Which kernel do you guys recommend? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have tried YayPrime and Quanta v10. I have been reading about different governor settings, undervolting and cpu hotplug stuff.
My aim is to achieve best battery life with smooth user experience.A little flutter here and there is fine by me but as long as I type and use browser, the experience should be fluid. I don't play games on my phone and I don't have graphic intensive apps.
Which kernel would then you guys suggest, and what settings would you guys recommend? Which governor is best for saving battery life?


Please share your voltage and governor

Please share
1. your favorite governor (do you use any different governor on different profiles?)
2. your voltage parameters
3. Your benchmark using quadrant
No one wants to play?
Maybe like me, they have no idea what you are talking about
What is a governor?
What voltage do you mean?
My quadrant score is 3900 ish
Thanks for the reply, I don't think I'm good enough to explain but, in a nutshell,
A governor is a a piece of code in the kernel that decides on the cpu speed. each kernel has multiple governors
voltage is where you can decide what voltage is delivered to your cpu at certain frequency. undervoltage will usually help you save battery. we have to pay attention not to go too low or it phone will freeze
download setcpu it will all become clearer
I will give this another bump before letting it die
Even I would be intrested in sharing this
currently I am using CF root with ondemand and its working all good
FM kernel with interactive. I find my phone snappier with this governor. I liked it the most with smartassv2 on Abysssomething (don't remember now) kernel, but too many teething problems with this one, had to revert to FM. I'll give it another shot soon though.
pjm77 said:
FM kernel with interactive. I find my phone snappier with this governor. I liked it the most with smartassv2 on Abysssomething (don't remember now) kernel, but too many teething problems with this one, had to revert to FM. I'll give it another shot soon though.
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Do you use any additional profiles with Interactive?
Nope, I like the way it is.
pjm77 said:
Nope, I like the way it is.
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Have you tried InteractiveX? Or, better yet, know the differences between the two? I am currently using smartassv2, FM kernel and have no complaints but would be interested if there was something a bit snappier when opening an app (I still get a bit of lag if I quickly select an app after unlocking the phone).
Yes, I've tried InteractiveX and OndemandX - they're both absolute rubbish (at least from my point of view). Both responsiveness and benchmark results were dismal (2800-3300 quadrant advanced). These are governors for anally retentive battery life lovers. Nothing wrong with that itself but beats the purpose when buying state of the art top shelf performance smartphone IMO.
Good to know. I appreciate the advice. Does that mean you also tried smartassv2 with the FM kernel? Any discernible difference between that and interactive, if you have? And sorry for all the questions but it saves me the trouble of trying them!
I just flashed the 1.3 FM a moment ago. Now running 100-1704 smartassv2, haven't played with voltages yet. Responsiveness in terms of screen scolling, lags & stutters seems better than 200-1400 interactive. Performance in Quadrant Advanced and Nenamark2 seems a tiny bit worse (but I don't really care about that, I use benchmarks only to roughly estimate, smoothness is what I'm after). I can't give you direct sources because I don't remember, but having spent several hours digging last weekend I concluded that for people who put performance slighly over battery life governors to be considered are interactive, smartass(v2), savagedzed and performance. Funny enough - I'm getting consistently worse benchmarks on performance governor on all kernels. I wonder why?
Thanks again. I will play around with some of the governors and settings to find the right fit. I think I will try savagedzen next but I am pretty happy with smartassv2 and may just stick with it.
Handy explanation of most of the governor options available in custom Note kernels: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817
Smartassv2 and vr. After reading a bit about it they seem to be the best for performance and balanced battery life.
i share with you my SetCPU config, voltage ...
it's very stable for me. It's not performance oriented but battery friendly.
what you think ?
EDIT : I use AbyssNote Kernel 1.2
I'm getting nice results here on FM Kernel 1.3. 1704mHz (1375mV) - 100mHz (775mV), lulzactive governor. 5000-5872 in Quadrant advanced, 32-35 in Nenamark2. Battery life good with low to med usage, poor when playing games, running satnav etc. - hardly a surprise We'll see about stability but so far so good.
This thread is finally picking off ! thank you all
I am currently on FM 1.3 and preferring lulzactive
I don't use any over clocking I guess I don't dare. is it safe?
I think i'm pretty aggressive with under voltage i'm running 1175mv at 1400mhz and 775mv at 200mhz. For some reason my phone freezes any time I use the 100mhz no matter the voltage .
Can you share the whole voltage for a comparison ?
with all this I can hardly get a full day of use with my battery but I guess I'm a pretty heavy on usage. no gaming or anything extensive but wifi-browsing-emails-3g-bluetooth all day
ArcticCat said:
For some reason my phone freezes any time I use the 100mhz no matter the voltage .
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I read on some other kernel thread that Samsung's implementation of the 100mhz step is incomplete/buggy. That's probably why it doesn't work properly.

[Q] Interactive vs. Ondemand

I have been experimenting with some various governors and have found that interactive and ondemand work best on the nexus 7. My question is which one will have better battery life on the nexus 7? Which one will have the least stuttering? Just curious. Everyone seems to state that interactive will be the better governor, but I tend to notice interactive heats up more in chrome. Anyone else notice this?
Any helps would be appreciated
When running low on battery I found conservative with runnable works the best for me. Undervolting by 50-100mV and running custom kernel plus ROM can also contribute. I always turn my WiFi and GPS off when not being used. I would not know of such imperceivable details between Interactive and Ondemand as battery, stutter or heat. Mine reaches 70 degress celsius under overclocked heavy benchmarking load.
For battery life, stick with interactive or conservative.
For less lag and stuttering, use ondemand or performance.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. You have it completely opposite. For better battery life, and not to have your frequency set to the highest value, almost at all times, go with ondemand. If you want less lag, and stuttering, but worse battery life, interactive.
Test it yourself with setcpu, and CPU spy, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Best GPU Govenor for any custom rom?

Can you guys give me the best GPU govenor for any kind of rom? thanks!
derking1 said:
Can you guys give me the best GPU govenor for any kind of rom? thanks!
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That'll depend on what you need your phone for.
If you want all your cores to run at max speed thereby maximizing performance on games and browsing pick the performance kernel.
Otherwise for normal usage just pick the interactive governer.
There's a lot of governors available but these 2 are the only ones that are important and actually useful. Major kernel developers only give support to these 2 governors as they are the most useful when compared to others.
Dont use any battery saving governer. Trust me, your phone will slow down and make it unusable.
Hope this helps!
Best for what?
Governors are built into the kernel, so if you want choices, you'll have to flash a kernel that has those choices. Some are for high performance. Some are for saving battery. And then there's ones in between. Some might work better if you underclock or undervolt to save battery. Some might work better if you run only 2 cores. Some have better wake-up speed from sleep. "Best" depends on what you plan to do with your phone.
Don't forget about profiles either. For example, I've been playing around with HellsCore kernel and HellsCore Manager. You can create profiles depending on what you're doing. Like, if you're plugged in and playing a game, set it for max performance. If you need it to last as long as possible, limit the max clock speed, run only 2 cores, and use a battery saving governor. With HellsCore Manager you can even mix it up; Performance or normal until battery hits 50% (or whatever), and then switches to a battery saving profile. Pretty nifty.

Optimizing battery life

I fish, so I need my phone to last a good while with me.
I am currently on SimplRom with SimplKernel and my battery life is not bad, but I see people getting like 6-7 hours if screen on-time.
governer is interactive and i/o scheduler is row
set my max speed to 2ghz instead of the 2.7 ghz
tried apps, tried a lot
Are there any kernels, roms with very good battery life?
And are there any tips you can give me on how to increase my battery life?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Oh and I have tried the powersave governor, and it's fine but I want to open and close apps normally, powersave is a little bit too slow for me..

Custom kernel for lag free gaming

I'm using kernel auditor and Tasker to maximize my CPU and GPU performance sacrificing my battery run time to play games lag free. But some of the game games still lag(online ones).
Is there any custom kernel for overall performance increase battery backup is not a problem for me.

