Bluetooth & Nougat SIM Card Issues - Moto G4 Plus Questions & Answers

Hey XDA peeps!
I recently got meself a G4 Plus (32/3 GB, XT1643), and everything has been totally fantastic, except for this: connecting to a Bluetooth device is almost impossible, and using any 7.1 ROM causes SIM errors.
I've been able to connect to my Android Wear watch, but that's about it. I got Motorola's VerveLoop+ headphones too, and it connects to everything but my G4+. I tried multiple things, reflashing the modem file (NON-HLOS.bin), flashing stock ROM, flashing multiple ROMs from the forums (CM, RR, BS, AOKP), none of them fixed the problem.
I'm currently using RR 5.7.4 (MM), and 5.8.0 (N) recently came out. I tried updating but it doesn't read my SIM after the process. I tried flashing the 7.0 "soak" ROM or whatever it is, but nothing, same issue over and over again. I tried a full format and flashing RR alone through TWRP but same thing.
So, what do? Any help on either would be very much appreciated.

themajod said:
Hey XDA peeps!
I recently got meself a G4 Plus (32/3 GB, XT1643), and everything has been totally fantastic, except for this: connecting to a Bluetooth device is almost impossible, and using any 7.1 ROM causes SIM errors.
I've been able to connect to my Android Wear watch, but that's about it. I got Motorola's VerveLoop+ headphones too, and it connects to everything but my G4+. I tried multiple things, reflashing the modem file (NON-HLOS.bin), flashing stock ROM, flashing multiple ROMs from the forums (CM, RR, BS, AOKP), none of them fixed the problem.
I'm currently using RR 5.7.4 (MM), and 5.8.0 (N) recently came out. I tried updating but it doesn't read my SIM after the process. I tried flashing the 7.0 "soak" ROM or whatever it is, but nothing, same issue over and over again. I tried a full format and flashing RR alone through TWRP but same thing.
So, what do? Any help on either would be very much appreciated.
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I have multiple Bluetooth devices and connections all day long and I'm on RR 5.8.0 atm but no issues like you happened to me ever(XT1642, MM stock modem). Maybe with flashing you messed up the modem so sim detection etc. Is gone? Did you tried to separately flash the M modem?

strongst said:
I have multiple Bluetooth devices and connections all day long and I'm on RR 5.8.0 atm but no issues like you happened to me ever(XT1642, MM stock modem). Maybe with flashing you messed up the modem so sim detection etc. Is gone? Did you tried to separately flash the M modem?
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Tried it before and tried it just now, and still nothing... Right now I'm more concerned about the Bluetooth thing, its bumming me out. I reverted back to RR 5.7.4 from a backup, but even on 5.8.0, Bluetooth wouldn't work.

Anyone know what to do?

So if I understand correctly Bluetooth has never worked properly for you ever since you bought the phone?
If that's the case and it doesn't work even with stock firmware you should consider hardware fault.
I would put stock back and try to get it serviced.

gabriwinter said:
So if I understand correctly Bluetooth has never worked properly for you ever since you bought the phone?
If that's the case and it doesn't work even with stock firmware you should consider hardware fault.
I would put stock back and try to get it serviced.
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No what happened is that after flashing RR, the thing stopped working. I tried reverting back and it's the same. It's not that Bluetooth isn't functional, I can connect to my laptop and my Android Wear watch, but it won't connect to my Bluetooth headset (the VerveLoop+ as I mentioned)

themajod said:
No what happened is that after flashing RR, the thing stopped working. I tried reverting back and it's the same. It's not that Bluetooth isn't functional, I can connect to my laptop and my Android Wear watch, but it won't connect to my Bluetooth headset (the VerveLoop+ as I mentioned)
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If it was working with stock, you should be able to get it back to work.
I would focus in making it work again in stock.
Make sure you flashed the right version for your model and so on.

gabriwinter said:
If it was working with stock, you should be able to get it back to work.
I would focus in making it work again in stock.
Make sure you flashed the right version for your model and so on.
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Well thing is, I tried doing that before, after flashing RR the first time, Bluetooth stopped functioning properly, be it in CM or stock, same thing.
Note: I was able to fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1, but Bluetooth issues still persist.

themajod said:
Well thing is, I tried doing that before, after flashing RR the first time, Bluetooth stopped functioning properly, be it in CM or stock, same thing.
Note: I was able to fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1, but Bluetooth issues still persist.
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A bit off-topic how did you fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1?

gabriwinter said:
A bit off-topic how did you fix the weird SIM thing with 7.1?
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I don't really know, I was looking for a workaround and I backed up my RR 5.7.4 ROM, then when I hit restore it wouldn't work, so I flashed RR 5.8.0 just to see what will happen and it got fixed... Really odd how that worked...
Edit: Never mind it, it went back to how it was after restoring my backup properly. I tried updating but it didn't work. For 7.1 issues, I'll just wait until the official update and flash the modem file for it, I really hope it works.


[Q] Problems with audio after flashing MGG

I flashed a rom with MGG and got the same FC problems as everyone else. Flashed the stock MGG rom and cleared everything, factory reset etc. After that I didn't get any audio at all. Not ever during the samsung bootup animation.
I flashed another rom through cwm, same thing and no wifi. The wifi fix doesn't seems to work either.
Tried CM 10.2, there I'm getting wifi but instead no data trafic. Baseband says "unknown" even through I flash different modems. The wifi and data problems I can get around, its just that I can't flash older roms through odin until they unlock the new bootloader.
The audio problems in the other hand. Saw some guy having sound problems in the modem thread as well. Not to many have posted about this problem. Seems to be a pretty rare problem.
What could cause this, how to get around this?
Had to go to work with a non working phone so can't get any logs for you at the moment.
I'm concerned, please enlighten me!
Finally, flashed the latest CM 10.2. Got wifi and reception working!
Still no sound. What log would you like to see to find out what's wrong?

Wifi Stuck w/Certain Roms.

Hi. I'm having wifi issues with my Nexus. It started after flashing MIUI. I was using TWRP to flash, it took a while for the google logo to disappear and to get to the Xiaomi bootlogo. After it finally booted, the wifi was stuck to "turning on", but never ultimately firing up(couldn't get it to turn on nor off, even having turning it off). I've also noticed that I have the same EXACT issue with CyanogenMod. I completely returned to stock, i've relocked the bootloader and everything. I tried CM installer today and i'm rooted again with CM, but still I have the same exact issues as before. I don't have these issues with some other roms such as stock, official Omnirom and such, i wouldn't think it would be exactly a hardware issue, since it works just fine with certain roms. Would anyone have an idea why my phone is having this issue? It wasn't always this way. Specifically, I haven't been having issues with 4.4 roms. Does anyone think it could be something related to bootloader, or something?
Juanito216 said:
Hi. I'm having wifi issues with my Nexus. It started after flashing MIUI. I was using TWRP to flash, it took a while for the google logo to disappear and to get to the Xiaomi bootlogo. After it finally booted, the wifi was stuck to "turning on", but never ultimately firing up(couldn't get it to turn on nor off, even having turning it off). I've also noticed that I have the same EXACT issue with CyanogenMod. I completely returned to stock, i've relocked the bootloader and everything. I tried CM installer today and i'm rooted again with CM, but still I have the same exact issues as before. I don't have these issues with some other roms such as stock, official Omnirom and such, i wouldn't think it would be exactly a hardware issue, since it works just fine with certain roms. Would anyone have an idea why my phone is having this issue? It wasn't always this way. Specifically, I haven't been having issues with 4.4 roms. Does anyone think it could be something related to bootloader, or something?
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i have a similar problem... i rooted my nexus and flashed a custom rom (PACman) when it boots wifi is disabled, also bluetooth doesnt work neither any sounds, no music, no speaker, nothing, so i flashed Paranoid android (both based on 4.3) and i had the same problem
so then i flashed stock, everything ok, then CrDroid (based en 4.4) everything ok, then OmniRom (Based on 4.4) everything ok too...
i posted it here and got no replies, hope someone could help
Yes, right now I'm running an unofficial CM 11, and no issues. I wonder if something needs to be downgraded, in order for things to be okay again. I would still like the option to be able to run 4.2/4.3 based roms. Maybe I could try flashing to stock 4.2 or 4.3, then reroot, and test my results
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
What radio/baseband version are you using?
Hi, I'm using AOKP last nightly builds and since 2013-10-18 Wi-Fi started to stuck, settings ui errors and other problems. So I just tried franko kernel with official AOKP releases and Wi-Fi now is working fine. But i've faced skype problems). After 4 minutes it hangs and i need to restart my phone.

Problems with CM12.1

I have posted this on the cyanogenmod forum but everyone seems to be on holiday as I'm getting no replies. I'm hoping someone on here can help.
I recently had CM12.1 running on my S5 SM-G900F for about six months with no problems. I then switched over to CM13 and used that for about a month without any problems.
I decided to go back to CM12.1, I flashed the same CM12.1 Snapshot file that I had been using previously and it installed without error but when I rebooted the phone it would crash and reboot in a loop during start up. I wiped the phone and tried the install again about four or five times having the same problem until on the final attempt it managed to load the OS. Now that I have the OS running I cant connect to WIFI, the 'back' and 'recent apps' buttons on the phone don't respond (the home button does work), the camera app doesn't work (I get the error 'Can connect to Camera') and it keeps crashing and restarting on reboot. Everything else seems to work but the phone seems sluggish and there may be other errors that I haven't come across yet.
I thought that there may be a problem with the zip file I was flashing so I downloaded it again but it did the same thing. I've tried wiping and reinstalling several times but I get the exact same problems. The file I'm flashing is:
If I go back to CM13 everything works fine so the problem is only with CM12.1.
I'm at a lost to explain why this keeps happening as I've had this running fine on my phone previously and wiping the phone and starting again doesn't do anything to solve the problem.
Any ideas please?
Come on people! Have a guess, I'm really stuck here!
I myself have not installed any custom roms on my s5 yet (bc of knox 0x0 lol) but try reverting back to the stock rom and then install cm12.1 again, maybe it could work.
Thanks, but I've tried that. Both stock rom and CM13 work without a problem. The issue only seems to be with CM12.1.
Can you tell what bothered you to go away from cm13 back to cm 12.1?
caned_monkey said:
Thanks, but I've tried that. Both stock rom and CM13 work without a problem. The issue only seems to be with CM12.1.
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ezantera said:
Can you tell what bothered you to go away from cm13 back to cm 12.1?
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CM13 sucks!!! snapchat and instagram keeps on crashing, now I'm using resurrection remix 5.7.3, that sucks too!!

CM reboots when making or receiving calls :confused:

Hi guys, I had to give up using CM Roms since the phone reboots every time I try making a call or receive one, I understand there is some king of bug with the dialer framework included in the GAPPS package and that installing the Google Dialer from the play store should solve it but in my case i hasn't. This is what I've tried to no avail:
- Intalled Google DIaler from PlayStore/APK and set it default with all the permissions enabled.
- Installed Google Dialer apk as system app and set it default with all the permissions enabled.
- Installed the full GAPPS package.
- Removed the stock dialer and did all things above.
Hope someone can help me out here,
This happens when you have multiple phone dialer apps enabled. To use any other dialer than the included (when you flash Gapps Tiny or Micro which is recommended since the bigger packs replaces the CM app).
If you don't like the CM one, you should still flash a smaller Gapps and then disable CM dialer and download the one you want. If you already flashed a bigger Gapps, you should format system, cache and dalvik/arts partition and then reflash CM and then the smaller Gapps.
Should be enough to go settings, apps, click the gear weel (next to 3 dot menu), choose standard apps from this menu and determine your dailer as standard app..
This is a classical issue..
Sent from my OnePlus2 using XDA Labs
Sam Nakamura said:
Should be enough to go settings, apps, click the gear weel (next to 3 dot menu), choose standard apps from this menu and determine your dailer as standard app..
This is a classical issue..
Sent from my OnePlus2 using XDA Labs
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Hi Sam, that's what I mean when I've set it as default.
pitrus- said:
This happens when you have multiple phone dialer apps enabled. To use any other dialer than the included (when you flash Gapps Tiny or Micro which is recommended since the bigger packs replaces the CM app).
If you don't like the CM one, you should still flash a smaller Gapps and then disable CM dialer and download the one you want. If you already flashed a bigger Gapps, you should format system, cache and dalvik/arts partition and then reflash CM and then the smaller Gapps.
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Hey pitrus, this issue actually started while only having CM dialer installed since I mainly flash pico gapps.
Will try it again since its been like a month since I gave up on it. Let you know later.
J3RI3L said:
Hi Sam, that's what I mean when I've set it as default.
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Well, okay.. Thanks for clarification :good:
Maybe you'd like to give Banks a shot, I think it's worth to try...
I never had this specific problem, only when it wasn't set to be default but a also only use one dailer.. The one that is default on cm based roms..
Sent from my OnePlus2 using XDA Labs
Guys I've had no luck, tried with a clean install of CM14 and still facing the same problem. Just today did a CM14.1 install and it is still present for me.
I guess that I could flash just CM and not gapps but I rely on Google services for a lot of stuff. Will keep trying though.
I'm having the exact same problem, random reboots during calls only, sometimes I don't even have time to answer. I'm running CM13 and only have one phone app, also set as default. When running stock and Cyanogen all was fine, this only started after flashing CM13.
Developemt for Cyanogen stopped that's why I switched, maybe coming from another rom is causing this? I did a full wipe when flashing and have updated to several nightlies and the problem remains. Maybe I'll try another rom and test it for a while.
Installed Dirty Unicorns a few days ago and the problem seemed to have been fixed, but yesterday it started acting out again. Is there a way to check if this problem is hardware related?
I'm now doing a factory reset and installing Oxigen hoping that'll fix this once and for all.
It's a problem related to Gapps
rtorresz said:
Installed Dirty Unicorns a few days ago and the problem seemed to have been fixed, but yesterday it started acting out again. Is there a way to check if this problem is hardware related?
I'm now doing a factory reset and installing Oxigen hoping that'll fix this once and for all.
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It is not a hardware problem, I don't have this issue when running Oxygen OS, it only happens to me when running any AOSP based rom with Gapps installed.
Flash Oxygen from here and it will fix it, it's not the same as running CM though.
J3RI3L said:
It is not a hardware problem, I don't have this issue when running Oxygen OS, it only happens to me when running any AOSP based rom with Gapps installed.
Flash Oxygen from here and it will fix it, it's not the same as running CM though.
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Sounds like you flashed the full version of Gapps instead of the recommended Nano or Micro which does not replace the dialer app with Googles own, try the smaller Gapps and you should be ok.
pitrus- said:
Sounds like you flashed the full version of Gapps instead of the recommended Nano or Micro which does not replace the dialer app with Googles own, try the smaller Gapps and you should be ok.
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I've installed them all with the same result, last time I was using Pico Gapps with Seraph's CM14 and it happened eandomly, sometimes I could make and receive calls normally but a most of the time it would reboot as soon as the phone started ringing.
Currently I've tried a lot of solutions so I'm not really sure of what's wrong.
J3RI3L said:
It is not a hardware problem, I don't have this issue when running Oxygen OS, it only happens to me when running any AOSP based rom with Gapps installed.
Flash Oxygen from here and it will fix it, it's not the same as running CM though.
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I flashed the latest OOS and now things are only a little bit better, instead of reboots I get dropped calls and a "No available network" message. This seems to happen only when I'm on a 3G or 4G network, if I change to a 2G network I can make calls without problems. This is driving me crazy, I've tried almost everything and I can't see what I'm missing.
rtorresz said:
I flashed the latest OOS and now things are only a little bit better, instead of reboots I get dropped calls and a "No available network" message. This seems to happen only when I'm on a 3G or 4G network, if I change to a 2G network I can make calls without problems. This is driving me crazy, I've tried almost everything and I can't see what I'm missing.
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Its happening to me as well just as you describe it. It is very weird. In thinking of flashing the stock OOS 2.2.0 just to check whether it makes any diference.
Yesterday I restored my phone back to stock, but the problen remains.
This definitely has something to do with mobile data. If I disconnect mobile data I can make calls without any problem, when I'm connected to a wifi network too (I'm guessing because the phone has no need to use mobile data).
Some suggest that this might be related to VoLTE and operators not supporting it, but I can't find anyway to see if this is even exists or if its activated in OOS.
Later today I'll try Hydrogen and see what happens.
UPDATE: Flashing Hyrogen didn't solve the issue, calls keep dropping when mobile data is activated on LTE network.
UPDATE 2: Going back to OOS 2.2.1 didn't solve the problem either.
Kinda solved now
rtorresz said:
Yesterday I restored my phone back to stock, but the problen remains.
UPDATE: Flashing Hyrogen didn't solve the issue, calls keep dropping when mobile data is activated on LTE network.
UPDATE 2: Going back to OOS 2.2.1 didn't solve the problem either.
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It seems I have solved my problem with the reboots and I think might help with your droped calls as well.
Firstly I flashed this OOS 3 firmware, it comes with a hybrid TWRP, after that flashed the official CM14.1 and pico Open Gapps.
I think the firmware file did the trick or maybe it was the recovery since I haven't had a reboot in the past 2 days when receiving calls or making them.
Hope it helps
It's been a few days since I tried the last solution and so far my problem seems to be solved.
What worked for me was flashing the latest modem from H2OS 2.5 which also is supposed to enable VoLTE, but I can't confirm this since my carrier does not support VoLTE yet. To do this I first flashed CM 14.1 and then the modem, it worked fine since the first boot. Since my battery life wasn't the best in Nougat I went back to CM13 and the phone is still working fine.

[SOLVED] WiFi Completely Broken …

Below is my original post; however, I've since solved the problem. In an effort to help others with the same problem, I've written a Guide, which should explain exactly what to do if your WiFi is suddenly "broken" due to flashing issues.
Here's the link: OnePlus 5 WiFi Fix
Many thanks to everyone who offered help, especially subaash and hallo dare, who put me in the right direction.
Greetings, everyone.
Sadly, for specific reasons unknown, my WiFi appears to be completely broken.
Over the last few days I've gone "flash happy" by trying several Oreo ROMs for my OP5. Some worked while others just froze at the boot animation.
Unfortunately, shortly after flashing the xXx-NoLimits Oreo ROM, which got me to the initial set-up screen, my WiFi would not connect. So, I then bypassed the WiFi part and finished the set-up. Everything seemed to be working very well, but I could not get WiFi to work.
Yes, I could engage the Wifi slider to the ON position, and there would be a list of SSIDs; however, oftentimes even my 2 SSIDs would not display. When they did, and I tried to connect, I would see the connection attempt, but it would not complete the connection. Only the word "saved" would be shown under the SSID name. Then it would automatically try to reconnect, but without success.
I've tried virtually everything I can think of to solve the problem, but I can't connect to WiFi.
All other communications work, i.e., Bluetooth, Data, making and receiving calls. It's ONLY the Wifi that's not working.
Yes, I completely wiped my device and re-installed the original OxygenOS (4.5.14), but that didn't work. I also tried completely wiping the device and then installing that latest OxygenOS v4.5.15, but that didn't solve the problem, either.
I went back and flashed all the previous custom ROMs in an attempt to see if any of them would work, but nothing. I tried NitrogenOS, HalogenOS, Liquid Remix, xXx NoLimits, and they all could not connect to WiFi.
I even tried a few WiFi Fix apps on Google Play, but they didn't work, either.
Oh, yes … I even checked my router. It's perfectly fine. I can get WiFi on my laptop without a problem. Furthermore, when I went to a local coffee shop this morning that provides free WiFi, my phone could not connect, just like at home.
Does anyone have ANY suggestions?
Thank you,
I would say this is to do with your firmware/modem.
I did have this issue on a non Oreo ROM and in the end I just did a dirty flash and it worked.
dladz said:
I would say this is to do with your firmware/modem.
I did have this issue on a non Oreo ROM and in the end I just did a dirty flash and it worked.
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I've tried flashing both the 4.5.14 and 4.5.15 firmware, with no luck; however, I accidentally deleted my modem nandroid about a week ago.
Do you know where I might find a flashable modem file?
Addendum: I found the following site for Firmware & Modems: 5/Firmware + Modems/Android 7.1.1/OxygenOS
I'll try flashing them and report back.
Addendum 2: NOPE! Didn't work. I flashed a few different firmware & modems, 4.5.13, 4.5.14 and 4.5.15, but WiFi is still broken. Yes, I first flashed the appropriate OS version before flashing the firmware and modem. In other words, I always matched the OS version with the firmware & modem version, but no success. Everything works except WiFi. Hmm, still stumped.
PeterGuru said:
I've tried flashing both the 4.5.14 and 4.5.15 firmware, with no luck; however, I accidentally deleted my modem nandroid about a week ago.
Do you know where I might find a flashable modem file?
Addendum: I found the following site for Firmware & Modems: 5/Firmware + Modems/Android 7.1.1/OxygenOS
I'll try flashing them and report back.
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Careful with modems mate. There's a thread here on XDA containing modems and firmwares..just make sure you get the right one.
dladz said:
Careful with modems mate. There's a thread here on XDA containing modems and firmwares..just make sure you get the right one.
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Thanks! I'm quite aware of the need for caution with modems. Sadly, though, it didn't solve the problem.
yea my freind in idia s 1p5 was flasing anything and his oneplus 5 got weird but turns out ok googles cousin hey google had a hangover, i cleared her cache and threatened her with king root & she slowed her role, i asked her why her cousins voice is so shot out,she said ok google has a hi and low voice cuz she burnt out but now ok google took my vpn and dipped to inda for some oneplus christmas party. what ever just watch out for hey google, cuz if you got volte 5g and a vpn they b will go offline and dipp with your vpn to india. i guess india likes oneplus. hold up this is the be delighted thread?
Did you get this sorted, having the very same issue
hallo dare said:
Did you get this sorted, having the very same issue
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Sadly, no. I've tried absolutely everything I can think of, all without success. It's very frustrating because absolutely everything else works, except WiFi.
All I can do now is wait for suggestions from others, or take the phone to a repair shop (which I'm hesitant to do).
Thanks for replying. If you happen to get it sorted, please let me know. I will do likewise if I manage to fix it. Thanks
Try reflashing the rom. Not sure why, but that happened to me and reflashing the rom fixed it.
ab7casper said:
Try reflashing the rom. Not sure why, but that happened to me and reflashing the rom fixed it.
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Done that already, tried old roms of OOS and Oreo, but still no joy. Heads wrecked with it.
hallo dare said:
Done that already, tried old roms of OOS and Oreo, but still no joy. Heads wrecked with it.
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Do you have a full rom backup? I mean of the last working rom you had before all the flashing? If so, from a full stock rom (1.53gb or close) of the same build as the backup (ie... 4.5.14) wipe and flash that rom, then wipe and restore the backup you have if the last working rom. If they doesn't work I think you're likely looking at a hardware issue.
Eric214 said:
Do you have a full rom backup? I mean of the last working rom you had before all the flashing? If so, from a full stock rom (1.53gb or close) of the same build as the backup (ie... 4.5.14) wipe and flash that rom, then wipe and restore the backup you have if the last working rom. If they doesn't work I think you're likely looking at a hardware issue.
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Thanks, i'll give that a go
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Eric214 said:
Do you have a full rom backup? I mean of the last working rom you had before all the flashing? If so, from a full stock rom (1.53gb or close) of the same build as the backup (ie... 4.5.14) wipe and flash that rom, then wipe and restore the backup you have if the last working rom. If they doesn't work I think you're likely looking at a hardware issue.
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Ok I done that, and now, wifi is still doing the same thing and under the network i pick it just goes to saved and then says disabled under it.
hallo dare said:
Thanks, i'll give that a go
---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------
Ok I done that, and now, wifi is still doing the same thing and under the network i pick it just goes to saved and then says disabled under it.
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Same problem but only on my 5GHz network and dont know how to fix
PeterGuru said:
Greetings, everyone.
Sadly, for specific reasons unknown, my WiFi appears to be completely broken.
Over the last few days I've gone "flash happy" by trying several Oreo ROMs for my OP5. Some worked while others just froze at the boot animation.
Unfortunately, shortly after flashing the xXx-NoLimits Oreo ROM, which got me to the initial set-up screen, my WiFi would not connect. So, I then bypassed the WiFi part and finished the set-up. Everything seemed to be working very well, but I could not get WiFi to work.
Yes, I could engage the Wifi slider to the ON position, and there would be a list of SSIDs; however, oftentimes even my 2 SSIDs would not display. When they did, and I tried to connect, I would see the connection attempt, but it would not complete the connection. Only the word "saved" would be shown under the SSID name. Then it would automatically try to reconnect, but without success.
I've tried virtually everything I can think of to solve the problem, but I can't connect to WiFi.
All other communications work, i.e., Bluetooth, Data, making and receiving calls. It's ONLY the Wifi that's not working.
Yes, I completely wiped my device and re-installed the original OxygenOS (4.5.14), but that didn't work. I also tried completely wiping the device and then installing that latest OxygenOS v4.5.15, but that didn't solve the problem, either.
I went back and flashed all the previous custom ROMs in an attempt to see if any of them would work, but nothing. I tried NitrogenOS, HalogenOS, Liquid Remix, xXx NoLimits, and they all could not connect to WiFi.
I even tried a few WiFi Fix apps on Google Play, but they didn't work, either.
Oh, yes … I even checked my router. It's perfectly fine. I can get WiFi on my laptop without a problem. Furthermore, when I went to a local coffee shop this morning that provides free WiFi, my phone could not connect, just like at home.
Does anyone have ANY suggestions?
Thank you,
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So first of all the reason why it is broken is because of the oreo firmware that you flashed earlier. Now what you should do is flash stock recovery and flash the oreo build and boot it up and running. Once you've done that flash the rollback rom (which suppose to downgrade your oreo firmware to nougat firmware). Once you've done it basically it fixes you're wifi issue.
PeterGuru said:
Thanks! I'm quite aware of the need for caution with modems. Sadly, though, it didn't solve the problem.
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There's a button for that son..
Also the firmware / modem will be the problem, either upgrading or rolling back..either way it'll be the cause.
ab7casper said:
Try reflashing the rom. Not sure why, but that happened to me and reflashing the rom fixed it.
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Eric214 said:
Do you have a full rom backup? I mean of the last working rom you had before all the flashing? If so, from a full stock rom (1.53gb or close) of the same build as the backup (ie... 4.5.14) wipe and flash that rom, then wipe and restore the backup you have if the last working rom. If they doesn't work I think you're likely looking at a hardware issue.
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Dimontiman said:
Same problem but only on my 5GHz network and dont know how to fix
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Okay, let me first answer a couple of questions. Like I said in my first post, I DID flash the original ROM, as well as other OEM OxygenOS ROMs, all without success. Yes, I used the exact same ROM that was working perfectly before the problem. Yes, I also had a FULL Nandroid of the working system, but restoring that also did nothing to solve the problem.
Okay, with that out of the way, I went to a repair shop this morning to try and solve the problem. It was unsuccessful. The technician said it's unlikely to be hardware related because I can still get the phone to recognize all local SSIDs. I simply can't connect to any of them. Just like hallo dare said in his post a few back, when I try to connect to my SSID, it tries to connect for a second or two, and then it just shows "saved" and wifi is disabled.
So, for now I'm still completely stumped.
subaash said:
So first of all the reason why it is broken is because of the oreo firmware that you flashed earlier. Now what you should do is flash stock recovery and flash the oreo build and boot it up and running. Once you've done that flash the rollback rom (which suppose to downgrade your oreo firmware to nougat firmware). Once you've done it basically it fixes you're wifi issue.
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dladz said:
There's a button for that son..
Also the firmware / modem will be the problem, either upgrading or rolling back..either way it'll be the cause.
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Okay, I will do exactly what subaash said and report back. I, too, agree that it's probably software related, which is why I'm actively attacking this issue.
Be back as soon as I can.
P.S. "Son?" Hmm, I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm older than you (will be 60 in March).
Success ... maybe?
Well, well. It appears the previous suggestions were correct. So far it's successful, but I haven't quite finished the initial set-up. All I can say is that WiFi is working, and I'm grateful for that.
However, it was a frightening ordeal. At one point I thought my device was bricked, and I didn't know what to do. However, with some thought, I was able to solve the problem.
Good news, though, is that I DID NOT have to revert back to Nougat. I'm now running Oxygen Oreo 8.0.0 Open Beta 2.
I will provide a detailed instructions of what I did a bit later. I simply want to get everything up-and-running, which could take a few hours.
Here's an abbreviated version:
Downloaded Oxygen Oreo 8.0.0 Open Beta 1 from here:
Downloaded Stock Recovery from Post #2 here:
Copied both files above to root of device internal storage
Reboot into TWRP recovery
Flashed stock recovery in TWRP
Reboot into stock recovery
COMPLETELY Wiped the entire system ... absolutely everything ... including internal storage. This is where I had the initial problem. I did not wipe everything, including internal storage, and I ended up with a mixture of jumbled numbers and letters when looking at the file structure.
Using ADB Sideload within the stock recovery, I "moved/flashed" the ROM ZIP to the device
After successful sideload, I said yes to installing the ROM
The ROM then installed and, voila, I'm at the initial set-up screen.
Okay, that's all for now. I'll be back later.
Format data resolves the problem (at least with me...)

