New touch digitizer + LCD display - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I dropped my old first generation Nexus 7 and the display cracked. At first I thought to throw it away but on second thought I checked how much a new display would cost. I noticed that I could could order a new one at eBay under 25 euros. (Including postage to Finland.) Are these legitimate working displays or would I just waste time and money?


Broken Touch

I broke my 5th Touch, it's the lcd this time. This time I don't have the insurance. It maybe time to move on since Android 2.2 on the Touch is just a little too slow for me. I see Eris's occasionally pop up for <$200 but the it appears to be not much faster then an over clocked Touch. Samsung Moments pop up for the same price but I don't think I want keyboard anymore. They do have a 800 mhz processor and a nice screen. For the most part the Moment isn't that stellar of device but I am curious about how the hacked roms run on it. Any input on these two phones would be appreciated.
If I decide to keep the Touch, I saw I can pick up a LCD on ebay for $44 (includes shipping from HK). Anyone one know of better deal? More importantly, is there a better LCD that can be installed on the Touch?
Just an FYI, I did end up buying a new LCD. It was $27.65 and the seller was in Westminster, Ca (LA area). So it was over night shipping, sure beats waiting for stuff from China. First link is the LCD and Second link is his Ebay store. Display looks and works fine. Very easy repair.

[Q] Cracked nexus 7 screen, some functionality.

This past weekend I had to go through horrifying experience having to deal my nexus 7's screen cracking. Long story short, my girlfriend, younger brother and I were hanging out in my room, I had left my nexus 7 on the left side of my bed and got up to get something in my room, mean while, my obvious younger brother decided it would be a good idea to sit exactly where I had left my nexus 7...if only he had stayed in the chair that was in my room. Well, my nexus 7 happened to be facing front side up and when he sat on my beautiful tablet, the screen cracked... the 50 dollars Gumdrop Drop Tech Series Case I had invested in proved to be no match to his rear end.
I sat there quite silent for a couple minutes, no words to say, it was just as time itself had paused to morn for my loss. Well anyhow, I ordered a brand spanking new 32GB nexus 7 last night and I'm expecting it to arrive tomorrow . I was fiddling around with my nexus 7 and I managed to enable "show touches" in the developer options by attaching a mouse to my device. I noticed that top left corner of the screen gave touch feed back.
My question is why the small portion of the touch screen responds to touch when the majority of the screen doesn't, this anomaly (from reading various forum posts, the nexus 7 screen isn't suppose to respond to touch once the screen is cracked) leaves me pondering if there was something I could do to make the other portion of the screen to work. I was originally looking into screen replacement options, but from what I read and saw first hand, it's better to buy a whole new unit (like I had mentioned I had done in the earlier text) than to purchase a brand new digitizer. The other option would be to find a bricked nexus 7 on the internet and salvage the screen, and trying to find a low priced bricked nexus 7 on the internet is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.
Now, I'm a college student (majoring in Computer Networking System Administrations ) and blew 3/4 of my savings for a new unit (I'm poor!). If there is no financially feasible method for replacing the screen enabling being able sell the device for higher price, how much do you folks think I could sell it for? Keep in mind, my cracked nexus 7 is 16GB model and is unlocked (rooted) and is in pretty the good shape despite the cracked screen, the actual display has not been damaged, it's just touch digitizer that is not working properly.
Thanks for reading my lengthy post/ramble
So I take it your brother who broke it won't be compensating you for breaking your tablet? I would be pissed, he should at least pay for some of the cost of the replacement.
kmo_9000 said:
So I take it your brother who broke it won't be compensating you for breaking your tablet? I would be pissed, he should at least pay for some of the cost of the replacement.
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Well he's actually going compensate me with 50 bucks so that's nice.
Hi, I have exactly the same problem and had the same idea. If i can calibrate the digitizer to exactly 50% of the original dimensions I could use the working area of the screen to operate the device. Did you find a way to do this?
fletchenator910 said:
Well he's actually going compensate me with 50 bucks so that's nice.
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no offence intended but anyone who breaks my tablet, family or not would be compensating me 100% plus a srry beer thrown in.

Cracked my stupid screen. Replace or repair?

With the price drop, this seems less and less financially appealing but:
I dropped my Nexus 4 five inches from the ground and the bottom half is non responsive. I can see on the screen but the touch is dead.
I have a Nexus 7 2013 edition 32GB. I thought of consolidating my devices into one and getting a Note 2 after selling the dead N4 and my new N7. I feel like the 5.5" might not be enough. Is the N4 worth repairing with the price drop?
It just sucks to have a broken phone. I have no idea what to do with it.
i'd just ebay it as broken as is and buy a new phone
caaznkid said:
i'd just ebay it as broken as is and buy a new phone
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+1 to this.

Broken Screen

Unfortunately i broke de screen of my nexus. Ca someone who have passed for the same situation say how much is to change the screen officialy by Asus?
It´s better chenge the screen or buy a new one? I already have an LG Gpad but if i solve the problem i give the nexus to my daughter.
If you're up to it, changing out the screen+digitizer is actually not too bad. I bought a replacement combo on Amazon for $60ish. There are some guides online which are pretty helpful and it took me a total of 30 min to do. The toughest part was removing the bezel from the glass.
That being said, I have seen some used Nexus 7's on CL for as low as $60 so if you're comfortable with that, it is another option.

moto g8 power screen replacement

Hi All,
Since this is the 2nd time I've replaced my screen, i thought let's share my "real life experience" with replacing the screen, and if it is worth it, since the phone is kinda cheap. This is not a technical how to in replacing the screen. just my experience ( i'f you need some assistance in that, i'm happy to help) .
so first of all, if you have no experience in replacing the screen, it might be too expensive to replace. If you have the skill set to replace it yourself , it is definitely worth it.
The first time i replaced my screen i bought a screen from Ali express for around € 30 , and after replacing my screen i thought all was fine, however, the brightness level of that screen was simply too low.
so i tried finding a decent replacement, and even reached out to Motorola in order to get a decent screen. Sadly they wouldn't send me one, and only want to do the repair themself. The worst thing, I had to send it to England, wait out the quote for a repair and they couldn't tell me how much it was approximately gonna cost. ( kept getting the answer "the engineers will make an estimate" )
Since I'm an Advocate for Right to repair, the Motorola answer is something I'm really unhappy with. So far this is the only downside i found in Motorola, i somehow thought They were different, .... I guess i was wrong.
After searching for a while I found a reseller that sells the Motorola original Screens ( including the body ) for € 60
I think that repacing it is worth it, but only if you can replace it yourself, since it takes quite some time, and a repair shop would probably charge more then € 75 for the repair, excluding the screen.
so far I'm happy with the results, and i will be able to enjoy this phone a while longer.
