Kernel usb otg for nexus 4? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello,there is a kernel that support otg usb for nexus 4 with android 5.1.1?

maskedjack said:
Hello,there is a kernel that support otg usb for nexus 4 with android 5.1.1?
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deball said:
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Which version?

I'll join this thread - I have CM13 (~5 days old build) and TaUrUs kernel - OTG doesn't work.
From hardware perspective is everything ok - I have an "y" cable and TWRP can mount my USB-flashdisk. But OS cannot see my dongle.
What wrong I'm doing?

maskedjack said:
Which version?
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deball said:
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It's ok if i have the original ROM?

deball said:
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I have this kernel and I saw that option "OTG Hack" in the Quanta Tweaks app.
Can you tell me what do I need in order to mount an USB flash? I know about the special otg cable, but do I need something more? How can I properly open a movie, for example, and play it on the phone from the USB stick? (I guess you know these, because you replied to the man )
Thank you!

I have CallMeAldy kernel, does otg-usb support ? My otg-usb doesn't have y cable for power input

maskedjack said:
Hello,there is a kernel that support otg usb for nexus 4 with android 5.1.1?
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active of OTG-USB on android 5.x.x (lollipop) and nexus 4 by :
reboot system and go to recovery mode and
1.install (by recovery mode/ wipe cache and dalvik )
2.install Universal Kernel Manager v3.8.1 zip (by recovery mode)
then reboot system and
3.install BusyBox apk
4.install Synapse apk ( open synapse app and active usb otg by MISC menu )
5.install StickMount apk ( open app and mount usb and go /sdcard/usbStorage/.... )


USB OTG Problems

I try to connect my USB storage but I fail every time.
I tried it with CyanogenMod 11 and this:
Then I installed the PAC Rom and the kernel above and it also doesn't work.
When I go to Settings > Storage I get the Dialog "Settings was terminated" (or something equal, I have the german language enabled).
So I don't know what I make wrong. even when I'm wipe my phone and install a new rom and then install the kernel, it doesn't work...
Hope you can help
19simon96 said:
I try to connect my USB storage but I fail every time.
I tried it with CyanogenMod 11 and this:
Then I installed the PAC Rom and the kernel above and it also doesn't work.
When I go to Settings > Storage I get the Dialog "Settings was terminated" (or something equal, I have the german language enabled).
So I don't know what I make wrong. even when I'm wipe my phone and install a new rom and then install the kernel, it doesn't work...
Hope you can help
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Do you have a powered OTG cable? Nexus 4 doesn't support stock OTG cable.
What kernel are you running, stock doesn't work.
I use Franco of ziddey (cm version) .
And I have a powered otg cable.
Could be the cable and/or y-connector is not working. Can you get any USB connection to work?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

[Q] Install Rt73 wifi driver on android

I want to connect a USB wireless USB adapter to my phone using a USB OTG adapter but i have to install a wifi driver for the wifi stick (rt73). I want to use the wifi stick in Ubuntu using the Complete linux installer application.
How can i install the rt73 wifi driver on my phone?
supergerrit said:
I want to connect a USB wireless USB adapter to my phone using a USB OTG adapter but i have to install a wifi driver for the wifi stick (rt73). I want to use the wifi stick in Ubuntu using the Complete linux installer application.
How can i install the rt73 wifi driver on my phone?
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ashirviskas said:
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Sorry, can you be more specific?
ashirviskas said:
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Sorry, can you be more specific?
You must add CONFIG_RT73USB=y in your defconfig file.

usb flash memory stick

Dear devoleder
I asked about how to connect flash memory stick to my huawei p8lite
Does it support otg or not?
I see in the sitting / storage/ usb mount what can i do with it
P8 lite doesn't support otg.
Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk
I don't get it too the phone does not detect the usb flash stick and many people said that the phone does not support OTG but in storage settings there that usb mount ****, really weird...
Maybe it will work with some OTG cable not by pluging the usb stick directly into the phone who knows lol
I think it's just missing a kernel driver to support it.
AIDA64 in pheripherals shows DWC OTG Controller, pheripheral ID 1D6B-0002
Hello, OK the p8 lite didn't support otg cable/stick but with twrp and a otg stick it's working fine for flashing process
dkonect said:
Hello, OK the p8 lite didn't support otg cable/stick but with twrp and a otg stick it's working fine for flashing process
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Really? TWRP mounts usb stick?
In this case it's only needed a kernel driver to have it working in rom
The OTG chip exists, but the kernel lacks support for USB OTG.
then rooting the phone and installing stickmount and using an usb otg cable will solve the problem I guess
AmINoS007 said:
then rooting the phone and installing stickmount and using an usb otg cable will solve the problem I guess
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No, a kernel driver is needed before everything else.
ItalianWolf said:
No, a kernel driver is needed before everything else.
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I think the driver is not a problem. The driver is present in the kernel.
The problem is probably a stock rom or stock system problem.
There could be a possible solution with a different rom like CM or AOSP.✓&q=otg
At last, a spark of hope for OTG! Honor 4x supports OTG and they almost have the same specs....
I'm looking to push a CWM for the P8 Lite soon when I have the time... will look into USB OTG kernel support.
I think kernel suports fully USB OTG but it's only simply disabled.
The issue is most likely that the USB port isn't providing enough power (if any) to the USB device.
Can anyone who's patched their kernel with USB OTG support (there are many apps on the Play store which do this) confirm whether this is true, using a USB Y cable?
Somebody try to use something from Huawei Honor 4C? It's almost identical phone but with smaller internal memory and USB OTG support. It also runs on Kirin 620.
MGNConflict said:
The issue is most likely that the USB port isn't providing enough power (if any) to the USB device.
Can anyone who's patched their kernel with USB OTG support (there are many apps on the Play store which do this) confirm whether this is true, using a USB Y cable?
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Please tell me some app name on google play
---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------
If you have a honor 4x please post usb-storage module, please
I used a Y cable without effect. But I will still try.
Ps. Whole true about USB OTG Now I'm dumping memory. May be soon I will upload image with USB OTG enabled. If somebody can help me, I appreciate it.
01-16 23:17:10.786 <3>[ 5.996673s][pid:1,cpu0,swapper/0][USB][OTG_DEBUG]g_otg_enable is 0
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Please try this: , reboot, then use Y cable.
You need to be rooted to use that app
You can maybe build our own kernel with support of OTG?
Try changing line 1988 in the hisi_hi6210sft_defconfig: CONFIG_USB_OTG=y
Don't know if it will work.
Attention! Flashing a kernel or changing a kernel can damage your phone

Mouse for cm 12.1

Does anyone of you know how to run an mouse on samsung galaxy s3 neo with cm 12.1?
I mean on custom rom it is possible?
motionsnk said:
Does anyone of you know how to run an mouse on samsung galaxy s3 neo with cm 12.1?
I mean on custom rom it is possible?
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Yes its possible. Connect via OTG cable or if you have a BT mouse, whell you know what to do with a BT mouse.
paulo boë said:
Yes its possible. Connect via OTG cable or if you have a BT mouse, whell you know what to do with a BT mouse.
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Well i have a s3 neo gt i19301i and cm 12.1 but it does not read my mouse..i have otg but nothing happens :/
motionsnk said:
Well i have a s3 neo gt i19301i and cm 12.1 but it does not read my mouse..i have otg but nothing happens :/
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paulo boë said:
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I know...any ideea how can I make it work?
motionsnk said:
I know...any ideea how can I make it work?
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Not now. I need to put my phone away. Parents....
Ok ..wish you all the best
motionsnk said:
Does anyone of you know how to run an mouse on samsung galaxy s3 neo with cm 12.1?
I mean on custom rom it is possible?
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OTG Does not work directly on the s3 neo because the usb port doesnt have enough power, you can try to use a external powered otg cable.
Or do it like me:
There is an APP which can enable otg, required ROOT privileges, and you can use USB stuff like:
USB-Mouse, USB-Keyboard, USB-Stick(i tested 1-16GB), USB-HardDrive(ex. 500gb external usb HDD), Charge an other device/phone/Bluetoothspeaker, and so on.
App required ROOT privileges!!!!! (I'am using this)
or you use: (not tested by me, just read the comments)
On the app(first link) You just install it and open it, tap the switch, allow su access, and you'll see your device getting Charged(Top left power led is glowing), and usb devices do work. If you'r done, just tap again the switch and use it normally and yes you can close/minimize the app while otg is enabled
Don't Charge your Device, i dont know what can happen so dont try it, may be nothing happens but i dont want risk my device!
Sorry for my weak english(-grammar)
PrevosHD said:
OTG Does not work directly on the s3 neo because the usb port doesnt have enough power, you can try to use a external powered otg cable.
Or do it like me:
There is an APP which can enable otg, required ROOT privileges, and you can use USB stuff like:
USB-Mouse, USB-Keyboard, USB-Stick(i tested 1-16GB), USB-HardDrive(ex. 500gb external usb HDD), Charge an other device/phone/Bluetoothspeaker, and so on.
App required ROOT privileges!!!!! (I'am using this)
or you use: (not tested by me, just read the comments)
On the app(first link) You just install it and open it, tap the switch, allow su access, and you'll see your device getting Charged(Top left power led is glowing), and usb devices do work. If you'r done, just tap again the switch and use it normally and yes you can close/minimize the app while otg is enabled
Don't Charge your Device, i dont know what can happen so dont try it, may be nothing happens but i dont want risk my device!
Sorry for my weak english(-grammar)
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No problem
Thanks for the tips :fingers-crossed:

OTG support

Device: huawei p9 lite vns-l31 android 7 rooted using TWRP and magisk
Im trying to enable OTG support for a usb keyboard with an OTG cable
- moved ( to (/system/etc/permissions) and verified (USB Host) using an app (USB OTG Checker)
- tried to use RevolutionOTG apk ( and
( but it's not detecting root !
- tried running the two scripts (echo hoston > /sys/devices/ff100000.hisi_usb/plugusb) and (echo hostoff > /sys/devices/ff100000.hisi_usb/plugusb)
and then modified the directory to (/sys/devices/platform/ff100000.hisi_usb/plugusb) but again nothing happens !
- tried this ( (Elite OTG for huawei p9 lite) from an old post ( but the link is no longer available
- tried using (USB OTG Helper) but the app is unable to create mount directory
- Can someone help me in any direction ?
aramous said:
Device: huawei p9 lite vns-l31 android 7 rooted using TWRP and magisk
Im trying to enable OTG support for a usb keyboard with an OTG cable
- moved ( to (/system/etc/permissions) and verified (USB Host) using an app (USB OTG Checker)
- tried to use RevolutionOTG apk ( and
( but it's not detecting root !
- tried running the two scripts (echo hoston > /sys/devices/ff100000.hisi_usb/plugusb) and (echo hostoff > /sys/devices/ff100000.hisi_usb/plugusb)
and then modified the directory to (/sys/devices/platform/ff100000.hisi_usb/plugusb) but again nothing happens !
- tried this ( (Elite OTG for huawei p9 lite) from an old post ( but the link is no longer available
- tried using (USB OTG Helper) but the app is unable to create mount directory
- Can someone help me in any direction ?
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Download Elite kernel,
flash it in TWRP, wipe dalvik/art cache , reboot. Backup your stock boot.img!
But if I remember correctly, OTG may not work properly with Magisk. So use SuperSu 2.7.9 or 2.8.2 (uninstall Magisk first!).
worked like a charm ! don't know how to thank you
aramous said:
worked like a charm ! don't know how to thank you
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Not a problem.
