[Q] Supporting "Somc_Color" In LP SDK? - Building Assets Via Eclipse - Sony Cross-Device General

Hello everyone, I'm having another really annoying problem, and it's :
I Can't build assets with "somc_color" lines, like somc_color_accent_light or anything related to Xperia theming engine.
Why i don't use Apktool?
When i compile the assets with 5.0 framework, those assets will return "white" in 5.1 System, So the only solution to build it using Eclipse, And i've tried Android Studio, the same, i need to define it in the SDK, but that's hard and a waste of time maybe.
So, anyone got an idea?
I've tried up to 12 frameworks, all with the same result .

Thats I question I asked before. But I'm not sure. Very interested to know as well

yuzhengwen said:
Thats I question I asked before. But I'm not sure. Very interested to know as well
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DeviceDefault, add this in your style to make it according to Xperia Themes, BUT the annoying thing is if you're using latest AppCompat, then you need to parent it, and it will be impossible to make the app according to Theme Colors .

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Mac friendly dev apps

Hey Guys,
Whats the best tools for building the kernel? roms? rom kitchen etc.
For a macbook pro 17 10.6.4.
I seem to have problems with everything.
is there a tool-chain? for osx?
Wrong section buddy. Ask a mod to move it to general.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Alex530 said:
Wrong section buddy. Ask a mod to move it to general.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I dont see why this should go to general. Its about dev work. Hence in the android dev talk.
i agree, this is a development related question. I too would like to know where/which toolchain to get.
any help is greatly appreciated.
Development is for when you actually developed something.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
vague questions about development in general on the android platform should go somewhere in here...
The vibrant section isnt the only subforum around here...
This section was made specifically for posting developments to the vibrant platform...
edit: oh yeah forgot about chef central all your cooking needs...
If you're looking to do kernel hacking or just build a system, then all you need is the command line. All of the tools in the SDK are written to be used this way, but if you're going to be editing source files, you may want a decent text editor (I like TextMate). If you're uncomfortable with the command line, then you probably shouldn't doing that kind of development.
For applications themselves, Eclipse is probably the way to go. It's a bit bulky (and not the nicest IDE), but it is quite competent and gets the job done. Plus, there are the ADT (Android Development Tools) that allows for graphical management of your SDK targets, as well as an AVD editor for setting up different emulator environments and one-button access to DDMS.
(While this question may have been best posted in the general Android dev section, I don't see any reason why it's not development related and should be in general or Q&A.)
rpcameron said:
If you're looking to do kernel hacking or just build a system, then all you need is the command line. All of the tools in the SDK are written to be used this way, but if you're going to be editing source files, you may want a decent text editor (I like TextMate). If you're uncomfortable with the command line, then you probably shouldn't doing that kind of development.
For applications themselves, Eclipse is probably the way to go. It's a bit bulky (and not the nicest IDE), but it is quite competent and gets the job done. Plus, there are the ADT (Android Development Tools) that allows for graphical management of your SDK targets, as well as an AVD editor for setting up different emulator environments and one-button access to DDMS.
(While this question may have been best posted in the general Android dev section, I don't see any reason why it's not development related and should be in general or Q&A.)
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thanks rpcameron - we appreciate the info!
and vinnydakid why bother posting if it doesnt answer the question or provide direction. your comment just took up space...
sorry...double post...
rpcameron said:
If you're looking to do kernel hacking or just build a system, then all you need is the command line. All of the tools in the SDK are written to be used this way, but if you're going to be editing source files, you may want a decent text editor (I like TextMate). If you're uncomfortable with the command line, then you probably shouldn't doing that kind of development.
For applications themselves, Eclipse is probably the way to go. It's a bit bulky (and not the nicest IDE), but it is quite competent and gets the job done. Plus, there are the ADT (Android Development Tools) that allows for graphical management of your SDK targets, as well as an AVD editor for setting up different emulator environments and one-button access to DDMS.
(While this question may have been best posted in the general Android dev section, I don't see any reason why it's not development related and should be in general or Q&A.)
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Thanks for this info.
I already use eclipe with the android plugin. That's how i was able to write the one click root apk.
But, ive tried a few rom kitchens. and they dont seem to work.
Also, Looking for a deox that will work on mac. For both APK/ROM.
Also, Looking to see how to build a kernel on a mac.
I think i need a working tool-chain to cross compile.
If someone can point me to it.
I haven't used it for android development yet, but xcode is an awesome application for programming on the mac. And best of all, not only is it free, but it ships on every osx install disc in the extras section.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
rhcp0112345 said:
Thanks for this info.
I already use eclipe with the android plugin. That's how i was able to write the one click root apk.
But, ive tried a few rom kitchens. and they dont seem to work.
Also, Looking for a deox that will work on mac. For both APK/ROM.
Also, Looking to see how to build a kernel on a mac.
I think i need a working tool-chain to cross compile.
If someone can point me to it.
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To build a kernel from source on a mac, you're going to need to dual-boot linux (ubuntu seems to be very popular among devs) set up your dev environment and run a make (compile)
jroid said:
To build a kernel from source on a mac, you're going to need to dual-boot linux (ubuntu seems to be very popular among devs) set up your dev environment and run a make (compile)
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I'm pretty certain that OS X can cross-compile Android's linux kernel. (I'm not 100% on this, but pretty certain. If it's not, a dual-boot is not necessary: I use a VM in VirtualBox.) However, if you're compiling Android sources (and AOSP), 10.6 is not presently supported (but it is possible, with work). Also, you need to use HFS+ with case-sensitivity—if your drive is not formatted for a case-sensitive filesystem, then building in a disk image is advisable.
Smali/baksmali both run on a Mac, so if you need to de-odex there is no problem there; but they are command line programs.
As far as a ROM kitchen: Call me crazy, because perhaps I'm in the minority here, but a "kitchen" is not really development in my eyes; it's putting a bunch of files into a zip file (which can be done on the command line, again), and perhaps editing a few text and/or XML files specific to the hardware.
In the end, other than ensuring your machine meets the requirements necessary to build the source (and you can find them at the source website, make sure to check the "Setting up your machine" section), the Mac already has all of the programs necessary. From what I've seen of most of Google's Android developers, many (if not most) use a Mac.
rpcameron said:
I'm pretty certain that OS X can cross-compile Android's linux kernel. (I'm not 100% on this, but pretty certain. If it's not, a dual-boot is not necessary: I use a VM in VirtualBox.) However, if you're compiling Android sources (and AOSP), 10.6 is not presently supported (but it is possible, with work). Also, you need to use HFS+ with case-sensitivity—if your drive is not formatted for a case-sensitive filesystem, then building in a disk image is advisable.
Smali/baksmali both run on a Mac, so if you need to de-odex there is no problem there; but they are command line programs.
As far as a ROM kitchen: Call me crazy, because perhaps I'm in the minority here, but a "kitchen" is not really development in my eyes; it's putting a bunch of files into a zip file (which can be done on the command line, again), and perhaps editing a few text and/or XML files specific to the hardware.
In the end, other than ensuring your machine meets the requirements necessary to build the source (and you can find them at the source website, make sure to check the "Setting up your machine" section), the Mac already has all of the programs necessary. From what I've seen of most of Google's Android developers, many (if not most) use a Mac.
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At the moment MacOS 10.6 ("Snow Leopard") is not supported.
well I meant vm when I said dual-boot. I'd recommend just to make a decent size partiton on your drive and install a linux distro. I'd rather make compiles on the full OS rather than compiling on a vm
I think im just going to wait for my netbook on WED. Macbooks only have 4G of ram. MAX. I hate VM'ing. slows everything down.
rpcameron said:
I'm pretty certain that OS X can cross-compile Android's linux kernel. (I'm not 100% on this, but pretty certain. If it's not, a dual-boot is not necessary: I use a VM in VirtualBox.)
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After thinking on it a little, I realized the reason cross-compiling is an issue is only because of the processors, not because of OS X/xnu versus Linux. Cross-compiling is building for one processor on another—in this case, building for ARM on x86.
There really is no issue of OS X/xnu versus Linux because both are fully POSIX compliant; as long as the same build tools are used in the toolchain, the only issue is having an ARM toolchain running on x86. Don't know what I wasn't thinking clearly before, but there's the core of the matter.
Of course, the original caveats stand: building on 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is not supported, and the build cannot be done on a case-insensitive filesystem (which is the default for OS X). But git/repo and the rest of the build environment runs without a problem on 10.5, therefore there is no problem building Android/AOSP on a Mac. (Again, "cooking a ROM" is no problem regardless of your OS X version or filesystem, because nothing is really being built, only packaged.)
The kernel and even Eclair build even with Snow Leopard but you have to change some make files and fix some code. Google "android eclair 2.1 snow leopard" and you'll find a few links that tell you the changes needed. You also need to make some changes to build Eclair using the default Java 6 that comes with Snow Leopard - google it.
The toolchain for the kernel is Code Sourcery - both the 2009q4 and 2010q1 versions work. Also, you need to make sure that your disk is case-sensitive - or build a disk image that is case-sensitive and mount that, it is what I do. Again, google is your friend and there are some pages that tell you exactly what you need to do to set up the environment.
For development using the Android SDK, the installation page for the SDK tells you how to set it up on the Mac. You would use Eclipse for development. I tend to use emacs when in the Android code proper, while I use Eclipse for App development.
ROM kitchens - beats me. That's not development
atinm said:
The kernel and even Eclair build even with Snow Leopard but you have to change some make files and fix some code. Google "android eclair 2.1 snow leopard" and you'll find a few links that tell you the changes needed. You also need to make some changes to build Eclair using the default Java 6 that comes with Snow Leopard - google it.
The toolchain for the kernel is Code Sourcery - both the 2009q4 and 2010q1 versions work. Also, you need to make sure that your disk is case-sensitive - or build a disk image that is case-sensitive and mount that, it is what I do. Again, google is your friend and there are some pages that tell you exactly what you need to do to set up the environment.
For development using the Android SDK, the installation page for the SDK tells you how to set it up on the Mac. You would use Eclipse for development. I tend to use emacs when in the Android code proper, while I use Eclipse for App development.
ROM kitchens - beats me. That's not development
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I read the 'thats what i do'
any chance you can share with me a pre-done version?
I really hate to go through all the work if its been done. (reinvent the wheel)
rhcp0112345 said:
I read the 'thats what i do'
any chance you can share with me a pre-done version?
I really hate to go through all the work if its been done. (reinvent the wheel)
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I am assuming that you mean to build the kernel and eclair, not just do applications.
You will need to do *some* work if you want to build the kernel and eclair using Snow Leopard because you do have to set up your environment - read the http://source.android.com/source/download.html setting up your machine page to get that squared away and also install the code sourcery toolchain 2010q1 build. The changes in the eclair source are easy - use www.justinlee.sg/2010/06/22/compiling-android-2-1-eclair-source-on-mac-os-x-10-6-snow-leopard/ and follow the steps (there really are just two changes).
If you just want to build apps, then you don't need any of this and just need to install the SDK.

What can I do to develop for our phone?

I want to develop stuff for our phone. Is there something useful I could help making?
I have basic to little advanced knowledge of Java
I understand c++ except for pointers which I might want to look up. But presumeably not good enough...
I could make frameworks. If I only knew how or where to start and which files to edit for example. Is it possible to decrypt xml files or why are they not readable?
Compile it from the source without any touchwiz on it, just murder touchwiz from it roots. then release the rom. I will LOVE you. but add launcherpro ;P
djjonastybe said:
I want to develop stuff for our phone. Is there something useful I could help making?
I have basic to little advanced knowledge of Java
I understand c++ except for pointers which I might want to look up. But presumeably not good enough...
I could make frameworks. If I only knew how or where to start and which files to edit for example. Is it possible to decrypt xml files or why are they not readable?
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Well, basically you can try different things:
1) ROM's - We have plenty , so not worth wasting time on that.
2) Kernel's - We need more, so definitely worth it
3) Applications - You need Java & XML Knowledge...
4) Developing from source (AOSP, CM) - Too much knowledge needed...
5) Edit Default apps - (Edit Smali, xml files )
And yes, you can decrypt xml files...
one good example is this one... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1065452
See the HOW-TO...
And Please Dont Post In Development Section, Unless You Have Already Started Developing, Hope You Understand
I am also very interested in making performance themes which are as light as possible... And improving batterylife as well by making the theme as dark as possible while still making it very attractive.
When editing the framework-res of for example g3mod. Will I need to zipalign again? Or do I need to do some after optimization after replacing the files through 7-Zip?
I read I had to use 7-zip to keep the apk signed... I may be wrong.
EDIT: I think APK Manager is my solution! Thanks for the link!
Better Video recording!
at least 640x480 please.
FROYO Call recording
I have my stock rom from Samsung, which I downloaded with checkfusdownloader.
So what are the steps I need to take to start modding this thing? So I can deodex this and maybe zipalign it
djjonastybe said:
I have my stock rom from Samsung, which I downloaded with checkfusdownloader.
So what are the steps I need to take to start modding this thing? So I can deodex this and maybe zipalign it
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Yeah you can do that.

[Q] How to start developing on and with Android

Hi you developers out there.
I already have read very much about Android and DHD and I decided to develop on my own/have a look onto developing.
So now my question to every developer out there:
How did you start developing?
Started with developing apps or started directly with Custom ROMs?
Do you have any tip for a beginner?
And were is a good place to learn something about porting systems to other devices?
Thanks for any upcoming answer.
This is a great question.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using xda premium
Custom roms and app development are two completely different animals. Roms are much easier to start with in my opinion, but if you have knowledge in c + and java, application development won't be too tough.
Google for dsixda android kitchen.
I have a tool called android-utility for app re engineering and optimization, as well as signing and many other utilities.
Google apktool.
Google baksmali.
I don't think I would be too wrong to say that most ROM devs can't write apps. But that doesn't mean anything. You don't need one to be good at the other.
Before you get into advanced topics like porting, download the kitchen. Download a stock ROM on your device and see if you can make it rooted and bootable. Play with adding and removing features. Then try porting only after you understand what certain files mean or do. Start there. That's what I recommend.
But if you do have coding knowledge, there are several guides out there for basic app development. Google how to write an android app. Many hits
tapatalk signature here. lovely.
tommytomatoe said:
Custom roms and app development are two completely different animals. Roms are much easier to start with in my opinion, but if you have knowledge in c + and java, application development won't be too tough.
Google for dsixda android kitchen.
I have a tool called android-utility for app re engineering and optimization, as well as signing and many other utilities.
Google apktool.
Google baksmali.
I don't think I would be too wrong to say that most ROM devs can't write apps. But that doesn't mean anything. You don't need one to be good at the other.
Before you get into advanced topics like porting, download the kitchen. Download a stock ROM on your device and see if you can make it rooted and bootable. Play with adding and removing features. Then try porting only after you understand what certain files mean or do. Start there. That's what I recommend.
But if you do have coding knowledge, there are several guides out there for basic app development. Google how to write an android app. Many hits
tapatalk signature here. lovely.
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Thank you very much!
That's an good answer!
Will start there.
Thank you.
One more question:
In which topic would you put theming?
Is it more app or more ROM development?
Would you recommend theming?
Themes has its own section in the forum. Themes belong in the Inspire 4G Themes and Apps section.
Theming is not quite like writing apps or developing ROMS. It is somewhere in between but closer to ROM development. Basically just taking certain files in the ROM and swapping pics, changing transparencies, fonts, and icons.
Ditti4 said:
Thank you very much!
That's an good answer!
Will start there.
Thank you.
One more question:
In which topic would you out theming?
Is it more app our more ROM development?
Would you recommend theming?
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Yep basically what ago said. Nothing against themers because I am one too, but it really doesn't take much skill Just swap out pngs and bam. You have a theme.
But when you get good you can mess with smali and xml and then you're on your way. Start by theming a few apks and get a feel for how they work.
tapatalk signature here. lovely.

[Q] How to build our custom rom for DEFY?

Can anyone say is there any kitchen or tools to build rom for defy? How are cm7 and miui made. Can you give the links to those file? Really wanna know how its made
me too..
i also want to know..
Sainyam said:
me too..
i also want to know..
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I reached xda completely but there is no ways mentioned for defy. I wonder how CM and MIUI guys are able to build. I know they get the codes from GOOGLE opensource. But when i saw, i couldn't understand anything from Android Development page
For god sake's can any DEV please say how to make custom roms for DEFY
If you want to know how CM7 needs to be build, check the CM7 wiki and search for 'how to build'. For examples of changes, check review.cyanogenmod.com
This is a complete new build if android (compiled from source). To modify existing build, search google for build prop changes, de-(and re-)compiling apks, res changes...
With miui you can only remove/add apps, translate,... The same things as with a Motorola ROM cause thre source code is closed.
There is no straight forward way. If there was, you get what happens with other devices. A million ROM's with no contribution at all.
You will have to search and learn a lot. If only I had the time
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
labsin said:
If you want to know how CM7 needs to be build, check the CM7 wiki and search for how to build. For examples of things that change, check review.cyanogenmod.com.
This are complete new builds if android. To modify existing build, search google for build prop changes, de-(and re-)compiling apks, res changes...
With miui you can only remove/add apps, translate,... The same things as a moto ROM cause three source is closed.
There is no straight forward way. If there was, you get what happens with other devices. A million ROM's with no contribution at all.
You will have to search and learn a lot. If only I had the time
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
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Thanks. will check and see. It will be help for many people. Thanks man!!!
labsin said:
If you want to know how CM7 needs to be build, check the CM7 wiki and search for 'how to build'. For examples of changes, check review.cyanogenmod.com
This is a complete new build if android (compiled from source). To modify existing build, search google for build prop changes, de-(and re-)compiling apks, res changes...
With miui you can only remove/add apps, translate,... The same things as with a Motorola ROM cause thre source code is closed.
There is no straight forward way. If there was, you get what happens with other devices. A million ROM's with no contribution at all.
You will have to search and learn a lot. If only I had the time
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
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http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Building_from_source i can't find the guide for DEFY here. Please help
Same as fe atrix but replace olympus with jordan.
The copying of proprietary files doesn't need to be done.
A useful utility for building could be the cm gui (somewhere on xda)
(check 2nt post for a better list of needed software then on cm wiki, these need to be installed like 'sudo apt-get instal ...')
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
labsin said:
Same as fe atrix but replace olympus with jordan.
The copying of proprietary files doesn't need to be done.
A useful utility for building could be the cm gui (somewhere on xda)
(check 2nt post for a better list of needed software then on cm wiki, these need to be installed like 'sudo apt-get instal ...')
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
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Thanks very useful. Atleast now i can make custom ROMS for my taste. Thanks
I would also like to know
well we all love Fingering...but beaware
well i know it feels amazing while fingering our own mobile...getting something better out of it but b sure that what u r doing or u may break anything flash button light which i did
and ya thanks for the questioner and thanks for great answer
same question was running in my mind
INDIANs please b aware what u r doing because MOTO service centres are way bad
specially mumbai
asn39 said:
well i know it feels amazing while fingering our own mobile...getting something better out of it but b sure that what u r doing or u may break anything flash button light which i did
and ya thanks for the questioner and thanks for great answer
same question was running in my mind
INDIANs please b aware what u r doing because MOTO service centres are way bad
specially mumbai
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Yep.In my place they don't sell Moto phones. If i break only i had to fix it myself.

[Q] Suggestions for a new ROM (to be introduced)

Hey People!! I'm new to XDA and this is my first post :silly: I'd like to introduce a new ROM. So basically i want to make something different for the galaxy y- the phone we've all loved to love! I want to have a redesigned launcher looking somewhat similar to the ICS ad Jellybean with softkeys like the one on ICS. It should be Deodexed rooted and have access to many other features (like pre-installed chainfire and stuff like that :fingers-crossed: ). Im planning on updating the stock kernel to the Merruk Technology Pre-final v2.0 as i've used it and it seems pretty fast and stable (I'm still waiting for the build to be final). I've a Init.d hack with battery calibration and also a hack which (I don't know how) decreases your ram usage haven't tested it yet but people who've used it says it works on stock rom too (which to me seems impossible because stock rom dosen't support init.d. Correct me if i'm wrong :highfive I've decided what to call it too. Now i only need some help which if anyone could offer would be truly amazing to me........
aair said:
Hey People!! I'm new to XDA and this is my first post :silly: I'd like to introduce a new ROM. So basically i want to make something different for the galaxy y- the phone we've all loved to love! I want to have a redesigned launcher looking somewhat similar to the ICS ad Jellybean with softkeys like the one on ICS. It should be Deodexed rooted and have access to many other features (like pre-installed chainfire and stuff like that :fingers-crossed: ). Im planning on updating the stock kernel to the Merruk Technology Pre-final v2.0 as i've used it and it seems pretty fast and stable (I'm still waiting for the build to be final). I've a Init.d hack with battery calibration and also a hack which (I don't know how) decreases your ram usage haven't tested it yet but people who've used it says it works on stock rom too (which to me seems impossible because stock rom dosen't support init.d. Correct me if i'm wrong :highfive I've decided what to call it too. Now i only need some help which if anyone could offer would be truly amazing to me........
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What kind of help do you need? You should have mentioned that in the first post.
Sorry 'bout that
anasdcool71 said:
What kind of help do you need? You should have mentioned that in the first post.
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im not a themer, so a themer helping me out would be kinda good :cyclops:
and since this is my first mod a few bug fixing advices would be great too...
Many themers of our forum have made guides for other users to learn from. You can search in the Themes and Apps section for them.
About bugs, first make the custom rom. If you encounter a bug, tell us and we'll be happy to help you.
could you please post the links of such posts which contain methods of themeing the status bar and launchers??? and also how do you edit some apks which ive downloaded from the play store??
aair said:
could you please post the links of such posts which contain methods of themeing the status bar and launchers??? and also how do you edit some apks which ive downloaded from the play store??
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Go to /data/app/ you will see all your apps there....
After getting those apk you can freely edit...
Btw wat u want to edit in apk
Globally recognised and certified NOOB
Try using uot kitchen for initial theming. Use my guide in sign to go to advanced level
Sent from my GT-S6102 using XDA
just decompile and recompile the systemui and framework-res,
everything is in the drawable-ldpi
I too m making a rom but i think theming is much more difficult than making a rom so i suggest use someone's theme and ask him for permissions:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app

