[Q] How to start developing on and with Android - Desire HD General

Hi you developers out there.
I already have read very much about Android and DHD and I decided to develop on my own/have a look onto developing.
So now my question to every developer out there:
How did you start developing?
Started with developing apps or started directly with Custom ROMs?
Do you have any tip for a beginner?
And were is a good place to learn something about porting systems to other devices?
Thanks for any upcoming answer.

This is a great question.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using xda premium

Custom roms and app development are two completely different animals. Roms are much easier to start with in my opinion, but if you have knowledge in c + and java, application development won't be too tough.
Google for dsixda android kitchen.
I have a tool called android-utility for app re engineering and optimization, as well as signing and many other utilities.
Google apktool.
Google baksmali.
I don't think I would be too wrong to say that most ROM devs can't write apps. But that doesn't mean anything. You don't need one to be good at the other.
Before you get into advanced topics like porting, download the kitchen. Download a stock ROM on your device and see if you can make it rooted and bootable. Play with adding and removing features. Then try porting only after you understand what certain files mean or do. Start there. That's what I recommend.
But if you do have coding knowledge, there are several guides out there for basic app development. Google how to write an android app. Many hits
tapatalk signature here. lovely.

tommytomatoe said:
Custom roms and app development are two completely different animals. Roms are much easier to start with in my opinion, but if you have knowledge in c + and java, application development won't be too tough.
Google for dsixda android kitchen.
I have a tool called android-utility for app re engineering and optimization, as well as signing and many other utilities.
Google apktool.
Google baksmali.
I don't think I would be too wrong to say that most ROM devs can't write apps. But that doesn't mean anything. You don't need one to be good at the other.
Before you get into advanced topics like porting, download the kitchen. Download a stock ROM on your device and see if you can make it rooted and bootable. Play with adding and removing features. Then try porting only after you understand what certain files mean or do. Start there. That's what I recommend.
But if you do have coding knowledge, there are several guides out there for basic app development. Google how to write an android app. Many hits
tapatalk signature here. lovely.
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Thank you very much!
That's an good answer!
Will start there.
Thank you.
One more question:
In which topic would you put theming?
Is it more app or more ROM development?
Would you recommend theming?

Themes has its own section in the forum. Themes belong in the Inspire 4G Themes and Apps section.
Theming is not quite like writing apps or developing ROMS. It is somewhere in between but closer to ROM development. Basically just taking certain files in the ROM and swapping pics, changing transparencies, fonts, and icons.

Ditti4 said:
Thank you very much!
That's an good answer!
Will start there.
Thank you.
One more question:
In which topic would you out theming?
Is it more app our more ROM development?
Would you recommend theming?
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Yep basically what ago said. Nothing against themers because I am one too, but it really doesn't take much skill Just swap out pngs and bam. You have a theme.
But when you get good you can mess with smali and xml and then you're on your way. Start by theming a few apks and get a feel for how they work.
tapatalk signature here. lovely.


Tools to make your own cupcake rom?

Anyone can put a brief discription and the tools to make your own cupcake rom? Any help will be appreciated. I want to learn to make my own roms as well. Thank you.
It isn't easy as you think.
You must edit the source code.
NiN39Z said:
Anyone can put a brief discription and the tools to make your own cupcake rom? Any help will be appreciated. I want to learn to make my own roms as well. Thank you.
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are you talking about something like the PPC kitchen for windows mobile users?
if so, i was once a winmo guy. before android obviously. In my opinion if you are talking about something like the kitchen to point and click what apps you want your rom to have stock. i think it will be quite some time before we see something that in depth for two reasons.
1. It will require root. which not everyone feels comfortable doing.
2. The people who do have root and are flashing roms probably flash roms as soon as haykuro, the dude, or JF drops something. we cant even make up our minds about what rom we want yet lol.
In thought of the second reason it would be a great idea to have a "kitchen" type program for the PC that people can just point and click what rom they want the pc to push to the phone either by way of ADB or update.zip methods.
Plus on top of that... its not like there is anywhere near the amount of apps that winmo has to choose from just do do the same things.
again... in my opinion. it will be quite some time. Till then... (and more importantly back to your question) At the moment, the only way to build a rom is to compile it yourself. Check out all the reading you can do at www.android.com and get an idea of what you are getting into. Id love to see more people getting into development.
Yea i wanna compile my own rom actually. SO, I wanna get a breif discription and find the tools for it
happy reading.
I was thinking of getting a 2nd G1 as a 'test subject',,,, wouldent be a total waste of £165 quid, and then if gives me something real to develop on and troubleshoot on the fly
£165? Where'd you get that figure from???
And on the making your own cupcake ROM, you should follow the thread about compiling from the latest source for your phone, you'll learn a lot there and eventually get used to compiling your own aplications. Learn a bit of java and you'll be able to edit the source, get some custom apps working.
Thanks for ur input guys.. Im learning java development in college next semester so, ill be cooking up andriod roms after that for future devices
Easiest way to make your own rom atm with minimal technical knowledge is just taking a rom from JF, haykuro or thedude, unzipping them and adding/subtracting things that you want (adding a theme, removing or adding certain apps, adding tweaks, adding onscreen keyboards, etc). You then sign the file and put it on your phone.
Use this to sign the update (must have the SDK):

What can I do to develop for our phone?

I want to develop stuff for our phone. Is there something useful I could help making?
I have basic to little advanced knowledge of Java
I understand c++ except for pointers which I might want to look up. But presumeably not good enough...
I could make frameworks. If I only knew how or where to start and which files to edit for example. Is it possible to decrypt xml files or why are they not readable?
Compile it from the source without any touchwiz on it, just murder touchwiz from it roots. then release the rom. I will LOVE you. but add launcherpro ;P
djjonastybe said:
I want to develop stuff for our phone. Is there something useful I could help making?
I have basic to little advanced knowledge of Java
I understand c++ except for pointers which I might want to look up. But presumeably not good enough...
I could make frameworks. If I only knew how or where to start and which files to edit for example. Is it possible to decrypt xml files or why are they not readable?
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Well, basically you can try different things:
1) ROM's - We have plenty , so not worth wasting time on that.
2) Kernel's - We need more, so definitely worth it
3) Applications - You need Java & XML Knowledge...
4) Developing from source (AOSP, CM) - Too much knowledge needed...
5) Edit Default apps - (Edit Smali, xml files )
And yes, you can decrypt xml files...
one good example is this one... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1065452
See the HOW-TO...
And Please Dont Post In Development Section, Unless You Have Already Started Developing, Hope You Understand
I am also very interested in making performance themes which are as light as possible... And improving batterylife as well by making the theme as dark as possible while still making it very attractive.
When editing the framework-res of for example g3mod. Will I need to zipalign again? Or do I need to do some after optimization after replacing the files through 7-Zip?
I read I had to use 7-zip to keep the apk signed... I may be wrong.
EDIT: I think APK Manager is my solution! Thanks for the link!
Better Video recording!
at least 640x480 please.
FROYO Call recording
I have my stock rom from Samsung, which I downloaded with checkfusdownloader.
So what are the steps I need to take to start modding this thing? So I can deodex this and maybe zipalign it
djjonastybe said:
I have my stock rom from Samsung, which I downloaded with checkfusdownloader.
So what are the steps I need to take to start modding this thing? So I can deodex this and maybe zipalign it
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Yeah you can do that.

[Q] UI tweaks

what are some basic things i can tweak i need helped with this process because i am new to tweaking running on abby's EC09 Deodexed
i recommend downloding ciscoes themes and decompile them..
in short, the UI can be completely themed.. Likewise, you can replace the launcher with another.
If you are a genius you can modify the ticker, but i only know of one genius as of now... Just get in it and take a look! read dude!!
Great advice Pattie.. yeah specific questions get specific answers. And would take knowledge to understand and patched correctly.
My let my people theme thread gives the tools and tuts to get ya goin. I'm still "homeless" so PC is still packed soon ill be organized again and can use more than my phone to con tribute again.
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[Q] How to build our custom rom for DEFY?

Can anyone say is there any kitchen or tools to build rom for defy? How are cm7 and miui made. Can you give the links to those file? Really wanna know how its made
me too..
i also want to know..
Sainyam said:
me too..
i also want to know..
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I reached xda completely but there is no ways mentioned for defy. I wonder how CM and MIUI guys are able to build. I know they get the codes from GOOGLE opensource. But when i saw, i couldn't understand anything from Android Development page
For god sake's can any DEV please say how to make custom roms for DEFY
If you want to know how CM7 needs to be build, check the CM7 wiki and search for 'how to build'. For examples of changes, check review.cyanogenmod.com
This is a complete new build if android (compiled from source). To modify existing build, search google for build prop changes, de-(and re-)compiling apks, res changes...
With miui you can only remove/add apps, translate,... The same things as with a Motorola ROM cause thre source code is closed.
There is no straight forward way. If there was, you get what happens with other devices. A million ROM's with no contribution at all.
You will have to search and learn a lot. If only I had the time
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
labsin said:
If you want to know how CM7 needs to be build, check the CM7 wiki and search for how to build. For examples of things that change, check review.cyanogenmod.com.
This are complete new builds if android. To modify existing build, search google for build prop changes, de-(and re-)compiling apks, res changes...
With miui you can only remove/add apps, translate,... The same things as a moto ROM cause three source is closed.
There is no straight forward way. If there was, you get what happens with other devices. A million ROM's with no contribution at all.
You will have to search and learn a lot. If only I had the time
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
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Thanks. will check and see. It will be help for many people. Thanks man!!!
labsin said:
If you want to know how CM7 needs to be build, check the CM7 wiki and search for 'how to build'. For examples of changes, check review.cyanogenmod.com
This is a complete new build if android (compiled from source). To modify existing build, search google for build prop changes, de-(and re-)compiling apks, res changes...
With miui you can only remove/add apps, translate,... The same things as with a Motorola ROM cause thre source code is closed.
There is no straight forward way. If there was, you get what happens with other devices. A million ROM's with no contribution at all.
You will have to search and learn a lot. If only I had the time
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
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http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Building_from_source i can't find the guide for DEFY here. Please help
Same as fe atrix but replace olympus with jordan.
The copying of proprietary files doesn't need to be done.
A useful utility for building could be the cm gui (somewhere on xda)
(check 2nt post for a better list of needed software then on cm wiki, these need to be installed like 'sudo apt-get instal ...')
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
labsin said:
Same as fe atrix but replace olympus with jordan.
The copying of proprietary files doesn't need to be done.
A useful utility for building could be the cm gui (somewhere on xda)
(check 2nt post for a better list of needed software then on cm wiki, these need to be installed like 'sudo apt-get instal ...')
Sent from my MB525 using XDA
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Thanks very useful. Atleast now i can make custom ROMS for my taste. Thanks
I would also like to know
well we all love Fingering...but beaware
well i know it feels amazing while fingering our own mobile...getting something better out of it but b sure that what u r doing or u may break anything flash button light which i did
and ya thanks for the questioner and thanks for great answer
same question was running in my mind
INDIANs please b aware what u r doing because MOTO service centres are way bad
specially mumbai
asn39 said:
well i know it feels amazing while fingering our own mobile...getting something better out of it but b sure that what u r doing or u may break anything flash button light which i did
and ya thanks for the questioner and thanks for great answer
same question was running in my mind
INDIANs please b aware what u r doing because MOTO service centres are way bad
specially mumbai
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Yep.In my place they don't sell Moto phones. If i break only i had to fix it myself.

Moto XPRT Gingerbread Modding HERE!

Hello everybody, It´s been like a week since I last posted, a lot of things went wrong in my house and I somehow lost all my computers
anyway, back in business again, Last night I had to install the stock Sprint GB sbf, to my surprise it worked Really, Really good.
I´ve had a Defy+ and a Milestone 2, And I remembered having lots of issues with modding aka. no signal, wifi issues (like the cm7 and 9 ones) data issues, system lags, poor battery life, kernel errors on development, Overclocking settings not being saved, recovery mess-ups, and a lot of depicable stuff, most of all kernel-related.
Anyway, last night I flashed the stock rom over cm7 and noticed a real speed, functionality and battery boost, so I thought of just theming, de-bloating and optimizing the stock Sprint ROM.
Please follow me here:
We will never be able to flash custom kernels (not w/o the help of a reaaaaal good DEV)
CM9 &10, though they are eye-candy, are based actually on Gingerbread kernel, so no new features can be added besides the ones you can get withg new apps.
CM7, though stable, lacks the performance and functionality of the stock rom.
Finally, the stock rom as I said, (and I´ve tested TONS of ROMS in different motorola devices) is the one with the best responsivenness, snappiness and battery life, plus It's almost clean (eg. bloatware is easily removed.)
How will it be done?, you may ask.
Well Our first step, will be deodexing the stock GB SBF.
After deodexing we will be optimizing the build.prop on our phone, to trick apps into installing on our phones, and to make some quick optimizations.
Once we have deodexed our rom, we will be able to run,autorun and theme /system/apps.
Apps like Gnow, the statusbar and other tweaks can be easily (RELLY EASY) ported to deodexed ROMS
So this is the challenge guys, Let´s build our own stockcustom ROM.
So far I´m re-flashing stock sprint GB to continue testing only the essential apps, so we can build from there.
And just for a tease; here is my latest build.prop, with some tweaks and tricks taken from other roms and my personal experience, just make sure you have root access, fire up a file explorer and replace your build.prop
Please Refer to next post for links on how to maybe help me with deodexing the full rom.
And please, developers, dont take this as a shady move towards your development, I just think that the best way to make something is to start from scratch..... there are too many source files, modded files and crap files on cm7,9&10 specially when not officially supported (Because everybody messes with the files and re-distributes them, so a lot of clutter and unneeded files, references and code are injected on some releases....)
So my friends, we have a common goal, By now I have succesfully overclocked/undervolted the phone to 1350/233 mhz (not on recovery!!)
I´ve deodexed system/framework/
and Im stuck trying to deodex system/apps/
Xprt Owners of the world, please come on over here, we can do this...
I´m an architect/artist so I really want this to have a sleek look, but not copying a specific stock look, if you know what I mean....
From now on refer to the "wished features post" for features you´d like
And now my final statement:
Though it IS possible to compile JB or ICS from source to our phones, my experience with this somehow outdated android motorolas, is that you will not get significant performance boosts or super cool functions with new software. The only way to get this functionality is by upgrading the kernel which I again declare IS NOT POSSIBLE on our phone. CM9 and 10 my look like JB and ICS, but run straight off a GB kernel.
Yes you will get a lot of new stuff like menus and graphics, but the functionality will be the same, plus all the eye candy will trade off your new features with lags and possible errors.
Software is built in time with devices, and it doesn´t matter how much you say "but the hardware is capable of more!!", incremental software updates "ignore" some HW features, so they have to be forced or modified to run, which adds more procesess/tasks to the kernel and this will suck your speed and battery.
Let´s build something pretty...............:laugh:
Hello everybody, and welcome to the world of modding.
From today, we will be coordinating an army of people to work towards a common goal: Having the best ROM for our phones, and surviving the day.
The tools you absolutely need:
Be a self-troubleshooter
Advanced Google skills
Some Weed
First of all I will just oversee the topic: ODEXED vs DEODEXED
In simple words, Odexed systems have XX.apk and XX.odex, which store certain app properties (like icons, colors, fonts, menus) so that they wont be messed up with, thus making the system more stable, Deodexed systems, have only APK´s with their icons, colors and behaviors packed on, thus making theming, modding and using alternative system apps easier.
If you would LOVE to read about the subject, please refer to this: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/what-is-odex-and-deodex-in-android-complete-guide/
Well, now that you are totally aware of the odex-deodex situation, you might ask yourself..
-how the phuck do I deodex my system??????
Well, deodexing implies merging the .odex properties onto the apk.
Hey!!!! but how???
you need brains, patience, Java SDK7, Android sdk, and music.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852322 this instructions are for deodexing.. good luck....
To save your time, you need Android SDK and JSDK properly installed, you need xUltimate (Try and find the version that works on you), and you need the patience and willingness of Sidharta.
Ive tried already 5 versions of xUltimate to find out errors on different files!!!!!!
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2065270This will tell you some other basics on the xultimate deal.
There are other ways to deodex, help me google that.
We will be based on the stock 1FF-p3_kronos_cdma_kronos-user-2.3.5-4.5.1-110-KNS-46-49-test-keys-signed-Sprint-US SBF....
I would love to develop something good to both sprint and boost, but I have a Sprint handset, so I cannot assure our development will work on boost handsets, so please just sprint handset owners only for now.
For xultimate errors and troubleshooting, please refer to Google.com!
Ive been up all last night deodexing my system apps, and found out that most google related apps cannot be deodexed...
maybe that's why you need to install gapps in cm7 or other custom roms...
anyway people, let's get fully deodexed.
Make sure you have both Android SDK and Java SDK 7 PROPERLY installed oin your pc before trying this.
Cheers, luck and please reply
One last thing, I dont know if it is related somehow, but try to flash your stock rom without a SIM card inserted
Quick update: I Think I´ve got it figured out....
You need full Android SDK, and Java development kit, Android sdk tools alone wont do it, and java alone wont do it, you need developer runtimes and libraries for some programs like xultimate to run right.....
And you need not to activate, use or anything your phone before trying to deodex, I guess just starting up and entering simple things as the time, or having a sim card installed, or your google account can write data on the phone and mess up with the deodexing process.....
xultimate has already deodexed full framework and has passed from the yesterday´s troublesome google quick search box...(first thing to fail last night) so let´s hope it goes well.. it is indeed a loong process...
and just another error, but now I think I have it figured out, you need smali-baksmali assembler/disassembler for some specific .jar packed files... I´ve just installed it, and hopefully will post a fully deodexed stock rom today or tomorrow, for you to test and for us to start theming.
remember if you want to try... you need jdk not just java, you need full android sdk bundle, and you need smali/baksmali on your jdk installation for it to work properly...
This completely sucks, I´ve been trying to troubleshoot the errors xultimate is throwing at me on specific files, that lead me to download A LOT of java JRE and JDK versions, and both in x64 and x32 flavors, which apparently caused a major mixup on my PC´s guts....
Now I´m freaking trying to clean up my dev enviroment, trying to re-set the appropiate paths and classes, but hell with it...
Anyone succeeded??? please let me know if you´ve tried and if you get into any error can you please upload a screenshot???
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
tzuba12 said:
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
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are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
rongsang said:
are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
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yes sir, but in the mean time I managed to patch it with the battery mod, power menu and ICS style notifications
If I can deodex it I think I can improve it a little bit more in terms of performance and looks and functionality , but my powerful pc is a zombie right now, this is no task an old notebook can handle
I have deodexed it a long time back but sadly I can't upload it now. You can run kitchen from cygwin and it will deodexed your rom completely.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Ive used the kitchen and xUltimate with no good results mate!...
I always get smali errors or heap size errors despite I was using even a 4gb heap size, and tried using different versions of smali baksmali....
I am beggining to think I´ve been cursed by the digital gods.
BTW, if you´re able to upload it, I´ll be very thankful dude! I think Im going nowhere right now

