Okay, that's interesting.
I wonder why no one in the Axon 7 section talks about this issue. There should be more people with the same problem.
This is generally a carrier setting problem not a phone problem.
For T- Mobile not sure about ATT.
*67DN Activate Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) for outgoing call
*82DN Deactivate Activate Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) for outgoing call
In this case I know that it is not a carrier problem because I've tested it.
It might be worth mentioning that I own the European model and that I live in Germany.
Same for me, Europen Version and I live in Germany. Provider is O2. Switched from my HTC M8 to the Axon 7, had no hidden caller ID whatsoever on the M8.
Kind of annoying and I can't find anything to switch it off.
Anyone else has the same problem?
rootkowa said:
Anyone else has the same problem?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I live in France and my provider is Free Mobile.
The caller ID works for me.
My Axon 7 is a 2017G model with B05 firmware.
I've got news:
After dialing the gsm code #31# the phone is no longer automatically hiding my number. The strange thing is that this code is supposed to do something completely different: hide the number for the next call.
This still works after restarting the phone but after updating the software (bo5 to b06) I had to dial the code again which means that this method is only a temporary fix and this is something the ZTE devs have to look into.
Same here in Spain
I suscribe all your comments ace.infinity.
I'm in Spain, my carrier is Oceans. I'm in last build and with code *31# my name appears, I have to use it in all calls to be visible.
No solution found by the moment.
ItsLasher said:
This is generally a carrier setting problem not a phone problem.
For T- Mobile not sure about ATT.
*67DN Activate Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) for outgoing call
*82DN Deactivate Activate Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) for outgoing call
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is the phone setting itself that is now hidden from thre user menu that is actually hiding the number!
I was able to modify my caller ID setting by opening the phone app > menu> setting > call setting> SIM 1 or 2> additional setting.

