Wifi fix not working - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i was using ambasadi stock deoxed rom with imperium kernel and my wifi stopped working out of the blue.
I had a problem with it before eventually got a modem that was working fine. Tried everything from the posts wifi fix reinstalled different roms modems and kernels etc.. still cant get it running. Before a random the wifi fix didnt work as intended i just kept installing different modems and eventually one worked. No luck this time though.
Any ideas ladies and gents?!

Go back to stock with full wipe and everything.


Please help. GPS and WiFi not working... any ideas?

I'm having a problem. Hopefully someone can help. Im running the Epic Experience ROM with the newest mixup kernel.Ive been running this ROM flawlessly for a few days and now for some reason when I click wifi or gps I don't get the icons at the top and they do not run but 4G will kick in. I tried wiping data and cache and re flashing the ROM and nothing. I also tried re doing the one click root and nothing. Any ideas?
Ok I got my GPS running but WiFi is still not working.

[Q] Wifi broken, can't seem to fix it

Using the international i9505 LTE, I tried flashing faux's kernel today, and everything appeared to be working. I also then flashed the xposed framework/some modules. Afterwards, I realised my wifi wasn't working anymore, and disabling the xposed framework didn't help. I also tried flashing the ausdim kernel which didn't work, as well as flashing my modem file, and the apparent wifi fix files multiple times, none of which solved the problem.
I have a nandroid backup, but would rather not restore it atm as it was made a while ago and I don't want to restore all the apps and stuff, so does anyone have any idea how to go about solving this problem?
nwsk said:
Using the international i9505 LTE, I tried flashing faux's kernel today, and everything appeared to be working. I also then flashed the xposed framework/some modules. Afterwards, I realised my wifi wasn't working anymore, and disabling the xposed framework didn't help. I also tried flashing the ausdim kernel which didn't work, as well as flashing my modem file, and the apparent wifi fix files multiple times, none of which solved the problem.
I have a nandroid backup, but would rather not restore it atm as it was made a while ago and I don't want to restore all the apps and stuff, so does anyone have any idea how to go about solving this problem?
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Basically yesterday I had the same problem, flash after flash didn't help. Can tell you exactly, what I did:
Found factory version of my firmware in my region (SEB Baltics for me, MGA). Then I reinstalled TWRP recovery through ODIN, wiped everything I could, after that flashed stock firmware 2 times consecutively (no reboot in odin, reboot manually after first flash and flash again).
After that everything went fine, and Wi-Fi started working again. MH1 custom ROM right now, going ok.
Googling seems to suggest having to reflash stuff multiple times (I've seen someone say they flashed their stock rom 11 times wtf), and there doesn't seem to be any set procedure that gets the flash to work... Did you also flash multiple times before this last run worked? Perhaps you just got lucky and it worked the last time? (I assume no one tries to bork their wifi and test if their last routine works again for them).
I'm asking mainly because I don't want to go through the hassle of reflashing the entire rom again; would it be correct to say that wifi is just contained in the modem/radio file, and I should try spam flashing that?
No. WiFi drivers are in the kernel, not the modem. If you were going to flash anything, you'd flash a kernel/rom.
nwsk said:
Using the international i9505 LTE, I tried flashing faux's kernel today, and everything appeared to be working. I also then flashed the xposed framework/some modules. Afterwards, I realised my wifi wasn't working anymore, and disabling the xposed framework didn't help. I also tried flashing the ausdim kernel which didn't work, as well as flashing my modem file, and the apparent wifi fix files multiple times, none of which solved the problem.
I have a nandroid backup, but would rather not restore it atm as it was made a while ago and I don't want to restore all the apps and stuff, so does anyone have any idea how to go about solving this problem?
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I suggest you use titanium backup to bakup your apps, it's not a tough job as you thought. that might be the easiest way, although some data can't be backup.
nwsk said:
Googling seems to suggest having to reflash stuff multiple times (I've seen someone say they flashed their stock rom 11 times wtf), and there doesn't seem to be any set procedure that gets the flash to work... Did you also flash multiple times before this last run worked? Perhaps you just got lucky and it worked the last time? (I assume no one tries to bork their wifi and test if their last routine works again for them).
I'm asking mainly because I don't want to go through the hassle of reflashing the entire rom again; would it be correct to say that wifi is just contained in the modem/radio file, and I should try spam flashing that?
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No, I did flash it 2 times straight away. Flashing correct modem didnt help me, dunno why.
Gh0stR1pp3r said:
No, I did flash it 2 times straight away. Flashing correct modem didnt help me, dunno why.
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read this....
looks bit similar
bofff said:
read this....
looks bit similar
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Welp, bluetooth had no problems whatsoever. It was only the wifi, which didn't want to turn on. Now everything is ok.
Well, finally got around to reflashing stock as Gh0stR1pp3r suggested, which worked. Thanks
Nandroid, kernel flashing, and modem flashing all didn't work. No clue why. I flashed the ausdim kernel again and it worked this time around, so it's just weird I guess? :S
And unfortunately I seem to have messed up the titanium backup somehow, I can't seem to find any of the stuff I thought I backed up Oh well

[Q] Problems with audio after flashing MGG

I flashed a rom with MGG and got the same FC problems as everyone else. Flashed the stock MGG rom and cleared everything, factory reset etc. After that I didn't get any audio at all. Not ever during the samsung bootup animation.
I flashed another rom through cwm, same thing and no wifi. The wifi fix doesn't seems to work either.
Tried CM 10.2, there I'm getting wifi but instead no data trafic. Baseband says "unknown" even through I flash different modems. The wifi and data problems I can get around, its just that I can't flash older roms through odin until they unlock the new bootloader.
The audio problems in the other hand. Saw some guy having sound problems in the modem thread as well. Not to many have posted about this problem. Seems to be a pretty rare problem.
What could cause this, how to get around this?
Had to go to work with a non working phone so can't get any logs for you at the moment.
I'm concerned, please enlighten me!
Finally, flashed the latest CM 10.2. Got wifi and reception working!
Still no sound. What log would you like to see to find out what's wrong?

[Q] Why does my Wifi & Bluetooth not working even with stock rom?

Hey guys,
I have a Galaxy S4 (i9500). I installed Omega ROM v22 on it and everything went smoothly, Wifi & BT working perfectly.
After a few hours of using the device (nothing special at all, texts and stuff like that) - I noticed my wifi isn't working and by not working I mean that I click the wi-fi button and it changes from gray to the mid-state between gray to green for around 20 seconds before it goes back to green ago.
If I open the menu to see my networks it just says "Enabling" without any networks there.
I had to drive somewhere so I went to my car and tried to enable Bluetooth, and same thing happens there - Bluetooth will not turn on and will stay stuck on mid-state between gray and green for a while and go back to green.
I flashed omega rom v22 again and the problem was gone, or so I thought. I went back to the car for another drive and realized the bluetooth issue is back - and when I got home I realized the wifi issue is back as well.
I figured I need to reset everything so I tried the following:
Full wipe (including dalvik and even including "internal SD card") and then flashing stock rom (from the official website, stock rom of my country).
The issue was back after a few hours. I do not have BT or Wifi access. Yesterday Wifi suddenly started working for a few hours but then it stopped working again.
I really need help! I have no idea what to do with this issue!
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
Lennyz1988 said:
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
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Tried that, no luck.
What else would you try?
In some places when people had problems with Wi-Fi they said to flash a different kernel but I don't see why I would have this specific issue with Omega Rom and why the default kernel with it wont work well?
Maybe this could be a root issue? My root works fine but I have this weird gut feeling like this is some permissions thing that's going on.
I'm trying to think why it would work right after the wipe but then stop working shortly after.
Another symptom: It randomly started working for a few minutes and then stopped again (around three hours ago).
Any idea what's going on?
Well, if you fully wiped and didn't restore any apps and settings then it can be two other things.
Or it's a bug in the rom or a hardware failure in your phone.
I would suggest trying a different rom first. Do not restore anything, not even your google account.
wi-fi fix?
Do you actually have an i9505? or is it a canadian or att version? if its the latter sometimes the devs offer some wifi-fixes, also try a different kernel. otherwise it could be that your radio/modem are not compatible with the version of the ROM you are flashing.
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
morhsn said:
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
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Sadly, it did happen with this rom, after just a few hours.
I'm now using stock rom and still suffering from the issue.
Does anyone have ANY idea what I can do to fix this?
Thanks in advance!

Wifi not turning on (i9505 - Stock rom)

Hi. After trying a couple of custom roms, I wanted to go back to a stock rom via Odin. I actually succeeded. The phone boots, and android setup screen comes. But in the "wifi connection" screen, when I touch the button to turn the wifi on, it just refuses to turn on. It goes back to off position. I have tried several different country's stock roms (4.4.2 only, I haven't tried 5.0) and they all ended up the same. I just can not turn wifi on in stock rom. Wifi works in custom roms that I installed using TWRP.
Any idea why this happens?
By the way, I also tried flashing different modems, but the result is the same. I read that turning off the phone and removing the battery helps, however, in my case, it didn't.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: As I have looked into the issue, some people claim that a custom kernel usually solves wifi problems. I haven't tried it yet but I will as soon as I can get my hands on the phone. Also in another post, I have seen a build.prop tweak "ro.securestorage.support=false" which is claimed to have solved the wifi issues. I am writing these to be of help to others that might encounter the same problem. I will update the post after trying these ideas.
EDIT 2: It turns out, when you flash a stock rom, Odin can't actually flash the modem partition. It seems like it does but it actually fails. You have to do it twice.
No Wifi
have some trouble with my Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505). Since 2 weeks I'm trying to get wifi working. 2 weeks ago I decided to root the phone (everything complete stock Android 5.0.1). At this moment wifi was working well..
I did:
- Flash TWRP with Odin
- Flash magisk 18.1
--> booted phone..
Everything seemed to work well..expect wifi. It wouldn't turn on. When trying to activate the WiFi button by sliding to the right it stays grey and after 10 sec. the slider goes to the right side again.
What I've done:
Downloaded several stock firmwares from sammobile --> no wifi
Flashed serveral custome rom's (lineage 14.1, 15.1), android 5.0 and 4.4 based --> no wifi
Tried differnt kernels --> no wifi
Flashed different bootloaders and modems--> no wifi.
Tried to delete files in /wifi folder suggested here in forum --> no wifi
Tried to modify buil.prob set the security value to false suggested here in forum --> no wifi
I don't think thats a damage on the hardware. It must be a software issue?
Bluetooth and mobile data are working well. GPS and wifi seem to be broken.
After spedning weeks of flashinng, recovering etc.. I am frustrated and don't know what to do.
Any advices?
My wifi is not being enabled with this rom. Does anyone know how to solve?

