[G2][Water Damage] how to check if connections are still ok? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I registered here hoping I could get some answers to which I didn't find anything useful on Google...
So basically my beloved LG G2 fell into water, therefore I dismantled it and let it dry in rice. Then I cleaned all the connections with 100% alcohol and after that the phone seemed to work but the display brightness was lower than lowest and couldn't be changed. Some time later it came back to normal but after a day the backlight turned off completely. I tried to clean it again but still no backlight...
I will be buying a new screen on eBay but what I would like to know is, if there is any possibility to check if the connections on the platines are OK.. If they're not it wouldn't be worth buying a new screen.
BUT: the phone is basically working with all functions, only the backlight doesn't work (tested that with using a flashlight xD)
Also because of this I already bought a G3. Now I really like but also hate that phone. The problem is the heat coming from the processor after only 5 minutes of browsing just because it has a 2k display (rendering all that requires a lot of power) -_- and the battery also sucks.
I think I'm giving it back to get my money back.. Do you guys think the G3 is worth it? Because I think it is not...
Hope I can get some answers and sorry for errors, english is not my native language


Broken Screen Because of Heat?

Hi guys
I had a weird problem with the screen of my P3600...
I was using it as a gps with tomtom in a friends car, and that moment i had it screen down and was just supporting it with my hand on my leg. I was holding it gently and had no pressure on it!
I had turned of the screen and since we were on a highway i was just waiting for the exit witch was still a bit far. Around 5-10 minutes latter i turn around the phone and to my surprise the screen had 2 horizontal cracks all the way from one side to the other... The screen is still 100% visible and there were no liquid crystals spill, but 80% of the screen has no touch sensibility.
Resons why this happened? I would assume heat, since it was connected to the car lighter, and was on my leg, and also it was arround 35ÂșC... But then again, it wasn't unbearably hot, only warm... If it was because of this, i believe it has to be a factory fault. The screen has to be able to sustain more heat than this.
I've send it to RMA, but I'm afraid they just deny it saying it was because of a drop. There are no marks on the phone as it never dropped on the ground!
Anyway... Can you guys point me out to some site that sells spare screens for my P3600? I want to check out the prices so i have a better idea if they decide to charge for the repair, if they are charging too much, and if it's worth doing it myself.
Thanks in advance for any help!
(Sorry about my English )
im really desapointed about it, generally screens cost pretty much, i dont suggest buying new, asumming you have never drop the pda, you have to put press on them to change the screen with the warranty, go to other service poits and ask, they have to change the screen tell them to check everything inseide the phone first ( they can see if enything else is moved ( that means there was a drop) if not, they cant refuse to change the screen)
fixing it by your self seems to be hard.. ... i dont know... try harder making them change it free of charge...
similar problem
Last week when playing a game suddenly the screen went black and a couple of large cracks appeared on the screen. sound and phone were working but no picture.
I got the pda from my company and got it replaced right away, was told it was a known problem(in my company with a couple of hundred P3600 users)
Sorry for OT but I have to say it must be a cool company...

8525 Dead? NO! Wait yes?

Okay here's my fun little scenario that I searched for and hadn't come across anyone with the same scenario. Phone was working fine one day and next it would only display a white screen, thought something went wrong with the software. Tried a reset, tried a hard reset, tried a flash started getting some screen showing and then distorting and whiteing out also on startup would get crackled sound. Tried a few more resets and so on. Removed the battery for 3 seconds-20mins-8plus hours still having a problem. Distortion gets worse when pushing the battery in the back it seems and will eventually just go to white screen. Now I had bought a new battery recently and just for kicks threw it in, seemed to eliminate my problems. Except now as I just for kicks again am charging my old battery in the cradle along with the phone and the new battery it seems to be having similar issue although it hasn't been nearly as bad as before. Now I just took the "bad" battery off the charger and it seems to be just fine in the cradle at this moment, nevermind it's flickering again. Is more poor little Hermes on it's death bed, please tell me no. I paid $200 on it being used from a company who only warranties it for 14 days, I am almost at 30 now. I bought an warranty with it being used and all however they wont help me untill I reach 60 days I guess so I may be out of luck for 30 days before I might get it fixed or my money back. Sucks too because I switched to the $40 data plan with AT&T about 5 days ago and now I guess will be paying for something I can't really use. Okay it seems as though with random pressure on the back seems to cause it. I'm leaning towards some sort of a battery contact issue perhaps? What should I do to clean/fix the contacts?
For those that wonder why I just seemed to rant about my broken phone and seemingly figured out the problem on my own and are wondering why I am still posting all of it the answer is simple: To benefit someone else who may be experienceing the same problem or who may read it and have the problem down the road they will know what they should do. That and it's late and I'm tired
the screen issue is known to be caused by the D-pad connector coming undone
Okay I had run into that as a possibility however would that affect the sound to make it crackle? Also in experimenting some more this morning with the "old" battery in place it seems to be much much more sensitive to pressure, almost to the point of holding it in the palm of your hand causes the screen to go nutty and wash out to white screen and come back etc.. However with the new battery in its much more stable and I need to apply more pressure in order for it to reproduce these symptoms. I know you've been a member for longer than me and you also work for AT&T however my gut feeling is something else may be the culprit here. I tried recording a video using my backup phone last night except I couldn't seem to get it uploaded to show what the screen is doing. Oh well I really want use of the phone but I also don't want to void the warranty, namely my extra warranty which I can't file a claim for the next month.

Lets say I want to stop my phone from turning off..

Lets say I am sick and tired of my 8525 turning off on it's on randomly during the day and I have loaded 10 different roms all the way back to the stock one, I have ran it with NO aftermarket programs, I have replaced the battery, and I have added support to the sim card to make sure it isn't losing contact and still the phone turns off randomly on it's on.
Sometimes I have noticed that it will turn itself off if I slide the keyboard out (maybe 3 times out of 100 turn offs), but 97% of the time it will do it on it's on sitting on the desk untouched.
If I was going to take my phone apart, is there any ideas or general consensus to what parts might be causing the phone to turn itself off? Should I get a new sim card maybe?
Really sick and tired of my buddy with an Iphone throwing this bug in my face telling me what crap HTC is as well as missing calls.
If the phone is turning all the way off, over and over, then send it in for a replacement. If you mean the screen is just turing off after a certain amount of time, you can adjust that under: "Settings->System (tab)->Power->Advanced->then uncheck Turn off device if not used for x minutes. See if that helps, or maybe its just ur phone and you need a replacement. I sent mine in to ATT and got one back after my screen stopped turning on"white screen of death", heh. So it could just be a hardware issue that you cannot really solve urself...
The phone is turning all the way off on it's on. I have to boot it back up like I had just installed a battery or something.
I am out of warranty and do not want to pay for a refurbished phone since this is my third phone from them during the warranty already (and this ones been the best till now). I would rather someone tell me the board/part and I take it apart and fix it myself. I have the tools, the instruction manual in PDF someone posted a while back, a website with almost every internal part for sale, and experience taking small devices apart (ipods and such) and replacing items, I just want to know if anyone knew of which part could most likely be the part causing something like this before I start replacing things blindly. I plan to go ahead and take it apart and check ribbon cables since I want to replace the whole housing anyway.
Unfortunately, my D900 has the same problem with yours, it turned off when i just sending messages or just touching the screen, and my replacement battery is already on the flight, when i get it, i will test it again. Hopeful, i can get a sweat result~~
Mine doesn't seem to do it when it is in use. I have had to get in the habbit of looking at the LED on the phone to make sure it is still turned on. Gets real annoying trying to say the Iphone isn't all that people think, but then have this little problem and the fact I am on my third HTC product in the year time frame. But the others died within 30 days, this one has lasted 10 months thats why I want to keep it.
Well I think I figured it out. I took it apart and it looks like the black box that has the battery connectors to it and is soldered to the main board has broken loose. I am trying to fix it, but does anyone know how much the main board is if I need to replace it?

[Q] Bad digitizer, bad repair or something else?

I recently broke the digitizer on my T9193 (Telstra Australia) for the second time. As it's a work phone, I took it to a repair kiosk at a local shopping centre rather than attempt the repairs myself.
The first time around the repair was perfect so I went back to the same place for the second repair but I've had nothing but problems since then. I believe that both times they have changed only the digitizer/glass screen because the notes on the receipts read "Replace touch screen only", so I probably have my original LCD.
When I dropped (no pun intended) my phone in for the second repair, they said that it should take about 30 - 45 minutes. I gave them at least 45 minutes but they asked me to give them another 10 minutes, then another 10... Anyway, after almost 2 hours, I asked if there was a problem and they admitted that they were having problems getting the screen to respond consistently and that they wanted to keep working on it overnight but it might be a faulty part that they were supplied. Anyway, they called me the next morning to say that it was fixed.
When I picked it up, I checked that the screen responded and it all seemed fine, so I took it away but I noticed a few minutes later that the screen would not stay off when I pressed the End key - it would immediately come back on. I took it back and they said that they could fix it and to give them another 45 minutes. After another 45 minutes it was behaving properly so I took it and went home. On my way home, I took off the protective film from the screen and found that the digitizer had a T-mobile logo at the top, which I wasn't very happy about since it's a Telstra phone but it is now obvious that it has had at least a new digitizer.
By the time I got home, the battery was almost drained, which I assumed was because they must have been testing it a lot. However, I now find that the battery drain is much faster than before, so fast that there is no way that I can get through about 10 hours at work with a little browsing, a few calls, emails and texts without having it on the charger. Even with a hard reset and only BattLog running to see the current draw with the screen on 30%, it is drawing around 200mA but spiking much higher from time to time or if I use any other applications or use the screen. In standby the draw is around 4-5Ma, which is what it should be but whenever the screen is on it drains so fast as to be almost useless. If I use it the same way that I used to get a full work day's use out of it (with plenty to spare), I'll now get about 3-4 hours
Some other information: the auto brightness no longer works - the current draw increases when i put the sensor near a light source, so it is obviously sensing the increased light intensity and is trying to increase the brightness, but the screen always stays at 30% when set on auto brightness; manual brightness adjustment now works but didn't until I restored to an earlier backup - the adjustment bars had disappeared (although I wonder whether this was due to AEButtons, which I installed for the battery monitor [but could not find] but I also played around with the screen brightness settings in there and uninstalling AEB didn't bring the adjustment bars back); and the screen now sticks out about 1mm above the sides of the phone, not a fraction of a millimetre below.
So, firstly, how can I have a T-mobile digitizer on my original LCD (my understanding is that the T-mobile digitizer has different connectors to the digitizers on other HD2 models)? If it is a t-mobile digitizer, could this be the reason for the high battery drain, non-working auto brightness and poor fit or can I fix these issues myself? Should I go back to the repairer and demand the correct digitizer?
Sorry for the long essay. I really hope that someone can help.
Share your pain man.
...my HD2 have faulty digitizer right now, and it works only when it wants, at least i can pick-up phone calls.
Get back there and ask for replacement, Using T-mobile stock part should happened on Classic HD2 models, thats their fault, request a refund.
i actually think there are two types of Proximity and light senzors and one of them have some troubles with drivers on android, so uf you are using Droid, it cant be one of that bad type of light senzor, but im not sure. Meanwhile you can try Task 29, Reflash HSPL and reflash ROM. But if it wont help,get it back to your default OS, i know that type of people @ service store...they will see that you changed something in software and use it as their advantage..so try it, but if it wont help get back to state where it was )
Good luck )
And im so sick of theese day devices, battery life, displayes anf faultyness...i have only pain with this Golden Nokia 3310. Seriously
99% for bad repair/parts!
I suspect they messed up somehow your LCD during repairing( most probably when attempted to take apart touchscreen from LCD) and they replaced it with a faulty TMobile one (that explains excessive draining and TMobile touchscreen).
You should go back for a proper repair or some kind of refund!
I wouldn't advise you to DIY!
Good luck!
To exclude software faults, always check back to origin winmo stock rom.
In my opinion, as i did lots of research about replacing screen and digitizer, the most problems apears if only the digitizer was replaced.
Of course, the digitizer is only 20$ and the complete module (lcd+digi) is about 60$. But these 40$ seems to be a good investition...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

[Help]S8500 Auto Dim Screen Problem

Hi all,
Help pls, i have a major problem now on my Wave, the screen of my phone turns darker several times up to the screen turns black so that i cant see anything on the screen. Ive tried hard reset several times, but still this problem occur.
What will be the cause of this problem? Pls help me.
I saw this effect only if battery is nearly empty...
Then Wave reduce light... or shut down Display...
Maybe some Error in battery check?
Best Regards
hmm i think you are right, so maybe the problem is the battery? If yes, how to do the battery check?
Note: This problem occur even the battery is almost full and not yet empty. When the phone's screen are darker, i am going to wait a certain period of time to back to normal screen then after few minutes, screen turns darker again.
Did you check your display time out settings?
Check Display and Light in settings then check your backlight time settings.
It may be just following the time out settings in there.
Its normal for the display to turn off after a predetermined set time.
bong4316 said:
Check Display and Light in settings then check your backlight time settings.
It may be just following the time out settings in there.
Its normal for the display to turn off after a predetermined set time.
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Click to collapse
thanks but its not with the backlight settings, coz even i set the backlight settings in 15 seconds, my phones turns darker before 15 seconds.
i think its a hardware problem, but im not sure of that, that's why i am asking some experts here
I only knows that battery can die... or be half dead.
I bought new one for my S8530...
Maybe you have chance to test OTHER battery.
Best Regards
adfree said:
I only knows that battery can die... or be half dead.
I bought new one for my S8530...
Maybe you have chance to test OTHER battery.
Best Regards
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Click to collapse
ok ill try your suggestion how much the battery?
I have payed 10 Euro or something like that...
But maybe you have chance short test in some friendly store... or one friend have battery for short test.
Best Regards
My battery was really damaged... charging was not really possible...
ok thanks sir for your support
Other idea is to log events... With WinComm.
But this is not easy to understand.
Best Regards
just tried to test with a new battery but still my problem exist. Some technicians said that its a hardware problem, it needs new LCD screen replacement (new amoled screen) to be specific.
Sad that my phone has this problem, its almost 2 years but i've damaged my phone. I dont know why this happen, i love my phone i cant do anything wrong to make this happen
Maybe its time to replace my phone with a new one no Bada anymore its time to try Android
If you have to buy a new phone
If circumstances do force you to buy a new phone, get the galaxy s2 or if you can take the size, the galaxy note.
My wave is still alive and kicking so i wont be upgrading anytime soon since i bought my mom an entertainment system instead of buying a new phone.
Didnt really need a new one anyway.
ive read from internet about my problem and it seems that this is a common problem of super amoled screen.
anyone knows what is the cause of dimmer screen on super amoled/amoled?
The amoled version of the desire that my friend has is still going strong almost 3 years ol and lots of wave 8500 phones are still going strong, i think what happened to your phone was luck of the draw.
If your forced to buy a new phone just get the galaxy s2 or the droid razr max.

