I9505 - No sound - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I lived with firmware 4.2.2 throughout 3 years and finally decided to update firmware to somewhat fresh. So I have chosen Ressurection Remix and flashed it. All went almost fine for a day, but then all sound disappeared (both on back speaker and headphones).
I tried to restore nandroid backup - that didn't work. I flashed back RR, tried CM13 - nothing.
Front speaker and microphone seems to be working, I can make calls normally. I've read many articles in internet and did a lot of strange fix attempts such as jack clean, memory card detach/insert, quick plugging in and out headphones etc.
A little more details: when I plug in headphones, they appear in notification bar with random lag (0-20 seconds), and disappear with lag too (but don't work). The most strange part is that OS lags when I do some actions that should involve sound play (such as ringtone preview, changing volume etc.). When I try to play some music, player just doesn't go beyond 0:00-0:01 and pauses.
Is this a 100% hardware problem? Or it could possibly be fixed?

Try flashing the latest stock rom from sammobile.com using Odin.

audit13 said:
Try flashing the latest stock rom from sammobile.com using Odin.
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Is that necessary? If I upgrade bootloader, I will never be able to restore 4.2.2.
I've found strange error in logcat:
E/audio_hw_primary( 212): start_output_stream: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': Out of memory

Shiz0 said:
I lived with firmware 4.2.2 throughout 3 years and finally decided to update firmware to somewhat fresh. So I have chosen Ressurection Remix and flashed it. All went almost fine for a day, but then all sound disappeared (both on back speaker and headphones).
I tried to restore nandroid backup - that didn't work. I flashed back RR, tried CM13 - nothing.
Front speaker and microphone seems to be working, I can make calls normally. I've read many articles in internet and did a lot of strange fix attempts such as jack clean, memory card detach/insert, quick plugging in and out headphones etc.
A little more details: when I plug in headphones, they appear in notification bar with random lag (0-20 seconds), and disappear with lag too (but don't work). The most strange part is that OS lags when I do some actions that should involve sound play (such as ringtone preview, changing volume etc.). When I try to play some music, player just doesn't go beyond 0:00-0:01 and pauses.
Is this a 100% hardware problem? Or it could possibly be fixed?
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Problem is you moved from KitKat bootloader to Marshmallow bootloader. Try flash the ROM again now.
---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------
Shiz0 said:
Is that necessary? If I upgrade bootloader, I will never be able to restore 4.2.2.
I've found strange error in logcat:
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You can restore 4.2.2.

gosha98_ said:
Problem is you moved from KitKat bootloader to Marshmallow bootloader. Try flash the ROM again now.
---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------
You can restore 4.2.2.
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I flashed the ROM multiple times, nothing is changed. I even flashed original clean 4.2.2, but WiFi stopped working (even after modem downgrade).

Shiz0 said:
I flashed the ROM multiple times, nothing is changed. I even flashed original clean 4.2.2, but WiFi stopped working (even after modem downgrade).
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So did you downgrade KitKat modems?

gosha98_ said:
So did you downgrade KitKat modems?
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When I flashed RR, I also flashed latest modem (on old modem signal was very unstable), but saved old bootloader. When I downgraded to 4.2.2, I also downgraded the modem.

Shiz0 said:
When I flashed RR, I also flashed latest modem (on old modem signal was very unstable), but saved old bootloader. When I downgraded to 4.2.2, I also downgraded the modem.
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Try with flashing lollipop firmware first. And here see if WiFi and sound work.

gosha98_ said:
Try with flashing lollipop firmware first. And here see if WiFi and sound work.
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Everything works on RR except for sound (which doesn't work at least on RR, CM13, stock 4.2.2). Ok, I'll try to flash 4-file latest stock Lollipop later today, I have nothing to lose.

Shiz0 said:
Everything works on RR except for sound (which doesn't work at least on RR, CM13, stock 4.2.2). Ok, I'll try to flash 4-file latest stock Lollipop later today, I have nothing to lose.
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If on lollipop sound doesn't work.. Not good to hear but it's an hardware problem.

I had no time to flash official firmware on work days, but I've found out that speaker and heaphones work! But only during calls (speakerphone). Now I'm totally confused.

I've flashed stock 4.2.2 ROM twice in a row and it did help! https://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/79112-i9505-no-sound-cant-make-calls-or-receive/
But then I've flashed CM13 and don't have any sound again!
Is there any chance to flash CM13 and save the sound? Maybe I should just flash latest bootloader with KNOX?

Try flashing the latest stock ROM, then CM13.


[Q] galaxy s4 no sound no cam

i've serious problems with my galaxy s4 i9505. I rooted my phone and after that i've installed clockwork recovery. i've installed some roms and every thing worked fine. but 3 days ago, the phone started to boot randomly. after that the camera app doesn't work anymore (it hangs on black screen). And the sound doesn't work anymore too (on earphones too). if i open an app with sound then the app hangs/freezes. if i push the volume buttons i've the same problems. so i tried to flash different roms (of course i did wipe cache, dalvik, data factory reset) - but always the same problem. i did a backup before flashing any rom - so i've also tried to restore the backup, but the problems remain.
can anyone help me?
looks like we have same problem...
Sounds on my Galaxy S4 aren't working either and so do cam app... I've also tried to switch between MusicFX and BeatsAdudio (after the problem with soud begun) but with no help at all.
You guys might try to flash back to a stock rom with (Mobile) Odin to see if that solves the issue (probably will). Use Triangle Away first to reset the binary flash counter. And data factory reset after the flash. Or first try reflashing the custom rom you`re on with a full wipe without the sound mod.
nothing did help. So I guess it's a hardware issue. finally I reset flash/binary counter with triangle away, then flash stock rom (of course did full wipe) then unroot. Now I try to send the phone back and claim guarantee.
Same problem
Got the same problem here.
At first at reboot the sound would occasionally come back but would be gone after a screenlock.
Also when starting up the phone would hang during startup.
Went back to unrooted and stock firmware of july 2013.
Now no sound whatsoever.
Need to send it for repair... gonna be without a phone for three weeks.
Actually the phone seems to behaves like there is a headset connected while there is not (no headset logo either).
Platypus said:
Got the same problem here.
At first at reboot the sound would occasionally come back but would be gone after a screenlock.
Also when starting up the phone would hang during startup.
Went back to unrooted and stock firmware of july 2013.
Now no sound whatsoever.
Need to send it for repair... gonna be without a phone for three weeks.
Actually the phone seems to behaves like there is a headset connected while there is not (no headset logo either).
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I sent it to samsung. they replied that they don't what the problem is - so the didn't repair anything.
So i really don't no what to do - a mobile with no mic, front & back speaker and no workin earphones is worthless ;(((
does any one have some ideas what to do?
could it be a software issue, because in my opinion it's strange, that mic, front & back speaker and earphones doen't work - i mean these are separate hardware components... the only connection thing on hw side is the motherboard. so i could imagine it's a sw problem. but i tried different roms, set back root and went back to stock rom.... but no change.
PS: sorry for bad english...
hi all, sorry for bumping up this thread. has anyone found a solution for this? I have the same problem with my S4.
tulogista said:
hi all, sorry for bumping up this thread. has anyone found a solution for this? I have the same problem with my S4.
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Just flashed a Google Edition ROM and no sound guys!? Sound was working perfectly on stock!??
tronje85 said:
i've serious problems with my galaxy s4 i9505. I rooted my phone and after that i've installed clockwork recovery. i've installed some roms and every thing worked fine. but 3 days ago, the phone started to boot randomly. after that the camera app doesn't work anymore (it hangs on black screen). And the sound doesn't work anymore too (on earphones too). if i open an app with sound then the app hangs/freezes. if i push the volume buttons i've the same problems. so i tried to flash different roms (of course i did wipe cache, dalvik, data factory reset) - but always the same problem. i did a backup before flashing any rom - so i've also tried to restore the backup, but the problems remain.
can anyone help me?
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Updated to the new rom recently? Try flashing MH8 BTU over it through kies then go into "STOCK" recovery and wipe. This happend to me when i flashed MH8 then flashed another rom. Its to do with the bootloader and knox security crap.
---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------
tulogista said:
hi all, sorry for bumping up this thread. has anyone found a solution for this? I have the same problem with my S4.
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Try my solution i quoted.
Heres the thread in which it was mentioned before: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=45417714#post45417714
---------- Post added at 09:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 PM ----------
I just realised for the first few person the update wasn't even out yet so is irrelevant.
jayjay2244 said:
Try my solution i quoted.
Heres the thread in which it was mentioned before: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=45417714#post45417714
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Thanks! Yes, I saw your thread after I posted here and tried your solution. Everything is back to normal now :good:

I9505 No Sound, Cant Make Calls Or Receive

I have a problem with my device.
Recently i try-d to flash miui v5 from:
miuiandroid_jfltexx_jb-3.9.13.zip md5sum: 7c097742b0f84b1ea5ab39acd5b56dc3
After i made wipe data, syste, preload flash failed, so i made another one and it succeeded.
After reboot i saw only greenish android logo which went nowhere.
So i tried third time with philz recovery and it booted up.
And then there was no sound at all.
Then i wiped data and flashed back stock firmware:
After that no sound, no wifi and no calling.
Well then i tried older firmware-s.
And now i just tried latest cm10.2 21.09.2013
Well wifi started to work again, but no sound.
Tried calling, but app just freezes and i cant heare anything.
I am just wondering that how wifi just started working again?
Maybe sound and calling can be fixed somehow similar way.
Pls help, i have same problem, tried several rom not ok, when make call then phone freezes.
Morgue666 said:
I have a problem with my device.
Recently i try-d to flash miui v5 from:
miuiandroid_jfltexx_jb-3.9.13.zip md5sum: 7c097742b0f84b1ea5ab39acd5b56dc3
After i made wipe data, syste, preload flash failed, so i made another one and it succeeded.
After reboot i saw only greenish android logo which went nowhere.
So i tried third time with philz recovery and it booted up.
And then there was no sound at all.
Then i wiped data and flashed back stock firmware:
After that no sound, no wifi and no calling.
Well then i tried older firmware-s.
And now i just tried latest cm10.2 21.09.2013
Well wifi started to work again, but no sound.
Tried calling, but app just freezes and i cant heare anything.
I am just wondering that how wifi just started working again?
Maybe sound and calling can be fixed somehow similar way.
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I thing more, 2G/3G internet working fine, also can send and receive sms.
Morgue666 said:
I thing more, 2G/3G internet working fine, also can send and receive sms.
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Do you solve problem?
Thanh_GSM said:
Do you solve problem?
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nop, just noticed that problem is related only in sounds.
calling crashes just because cant somehow andoid cant use speakers
also found error useing logcat:
getDeviceForStrategy() speaker device not found"
somehow i managed to get emergency download before boot up.
intructions said to start up kies and start recovery from there.
well did that, entered model and s/n and it flashed newest firmware and now its fully working again
got same problem yesterday after updating to latest omega... no sound at all, tried doing restore, tried again full wipe, tried changing kernels, after that tried different roms - no success, sound is lost somehow.
problem was resolved only after flashing through Odin 3.09 NEE firmware I9505XXUBMGA_I9505OXXBMG3_I9505XXUBMGA_HOME.
Omega rom killed my sounds!
darkmanlv said:
got same problem yesterday after updating to latest omega... no sound at all, tried doing restore, tried again full wipe, tried changing kernels, after that tried different roms - no success, sound is lost somehow.
problem was resolved only after flashing through Odin 3.09 NEE firmware I9505XXUBMGA_I9505OXXBMG3_I9505XXUBMGA_HOME.
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I will try one last time to install Omega v12 before I revert to stock that you mentioned....very disapointed...S4 is such a buggy crap bag
Still love omega rom and everyones effort tho...
OK sound is back after flashing thru odin 3.04 - I9505XXUDMH8_I9505OXXDMHA_I9505XXUDMH8_HOME.tar.....but I am now going to try flashing omega v12 with cwm recovery instead of twrp and see if that makes any diff or just breaks again!
OK!!!! I flashed via odin - CWM recovery and then flashed the omega v12 zip without wiping in CWM but allowing aroma to do the work for me. And I HAVE SOUND and CALLS and no crashes thus far...Hope this helps anyone out there.

No sound on GT-I9505

Have tried flashing back to a previous rom that worked and still no sound,
I've tried numerous modems, does any one have any suggestions?
No sound in calls which causes freeze, no sound in youtube so no video playback, no sound on menu or anywhere else, but everything else works fine.
Please assist it's driving me crazy and I'm at a loss with what to do.
EvilM0narch said:
Have tried flashing back to a previous rom that worked and still no sound,
I've tried numerous modems, does any one have any suggestions?
No sound in calls which causes freeze, no sound in youtube so no video playback, no sound on menu or anywhere else, but everything else works fine.
Please assist it's driving me crazy and I'm at a loss with what to do.
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I'm having same problem.
i9505 international unlocked.
currently running hlos xxumk8, modem xxuemke, janjan's pure google pre rooted 4.4 v2.
if someone has any idea where I went wrong or what I should try, by all means let us know
dimaqq said:
I'm having same problem.
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Finally I was able to regain sound!
I tried loads of firmware combinations without luck, so finally had to go back to stock fw and up to 4.4 again.
Here are the crucial steps
Phone was not knoxed up
Flash with XXUBMEA (stock 4.2.2) using heimdall/odin.
Flash HLOS again manually, despite having done that in previous step, as phone was still showing newest modem version, (XXUBMEA or XXABMEA md5 0d8d7a23751956cfef0974cc611e71ec)
got sound at this point!
cf auto root, reboot, install philz touch, both via download mode
flash with Pure Google pre rooted 4.4 v2
Flash modem with recommended version XXUEMKE
dimaqq said:
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My device has Knox enabled, I can't revert back to XXUBMEA as Odin fails when writing system.ext4.img

No Audio at all!

Volume is absolutely up, I don't have it on silent mode or priority mode only or anything, plus alarm doesn't make sound and some other things, just to clarify I'm not being dumb.
Any app that tries to produce sound crashes, like if I play a video on YouTube or in Chrome, if I open anything like AudioFX or what have you.
I think the most important thing is that this is occurring on every ROM, and I don't know what to do. I just fixed my data issue that was persistent on every ROM, but this is more important to me because I need my phone for an alarm clock among other things.
I have wiped, wiped, and wiped again. I flashed stock Touchwiz, tried older nightlies of CM12 I know were fine, tried other ROMs, etc. It doesn't make a difference, the effect is still the same no matter what.
I have tried pluggging in and unplugging headphones over and over. There isn't even an indication it's plugged in. There's also no way in hell I damaged the speaker or anything, and that wouldn't really explain crashes on YouTube and so forth anyway.
I have reset, without a charger plugged in over 10 times. Powered off and on 10 times. This was apparently a solution to a similar issue with the Nexus 5 on Lollipop. But do note that this issue isn't even restricted to Lollipop.
Please, if anyone has any ideas, even if they probably won't work, I'm pretty desperate to get this working again.
I solved it. It's caused by the NAE modem for some reason. Flashing any previous modem has working audio, and flashing NAE again breaks it again (just to verify that was the cause).
I don't know much about it, but how does the modem have any effect on audio?
PwnCloud said:
I solved it. It's caused by the NAE modem for some reason. Flashing any previous modem has working audio, and flashing NAE again breaks it again (just to verify that was the cause).
I don't know much about it, but how does the modem have any effect on audio?
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Dang had I seen this earlier I would a told you exactly what you found. I had same issue going from MF9 modem to NAE. Trick is to flash MK(whatever number) boot up normally, then reboot and flash NAE modem and boot. Cheers!
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Free mobile app
I had similar problem...had tried everything and then some. Was about to flash odin that revererted everything to stock unrooted. Was going to take in to sprint. Noticed files to download mismatched mine so odin back to mk2 and had sound so moved on up to NAE and still had sound. Then on to 4.4.2 rom and NG2 and all good. Go figure...was coming on here to tell you Glad u got it.

Bluetooth & Nougat SIM Card Issues

Hey XDA peeps!
I recently got meself a G4 Plus (32/3 GB, XT1643), and everything has been totally fantastic, except for this: connecting to a Bluetooth device is almost impossible, and using any 7.1 ROM causes SIM errors.
I've been able to connect to my Android Wear watch, but that's about it. I got Motorola's VerveLoop+ headphones too, and it connects to everything but my G4+. I tried multiple things, reflashing the modem file (NON-HLOS.bin), flashing stock ROM, flashing multiple ROMs from the forums (CM, RR, BS, AOKP), none of them fixed the problem.
I'm currently using RR 5.7.4 (MM), and 5.8.0 (N) recently came out. I tried updating but it doesn't read my SIM after the process. I tried flashing the 7.0 "soak" ROM or whatever it is, but nothing, same issue over and over again. I tried a full format and flashing RR alone through TWRP but same thing.
So, what do? Any help on either would be very much appreciated.
themajod said:
Hey XDA peeps!
I recently got meself a G4 Plus (32/3 GB, XT1643), and everything has been totally fantastic, except for this: connecting to a Bluetooth device is almost impossible, and using any 7.1 ROM causes SIM errors.
I've been able to connect to my Android Wear watch, but that's about it. I got Motorola's VerveLoop+ headphones too, and it connects to everything but my G4+. I tried multiple things, reflashing the modem file (NON-HLOS.bin), flashing stock ROM, flashing multiple ROMs from the forums (CM, RR, BS, AOKP), none of them fixed the problem.
I'm currently using RR 5.7.4 (MM), and 5.8.0 (N) recently came out. I tried updating but it doesn't read my SIM after the process. I tried flashing the 7.0 "soak" ROM or whatever it is, but nothing, same issue over and over again. I tried a full format and flashing RR alone through TWRP but same thing.
So, what do? Any help on either would be very much appreciated.
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I have multiple Bluetooth devices and connections all day long and I'm on RR 5.8.0 atm but no issues like you happened to me ever(XT1642, MM stock modem). Maybe with flashing you messed up the modem so sim detection etc. Is gone? Did you tried to separately flash the M modem?
strongst said:
I have multiple Bluetooth devices and connections all day long and I'm on RR 5.8.0 atm but no issues like you happened to me ever(XT1642, MM stock modem). Maybe with flashing you messed up the modem so sim detection etc. Is gone? Did you tried to separately flash the M modem?
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Tried it before and tried it just now, and still nothing... Right now I'm more concerned about the Bluetooth thing, its bumming me out. I reverted back to RR 5.7.4 from a backup, but even on 5.8.0, Bluetooth wouldn't work.
Anyone know what to do?
So if I understand correctly Bluetooth has never worked properly for you ever since you bought the phone?
If that's the case and it doesn't work even with stock firmware you should consider hardware fault.
I would put stock back and try to get it serviced.
gabriwinter said:
So if I understand correctly Bluetooth has never worked properly for you ever since you bought the phone?
If that's the case and it doesn't work even with stock firmware you should consider hardware fault.
I would put stock back and try to get it serviced.
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No what happened is that after flashing RR, the thing stopped working. I tried reverting back and it's the same. It's not that Bluetooth isn't functional, I can connect to my laptop and my Android Wear watch, but it won't connect to my Bluetooth headset (the VerveLoop+ as I mentioned)
themajod said:
No what happened is that after flashing RR, the thing stopped working. I tried reverting back and it's the same. It's not that Bluetooth isn't functional, I can connect to my laptop and my Android Wear watch, but it won't connect to my Bluetooth headset (the VerveLoop+ as I mentioned)
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If it was working with stock, you should be able to get it back to work.
I would focus in making it work again in stock.
Make sure you flashed the right version for your model and so on.
gabriwinter said:
If it was working with stock, you should be able to get it back to work.
I would focus in making it work again in stock.
Make sure you flashed the right version for your model and so on.
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Well thing is, I tried doing that before, after flashing RR the first time, Bluetooth stopped functioning properly, be it in CM or stock, same thing.
Note: I was able to fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1, but Bluetooth issues still persist.
themajod said:
Well thing is, I tried doing that before, after flashing RR the first time, Bluetooth stopped functioning properly, be it in CM or stock, same thing.
Note: I was able to fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1, but Bluetooth issues still persist.
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A bit off-topic how did you fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1?
gabriwinter said:
A bit off-topic how did you fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1?
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I don't really know, I was looking for a workaround and I backed up my RR 5.7.4 ROM, then when I hit restore it wouldn't work, so I flashed RR 5.8.0 just to see what will happen and it got fixed... Really odd how that worked...
Edit: Never mind it, it went back to how it was after restoring my backup properly. I tried updating but it didn't work. For 7.1 issues, I'll just wait until the official update and flash the modem file for it, I really hope it works.

