Video length limited to 31:49 or 3.8GB? - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I set the 6P on a tripod and used it as a camcorder to record an hour-long live performance at 1080p, only to find out after the performance that it stopped at 31:49, or 3.8GB. Is it a limit on the length of time or file size, or both? Is there a workaround? Quite disappointing that I can't use my 6P like a real camcorder.

I had a similar issue as well except I didn't get past about 5 minutes. I was holding my 6p and the screen would simply shut off and when I unlocked it the recording had stopped and I had to start again. I don't do long recording often at all but I want to know that I won't be limited when I need to. Hope there is a setting it workaround for this.

ydooby said:
I set the 6P on a tripod and used it as a camcorder to record an hour-long live performance at 1080p, only to find out after the performance that it stopped at 31:49, or 3.8GB. Is it a limit on the length of time or file size, or both? Is there a workaround? Quite disappointing that I can't use my 6P like a real camcorder.
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The only thing I can think of in your case might be the limitations of FAT 32 file formatting, where a single file cannot be > 4GB. (This is seriously highly unlikely though)
I don't have a 6P but I'd assume its internal storage can't possibly be formatted FAT 32 but rather extFat or something more modern.
Someone smarter would chime in soon enough. [emoji4][emoji5]


iPhone 4 720p HD Recording > Evo 4G 720p HD Recording

Evo 4G
iPhone 4
Any developers out there can figure out what the hell is going on? Lol. I know the iPhone is capable, but what's holding the Evo 4G back? Hardware? I mean I hope it's not for such a technical beast. Software? Lens? Ugh.
Considering the gs out performs the evo this isn't a big surprise.
It's probably a few reasons, first being the device relies on a slow sd card (out of the box) vs fast internal memory. Meaning they had to be careful with file size and how much data got pushed from the camera to the card. better sensor, better lens, less compression etc.. The Evo also records in a ****ty codec
Raadius said:
Evo 4G
iPhone 4
Any developers out there can figure out what the hell is going on? Lol. I know the iPhone is capable, but what's holding the Evo 4G back? Hardware? I mean I hope it's not for such a technical beast. Software? Lens? Ugh.
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Software. Also note that the iPhone does technically record 20+ fps video, it is doubling frames, so a lot of the time its only actually capturing 15-20fps and then doubling some of the frames. Once we get full kernel source, we can overclock the camera chip the same way we kinda did for the Nexus and improve the bitrate, audio quality, and video fps. See this thread:
I read somewhere that HTC was doing a huge amount of compressing of the video that is recorded. It has to be something like that in my opinion.
The iphone 4 has a back-lit camera sensor. That is likely helping a lot for this indoor video. I have also read that the evo4g compresses video a lot.
Dam, makes the Evo look like sh1t lol.
k2snowboards88 said:
The iphone 4 has a back-lit camera sensor. That is likely helping a lot for this indoor video. I have also read that the evo4g compresses video a lot.
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The Evo also has a backlit sensor. Look up the Omnivision OV8810 if you wan't more info on it, its the same sensor used in the Incredible. The only difference is since the iPhone is only a 5mp sensor, the pixels are ever so slightly larger, which will help with low light performance a little, but not drastically on these sensors. Its mostly software, since both of these sensors are so similar being backlit and whatnot
Vandam500 said:
I read somewhere that HTC was doing a huge amount of compressing of the video that is recorded. It has to be something like that in my opinion.
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Look at the codecs... iPhone4 is h264 (10) (what we think of as mp4 on desktop) and EVO is H264 (2) which is horribly low bitrate, thus the blockyness.
Hopefully Geniusdog254 is right and we can pull a bit better fps out of it, but I don't think we're going to be able to do much about the low light abilities, the iphone4 has a better sensor and optics.
I didn't realize htc had a backlit sensor. Good. Hopefully they can get their software to be worthy of it.
NM, said above.
Not to change the subject, but how are these YouTube videos playing inside the evo browser? Usually clicking on them opens HTC flash player.
Easy - bitrate..
we need to figure out how to increase the video recording bitrate.. They've done this on the nexus one - so perhaps the same trick would work here?
Geniusdog254 said:
Software. Also note that the iPhone does technically record 20+ fps video, it is doubling frames, so a lot of the time its only actually capturing 15-20fps and then doubling some of the frames. Once we get full kernel source, we can overclock the camera chip the same way we kinda did for the Nexus and improve the bitrate, audio quality, and video fps. See this thread:
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Wow, did not know that.
Does the iPhone 4 have continuous focus?
That's one thing that sourly lacking in the HTC recording app.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
HTC's response:
Thank you for your reply. I researched into this further. The Auto-Focus option is only for the initial focus of the image on the screen. There is not a setting on the device for continuous focus.
In regards to the quality of the video, there are many factors that come into play when creating a video. Movement, lighting, and focus are all a part of the quality. Since the device does not have a form of continuous focus, then your queslity is not going to be as good as a device with this focus feature.
The devices also uses 2MB/s transfer rate to the SD card. This is not dependant on what type of SD card you have in the phone. Higher class cards indicate the Minimum data transfer rates to and from the card itself. Unfortuantely, this cannot be adjusted using native settings on the device. I do apologize for any inconvenience that you may have experienced.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number xxxxxxxxx.
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So, is he saying that no matter what SD card speed we have, HTC caps the data transfer to 2mb/s?
I think this is how we can uncap that limit:
Neo3D said:
HTC's response:
So, is he saying that no matter what SD card speed we have, HTC caps the data transfer to 2mb/s?
I think this is how we can uncap that limit:
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I wouldn't trust someone who cannot even spell or construct sentences.
Geniusdog254 said:
Software. Also note that the iPhone does technically record 20+ fps video, it is doubling frames, so a lot of the time its only actually capturing 15-20fps and then doubling some of the frames. Once we get full kernel source, we can overclock the camera chip the same way we kinda did for the Nexus and improve the bitrate, audio quality, and video fps. See this thread:
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do u think it'd also be possible to enable continuous autofocus?

HTC Video Recording Quality

As you all know by now, today HTC and Sprint announced the release date for the HTC EVO 4G LTE.
I am excited as anyone about this phone. However, there is one area that I am VERY disapointed about: video recording quality.
In my opinion, HTC has so far been un-able to make a cell phone that can record good quality HD video. It's even more puzzling since apparently both HTC and Sprint were really promoting the camera on the phone at the press event today.
I have no issue with the quality of the still photos - my original EVO takes pretty good stills.
I saw a sample of video shot with the European version of One X, and it suffers from the same issue as my EVO - jerky video!
Shot in 1080p outdoors, at the highest quality setting, the video looks as if it were shot at around 20fps rather than 30fps. Pans and objects moving across the screen were jerky.
My EVO has always had this issue, which has prevented me from shooting much video with it. The camera is great, but I want to be able to carry a camcorder with me always. My mom's two year old Epic Galaxy S has been able to shoot smooth HD video from day one, and I've always envied it.
There is no video I can shoot with my EVO that I would want to burn to DVD or shoot important events with, like birthdays, holidays, etc.
Some bigwig from HTC was quoted comparing the One X's camera with that of the iPhone 4S. But I know the 4S shoots smooth HD video as well.
I'll probably at least go into Sprint and check it out myself, but I don't expect to have different results then that fromthe reviewer.
Have any of you (who can review video quality with a critical eye) noticed what I'm talking about?
I don't understand why HTC can't get video recording right!
Didn't notice the recording problem on my EVO, but could be the ROM I'm using. Also on the new One X, the videos I've seen look amazing. Don't know which one you saw, but I thought it looked great. Perhaps issues uploading or the video stabilization was turned on in the video you saw? It's not going to be like a 60 fps camcorder, but if that's what you are expecting out of a tiny phone camera, your expectations may be too high.
What other phone has better video? Looks the same as iphone 4S video and no one complains about that. A small sensor has limitations and it isn't going to get better when you post it to youtube and they compress it. No phone is going to make quality DVDs for your events. What's wrong with getting a camcorder with a sensor twice the size or a triple sensor if you have the funds? Seems they are getting video recording done just as well as any other phone to me. These are phones.
Well, maybe I'm a bit more critical than most. I work in video and perhaps my eye is more sensitive to the various aspects of video.
I'm not talking about sharpness, contrast, color saturation, etc.
As I mentioned, both the iPhone 4/4S and Samsung's Galaxy line of phones do not have this issue.
Try this: film 20 seconds of either relatively close fast moving objects like car traffic, or else pan in a circle at a somewhat faster than pleasing speed.
If you look closely, you will see very slight jumping in the video. It's not going to jump out at you (excuse the pun).
It's not a compression issue, that would result in a more blurry or pixelated image.
I realize we're talking cell phones. But both Apple and Samsung do not have this issue. I REALLY want to love the EVO LTE, I'm eligible for an upgrade in June!
Video recording on my evo was horrible as well unusable horrible ..super choppy and laggy all the time. My brothers was exactly the same. My phone was rooted flashed multiple roms, video was always choppy... brothers phone never was always choppy
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
No I gotcha, I'm critical as well. That's why I wouldn't use ANY phone for capturing video for an important event. A camcorder is the only thing that will do.
However the samples I've seen look every bit as good as the iphone 4s or samsung videos. Of course the One X does seem more geared towards photos and have to say it definitely beats the others there. Also if you pause the One X videos you can still clearly see everything and even grab a frame as a picture. The Samsung videos get blurry so I wouldn't try it with the Nexus. Can't say I notice any change in fluidity from iphone 4S videos to One X videos, but again I don't know which video you are talking about. If there is any difference it is slight. All phones have this issue as they are just not going to match the smoothness of a quality camcorder and definitely not professional camcorders. Even then I notice the difference with motion interpolation on high refresh 120 hz and 240 hz TV's so I know what you are saying.
Perhaps best to withhold judgment about video on phone that isn't out yet. Once it's on youtube it just isn't going to look as good.
EDIT: I did find a One X video that looked horrible, it was a close up and the exposure was constantly changing, but did notice jumpiness when panning. Can't tell if it was due to being uploaded on youtube, but if it did happen on the phone it looks like it is having trouble with quickly writing to memory. It doesn't do it constantly so that may be the issue. When you have trouble with your EVO 4G are you directly shooting video to the SD Card? That may be your problem. The lag causes a frame to be skipped here or there. A larger buffer would correct this issue (well until it fills) or higher memory bandwidth. This also happens when uploading videos or converting the file format. Perhaps a result of poor conversion from RAW to 3gp. Still I wouldn't worry about it as there is a way to go until June and the hardware version may change. If there is an issue I'm sure they are aware of it.
htc-ppc said:
When you have trouble with your EVO 4G are you directly shooting video to the SD Card? That may be your problem. The lag causes a frame to be skipped here or there. A larger buffer would correct this issue (well until it fills) or higher memory bandwidth. This also happens when uploading videos or converting the file format.
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Well, yes. the EVO has so little internal storage, and video file sizes are large compared to other file types.
But then, my mom's Samsung also wrote directly to the SD card, and it's still very smooth.
I will try to find that example I was speaking about and post a link. It was shot outdoors in daylight, near a flower stand if I remember correctly.
And for sure I will definitely check it out myself before writing the phone off.
As far as the phone not having the same quality as a "real" camcorder, sure. but you know the old saying, "The best camera is the one you have with you". My phone is ALWAYS with me. And I do think the quality is getting to the point where I can shoot casual everyday stuff that I may want to archive for the future, even edit.
Here is a link to the sample I was referring to.
This is from the HTC One X, which I believe has the same camera as todays announced EVO LTE. Pay particular attention to the panning at about the 1:10 mark.
And this phone has no SD card, so it was recorded to the internal memory.
Also, while you may wish to blame YouTube, this is how video recorded on my two year old EVO looks.
Better than the one I found, but SD Card or not that is still the issue. I know that the version of the One X used for this does not have an SD Card. The Sprint one will. Either way, uploading it to youtube can cause this problem as well. And if you record to your SD Card on your 2 year old EVO and use a slow card you will see this as well. That may be your issue though it isn't for the One X. If it's internal then another phone might be your best option.
These are frames that get skipped either due to trouble encoding, small buffer, or memory speed problems. The iphones never seem to have this issue like Androids do (probably due to all the stuff running in the background and iOS's control over apps). Can tell when it happens in the video and it starts skipping. It's the same as when you are video conferencing and frames get dropped due to bandwidth. This isn't normal and guessing they would be on that. As far as the rest, still looks as jagged as any other phone with motion. If you use post processing it can help.
Here's on I saw that looked about as decent as other phone videos
One X 1080p sample
with cars going by like you mentioned. Have to say it looks clear when you pause on passing cars. Fast pans aren't going to impress on any phone (or many camcorders in my experience) and I don't know what else to say about it. Hopefully they fix what is bothering you and if not I guess you gotta go with another phone.
OK, you got me motivated to check out several youtube videos. I will give you the YouTube effect. Even though I have seen Galaxy and iPhone 4S clips Played back on the phones without the jumping, the YouTube samples did exhibit the issue.
While I wait for the EVO LTE to arrive at Sprint, I will change the video recording folder on my EVO and see if that makes any difference. I will also test the new EVO and cross my fingers. Everything else looks great and I'm hoping the video recording will pass my stringent tests!!!
So I checked, and I can not find any setting on my EVO to have the camera record video files directly to internal storage. In fact, there is no setting at all as far as location of recorded video and photos. Apparently the EVO is designed to record directly to the SD card and there is no other option.
However, in thinking about this studdering or "jumping" issue, it doesn't make sense that it would be related to the SD card anyway.
The phone would buffer recorded video before it writes it to the card. If the buffer ran out, perhaps video would jump or skip, but it would be at random times. The issue I'm talking about happens consistently during the video, like I said, it looks like video shot at about 20 fps.
Besides, I've used the same SD card in my mom's Samsung Galaxy, and video is very smooth.
So it's not the SD cards fault.
OP I'm with you. Camcorder on my Evo or better yet HTC phone if pure crap. Low light shooting is the worst I've seen on a phone. My Xoom, wife's ipad and daughter's Epic all take great low light and non jerky videos. People need to compare on hand with different devices before saying the Evo is okay, because it's not. That's my only peeve with htc phone and my next phone I'm going to make sure the video department is almost as good as the iphone 4s if not better, because iphone 4s take stunning video especailly low light.
I have been scouring the web looking for a fix for my Evo 4G video quality.
If anyone finds a fix please post it here.
Phone is rooted with CM7.1.0

4K video recording stops after 8 minutes of recording.

I've noticed that 4K video recording seems to be capped at approximately 8 minutes. I've had 2 separate videos stop recording at this time. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a way to bypass it? I have plenty of space on my 64GB 6P, so it'd be great to take advantage of all that space. Is is a processor or heat related issue?
I believe recording is always capped after 4gb (I think that's the limit might be 2). That's happened to me on previous devices when I try to record 1 hour at 1080p would have to remember to change it to 720p or lower. Not sure how to change that, especially without rooting.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
y2whisper said:
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I have the same problem recording in 1080p I can only record for 5 to 7 minutes. I also am rooted, what can I do to record longer?
This just happened to me tonight at my daughter's Christmas concert. Quit after 8 min 50 secs. I am test driving a Note 5 and a Nexus 6p. Between this and the mic problems, there's a good chance I'll send the 6p back. I never had this issue with my iPhones, and can't speak to whether the Note would have done it. It's frustrating because I really would have liked to have it all on video.
Likely both devices would have done something similar.. Iphones have in the past.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I decided to do a test. I set it to record and left it alone. It recorded about 31 minutes of video before shutting off. I'm wondering if the camera app quit or if I hit something accidentally during the recording. This may be a case of user error instead of an issue with the device.
At 4k?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Yesterday I also came across this limitation (8 minutoes in 4k video) with Nexus 6P camera but tried the Opencamera app (free) and it got past the 12minutes without problems (and it has more manual control for exposure, focus, bitrate) and after some testing with phone on a tripod I think I'm going to record my kid's X-mas party with bitrate of 20mbps because it uses half the space (I think default is 42mbps) and on a tripod it looks as good as default bitrate.
I've done another test with 20mbps and it stopped at 27mins and 4 seconds, I think file was already 4GB at this point, so maybe I could still get a longer recording time with 15mbps if needed (it is still pretty good quality for a tripod mounted camera)..
I'm not as happy with audio, I thought it was stereo but it's mono and I have the feeling that it is captured with MIC's facing wrong side of the phone... and at this point I have no time left for ordering external MIC's to test (but it should be mono as well, maybe better direction would give better quality in high frequencies - but that has to be next time). For now best option I think is selecting audio source to camcorder (I think it's the one that comes selected as default, but not the option called "default" and I did try to force stereo but file still gets mono audio but I hear high frequencies coming from rear MIC - not as bad as I thought) - I'd love to see an option to capture the audio from the 3 MIC's givving 3 channels audio (good to play on 5.1 systems using center, left and right speakers
mikexilva said:
Yesterday I also came across this limitation (8 minutoes in 4k video) with Nexus 6P camera but tried the Opencamera app (free) and it got past the 12minutes without problems (and it has more manual control for exposure, focus, bitrate) and after some testing with phone on a tripod I think I'm going to record my kid's X-mas party with bitrate of 20mbps because it uses half the space (I think default is 42mbps) and on a tripod it looks as good as default bitrate.
I've done another test with 20mbps and it stopped at 27mins and 4 seconds, I think file was already 4GB at this point, so maybe I could still get a longer recording time with 15mbps if needed (it is still pretty good quality for a tripod mounted camera)..
I'm not as happy with audio, I thought it was stereo but it's mono and I have the feeling that it is captured with MIC's facing wrong side of the phone... and at this point I have no time left for ordering external MIC's to test (but it should be mono as well, maybe better direction would give better quality in high frequencies - but that has to be next time). For now best option I think is selecting audio source to camcorder (I think it's the one that comes selected as default, but not the option called "default" and I did try to force stereo but file still gets mono audio but I hear high frequencies coming from rear MIC - not as bad as I thought) - I'd love to see an option to capture the audio from the 3 MIC's givving 3 channels audio (good to play on 5.1 systems using center, left and right speakers
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Perhaps the flashable zip in the Nexus 6 forums to activate stereo recording would work on the 6P also?
I just recorded a Christmas ugly sweater party video at work in 720p on my 6P, and it stopped after 8m30s
Still experiencing this problem. Anyone else? Has anyone stumbled upon a fix? Thanks!
DrekenShark said:
I've noticed that 4K video recording seems to be capped at approximately 8 minutes. I've had 2 separate videos stop recording at this time. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a way to bypass it? I have plenty of space on my 64GB 6P, so it'd be great to take advantage of all that space. Is is a processor or heat related issue?
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I was looking into the 6p specifically for 4k video so it's good to know about this problem. Sorry I can't offer help though.

Customise your stock camera

Have you ever checked this folder /system/etc/camera? You can tune noise reduction, sharpness, contrast, hdr, night mode, light mode, nice food, scene recognition and many other algorithms as well. I have no knowledge and experience but if you want you can try and share your experience.
Sent from Honor 7
Spencer_D said:
Have you ever checked this folder /system/etc/camera? You can tune noise reduction, sharpness, contrast, hdr, night mode, light mode, nice food, scene recognition and many other algorithms as well. I have no knowledge and experience but if you want you can try and share your experience.
Sent from Honor 7
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LOL! Why did nobody recognized before??
There was a mod that tuned camera long time ago, but in a different way -
Anyway, Honor 7 camera is amazing and highly underrated - mostly because of too much noise reduction and too big jpeg compression. Just by changing camera app to a third party one (like Snap Camera for example) that allows you to change jpeg output quality to something about 90-95% makes REALLY BIG difference. Stock camera app simply compresses files too much and in effect reduces quality and amount of details. Files from stock camera are like 5-7mb each, while the ones from third party app are like 14-20mb! One problem though - sometimes, when image photographed scene has actually too much detail and resulting image exceedes 20mb you get nothing. Probably some memory issue.
Thing is, Honor 7 had great potential (and camera was just a part of it), but the interest in this device was killed by Honor itself. People who owned it mostly already sold it as there are big issues in current software that will most likely never be fixed. Therefore i would not expect to get much developement in camera area as the userbase is now reduced. It wasn't big year ago and it's only getting smaller and smaller.
Not much replies here. Anyone oriented on this matter yet?
First of all, I tried third-party camera app (Open Camera) that gives me 100% jpeg quality option, but I haven't tested real life quality out yet. Definitely bigger file size.
Video is the one I'm trying to focus on, tho. Open Camera gives me options for bitrate. Tried 50 and 40 Mbps. With higher dynamics real life framerate didn't go over 14 fps. With locked and somewhat under adjusted exposure, it can handle 30fps on 1080p. But it's no good when trying to shoot "professional" video. Didn't check the real life bitrate either.
As supevixen stated there's some threshold on bitrate and/or jpeg compression buffer. Any idea why?
So what I'm trying to solve is;
- Why there's so low threshold on buffer and can it be optimized? Could it buffer better if I used fast external SD instead of internal?
- How to optimize buffer to match hardware maximum?
- Should I continue using third-party apps or should I try to optimize stock camera .xml files?
- How to reduce denoising? (xml optimization)
- How to lock frame rate and/or shutter speed on video recording? (xml optimization)
I'm not very familiar with jquery or imx230 or much about the Honor 7 SoC either. I'm fast learner and very interested on optimizing the camera.
Ok, here we go. I'd figure that: "/system/etc/camera/multidenoise" -> "multidenoise.xml" is for the "selfie camera" as it states attributes for IMX134 and IMX135. So this doesn't need optimization, if I'm getting this right. "/system/etc/camera/davinci/imx230" has "hdr.xml", "imgproc.xml" and "multiframe.xml" files. "imgproc.xml" I believe has everything to do with the image processing. "multiframe.xml" has everything to do with denoising and luma enhancing, I recon. How to properly reduce denoising? Should I also tinker with luma enhancement or image processing? Also, as I stated I'd like to lock down the shutter speed on video recording, with frame rate set to 25. "/system/etc/camera/bshutter/imx230/" -> "algo.xml" has algorithms for shutter behavior. Any way to optimize those?
Or should I simply throw this peace of crap out of my life? Camera has great potential anyway, would be shame to toss it away.
If there's someone with some knowledge on the matter, I'd be more than grateful. Thanks in advance.
anamorphica, i didn't try modding original camera app by editing various files as i don't wan't to lose warranty, but i've tried many different camera apps and best one i've found is Snap Camera which paid version i'm using right now. Why? Simply because it can save jpeg files with 100% and it makes HUGE difference. Just imagine - files saved by stock camera are about 5-6MB each where files saved by Snap Camera are about 16-20MB each! And difference is really BIG when you zoom just a little bit and as we have 20mpix camera sensor it actually does make sense to "zoom" by just cropping full image to desired part and gues what - it is possible with good quality images. Of course you can save jpeg's with different quality in most third party apps (like Open Camera or Zoom FX for example), but Snap Camera seems to work best for me (it's interface is ok, it does have many useful options) and it also has amazing HDR mode (three images with different exposure are stacked together for final one - there are other apps that work that way but believe me - results from Snap Camera are by far best)
There is however one downside - sometimes, when detail quantity is to big and output image exceeds ~20MB files are not saved. It happens rarely (really) but it has to be somehow connected with amount of memory needed to that amount of data (in RAW data it has to be much more than just compressed 20 megabytes) and that's probably one of the reasons why stock camera app saves such highly compressed images. Take note, that every other "creative" mode in stock camera doesn't output full res images (light painting and night mode - they're about 8 or 10mpix as i remember) and i'm pretty sure that's also connected with memory limitations (probably not whole RAM - just the part available at the moment for camera sensor and GPU)
As for video quality, there's probably not much we can do, as our Kirin SOC is limited. Where Sony smartphones with same IMX230 can record up to 4k and have OIS, we can do only 1080p with just electronic image stabilisation and pretty low bitrate. Slow motion is also pretty bad with framedrops...
Anyway, as for me, Snap Camera is the best and i'm not going to mess with stock one. Just when i need those light painting modes or night mode - it's ok. But in good light i'll stick with Snap.
Thanks for your reply.
I'd like to know if buffer is really low/restricted due to hardware limitation. As I see it, Kirin is overkill for the needed buffer and RAM should be more than enough.
Someone made 100% jpeg quality mod to "media_profiles.xml", but every bitrate etc. values were set to very odd numbers. It's just hard time to believe that this phone couldn't handle more than what it does now.
btw. I read somewhere that Honor 7 GPU would be plenty for OIS as it should be implemented on IMX230 and people was waiting for firmware update to fix much of those restrictions, well we all know that update never came.
Our Kirin is not that good actually. Not only it does have issues with energy management (that's why apps in background are killed on stock roms and why battery times are much less impressive with CM roms - without agressive app killer built in stock firmware) but it is also crippled on GPU part (no Vulkan compatibility) and not really video capable - like i've said, phones based on different SOCs with same camera sensor are more capable (different codecs etc.) Our phone can't even record perfectly fluent slomo video with stock app - just try it, it's never without freezes.
All in all, i don't think it's worth mess with internal configuration files - you won't get too much probably, at least on video part.

Things you should know before buying oneplus 5

here are the list of things that i found that bothered me , and i think will bother others as well,
1) They advertised the camera way too much with saying 2x zoom and all but the truth is you won't find that much difference in both the lenses , the second lens only works in very good lighting conditions so when there is low light(not that low ) the main camera zooms in (by cropping) , there is no way to force the camera to use the second lens.
2) the os is neat and good but it does not come with any equalizer such as audiofx which came with the previous versions nor there is any music player (except for that sh** google play music)
3) no cache is made for fast access for what i have experienced so far , having so much ram as well as processing when i try to open my music folder with 800+ files it takes a lot of time and if i go into another folder inside the music folder and press back it gets stuck there.( i have used miui and they had really great file manager which used to make cache of those files for fast access , i had the same amount of files and was on opo)
4) ram management is pathetic for what i have experienced as after the whole day i end up having 33% ram free when no apps are running in background.
5) the high end game that i have played for now is injustice 2 and it has crashed multiple times , don't know if it's op5 or the game .
6) there are no live filters in the camera app.
7)no stability in 4k as well as 1080p 60 fps ( i know they are saying that the update will fix it )
8) images have a lot of noise but pro mode fix that and hdr too fixes it but makes the image a little soft,and the pro mode and portrait mode can't be used simultaneously.
so reply the things that bothered you as well.
p.s. is it just me or everyone is not having the double tap the power button to open camera option
LoL well you don't understand ram. The os always wants to use ram. That's called ram management. Just because you close all the apps you were running doesn't mean the os is going to give it all back and that's normal.
And you are incorrect about the stability in the 1080p become recording. There is EIS in 1080p, they are going to add EIS for 4k.
Ok so what I gather is this:
1) Camera is disappointing
2) You don't know how to use Viper4Android or download a music player. Who uses the crap stock music player on ANY phone?
3) Download a real file manager
4) My average RAM use is 57%. Hardly seems bad.
5) You don't know why your game is crashing but you feel like it's the phone's fault. Ok.
6) Camera is disappointing
7) See above
8) See above
ps: Double clicking the power button opens the camera just fine.
What you really identified is the fact that the camera is pretty average, albeit probably fine for most people. I find it ok, but it doesn't blow me away.
Eric214 said:
LoL well you don't understand ram. The os always wants to use ram. That's called ram management. Just because you close all the apps you were running doesn't mean the os is going to give it all back and that's normal.
And you are incorrect about the stability in the 1080p become recording. There is EIS in 1080p, they are going to add EIS for 4k.
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Exactly what I was going to say. The concepts of RAM management and cache the OP talks about are absurd. Ofcourse loading 800+ files is going to take time.
And Google play music is a damn fine player. I have a supscription and am entirely satisfied with it.
There is an OOTB equalizer. I prefer using AudioFX, which I could find on the OnePlus forum and it works on OOS 4.5.
Image quality is debatable, but is better than anything I've owned. Yes, it was hyped a little too much, but for a it's a good camera for a layman. The low light performance is bad though.
Also, 1080p video recording is just fine. EIS does well in the stabilization department. Expecting an EIS update for 4K video recording too.
To add, battery life is suggestive. I use the **** out of my phone and can get >48 hours of it with >9hours SOT. This phone has many positives, of which I don't see listed.
Gaurav.Stallion said:
Exactly what I was going to say. The concepts of RAM management and cache the OP talks about are absurd. Ofcourse loading 800+ files is going to take time.
And Google play music is a damn fine player. I have a supscription and am entirely satisfied with it.
There is an OOTB equalizer. I prefer using AudioFX, which I could find on the OnePlus forum and it works on OOS 4.5.
Image quality is debatable, but is better than anything I've owned. Yes, it was hyped a little too much, but for a it's a good camera for a layman. The low light performance is bad though.
Also, 1080p video recording is just fine. EIS does well in the stabilization department. Expecting an EIS update for 4K video recording too.
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Honestly, I don't own or plan to buy a 4k TV. Don't own anything with a 4k display. So 4k recording isn't a big deal for me. 1080p is more then fine. Plus file size of 4k files have to be insane. I'll probably check it out once they add the EIS to 4k but I'm good either way.
Was really necessary to start another thread? There are already tons of threads like yours.
Gaurav.Stallion said:
Exactly what I was going to say. The concepts of RAM management and cache the OP talks about are absurd. Ofcourse loading 800+ files is going to take time.
And Google play music is a damn fine player. I have a supscription and am entirely satisfied with it.
There is an OOTB equalizer. I prefer using AudioFX, which I could find on the OnePlus forum and it works on OOS 4.5.
Image quality is debatable, but is better than anything I've owned. Yes, it was hyped a little too much, but for a it's a good camera for a layman. The low light performance is bad though.
Also, 1080p video recording is just fine. EIS does well in the stabilization department. Expecting an EIS update for 4K video recording too.
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xgerryx said:
Ok so what I gather is this:
1) Camera is disappointing
2) You don't know how to use Viper4Android or download a music player. Who uses the crap stock music player on ANY phone?
3) Download a real file manager
4) My average RAM use is 57%. Hardly seems bad.
5) You don't know why your game is crashing but you feel like it's the phone's fault. Ok.
6) Camera is disappointing
7) See above
8) See above
ps: Double clicking the power button opens the camera just fine.
What you really identified is the fact that the camera is pretty average, albeit probably fine for most people. I find it ok, but it doesn't blow me away.
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Eric214 said:
LoL well you don't understand ram. The os always wants to use ram. That's called ram management. Just because you close all the apps you were running doesn't mean the os is going to give it all back and that's normal.
And you are incorrect about the stability in the 1080p become recording. There is EIS in 1080p, they are going to add EIS for 4k.
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aakarshz said:
here are the list of things that i found that bothered me , and i think will bother others as well,
1) They advertised the camera way too much with saying 2x zoom and all but the truth is you won't find that much difference in both the lenses , the second lens only works in very good lighting conditions so when there is low light(not that low ) the main camera zooms in (by cropping) , there is no way to force the camera to use the second lens.
2) the os is neat and good but it does not come with any equalizer such as audiofx which came with the previous versions nor there is any music player (except for that sh** google play music)
3) no cache is made for fast access for what i have experienced so far , having so much ram as well as processing when i try to open my music folder with 800+ files it takes a lot of time and if i go into another folder inside the music folder and press back it gets stuck there.( i have used miui and they had really great file manager which used to make cache of those files for fast access , i had the same amount of files and was on opo)
4) ram management is pathetic for what i have experienced as after the whole day i end up having 33% ram free when no apps are running in background.
5) the high end game that i have played for now is injustice 2 and it has crashed multiple times , don't know if it's op5 or the game .
6) there are no live filters in the camera app.
7)no stability in 4k as well as 1080p 60 fps ( i know they are saying that the update will fix it )
8) images have a lot of noise but pro mode fix that and hdr too fixes it but makes the image a little soft,and the pro mode and portrait mode can't be used simultaneously.
so reply the things that bothered you as well.
p.s. is it just me or everyone is not having the double tap the power button to open camera option
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The only things you need to know before you buy are :
1- you could be a victim of the jello screen effect , just like u could not be ...
2- the camera isn't as great as they advertise it , specially in low ligh
**there is no EIS for 1080p 60 fps , it is only available for 1080p 30fps "FOR NOW" , waiting for updates**
also : there's a new camera problem showing up , talking about a kind of pink tint on some cameras , but the thread is deleted !
apart from that , you are buying a great phone :good:
Eric214 said:
LoL well you don't understand ram. The os always wants to use ram. That's called ram management. Just because you close all the apps you were running doesn't mean the os is going to give it all back and that's normal.
And you are incorrect about the stability in the 1080p become recording. There is EIS in 1080p, they are going to add EIS for 4k.
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ya i don't understand ram management but i know from my past experiences that 50 to 75 % ram remains free all the time when i close all the application,
did you hear me say that 100 ram is not free , no you don't , i know os uses ram but the background apps are using way too much ram.
as for the stability either you have very steady hands or your eyesight is weak coz i don't see a great amount of stability here .
xgerryx said:
Ok so what I gather is this:
1) Camera is disappointing
2) You don't know how to use Viper4Android or download a music player. Who uses the crap stock music player on ANY phone?
3) Download a real file manager
4) My average RAM use is 57%. Hardly seems bad.
5) You don't know why your game is crashing but you feel like it's the phone's fault. Ok.
6) Camera is disappointing
7) See above
8) See above
ps: Double clicking the power button opens the camera just fine.
What you really identified is the fact that the camera is pretty average, albeit probably fine for most people. I find it ok, but it doesn't blow me away.
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2) not everybody roots their phone as soon as the get it like you.
3) why should i when i am paying money they should have given me a decent one
3) it is bad.
5)not bashing the phone just alerting people , can't you read i didn't said it was phone's fault.
for others yes camera disappointed me as it was one of the primary reason to buy this phone.
Gaurav.Stallion said:
Exactly what I was going to say. The concepts of RAM management and cache the OP talks about are absurd. Ofcourse loading 800+ files is going to take time.
And Google play music is a damn fine player. I have a supscription and am entirely satisfied with it.
There is an OOTB equalizer. I prefer using AudioFX, which I could find on the OnePlus forum and it works on OOS 4.5.
Image quality is debatable, but is better than anything I've owned. Yes, it was hyped a little too much, but for a it's a good camera for a layman. The low light performance is bad though.
Also, 1080p video recording is just fine. EIS does well in the stabilization department. Expecting an EIS update for 4K video recording too.
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use miui to find out how a proper file manager should work,
who in the world uses google play music and takes it's subscription as well , i havn't seen a single person using that s**t.
link for the audiofx that you are talking about because the one 3t had didn't work for me.
comparing to my very old opo i don't see i great camera improvement, quality wise
Eric214 said:
Honestly, I don't own or plan to buy a 4k TV. Don't own anything with a 4k display. So 4k recording isn't a big deal for me. 1080p is more then fine. Plus file size of 4k files have to be insane. I'll probably check it out once they add the EIS to 4k but I'm good either way.
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same here bro but i love 60fps video and there is no stability is 1080p 60fps too.
aakarshz said:
2) not everybody roots their phone as soon as the get it like you.
3) why should i when i am paying money they should have given me a decent one
3) it is bad.
5)not bashing the phone just alerting people , can't you read i didn't said it was phone's fault.
for others yes camera disappointed me as it was one of the primary reason to buy this phone.
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I've not rooted my OP5, yet I'm running AudioFX. Yes it works. Go look for it. I started a thread for an Equalizer.
You do not want to download another file manager because you paid money?! Do you want them to make you coffee in the morning as well?
I use GPM, it's allows me to use my local music and stream music all in the same place. Don't like it? Deal with it.
The camera is decent, not the spectacle they teased it to be, but nothing to whine about.
And yes, EIS works for 1080p, I do not have stable hands, my hands in fact tremor.
Here's proof that EIS works at 1080p.
please just buy an iPhone and be done with it, so tired of these bash posts. if you don't like it then sell it.
I assume your allready going to do that since there are just Cons in your first post without any Pros
Gaurav.Stallion said:
I've not rooted my OP5, yet I'm running AudioFX. Yes it works. Go look for it. I started a thread for an Equalizer.
You do not want to download another file manager because you paid money?! Do you want them to make you coffee in the morning as well?
I use GPM, it's allows me to use my local music and stream music all in the same place. Don't like it? Deal with it.
The camera is decent, not the spectacle they teased it to be, but nothing to whine about.
And yes, EIS works for 1080p, I do not have stable hands, my hands in fact tremor.
Here's proof that EIS works at 1080p.
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you said you were using viper first now you are saying audiofx , 2) stock is what should be decent one right (why do they give any apps right , they should provide play store and user just have to download the apps he likes) well the first few things you see when you go to the op5 page is how good oxygenos is , if i paid money for some s**t i should get my coffee in my bed when i wake up first thing in the morning.
i neeever said that EiS doesn't work with 1080p 30 fps your video clip doesn't prove anything , go to google and see for your self , in the next update they'll be releasing EIS for 60 fps 1080p.
now what did i write above 60 fps ,
say it with me 60 fps 1080p
roba93 said:
please just buy an iPhone and be done with it, so tired of these bash posts. if you don't like it then sell it.
I assume your allready going to do that since there are just Cons in your first post without any Pros
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did you see anything in the post that even remotely directed you towards thinking that i want an iphone , yes i am bashing because i paid money for that ****, check out the live event and see how there is not a single grain when they zoom in the camera that is not the case in real life , false advertisement is what they are doing . It is written in the title things you should know before you buy and i think it is clear that i am considering the bad stuff right ?
aakarshz said:
you said you were using viper first now you are saying audiofx , 2) stock is what should be decent one right (why do they give any apps right , they should provide play store and user just have to download the apps he likes) well the first few things you see when you go to the op5 page is how good oxygenos is , if i paid money for some s**t i should get my coffee in my bed when i wake up first thing in the morning.
i neeever said that EiS doesn't work with 1080p 30 fps your video clip doesn't prove anything , go to google and see for your self , in the next update they'll be releasing EIS for 60 fps 1080p.
now what did i write above 60 fps ,
say it with me 60 fps 1080p
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Never mentioned viper, genius.
Brother, no one pays for a file manager. They haven't charged you for a file manager. They've provided you a file manager, one which if you're unhappy with, you can go ahead and download another. If you're too high and mighty to do that, there's nothing any OEM can do to satisfy you.
If you can't wait for an update can't really help you with that either.
Some people just need an excuse to crib.
aakarshz said:
did you see anything in the post that even remotely directed you towards thinking that i want an iphone , yes i am bashing because i paid money for that ****, check out the live event and see how there is not a single grain when they zoom in the camera that is not the case in real life , false advertisement is what they are doing . It is written in the title things you should know before you buy and i think it is clear that i am considering the bad stuff right ?
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if your not happy, sell it? Next time create a proper Pro/Con for example RAM management is bad? guess you don't really know how RAM managment works then .. the only valid complaint i see in your OP is the camera, the rest is just complete BS.
Might wanna change the title to: OP5 complaints (false advertising)
aakarshz said:
use miui to find out how a proper file manager should work,
who in the world uses google play music and takes it's subscription as well , i havn't seen a single person using that s**t.
link for the audiofx that you are talking about because the one 3t had didn't work for me.
comparing to my very old opo i don't see i great camera improvement, quality wise
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I use GPM too. Not for anything other than streaming my own stuff though. The desktop manager/ mobile sync and downloadable to local ability make it pretty unique. I've even looked for better alternatives and there is nothing better. I do only use up to version 6.16 though, before they totally messed up the home screen. I really miss the xposed module that let you customize GPM though. I hope someone makes a mod for it eventually. Every time I flash an OTA update it overwrites though, very annoying.
I do agree with you on the camera. My Moto x Pure was better than this thing, even though it got a lower DXOmark score. To me though, it was very solid.
aakarshz said:
ya i don't understand ram management but i know from my past experiences that 50 to 75 % ram remains free all the time when i close all the application,
did you hear me say that 100 ram is not free , no you don't , i know os uses ram but the background apps are using way too much ram.
as for the stability either you have very steady hands or your eyesight is weak coz i don't see a great amount of stability here .
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Wait, are you saying that lower RAM usage is better? I mean WHAT? Isn't the whole point of RAM to keep recent stuff in there as much as possible? For faster usage?
That free RAM ain't doing **** for you bruh.
Also there seems to be equalizer on my OP5, just saying, it is there. You seem a bit clueless about technical stuff.
