Just to make sure - Galaxy Tab 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

my device samsung galaxy tab 4 7.0 sm-t231 was stuck in a bootloop . I know that it need's factory data reset , but accidently i formatted it. Twrp was installed , so i used it to format it. Don't know if it's rooted or not ( after the event) . Many user's told me to use odin . I have seen many devices (samsung devices) in download mode ...
Odin mode (in red)
product name : *****
current binary : Custom
system status : Custom
and so on
but mine say's
odin mode ( in white)
product name : Sm-t231
system status : Custom
that's it ,
if that's a problem please reply me ,
thanks in advance.


[Q] ROOT problems / Flashing impossible

What should I do to really have a " completely rooted N9005" ???
I need some suggestion of the "experts" about the fact that my SM-N9005 , that " seems to be rooted " ( and this is confirmed launching the app " root checker" and obtaining the result " This device has root access" ...) ...but , despite this apparent status , it provides me the following issues :
a) I cannot use CWM mode to flash any new ROM nor any other patch using .zip file ; when I try to do a flash , using the option " apply update from external storage" as in this options list :
reboot system now
apply update from ADB
apply update from external storage
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
apply update from cache
it seems to start to flash but after few seconds I obtain a RED message in the bottom oif the page , like :
" E:signature verification failed"
and in yellow
--Appling Multi-CSC ...
Applied the CSC-code : XTC
Successfully applied multi-CSC
install from sdcard complete
But in reality anything happen , the sistuation is exactly the same as before ...
b) I cannot do any back up ( EFS nor other kind of back up ) ; so , every time I try to flash even using MOP ( it works, but even MOP seems to have some problem..) I get a new ROM installed but with problems... sometime the phone is blocked with the " samsung logo and the Blue led" and I need to restert it with ODIN .....and I need to reinstall all in manual mode
in order to provide to the experts additional info , here are other details
kernel 3.4.0-201940
[email protected]#1
Wed Oct 30 16:51 ....
Build version
in download mode:
ODIN MODE (in red)
Product name : SM-9005
Current Binary : Samsung Official
System Status : Custom
Reacxtivation lock : OFF
Qualcom secureboot : NONE
AP SWREV : S2,T2,R2,A2,P8
Write protection : Enable
I would invite everybody able to provide any suggestion to propose some verification or even ask me any additional info to find the way to use a rooted phone as was used to do with other phones before = flash roms without this problem
Thanks in advance for any contribution
tower5 said:
What should I do to really have a " completely rooted N9005" ???
I need some suggestion of the "experts" about the fact that my SM-N9005 , that " seems to be rooted " ( and this is confirmed launching the app " root checker" and obtaining the result " This device has root access" ...) ...but , despite this apparent status , it provides me the following issues :
a) I cannot use CWM mode to flash any new ROM nor any other patch using .zip file ; when I try to do a flash , using the option " apply update from external storage" as in this options list :
reboot system now
apply update from ADB
apply update from external storage
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
apply update from cache
it seems to start to flash but after few seconds I obtain a RED message in the bottom oif the page , like :
" E:signature verification failed"
and in yellow
--Appling Multi-CSC ...
Applied the CSC-code : XTC
Successfully applied multi-CSC
install from sdcard complete
But in reality anything happen , the sistuation is exactly the same as before ...
b) I cannot do any back up ( EFS nor other kind of back up ) ; so , every time I try to flash even using MOP ( it works, but even MOP seems to have some problem..) I get a new ROM installed but with problems... sometime the phone is blocked with the " samsung logo and the Blue led" and I need to restert it with ODIN .....and I need to reinstall all in manual mode
in order to provide to the experts additional info , here are other details
kernel 3.4.0-201940
[email protected]#1
Wed Oct 30 16:51 ....
Build version
in download mode:
ODIN MODE (in red)
Product name : SM-9005
Current Binary : Samsung Official
System Status : Custom
Reacxtivation lock : OFF
Qualcom secureboot : NONE
AP SWREV : S2,T2,R2,A2,P8
Write protection : Enable
I would invite everybody able to provide any suggestion to propose some verification or even ask me any additional info to find the way to use a rooted phone as was used to do with other phones before = flash roms without this problem
Thanks in advance for any contribution
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try this flash with odin http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2567283
I does not work.....
jaythenut said:
try this flash with odin http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2567283
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first of all , thanks for your support
but I tried , without success , to flash this with odin ; ( I used odin 3.04 ) ; it remains " waiting" for a very long time ( 15 minutes..) without any action , any flash....
I did the test twice, same result....
Any other suggestion?
what could I do to do a deep cleaning of some wrong setting ?
tower5 said:
first of all , thanks for your support
but I tried , without success , to flash this with odin ; ( I used odin 3.04 ) ; it remains " waiting" for a very long time ( 15 minutes..) without any action , any flash....
I did the test twice, same result....
Any other suggestion?
what could I do to do a deep cleaning of some wrong setting ?
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Strange that your phone shows "Qualcomm Secureboot: None"
In other phones it should be "Qualcomm Secureboot: Enable (CSB)"
tower5 said:
in download mode:
ODIN MODE (in red)
Product name : SM-9005
Current Binary : Samsung Official
System Status : Custom
Reacxtivation lock : OFF
Qualcom secureboot : NONE
AP SWREV : S2,T2,R2,A2,P8
Write protection : Enable
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Your phone seems to have a peculiar setting on secureboot + SWREV configuration, and also seems to be on the (original ?) XTC (Philippines) CSC.
One of the things that I would try (given that your knox is already 0x1) would be to change CSC and write BTU MI7 firmware (and eventually check if CSC actually changed from XTC to BTU). After that you should try again writing Philz recovery.
Another thing to check would be your current bootloader version (and also the bootloader after you write BTU MI7 firmware), the command in adb is:
adb shell getprop ro.boot.bootloader
(or just "getprop ro.boot.bootloader" in a terminal prompt directly on the phone).
I found the solutions !!!!
xclub_101 said:
Your phone seems to have a peculiar setting on secureboot + SWREV configuration, and also seems to be on the (original ?) XTC (Philippines) CSC.
One of the things that I would try (given that your knox is already 0x1) would be to change CSC and write BTU MI7 firmware (and eventually check if CSC actually changed from XTC to BTU). After that you should try again writing Philz recovery.
Another thing to check would be your current bootloader version (and also the bootloader after you write BTU MI7 firmware), the command in adb is:
adb shell getprop ro.boot.bootloader
(or just "getprop ro.boot.bootloader" in a terminal prompt directly on the phone).
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the solution was :: " apply " what is indicated in this post
tower5 said:
the solution was :: " apply " what is indicated in this post
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Interesting, what firmware do you have now? And how are the switches listed in download mode? And what CSC do you have now? Do you have your IMEI back and is the phone registered on the network (and you can make/receive calls)? Is WiFi also working OK?

Samsung Galaxy Core Prime SM-G361F Problem

I have a big problem with my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime ( SM- G361F )
when I started normally stuck on the Samsung logo.
I can start it in Download Mode ; so I tried to flash ROM several Custom Stock is but nothing happens ,
when do I start it in Recovery Mode : The recovery starts normally except I 2 errors :
E : failed to mount / efs ( Invalid argument )
E : failed to mount / efs ( Invalid argument )
vraimant I need help ...
Thank you in advance
I think your phone is bricked..

Hi guys, i have a SM-G531M and i have a problem

Yesterday I was using ROMs application manager and touch something I reset the phone and did not turn mistakenly custom binary ( recovery) blocked by FRP lock, try to repair on my own and when I was in progress in odin went wrong and I was canceled . later I turn on the phone and my cell was left with the following error:
RP SWREV : S1 , L1, M1
If alguen can help me thank you very much , I remind you that my phone is the Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM- G531M . Thank you

Firmware upgrade encountered an issue .please select recovery mode in kies)

Dear All .
my phone stuck in download mode , even if restart or charging , same image comes .
Samsung grand prime sm g531f
Android 5.1.1
( Firmware upgrade encountered an issue .please select recovery mode in kies)
But trying its not going to recovery mode.
On top its showing .
odin mode ( multi core download )
Product name SM-G531f
current binary : samsung official
Sytem Status : official
FRP Lock : on
knox warranty void : 0x0
Secure download : enabled.
Ap swrev : S1 L1 ,N1
please help me out , what to do know , just tell me the process. .. I think its unrooted device.
please waiting for your reply .
riyaz .
1. Download Kies from here
2. Open up your phone and find the S/N and Model behind the battery, note this down.
3. Plug your phone into a PC and power it on
4. Open up Kies and click "tools" then "firmware upgrade and initialization"
5. follow the prompts on screen
Your phone will be returned to stock operating system.
Please read more carefully before you flash some thing next time

[Q] Could not do normal boot ?

Hello guys , I have a Note 3 Korea ( N900L ) and just installed TWRP ( ) in my device . Recovery works fine , but when it finished and I tap Reboot Devices , it goes directly to Odin mode after showing the Note 3 Logo .
Could not do normal boot
Current binary: Custom
System status: Custom
Reactivation lock: Off
Knox warranty void: 0x1 (2)
Qualcomm secureboot: enable (csb)
Secure download : Enabled
I encounter this problem whenever i flash a new ROM ( Except for Phronesis and Darklord ROM , others like UX , Magma , Lineage , RR,... have the same problem when booting up
I tried to install a different TWRP ( )through install Image in , but again when i reboot recovery ( Volume + , home , power ) it go straight to odin mode
After that I used Odin to install stock N900LKLU0GPI1 ( 5 files including PIT ) it booted up normally , but still have the same problem with other ROMs
Can someone explain why and how to fix this error ? Thanks in advance
The usual would be you are flashing a recovery not for your model .
JJEgan said:
The usual would be you are flashing a recovery not for your model .
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Thanks mate , but I tried different kernels : Phantom , Lss , Synergy,.... but no result
Moreover I see that if I flash the wrong kerbel it will stuck at Note 3 logo , not the case i met , right ?
I said wrong recovery flashed .
I have the same issue on my SM-N9005 but i am sure i am using the right recovery...It still shows "could not do normal boot". instead of booting into recovery it goes to download mode with the same logs.
JJEgan said:
I said wrong recovery flashed .
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Ah sorry , I tried but no result
Recovery I installed was compatible to my model Hlteskt , official from twrp.me , , and still the same
Anyway I brought it to the store and they said this is the consequence of using a bad charger . I have it fixed , thanks
