[TIP] How to make calls log default to All Calls? - Sprint Galaxy Note 4 General

Some users noticed that when they open call app >the calls log appeared the sms logs since the default choice is (All Logs)
And others found that the default choice is (Missed Calls).
You can change the choice as you like BUT when you press back button your choice will be missed and repeat the process again.
In this guide i will show you 2 methods to return the choice of logs to (All Calls) instead of other choices.
Method #1 (for non-rooted devices)
Just go to Google play store and download program called Samsung log converter
and make this app works in background
Method #2 (for rooted devices)
If you rooted then there's no need to install third party app to do this.
*By using Root Explorer you can go to this Path
/system/csc/feature.xml and open the features.xml file as text editor
* Navigate to this line
and replace the word SPR with this word AllCalls and the line will become
save the changes and exit.
* Reboot the device and the default call logs will be All calls
That's All

I have some problems in inserting the line with < and >... When i edit the thread the line dissappear.
Maybe because i use tapatalk
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


Mortscript for iphone theme?

Hi, I had installed an "iphone" theme and had read that I can write a mortscript so that it would dial a specific #, but do not have all the info (it was 3am).
The website's currently down, so I can't ask questions there atm. Can someone help me?
I wanted to use page2 as a "picture contact phone dial" and wonder if this is correct:
1. Have a .bmp file and name it "Joe"
2. Write a mortscript and name it Joe.
a. Is it: Run("Program Files\VJDialer.exe 123456
b. the 123456 would be the phone #, right?
c. do I need the area code too, if it's within the same zone?
3. Assign the "Joe" icon to one of the icons on page2.
4. The path for that icon would be \program files\mortscript\joe.exe
Would clicking on the "joe" icon call up the phone & dial Joe's #?
I got it to work early this morning as a test, but when I went to delete that path and put in some else's #, it no longer works. I can assign the button to that file (exe) but it doesn't do anything. I am wondering if my mortscript is incorrect? Did I miss something crucial?
MortScript Dialing
I use Vijay555.com's VJDailer and a 2 line .mscr Script:
Run("\Program Files\vijay555\VJDialer.exe",&Number)
--Of Course Replace the ### with the number you want
Using cprog.exe does work, but it will prompt to check the number which is kinda annoying. To use cprog.exe It would look like this:
Number="########## "
param="-n -url tel:" & &last
Good Luck.
Did you ever get this to work. I have set up the iphone config to execute the mort script, but nothing happens.
When I click directly on the mort script from explorer, it makes the call.
I'm using Grumpy's latest iphone screen program.
I did some more searching and am just usingthe cprog 2 button method for now. I'll check back in on this later.

HardKeyMenu v.3.2

Hi all,
i would like to share with you a utility i have written to help me with my PDA.
Mainly (as the name says), with this utility different programs can be started by using the keys of the PDA.
Its like an extension of the hotkeys but without impacting the hotkey usage.
I have included one more utility which i use together with the hardkeymenu called cscommandline.
Information is included in the cscommandline-spec.txt.
This utility can turn on/off the bluetooth, set the global volume to a value, set the ringer volume to a value,
set the ringer script to a value (this enables the vibration during the alert of calls etc).
I have tested it on a TyTn with WM6 but it should work under WM5 as well.
Link for the whole package is at:
Hardkeymenu extends the usage of hot keys:
Its possible now to assign any program (.exe) or registered file to be executed with a
combination of user defined key strokes.
It provides feedback (picture/sound/vibrates) of the options selected.
The program works as follows:
Once the hardkeymenu is executed, it will read the hardkeymenu.dat and wait for keystrokes.
The program if it finds within the same directory the file hardkeymenup.jpg (when in portrait)
or hardkeymenul.jpg (when in landscape) will use it as a background picture. Otherwise, it will
use the current desktop as a background picture.
If any matching sequence is found, then the relevant description (or picture if present) will be displayed.
If the user does not press any other key, then the relevant sound will be played (if present), the corresponding
program/file will be executed and hardkeymenu will terminate.
If no matching has been found, it will wait for 7 seconds and if no key is pressed it will exit.
If the nomatch.jpg picture is present then it will be displayed otherwise it will display
the key sequence.
The hardkeymenu can be assigned to a Hot-key for quick start up (usual Registry setting,
for example: HLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\40C7)
The combination key sequence and command can be created by running the setup option.
This option appears when clicking anywhere on the screen while the program is running
and a popup menu will appear with the relevant 'Setup' option.
Through the Setup screens,
- the 'Description' to be displayed when the key sequence is found, can be set. If there is a file with the
same name and extension .jpg then it will be displayed instead.
- the 'Keys' (key sequence that is supposed to trigger the command that follows), can be captured by pressing the relevant
button 'Capture'.
Keys can be pressed and the program will display them for reference. To complete the capturing wait 5 seconds without
pressing any key and the capture screen will exit.
- the 'Command Line' (file to be executed) can be also selected. Pressing 'Browse' will display all files in the PDA and clicking on the
required file will fillin the command line.
- 'Command Parameters' (any optional parameters that might be required together with the command line) can be
keyed in.
- 'Sound', if checked then after selection before executing the 'Command Line', if a file with name 'Description'
and extention .wav will be played.
- 'Vib Scr.', is a script for Vibrating before executing the command. Letter L will produce a Long vibration, S will
produce a short one.
'Description', 'Keys' and 'Command Line' are required, if either is not set then the whole entry is ignored.
Navigation through the total of 20 entries is feasible with the 'Next' and 'Back' buttons.
A whole entry can be ignored by pressing 'Delete'.
Pressing 'Done' saves all the changes (No need to save one by one), 'Cancel' will ignore them all.
- 'Sound', if checked then if a file with name 'waiting.wav' exists it will be played when the program starts.
- 'Vib Scr.', is a script for Vibrating as soon as the program starta. Letter L will produce a Long vibration, S will
produce a short one.
Installation Instructions
Copy all files provided to a directory of your choice (Including Storage Card).
All files including pictures mentioned must be located in the same directory.
if the message 'Wrong Version' appears, then delete the hardkeymenu.dat is the latest version is not
backwards compatible with the previous.
Updated cscommandline to support ringer script.
12-01-2008: Version 3.2
- Added vibration support in the form of a script.
04-01-2008: Version 3.1
- Added Sound support as confirmation
If a file with the same name as the 'Description' and extension '.wav' exists in the directory of the hardkeymenu
the sound will be played as a confirmation while running the relevant program.
- On main screen a count down is showing the seconds left before the program exists if no key is pressed.
- Bug fix
03-01-2008: Version 3 - Added Setup option, stopped using ASCII File.
26-12-2007: Version 2 - A simpler remake of version 1
Below are some screenshots (remember that most of the pics including background can be customized).
Can you post any pics? things will goes interesting only with some screenshots hehe
Pics added,they are from the simulator using my own pics but they can be replaced with any other.
Very nice and unique.
I tied some of the directions on my dpad to some .exe's and got a certificate error? If i link to a lnk of the same .exe it works fine.
It would be awesome if a future version had a easier method of setting up the buttons to the desired path.
Good job Chrisstavrou! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks andason.
It looks like this certificate error pops up only with the first attempt to execute any program.
Is this correct ?
I am trying to figure out why this is happening but it looks that this message comes up when any program is first time executed in the PDA even from explorer.
I am adding a small setup form to help assign the keys as you mentioned.
Version 3 is out
Included the setup option, no need to play around with the ASCII file.
Link has been updated in the first post.
If anyone has any comments etc let me know.
Well another change as when using it, i wanted to hear a sound as a confirmation of what i had finally selected
I have included in the zip file some wav files as samples together with the pictures i am using to turn on/off bluetooth.
Have fun, any comments are welcome.
Added vibration support.
Changed cscommandline to support controlling of the ringer script

Touch HD Manage Rotation Control without an APP (instant AUTO-ROTATE)

Just like A/B/C... you learn, you manage, then MASTER.
There are a million thread's about rotation control with application's, but i never found a solution to control rotation you can manage yourselve, using Gsensor without an application like: Rotate screen, accelerometer,Changescreen,G-config, Gyrator or G-sen to name a fiew.
I use WM 6.5 Energyrom with SPB 3.5.3 and use Rotate screen with the Send "Long Hold" button to rotate screens, but this function took a second or 2 to rotate and I dont like to wait %#*@%.
I wanted to auto-rotate my screen's without waiting for it. Just turn my mobile and the screen would follow .
I found a great solution by MAMV to rotate screen in SPD and this guy even made a .CAB, so it was downloading and installing and done. You can find it on XDA.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=616158 <many thanx to him and his solution>.
After installing I found out this would only rotated the SPD screens, not the HTC screens. SMS or Email was still in portrait view.
Using the explaination MAMV gave in his thread, i started my own function to rotate SMS and Email. It took me 2 hours to find the solution, but it works
I started looking if someone had the same problem and found a solution, but all came up with none, but i found a thread by David K. that gave me a good start... http://www.fuzemobility.com/gsen-now-enabled-in-more-apps/
How it works and how you manage your rotation of applications yourselve without installing an APP for it, i will give my explaination how i did it for the SMS / MMS function. (this one works for Email too )
Using Total Commander, navigate to:
HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\Calculator. Select File > Copy. \\\registry\HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName\Calculator
Select Copy and save it to \windows
Find the Calculator.reg "file" you just copied with Total commander. Rename it to whatever you like aslong as you keep the .reg . (I called mine Messenger.reg, this will return below at section B: 2)
Adjusting the .reg file properties
Select this "File" and view the Properties. Edit the properties like this:
1: Select tab "Associate" and tab on the button Associate...
2: Change the "Command" to: \Windows\tmail.exe
3: Change the "Parameter" to: -service "SMS"
4: If i am correct the "Icon file" will auto fill itself, but should have these
parameters: \windows\tmail.exe
5: Index: 0 and -1001
Press OK and press OK again, now your .reg file is finished.
Explaination of parameters and how i found these:
The parameter at 3: i found out with Task manager V3.1 (other versions could work, but i have this one).
I first opened the sms box and then started Task manager and searched the process Tmail. Then looked at the path in this process and found \windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS". This i used in the "3: parameter" of the .reg file)
Then i looked at the Details of "tmail.exe" and opened the tab "Windows".
Here i found Window 7C0883E0 "SMS / MMS" Inbox.MainWnd (this i need in the registry and will come back below at B: 5).
NOTE: You can find the window 7C0883E0 easily, because it is the only one lighted up .
Make new Registry settings for the assigning of G-sensor rotation to SMS / MMS
I used Total commander to navigate to: HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName
1: make a new string called "SMS / MMS".
2: Contents for <SMS / MMS>: \windows\Messenger.reg (our own made .reg file)
Hit OK and this one is finished.
3: Now navigate to: HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\Whitelist
4: make a new string called "SMS / MMS".
5: Contents for <SMS / MMS>: Inbox.MainWnd
Hit OK and this one is finished too
Getting the AUTO-ROTATION to work:
Just soft reset your device and find out if it works.....and i was happy that it did LOL.
This Thread was specially made for AUTO-ROTATION without installing an application.
Other applications can be done likewise, just find out the parameters and make the ABC
A: Change a .reg file parameters. (find your settings with Task manager)
B: Make new strings in the register @ "ModuleName" and "WhiteList".
C: Softreset your device.
Hope this was usefull to some of you.
Well Kwbr's latest 6.5 roms have it built in so maybe they might interest you. It can be quite annoying though tbh so your edits here might help out.
Thanks for the info.
I stick to Energyrom. It is as complete as it gets with applications and updates. Have tried many roms the last few months, but they all work the same.
Now i found out SPB mobile shell and am surprised how convenient it works. Even my main memory stays 50% so it works flawlesly.
Some edits/improvements made by my own makes it even more pleasant to work with

[Q] change file name and location for call recording?

hi there all - i've asked this in the general software forum but maybe here is more appropriate...
my phone is the ZTE blade with SS5 rom.
i currently use the inbuilt call recording feature (pressing 'menu' once call connected, press record on the pop-up menu)
recording are currently saved on the root of the sdcard with a file name voicerecordingXXXXX.amr (Xs are digits)
I would like the file name to include time stamp caller number and if possible save it to a dedicated folder on the card rather than root but i cant find a way of changing the settings. can anyone help please?

Native call recording on Note 4

Create a new line and paste the following line (AS ONE LINE) BEFORE the previous lines (NO SPACES):
Hit the back button then press Yes to save the file.
Save the changes to “others.xml” file (or “feature.xml”) then Reboot, to apply the changes on your device.
The Changes:
Once you restart your device you can check the record button by receiving or making a call, you will have 2 options Start and Stop recording in calling screen.

