Guy on reddit has it! - Google Pixel XL Guides, News, & Discussion

Pixel XL in hand, AMA
Check it out, he's done a stabilisation video, looks great! Also if you check out his drive you can see a storage benchmark.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Stabilization is good but gives the video a weird feel to it.

btw heres a side by side with the 6p camera

Did he mention how he got the device this early? I couldn't find any info on the reddit thread or might have missed it.

italia0101 said:
btw heres a side by side with the 6p camera
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Which video is for which device? The one on the right is super wobbly.

androidpixar said:
Did he mention how he got the device this early? I couldn't find any info on the reddit thread or might have missed it.
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Not sure
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

stevew84 said:
Which video is for which device? The one on the right is super wobbly.
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It's pretty Obvious, he shakes them and says the name
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

italia0101 said:
It's pretty Obvious, he shakes them and says the name
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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I didn't listen to the audio...haha.

The stabilization video where he is jogging is nice
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Could someone ask the Reddit guy how well the phone works while wearing leather gloves?

Ok, in the sound comparrison test, it sounds like the pixel is louder than the 6p????

Did the post get deleted? Weird.

where the video did i late?
أرسلت من Nexus 6P بإستخدام تاباتلك

Yea looks like he deleted it? Maybe he got told off lol,
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Guy got pwned by google.. bummer was great videos

gregk232 said:
Ok, in the sound comparrison test, it sounds like the pixel is louder than the 6p????
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Yeah, he said the Pixel XL speaker was louder and more clear in a Reddit post before it got deleted. Maybe the speaker is bigger or higher quality or maybe both

mixedguy said:
Yeah, he said the Pixel XL speaker was louder and more clear in a Reddit post before it got deleted. Maybe the speaker is bigger or higher quality or maybe both
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F*** yes!!

This place saved some of the videos and pictures from the Reddit post. The night shot picture comparison looks really good. The 6P looks decent, but when you expand the pictures the Pixel shows a lot less grain and a lot more detail.

mtucker said:
This place saved some of the videos and pictures from the Reddit post. The night shot picture comparison looks really good. The 6P looks decent, but when you expand the pictures the Pixel shows a lot less grain and a lot more detail.
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It sure does, but I remember reading on Reddit earlier that HDR+ was not being utilized by accident at some point on the 6P. So I wonder if that shot from the 6P used HDR+ or not... if it did, that's a huge increase in image quality... like, best low light smartphone camera in the world quality. But if the 6P didn't use HDR+ in that shot, then the comparison is useless.

I think he got deleted and the video is gone I think as well


Poor Camera?

Since the search function is working, wasn't sure if there are any other threads about this.
I came from the s2(et4g) which had an amazing camera. Anyone else find the camera quality on still photos kinda poor on this phone?? I know video is awesome, especially with the video bitrate hack, but still photos do not come out to good. Front or rear camera. Post your findings. Hopefully its just software related
Mine have been pretty stellar.
I am not impressed at all with the camera, the one X is taking better pic imo
A little bummed out about that
the camera on mine is just terrible. Backlit CMOS sensor my a$$.
The camera is better than the s2 but does not compare to the htc one s/x.
I'm coming from a GNex and the quality on the GS3 is amazing compared to the GNex, and much better than the GS2, IMO. Probably a dumb question, but have you made sure there aren't any smudges or anything like that on the camera lenses? I know of mine gets a little finger print or a smudge the quality goes to balls until I clean it up.
Success100 said:
Since the search function is working, wasn't sure if there are any other threads about this.
I came from the s2(et4g) which had an amazing camera. Anyone else find the camera quality on still photos kinda poor on this phone?? I know video is awesome, especially with the video bitrate hack, but still photos do not come out to good. Front or rear camera. Post your findings. Hopefully its just software related
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d1ez3 said:
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Go to the first post in this thread for instructions on how to check your camera firmware. Tell us which version you have
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
DeadPlasmaCell said:
I'm coming from a GNex and the quality on the GS3 is amazing compared to the GNex, and much better than the GS2, IMO. Probably a dumb question, but have you made sure there aren't any smudges or anything like that on the camera lenses? I know of mine gets a little finger print or a smudge the quality goes to balls until I clean it up.
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i think the s2 takes better pics then the one series HTC phones. thats just me. had the eve lte for a few days. It took great pics, but i feel the s2 has better pics
dasistsparta said:
The camera is better than the s2 but does not compare to the htc one s/x.
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limeaid said:
Go to the first post in this thread for instructions on how to check your camera firmware. Tell us which version you have
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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ill check that out. and of course the search function is working again lol. oh well
DIDNT know that post correlated to this topic. reading over there now. mods please close!
Success100 said:
i think the s2 takes better pics then the one series HTC phones. thats just me. had the eve lte for a few days. It took great pics, but i feel the s2 has better pics
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Even the htc amaze takes better pics than the s2. Just saying.
My sgs3 is taking much better pix than my sgs2 and HTC evo I played with. HTC has too much noise even in bright condition. And did a comparison picture with both and mine was no noise, and sharp. HTC was opposite. I have firmware zd
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
In low light condition I wish my gs3 took better pictures but I am satisfied with it anyways
coming from a gs2 skyrocket i compared them side by side and the s3 pictures are alot better hands down
My S3 takes way better pictures than my S2. The difference is night and day...
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
TheJanitor07 said:
My S3 takes way better pictures than my S2. The difference is night and day...
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Hey can you post the camera firmware from the instructions in the thread linked above. I have the t mobile version too with ZD firmware and low light performance is not good. Just curios if you have the difference module and firmware. If so i may try my luck exchanging the phone at store.
Sent from my SGH-T999
Just checked. Mine is ZDFE02.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app

Live concert demo video/sound

First of all, I took the earphones protective plastic off them and put it to protect the camera, so don't know if the quality got affected, don't think so.
After 40 sec after the intro in the first video, the sound quality gets better.
The sound is better than live actually in the first example at least, it was way too loud in there, I didn't hear that well live as in the video lol. (It was damn loud)
What do you think? I think it's over average.
Shebee said:
First of all, I took the earphones protective plastic off them and put it to protect the camera, so don't know if the quality got affected, don't think so.
After 40 sec after the intro, the sound quality gets better.
The sound is better than live actually, it was way too loud in there, I didn't hear that well live as in the video lol.
What do you think? I think it's over average.
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Thats one way to get views lol, but honestly, very had to tell on picture quality as all i can see is black and blue, sound is loud and clear.
Sound is very good. My nexus 5 failed on sound on a similar recording in a nightclub it became very distorted.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Video might not be that great but the audio really blew me away.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
Shebee said:
Video might not be that great but the audio really blew me away.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
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Well actually the video isn't *that* bad, especially the parts where that crap blue light isn't the primary light that's shining. Audio quality of course was very good.
I think the recording turned out quite good, I've seen live shows with more professional cameras that did a worst job so the device you used really wasn't all that bad at all, for a mobile device.
Yeah,the lights were flashing like crazy, I think if I would've been closer it might have turned out great. But nonetheless the sound is awesome.
Had anyone else recorded live music with the m8 or any other phone for that matter?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
Shebee said:
First of all, I took the earphones protective plastic off them and put it to protect the camera, so don't know if the quality got affected, don't think so.
After 40 sec after the intro, the sound quality gets better.
The sound is better than live actually, it was way too loud in there, I didn't hear that well live as in the video lol.
What do you think? I think it's over average.
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The plastic will definitely affect quality, how much can vary. It is mass produced plastic with a very high tolerance for variances. It will be thicker in areas & thinner on others, on the order of microns probably, but could be enough to cause distortion. Hard to tell in the lighting how or if it was affected. As other mentioned, the audio is great.
Hey Guys,
I no its against the rules, but how can I make up my mind other than this...
I have an m7 and for me the main things are :
- speaker quality (m8 should be better right? deeper sounds, louder etc..)
- Camera (lack of ois I find disturbing)
- Mic quality???
I recorded this with m7 next to a f..huge speaker and the bass came out just right... will it be the same for the m8? (sorry about the music, its not that good
check this out
the image is moveing strange?
zimilaci said:
Hey Guys,
I no its against the rules, but how can I make up my mind other than this...
I have an m7 and for me the main things are :
- speaker quality (m8 should be better right? deeper sounds, louder etc..)
- Camera (lack of ois I find disturbing)
- Mic quality???
I recorded this with m7 next to a f..huge speaker and the bass came out just right... will it be the same for the m8? (sorry about the music, its not that good
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Took this short clip today, yes it was LOUD.
The video is really crappy though, don't know why it's so dark...
Sound awesome again!
Shebee said:
Took this short clip today, yes it was LOUD.
The video is really crappy though, don't know why it's so dark...
Sound awesome again!
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I just bought the M8 today so thanks anyway )) now going back on stock with m7 (its gonna be tough
Shebee said:
Took this short clip today, yes it was LOUD.
The video is really crappy though, don't know why it's so dark...
Sound awesome again!
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Yes, its quite good I am comparing the HTC m7 and m8 currently (Girlfriend has the m7 now and I have a few months to find out whether the m8 is for me or not... anyway what I found out from the HTC support, that the m8 has also dual membrane microphone, but they werent giving out any brand or whatever...
I hope the lack of OIS will not be a big do you guys see that?
zimilaci said:
Yes, its quite good I am comparing the HTC m7 and m8 currently (Girlfriend has the m7 now and I have a few months to find out whether the m8 is for me or not... anyway what I found out from the HTC support, that the m8 has also dual membrane microphone, but they werent giving out any brand or whatever...
I hope the lack of OIS will not be a big do you guys see that?
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Lack of OIS is a big issue. That's why I gonna stick with M7. It's real downgrade. Video are very shaky. Shooting movie with one hand gonna be unacceptable.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
alangrig said:
Lack of OIS is a big issue. That's why I gonna stick with M7. It's real downgrade. Video are very shaky. Shooting movie with one hand gonna be unacceptable.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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In general a big issue, or you are taking videos while you are moving? :S for example from a moving car, or I dont know... in concert it should be no problem...
and the htc one reduces the framerate in darker env...
(ps I am also not sure how to or what to do ..keep it or not +
zimilaci said:
In general a big issue, or you are taking videos while you are moving? :S for example from a moving car, or I dont know... in concert it should be no problem...
and the htc one reduces the framerate in darker env...
(ps I am also not sure how to or what to do ..keep it or not +
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Well lets take a simple real situation. I very often take video of my son, who does karate sport. Taking steady video of my son with M7 preserving stable image on any distance while he accomplishes performance is very easy. Even on big screen pictures looks very stable. Shooting video under mentioned conditions with non OIS camera is headache. Even watching video on 12" screen size looks disgusting. It is very shaky. Having watched many video samples from M8, I'm really disappointed, this feature being dismissed.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
*grabs popcorn*
mushages said:
*grabs popcorn*
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Not my Video, but if it performs like this...then I am gonna stick to it
mushages said:
*grabs popcorn*
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You can clearly hear, S5 has distortion on low frequency. M8 is better, but worse than M7
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 05:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 AM ----------
alangrig said:
You can clearly hear, S5 has distortion on low frequency. M8 is better, but worse than M7, of course if you have M7 with hdr mics, like mine.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
alangrig said:
You can clearly hear, S5 has distortion on low frequency. M8 is better, but worse than M7
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 05:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 AM ----------
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Is there a comparison between the m7 and m8?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
Yes I made a short one today, same audio recording with the built in audio recorder and a video with the m7 and the m8 after each other....
I will try to upload them today somewhere
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app

Engadget Hands On

Engadget Hands On.
As for the camera:
Speaking of photos, the Nexus 6 packs an improved 13-megapixel sensor that - in all honesty - seems to run circles around the camera the Moto X got. Motorola's dead-simple camera interface was nowhere to be found, though, leaving the stock Google Camera app in control. Truth be told, we didn't miss it all that much -- what really matters is that the Nexus 6 doesn't suck at taking photos. Considering the luck the Nexus family has had with cameras, you should be very, very excited.
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That sounds good. Looking forward to getting one.
This review shows off the display better than most I've seen.
neyenlives said:
This review shows off the display better than most I've seen.
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Really does and it looks really nice and bright
Yep. I'm not worried about the screen anymore. All reviews say the speakers are good too, but I want to hear them!
No one! has talked about the speakers yet..... Surprised myself, and make me think they might be just average
jbdan said:
No one! has talked about the speakers yet..... Surprised myself, and make me think they might be just average
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A pair of average front facing stereo speakers is an upgrade from a single rear facing speaker of any kind.
neyenlives said:
A pair of average front facing stereo speakers is an upgrade from a single rear facing speaker of any kind.
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I second this. It would hopefully be the same as or better than what the MotoX has.
via Tapatalk
stankyou said:
I second this. It would hopefully be the same as or better than what the MotoX has.
via Tapatalk
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The moto x has one speaker. This has two. It will be better.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Let's see them Pictures!!

Always wanted to be the guy who created the pictures thread for a note . Post pictures when you get them.
I don't know if this is what you want but here is a picture I grabbed on my first day.
Slie said:
I don't know if this is what you want but here is a picture I grabbed on my first day.
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Have you edited the photo before posting?
Slie said:
I don't know if this is what you want but here is a picture I grabbed on my first day.
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That picture looks amazing
Sent from my SM-G925V using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2
Hamidd said:
Have you edited the photo before posting?
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No sir, I snapped it. Then saw this thread and uploaded it. I admit I might have been able make it better. I do agree the fact I can see the rain off to the left is amazing!
The camera on the N5 is fantastic!!
Unedited snapshot from my Note 5
Sent from my SM-N920V using XDA Free mobile app
it's about time. I had been looking for a pictures thread a few days ago.
(Sent from another Galaxy via Tapatalk)
It's great. The night time shot was done manually in pro mode. In auto it came out too exposed.
foulmouthedruffian said:
The camera on the N5 is fantastic!!
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Wow, that bird pic looks amazing. This is great stuff, better than my LG G4 for sure.
How is the new 4k DIS with OIS like? Is it much better?
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egren58 said:
View attachment 3457086
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I must admit, you have kept that dinosaur in very good condition. Clean too. Nice Pic as well
Hendrickson said:
Wow, that bird pic looks amazing. This is great stuff, better than my LG G4 for sure.
How is the new 4k DIS with OIS like? Is it much better?
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here's someone's video sample...
(Sent from another Galaxy via Tapatalk)
xxSTARBUCKSxx said:
I must admit, you have kept that dinosaur in very good condition. Clean too. Nice Pic as well
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Lol thanks
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Hendrickson said:
Wow, that bird pic looks amazing. This is great stuff, better than my LG G4 for sure.
How is the new 4k DIS with OIS like? Is it much better?
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Thanks! To be fair, he's super handsome and photogenic and makes every picture good. The slow motion (which my last phone did not have) has been my obsession as of late to capture flying video.
To my great embarrassment, I haven't even messed with the 4k recording. I do take a lot of bird video, but my excuse is I run a blog for my parrot and have some pretty steep limitations on video upload.
Took a couple macro shots, quite impressed with what I see (got the phone today)
(motherboard of the Galaxy S4)
The camera still has some issues with low light conditions; however, certainly a major improvement from any other Android device and on par with iPhone low light shots (though I would say Note 5 dominates during regular lighting conditions)
Also, for anyone wondering about the aggressive RAM profile, loaded up Hearthstone, Vainglory, Chrome, iFunny, and Pandora. No Apps killed. Seems to only affect some phones (or models?)
Brinith said:
Took a couple macro shots, quite impressed with what I see (got the phone today)
(motherboard of the Galaxy S4)
View attachment 3457154
View attachment 3457155
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Now those are some damn impressive shots!
(Sent from another Galaxy via Tapatalk)
foulmouthedruffian said:
Now those are some damn impressive shots!
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Yep especially considering its using the standard mode (I can only imagine the quality I can get if I take the time to set it up for macro in pro mode) and a regular desk lamp lighting.

Pictures & Videos taken with the Google Pixel

Hey everyone, I made a similar post while waiting for the 6P. Let's start off posting pictures of what we can find from reviews and then post your personal shots once the phones start rolling in.
more can be found here:
per source: It appears at least half of these photos were processed with Snapseed and VSCO.

jona_12 said:
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I'm guessing either that is a HDR+ oversight, meaning it was not utilized properly, or Google decided to keep contrast in this situation. Without being there to view the scene with my own eyes, I can't determine which photo is better (more accurate). Maybe keeping the shadows darker was truer to the scene, and again, produced sharp looking contrast. Or maybe HDR+ dropped the ball here - who knows?
I won't really judge until real reviews come out with post-release software.
I went for a wander at lunchtime to get some real world samples from the camera. Didn't have long so not exactly the best photography but it should give everyone a bit of an idea about the camera's real world performance.
EDIT: It seems the tapatalk upload destroys image quality, so here is a Google Photos link for the full resolution versions of the below, along with a couple of extra shots:
Wouldn't focus quite as close as I wanted despite clicking a lot in the closest flower but plenty of detail where it did decide to focus:
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
The dog
what's the best way to upload an image? right now I'm just on XDA via chromium
diabl0w said:
what's the best way to upload an image? right now I'm just on XDA via chromium
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The App

Great photos
Does anyone know or can anyone test to see if adobe lightroom mobile allows taking photos in raw? OR another app to shoot in raw?
Very low light, smokey environment. Turned out much clearer than expected
Just saw this great shootout video from PCWorld. They compare the Pixel (XL in this case) to the S7, iPhone 7 Plus and V20. Def worth watching!
Really love this camera. Everything is so well balanced
Pictures taking in my hometown Groningen in the Netherlands
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HDR+ only
I don't care what anybody says. This camera is dope. I like it better than my Samsung Galaxy S7 camera.
Happy Halloween!
A few snaps...
Sent from my sailfish using XDA Labs
I did some late night shoots in the city
I see that there is a lot of quality lost by posting this here.... [emoji52]
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
Random sunset time comparison with the 6P
Nexus first then Pixel. I believe the result on the nexus is better. Even though it can be harder to capture that shot and even though it takes longer to shoot, process and open the app. The nexus also has terrible stabilisation, has trouble autofocussing and fails to get close up in macros.
subhani said:
Nexus first then Pixel. I believe the result on the nexus is better. Even though it can be harder to capture that shot and even though it takes longer to shoot, process and open the app. The nexus also has terrible stabilisation, has trouble autofocussing and fails to get close up in macros.
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I hardly see any difference....
I prefer the pixel slightly,
And the things you mentioned are the difference
I can't download them at full resolution so it's hard to say this way which one is clearly better.
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coolhead said:
I hardly see any difference....
I prefer the pixel slightly,
And the things you mentioned are the difference
I can't download them at full resolution so it's hard to say this way which one is clearly better.
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Yeah I uploaded them on tinypic and I thought they embed them in the thread with a click function to take it to their site for full resolution. I could swear it used to do that. I need another solution.
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