[Q] CM7.1 stable - wifi stops working properly? - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I still use my old defy sometimes as a gps when I'm out and about. I'm running the official stable cm7.2 build. It has no sim card so I just connect to wifi at home to update apps etc. I find that after a couple of months wifi stops working properly. It's still connected but no traffic comes in or out. Happens on all wifi networks. I've found the only way to fix it is to wipe and reflash Cm. Then it's fine again for a few more months. Any ideas? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it up each time.
Are there any other roms that perform well, good battery life etc but are also very stable?
Thanks a lot

It looks like disabling wifi-n by editing the tiwlan.ini has solved the problem for now. But I'll wait and see if the issue happens again. The process is simple and described here: http://chromloop.com/2011/09/how-to...roblem-wifi-connected-but-no-internet-access/ The hardest part is probably making sure that you have read/write access to the files in question.
Note that I had to edit two files, tiwlan.ini and tiwlan_ap.ini (as someone mentioned in the comments of the above link) to get wifi working properly.
lobie81 said:
Hi all,
I still use my old defy sometimes as a gps when I'm out and about. I'm running the official stable cm7.2 build. It has no sim card so I just connect to wifi at home to update apps etc. I find that after a couple of months wifi stops working properly. It's still connected but no traffic comes in or out. Happens on all wifi networks. I've found the only way to fix it is to wipe and reflash Cm. Then it's fine again for a few more months. Any ideas? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it up each time.
Are there any other roms that perform well, good battery life etc but are also very stable?
Thanks a lot
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lobie81 said:
I've found the only way to fix it is to wipe and reflash Cm. Then it's fine again for a few more months. Any ideas? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it up each time.
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may i suggest you do a nandroid backup after you reflash your rom. then the next time it plays up again you just have to do a recovery instead of re-flashing and re-setup your gps again?
edit:especially now that you've edited your rom as in your second post.


Workaround for CM7 wifi issues

So yesterday, after having CM7 loaded for about 2 weeks, my wifi stops working.. After doing a bit of research I discover its a common problem, so I try the various solutions including changing the number of channels and both upgrading & downgrading my radio image, but nothing works.. Somewhere along the line I lost my ClockWorkMod recovery image & being the newbie that I am I decided to go back to the start & follow the process that I initially used to root (the one at unlockr.com), but at the last step, instead of installing the rootedupdate.zip file I decided to try my luck with installing CM7 again, & lo & behold it worked, wifi's working again...
not really sure which step of the root process fixed the issue but if I had to guess I'd say the correct radio image was flashed, maybe someone could properly identify the correct solution...?
My adb logcat session shows that its trying to connect to some network that is unavailable and fails. ı tried to remove the 2nd , 3rd offline networks and it started working.
thanks very much deleting the saved networks worked!! wifi back on
websitefandude said:
thanks very much deleting the saved networks worked!! wifi back on
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Indeed it works...but only for the first time. As soon as you disable WiFi and enable it once again, the problem is back. So you will have to delete the saved networks one by one, each time you want to connect and in the end you will have no more saved networks left (like me). Now the only "workaround" is to enter the network details every time I want to connect.
Is there still ni working solution for this?
still no WLAN
Having to choose the lesser evil between:
no GPS under CM 7.1 or
no WLAN under CM 7.0.3 I chose the latter.
The antenna works, tethering too, the signal is detected, but logging into a WLAN fails, it keeps scanning over and over. Deleting other networks didn't work.
Any hint?
BTW, I tried 7.2 nightlies... since Market (aka g-Play) is missing there is no real use so far.
Apart from that - CM rules!
I am using both of them right now and it is okay.
Sometimes I won't get any GPS fix and I have to switch it off and on again (or restart the phone in the worst case) to have signal.
CM 7.1 with latest radio (
Sent from my Legend using XDA
Using cm7.2 last nightly and every thing works just fine! Give it a try!
Sent from my Legend using XDA
Don't know if this will help, but I had wifi issues and GPS issues, but flashed new radio and flashed CM7.2.0 RC1 (KANG) unofficial ROM and everything has been sweet since. GPS quick to lock and no wifi issues at all....
give it a try
jonse01 said:
Don't know if this will help, but I had wifi issues and GPS issues, but flashed new radio and flashed CM7.2.0 RC1 (KANG) unofficial ROM and everything has been sweet since. GPS quick to lock and no wifi issues at all....
give it a try
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The radio should be the difference here as it seems that CM > 7.1 don't have GPS bugs anymore.
Update your radio version to newest ( Everything work fine in CM7.2 for me.
I know it s been a bit but thanks for the info helped alot deleting the random networks while out and about after deleting 3 wifi runs great
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA
i noticed that the wifi signal in CM7 is weaker than the stock froyo , is there any idea 'why' ?! and is it possible to fix that i meat to increase the signal, at home i use wifi router and when i'm 4-5 m off distance the signal is very weak

Soft reboots in Kitchen-Builds

This doesn't belong here, but my lack of writing stuff prevents me from posting this where it is supposed to be
If possible, move this post into this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1115958
So. JV5/JV9/JVO builds from kitchen with CF and HC kernels cause soft-reboots on my SGS I9000. I tested all of them by now. Tried the Talon Kernel 0.2.1 with JV5 and JV9, which caused boot-looping.
So I kept reading and found out that I was not the only one having this problem, but it seemed to be solveable by flashing a stock JVO first.
I already had Gingerbread Bootloaders, flashed JVK a while back, so I tried a few no-wipe ROMs as I mentioned above. All with the same problem. I lost connection to my cell network and it didn't come back. Somehow connected to the WiFi, I suppose. I could reproduce it by getting a GPS fix. But that was more or less related to my phone using wireless networks for positioning, which means that it switches on WiFi for just a second but without telling me.
Anyways, I thought I might have been wrong about the bootloaders being the reason to flash the stock firmware, so I did as it said: it specifically said JVO+ in the tutorial, so I went through the hassle and did the following:
- Flash an entire JVO firmware
- Reboot
(that one took a while)
- Full factory reset via dialer code
(that one took a while, too)
- reboot again, this time into bootloader, to flash a hc-speedmod kernel, to have root access and CWM
- reboot again, into CWM, to flash one of the ROMs I tried earlier
I ran back into my old trouble. So this is not an issue of the GB bootloaders or a previously installed version. The phone keeps soft-rebooting.
I re-installed the stock JVO firmware and flashed the speedmod kernel again, rooted via CWM menu and now I am just recovering my important applications via Titanium. Nothing bad happened yet, and it would have, with any of the kitchen ROMs Trust my, I almost tried them all
Nobody else wrote anything on that, so I thought I'd let you know there's no need to wipe all your data (like I did) and hope for the soft-reboots to be gone.
There's something seriously wrong there.
Anybody else having the same issues?
Yep, I had a whole lot of trouble with the Kitchen JV5 release yesterday, ended up giving up and goind back to Darky's 10.1. Mine would boot, and when doing a media scan, would soft reset itself. I could get it to work eventually by powering down before media scanner completed then powering up. Bit odd - tried three builds of JV5 with different kernels but they ended up all being screwy. Ah well, will see what JVP brings...
glad to hear that I'm not the only one crazy enough to wipe his entire phone for a new (and fast) operating system.
Anyways... I am now back to my old status. Re-installed most of my apps, sync behavior, BT devices, wireless APs, etc. blayallah...
JVO with a hc speedmod kernel is by far the best and fastest ROM I have run so far.
Kitchen builds are dead to me until some of the people who ran into the same problems as I did confirm that those issues have been dealt with.
Just for your information:
- battery life seems amazing, at least regarding to the sensor. Hope it's any accurate. Had it unplugged over night and lost 22% battery life with WiFi on in a bit more than 10 hours
- it responds VERY fast, compared to any other ROM I had before
- bluetooth devices have to be set up again, for some reason my phone doesn't like my headset any longer. I can hear people talk but they can't hear me. However, the microphone does work when I use my headset for text2speech. Weird.
Anything else seems just the way it was before. Just faster.
I'd be glad to hear if someone could still help me out with the soft-reboots, if somebody else decides to use the kitchen builds either way I won't until somebody else tells me it's working now
Why would u need to SOFT reboot ?
I don't *need* to soft-reboot. It just does that. Modem crashes, lost network connection. The phone doesn't actually entirely crash, it just restarts the network service and your phone is going to be offline.
That's a soft-reboot. No entire system crash or kernel panic, just the modem crashing.
That does happen when things are messed up
I'm having the same issue: on a JV5 and JV9 RomKitchen build with a JVO modem, as soon as I get a GPS lock, the phone soft-reboots.
paour said:
I'm having the same issue: on a JV5 and JV9 RomKitchen build with a JVO modem, as soon as I get a GPS lock, the phone soft-reboots.
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guys, why dont you try the JVP v7 builds, its much better.
also, please select the default boot animation, else it will go into bootloop.
I can confirms that doing a no-wipe upgrade to JVP v7 fixed this soft-reboot issue.
Thank you for that information. I'm not in a flashing mood right now JVO is running just fine right now. Anything about JVP v7 that's worth the try?
JVO is running fine for now. So I'm not feeling like flashing everything over again.
Is there a simple way to just dump my current phone status, its ROM and everything somewhere to my harddrive and re-flash all of that over in case anything goes wrong?
andreas1979 said:
Thank you for that information. I'm not in a flashing mood right now JVO is running just fine right now. Anything about JVP v7 that's worth the try?
JVO is running fine for now. So I'm not feeling like flashing everything over again.
Is there a simple way to just dump my current phone status, its ROM and everything somewhere to my harddrive and re-flash all of that over in case anything goes wrong?
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its pretty much the same stuff except very good speed optimizations, 2.3.4, and few UI tweaks.
its been the same since the first gingerbread leaks. we flash it for new builds dont we
...and now it's just pissing me off. JV9 Kitchen Build. On GPS Lock I get soft reboots. What the hell?!
Trying another one now... crap. I thought That would be fixed by now.
So. Kept me busy, just to be sure: Each and every combination I tried using 2.3.3 from the kitchen caused soft-reboots on GPS fix. The phone was very fast with the Talon Kernel and Ext4 FS, but I can't live without GPS
So I tried a non-wipe install over one of the not working 2.3.3 roms.
I'm on JVP now, not as fast as Talon, so it seems, but GPS works, getting a fix at my window within 5-10 seconds, no crashes whatsoever.
So. If anybody else experiences crashes like the ones I mentioned in the opening post, I can also confirm that the JVP ROMs seem to fix the problem.
...as much as I hate talking to myself, it's still regarding the same issue, so I have to ask:
Saw the new kitchen build (JVR).
Two questions:
1. Is the soft-reboot issue finally fixed?
2. Is there a little language-switcher-button on the bottom left of the swype keyboard?
I use the JVO swype, and it has that button, and the new ones don't seem to have it any more? It's really nice if you need to switch between two languages all the time and you don't want to go into settings every time you need to switch.
Anyone know that? http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQC6orm5ZMAju2VzczB3MCbwEPeSH9yrYI6wxfdDGFCvkdpe7lQRg <- that one right here has it. Took me a long time to find that, because no swype version but JVO seems to have that feature.
I'd be glad about any answers to those two questions.
andreas1979 said:
...as much as I hate talking to myself, it's still regarding the same issue, so I have to ask:
Saw the new kitchen build (JVR).
Two questions:
1. Is the soft-reboot issue finally fixed?
2. Is there a little language-switcher-button on the bottom left of the swype keyboard?
I use the JVO swype, and it has that button, and the new ones don't seem to have it any more? It's really nice if you need to switch between two languages all the time and you don't want to go into settings every time you need to switch.
Anyone know that? http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQC6orm5ZMAju2VzczB3MCbwEPeSH9yrYI6wxfdDGFCvkdpe7lQRg <- that one right here has it. Took me a long time to find that, because no swype version but JVO seems to have that feature.
I'd be glad about any answers to those two questions.
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I have tried the JVR base available in the kitchen---nothing to write home about,went back to STOCK--far better!I imagine the Kitchen as we used to know and use way back is now a thing of the past and the last nail was Tricky also leaving...
andreas1979 said:
glad to hear that I'm not the only one crazy enough to wipe his entire phone for a new (and fast) operating system.
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Guess that makes me crazy too
I've also been tinkering with customising ROM's myself to get to the boot-loop - getting pretty proficient at it now (guess I should read up a little more first)

[Q] Wifi stops working on CM7

I have a NC that I rooted almost a year ago. Recently, I started running CM7 off an sd card. It works great. However, periodically, I lose my wifi. It tries to connect but it doesn't see any networks. I reboot and have the same issue. If I boot in my standard rooted profile, it all works fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
Same on my X8
but I could only confirm this situation.
With fresh SEUS flashed X8 it works well.
Not with a rom based on CM7 (KuyaDROID)
The weird part for me, is that it works most of the time. But when it stops working, I don't know how to get it back, or why it come back on when it does.
supergroomer930 said:
The weird part for me, is that it works most of the time. But when it stops working, I don't know how to get it back, or why it come back on when it does.
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FWIW you might try re-loading CM on your uSD. As you are booting/running CM from it files can get borked on uSD card for no apparent reason. Kinda sucks but it does happen. Presume other devices can connect? (Just to rule out router issues)
I will try that later (hard to do it at work ) The router is fine. It should be seeing several networks and they all come up as "not in range." I have tried rebooting, rebooting in recovery, fixing permissions in rom manager. No of these work. I will try redoing my SD card.
Question, If I reload cm7, will that remove all the apps that I have downloaded? Will I have to reinstall them also?
supergroomer930 said:
I have a NC that I rooted almost a year ago. Recently, I started running CM7 off an sd card. It works great. However, periodically, I lose my wifi. It tries to connect but it doesn't see any networks. I reboot and have the same issue. If I boot in my standard rooted profile, it all works fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
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I forgot where I read it, but if you delete the saved wireless networks, after you delete the last one it will reset the WiFi and start scanning again. Had that happen to me a few days ago lol..
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

[Q] Why does my Wifi & Bluetooth not working even with stock rom?

Hey guys,
I have a Galaxy S4 (i9500). I installed Omega ROM v22 on it and everything went smoothly, Wifi & BT working perfectly.
After a few hours of using the device (nothing special at all, texts and stuff like that) - I noticed my wifi isn't working and by not working I mean that I click the wi-fi button and it changes from gray to the mid-state between gray to green for around 20 seconds before it goes back to green ago.
If I open the menu to see my networks it just says "Enabling" without any networks there.
I had to drive somewhere so I went to my car and tried to enable Bluetooth, and same thing happens there - Bluetooth will not turn on and will stay stuck on mid-state between gray and green for a while and go back to green.
I flashed omega rom v22 again and the problem was gone, or so I thought. I went back to the car for another drive and realized the bluetooth issue is back - and when I got home I realized the wifi issue is back as well.
I figured I need to reset everything so I tried the following:
Full wipe (including dalvik and even including "internal SD card") and then flashing stock rom (from the official website, stock rom of my country).
The issue was back after a few hours. I do not have BT or Wifi access. Yesterday Wifi suddenly started working for a few hours but then it stopped working again.
I really need help! I have no idea what to do with this issue!
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
Lennyz1988 said:
Well rule number one when you have problems after flashing without wipe.
1. perform a full wipe and see if the problem persists.
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Tried that, no luck.
What else would you try?
In some places when people had problems with Wi-Fi they said to flash a different kernel but I don't see why I would have this specific issue with Omega Rom and why the default kernel with it wont work well?
Maybe this could be a root issue? My root works fine but I have this weird gut feeling like this is some permissions thing that's going on.
I'm trying to think why it would work right after the wipe but then stop working shortly after.
Another symptom: It randomly started working for a few minutes and then stopped again (around three hours ago).
Any idea what's going on?
Well, if you fully wiped and didn't restore any apps and settings then it can be two other things.
Or it's a bug in the rom or a hardware failure in your phone.
I would suggest trying a different rom first. Do not restore anything, not even your google account.
wi-fi fix?
Do you actually have an i9505? or is it a canadian or att version? if its the latter sometimes the devs offer some wifi-fixes, also try a different kernel. otherwise it could be that your radio/modem are not compatible with the version of the ROM you are flashing.
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
morhsn said:
Tried arrow ROM and this issue doesn't seem to happen in this rom. Hope it stays like that...
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Sadly, it did happen with this rom, after just a few hours.
I'm now using stock rom and still suffering from the issue.
Does anyone have ANY idea what I can do to fix this?
Thanks in advance!

Most stable Lollipop/Marshmallow ROM?

Hi! I think I've tried every Lollipop/Marshmallow ROM out there, but I haven't found one as stable as KitKat ROMs (CM11/Stock). I just want a Lollipop/Marshmallow ROM that doesn't hang every time I open YouTube from recents (many apps suffer of that too), and with working WiFi (had this problem with CM13), and with decent battery life. CM13 is actually one of the most stable ROMs I've tried, but it had serious WiFi problems (it simply disconnects from the WiFi and then reconnects saying it doesn't have internet access, very annoying), some kind of TV-like static when booting and sometimes when unlocking the phone, and the recents cards sometimes got cut off (though this is not really a deal breaker). The only Marshmallow ROMs I haven't tried are BeanStalk and Mokee because they are based on CM, so I supposed they have the same problems. So, what's the most stable Lollipop/Marshmallow ROM you have tried? And can that ROM be used as daily driver?
Sorry for my English lol.
Which other Roms have you tried?
MuhammadBilal said:
Which other Roms have you tried?
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Exodus (5.0, will try 5.1), BlissPop, DirtyUnicorns, dhacker's unofficial CM12, Mokee (5.1), ResurrectionRemix, unofficial CM13...
EDIT: Tried Exodus 5.1, really slow.
So far, so good (It's only been 24 hours since I've installed it) on the 17-01-29 build of Mokee here
Wifi has been solid with no issues, rom seems stable, and YouTube ran fine from recents.
Update: Had strange problem with downloading email attachments with both gmail and Yahoo mail. Back to stock KK for the time being.
Update: Turns out the above email problems had to do with permissions.
beeewell said:
So far, so good (It's only been 24 hours since I've installed it) on the 17-01-29 build of Mokee here
Wifi has been solid with no issues, rom seems stable, and YouTube ran fine from recents.
Update: Had strange problem with downloading email attachments with both gmail and Yahoo mail. Back to stock KK for the time being.
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It doesn't even boot here, first time it booted but it said that encrypting my device failed (WTF?) and then rebooted to do a factory reset, and it wiped the system partition. xD
I installed it again without Gapps and now it won't do anything, it justs sits there in the bootanimation for several minutes and then reboots. Perhaps​ I didn't downgrade correctly? How did you downgrade? I used RSD Flasher, and it has worked fine for me in the past.
trivialPotato said:
It doesn't even boot here, first time it booted but it said that encrypting my device failed (WTF?) and then rebooted to do a factory reset, and it wiped the system partition. xD
I installed it again without Gapps and now it won't do anything, it justs sits there in the bootanimation for several minutes and then reboots. Perhaps​ I didn't downgrade correctly? How did you downgrade? I used RSD Flasher, and it has worked fine for me in the past.
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It took me awhile to find the procedure and files that I used to downgrade/upgrade, but I finally did. Thanks to Nobe1976, this method of going back and forth from KK to JB doesn't require a PC; There are 2 zip files that you can flash w/ TWRP to go back and forth. Here's the procedure and file links: http://www.droidrzr.com/topic/50096-how-tomobile-downgrader-flash-back-10-09-14-14/
I too thought Exodus was stable, but slow. I liked using MoKee 5.1, but I had an annoying problem with it that I couldn't solve: Every time I picked up my phone, there was a notification to sign back onto my WiFi network. It did so without asking for any credentials, but it got too annoying for me.
Right now, I'm using PacMan Rom (4.4.4), and it's been performing very well and is stable. Here's the link in case you wanna try: https://s.basketbuild.com/devs/pacman/moto_msm8960/KK/release
beeewell said:
It took me awhile to find the procedure and files that I used to downgrade/upgrade, but I finally did. Thanks to Nobe1976, this method of going back and forth from KK to JB doesn't require a PC; There are 2 zip files that you can flash w/ TWRP to go back and forth. Here's the procedure and file links: http://www.droidrzr.com/topic/50096-how-tomobile-downgrader-flash-back-10-09-14-14/
I too thought Exodus was stable, but slow. I liked using MoKee 5.1, but I had an annoying problem with it that I couldn't solve: Every time I picked up my phone, there was a notification to sign back onto my WiFi network. It did so without asking for any credentials, but it got too annoying for me.
Right now, I'm using PacMan Rom (4.4.4), and it's been performing very well and is stable. Here's the link in case you wanna try: https://s.basketbuild.com/devs/pacman/moto_msm8960/KK/release
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Thank you so much! That will save me so much headaches lol.
I'm using lastest CM11 snapshot, working fine, but I find the battery doesn't last as much as in CM12.1.
EDIT: I'm writing from Mokee 6.0! That method for downgrading works flawlessly!
Mokee feels better than CM12.1 except by that TV-like interference when you unlock the device, and I haven't tried the WiFi, but it looks okay.
Thing to remember while reading all of the below, I have an XT905, with a JBBL.
I'm currently using "cm-13.0-20161205-ilichva-xt907_jbb.zip" for my daily. The only repeated "fails" I have is where WiFi will disconnect, however, it only happens if I am not using it and the phone is asleep. One thing I have noticed is that this is the only ROM that actually does go into deep sleep for me. I'm only on Wifi at home for extended periods (ie when phone goes to sleep). This may be the reason the other ROMs don't loose WiFi, because they don't go into deep sleep for me. My Wifi disconnects, and never is connected without internet. I just go into Wifi, select my network and say connect, and its all good again.
Previously (a few years back) I was using BlissPop (Lollipop), but did not use the latest build. I had better luck with "BlissPop-v3.9-moto_msm8960_jbbl-OFFICIAL-20150829-1751.zip"
Others I have used (Lollipop) and found pretty stable (ie used as daily for some time) were:
and for KitKat
With the CM13 ROM I have a 64GB SDCard, F2FS cache partition, Xposed, Viper, a Linux Swap Partition (512mb) and personally find it to be the most stable ROM I have used (apart from WiFi) on the phone. Some of the Lollipop (bliss pop included) could not run my live wallpaper (Celestial Bodies). I have also noticed that at least one app using the CPU (a Solitaire game attempting to find a winnable deal manually) actually runs a lot faster in CM13 than in the others.
If YouTube bothers you, maybe you should try the alternatives such as New Pipe or OGYouTube etc etc. Actually, I just tried YouTube from the recents,and it worked fine for me.
As for the TV Static on boot (just before animation) I have had that since I first unlocked the bootloader; I thought It was normal. It has been independent of any ROMs and it happens for me on every ROM.
Mokee 5.1
Sorry for going off-topic but would any of you guys happen to have a copy of the last LP Mokee build that was released on 4PDA ?
The link is unfortunately dead and I can't find a mirror anywhere. I'd like to save a copy just in case anyone asks in the future. If any of you have, would you please share privately with me? Thanks a lot!
DiamondJohn said:
Thing to remember while reading all of the below, I have an XT905, with a JBBL.
I'm currently using "cm-13.0-20161205-ilichva-xt907_jbb.zip" for my daily. The only repeated "fails" I have is where WiFi will disconnect, however, it only happens if I am not using it and the phone is asleep. One thing I have noticed is that this is the only ROM that actually does go into deep sleep for me. I'm only on Wifi at home for extended periods (ie when phone goes to sleep). This may be the reason the other ROMs don't loose WiFi, because they don't go into deep sleep for me. My Wifi disconnects, and never is connected without internet. I just go into Wifi, select my network and say connect, and its all good again.
Previously (a few years back) I was using BlissPop (Lollipop), but did not use the latest build. I had better luck with "BlissPop-v3.9-moto_msm8960_jbbl-OFFICIAL-20150829-1751.zip"
Others I have used (Lollipop) and found pretty stable (ie used as daily for some time) were:
and for KitKat
With the CM13 ROM I have a 64GB SDCard, F2FS cache partition, Xposed, Viper, a Linux Swap Partition (512mb) and personally find it to be the most stable ROM I have used (apart from WiFi) on the phone. Some of the Lollipop (bliss pop included) could not run my live wallpaper (Celestial Bodies). I have also noticed that at least one app using the CPU (a Solitaire game attempting to find a winnable deal manually) actually runs a lot faster in CM13 than in the others.
If YouTube bothers you, maybe you should try the alternatives such as New Pipe or OGYouTube etc etc. Actually, I just tried YouTube from the recents,and it worked fine for me.
As for the TV Static on boot (just before animation) I have had that since I first unlocked the bootloader; I thought It was normal. It has been independent of any ROMs and it happens for me on every ROM.
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The TV-like static seems to be something with the JBBL, it happens even in recovery for me (when the recovery locks and turns off the screen). About the WiFi, it disconnected even if I was playing a game or using the internet, but I live in a place where I don't have WiFi anymore, so it's not a problem.
Indeed, Mokee 6.0 and CM13 are the most stable ROMs I've tried, even more than CM11, except for the bugs said above, even the battery lasts more.
BTW, how do you increment swap? I've tried several methods, but it still shows 256MB.
trivialPotato said:
The TV-like static seems to be something with the JBBL, it happens even in recovery for me (when the recovery locks and turns off the screen).
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I only get it when I reboot, but get it every time.
trivialPotato said:
About the WiFi, it disconnected even if I was playing a game or using the internet, but I live in a place where I don't have WiFi anymore, so it's not a problem.
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I personally have only seen it happen when the I wake the device up. Never has it occurred while I am using it.:angel: Last night I was searching for another thing in Xposed, and I saw a lot of Wifi type modules. Though most were about turning wifi off when the screen goes off; but I wasn't looking for Wifi stuff, so maybe you could find something that helps.
trivialPotato said:
Indeed, Mokee 6.0 and CM13 are the most stable ROMs I've tried, even more than CM11, except for the bugs said above, even the battery lasts more.
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I tried Mokee, and I cant remember why, but it wasn't OK as a daily for me. To be honest, I would find it hard to go back to a ROM (ie less than MM) that does not have privacy guard. I also forgot to mention on my phone I have Adaway and Lucky Patcher and > 10 boot scripts (such as swap, IO optimisations, trim command, disabling media scanner on boot ... etc etc etc)
trivialPotato said:
BTW, how do you increment swap? I've tried several methods, but it still shows 256MB.
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I am guessing by "increment" you really mean implement? Assuming that, I use a boot script. Currently I use a swap partition, so, for that I:
1. create a linux swap partition on the SDCard using Minitool Partition Wizard
2. Put the card into my phone, boot it and Find out the partition details (eg "/dev/block/mmcblk1p2" on my card now)
3. create a boot script to enable it on boot. The meat of the script is:
swapon /dev/block/mmcblk1p2;
Previously I have used a swap file, which is actually more complex. Something like:
dd if=/dev/zero of=$location/$file_name bs=1048576 count=$desiredsizemb;
swapon -p 16000 $location/$file_name;
Hope the above helps, and let me know if you get it working.
DiamondJohn said:
I only get it when I reboot, but get it every time.
I personally have only seen it happen when the I wake the device up. Never has it occurred while I am using it.:angel: Last night I was searching for another thing in Xposed, and I saw a lot of Wifi type modules. Though most were about turning wifi off when the screen goes off; but I wasn't looking for Wifi stuff, so maybe you could find something that helps.
I tried Mokee, and I cant remember why, but it wasn't OK as a daily for me. To be honest, I would find it hard to go back to a ROM (ie less than MM) that does not have privacy guard. I also forgot to mention on my phone I have Adaway and Lucky Patcher and > 10 boot scripts (such as swap, IO optimisations, trim command, disabling media scanner on boot ... etc etc etc)
I am guessing by "increment" you really mean implement? Assuming that, I use a boot script. Currently I use a swap partition, so, for that I:
1. create a linux swap partition on the SDCard using Minitool Partition Wizard
2. Put the card into my phone, boot it and Find out the partition details (eg "/dev/block/mmcblk1p2" on my card now)
3. create a boot script to enable it on boot. The meat of the script is:
swapon /dev/block/mmcblk1p2;
Previously I have used a swap file, which is actually more complex. Something like:
dd if=/dev/zero of=$location/$file_name bs=1048576 count=$desiredsizemb;
swapon -p 16000 $location/$file_name;
Hope the above helps, and let me know if you get it working.
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Mokee has be running pretty solid here, I'll try CM13 and/or BeanStalk in a few days, though.
About swap, if I run "free" in the Terminal it shows it has swap memory, and I tried several methods (well, apps) to increment it but no luck. I'll try yours in a few days.
About the WiFi and the TV-like static, I bet is some difference between xt905 and xt907.
trivialPotato said:
Mokee has be running pretty solid here, I'll try CM13 and/or BeanStalk in a few days, though.
About swap, if I run "free" in the Terminal it shows it has swap memory, and I tried several methods (well, apps) to increment it but no luck. I'll try yours in a few days.
About the WiFi and the TV-like static, I bet is some difference between xt905 and xt907.
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Well, the swap you currently see is ZRam, which is a compressed partition of memory used as a swap partition. ie not a file or physical partition on an sdcard (as I use above, in addition to ZRam). To increase ZRam, you loose available memory. That can be simply changed with the following lines:
echo 1 > /sys/block/zram0/reset;
swapoff /dev/block/zram0;
echo "201326592" > /sys/block/zram0/disksize;
mkswap /dev/block/zram0;
swapon /dev/block/zram0;
The number is 1024*1024*target_size (MB eg 600). I think you have to do it at boot time or you end up with device or resource busy messages.
Or you could use Kernel Adiutor - Virtual Memory
That actually reminds me, one bug I have noticed on all the CM13 ROMs I tried, was that the init.d did not work, I had to use Kernel Adiutor to implement it; and I have a lot of scripts.
Currently running the new Lineage ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3577746. Thanks to Ilichva...
So far, so good !!! Performing very well with no issues found yet. :thumbup:
It still has the WiFi disconnecting when asleep for me.
beeewell said:
Currently running the new Lineage ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3577746. Thanks to Ilichva...
So far, so good !!! Performing very well with no issues found yet. :thumbup:
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Performing well here, too! It has the same bugs CM13 had, but I feel is a bit snappier.
Is it just me, or is the default swappiness set at 100? (cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness)
I actually tried lowering it to the android default of 60, and the ROM felt less "snappy", so put it back at 100
DiamondJohn said:
Is it just me, or is the default swappiness set at 100? (cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness)
I actually tried lowering it to the android default of 60, and the ROM felt less "snappy", so put it back at 100
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Indeed, is set at 100.
Possible Wifi fix?
trivialPotato said:
I just want a Lollipop/Marshmallow ROM ... and with working WiFi (had this problem with CM13), and with decent battery life. CM13 is actually one of the most stable ROMs I've tried, but it had serious WiFi problems (it simply disconnects from the WiFi and then reconnects saying it doesn't have internet access, very annoying).
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DiamondJohn said:
...I'm oly on Wifi at home for extended periods (ie when phone goes to sleep). This may be the reason the other ROMs don't loose WiFi, because they don't go into deep sleep for me. My Wifi disconnects, and never is connected without internet. I just go into Wifi, select my network and say connect, and its all good again.
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I have made a change to build.prop, which APPEARS to have bettered my Wifi stability.
Now, its only been a few hours, so its pretty early to say :fingers-crossed: it has definitely fixed it, but normally within this time, I would of expected to loose my Wifi connection, but it hasn't. :highfive:
Also, the change I made, I have read is actually only set at build time and thereby built into the ROM and not read from the build.prop.
The build.prop setting is: wifi.supplicant_scan_interval. My RAZR had it set to 30, while my N5 was set to 15. I have set it down to 5 (for testing purposes ) Searching the net will bring up heaps of explanation of what the setting is for (and also info saying its only a build time property)
So in summary, I have set the following build.prop
And my WiFi has been solid for the past 3 hrs (normally in sleep except for being woken every 10 minutes to check its still ok ). Let me know if it works for you.
DiamondJohn said:
I have made a change to build.prop, which APPEARS to have bettered my Wifi stability.
Now, its only been a few hours, so its pretty early to say :fingers-crossed: it has definitely fixed it, but normally within this time, I would of expected to loose my Wifi connection, but it hasn't. :highfive:
Also, the change I made, I have read is actually only set at build time and thereby built into the ROM and not read from the build.prop.
The build.prop setting is: wifi.supplicant_scan_interval. My RAZR had it set to 30, while my N5 was set to 15. I have set it down to 5 (for testing purposes ) Searching the net will bring up heaps of explanation of what the setting is for (and also info saying its only a build time property)
So in summary, I have set the following build.propAnd my WiFi has been solid for the past 3 hrs (normally in sleep except for being woken every 10 minutes to check its still ok ). Let me know if it works for you.
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Will try this next weekend (I don't have WiFi right now). I hope it works lol.
EDIT: It didn't. :crying:

