High overnight battery drain while on airplane mode? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I turn my phone on airplane mode at night and the last few nights I did this, I experienced 0-1% battery drain overnight, which was also pretty much in line with what I saw for my old S6. Last night, however, my battery dropped 3% overnight while on airplane mode. In GSam, it says most of the battery use was due to Kernel, then followed by Android System.
This can't be normal? Considering my S6 had a 2550 mAh battery and the S7 edge has a 3600 mAh battery, the S6 would have been using less than 25.5 mAh overnight while the s7 edge was using up to 108 mAh overnight. Considering that Marshmallow has doze, I'm really not sure what could have been using up this much battery!
Do any of you guys have any possible insight into this?

Anyone? I've been checking battery usage over the last few nights and it seems to drop about 3% every night in airplane mode.

There is a leak somewhere within the system apps.

jrwingate6 said:
There is a leak somewhere within the system apps.
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Thanks for the response. Is this a known issue that's happening to many or am I one of few?

Japultra said:
Thanks for the response. Is this a known issue that's happening to many or am I one of few?
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It's a known issue happening to many people with the US version of the phone. The one with the Snapdragon CPU.

Found this thread while searching for a solution regarding my Moto G (2nd), because I'm facing exact the same problems. I have NO root (everything stock), and lately I hoped the upgrade from L to M would solve the problem, but yesterday it was back again. The continous battery drain started somewhere at the late afternoon, and didn't even stop after switching off everything you can (inlcuding autosync) before going to bed. Very annoying, though the first days after the upgrade looked promising. This bug seems to be a general problem in Android, and for me it started last year with Lollipop.


Poor batter life

I changed from Note 3 to s 6 edge plus recently
The battery drops 5% per hour overnight when not in use. If I go to bed with less than 40% battery at night I am sure to wake up with my phone switched off in the morning.
When in use with screen on, the battery drips one percent every two minutes. This is the worst battery life I have ever seen in a phone. I was a long loyal customer of samsung and this is my last samsung phone ever.
Extremely disappointed
Please post your battery stats ? so we can have a better understanding of your problem. I suggest you install 'Doze' which should stop unnecessary apps from connecting to the internet and causing your phone to awake from deep sleep.
Dear Akbar 11
Heres the battery stats....is it normal?
I had the same issue, and as far as I managed to find out, it is a bug in Samsung's kernel. Flashing Arter97 kernel solved the issue for, but do post battery stats from SmartManager. If it says 'Android' or 'Android OS', then you have the same problem many of us do.
I don't think it's a kernel problem. My android OS is very low 4%. Like zoolok said post your battery stats from settings, battery, battery usage
I have the same problem. Battery was great before I flash custom rom. After going back to stock I have big battery draining. I must stay on custom rom. With Audax rom and Skyhigh kernel i have great battery life.
You have either messed up something big or you have an app in the background that is eating up your battery like no tomorrow.
And the reason i say that is because i recently got this battery life on my Galaxy S6 edge+.
And this was taken 2 days ago.
Here i use the CRISSCROSS ROM, AudaxPro Kernel, Greeinify and Samsung's own 'Appoptimizing' feature (same as Doze in Android 6.0).
So my battery life is pretty awesome.
i have problem whit battery lose 25% when i sleep
This is a usual day with s6 edge plus
Any help?
jonynoname said:
Any help?
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i have this problem battery ... if u fixed it tell me how?
Well I was expecting Google Play Services to be eating your battery (which is quite common) but it looks like your Andriod OS is eating the most battery. I would uninstall Facebook and use the web version it always helps with the ram and battery furthermore, turn off location if you are not using it and check accounts which are being synced. These are the only tips I can give you as I have never seen Android OS drain so much battery.
Since a few days Google Play Store is eating up my battery: I go to sleep with 100% batt and wake up with 50%, if I check batt stats on top I have play store at 45%, with 5h active a d 2h of CPU.
Follows Android system at 5%.
Going crazy why...
jonynoname said:
This is a usual day with s6 edge plus
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You've charged your phone 4 times during that day. I can't see what's the interesting part here.

Is my battery degraded ?

Hey guys, How you all doing ?
First of all, I recently got in hands a Nexus 6p! Bought It used (8 months of use), and its perfect, everything os ok.
Then, I rooted It and now i'm using the Android O ROM, with franco kernel.
But, I've been noticed that the battery sometimes drains 2%-3% too quickly. And yesterday my phone shutdown at 18%!
I was experiencing the 2-3% drain on 7.1.2, but not the shutdown.
I dont get that bad SOT, like 3h-4:30 is still a thing for me.
What do you guys think ? Is It bad battery or software related problem ?
Should I consider doing this trick and go back to Android N ? https://www.google.com.br/amp/s/for...-6p/help/nougat-battery-bug-fix-t3559250/amp/
Here is one print from my screen on time and accubattery.
(Sorry for It being in portuguese)
Sygion said:
Here is one print from my screen on time and accubattery. (Sorry for It being in portuguese)
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First of all, going "back" to anything is not going to help you. Android 8.0 is not the issue, it may be a degraded battery, especially if you are having early shutdowns. Please open the Health page (Saúde) and post it. That is where you will find your estimated battery capacity relative to a new battery. You should have a few full charges before this percentage stabilizes. Try draining it as low as you can go (or when it shuts off), and then let the phone charge fully until Accubattery tells you your phone is fully charged NOT the phone reporting 100%. It's common for the phone to continue charging 45-60 minutes beyond the phone reporting 100% and you need to keep it on the charger until completely full to get an accurate capacity estimate. Hope this helps. Boa sorte!
Okay. I went back to 7.1.2, early shutdowns got resolved, but the 2℅ drain not.
I followed all the steps of the guide I posted, changed governator, etc..
It have seen to got a little better. Will report back after a few days of usage with accubattery health status.

Galaxy S8 Android Oreo battery life thread

I flashed the leaked Android Oreo OTA to my Verizon Galaxy S8 and am experiencing pretty terrible battery life. I'm getting about 2 1/2 hours of SoT which I find bad for 2018. Meanwhile, my Verizon LG V30 with Nougat is getting 5+ hours of SoT which drives me crazy. Any tips to improve? Also, how's your battery life with Oreo on your S8?
I haven't taken the dive for the Oreo beta based ROMs but have been following the threads and the consensus is that at present Oreo is no better than N, it actually seems to be a little worse for most, hence I'll wait for a while still before jumping to O, give it more time for fine tuning on the S8 by developers etc. just my opinion, plus I get 6 odd hours of SoT on my N custom ROM so I have no urgency to go to O until its more polished.
Terrible, i updated mine couple of weeks ago and noticed about this battery issue, it drains fast despite of disabling the likes of location, reducing the brightness, bluetooth. i informed samsung about it. Before i used it outside with a (-3 temperature since i live in Finland), it was fully charged 100%. I only used it NOT more than 5 minutes for videoing and taking pictures and that's it, i stayed outside for more than an hour. When i checked my battery it was 56% ! I know that cold temperature diminishes the battery performance but not to extent of that emptying the battery in half:
Luukeri said:
Terrible, i updated mine couple of weeks ago and noticed about this battery issue, it drains fast despite of disabling the likes of location, reducing the brightness, bluetooth. i informed samsung about it. Before i used it outside with a (-3 temperature since i live in Finland), it was fully charged 100%. I only used it NOT more than 5 minutes for videoing and taking pictures and that's it, i stayed outside for more than an hour. When i checked my battery it was 56% ! I know that cold temperature diminishes the battery performance but not to extent of that emptying the battery in half:
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After I updated to Oreo I had horrible battery life as well... It one time dropped about 20% when the phone was resting with the screen off in the couch.
I disabled everything bixby related. Force closed, uninstalled updates, and disabled in every way possible.
Now I get decent battery life. I live in Sweden, we have -4°c today, and the phone worked just fine even outside. No significant battery drop.
Nezzox said:
After I updated to Oreo I had horrible battery life as well... It one time dropped about 20% when the phone was resting with the screen off in the couch.
I disabled everything bixby related. Force closed, uninstalled updates, and disabled in every way possible.
Now I get decent battery life. I live in Sweden, we have -4°c today, and the phone worked just fine even outside. No significant battery drop.
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Is Android System percentage higher than normal? And what about screen on time on daily usage?
jojojmtk said:
Is Android System percentage higher than normal? And what about screen on time on daily usage?
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I haven't really measured it. But I got that fix update for the first CRAP update and I'm back to horrible battery life.
I'm still struggling with my s8 battery life. Am I missing something to tweak. Can anyone give me more pointers to do. Help is more than appreciated.
Luukeri said:
I'm still struggling with my s8 battery life. Am I missing something to tweak. Can anyone give me more pointers to do. Help is more than appreciated.
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you can try flash a custom kernel , are you using stock or custom rom ? which firmware?
I'm using the stock version. I'm not that tech expert to modify it although my phone is at developer version. Anything I can do more?
Thanks for your reply btw.

Wear24 battery life improvement?

Hey folks,
Just curious if anyone has seen battery life improvements since the most recent wear OS app update?
Initially afterwards I saw normal battery life. However, I ended up being without a charger Saturday night due to an unplanned inability to drive home from a friend's house. This resulted in me powering down the watch overnight, then running it to dead on Sunday. Recharged overnight, and today this is what I'm seeing for battery life...
This is my normal configuration (BT connection to phone on, WiFi on, GPS off. Screen always on, same watch face I've been running for 5 days).
Interaction was at normal, or maybe slightly more than normal level today, as I was in training class so I responded to a couple things on the watch that I normally would have used phone for.
Really just curious if anyone else is seeing a change, since I can't figure out what, if anything, I did to make this happen. I'd love to see it continue, as it's about half the battery drain I'm used to seeing. Usually get about 22 hours estimated up time, something like 4.8% drain per hour. This shot shows steady drain of 25% over about 11.5 hours or like 2.2% per hour...
dandrumheller said:
Hey folks,
Just curious if anyone has seen battery life improvements since the most recent wear OS app update?
Initially afterwards I saw normal battery life. However, I ended up being without a charger Saturday night due to an unplanned inability to drive home from a friend's house. This resulted in me powering down the watch overnight, then running it to dead on Sunday. Recharged overnight, and today this is what I'm seeing for battery life...
This is my normal configuration (BT connection to phone on, WiFi on, GPS off. Screen always on, same watch face I've been running for 5 days).
Interaction was at normal, or maybe slightly more than normal level today, as I was in training class so I responded to a couple things on the watch that I normally would have used phone for.
Really just curious if anyone else is seeing a change, since I can't figure out what, if anything, I did to make this happen. I'd love to see it continue, as it's about half the battery drain I'm used to seeing. Usually get about 22 hours estimated up time, something like 4.8% drain per hour. This shot shows steady drain of 25% over about 11.5 hours or like 2.2% per hour...
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Same here I'm getting twice the battery life on my wear24 hope it continues
wolfu11 said:
Same here I'm getting twice the battery life on my wear24 hope it continues
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And you saw the change start since the last update? Have you run it fairly low since the improvement? I plan to charge tonight, but curious if it's actual improvement or a reporting error (so it'll die at like 50% or something).
dandrumheller said:
And you saw the change start since the last update? Have you run it fairly low since the improvement? I plan to charge tonight, but curious if it's actual improvement or a reporting error (so it'll die at like 50% or something).
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I've run it down to around 30% it took over 2 days lol and charged it back up I don't think it's a reporting error
wolfu11 said:
I've run it down to around 30% it took over 2 days lol and charged it back up I don't think it's a reporting error
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I'm totally baffled as to how you guys are achieving this kind of battery life. I've had the watch for seven weeks and I've never eked out more than about 18 hours.
CarlosDanger said:
I'm totally baffled as to how you guys are achieving this kind of battery life. I've had the watch for seven weeks and I've never eked out more than about 18 hours.
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I've been using this guide since I first got the watch for battery saving setup:
This initially got me the roughly 22h up time and 5%ish per hour drain.
The only things I'm aware of that could have a (slight) chance of triggering this recent improvement are:
Update to wear OS software
Ran watch out of power (possibly giving the battery better calibration data?? Forcing a reboot after the update).
As of right now today isn't quite as good as yesterday (76% left at just over 8h off charger, so 3% per hour). Essentially identical usage to yesterday in same locations.
I dunno.
Thanks. I've seen that post. The guy swears by airplane mode. But if I have cellular disabled and wi-fi off, I'm not sure why it's also necessary to put the watch in airplane mode.
I'm sure that some of my watchface choices have an effect on battery life and I'm willing to accept that (and save the less-efficient faces for days when I'm mostly home), but I should still be able to get through a long day with power to spare, which is not always the case.
CarlosDanger said:
Thanks. I've seen that post. The guy swears by airplane mode. But if I have cellular disabled and wi-fi off, I'm not sure why it's also necessary to put the watch in airplane mode.
I'm sure that some of my watchface choices have an effect on battery life and I'm willing to accept that (and save the less-efficient faces for days when I'm mostly home), but I should still be able to get through a long day with power to spare, which is not always the case.
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I do run airplane mode 100% of the time. No haven't really tried without it to do a comparison.
CarlosDanger said:
Thanks. I've seen that post. The guy swears by airplane mode. But if I have cellular disabled and wi-fi off, I'm not sure why it's also necessary to put the watch in airplane mode.
I'm sure that some of my watchface choices have an effect on battery life and I'm willing to accept that (and save the less-efficient faces for days when I'm mostly home), but I should still be able to get through a long day with power to spare, which is not always the case.
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Reportedly it still polls for Wi-Fi if you have it disabled. They state this stops in airplane mode saving a bit more battery.
dattguy said:
Reportedly it still polls for Wi-Fi if you have it disabled. They state this stops in airplane mode saving a bit more battery.
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The Wi-Fi polling may be part of location services?
I'd be willing to try airplane mode if it didn't put that little plane icon on my watchface.
battery improvement
I noticed my wear24 battery time got significantly improved today.
Is anyone else seeing on their watch? imgur.com /a/aUSCEQl
Shortly after I originally posted this, mine went back to what I'd call typical. However, the last few weeks it's been better again. I'm usually seeing between 50 and 75% battery remaining after a 16-18 hour day off the charger now. Seems to be better with facer and pujie black faces thanc with watchmaker, but the difference isn't huge.
my moto 360 first gen
only last 4-5h now. and turns off at 37% great
maybe need a new battery. buying one for 11€ hope that gonna fix it
Anyone else's wear 24 battery starting to go bad? As of the past weak I can barely make it 12 hours with minimal use. It's as if the battery life has been cut in half.
shawndak said:
Anyone else's wear 24 battery starting to go bad? As of the past weak I can barely make it 12 hours with minimal use. It's as if the battery life has been cut in half.
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Occasionally I get bad days, but, as an example today with minimal use I've had it off charger just over 11 hours and currently at 60% battery left. I'd say normal is around 20-22 hours usability.
Newest update has increased my battery life dramatically since a few days ago! Others are commenting on Reddit about it.
Same here. Getting 2 days of battery life with Airplane mode On; then Wifi/BT on (3G/LTE off).

Any improvements in standby battery drain with Oreo ?

I am an LG fan (mainly due to the always-on display and the reliable tap to wake/sleep functions which I find tremendously useful) and since the G7 was launched (too big of a phone and too small battery for my needs) I decided that the G6 may actually fit my needs better due to being smaller and having a bigger battery (and the perfectly flat screen of the G6 which allows me to use an invisible tempered glass protector).
But I'm worried about battery life, especially stand-by. I need a phone that lasts 2 days with like 2-3h of SOT (I don't use the phone much but I really need it to have low standby drain). From what I read until now, the standby drain is a bit of a hit and miss with the G6...
I was wondering if the new Oreo release brings any improvements in standby drain ? Does anyone have experience with it ?
Thanks !
Idle battery drain mainly depends on the apps you use and whether they sleep ok or misbehave. I can use my G6 for 2 days...
call me pessimistic, but i never had better battery life after my phone was updated to the next release of software. It could be partially because battery life was depleted after long period of waiting for updates. I can say that with Samsung S8 and Sony and HTC10, it was definitely a case. I do not expect miracle with G6 either.
will be happy if someone can show me otherwise
Has anyone with a Korean G6 that has actually been updated to Oreo noticed any changes in either battery life or standby battery drain. Quite a few people are hoping for improvements in standby battery drain as this was a known problem with Nougat 7.0. If you could also state how old your G6 is, as some peoples phones may be over a year old and be suffering from battery degradation. My 9 month old H870DS, set up how i want it, loses 20-25 percent of battery in 8 hours overnight. This phone must be charged daily overnight or topped up regularly.
Percy247 said:
Has anyone with a Korean G6 that has actually been updated to Oreo noticed any changes in either battery life or standby battery drain. Quite a few people are hoping for improvements in standby battery drain as this was a known problem with Nougat 7.0. If you could also state how old your G6 is, as some peoples phones may be over a year old and be suffering from battery degradation. My 9 month old H870DS, set up how i want it, loses 20-25 percent of battery in 8 hours overnight. This phone must be charged daily overnight or topped up regularly.
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You may have some bad apps. I never loose more than 3-5% over night with wifi on.
i have G600L from Korea, and i can assure that Oreo has not had any improvements on standby drain. Well the good thing is that it doesn't get any worse.
That has been my experience with other phones as well. Even if some new battery saving technique is built into the new OS, it is more than compensated for by the bloat of the new OS and updated apps, which have more services running in the background.
barcode99 said:
call me pessimistic, but i never had better battery life after my phone was updated to the next release of software. It could be partially because battery life was depleted after long period of waiting for updates. I can say that with Samsung S8 and Sony and HTC10, it was definitely a case. I do not expect miracle with G6 either.
will be happy if someone can show me otherwise
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Moldeb said:
Idle battery drain mainly depends on the apps you use and whether they sleep ok or misbehave. I can use my G6 for 2 days...
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On average, people in this forum have been reporting idle battery drain of 2-3% per hour. However there is quite a bit of variation both day to day in the same device and between devices. You have been one of the lucky ones, most likely having nothing to do with what apps or settings you do or don't use. 2 seperate threads have been devoted to dealing with the problem, but nothing consistently helps. Most likely either a hardware issue, like the radio cycling hi or low power, or something in Nougat that LG might or might not fix (according to the post above they did not...)
Regarding "misbehaving" apps-- basically almost every useful app has that potential, since so much functionality of the smartphone revolves around the ability to multitask or run in the background. So if you want to leave the phone with only stock apps, install nothing, and block all syncing, reminders or notifications, I'm sure you can modestly reduce the idle drain, but so what? It negates the whole point of the smartphone... I remember I could get a whole week out of my Nokia 3150 candybar phone
I'd be interested to learn which apps you have and what settings you changed.
I loose about 3% over night with WiFi, BT and location = high precision. I have and use many apps (>120) but most of them are productivity tools, VPN, etc. I use only ad free and many paid apps e.g. Maildroid pro for email. Maybe ad free is one of the reasons as I'll have less background activity. On the other hand my Voip client (Grandstream Wave) is always on and I still have no idle issue...
pham_dang said:
i have G600L from Korea, and i can assure that Oreo has not had any improvements on standby drain. Well the good thing is that it doesn't get any worse.
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Did you have problems with battery drain on Nougat? How much did you loose over night with Nougat, how much now with Oreo?
Krysdyan said:
Did you have problems with battery drain on Nougat? How much did you loose over night with Nougat, how much now with Oreo?
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I debloated pretty much every uneccessary app (i'd say 60-70 apps) when i was in nougat and so as in oreo. I've never experienced drastic battery drain on either version. I never leave wifi on when i go to bed, so I'd say I loose around 1% overnight (in nougat as well as oreo). So there u have it, don't expect to much from Oreo, you're not going to have an immense boost in terms of battery, nor in the overall perfomance of the phone. Still, I'm very with this phone
pham_dang said:
I debloated pretty much every uneccessary app (i'd say 60-70 apps) when i was in nougat and so as in oreo. I've never experienced drastic battery drain on either version. I never leave wifi on when i go to bed, so I'd say I loose around 1% overnight (in nougat as well as oreo). So there u have it, don't expect to much from Oreo, you're not going to have an immense boost in terms of battery, nor in the overall perfomance of the phone. Still, I'm very with this phone
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1% the whole night or 1% per hour ...?
---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------
Moldeb said:
I loose about 3% over night with WiFi, BT and location = high precision. I have and use many apps (>120) but most of them are productivity tools, VPN, etc. I use only ad free and many paid apps e.g. Maildroid pro for email. Maybe ad free is one of the reasons as I'll have less background activity. On the other hand my Voip client (Grandstream Wave) is always on and I still have no idle issue...
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Interesting that there are such huge differences between users. I do have a few ad supported apps, maybe that explains part of the difference.
pham_dang said:
I debloated pretty much every uneccessary app (i'd say 60-70 apps) when i was in nougat and so as in oreo. I've never experienced drastic battery drain on either version. I never leave wifi on when i go to bed, so I'd say I loose around 1% overnight (in nougat as well as oreo). So there u have it, don't expect to much from Oreo, you're not going to have an immense boost in terms of battery, nor in the overall perfomance of the phone. Still, I'm very with this phone
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I loose around 5% with wifi on and have pretty good signal on wifi and mobile data. I listen to music for 30 minutes before sleeping with external bluetooth speakers. But BT is disabling automatically after that.
jshames said:
1% the whole night or 1% per hour ...?
1% whole night
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Hello everyone! how do you reach certain levels of autonomy? I have a few apps on my smartphone and yet I dream of your values, how do you do it? do you have any special settings? have you run any particular command in ADB? I noticed that my phone is particularly slow on startup and once turned on (with 0 apps open) it has a use of RAM. more than 50%, is it normal?
thank you
pham_dang said:
jshames said:
1% the whole night or 1% per hour ...?
1% whole night
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Wow, that's a huge difference from 2-3% an hour....
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screen saver is the issue
setting-->display-->screen saver. Turn that off if you are still in andriod 7.0.
I did that after saw someone's post, and my one year old LG G6 back to normal battery condition. Now I can get 20% remain by 10PM at night, after start using it since 6AM, with regular web browering, gaming and video viewing.
jshames said:
pham_dang said:
Wow, that's a huge difference from 2-3% an hour....
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When I leave mine at 100% charge before going to bed at night, it's still at 100% the morning after. So, a 1% change the whole night is not bad (nor extra-ordinary).
I have my wifi and bluetooth always on. But I don't have the screen at "always on" setting. My email sync settings are on "smart" mode. Other installed apps which may run in the background are News app, GroupMe, My Data Manager, and NetGuard.
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laoxiaohai said:
setting-->display-->screen saver. Turn that off if you are still in andriod 7.0.
I did that after saw someone's post, and my one year old LG G6 back to normal battery condition. Now I can get 20% remain by 10PM at night, after start using it since 6AM, with regular web browering, gaming and video viewing.
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That's strange. That setting is supposed to apply only when the phone is plugged in
Percy247 said:
Has anyone with a Korean G6 that has actually been updated to Oreo noticed any changes in either battery life or standby battery drain. Quite a few people are hoping for improvements in standby battery drain as this was a known problem with Nougat 7.0. If you could also state how old your G6 is, as some peoples phones may be over a year old and be suffering from battery degradation. My 9 month old H870DS, set up how i want it, loses 20-25 percent of battery in 8 hours overnight. This phone must be charged daily overnight or topped up regularly.
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10 months old H870DS, HKG firmware, no battery degradation because with nougat I charged it at 1.5 to 2 days. 2 SIM cards standby, 4G networks, active use of the phone and I was getting around 3h SOT with a 20-24h standby. Now after Oreo I'm getting max 2.5, under 3h SOT with the same 24h standby. I did a factory reset after upgrading via LG Bridge, and did a upgrade with LG UP and kdz V20a - no change at all. I suppose that the system is draining more battery than it should under use.View attachment 4526726
Sent from my LG-H870DS using Tapatalk
