trouble with random light screen variations - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a trouble and I wish to test my phone. I have a samsun note 4. Sometimes I stay in the dark or low light in the bedroom, with conditions of constant lights, browsing the web with the browser.
I avoid to cover with the finger the light sensor in front f the phone, but randomly it happens that the screen brightness will rise and fall. This is not a flash but a random chand of display light.
I gave a look to settings and I realized that the cursor is set maximum light (that is no software set light down).
it is possible that there is a defect in the screen? can you suggest a method to test the operation?
The phenomenon is not frequent but since my phone is hot in the upper part I going to consider some electronic defect
Thank you in advance

Dial *#0*# to open hardware test (screen, sensors,...)
If it doesn't work, you can open it with Samsung Phone Info app on play store. (vndnguyen)

geevh said:
Dial *#0*# to open hardware test (screen, sensors,...)
If it doesn't work, you can open it with Samsung Phone Info app on play store. (vndnguyen)
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Hi I need to test the sensors on my note 4 the s-pen wont detect when its detached or inserted, but it works for everything else, so I want to test the sensor in the phone, but I need to use the phone info app because I'm running a custom rom and I cant get into service mode using the phone code, any ideas what option i need to choose with phone info app please?

I'm not sure if it will work for you. I'm on a custom rom based on official Samsung firmware. In the phone info app, menu, secret codes, I have the first option 0* (HWmoduletest). I opened it with Launch1
In that program there's a a possibility to do a S-pen test.
Of course, this might not work if you're on CM rom or if your rom developer removed the app to do this test. In that case you can better ask it where you got your rom.
I'm not familiar with CM rom


LG G2 touch screen issue. LS-980

phone was working fine but from last two week the screen starts moving automatically, Wi-Fi turns on automatically at any time. the install button of Google play doesn't work (seems like touch issue) but when i touch the same spot with camera application, it works fine. i am on stock ROM (4.4.2, kernel 3.4.0, KOT49l ) and tried resetting the phone multiple times but facing the same issue.
please help me resolving this issue.
Just flash the firmware again !!
-iNCEPTiON- said:
Just flash the firmware again !!
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These are not software problems (dead touchscreens spots), your knock on will not working. It's hardware issue, I think you need sending it back to LG
bluesky2307 said:
These are not software problems (dead touchscreens spots), your knock on will not working. It's hardware issue, I think you need sending it back to LG
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You are just scaring ppl .. You said that my phone has probblem too .. So just dont scare ppl .. and try to help them..
i had this kind of issue with my other phone, I just downgraded to Jelly Bean and it worked fine ... and did the touch drivers update from the hidden menu 3845*#802# ...
i think you have a dead section along the top of your screen, about half an inch down. Its been fairly common. Its not real noticeable at first , bc that area of the screen isnt used often, but its EXACTLY where the play store install button is, and your knock on will no longer work. you need a new screen. or flip it to landscape whenever (seldomly) you need that area of screen. you can test it by getting LCD tester from the playstore , or by using quickmemo to draw on your screen.
findinghomer said:
i think you have a dead section along the top of your screen, about half an inch down. Its been fairly common. Its not real noticeable at first bc that area of the screen isnt used often, but its EXACTLY where the play store install button is, and your knock on will no longer work. you need a new screen. or flip it to landscape whenever (seldomly) you need that area of screen. you can test it by getting LCD tester from the playstore , or by using quickmemo to draw on your screen.
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This happened to me exactly, about a month back. It seems to be right across where the 2nd from the top messages are. You can download YAMTT
I use the PAINT option and move my fingers around the top. It was a solid strip out near the top. Knock On will no longer work, but Knockoff will.
findinghomer said:
i think you have a dead section along the top of your screen, about half an inch down. Its been fairly common. Its not real noticeable at first , bc that area of the screen isnt used often, but its EXACTLY where the play store install button is, and your knock on will no longer work. you need a new screen. or flip it to landscape whenever (seldomly) you need that area of screen. you can test it by getting LCD tester from the playstore , or by using quickmemo to draw on your screen.
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when i touch the same spot with camera application, it works fine.
cheekugr8 said:
when i touch the same spot with camera application, it works fine.
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that could be because the camera button has more "active area" meaning, it will still work if you tap near but not exactly in the same location. the install button on the play store is very very precise. if your knock on does work, then its probably just software. but if your knock on does not work, i recommend testing the hardware with quick memo.... draw lines all the way up and down your screen slowly, and see if there is a break in that area. if its not the screen, unroot, and go all the way back to stock
i don't know how but it has started working automatically form last 10 minutes and google play button is now accessible.
i hope it wont give that error again.
thanks for all good suggestions.
cheekugr8 said:
i don't know how but it has started working automatically form last 10 minutes and google play button is now accessible.
i hope it wont give that error again.
thanks for all good suggestions.
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In developer options. Tick Show Touches option. you touch any area on touch screen and check dead zone or using Quick memo

Galaxy S4 sansor hub test FAIL, sensors seem not to work.

Hi everyone!
I have ben using my s4 for a long time, but i just noticed that the screen doesnt rotate. I entered to the service hub from the telephone app, to check the sensors, and it showed nothing, meaning that the numbers were everywhere , regardless what i was doing with my phone, tilting or anything.
MCU name NG
What can I do ?
Factory reset, reflash stock rom.
lenene10 said:
Hi everyone!
I have ben using my s4 for a long time, but i just noticed that the screen doesnt rotate. I entered to the service hub from the telephone app, to check the sensors, and it showed nothing, meaning that the numbers were everywhere , regardless what i was doing with my phone, tilting or anything.
MCU name NG
What can I do ?
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Sometimes it might be because of the dust. I had my proximity sensor fixed by just blowing air into it. So try this: open the back panel and blow some air into it (compressed or normal).
All the best

Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 Screen stays black after i type my PIN

Hello recently i had an issue with my proximity sensor it was stucked at 0 cm
until it felt down and then worked for a little time but then stopped again
So i decide to dissasembly it and clean the sensors and everything ( i blowed air and used a tooth brush too)
when i assembled everything back i booted on recovery to make a clean install of my rom
everything was going well until i booted the phone and after i typed my PIN code and drag the screen up to unlock it
then suddenly screen goes black and only turned on when someone calls me.
When im pressing the power/lock or home button always playing the lock sound.
Tried everything, i tried to boot the phone without each sensor but always doing the same thing
I tried to disscharge the phone, pulling of the battery and keep power button pressed for 1 minute but again the same thing
The phone is working well in TWRP (touchscreen) , Can someone explain to me what happend?
Also when someone calls me the proximity sensor is working well.
Running Mokee ROM android 6.0 but i tried to recover back to s4's official backup and the cyanogen release 5.1 but also got the same problem
I think its the proximity sensor could it be?
Is something wrong with my post? maybe i wrote too many and no1 reads it ? or no1 have seen this before?
Anyways i need help so much, i cant call anyone i cant read texts i cant do anything and i cant buy another one
It could be a hardware or software issue. Did you try to find a way to completely disable the proximity sensor in the ROM?
Was the phone dropped? Any loose connections in the phone?
Does this happen if you flash ROMs other than Mokee, for example, Cyanogenmod?
audit13 said:
It could be a hardware or software issue. Did you try to find a way to completely disable the proximity sensor in the ROM?
Was the phone dropped? Any loose connections in the phone?
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No i couldnt find a way to disable the proximity in ROM and no the phone didnt dropped i will check for 100th time if any loose connections exists
but i dont think so, many times i try to unlock it and it doing some wierd thing like vibrating then it shuts down but without showing me anything.
Guys i think i damaged somehow the mainboard but i didnt do something so hard to damage something can i damage something with a tooth brush??
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Does this happen if you flash ROMs other than Mokee, for example, Cyanogenmod?
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Yea i tried, as i said, the recovery backup from the stock rom, and also the cyanogen release 5.1 i dont remeber i think it was cyanogen 12.1 anyways it does the same thing.
The phone doesnt function properly.
Is there any ROM that it has only the basics calls text etc so i can try ?
chrisfy said:
Yea i tried, as i said, the recovery backup from the stock rom, and also the cyanogen release 5.1 i dont remeber i think it was cyanogen 12.1 anyways it does the same thing.
The phone doesnt function properly.
Is there any ROM that it has only the basics calls text etc so i can try ?
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No, because the firmware isn't the problem. Your proximity sensor I believe is screwed up, probably from using a toothbrush on it and scratching the sensor. While I'm curious as to where you saw or heard that bit of advice since toothbrushes are abrasive, it's not really relevant.
Replace the proximity sensor.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
No, because the firmware isn't the problem. Your proximity sensor I believe is screwed up, probably from using a toothbrush on it and scratching the sensor. While I'm curious as to where you saw or heard that bit of advice since toothbrushes are abrasive, it's not really relevant.
Replace the proximity sensor.
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Yea i thought in the begining that this is the problem but explain me why on call proximity works normal if i take the phone away from my ear screen on and if i get it back screen off simple normal.
Also i tried to boot the phone without the proximity connected on it and again it was doin the same thing and 1 more question does the proximity sensor have the possibility to lock the phone?
I really dont know what is going on propably i have to buy a new one i think
I used a tooth brush cause i didnt have anything else but i didnt put much pressure i just touched it
I must upload a video to show u whats exactly happening because its very stange i cant get to home screen with any way everytime it shuts the screen off
but if i choose to go to settings and get black screen when some1 calls and talk when i end the call it will show me the settings but if i try to get anywhere else i will get again black screen and when
some calls and end again the call it will show me that i was choosed before its so annoying really.
Forgive me for my bad english.
any suggestions?

Phone gets stuck on lockscreen with clock on blue tile

Hi there,
I migrated to LOS two weeks ago and I'm fairly happy with it. It runs really smoothly, however I think I have found a bug. From time to time when I wake up my phone it just shows the clock (with the correct time) on a blue tile. The phone seems to still be working as I can use the flashlight (by pressing and holding the pwr button when in sleepmode), but no matter what I do, I can't do anything useful. I'm stuck on that screen.
I haven't found out what causes this strange behavior.
All I can do is remove the battery and reboot.
Has anyone else come across this phenomenon and knows more than I do?
Can't post the picture, as I don't have enough posts yet
I had to go back to CM as the phone function didn't work.
I do like LOS 14.1 a lot, however all the features are of little use if people at the other hand can't hear me
So much for now. I'll probably try LOS again at a later time, when more of the issues are fixed.
I've gone back to LOS 14.1. and installed the most recent nightly build
The phenomenon described above is still present, however, I noticed that if I hit the back button within one or two seconds, my phone will get back to normal. If I wait longer, there is no way to recover without removing the battery.
I hope that this information might help.
Yes. Experiencing exactly this. sm-g900v, may 24th Klte.
It was one of the reasons why I've stopped using LOS.
I've read somewhere that you need to disable S-View Cover somewhere in the settings to get rid of this bug.
It was after reflashing to TW ROM, so I haven't tested this solution.
Thanks for feedback. via Google determined s view is flip cover. Completely disabled...see if it continues.
Yes, it's a special Samsung cover which I've never used.
I think that the phone should respond to its magnet.
Since I have no this cover, the phone could be "misled" by a magnet in my bag or something.
Haha...believe may have put it together. Have carried ecig (joytech vtc mini) along with phone in same hand with them touching each other. VTC mini has 2 small strong magnets on 18650 battery cover. It's only occurred half dozen times since using Lineage this last month and has not locked up lock screen since disabling flip cover.
Just one more reason not to smoke :lol
Hi All ,
Where is this S-view cover disable on Galaxy Note 3 please ?
Thanks for info 'flip cover' on setting disabled.
Just want to add that I had this problem again yesterday, after a long while, with Lineage 14.1-20171214-NIGHTLY-klte. Left it like this overnight, same in the morning.
I noticed that many things still work: bluetooth auto connects, sounds are played. Probably everything works except one cannot use the screen.
Connecting adb works, changing screen resolution changes the form of that color rectangle but doesn't help. Reboot via adb works (and I think the force reboot via Power+VolDown also works).
Hiano said:
Just want to add that I had this problem again yesterday, after a long while, with Lineage 14.1-20171214-NIGHTLY-klte. Left it like this overnight, same in the morning.
I noticed that many things still work: bluetooth auto connects, sounds are played. Probably everything works except one cannot use the screen.
Connecting adb works, changing screen resolution changes the form of that color rectangle but doesn't help. Reboot via adb works (and I think the force reboot via Power+VolDown also works).
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I've had this issue today but noticed I had the S-View-Cover Option enabled. How about you?
bbsc said:
It was one of the reasons why I've stopped using LOS.
I've read somewhere that you need to disable S-View Cover somewhere in the settings to get rid of this bug.
It was after reflashing to TW ROM, so I haven't tested this solution.
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Thank you so much for this info. Got the exact same problem on my HTC10 and turning the setting completely off in the settings solved it. I think the reed contact in my phone must be broken or sth... but at least I don't have to restart my phone every time it happens!
Shark5060 said:
Thank you so much for this info. Got the exact same problem on my HTC10 and turning the setting completely off in the settings solved it. I think the reed contact in my phone must be broken or sth... but at least I don't have to restart my phone every time it happens!
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Me too! Galaxy S5.
Thanks for tips. I've just use neodymium magnet. I've moved on phone back and Android is usable again without rebooting!
I don't know why sometime phone thinks that cover is used. To many magnetic fields around?
Hi guys, I'm having the same problem with a Note 3 N9005. I installed TWRP and then LineageOS 14.1. After booting the device I see for a second "next" , but the screen jumps too quickly to a blue tile with time and date. There it stucks. I got an ORIGINAL SAMSUNG flip-cover (the one with magnets, cover closed-> screen is off), but even with this thing installed it doesn't work. Same thing happens, blue tile and no responding to the flip cover at all. Disable S-view cover is not an option, as i can't get into the phone's OS at all.
How do i get into the phone's OS and settings? Does the trick with the magnet work for somebody?
Please, explain clearly how you got around this issue. Thanks in advance!
thaineth said:
Hi guys, I'm having the same problem with a Note 3 N9005. I installed TWRP and then LineageOS 14.1. After booting the device I see for a second "next" , but the screen jumps too quickly to a blue tile with time and date. There it stucks. I got an ORIGINAL SAMSUNG flip-cover (the one with magnets, cover closed-> screen is off), but even with this thing installed it doesn't work. Same thing happens, blue tile and no responding to the flip cover at all. Disable S-view cover is not an option, as i can't get into the phone's OS at all.
How do i get into the phone's OS and settings? Does the trick with the magnet work for somebody?
Please, explain clearly how you got around this issue. Thanks in advance!
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I always delete Flipflap as one of the first things I do on a fresh install. It seems to always act up for me. The trick with the magnet is to pass it across the screen in the area above the recents key, that should trip the smart cover off, then you can disable it in options, or remove the app completely if you have root.
EDIT: Sorry, just noticed you have a Note 3, these instructions are for s5, magnetic sensor may be in different spot on note 3
I was struggling to find the setting to turn off the S View cover on LineageOS 16 on my S5.
Found it in Settings > Connected devices > Connection preferences > Smart Cover
Turn it off via the toggle at the top!
We'll see how it goes! Thanks!
This is also apparently just bad design in Lineageos
for the S5 or whatever layer of software/firmware controls this, as this Blue Screen of Death disables power-button NMI forced reboots: if this happens on a fixed-battery phone, you get to wait until it goes flat, which is why I'll stick with the S5 forever.
Following the instructions, I found and disabled Smart Cover in Connection Preferences (many thanks to whoever figured this out); apparently Lineageos 16 ships with this enabled (bad design). I'd never even heard of a Smart Cover or knew the phone had a magnet gimmick like the tablets do.
One principle of software design which is not widely appreciated is that doing too much is often worse than not doing enough.

Hardware test mode

My wife S8 has an LED issue. She was trying to use a Yellow led for text messages, but it comes up yellow/orange look. Was trying to determine if this is a software issue or hardware. I have read that older Galaxy phones have a Hardware test mode by dialing *#0*# and it suppose to come up with a white screen with a selection of test you can do. So I am wondering does the S8 have this function. I tried the code last night but nothing happen. Wasn't sure if it needs to be in developer mode to perform this function.
works on mine fine
Carrier locked?
If you got such smartphone from a carrier that may be the problem.
