[Q] Android webview intercept requests - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

I am working on an application where I load a webpage using Webview. But my requirement is that I should forward only the main index.html request to a custom proxy. I should intercept all the other requests issued by Webview when it starts rendering the index.html and not send these requests out. But wait and return a response sent by the custom proxy.
I looked at using the "shouldInterceptRequest" API as part of android.webkit. It looks like all the requests are intercepted in a single thread and I can't block other requests waiting for a proxy response. Is there a way I can maintain a queue where webview just queues up all requests and another process/thread serves responses sent by the custom proxy for each request? Highly appreciate any suggestions or pointers.


[SOLVED][Q] Android Login Application

Hello everyone !
I want to create an android app, that should take input username and password and then login to a website. Basically any website. Well, I am trying to create an app for a website with login page in .aspx form.
I googled regarding this but was unable to find some effective solution. Almost all websites I searched contained only login page design and a simple java code which equals username and password and then makes a toast text. I need some info regarding how to login into that particular page with active session.
Let login page be:
I am not a beginner and have developed few apps. This project is very important for me. So please help me regarding this.
Anykind of help is highly appreciated. Please do help.
Come On Guys , Show some effort
Making apps "for website" in my opinion could be easily sorted turning the app "server side"... read my comment at this post.
By following my advice you have several advantages:
Users don't need to update their app when new version comes out
Harder to crack (unless they hack your server...)
Compatibility with different platforms/os
No disk-space needed on user device
If you really really need java code for that (as it's a school project requiring java or something ...) have you considered using raw sockets (probably not the best idea, but you asked for "Any kind of help" so... ) ? You said you have experience (I don't with java so can't help with the code, but I used similar technique in python, php, etc, ...) so it shouldn't be hard to find a simple code snippet for handling raw packet sending... Use your PC and fire up Wireshark or any other sniffer and debug the communication between client-server. Look at the header informations and data sent, and it will be easy to replicate those request-response via raw socket.

WebView and sort of private webserver

Hi All.
I'm looking for some implementation advice. I hope you can help me
I'm planning to build an application working mostly inside a WebView and some javascript code running inside of it. I need also that the underlying native java code to provide, as a dedicated web server for this WebView, any kind of data (typically json strings) in response to ajax calls made by the javascript program.
A ContentProvider sounds a good idea, mainly because it allows me to addess it using an URL in the javascript code but it only lets me serve static files, so it isn't suitable. I need to generate run-time the answer string to ajax calls.
I hope I explained myself. How can build this kind of private web server?
thanks for all your help.

Intercepting app traffic on Android 4.3

I am a first time poster here but have read many great posts and learned a lot from this community.
I am trying to intercept traffic from an app on a Galaxy S4 with Android 4.3 (rooted). The app sends TCP requests which I haven't been able to sniff using conventional HTTP/S proxies, meaning ports other than 80/443.
I am not sure which IP or port it's sending to. I understand that tcpdump may be my best option and I've tried running Shark for root but it seems to stop capturing packets the second i try to exit to initialize the other app.
So what can you more experienced developers tell me about how to do this? What other options do i have and if tcpdump is the best option, do you know of a good tutorial on how to set it up?

Peer to Peer messaging application

Hi devs,
I am in process of creating a P2p chat/voice/video call application that is attempting to be server-less. Right now I have it working on XMPP with server and OTR messaging and working to port it to P2p. Few questions
Is it even possible to handle authentication with P2P applications? RIght now I couldn't find anyway out.
Isn't skype the only other P2P messaging application? I mean they were but they no longer are. It was incorrectly said that it was to make spying easier but it was because the boot-strapping clients tripped and failed triggering a mass blackout of skype.
In order to increase privacy for the users and for security I hope to launch this app free of cost on google play and I was wondering what's the general feedback of the community for such apps

[Q] Udp Server always running

Hi, this is my first post on this forum.
I'm developing an udp server on Android, it is a sort of messages dispatcher from clients to masters (namely servers) and vice-versa. It consists on three separated threads launched by a foreground service and every thread has MAX_PRIORITY flag set.
The problem is that the OS suspends threads and on certain devices i receive this message:
JIT unchain all for threadid=XX
Is there a way to prevent thread suspension by the OS?
NOTE: This app is for developing puropose, it will not be released in store. We need to have an UDP server always running without suspensions.
Thanks in advance.
First I would check how GCM service is implemented to get an idea how they manage process to keep untouched.
Basically GCM does the same - keeps socket opened to receive push in real-time.

