Touch HD Manage Rotation Control without an APP (instant AUTO-ROTATE) - Touch HD General

Just like A/B/C... you learn, you manage, then MASTER.
There are a million thread's about rotation control with application's, but i never found a solution to control rotation you can manage yourselve, using Gsensor without an application like: Rotate screen, accelerometer,Changescreen,G-config, Gyrator or G-sen to name a fiew.
I use WM 6.5 Energyrom with SPB 3.5.3 and use Rotate screen with the Send "Long Hold" button to rotate screens, but this function took a second or 2 to rotate and I dont like to wait %#*@%.
I wanted to auto-rotate my screen's without waiting for it. Just turn my mobile and the screen would follow .
I found a great solution by MAMV to rotate screen in SPD and this guy even made a .CAB, so it was downloading and installing and done. You can find it on XDA.. <many thanx to him and his solution>.
After installing I found out this would only rotated the SPD screens, not the HTC screens. SMS or Email was still in portrait view.
Using the explaination MAMV gave in his thread, i started my own function to rotate SMS and Email. It took me 2 hours to find the solution, but it works
I started looking if someone had the same problem and found a solution, but all came up with none, but i found a thread by David K. that gave me a good start...
How it works and how you manage your rotation of applications yourselve without installing an APP for it, i will give my explaination how i did it for the SMS / MMS function. (this one works for Email too )
Using Total Commander, navigate to:
HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\Calculator. Select File > Copy. \\\registry\HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName\Calculator
Select Copy and save it to \windows
Find the Calculator.reg "file" you just copied with Total commander. Rename it to whatever you like aslong as you keep the .reg . (I called mine Messenger.reg, this will return below at section B: 2)
Adjusting the .reg file properties
Select this "File" and view the Properties. Edit the properties like this:
1: Select tab "Associate" and tab on the button Associate...
2: Change the "Command" to: \Windows\tmail.exe
3: Change the "Parameter" to: -service "SMS"
4: If i am correct the "Icon file" will auto fill itself, but should have these
parameters: \windows\tmail.exe
5: Index: 0 and -1001
Press OK and press OK again, now your .reg file is finished.
Explaination of parameters and how i found these:
The parameter at 3: i found out with Task manager V3.1 (other versions could work, but i have this one).
I first opened the sms box and then started Task manager and searched the process Tmail. Then looked at the path in this process and found \windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS". This i used in the "3: parameter" of the .reg file)
Then i looked at the Details of "tmail.exe" and opened the tab "Windows".
Here i found Window 7C0883E0 "SMS / MMS" Inbox.MainWnd (this i need in the registry and will come back below at B: 5).
NOTE: You can find the window 7C0883E0 easily, because it is the only one lighted up .
Make new Registry settings for the assigning of G-sensor rotation to SMS / MMS
I used Total commander to navigate to: HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName
1: make a new string called "SMS / MMS".
2: Contents for <SMS / MMS>: \windows\Messenger.reg (our own made .reg file)
Hit OK and this one is finished.
3: Now navigate to: HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\Whitelist
4: make a new string called "SMS / MMS".
5: Contents for <SMS / MMS>: Inbox.MainWnd
Hit OK and this one is finished too
Getting the AUTO-ROTATION to work:
Just soft reset your device and find out if it works.....and i was happy that it did LOL.
This Thread was specially made for AUTO-ROTATION without installing an application.
Other applications can be done likewise, just find out the parameters and make the ABC
A: Change a .reg file parameters. (find your settings with Task manager)
B: Make new strings in the register @ "ModuleName" and "WhiteList".
C: Softreset your device.
Hope this was usefull to some of you.

Well Kwbr's latest 6.5 roms have it built in so maybe they might interest you. It can be quite annoying though tbh so your edits here might help out.

Thanks for the info.
I stick to Energyrom. It is as complete as it gets with applications and updates. Have tried many roms the last few months, but they all work the same.
Now i found out SPB mobile shell and am surprised how convenient it works. Even my main memory stays 50% so it works flawlesly.
Some edits/improvements made by my own makes it even more pleasant to work with


[Voice Command] How to "import" new fonctions

I'm looking for a small .exe file that can switch to Today screen without closing applications (like 'Today' option in SBP Pocket +)
Why, you'll ask me ?
Because I'd like to switch to today screen with my voice using Microsoft "Voice Command"
I'm already able to :
- Power off
- suspend
- soft reset
- Rotate screen
my Magician with some little applications command by voice but I can't find an exe file to switch to today screen...
Thanks in advance
I find what I was looking for
I post it there if it interests somebody...
I use PHM Keys for Pocket PC a freeware developed by Philippe Majerus
I extract PHMKeys.exe (34 Ko) and put it in \Program Files\Today (but you can put it wherever you want)
After this I create a shortcut in \Windows\Starting Menu\Programs to PHMKeys.exe with this Target :
"\Program Files\Today\PHMKeys.exe" Today?"\Program Files\Today\PHMKeys.exe",-117
I name it Today.lnk
That way when I pronounce "Launch Today" the today screen appears
Very interesting because I also use VC. And I do want to use it for more, than the built-in abilities.
1. How to create a shortcut and what do its elements mean?
2. How to switch between full volume/no volume + vibra? Built in command only changes telephone volume.
3. How do your other named shortcuts look like? (Power off and so on)
I think u can just say "start today" on voice command without any extra addon. I just tried it and it worked.
Hi DocteurN
Can share how to use VC to
- Power off
- suspend
- soft reset
- Rotate screen
and what programs are required?
I would realy REALY like to add skype ability to VC.
Much like as the call command works, but instead of a regular, using SkypeOut.
Like saying:
say: Skype <conctact name>
VC response: home or mobile
say: Mobile
I know it's like: offering a finger and trying to take the whole arm, but this would be realy convenient.
Anyone an idea if this could be accomplished?
Chatty > to create shortcut I use Resco Explorer : I Tap and Hold on PHMKeys.exe then Copy. Second Tap and Hold then Paste Shortcut.
A file named PHMKeys.lnk is created.
Rename it Today.lnk for example
Make a tap and hold on this file then Properties > Shortcut
That where you copy :
"\Program Files\Today\PHMKeys.exe" Today?"\Program Files\Today\PHMKeys.exe",-117
Copy the link in \Windows\Starting Menu\Programs and that's all
ioneng > Yes you're right !
but I'm using the french version of VC and I made a wrong translation of what I said
FOSA > I'm using little exe files (freewares) I've found on the net and that extracted from packages
Here they are :
Heimiko > Sorry for Skype I've got no idea...
Seeking deeply in 'PHM Keys' I find that you can use PHMKey.exe for a lot of interesting things just by creating shortcuts
Here are what you can do (text is from PHM site) :
Today - Returns to Today screen
My Documents - Opens My Documents folder
Close - Closes active program
Task Switch - Toggles between running programs
Next Window - Cycle through open programs forward
Prev. Window - Cycle through open programs backward
Undo - Cancels previous action
Redo - Cancels previous undo action
Cut - Cuts the selected item
Copy - Copies the selected item
Paste - Pastes the selected item
Page Up - Move one page up / to previous page
Page Down - Move one page down / to next page
Volume +/- Changes Volume
Lock - Shows the system password screen
Suspend - Turns off your Pocket PC
Rotate - Next display orientation clockwise
Rotate Left - Toggle display between 0° and 270°
Rotate Right - Toggle display between 0° and 90°
Rotate Reverse - Toggle display between 0° and 180°
I make a zip of all this shortcuts.
You just have to copy PHMKeys.exe in \Windows and the lnk files in \Windows\Starting Menu\Programs (you'd better create a folder before copy)
You can rename lnk files the way you want and it would work with VC
Now I'm looking for an exe file that can mute/unmute the volume.
You launch it one time => mute
A second time => unmute
I only find this utility : AutoMute (11 Ko)
But it intended to turn the volume down for a specific interval of time...
Anybody knows an application that does that ?
Hi DocteurN,
Thanks for the files.
Just one question though. When you use VC to activate the files (like reset, poweroff, screensave etc) is there a pop up message box which says "Are you sure you want to xxxxx...Yes..No" upon which you manually tap either YES or NO action or that it'll execute the program stratightway without any pop up message box?
BTW, where to install all the mentioned files?
Thanks again
No, there is no popup, the program is execute straightway
Where to install the files ?
There :
You just have to copy PHMKeys.exe in \Windows and the lnk files in \Windows\Starting Menu\Programs (you'd better create a folder before copy)
You can rename lnk files the way you want and it would work with VC
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Anybody has an idea how to make VC read the e-mail to me?
That is what I am really missing on the road
thanks in advance.
I think your Reset has a problem.
When I click on it it pops up a message "Are you sure you want to rest your Pocket PC? Any unsaved data will be lost."
When I click on it it pops up a message "Are you sure you want to rest your Pocket PC? Any unsaved data will be lost."
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No, Why ?
That what does a soft reset... If you haven't saved your data (a Word document for exemple you'll lost it)
If you're afraid it does a hard reset, that not the case
Hi DocteurN,
There's another soft reset freeware utility which soft resets immediately WITHOUT a pop-up message. I managed to find on the net which does the job nicely.
Hi noviur,
VC cannot read email to you.
What you need is a TTS (text-to-speech) 3rd party program. I think one of the Toshiba's PPC has a simple TTS engine built-in
Thank you, Fosa
I know that it can not... but thought may be somebody tweak it
I was looking for any TTS application for PPC... Found something called Fonix Voice Central - they described it as app, which is doing it - i tried - no way
any suggestions would be appreciated
There's another soft reset freeware utility which soft resets immediately WITHOUT a pop-up message
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FOSA > That interests me
Could you upload it here ?
Thanks by advance !
Hi DocteurN,,
See attached

Reg Tweak FILES: Post/Get them here

Let's start a thread of all the reg tweaks ppl have come up with. If they are saved as .reg files (to an SD), we can install them with a mere double-click by using TRE (options>associate), and anyone can contribute to this post WITHOUT having to build .cab files! Why is this kewl; cos when u hard reset it's a real ball-ache to go back into all the forums to find the tweaks u applied and to navigate thro TRE to re-apply them all. This applies particuarly to settings (Owner info etc). Over and above, we are no longer beholden to tweak shareware, but have full and instant control over our settings.
Each tweak should have 2 reg files; Apply the tweak, and remove the tweak (if possible). In this manner, we can have a directory of reg files, and can turn on and off tweaks with a simple
Attached is a basic set I've compiled. Please let everyone know if any are a problem (ie perhaps whole key gets replaced and overrides something u have already changed). Files described below:
[*]Reg Date_In_Titlebar ON.reg
Adds the date to the title bar, with format according to your short-date format under settiings>regional (or found manually changed in another Tweak I'll cover later). I do NOT have a .reg file that will undo (ie delete) this new key, but it's easy to see what key is being added so u can delete it. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
Can someone please find out where we can change the font for this - it's a horrible bold font that doesn't fit in the space available?
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_700 ON.reg
Change menus and popups to a smaller font. Nice size, makes VGA look more VGA-like, yet not so small that it fails cleartype nor looks daft. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_900 DEFAULT.reg
Reset above change to default of 900
[*]Reg Font_System_700 ON.reg
Changes system font to 2 pts smaller. I find that dialog boxes with radio buttons got a bit wierd, and you don;t get much more screen estate height cos of icon sizes staying the same in file lists, so I don't bother with this tweak. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_System_900 DEFAULT.reg
Turn above off
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On DEFAULT.reg
Awesome tweak to make sure ur phone connects to GPRS/3G and stays there. However, you'll want to switch this off overnight etc, which is the main reason I created this post and these reg files. NOTE: you will absolutely HAVE to replace the "MTN SA Web" bit with the name of your connection which you will find in this key using TRE
<Credit: BrettS>
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On ON.reg
Turn off the above. Remember to change connection name in file
[*]Reg PIE_Homepage_Default.reg
When u press the E (explorer) keyboard key u go to clubimate homepage - annoying. This resets that hard button to whatever u want (current reg file is windows\default.htm)
<Credit: I forget, someone on clubimate forums>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger DEFAULT.reg
AWESOME improvement in Terminal Services client horrible black blocks. Increases cache sizez - I did not notice an increase in traffic/cost
<Credit: Carnivor from MS KB>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger ON.reg
Turns above off
More coming as I go thro the wiki and toenailed tweak posts and extract usefull ones for us lonely Universal users...
can you add the actual keys to here?
cos of this thread
Doh! That post came up after I started this thread.
Still this thread is useful for the actual .reg files to same n00bies some time (and to save me time too). I'll make sure everything here is duplicated there tho.
Here are a few more .reg files:
Several versions of date_in_title_bar (covered above)
Hide_Screen_Rotation icon
Hide that icon that allows u to rotate screen - but JJ does it automatically so Icon is not so necessary
These are for me - u should edit file in text editor to customise 4 yourself. Best part is my short date format that keeps date in title bar small and visible
Customise as above
Double your screen cache. COsts a LITTLE memory, and improves screen size
Set screen font size to "smaller". This can be changed in "settings"m and I only include it here in line with my suggestion that we have a collection of files to run quickly on reset. You may want to customise as above
SIP_Settings. Ditto
All in updated zip file.
I would really appreciate if anyone can find a way to get rid of the Last Call in the dialer screen... I know its somewhere hidden in Registry, but I dont seems to be finding a way to get tru it...
Having the Last Dialed No. showing rite up on the Dialer Screen is really bothering and if you happened to press the phone button by mistake twice there we go the last dialed no. has been dialed already for you....
Bump: no-one contributing to this learning?
haven't found anything else worth posting yet m8, u got the best ones already :wink:
craigiecraigie4: Thanks for these - great idea!
I have a suggestion:
HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight sets the backlight duration for the keyboard (in seconds). It's available through the control panel, but I like it set to more than the CP maximum of 10 seconds. Sorry - I don't know how to create a reg file.
To reset, choose another value in the backlight control panel applet.
Don't have any others to add though
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
This one is in this forum:
from davidberrysmith
Any body remember these reg tweaks from himalaya? they still work
*** Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
1. Open your registry editor o_n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
*** disable start menu animation
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.
i-mate jasjar
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SiliconS said:
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
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Nice one dude. I can't make the .reg file cos I can only create reg files of the entire key, and there are too many other things under GWE that users may have changed.
Internet Explorer
Somewhere in those forums I found the IE reg hack to make mine 5.5, this helps connecting to my bank account and viewing other secured sites.
read this somewhere
To change the ability to receive files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex'
The 'IsEnabled' DWORD value should be set to '1' to enable OBEX and '0' to disable OBEX.
For example, to enable the ability to receive fles via Bluetooth
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1
says receive so i dont know about send, try it!! might be it
But apparently now this is the same feature as the receive incoming beams setting in connections.
Yes, I know that's not free but 90% of all this hacks have been included in Tweaks2K2. And the other 10% are about to be included :twisted:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
craigiecraigie4 said:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
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With your .reg files as inspiration I'm just about getting there in the same way. I've written down all the steps and I just run through them. I've done this since I had my XDA2 and it makes a hard reset so much less traumatic:
Hard reset. Wait for Today screen then soft reset.
Connect cable to ActiveSync. Set up guest connection.
Turn off beams, error reporting
Set basic clock accuracy
Copy Step 1 files to root of PPC [These are the CABs for the programs I install]
Run CABs. Leave O2 Connections CAB. Put gps.CAB and PIMAddin onto storage card
Run TRE registry editor. Associate .reg files to TRE
Open the .reg file [This applies my registry settings. See below]
Run O2 connections CAB
Copy all Step 2 files to root of PPC [This adds shortcuts to StorageCard-installed programs to my Start Menu and gives me my freeware email client and PZP icons and profiles]
Run SDK Certs CAB
Run OzVGA. Change all fonts to same size as qVGA
PPC: edit registry: browse to HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
CPL > Personal > Buttons: match Button 2 to [Task switcher], Button 4 to <Rotate Screen>; Set button lock
CPL > Personal > Menus: ActiveSync, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, nPOPw, Pocket Informant, Task Manager, TomTom Navigator
CPL > Personal > Owner: set owner information
CPL > Personal > Phone: change band to GSM
CPL > Personal > Today: set items to Date, PZP, PocketPlus, PocketBreeze, Messaging; set theme to Windows Default
CPL > System > Clock: Show time on all screens
CPL > System > Regional: Set locale to UK
CPL > Connections > GPS: set program port COM0
Soft reset
Set password for PPC
PC: backup previously sync'ed files folder
PC ActiveSync: delete previous partnership. Don't delete sync'ed files folder
CPL > System > About: Set DeviceID = XDAExec
Connect PPC and PC with cable
Sync only Contacts, Calendar (all), Tasks, Favourites
Sync files. Replace the items on the device
PocketBreeze: import settings
PocketPlus: import settings
PocketInformant: run and let it fanny about
PocketWeather (on PocketBreeze tab): import settings
Run ListPro. Enter registration code
Disconnect from PC
Set up phone speed dials
Set up voicedial tags
Set up ActiveSync via Bluetooth to Workstation
Set up bond to headset
Set up bond to GPS thingy. Choose Serial Port as profile
Start TomTom Navigator. Run through startup.
InternetExplorer: sort out view settings. Set default page to about:blank
Choose Transcriber input method. Import settings file
This is my .reg file that does almost everything I need done in one step:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client]
"Keyboard Layout"="00000409"
"SSDte"="d/M "
It makes a massive difference using commercial software that has a reliable import/export process for the settings and this, IMHO, is usually the biggest difference between paid-for software and freeware alternatives.
Silicon, don't u want to re-post your post here:
We need more of these 'standard' configs to help new users get up n running without giving up on their universal.
dude, your screen - how?
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
Re: dude, your screen - how?
simon_darley said:
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
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You don't want merc!! well u can just f off then! ;-)
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
Re: dude, your screen - how?
craigiecraigie4 said:
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
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Whatever it is, it's distracting to have such a big picture in your signature in such text-based forums.
Sorry craigiecraigie4. Don't mean to offend. Just MHO.

[07/08/2008] Sashimi Tips & Tricks

Hi all,
This thread will contain several posts where I'll add some tips & tricks for SASHIMI. These will be tips like what registry keys to export for keeping the keys of certain programs, using Mortscript to make some advanced changes to the device, using XML-provisioning to supply wifi and e-mail settings, and some default registry keys I use and others may provide. Please let me reserve the first threads for each of the before mentioned tips & tricks
For downloading SASHIMI and instructions (video & readme!), please refer to Bengalih's original thread:
Please do not use this thread for any questions or responses. Only use the Sashimi thread!
If you provide tips, please use the code tags, [ code ] and ending with [ /code ], around your registry keys and Mortscript Code...
Application registration keys
Thanks to Moe558 (see this post), here's some keys for saving registration information of many tools:
WebIS Pocket Informant 8
WebIS FlexMail
WebIS Toolbox
SBSH Pocket Weather
SPB Mobile Shell
SPB Traveller
All of the reg-files are in attached zip ( Download the zip and take out the registry keys of the programs you use. Make sure to check the registry on your device (use dotFred's TaskManager) to check and replace XXXX with the key displayed in your registry (this may sometimes not be your actual registration key!). If you have more of these, let me know and I will add them to the zip (and rename it ).
Make sure to add the file to your SASHIMI\Auto\REG folder and your application will be automatically registered when hard-resetting your device !
Attached zip-file contains several registry files that enable automatic configuration of most of my application. Hopefully it helps you to figure out what keys to look at, and export using dotFred's TaskManager.
Please make sure you do not simply use my files as a guidline to configure your device. They're all setup to my preference and also depend on the applications you install!
The following list explains what each file does:
This file contains done through KaiserTweak and AdvancedConfig to save files to my Storage Card locations instead of my device.
This contains my backlight settings.
This contains my default Beejive settings (make sure to read the section about file backup in one of my next posts!)
In this file I've only added the keys that I've exported to add my BlueTooth profiles (for my headset & carkit) automatically. I only have to connect once and enter the password (I think the association-keys cannot be exported, haven't been able to get it to work 100% automatically) instead of running discovery mode...
My default calendar settings (enabling the alarm icon and such).
Setting the capture delay to 0, enabling 6 MP Panorama Shots and setting the correct rotation - all tweaks from KaiserTweak and Advanced Config.
I use the 6 button comm-manager and change the bottom two buttons to 3G and ActiveSync. Done using Schap's Advanced Config...
FdcSoft TaskManager.reg
Setting the registry editor as the default registered application for reg-files using this file (first 4 keys), and changing some default settings.
My default GPRS Monitor settings (turning icon off and such).
HTC TaskManager.reg
Turns off the HTC Task Manager (as I use WkTask and QuickMenu).
Internet Explorer.reg
Set my device to use Opera instead of Internet Explorer, change the cleartype setting and change the default Search URL.
Change the default mail settings so attachments are stored on the Storage Card, the file sizes are correct for download messages, and for instance the account picker is off. Most settings come from the mail application, some are from Advanced Config and KaiserTweak.
My Owner Information exported using SASHIMI!
Pocket Weather.reg
This is the backup of Pocket Weather, changed a little so it specifies the correct keys and can be automatically imported using dotFred's TaskManager and SASHIMI. Pocket Weather creates a file which contains the correct keys, except it misses HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the key name.
My default Power Settings.
Setting QuickGPS to auto download...
My default QuickMenu settings.
Regional Options.reg
My default Regional Settings.
My default S2U2 settings (for instance turning the wallpaper off).
My default Secondary Input Panel (onscreen keyboard) settings.
Soft Keys.reg
Changes my Start Menu key to QuickMenu, my PTT button to the Comm Manager, longpress PTT button to VoiceCommand, my Left Softkey to the NowScreen of SPB Mobile Shell and the Right Softkey to the Menu Launcher of SPB Mobile Shell...
SP TimeSync.reg
Set SP TimeSync to automatically minimize & timesync - see also the later section of automatically loading the timesync at startup.
Spb Mobile Shell.reg
My default Mobile Shell settings (mainly weather location).
Today Items.reg
Turning on (enabled=1) and off (enabled=0) many items on my Today screen and setting the Wireless, HTC Home and SPB Mobile Shell to "movable" (Type=4) as done by KaiserTweak and Advanced Config.
Total Commander.reg
Setting my default Total Commander shortcut folders (double click the folder entry bar) and some other options.
Many, many, tweaks gathered from programs like KaiserTweak and Advanced Config (for instance: changing default ringtone, power management settings, hsdpa on, etc.)
Turning off most VoiceCommand automatic notifications.
Setting my default volume.
Setting my right HTC Home weather location.
Setting up the default launcher shortcuts and settings for WkTask.
Whew.....that was about it - hope it helps
I'll put the XML Provisioning tips in here...
I have a script (added to Auto\Scripts) that automatically loads my favorite theme (thanks to juju-35, read here):
Sleepmessage(3, "This script sets a new style...", "New Style", 1)
Run( "\WINDOWS\cusTSK.exe", "\WINDOWS\Nice.tsk" )
Sleepmessage(3, "Done...")
As mentioned above some more tips for some of the applications that I have provided default registry entries for.
Add your JiveTalk.sdf to the Auto\Root folder. I have installed JiveTalk to "\Program Files\JiveTalk" and therefore I have "JiveTalk.sdf" in the "Auto\Root\Program Files\JiveTalk" folder - it then automatically copies my JiveTalk configuration.
I also have a fileset in my "filebackup.ini" that backups the current version of the file:
file1=\Program Files\JiveTalk\JiveTalk.sdf
TomTom Navigator
For TomTom I've added the TomTom settings file to my "filebackup.ini" as well. This makes a backup of all my settings and I do not have to click through the default screens anymore (like selecting the language, etc.):
file2=\Program Files\Navigator\*.dat
file3=\Program Files\Navigator\*.cfg
file4=\Program Files\Navigator\*.bif
SP TimeSync
To automatically start my SP TimeSync after my first reboot of the device, I have added a shortcut (copied from the Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder) to the "Root\Windows\Startup" folder
Today Theme
To automatically load the theme mentioned in the Mortscript section (above) I add the theme (Nice.tsk) by having it added to the "Root\Windows\Startup" folder.
Awesome work Nikagl - that was really quick! I been searching for the Resco key locations but I can't find a single one...yet!!!
Moe5508 said:
Awesome work Nikagl - that was really quick! I been searching for the Resco key locations but I can't find a single one...yet!!!
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Don't forget that some application may use files for registration. I always do a before/after export of registry and a search "files changed during last day" using Total Commander...
Hi all,
I might be moving this to a wiki as it looks like the forum doesn't allow more than 10k characters per post and splits up the registry files for some reason... more news soon....
How about you zip the reg files?
Moe5508 said:
How about you zip the reg files?
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Yup, will work, but will make explanation a little harder - give me some time (probably tomorrow) and I'll update the thread
Ok, I've added some stuff - more tomorrow
nikagl said:
I'll put the XML Provisioning tips in here...
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Thanks nikagl.
I think this would be best in the Wiki...with the main SASHIMI thread still as a discussion thread. I was going to suggest it when you first mentioned making this thread.
I just don't want people posting here with feature requests, bugs, etc, instead of the main thread. Also, in the Wiki, this info won't get lost.
Let me know what you are doing and I will try to link it from the main SASHIMI thread.
Also... don't spend too much time on XML provisioning yet... the new version of SASHIMI will be coming with a new app I've written called Makisu which will create XML provisioning files for E-mail and wireless accounts (it runs on the device!). I was going to add it into SASHIMI , but I made it a stand alone that I will release it stand-alone and with SASHIMI .
I think you guys will like it
It keeps on getting better and better - awesome work Bengalih!!!!
I'll convert it soon to Wiki format and add other information too... does one of you have a good wiki converter I can use to change the current html page into wiki-format?
nikagl said:
Don't forget that some application may use files for registration. I always do a before/after export of registry and a search "files changed during last day" using Total Commander...
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Hmmm, using Total Commander, huh? Let me try this process. I wanna hunt down those illusive Resco reg key locations (Resco Backup, Resco Explorer, Resco Brain Games etc etc)
reg settings
hello Nikagl, great work, this info combined with Sashimi is just awesome.
there are some reg setting that i have searched for but had no luck, one is the setting used with kaiser tweaks for the scroll bar width, i like mine set to 10 and then the setting for image, music and video to the storage card.
Great thread. Personally the SPB registration entries are the most useful to me. Thanks for that.
The first time I configured Sashimi, I used the XML files from Kaisertweak and Advancedconfig to find registry entries. Maybe it's good advice for new users.
The XML files can be found and downloaded here:
kaiser tweaks xml file
Dr. Strangelove said:
Great thread. Personally the SPB registration entries are the most useful to me. Thanks for that.
The first time I configured Sashimi, I used the XML file from Kaisertweak to find registry entries. Maybe it's good advice for new users.
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thanks for the info on using the kaiser tweaks xml file, perfect,
Some more reg key locations...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Anton Tomov\Pocket Mechanic Professional]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Resco BrainGames]
"RC"=dword:xxxx (format this to hexadecimal data type)
The whole string changed after registering Resco Backup, Explorer and BrainGain...
I just can't seem to properly isolate the Resco reg locations...

[REF] Rotating apps using registry and finding classes

Hi All,
I have written this little tutorial by piecing togethor bits of info from other forums and threads. Some of you will probably know this already but this is for those who are struggling:
To get the g sensor rotating any application that doesnt do so already you will need to edit the registry on your device.
Using your preferred registry editor navigate to:
Here you must create a new string value. The name of your string is whatever you want it to be. The value of your string would be the path to the exe of the program you wish to rotate.
Once this is done you must then navigate to:
Here you must again create a new string value.
The name again is whatever you want it to be... the value would be the class name of the application you are attempting to rotate.
For example.... to get excel rotating with the G sensor:
Create new string value... i named it Excel Mobile. Value is:
Create new string value... again i named it Excel Mobile. Value is:
Create second new string value... i named it Excel Mobile2. Value is:
Exit your registry editor and soft reset the device. Job done. Excel will now rotate within the open file browser (PXLMainWnd) and also within any open workbook (BOOKWIN)
For any particular app you should be able to figure out what the full path is to your exe but to get class names use dotfreds task manager:
Once the task manager is installed.... start your app... then start the task manger... go to applications tab and long press on your app which will be listed if it is still running... select details. Go to the windows tab... this screen will list all of the classes currently accessed by your app. Ususally the ones to add into the whitelist will be the ones that are preceded by the app name but not always.
To get you guys started here are the settings for word:
and you need to add two classes to the white list:
Pocket Word
Remember that class names are case sensitive.
bump cos ive changed the title!
can you find the modulename/whitelist for the messaging (SMS/MMS) tab? It's the only one I have trouble rotating.
lude219 said:
can you find the modulename/whitelist for the messaging (SMS/MMS) tab? It's the only one I have trouble rotating.
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ill have a look if i get some time.
im having trouble getting the lifestyle home page in spb shell rotating atm!
Audio Oblivion said:
ill have a look if i get some time.
im having trouble getting the lifestyle home page in spb shell rotating atm!
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thank you, and take your time =) btw, I just wanna be clear that I didn't mean the messaging tab on the home/sense screen, I meant the default win6.5 screen.
Thanks for this post, I am trying to find the details for a new app called DynaInk. I've followed your instructions and I am about to see if it worked?
*** Drum Roll ***
It worked, I used #NETCF_AGL_BASE_
Thank You
I applied this trick for Notepad which is a simple text editor that doesn't even require installation:
After installing Dotfred's Task manager it showed me several string values for Notepad.exe and one of them was same as Nighthawk's DynaInk: #NETCF_AGL_BASE_ so I added it for my Notepad.exe.
Now it rotates with G-sensor
Thank you, Audio Oblivion for this guide!
p.s. What kind of damage to the device could possibly be done by adding those strings with those values? One could delete them if there's no result ?!?
Great post, works very well except for 1 program.
Perhaps you can help me out with the class name of TomeRaider3.
Program is TomeRaider3AU.exe, but for the Whitelist entry I always get different ClassNames when I start it as just like: "Afx:83ab6eaa:0, next time I get Afx:d54d7832:0, and so on.
Can anyone please help me out with this ?
many thanx in advance
Edit: Found the solution. I have added a ModuleName Wikipedia with Value "\Programme\TomeRaider3\Wikipedia.tr3 and a Whitelist entry for Wikipedia called "Dialog", for the Whitelist entry of TomeRaider I also used "Dialog", now it works very well.
lude219 said:
thank you, and take your time =) btw, I just wanna be clear that I didn't mean the messaging tab on the home/sense screen, I meant the default win6.5 screen.
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I launched the default wnimo messaging screen and saw a process called tmail.exe appear.
search for tmail.exe on you device and use its full path as the module name. its probably windows\tmail.exe
for class entry in whitelist try: Dialog
If thats not it then start messaging, lauch dotfreds task manager, long key press on tmail.exe... click on windows and try every class you see!
I have now found that gyrator works quite well if you want EVERY screen on your device to rotate with the acceleromter... however... even though it is set to rotate everything... not all windows work. I still had to add in certain aspects of SPB shell to the whitelist for instance. Also... HTC Sense homescreen doesnt like being rotated.
drkalo said:
p.s. What kind of damage to the device could possibly be done by adding those strings with those values? One could delete them if there's no result ?!?
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You wont damage your device if you follow my instructions carefully. The values you are changing are safe to add, delete and edit at any time (although dont touch what is already in the registry before you started adding to it). The discalimer is there in case someone messes up their registry by doing something incorrectly!
What about the programs that have the same Class name eg. "Dialog".
As i noticed it's enough to add process name to ModuleName or Class Name to WhiteList. No need to put both.
Better to use ModuleName if you have several applications that both have eg "Dialog" but one of them you do not want to rotate.
Eg. Nimbuzz - Dialog, HTC phone app - also Dialog. I do not want to rotate Phone So for me works only the ModuleName for the Nimbuzz.
For other apss I only include data to whitelist In fact there is two lists - by process name and by Window class...
Is there a similar way to enable the "Pinch to Zoom" feature for programs by just adding the programm to some registry entries?
This is great
added TT7 = MunichWinClass to the white list.. now I can use TomTom in landscape
Thank you for this information.
I've done 3 programs;
Resco Explorer 2008
\Program Files\Resco Explorer\Explorer.exe
Palm Digital Media eReader for windows mobile
\Program Files\Peanut Press\eReader.exe
\Program Files\OmegaOne\1-Calc\1-Calc.exe
I can't take responsibility if these changes don't work for someone or if they brick their device.
Google maps, OziExplorer, File Explorer & Garmin
Thanks for the detailed info
"GMaps"="\Program Files\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps.exe"
"Ozi"="\Storage Card\OziExplorer 2\OziExplorerCE.exe"
"Garmin"="\Storage Card\Garmin\Apps\WM\QuePPC.exe"
Thanks for this have done tomtom too. Perfect!!
Edit: Could anyone put this in a cab for me please?
Dir of .exe = \Storage Card\Program Files\TomTom Navigator.exe
Value = MunichWinClass
Not working
Hi all,
I have tried to apply this procedure but my applications still do not rotate.
I have tried both modifying the registry by hand, and using BsB Tweaks to rotate Excel but with no success. Any suggestions to share?
EDIT: I have tried disabling and re-enabling the Rotate feature (AutoRotation -> 0 -> 1), resetting the phone after each change, and now NO APPLICATION will rotate: not even HTC messaging nor the Sense Pictures tab.
EDIT 2: Solved! I've just found out by pure chance that rotating works only counterclockwise, while I assumed it should work both ways!

3G/2G band selection - easy way?

Like most (all?!) I'm looking for the holy grail - more time away from the charger for my HD2!
As per my previous HTC Diamond I'm thinking a good way to help me on my way is to switch to 2G most of the time and then to 3G (well, AUTO to be precise) when I'm actually doing something that requires the connection (surfing / steaming / pulling down a few Mbs of email attachments etc). While some might say this shouldn't be necessary, tbh it worked for me previously.
I used to do this via a slider on the CommManager thingy. However there isn't one on the default HD2. Is there an easy way to make use of that extra space at the bottom of the interface?! Any other suggestions to easily achieve this?
Thanks in advance..
Comm manager does the job
jrvenge said:
Comm manager does the job
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Hi - thanks for the super quick reply!
Could you possible explain exactly how I get the built-in Comm Manager to display this missing slider? I've looked around and can't seem to find it!
(thanks again)
There's also a cab floating around that will insert that option in the Comm Manager.
I will attach it here - I hope the author doesn't mind.
Pagnell said:
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Thanks for the above. I had a look at this before (and again just now) - looks good, but doesn't quite work 100% on the HD2 yet.
- using flight mode breaks it (seems to disable it even when you've come out of flight mode, never to work again unless reboot);
- the disconnect idle connections bit breaks push mail, so I have to turn this feature off when using push and then back on again when not using push - would be much better if it could auto-detect on the fly;
- a few other random bugs
All in all a great effort (HD2 version hasn't even made beta yet - still dev build!) so no complaints, instead I await a more HD2-finished version with interest.
pedmond said:
There's also a cab floating around that will insert that option in the Comm Manager.
I will attach it here - I hope the author doesn't mind.
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Ah just what I wanted - ALMOST!
Being picky.. this replaces the Push Email slider with the 2G/3G one.. now I use this Push Email slider quite a bit, so ideally (for me at least!) I'd want it to replace the bottom one (the WiFiRouter option - hardly ever use this). OR, better still, to add an additional option onto the bottom in the wasted spaces.
Can this be modified?
(thanks again)
SimonW500 said:
Can this be modified?
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Yes we em... it can
But you have to edit the Registy via Total Commander or another RegEdit Tool.
The requried regkeys can be found at:
There a several SubFolders numbered from 0 to x.
Those SubFolders are the buttons in the CommManager.
Each Folder contains at least a <default> key which contains the command to run.
You can reorder the Position of a button by renumbering the folders.
If you want to add a button (e.g. you have 6 Buttons but want 7, you'll find 6 folders numberd from 0 to 5), add a folder named 6. Step into this folder and add key named Default (type is string). Aferwards add a value to this key (e.g. MobileWifiRouter or 3G). Afterwards you have to change the <SupportedFunctions> Key in the root folder of the CommManger from 6 to 7.
To get back to your "main problem"...
To re-enable the Pushmail Service Button you have to add the following key/value pairs to a numberd folder.
Default = AUTD
Execute = \Windows\repllog.exe
ExecuteCommand = //remote
Aftwards restart the CommManager (or better the device) and you should find the Pushmail Button again.
LordK said:
Yes we em... it can
But you have to edit the Registy via Total Commander or another RegEdit Tool.
The requried regkeys can be found at:
There a several SubFolders numbered from 0 to x.
Those SubFolders are the buttons in the CommManager.
Each Folder contains at least a <default> key which contains the command to run.
You can reorder the Position of a button by renumbering the folders.
If you want to add a button (e.g. you have 6 Buttons but want 7, you'll find 6 folders numberd from 0 to 5), add a folder named 6. Step into this folder and add key named Default (type is string). Aferwards add a value to this key (e.g. MobileWifiRouter or 3G). Afterwards you have to change the <SupportedFunctions> Key in the root folder of the CommManger from 6 to 7.
To get back to your "main problem"...
To re-enable the Pushmail Service Button you have to add the following key/value pairs to a numberd folder.
Default = AUTD
Execute = \Windows\repllog.exe
ExecuteCommand = //remote
Aftwards restart the CommManager (or better the device) and you should find the Pushmail Button again.
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Excellently detailed post! Much appreciated - will give it a whirl this evening
i installed the mobilewifirouter separatly through the
however for key 6 in the registry, whats the execute command for MobileWifiRouter ??? can someone copy and paste this
also it wont let me add new folders there, it says already exists??
The easiest way in my opinion is to go into the windows folder. Copy the file cmbandswitch and paste it as a shortcut in the programs DIR. You can then assign it to a quick link on your home page. Works a treat for me. Just select it and the menu to change from 3g to 2g or to auto pops up.

