[Q] Why does my Wifi & Bluetooth not working even with stock rom? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
I have a Galaxy S4 (i9500). I installed Omega ROM v22 on it and everything went smoothly, Wifi & BT working perfectly.
After a few hours of using the device (nothing special at all, texts and stuff like that) - I noticed my wifi isn't working and by not working I mean that I click the wi-fi button and it changes from gray to the mid-state between gray to green for around 20 seconds before it goes back to green ago.
If I open the menu to see my networks it just says "Enabling" without any networks there.
I had to drive somewhere so I went to my car and tried to enable Bluetooth, and same thing happens there - Bluetooth will not turn on and will stay stuck on mid-state between gray and green for a while and go back to green.
I flashed omega rom v22 again and the problem was gone, or so I thought. I went back to the car for another drive and realized the bluetooth issue is back - and when I got home I realized the wifi issue is back as well.
I figured I need to reset everything so I tried the following:
Full wipe (including dalvik and even including "internal SD card") and then flashing stock rom (from the official website, stock rom of my country).
The issue was back after a few hours. I do not have BT or Wifi access. Yesterday Wifi suddenly started working for a few hours but then it stopped working again.
I really need help! I have no idea what to do with this issue!

Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.

Lennyz1988 said:
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
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Tried that, no luck.
What else would you try?
In some places when people had problems with Wi-Fi they said to flash a different kernel but I don't see why I would have this specific issue with Omega Rom and why the default kernel with it wont work well?
Maybe this could be a root issue? My root works fine but I have this weird gut feeling like this is some permissions thing that's going on.
I'm trying to think why it would work right after the wipe but then stop working shortly after.
Another symptom: It randomly started working for a few minutes and then stopped again (around three hours ago).
Any idea what's going on?

Well, if you fully wiped and didn't restore any apps and settings then it can be two other things.
Or it's a bug in the rom or a hardware failure in your phone.
I would suggest trying a different rom first. Do not restore anything, not even your google account.

wi-fi fix?
Do you actually have an i9505? or is it a canadian or att version? if its the latter sometimes the devs offer some wifi-fixes, also try a different kernel. otherwise it could be that your radio/modem are not compatible with the version of the ROM you are flashing.

Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...

morhsn said:
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
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Sadly, it did happen with this rom, after just a few hours.
I'm now using stock rom and still suffering from the issue.
Does anyone have ANY idea what I can do to fix this?
Thanks in advance!


Atrix keeps crashing (wifi?)

I have an ATT Atrix with 4.5.91. A couple of days ago, the Atrix started crashing 10+ times per day. It always happens if I try to turn on wifi, but happens other times too. Sometimes wifi will show error, instead of turning on. Bluetooth has been spotty as well. Any ideas? I tried reflashing 4.5.91 already.
Did you flash any ROMs? Kernels? Is phone unlocked?
Please, give more info....
txaggies07 said:
I have an ATT Atrix with 4.5.91. A couple of days ago, the Atrix started crashing 10+ times per day. It always happens if I try to turn on wifi, but happens other times too. Sometimes wifi will show error, instead of turning on. Bluetooth has been spotty as well. Any ideas? I tried reflashing 4.5.91 already.
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Have you recently installed any apps that are using internet connection?
Install one of the firewall apps for android and monitor what's happening when you turn on the wifi.
It is unlocked with the 4.5.91 pudding + preroot sbf. I had the upgrade.zip version on it when I started experiencing the problem. I then flashed it with the 4.5.91 mentioned above to see if that would fix the issue. I have not installed any new apps recently, but some could have updated I suppose.
Just out of curiousity.. what Radio are you using?
I have never flashed the radio specifically. My baseband version is N_01.77.30P.-
I am also having this problem. I currently have stock 2.3.4 on ATT and my baseband version is N_01.77.30P. I've never rooted or unlocked my Atrix, all stock.
When I am able to turn wifi on, it will sometimes connect but only for a few seconds. Then it just reboots multiple times. If I am able to get it running, it says error by the turn on wifi option under settings. Mobile hotspot doesn't work either. If I keep wifi off, it doesn't crash.
I've tried restoring to factory settings, both through the factory data reset while the phone is on and through android recovery, but neither help. Any other ideas?
Backup your current rom. Flash stock 2.3.4 via fastboot. Wipe via fastboot. Reboot. --> problem solved
xploited said:
Backup your current rom. Flash stock 2.3.4 via fastboot. Wipe via fastboot. Reboot. --> problem solved
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I tried that. The issue persists. I am thinking it might be hardware based.
Absolutely the same Wifi problem for me.
I'm on stock 2.2, rooted and deodexed.
Never has any wifi issues previously. And it's started for no reason.
Last program i installed was Tunein Radio and it worked fine about a day with Wifi. Not sure it's related.
Tried to restore my old cwr backup, but it's not helped.
A friend of mine had this problem with his atrix. His was stock ATT firmware never modded or unlocked. I factory reset it and problems persisted. His wouldn't connect to wifi at all. I believe it was hardware related, so if you didn't void your warranty, return it. If you did, you can ask Motorola to fix it... see what happens.
Side note: I kept the malfunctioning phone away from my functioning phone as I did not want it to get any ideas.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
This happening to me now. Still no solution for this? My atrix:
System version: 4.5.91.MB860.ATT.en.US
Android version: 2.3.4
Baseband version: N_01.77.30P
Kernel version: [email protected] #2
Build number: 4.5.91
If I set the IPaddress, it wont connect. If I left the IPaddress blank, it automatically set to
Help please, thanks.
(FIX): go to wireless settings go into advanced settings. Click on sleep settings chose NEVER! Problem solved! Try it works
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
If I were you, I would contact at&t and see if you're still under warranty (by default motorola gives you a 1 year warranty). I have had the same shutting down issue with 3 atrixes. my 4th one is actually in the mail and should be here today (wooo... kinda). I also believe that the atrix has a very bad issue with hardware. Ive tried tons of rom, stock and others such as cyanogen, and this issue persist no matter what software you run.
I've had issues with WIFI/Radio causing regular crashing, especially when trying to switch to Airplane mode. I'm running CM7 (stable) and 77.36 radio. I've been able to resolve the problem by booting into CWM and reflashing both CM7 and the radio. Sometimes I have to reflash the radio a couple of times. Eventually it seems to take and then the Atrix is quite stable.
For me, the instability problem occurs whenever I reset the battery stats. After I perform the steps above, it seems to resolve it.
Anyway, if you're running stock, I'd recommend downloading a copy of the radio you're using and try reflashing it a couple of times via CWM before you give up on the phone.
I had the same problem. Returned mine under warranty. They told me that just the day before me they had someone come in with the same problem..
Well... started having this issue recently myself, not too sure exactly what had caused it. I had been flashing a few of NFHimself's Gobstopper's, after my phone took a nose dive (one of the screen shattering, battery flying and denting variety) and I started getting reboots. I hadn't had a chance to play with it prior to the nose dive, but I do know that I had reset the battery stats (something I DON'T normally do when flashing) so I'm hoping I can replicate the fix of radio flashing.
Right now I'm going to keep re-flashing ROM's and Radio's, so far just trying the Gobstoppers 2.2.2 and upwards as well as samcripp's Fruitcakes and this radio, I'll be sure to update if this works. Pretty sure I've voided my warranty a few times over already (unlocking, plus the shattered screen kinda shows signs of abuse) so returning isn't exactly my first idea.
I'm guessing that it would seem to be related to this battery stats issue, as my GPS seems to be working and I'm fairly certain that it is the same chip that controls GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth. So unless it's some very specific hardware based issue, this is my best guess.
If anyone is aware of any other potential solutions to this issue, or knows of any other Bell Mobility (Canada) radios/ROM's, I'll be more than happy to try your suggestions!
I had a similar issue. My phone would crash multiple times a day. It started after att released an update. I read somewhere that it could be an app causing it so I went into taskmanager and had all apps end after use with the exclusion of pandora and navigation. Problem solved. Not sure what app was causing it but I never had a single crash/random reboot after. Phone was unhacked and the only update on it was the last official one released by att (sorry can't remember the number. I've since upgraded to a Cm7 rom).
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Take a look at this:

[Q] Wifi won´t activate on stock 4.2.2/cm 10.1

Hi Guys,
I have a problem with my nexus 4. I wanted to use cyanogenmod instead of the stock rom, so i rooted my device yesterday and flashed the latest stable build of cm (10.1.2).
Everything worked fine, except for the wifi; it won´t turn on. It get´s stuck on the "turning on wifi"-page, wtih the button in off-position and saying "turning on wifi".
I´ve read some threads were people had the same problem, but nothing seems to fix it. I made a factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik, fixed permissions, but in didn´t work on cm 10.1.2.
So i tried a different build, cm 10.1.1 stable, but the problem persisted. I tried the same things I did on the 10.1.2, but it did not help. So I tried using the latest nightly, but that didn´t help either.
I thought i go back to the stock build to fix it, because it still worked after I rooted the device and still had the stock on it, but unfortunately that did not fix it. I made a factory reset, and wiped cache and dalvik again, but it just won´t work.
Long story short, i don´t know what to do now I rooted and flashed several devices before and never had a problem that did persist even nafter i tried multiple buidls of cm and wiping everything everytime; so if anybody has any idea where this problem comes from and how i could fix it that would be really great
Joharnis said:
Hi Guys,
I have a problem with my nexus 4. I wanted to use cyanogenmod instead of the stock rom, so i rooted my device yesterday and flashed the latest stable build of cm (10.1.2).
Everything worked fine, except for the wifi; it won´t turn on. It get´s stuck on the "turning on wifi"-page, wtih the button in off-position and saying "turning on wifi".
I´ve read some threads were people had the same problem, but nothing seems to fix it. I made a factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik, fixed permissions, but in didn´t work on cm 10.1.2.
So i tried a different build, cm 10.1.1 stable, but the problem persisted. I tried the same things I did on the 10.1.2, but it did not help. So I tried using the latest nightly, but that didn´t help either.
I thought i go back to the stock build to fix it, because it still worked after I rooted the device and still had the stock on it, but unfortunately that did not fix it. I made a factory reset, and wiped cache and dalvik again, but it just won´t work.
Long story short, i don´t know what to do now I rooted and flashed several devices before and never had a problem that did persist even nafter i tried multiple buidls of cm and wiping everything everytime; so if anybody has any idea where this problem comes from and how i could fix it that would be really great
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Im having a similar problem, i think we have to flash a different radio ?
Still nothing
Flash a different radio? What excactly does that mean? I must admit I have not heard of that :laugh:
By the way, I just unrooted my device and relocked the bootloader, but that didn´t fix the problem either.
Stock CM Kernel? If so, try flashing kernels with prima drivers. If the problem persists, I guess it may be hardware. On another note, do you have bluetooth or GPS on? Try turning those off and try connecting.
sigma392 said:
Stock CM Kernel? If so, try flashing kernels with prima drivers. If the problem persists, I guess it may be hardware. On another note, do you have bluetooth or GPS on? Try turning those off and try connecting.
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I just tried the franco R163 with prima drivers, that did not fix it. But, speaking of the bluetooth, i´ve just noticed that the same problems occurrs with that. I trie to turn it on an it stays at "turning on bluetooth" without actually turning on. Maybe that helps to know what the problem is.
What other kernel with prima drivers would you recommend?
I´ve read through a few threads on that bluetooth-issue, which apparently is more common than my wifi issue. I was wondering if my wifi-issue could have something to do with the bluetooth, because other users who have said bluetooth issue found their bluetooth temporarily on after reboot; then after a while the bluethooth issue appeared again.
In my case the bluetooth doesn´t appear to be on, but i was thinking that maybe it is, but the software fails to display that and that that is interfering with my wifi.
Could that be a possibility?
Out of the box my nexus 4 refused to connect to my TPLINK wr941ND router, wifi was set months ago, nexus 7 works as charm same with evo 3d and others. I thought wtf and turned on wifi on broadband modem, it showed up on nexus 4.... And suddenly network from router poped up as well. I switched off wifi on modem and nexus lost wifi from router. At this moment I went for a walk... When I come back done factory reset, reboot the router, no effect. Changed settings from WPA2/QSS to WPA without QSS - no change, then I changed channel from #13 (best in my location, all my neighbours using #1 and #6) to #1 and instantly nexus found network.... So it seems that sumthing is apparently with wifi, when I changed channel back to #13 it drops the connection and says that networtk is out of range. So finally I checked all the channels from 1st to 13th and it works from #1 to #10, 11 till 13 dunt work. Maybe this info will help sumone with simillar problems.

[Q] CM7.1 stable - wifi stops working properly?

Hi all,
I still use my old defy sometimes as a gps when I'm out and about. I'm running the official stable cm7.2 build. It has no sim card so I just connect to wifi at home to update apps etc. I find that after a couple of months wifi stops working properly. It's still connected but no traffic comes in or out. Happens on all wifi networks. I've found the only way to fix it is to wipe and reflash Cm. Then it's fine again for a few more months. Any ideas? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it up each time.
Are there any other roms that perform well, good battery life etc but are also very stable?
Thanks a lot
It looks like disabling wifi-n by editing the tiwlan.ini has solved the problem for now. But I'll wait and see if the issue happens again. The process is simple and described here: http://chromloop.com/2011/09/how-to...roblem-wifi-connected-but-no-internet-access/ The hardest part is probably making sure that you have read/write access to the files in question.
Note that I had to edit two files, tiwlan.ini and tiwlan_ap.ini (as someone mentioned in the comments of the above link) to get wifi working properly.
lobie81 said:
Hi all,
I still use my old defy sometimes as a gps when I'm out and about. I'm running the official stable cm7.2 build. It has no sim card so I just connect to wifi at home to update apps etc. I find that after a couple of months wifi stops working properly. It's still connected but no traffic comes in or out. Happens on all wifi networks. I've found the only way to fix it is to wipe and reflash Cm. Then it's fine again for a few more months. Any ideas? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it up each time.
Are there any other roms that perform well, good battery life etc but are also very stable?
Thanks a lot
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lobie81 said:
I've found the only way to fix it is to wipe and reflash Cm. Then it's fine again for a few more months. Any ideas? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it up each time.
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may i suggest you do a nandroid backup after you reflash your rom. then the next time it plays up again you just have to do a recovery instead of re-flashing and re-setup your gps again?
edit:especially now that you've edited your rom as in your second post.

Trouble With CyanogenMod 12.1!

Hello Guys! Just decided to flash a new rom to my phone. Installation went good (wipped and installed rom and gapps stock) and everything went perfectly good. There is no data connection. There is just an exclamation mark. I installed CM 12.0 to see if it was a bug related issue. I didn't connect to a wifi and noticed my data was working until I turned it off and back on and the same issue appeared. Did the same to 12.1 and it worked until I turned cellular data off and on again (and no matter if I reboot and change the APN the problem persists). Any ideas? Thank you for your time
OdyXen said:
Hello Guys! Just decided to flash a new rom to my phone. Installation went good (wipped and installed rom and gapps stock) and everything went perfectly good. There is no data connection. There is just an exclamation mark. I installed CM 12.0 to see if it was a bug related issue. I didn't connect to a wifi and noticed my data was working until I turned it off and back on and the same issue appeared. Did the same to 12.1 and it worked until I turned cellular data off and on again (and no matter if I reboot and change the APN the problem persists). Any ideas? Thank you for your time
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Yeah i have a great idea for you to just change your CM12 back to stock firmware or try another custom rom based on stock. There is no solution for this problem as far as i know. Due to this problem i am not able to use CM12 or 12.1. Yeah, i had have the same problem and i asked the DEVs to help me out of this but it didn't happened at all. I don't know what was the reason but they weren't able to help me. I tried every possible method but that ****y exclamation mark didn't leave me alone at all. So, after all of this i went back to stock.
Are you sure you have right APN settings?
Arsal7R said:
Yeah i have a great idea for you to just change your CM12 back to stock firmware or try another custom rom based on stock. There is no solution for this problem as far as i know. Due to this problem i am not able to use CM12 or 12.1. Yeah, i had have the same problem and i asked the DEVs to help me out of this but it didn't happened at all. I don't know what was the reason but they weren't able to help me. I tried every possible method but that ****y exclamation mark didn't leave me alone at all. So, after all of this i went back to stock.
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Well I now use CM 11 which is pretty good actually. Yes i Have the right APN settings. Never mind I'm happy with CM 11 so not gonna spend any more time...
I have that exclamation mark too, but data works ok, I just ignore it. Sometimes it goes away , but most of the time it just stands there next to an network icon.

SM-G901F WiFi Pemanently Switch Off

Hi All
I have an issue with my S5 Plus (G901F) a few days ago I rooted, TWRP and installed the stable MM ROM from Tkkg1994 and have been happily using my phone. This morning while I was opening the Gmail app the device rebooted and when it came back up I noticed WiFi was not on. Pressing the quick menu WiFi button turns it green for a second before going back to disabled. Likewise going to into settings - WFi and using the slider does not work either, it just goes back to off.
So far, I have wiped ART/Dalvik, reflashed BL and Modem, factory reset. Wiped the whole device and redid everything including diffrerent ROM's on the same BL/Modem (CPE1) and have the same result.
Everything else works, just not WiFi, I should also add I have tried with and without the SD card and disabling/enabling other radios (GPS/BT) in different combos has not worked either.
Has anyone come across this and can they suggest next steps?
I'm currently downloading the stock ROM that came with my phone to see if that helps.
Stock ROM did not help.
Did you find solution? I have recently started to have same issue with same device.
jaakla said:
Did you find solution? I have recently started to have same issue with same device.
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Probably not. The S5 seems to suffer a lot by such issues. I bought mine 3 months ago in a shop. It worked for about 2 months very well. Then all of the sudden it became hot in my pocket so i had to quickly remove the battery. After this the device suffered by ocessional reboots. Nothing helped. Even trying to reflash the stock firmware by trying several Pit´s.
Finally got a replacement as obviously either the RAM or the CPU got defective. The other phone lasted for one week as the wifi module got defective there. Nothing helped either. Now it´s my 3th S5. This weekend my flashlight and camera stopped working. Fortunally got this fixed by reflashing the stock firmware.
Honestly I like the phone but it seems to be quite buggy. Never got such problems with my old S4 and am thinking about going back to the older device.
dude try flashing 4 files flash through odin

