I used a Galaxy Nexus for months before getting a Nexus 7, and when I first got it, I was amazed at how washed out and terrible the screen in general was. This is because I was spoiled by the beautiful screen of my Galaxy Nexus, and switching to the Nexus 7 was an eyesore. Everyone knows the Nexus 7 doesn't have an impressive screen. Anyway... I found the screen to be defective for another reason, and decided to RMA it directly with ASUS. Weeks pass (all the while I am using my Galaxy Nexus with its amazing screen) and the repaired Nexus 7 finally arrives.
What surprised me when I first turned it on was how the screen did not offend me as much as when I first got it. The contrast was deep, the text didn't look washed out at all, and it was miles ahead in aesthetics compared to the first time I used the Nexus 7.
On the work order sheet, the new screen part is "90R-OK0M1L20000U". And I think the stock Nexus 7 screen is "90R-OK0M1L10000U".
Now my question is, does anyone know the exact difference between these two revisions of the Nexus 7 screen? Or does Android 4.2.1 have better colour management or something?
Where did you check your screen part number? I would like to check mine too.
SuperStalin said:
I used a Galaxy Nexus for months before getting a Nexus 7, and when I first got it, I was amazed at how washed out and terrible the screen in general was. This is because I was spoiled by the beautiful screen of my Galaxy Nexus, and switching to the Nexus 7 was an eyesore. Everyone knows the Nexus 7 doesn't have an impressive screen. Anyway... I found the screen to be defective for another reason, and decided to RMA it directly with ASUS. Weeks pass (all the while I am using my Galaxy Nexus with its amazing screen) and the repaired Nexus 7 finally arrives.
What surprised me when I first turned it on was how the screen did not offend me as much as when I first got it. The contrast was deep, the text didn't look washed out at all, and it was miles ahead in aesthetics compared to the first time I used the Nexus 7.
On the work order sheet, the new screen part is "90R-OK0M1L20000U". And I think the stock Nexus 7 screen is "90R-OK0M1L10000U".
Now my question is, does anyone know the exact difference between these two revisions of the Nexus 7 screen? Or does Android 4.2.1 have better colour management or something?
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No problem whatsoever with the screen on my nexus 7 except for the issue of the weird brightness/contrast after watching full screen YouTube but that's SW issue I expect
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
uberNoobZA said:
No problem whatsoever with the screen on my nexus 7 except for the issue of the weird brightness/contrast after watching full screen YouTube but that's SW issue I expect
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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There's a thread here about the screen issue after video. One solution is to use the Trickster app to turn off the adaptive brightness feature of the Tegra 3 chipset since it has a bug once turned on it doesn't turn off.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
SuperStalin said:
I used a Galaxy Nexus for months before getting a Nexus 7, and when I first got it, I was amazed at how washed out and terrible the screen in general was. This is because I was spoiled by the beautiful screen of my Galaxy Nexus, and switching to the Nexus 7 was an eyesore. Everyone knows the Nexus 7 doesn't have an impressive screen. Anyway... I found the screen to be defective for another reason, and decided to RMA it directly with ASUS. Weeks pass (all the while I am using my Galaxy Nexus with its amazing screen) and the repaired Nexus 7 finally arrives.
What surprised me when I first turned it on was how the screen did not offend me as much as when I first got it. The contrast was deep, the text didn't look washed out at all, and it was miles ahead in aesthetics compared to the first time I used the Nexus 7.
On the work order sheet, the new screen part is "90R-OK0M1L20000U". And I think the stock Nexus 7 screen is "90R-OK0M1L10000U".
Now my question is, does anyone know the exact difference between these two revisions of the Nexus 7 screen? Or does Android 4.2.1 have better colour management or something?
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That's funny, I have the Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 7 and I consider the 7s screen to be superior. The contrast and black levels on the Galaxy are great but whites are horrible and I mean horrible and have horrible grain on low brightness. My 7 has great whites (even whiter than my fiances iPad) and viewing angles are much better. Blacks on my GNexus are fantastic.. I guess its there trade off from LCD to Almoled. But like you said screen quality differs between shipments of Nexus,s so your experience obviously ,may be different then mine but I love my screen.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Please keep us updated on this. They may have changed manufacturers on the panel.
You may have gotten the panel they are using in the 2nd generation n7.
How can we see what panel we have?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
SuperStalin said:
On the work order sheet, the new screen part is "90R-OK0M1L20000U". And I think the stock Nexus 7 screen is "90R-OK0M1L10000U".
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Really the only difference between the 90R-OK0M1L10000U and the 90R-OK0M1L20000U is the touch screen controller. The LCD, Bezel, are the same and are subject to the same pieces. If you look at the two pieces you'll see the "1" has a mostly all black touch screen cable and the "2" has a yellow-orange cable with a little bit of a mesh pattern to it. In repairs I've really noticed not much of a difference between the two. It's the same HYDIS LCD piece. They are both pretty much the "stock" option. Really the only marked improvement I've seen in the "newer" parts is in the speakers going from the 04072-00390100 to the 04072-00390200 has a definitive improvement in the overall sound quality.
SuperStalin said:
I used a Galaxy Nexus for months before getting a Nexus 7, and when I first got it, I was amazed at how washed out and terrible the screen in general was. This is because I was spoiled by the beautiful screen of my Galaxy Nexus, and switching to the Nexus 7 was an eyesore. Everyone knows the Nexus 7 doesn't have an impressive screen. Anyway... I found the screen to be defective for another reason, and decided to RMA it directly with ASUS. Weeks pass (all the while I am using my Galaxy Nexus with its amazing screen) and the repaired Nexus 7 finally arrives.
What surprised me when I first turned it on was how the screen did not offend me as much as when I first got it. The contrast was deep, the text didn't look washed out at all, and it was miles ahead in aesthetics compared to the first time I used the Nexus 7.
On the work order sheet, the new screen part is "90R-OK0M1L20000U". And I think the stock Nexus 7 screen is "90R-OK0M1L10000U".
Now my question is, does anyone know the exact difference between these two revisions of the Nexus 7 screen? Or does Android 4.2.1 have better colour management or something?
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Strange, when I got my Nexus 7 sometime last year December it wasn't washed out, only 3 stuck pixels . But mine was made in August apparently.
Sent with my Google Nexus 7 through the XDA Developers APP.
Hi all,
I've had my N4 since January, and I've noticed that I've started to suffer from a screen burn-like issue. I use Dolphin Browser, and use phase beam live wallpaper (purple one, not red). When I've used dolphin for a few minutes and return to my home screen, I notice that the refresh and '+' icon from dolphin browser are imprinted on the screen. It goes away after about a minute or when I reboot the phone, but I wondered if anyone knew why this would be happening or if there's any solution? Also, when checking my work schedule on Polaris office, I notice that the grid pattern from the excel file is imprinted on my homescreen for a few moments too. Do you think it is worth RMAing for a new device? Everything else is fine.
I'm running stock, unrooted.
It has been explained to me that IPS displays do not get screen burn in. They just "ghost" momentarily. I don't know of a way to avoid this other than possibly lowering the brightness? As you said, it goes away after a few minutes, or a reboot. A reboot should always fix this kind of problem on IPS displays.
But to answer your question: An RMA won't fix it. This happens with all IPS displays, as far as I know.
Connor Baker
I bought my Nexus 4 back in march and sent it in because of a dark vertical line on the left side of the screen that would not go away. Got my replacement about 2 weeks ago and am having the screen burn in issue you are having too. I never had this problem with my old device.
I'll probably wait a month or two and send this one in too if it continues to bother me.
shadowslash said:
I bought my Nexus 4 back in march and sent it in because of a dark vertical line on the left side of the screen that would not go away. Got my replacement about 2 weeks ago and am having the screen burn in issue you are having too. I never had this problem with my old device.
I'll probably wait a month or two and send this one in too if it continues to bother me.
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Wow, after reading this i hope some experienced user could tune into this thread and elaborate on what is happening here?
I'm not really worried of getting it any time soon, as i heard it's not supposed to happen on the screen the Nexus 4 sports,however, i could be wrong..Anyone?
This is common with IPS displays, and is not called "burn in" as the effects are temporary. True "burn in" is permanent.
Rather, this is referred to as "image retention" or "image persistence." It was/is a big problem with the new retina Macbook Pros which showed a severe form of this problem (my first one included, got a replacement which is much better, but still shows a bit of image retention sometimes).
I've had mine since May and I am just now experiencing this. I have tried displaying a pure white screen overnight a few days a week, but I am unwilling to leave my phone turned off for a few days. Is there any other remedy?
You guys are asking for a solution to wear and tear? Put the Nexus 4 in a box and don't use it.
I have this with the Amazon app :') seems like really dark blacks stay on the screen for a few minutes even after the app is closed not a big issue but it got me worried the first time
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I have the same problem in my LG G2, its IPS Too and have 2 weeks old. I think its normal in IPS Screens.
Happens to me sometimes with the facebook app. When using the app for a longer time the top menu bar stays slightly visible afterwards. I only really see it on my home screen, though.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
Same here
I use Screen Burn-in Tool (Play Store)
play. google. com /store / apps / details?id= com. codefortravel. amoled_screen_burn_in&hl=en
(remove spaces)
Run it a few times while charging, problem solved for me.
I have had Samsung since the Galaxy S (original one), and I've been with Amoled screens for awhile now and have found them to be prone to minor screen burn-in. Anyone know if the LG G2 suffers from this or is LCD an evolved technology that no longer has this problem?
Burn in is the reason why I stay away from Amoleds. All LCD phones never had burn in and I don't think burn in will ever happen to LCDs
Thanks - this excites me the most about this phone.
Yea my galaxy nexus has burn in, sucks. This screens just awesome!
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Yup that was one of my biggest annoyances with the gnex. With hardware buttons it's not that big a deal but the on-screen nav bar destroys the display at the bottom. It's awesome knowing this will never be an issue and not needing to have everything so dark for battery savings. All white everything!
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk 4
Could this be a screen burn?
It doesn't look like a typical burn in symptom but it doesn't look healthy either
I was wondering if anyone with knowledge on current amoled displays could speak to potential screen burn in issues. The last amoled screen I had on a phone was the S4, and found burn in and color shift to be a bit of an issue. I know Samsung in particular has made some pretty remarkable strides since then in terms of the technology, but with this not being a high end Samsung panel, where does amoled currently sit in regards to burn in and color shift?
OneNutShort said:
I was wondering if anyone with knowledge on current amoled displays could speak to potential screen burn in issues. The last amoled screen I had on a phone was the S4, and found burn in and color shift to be a bit of an issue. I know Samsung in particular has made some pretty remarkable strides since then in terms of the technology, but with this not being a high end Samsung panel, where does amoled currently sit in regards to burn in and color shift?
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I owned a tab s 8.4 and used the crap out of it. It never developed any burn in. i think newer tech has reduced that significantly.
My Nexus 6 is fine after almost a year , personally i think most people saw image retention and went crazy
I owned a tab s 8.4 and used the crap out of it. It never developed any burn in. i think newer tech has reduced that significantly.
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Okay cool, that's really good to know. I babied the hell out of my S4, so I was super bummed when it developed the burn in. I know more recent iterations of Android have designed elements with that in mind, so hopefully that coupled with newer technology will mean it won't be a problem.
OneNutShort said:
I was wondering if anyone with knowledge on current amoled displays could speak to potential screen burn in issues. The last amoled screen I had on a phone was the S4, and found burn in and color shift to be a bit of an issue. I know Samsung in particular has made some pretty remarkable strides since then in terms of the technology, but with this not being a high end Samsung panel, where does amoled currently sit in regards to burn in and color shift?
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I own the Nexus 6 and after about a month of use I saw image retention where the nav bar is-so I disabled the navigation bar via build prop and started using LMT-no retention or burn in since then....I would most likely do the same with the Nexus 6P....not worth the gamble.
I had a look at an in store demo note 4 today - severe burn in! Now I know it's an artificial situation - brightness on full and same rotating images but it's still a worry. I wonder if Google would do a 6o warranty replacement for burn-in?
digitaldr said:
I had a look at an in store demo note 4 today - severe burn in! Now I know it's an artificial situation - brightness on full and same rotating images but it's still a worry. I wonder if Google would do a 6o warranty replacement for burn-in?
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Historically, yes. Even more certain if you get Nexus Protect.
Don't know if you've heard, but just in case you haven't, 6P will have the latest Samsung panels, which I would expect to be similar to the one they put in the Note 5. Hopefully the burn in will less likely. I have a Note 4 and haven't noticed any burn in.
google_nexus_team 1048 points 2 days ago
Yep, confirmed: Nexus 6P has the latest generation panels from Samsung. One of things we deeply care for is the quality and accuracy of the display through which all of us connect with the stuff we care about. We created a very tight spec (white-point temperature, delta-E variance, color-space accuracy, etc) for the 6P WQHD AMOLED panel, so it was important that we use the most cutting edge panel technology available.
Howie Dub said:
Don't know if you've heard, but just in case you haven't, 6P will have the latest Samsung panels, which I would expect to be similar to the one they put in the Note 5. Hopefully the burn in will less likely. I have a Note 4 and haven't noticed any burn in.
google_nexus_team 1048 points 2 days ago
Yep, confirmed: Nexus 6P has the latest generation panels from Samsung. One of things we deeply care for is the quality and accuracy of the display through which all of us connect with the stuff we care about. We created a very tight spec (white-point temperature, delta-E variance, color-space accuracy, etc) for the 6P WQHD AMOLED panel, so it was important that we use the most cutting edge panel technology available.
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I saw that, super exciting!
jt3 said:
Historically, yes. Even more certain if you get Nexus Protect.
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I'm in Ireland so no Nexus Protect just sky high prices - €700 for a 6p
Newest tech doesn't mean "this is the same screen Samsung uses on their S6 line."
Could simply mean that "besides our Super Amoled series of screens we use on the S6 line, the nexus 6p uses the newest tech".
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Yea I agree with the above that it's Most likely not the same as the Note5 screen, as Samsung only uses Super Amoled which is higher quality in their own gadgets, while selling just the Amoled to the Other companies.
Having said that, I personally think the whole Burn out fiasco is really hyped alot more than it should be. Personally I Love super Amoled screen, and once you use it, I think it's an extreme eye sore to go to IPS which unfortunately happened when I went from the GS1 to the Moto Atrix, then back to the GS2 then with the nexus 4 and 5 have hated the IPS panels.
BUT, I kept my GS2 for 2 years, and just at the end of it I started to notice the burn in Only in the status bar, nowhere else. As not only the tech has come a long way since then, but also as others mentioned, there are numerous ways to combat/prevent said burn in so its really not something people should keep complaining about as if every person who uses a Amoled screen gets burn out within a few months.
I would take that risk tho any day to get to use the brilliant colors of Amoled, esp the truly Black Blacks...
Sent from my Nexus 5
I've had the S4 for going on three years and have experienced no burn in. I did recently read this nice little article...
Only thing that bothers me is the solid black control bar in apps and on most screens,why didn't Google make it transparent like on the home screen or Google now on tap
combat goofwing said:
Only thing that bothers me is the solid black control bar in apps and on most screens,why didn't Google make it transparent like on the home screen or Google now on tap
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What I would really like is an immersive mode quick toggle for the stock rom.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
TroopStormer said:
What I would really like is an immersive mode quick toggle for the stock rom.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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What is this ? Please explain sounds good
combat goofwing said:
What is this ? Please explain sounds good
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It's a feature available on a lot of custom roms. Basically it's full screen mode where the status and navigation bars are hidden. Then you can just swipe up from the bottom of top to make them pop up.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
TroopStormer said:
It's a feature available on a lot of custom roms. Basically it's full screen mode where the status and navigation bars are hidden. Then you can just swipe up from the bottom of top to make them pop up.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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LMT launcher worked amazing on the nexus 6 . i removed the bar in build.prop and installed LMT launcher . i have my nexus 6P now (rooted) but have not had a change to try this yet .
swipe navigation works great too. I prefer it to LMT
I bought a Note 4 from ebay, and I've noticed there is a large block of the screen is discoloured (somewhat less noticeable when using any screen mode other than 'Basic', but it's still there). It also seems quite yellow on the Basic mode (but I prefer to use Basic because it's supposed to be the most accurate).
Did anyone here with a Note 4 ever experience this? Now that I've noticed it, I keep fixating on it, but I don't know if it's worth the hassle of getting it sent back and doing a lottery with other auctions to try and get a good one?
Smeghead_ said:
I bought a Note 4 from ebay, and I've noticed there is a large block of the screen is discoloured (somewhat less noticeable when using any screen mode other than 'Basic', but it's still there). It also seems quite yellow on the Basic mode (but I prefer to use Basic because it's supposed to be the most accurate).
Did anyone here with a Note 4 ever experience this? Now that I've noticed it, I keep fixating on it, but I don't know if it's worth the hassle of getting it sent back and doing a lottery with other auctions to try and get a good one?
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Could be that the screen has been replaced with a cheap lcd (beacause only samsung makes super amoled screens, thus being very expensive to replace), the screen is going bad/has gone bad or it could be some kind of burn in.
It probably is the original screen with chronic burn in. My wife's Note 4 has exactly the same issue. This is common with the Amoled screen. My S2, S4 and S5 also all have this colouration. There is next to nothing you can do to correct this on your existing screen. The only realistic option is to replace the bad screen with a new one....which will, in time, begin to exhibit the exact same issue.
It's probably screen burn-in. You will need to replace the display in order to fix that.