Screen tech burn in? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have had Samsung since the Galaxy S (original one), and I've been with Amoled screens for awhile now and have found them to be prone to minor screen burn-in. Anyone know if the LG G2 suffers from this or is LCD an evolved technology that no longer has this problem?

Burn in is the reason why I stay away from Amoleds. All LCD phones never had burn in and I don't think burn in will ever happen to LCDs

Thanks - this excites me the most about this phone.

Yea my galaxy nexus has burn in, sucks. This screens just awesome!
Sent from my LG-D801 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Yup that was one of my biggest annoyances with the gnex. With hardware buttons it's not that big a deal but the on-screen nav bar destroys the display at the bottom. It's awesome knowing this will never be an issue and not needing to have everything so dark for battery savings. All white everything!
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk 4

Could this be a screen burn?

It doesn't look like a typical burn in symptom but it doesn't look healthy either



So can anyone confirm that the striations or lines on the screen are normal??
Im talking about when you pull down the notifications bar there are light lines that come down vertically and soma cases are horizontal.
Please let me know I got 30 days with it. thanks!
azzeh3 said:
So can anyone confirm that the striations or lines on the screen are normal??
Im talking about when you pull down the notifications bar there are light lines that come down vertically and soma cases are horizontal.
Please let me know I got 30 days with it. thanks!
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my first nexus s had darker whites than the display model at the store. I would recommend comparing yours with the store display or another persons nexus s, I think this is the best way, since we cant physically see how your phone screen looks. good luck
Are you referring to the gray section where your service provider is listed? Or the very dark area where the notifications are listed?
If I stare I can see some lines in the gray area.
I do see a slight grid pattern in the power control widget.
No I'm talking about grey section where your messages show up
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I think its screen burn in already
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I don't have a Nexus S, but I have a Galaxy S i9000M which has a similar (if not exactly the same) screen. If I bring up a screen that is a solid colour, I do notice some imperfections like you describe. They are hardly noticeable though.
Weird. My nexus doesn't have that and I would know, I modded my nexus 1 to be pretty much like gingerbread 6 months back, massive burn in.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
actually no.... mine doesn't have any lines or defects.
the only lines are the horizontal ones separating the notifications.
I think I know what you mean. My N1 on certain backgrounds has very faint grey lines. Not always visible, even on white web pages
Sent from my Nexus One
dudeimgeorge said:
Weird. My nexus doesn't have that and I would know, I modded my nexus 1 to be pretty much like gingerbread 6 months back, massive burn in.
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Why would that cause burn in more than anything else?
I don't know but I don't want it to get worse over time
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Yes, I can see it. I can see it on any AMOLED/SAMOLED phone I've ever come in contact with. It's the nature of AMOLED screens unlike most LCD screens. With AMOLED, each pixel is individually powered, and it's impossible to have each pixel (or subpixel) be identical, which leads to slight differences in output and color reproduction. An LCD screen is backlight by either florescent tubes or recently, LEDs, which produce an even backlight (usually) where the colors are controlled by filtering each pixel, rather than having to illuminate each pixel.
Anyway, I only really notice it when the brightness is at the minimum and it's very dark in the place I'm using my phone. If I crank up the brightness or if I'm in a well lit area, I don't notice it at all really. Although if it's VERY obvious, you might have a screen that's significantly lower quality than average... it happens, bad QC or something, exchange it.
Oh, and if you stare at a plasma TV long enough you'll notice the same thing... similar technology, each pixel illuminated individually.

Nexus S super amoled display Vs Vibrant

I have both the Nexus S and a Vibrant. I must say that the Nexus S super amoled display looks better then the Vibrant super amoled display and, it's not the brightness. I turned the Nexus S screen to the lowest setting and, I turned the Vibrant to the highest setting as a result the Nexus S screen looks alot better. What's you all thoughts on this?...please don't say that the vibrant is a defective product because, this will be my 4'th Vibrant do to this...thanks.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Every SAMOLED screen has its own characteristics, there are no two SAMOLED screens that are identical, they just have to fall between an upper and lower specification
Sent from my Google Nexus S Black Neolithic Piece of Wonderment.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I think that a newer display should come with a change but, trust me the Nexus S display is indeed a different better screen. I thought that a LCD was a LCD Super Amoled was a Super Amoled, just a different resolution and, size. It would be nice to let a customer know what they are buying. Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Really, looking at both displays and back of the boxes checking to see if both are super amoled displays drove me crazy, I knew it was't my eyes. Sucks my Vibrant SUCK!
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I've noticed this as well... that is of you didn't get one with the ugly yellow/grey tint screen. I'm on my 6th sns and this one has the best amoled screen I've ever seen. I went through a few vibrants and ended up with a pretty nice one there too but there's no comparison with the particular nexus s. It even looks better than my buddy's fascinate which has a better screen than any vibrant I've seen or owned. Whites on this phone are awesome and very neutral with barely any tint at all. Even at its lowest brightness setting I don't have any purple or pink on the status bar pull down. Even on my phones that didn't have this exact quality screen still were great looking amoleds.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I had 3 NS prior to the one I have now. The first one had a piss yellow screen, the second one had a off purple hue and the third had wifi issues....
The forth one is perfect in every way
Sent from my Google Nexus S Black Neolithic Piece of Wonderment.
I switched from the Sprint Epic to the Nexus S and i have to agree, my epics screen just didn't look as good as the nexus one did. On the epic i would normally set the brightness to halfway and it looked decent but on my nexus i leave it on auto and regardless of where i am it looks amazing. I don't know why but it does look better
So I take it, Super Amoled's are not all the same. I think they don't tell us this because of business reasons. Besides, I think it would be cool to know the name of my Nexus S screen cause I know for a fact the Nexus S has the best Amoled display out there.
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jalyn02 said:
So I take it, Super Amoled's are not all the same. I think they don't tell us this because of business reasons. Besides, I think it would be cool to know the name of my Nexus S screen cause I know for a fact the Nexus S has the best Amoled display out there.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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My guess is that they use the same basic technology but given the time between release dates some new parts or processes may have gone into the making of the Nexus S screens. The Nexus S definitely has a Super Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (SAMOLED) but just looks slightly better. Heck it might even be due to the Contour Display (as it is called), who knows?
kenvan19 said:
My guess is that they use the same basic technology but given the time between release dates some new parts or processes may have gone into the making of the Nexus S screens. The Nexus S definitely has a Super Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (SAMOLED) but just looks slightly better. Heck it might even be due to the Contour Display (as it is called), who knows?
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Contour Display is just what I was about to say but, you beat me to it. Thanks Guy's I thought this would be a good post and it was. Again thanks.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
My Vibrant's screen looks a million times better than my Nexus. I'm on my second Nexus, both of them were bad, and so was the demo in the store. I'd rather have the blue tinge on the Vibrant over either screen I have seen on the Nexus.
j0hnZ said:
My Vibrant's screen looks a million times better than my Nexus. I'm on my second Nexus, both of them were bad, and so was the demo in the store. I'd rather have the blue tinge on the Vibrant over either screen I have seen on the Nexus.
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sorry but if that's the case you need to return your ns again
vdub804 said:
sorry but if that's the case you need to return your ns again
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I also dabble in mastering the obvious on occasion.
its funny when it comes to screen on the nexus S, we find almost the same people replying " including me "
i think we reached a points where we are the " experts " of the screens now.
**** the phone. lets test screens. more fun
i think i would be a great quality control employee if this keeps up ^_^
I've been talking to supercurio about the screen issues, he says that they are fixable and that the contrast and gamma settings aren't correct. This totally makes sense to me, but I'm waiting to hear back on whether it will be included in his program or if this is a setting somewhere where I can adjust it.
j0hnZ said:
I've been talking to supercurio about the screen issues, he says that they are fixable and that the contrast and gamma settings aren't correct. This totally makes sense to me, but I'm waiting to hear back on whether it will be included in his program or if this is a setting somewhere where I can adjust it.
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That would be awesome, Keep me updated.
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Vertical banding lines

Has anyone notice the vertical lines especially on gray backgrounds like the notification pull down?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Yup. Easily noticeable if you put the phone on full brightness and drag down the pulldown menu.
My S2 had it much worse tho, was hoping it wouldn't happen with this phone. I guess all phone LCDs are like that?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Girn said:
Yup. Easily noticeable if you put the phone on full brightness and drag down the pulldown menu.
My S2 had it much worse tho, was hoping it wouldn't happen with this phone. I guess all phone LCDs are like that?
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Yeah it sucks but I guess its better then blobs and dark black spots all over the screen like in amoled screens
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
That's exactly what my s2 had. And yeah it's hardly noticeable if the screen isn't full brightness. I never have it on max anyway, I find it too bright and it ruins the contrast somewhat
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Yuuup I see it.
Sent from my Nexus 4
Yep I have them as well but never noticed them before. I really had to look hard to see them, and only on full brightness. It's a non-issue for me.
i noticed this too...didn't have it as bad as my other n4 that i had to rma. i actually notice lines and blobs. mostly noticeable on grey backgrounds like jb menus. really hated the blobs on amoled screens but seems like lcd's get it too
One the biggest reasons I am hesitating to upgrade from my S3 is just that, defects... they seem rampant with this phone. I have not a single defect on my S3, and there are no screen oddity's to speak of.
Shenkoa said:
One the biggest reasons I am hesitating to upgrade from my S3 is just that, defects... they seem rampant with this phone. I have not a single defect on my S3, and there are no screen oddity's to speak of.
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You don't have lines or blobs on the s3? It's a amoled screen
I have an iphone 4 for 2 years and don't notice these line, Yet when I first got the Nexus I could see it right away, Looking at my old iphone 4 and no line at all. Most be a lg screen built quality.
Just got my n4 yesterday and it was flawless until earlier tonight while web browsing a vertical line appeared to the far left of the screen it sticks out like a sore thumb against white backgrounds like most web pages.its very irritating and even blinks in and out.I swore I'd never buy lg after the g2x screen disaster but had to its a nexus do I so sold my gs3 yesterday and now I'm stuck with this annoying line.even if I RMA it will take forever to get a new one.
Wait, the IPS+ on the Nexus 4 has vertical banding? I thought that that problem was exclusive to the Super AMOLED HD on the Galaxy Nexus. In fact, I exchanged 3 of them to get one with banding that didn't show on all backgrounds. So as I now understand it, this was not an AMOLED HD problem?
Could it be a software thing? My old Droid X's non-HD LCD never seemed to have these issues. Neither does the SLCD3 screen of the Droid DNA. Very weird.
ceejay83 said:
You don't have lines or blobs on the s3? It's a amoled screen
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Lol, I don't know what you've been reading about amoled screens but they're not as rampant with problems as everyone makes them out to be. I'm I'm my third phone with an amoled panel and they've all been perfect. No yellow tint, no blobs, etc. The only issue I ever encountered was the first s2i had, had a dead pixel. Aside from that they're incredible. Prefer them to any LCD screen personally, and I'm a full times graphics artist )
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MultiLockOn said:
Lol, I don't know what you've been reading about amoled screens but they're not as rampant with problems as everyone makes them out to be. I'm I'm my third phone with an amoled panel and they've all been perfect. No yellow tint, no blobs, etc. The only issue I ever encountered was the first s2i had, had a dead pixel. Aside from that they're incredible. Prefer them to any LCD screen personally, and I'm a full times graphics artist )
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I've had 2 S2 and 2 gnex. They all had lines or blobs
ceejay83 said:
I've had 2 S2 and 2 gnex. They all had lines or blobs
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I've had galaxy s 1,2,3 and gnex and none of them had lines or blobs in fact the only other phone I had screen problems with was also made by lg the g2x I exchanged twice all three had backlight bleeding
I have this too but very low, I have too be looking hard to see them. It's not very anoying but in the JB menu I can see them a little bit ... My last phone amoled was burning ...
I seeeeeeeee them thanks for pointing it out haha never noticed them before >_>
Sent from my Nexus 4
So, is this normal or not ? I think so, but I'm not sure... Other report ?
I can hardly see them. You guys are really trying to be picky with the phone.
I started to agree with those who say if you don't like it, sell it on eBay.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
wngmv said:
I can hardly see them. You guys are really trying to be picky with the phone.
I started to agree with those who say if you don't like it, sell it on eBay.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Yeah maybe your right. So i think every body have thèse line but very very hard too sée ? It's not really an issue ?

Amoled Burn In ?

So I have been reading around a lot about amoled burn-in now in the past in had crazy problems with amoled screen i.e pink hue. Now I'm in absolute love with my new gs4 and want it to last a long time but I'm afraid I might get that dreadful burn-in. Anyone else worried??
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
11bE5 said:
So I have been reading around a lot about amoled burn-in now in the past in had crazy problems with amoled screen i.e pink hue. Now I'm in absolute love with my new gs4 and want it to last a long time but I'm afraid I might get that dreadful burn-in. Anyone else worried??
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
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Not at all. I purchased the S1 on launch. It went to my wife and now my daughter has it. Still going with no problems. I bought the S2 at launch. Passed it down to my other daughter. Still going with no problems. I still have my work S3 which has no problems. And I preordered the S4 and love it. So you could call me a fanboy of Samsung but you would be wrong. I have owned all types and manufacturers. Including iPhone LOL. For me personally, Samsung has been the best phone around and I have not had any issues with them.
Ummmm I mean yes I am scared to death and I think you should dump the S4 right away. I would sacrifice and take it off your hands for $100
Lol:what: only a 100. Nah I love this phone just wanted to get others opinions
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
11bE5 said:
Lol:what: only a 100. Nah I love this phone just wanted to get others opinions
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
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Yes, your s4 amoled screen will have burn in. I will buy it from you for $120.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------
Just like crawrj, I've had the s1, s2, and Gnex. All had amoled screens, all were just great when it came to the screen. Never had any burn in issues here as well.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
I have burn in on my GNexus and my epic touch. It's not too visible but I notice it every now an then. On the epic touch it is on the notification bar area when I go into gallery to view a full size image on white images I can notice the top area is darkend. I think this is due to how I use my device. I have the screen on for a good 6-7 hours a day at work listening to YouTube.
I had burn in with my s2 with the amoled+ screen. Something else failed on the phone and the refurb didn't have burn in already. I had burn in of the notification area and keyboard letters.
I have my s2 and there is a very slight burn with a line for the bottom row of icons on the home screen. But you can only see it on a very cold day and when the screen is 100% white. On a regular temperature day it is not noticeable at all.
I've had several of Samsung's phones all with amoled screens and I've never had any problems with them. I haven't even heard of that happening, which doesn't mean it's impossible, but it's probably fairly unlikely that you will have that issue on the S4.
I had the OG Epic, E4GT, S2, S3, and got the S4 on the launch date early morning (first phone I ever got at launch haha) and I have never had any problems!
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My gnex had burn in issues but you could only really tell when the brightness was less than 50%.
This week I'm sending my Nexus S out to pasture. I am the 2nd over and I bought it with the burn-in. It's hard to tell from the picture but it looks like ginger bread and beautiful widgets are to blame. That's what brought me here. Can I expect more of the same? I realize my device is very old in Android years and hopefully the screens are better.
It probably will eventually get burn in. Long screen on times while using the phone without the screen changing much is culprit. A repair center I was at said they would get you a replacement if you had tep.
I have to think this can/will happen depending on the usage. If you have your screen to never time out and it is left on for most the day on 100% brightness or maybe if you are using the device as your alarm clock every night and the screen is kept bright. Have never done any of these things but would like to hear from someone that has used a similar device every night as an alarm clock.
CCallahan said:
I have to think this can/will happen depending on the usage. If you have your screen to never time out and it is left on for most the day on 100% brightness or maybe if you are using the device as your alarm clock every night and the screen is kept bright. Have never done any of these things but would like to hear from someone that has used a similar device every night as an alarm clock.
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Yup I think it depends on your usage model.& many will never see burn-in on the screen. But a major use of my phone is for navigation in the car. The screen is on for maybe hours at a time and, in summer, gets hot and on full brightness. Google Navigation has display elements on the screen that are essentially static. So I decided AMOLED was a bit of a poor choice, and went for a LCD phone. YMMV.
Shame, I would have maybe considered an S4 if it had an LCD.
WibblyW said:
Yup I think it depends on your usage model.& many will never see burn-in on the screen. But a major use of my phone is for navigation in the car. The screen is on for maybe hours at a time and, in summer, gets hot and on full brightness. Google Navigation has display elements on the screen that are essentially static. So I decided AMOLED was a bit of a poor choice, and went for a LCD phone. YMMV.
Shame, I would have maybe considered an S4 if it had an LCD.
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S4 active will have lcd
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
Look at all you guys low balling him
You guys should be ashamed
That said I'll offer you $120.01
Also still no burns on s1, s2, s3, and two nexus s
devoureddreams said:
S4 active will have lcd
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Lower resolution, sadly.
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WibblyW said:
Lower resolution, sadly.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Thats lame lol
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
To all those saying "impossible", "using it for year and year with no burn-in" etc, here, my 2 cents. The attached pictures is a burn-in on my SGS3, i took a pic with the screen displaying an all gray test pattern, on low brightness. I did post-process the pic to make it more visible, so in reality it doesn't look that bad, but it is definitely there and is definitely bad enough to notice on most relatively evenly-colored, yet bright enough, apps. I've noticed it first while browsing the Google Play market
BTW, the burn-in source is very obvious, it's the Waze navigation app elements, the one in the middle is ETA. Not too surprising, considering the fact the screen runs at max brightness and is really hot during navigation, true most of the year here.
PS: The device is a bit under 1 year old

[Q] Galaxy S4 screen burn-in probability?

So. I'm trying to decide between the Galaxy S4 i9505 and the HTC One, and the only thing that bothers me with the S4 is the fact that AMOLED screens are capable of screen burn-in. I didn't see a single thread about S4 screen burn-in, but I know that for example the S3 had issues with screen burn-in too. I never used any smartphone except for Xperias, which always use TFT screens, so I don't have any experiences. My question is: Should I worry about screen burn-in or is it fixed? I would use the Google Edition rom which has black statusbar if that matters. Thanks in advance, ChongWiz
ChongWiz said:
So. I'm trying to decide between the Galaxy S4 i9505 and the HTC One, and the only thing that bothers me with the S4 is the fact that AMOLED screens are capable of screen burn-in. I didn't see a single thread about S4 screen burn-in, but I know that for example the S3 had issues with screen burn-in too. I never used any smartphone except for Xperias, which always use TFT screens, so I don't have any experiences. My question is: Should I worry about screen burn-in or is it fixed? I would use the Google Edition rom which has black statusbar if that matters. Thanks in advance, ChongWiz
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Hello friend, I too hate the screen burn-ins of SAMOLED screens. The screen on the S3 definitely had screen burn-ins (especially visible in dark rooms showing black images) but on my S4 I havent seen ANY screen burn ins at all. Yes the whites looks blueish and yes there is purple smear but the display still is amazing and doesnt have burn-ins :good:
Owned all versions of the galaxy series and I've never had permanent screen burn. Lots of screen on time keep most devices 2 years and no noticeable dimming either.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
Thanks for the answers, now I'm sure I will get an S4 asap. Good day for everyone!
all OLED screen will burn in by design, include AMOLED, the different is just how serious, my 2 years old S2 have a little burn in at the notification bar (for the battery icon and clock area)
p.s. the blue color is the worst one, and green is the least, due to the material in use
In the video in the review below, the reviewer said that she had started to see burn-in on her S4 are only 1 month.
EDIT: though i have never see any burn-in on my S3 after several months, though i kept the brightness low and did not keep the screen on for an extended time with a static image.
never heard this issue in samsung galaxy s4 in my country (indonesia) i think its fixed
satzuke said:
never heard this issue in samsung galaxy s4 in my country (indonesia) i think its fixed
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That's not possible -__-
Me Gusta!
ChongWiz said:
Thanks for the answers, now I'm sure I will get an S4 asap. Good day for everyone!
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Based on what??? All Amoled screens will burn in. All... of... them... Yours will as well. Apparently not everybody sees it but it will, 100.00% sure.
It remains an awesome screen though :good:
meh, had S3 for 7 months, not a single trace of burn in (checked with RGB full screen tests). i think people who get burn do too much of same stuff, if you message all day long and nothing else, messaging interface might burn in and such.
if you are a "normal" user, who doesn't get stuck up on one particular task all the time, you'll be fine.
I actually owned the whole Galaxy Series SGS1 to now SGS4 and i never had the burn-in issue yet to date, i owned every phone about a year and sold them to got friends of mine and still if i look at their phones i can't notice burn-in at least on the SGS3 i was last week, my GNex which had AMOLED too has a bit of a burn-in but not that you may say "omg that looks awful", you really have to look very closely, i actually think in that time where burn-in gets a serious issue you have a new phone anyway.
I had horrible burn in on my Note I.
Could see the full keyboard like a shadow.
Same with the top bar. Could see the battery icon & alarm icon.
finally got it replaced (screen only).
Burn in came back though.
Screen was noticeably brighter when replaced.
What burnin looks like? Mura effect?
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Mandeep148 said:
What burnin looks like? Mura effect?
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Its like a faint blue hue over the affected area in the begining stages of burn in which isn't noticeable unless you go into a display test app and look for it.
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tryout1 said:
I actually owned the whole Galaxy Series SGS1 to now SGS4 and i never had the burn-in issue yet to date, i owned every phone about a year and sold them to got friends of mine and still if i look at their phones i can't notice burn-in at least on the SGS3 i was last week, my GNex which had AMOLED too has a bit of a burn-in but not that you may say "omg that looks awful", you really have to look very closely, i actually think in that time where burn-in gets a serious issue you have a new phone anyway.
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Go to a local shop and look there (those demo units). They are all burned in, i owned a galaxy s1 and mine burned in as well (screen was on for 30 min!). My little sister has a S3 and is using whatsapp alot with her friends, the entire keyboard is burned in and the top bar too.
My galaxy nexus has pretty awful burn in at the nav and status bar as they are always there
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plznote said:
My galaxy nexus has pretty awful burn in at the nav and status bar as they are always there
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Mine doesn't have any major burn in just a mild blueish hue on the status bar and I've had it since launch day.
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msavic6 said:
Its like a faint blue hue over the affected area in the begining stages of burn in which isn't noticeable unless you go into a display test app and look for it.
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Omg.. I made this thread.. because I have that problem.. read it.. is that mean colour burnin?.
Aby app to fix it?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
Realised my screen has burn in yesterday
Mandeep148 said:
Omg.. I made this thread.. because I have that problem.. read it.. is that means colour burnin?.
Aby app to fix it?
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If you honestly have burn in on a device this new I wouldnt bother with any apps and head straight to Samsung and get a warranty fix.
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk 4 Beta
