[Q] UI tweaks - Continuum General

what are some basic things i can tweak i need helped with this process because i am new to tweaking running on abby's EC09 Deodexed

i recommend downloding ciscoes themes and decompile them..
in short, the UI can be completely themed.. Likewise, you can replace the launcher with another.
If you are a genius you can modify the ticker, but i only know of one genius as of now... Just get in it and take a look! read dude!!

Great advice Pattie.. yeah specific questions get specific answers. And would take knowledge to understand and patched correctly.
My let my people theme thread gives the tools and tuts to get ya goin. I'm still "homeless" so PC is still packed soon ill be organized again and can use more than my phone to con tribute again.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium


Help making a custom flashable rom

I want to apologize if this is in the wrong section ahead of time.
I have been running this over and over in my head im wanting to make my own rom. I had the idea that I could just create a zip that was able to be flashed on the phone and update everything that way. Im not really quite sure where to begin and I don't have too much programming knowledge (thus the idea to craft a custom flashable)
What would be the pros and cons of just making a flashable as oppose to building everything from the ground up.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Any help
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Google is you're friend I would start with installing Ubuntu I Google's and found a guide for making a rom from aosp which is what I intend on trying to do when I get time but if you want a regular rom with your things in it you could use windows and any rom just add your own things to it that you want. I'm on my phone so can't help you much just pm me ill try to help as much as I can
What is it that you want changed?
Just apps and images? Make a theme.. i am working on one now. It's not too bad to actually make the changes, my struggles were learning the initial setup process and then WHAT to edit for my end result.
you can check my honeycomb theme thread, it may help.... theme section.

[Q] How to start developing on and with Android

Hi you developers out there.
I already have read very much about Android and DHD and I decided to develop on my own/have a look onto developing.
So now my question to every developer out there:
How did you start developing?
Started with developing apps or started directly with Custom ROMs?
Do you have any tip for a beginner?
And were is a good place to learn something about porting systems to other devices?
Thanks for any upcoming answer.
This is a great question.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using xda premium
Custom roms and app development are two completely different animals. Roms are much easier to start with in my opinion, but if you have knowledge in c + and java, application development won't be too tough.
Google for dsixda android kitchen.
I have a tool called android-utility for app re engineering and optimization, as well as signing and many other utilities.
Google apktool.
Google baksmali.
I don't think I would be too wrong to say that most ROM devs can't write apps. But that doesn't mean anything. You don't need one to be good at the other.
Before you get into advanced topics like porting, download the kitchen. Download a stock ROM on your device and see if you can make it rooted and bootable. Play with adding and removing features. Then try porting only after you understand what certain files mean or do. Start there. That's what I recommend.
But if you do have coding knowledge, there are several guides out there for basic app development. Google how to write an android app. Many hits
tapatalk signature here. lovely.
tommytomatoe said:
Custom roms and app development are two completely different animals. Roms are much easier to start with in my opinion, but if you have knowledge in c + and java, application development won't be too tough.
Google for dsixda android kitchen.
I have a tool called android-utility for app re engineering and optimization, as well as signing and many other utilities.
Google apktool.
Google baksmali.
I don't think I would be too wrong to say that most ROM devs can't write apps. But that doesn't mean anything. You don't need one to be good at the other.
Before you get into advanced topics like porting, download the kitchen. Download a stock ROM on your device and see if you can make it rooted and bootable. Play with adding and removing features. Then try porting only after you understand what certain files mean or do. Start there. That's what I recommend.
But if you do have coding knowledge, there are several guides out there for basic app development. Google how to write an android app. Many hits
tapatalk signature here. lovely.
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Thank you very much!
That's an good answer!
Will start there.
Thank you.
One more question:
In which topic would you put theming?
Is it more app or more ROM development?
Would you recommend theming?
Themes has its own section in the forum. Themes belong in the Inspire 4G Themes and Apps section.
Theming is not quite like writing apps or developing ROMS. It is somewhere in between but closer to ROM development. Basically just taking certain files in the ROM and swapping pics, changing transparencies, fonts, and icons.
Ditti4 said:
Thank you very much!
That's an good answer!
Will start there.
Thank you.
One more question:
In which topic would you out theming?
Is it more app our more ROM development?
Would you recommend theming?
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Yep basically what ago said. Nothing against themers because I am one too, but it really doesn't take much skill Just swap out pngs and bam. You have a theme.
But when you get good you can mess with smali and xml and then you're on your way. Start by theming a few apks and get a feel for how they work.
tapatalk signature here. lovely.

[Request] Flashable mods, buttons, ect for civaitos flexstriker

As the title states just woundering if anyone has any system mods for the flexstriker rom or know of any? What I really looking for is jetstream system buttons like back/home/recent ones
I like his roms look but HATE stock honeycomb buttons..
Please post anything else if you have it for other users
Thanks in advanced guys!
Wish kjy was with us he's was good at this stuff..
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
"RE-FLEXxx-buttons-no%-STOCK" mod [09/21/2012]...
I won't take much credit for this task bar mod. This is just a combination of the two mods found in civato's rom thread: "RE-FLEXxx-button-Stock.zip" + “RE-FLEXxx-STOCK-A700-LAYOUT.zip". Source here.
Essentially, it's for those looking for stock ICS battery (no %) and buttons (back, home, menu, etc...). See screenshot below.
Get it here.
dincdoes.me said:
Wish kjy was with us he's was good at this stuff.
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Hmm, made me laugh, copy/paste isn't that hard.
But feel free to make mods , so you know there is a default A700 button mod , so not the stock ICS ones.
If someone is interested I made a little modding guide in dev section , use search for it.
And there are many guides here on xda.
civato said:
Hmm, made me laugh, copy/paste isn't that hard.
But feel free to make mods , so you know there is a default A700 button mod , so not the stock ICS ones.
If someone is interested I made a little modding guide in dev section , use search for it.
And there are many guides here on xda.
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I used the guide you made as a reference - civato's "Beginners modding guide".
However, to produce the posted mod above, I used the existing mods over at your ROM thread instead of the ZIP files attached in your guide thread. Once you know the basics, and mind your sources, for the most part, it really is just "cut and paste".
Sent from my A500 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Suggestions for a new ROM (to be introduced)

Hey People!! I'm new to XDA and this is my first post :silly: I'd like to introduce a new ROM. So basically i want to make something different for the galaxy y- the phone we've all loved to love! I want to have a redesigned launcher looking somewhat similar to the ICS ad Jellybean with softkeys like the one on ICS. It should be Deodexed rooted and have access to many other features (like pre-installed chainfire and stuff like that :fingers-crossed: ). Im planning on updating the stock kernel to the Merruk Technology Pre-final v2.0 as i've used it and it seems pretty fast and stable (I'm still waiting for the build to be final). I've a Init.d hack with battery calibration and also a hack which (I don't know how) decreases your ram usage haven't tested it yet but people who've used it says it works on stock rom too (which to me seems impossible because stock rom dosen't support init.d. Correct me if i'm wrong :highfive I've decided what to call it too. Now i only need some help which if anyone could offer would be truly amazing to me........
aair said:
Hey People!! I'm new to XDA and this is my first post :silly: I'd like to introduce a new ROM. So basically i want to make something different for the galaxy y- the phone we've all loved to love! I want to have a redesigned launcher looking somewhat similar to the ICS ad Jellybean with softkeys like the one on ICS. It should be Deodexed rooted and have access to many other features (like pre-installed chainfire and stuff like that :fingers-crossed: ). Im planning on updating the stock kernel to the Merruk Technology Pre-final v2.0 as i've used it and it seems pretty fast and stable (I'm still waiting for the build to be final). I've a Init.d hack with battery calibration and also a hack which (I don't know how) decreases your ram usage haven't tested it yet but people who've used it says it works on stock rom too (which to me seems impossible because stock rom dosen't support init.d. Correct me if i'm wrong :highfive I've decided what to call it too. Now i only need some help which if anyone could offer would be truly amazing to me........
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What kind of help do you need? You should have mentioned that in the first post.
Sorry 'bout that
anasdcool71 said:
What kind of help do you need? You should have mentioned that in the first post.
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im not a themer, so a themer helping me out would be kinda good :cyclops:
and since this is my first mod a few bug fixing advices would be great too...
Many themers of our forum have made guides for other users to learn from. You can search in the Themes and Apps section for them.
About bugs, first make the custom rom. If you encounter a bug, tell us and we'll be happy to help you.
could you please post the links of such posts which contain methods of themeing the status bar and launchers??? and also how do you edit some apks which ive downloaded from the play store??
aair said:
could you please post the links of such posts which contain methods of themeing the status bar and launchers??? and also how do you edit some apks which ive downloaded from the play store??
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Go to /data/app/ you will see all your apps there....
After getting those apk you can freely edit...
Btw wat u want to edit in apk
Globally recognised and certified NOOB
Try using uot kitchen for initial theming. Use my guide in sign to go to advanced level
Sent from my GT-S6102 using XDA
just decompile and recompile the systemui and framework-res,
everything is in the drawable-ldpi
I too m making a rom but i think theming is much more difficult than making a rom so i suggest use someone's theme and ask him for permissions:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app

[DEVELOPMENT] Xprt GB wishlist

So here it is, what do we want on or phones???
when do we want it??? now of course, but I just cant... LOL
My first thought TWRP, and the CM statusbar...
Please when posting here try to refer screenshots and/or zip files.
Many fixes and features can be flashed thru CWM or TWRP over deodexed ROMS, JFYI CM is a "bundle" of user-created features...
Once we deodex we can add any GB-compatible feature, so come on let´s hear it from rock bottom!!! (Rock Bottom by the offspring!!)
And btw, let's try and keep this organized. I´ll be going now but tonight Im gonna try and make the other threads (FAQ,DEV and others for our device!)
I don't believe twrp is necessary. It'd be cool yes. But clockwork mod is our best hope with the 2nd init booting.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 AM ----------
And honestly I just want fully functional and fully stable Cyanogen 9 or up. But. I lack the resources to do so. And on top of that I got in a skating accident on my way to the grocery store and broke my arm. So I'd rather do as little arm movement as possible.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Yeah, same here. If I could get at least a stable CM9, then I'd be happy. I just want the video camera to work, and for it to stop freezing and rebooting every so often. The rebooting is starting to annoy the hell out of me.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
tzuba12 said:
Yeah, same here. If I could get at least a stable CM9, then I'd be happy. I just want the video camera to work, and for it to stop freezing and rebooting every so often. The rebooting is starting to annoy the hell out of me.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
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That's the point mate... get all the ics/jb eye candy, while conserving the stock sbf functionality, speed and stability...
I just need some help with the deodexing crap, I really do rock using any graphics software, so once we can extract and modify everything we´ll be into something.
For those of you who might not want to eithe deodex, flasha deodexed rom or flash a custom rom but want to somewhat theme or mod their phones, fire up google and look for ninjamorph...
ninjamorph if I remember well can perform theming operations directly on the phone, and it can deodex, modify and redex apks...
It IS a little old I think. so 2010´s...
donlloreda said:
That's the point mate... get all the ics/jb eye candy, while conserving the stock sbf functionality, speed and stability...
I just need some help with the deodexing crap, I really do rock using any graphics software, so once we can extract and modify everything we´ll be into something.
For those of you who might not want to eithe deodex, flasha deodexed rom or flash a custom rom but want to somewhat theme or mod their phones, fire up google and look for ninjamorph...
ninjamorph if I remember well can perform theming operations directly on the phone, and it can deodex, modify and redex apks...
It IS a little old I think. so 2010´s...
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"Eye candy" is none of my concerns. I actually need 4.0 or up with the same APIs as my Nexus 7. Whether it be apps, frameworks, or other things. I love this phone. Hate the software. Running the CM7 from rongsang still because I need stability to use it as a phone and tool. You cannot build a city with broken tools.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Same. I like my ICS apps.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium

