Peer to Peer messaging application - Java for Android App Development

Hi devs,
I am in process of creating a P2p chat/voice/video call application that is attempting to be server-less. Right now I have it working on XMPP with server and OTR messaging and working to port it to P2p. Few questions
Is it even possible to handle authentication with P2P applications? RIght now I couldn't find anyway out.
Isn't skype the only other P2P messaging application? I mean they were but they no longer are. It was incorrectly said that it was to make spying easier but it was because the boot-strapping clients tripped and failed triggering a mass blackout of skype.
In order to increase privacy for the users and for security I hope to launch this app free of cost on google play and I was wondering what's the general feedback of the community for such apps


Paranoid: How can I monitor app web access on my phone?

Some applications store sensitive information and have internet access. For example, there are apps that ask for your Google account to back up SMS messages or access Google Reader.
I'd like to know that my password is only going to Google and not to some third party server database as well. Paranoid, yeah. But if someone gets your Google account they could practically have free reign on your life with password resets and the like.
Is there a way to monitor this traffic, or maybe even a sort of firewall app that notifies you when a secure data string is being sent over the net?
(On a related note, I can't believe Google hasn't provided a secure way to authenticate without forcing developers to ask for login information yet)

firewall filtering by application

I would like to control which application may access the Internet and which may not.
Thus, not in the IP/Protocol/Port level, but by application name instead.
I tried "Airscanner Mobile" and "ProtectStar Mobile Firewall", but it is not possible to create filtering rules based on application name. It is difficult to know which Protocol/Port/Service is used by any application.
I don't have a fixed monthly data line rate, and I want to let access to the Net for some application, and block it for other ones.
Who can guide me to an existing firewall application that implements this
Thanks in advance.
thx you

[IDEA/POLL] Use C2DM app for remote phone access

These apps allow you to remotely access your phone from a web browser. However, they all run a web server on the phone, and I cannot connect to any of the over 3g (Verizon).
LazyDroid Web Desktop
Remote Desktop
Remote Web Desktop
I want to move the web server off phone, and (hopefully) onto private site. App Engine might be necessary, but I'm hoping this could be done solely in JS.
The hosting site would provide the UI, and interact with the phone using C2DM (the magic that powers Chrome2Phone, GMail, and installing apps from the web Market).
The UI is pretty obvious. It just needs a whiz to create HTML, Javascript, etc.
The C2DM backend is a still a bit mystifying to me... and searching for c2dm and javascript does not yield any obvious working implementations. But it seems plausible. Push a command to the phone, phone returns/uploads data to website, and UI updates.
Then there is the Android end. Well, there are the 3 projects above, Tasker for a quasi-hackish approach, and RPC (promising, but it seems like a WIP).
Thoughts? Volunteers? Geniuses?
Ooo... 2 birds with one stone!
This would also kill 2 birds with one stone.
No more typing in dynamic IP addresses! You get to use DNS to handle the connections. Bookmark your site in your desktop browser (it is always the same!). And set a preference in the Android app.
On lazydroid i've in planning some kind of trick that will let you connect behind firewall ... similar to a vpn...
CloudsITA said:
On lazydroid i've in planning some kind of trick that will let you connect behind firewall ... similar to a vpn...
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I tried it again last week, and it is still unsuccessful. Webkey is currently the only application that I can successfully use to reach my phone.
Now, I could be wrong, but I believe all of these apps run a web server on the phone. I get a lovely, private 10.x.x.x IP address, which I can't reverse the route to. I have tried and failed to get DynDNS to work.
I have been looking into a solution since my original post. I have not had any time to do code squat, but I have loosely figured out all of the parts.
The big architectural difference I have been seeking is removing the server from the phone. I am not an Android expert, but I don't believe it even requires a running service. (Thank you, C2DM.)
With the app-webservice separation, you can work a "protocol" that reduces the overall bandwidth used... and thus improve battery life. Put all the "hard work" on a webserver, and (things get fuzzy here) possibly push it off onto the client browser (JS).
C2DM Browser Links
I could probably make something like WebKey but with C2DM and some more features. If you want you can give suggestions and I'll start making on saturday (after my exams). It would probably be possible in javascript for the actual sending from server and php just for logging in to your google account. The phone would just be registered on the server and no services (just as you wanted )
nebkat said:
I could probably make something like WebKey but with C2DM and some more features. If you want you can give suggestions and I'll start making on saturday (after my exams). It would probably be possible in javascript for the actual sending from server and php just for logging in to your google account. The phone would just be registered on the server and no services (just as you wanted )
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I am not sure "more features" is necessarily the direction I'm headed. I am focused on making a "seamless" experience (i.e. less separation of phone and computer).
I was headed to App Engine (Python bias + easy Google integration). I have a project created. I haven't pulled together the various examples to make the core, but it seems <naive>simple</naive>. Stir in some templates, CSS, a sprinkling of JS, and voila!
The big "tricky" part that I can't convert from f***ing magic to a clear approach is the data link in the server. I want to avoid any storage to a Google disk, or otherwise, even temporarily. No stored data = easy privacy policy.
nebkat, if you're really chomping at the bit to code, here's my Android client concept.
- C2DM is a wake-up call. (cheat an borrow ChromeToPhone's ID to begin with)
- Connect to web server, send "I'm here," and wait for further instructions (Channels API/Comet/AJAX/.........)
- make the command set extensible
- each command is blockable in the client. (Permission control is set on the phone, not remotely.)
- After N minutes of no activity, send a "good bye," disconnect from the server, and fade into the background.
Don't worry, I'm very experienced with the server side stuff and I know exactly what you want. The only information stored on the sever side would be google account, the device c2dm registration id and some logging features just for statistics. A password could be set on the phone that would be sha512 hashed on the ajax request and would be sent to the phone. Even if a hacker found the hash, it would be useless without being logged in to the persons google account or knowing the server side auth token.
For now i'll just make the reciever, processor and command output and later on the extra security and ui stuff. It will work exactly the same way as Chrome2Phone except it will have server side php and the different commands. The connection from pc to phone will be something like this.
user command -> ajax request -> php c2dm request -> phone
phone -> php server http request -> controller page status
BTW I'm saving up for a Nexus S, how much would people pay for this type of app? There would definitely be a free version, but I just need to get the Nexus S because I have a Galaxy Spica now and it isn't the best for app development. I'm new to how stuff at xda works, would a donate version get me enoguh for the Nexus?
nebkat said:
Don't worry, ... <snip> ... auth token.
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Alrighty then. I'm feeling like I can stop contemplating implementing this.
BTW I'm saving up for a Nexus S, how much would people pay for this type of app? There would definitely be a free version, but I just need to get the Nexus S because I have a Galaxy Spica now and it isn't the best for app development. I'm new to how stuff at xda works, would a donate version get me enoguh for the Nexus?
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Since I was learning the ins and outs of App Engine, I read their quota rules and realized if this were popular it would require funding. I don't know where you are going to your web server, but I assume you'll have to pay someone to keep it running. But I had thought about $$$ already.
"Give away the razor, and sell them the blades."
Make the app free, no feature restrictions.
You get your money through various "membership" levels on the server. (See the account levels at for an example.) So, you can use the app for free, but you only get, say, 2-3 MB of traffic per day, and only X sessions per day. Need more? See the pricing chart.
user command -> ajax request -> php c2dm request -> phone
phone -> php server http request -> controller page status
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user command -> php server http request -> phone
phone -> php server http request -> controller page status
user command -> php server http request -> phone
lather, rinse, repeat.
C2DM is not deterministic, and acts up in low signal conditions. So, I made a decision to only use C2DM to initiate a session. Once both ends are connected to the server, everything goes over HTTP.
Oh.... and not that we need another Lookout/Phone Finder, but a shared-secret SMS code for the case where "they" have shut down the data connection.
I have my own server and there is nothing on it anyway.
The only other way to make "push" requests to the phone is with WebSockets. It would probably be better than c2dm because we have full control over what gets sent (google limits some requests). The advantage of WebSockets is that they send no header information which means that we could send our messages in 20 to 30 bytes.
I'll look into more detail on friday.
With web sockets won't you need to ensure the phone has a routable, external IP address? I know, for one, t-mobile does not expose an external IP address for their phones. Unless, of course, if the phone is connected over WiFi. C2DM works great for me (I have used a couple of apps with it and it is really useful).
MrGibbage said:
With web sockets won't you need to ensure the phone has a routable, external IP address? I know, for one, t-mobile does not expose an external IP address for their phones. Unless, of course, if the phone is connected over WiFi. C2DM works great for me (I have used a couple of apps with it and it is really useful).
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No, WS is server initiated and the ip address' shouldn't make a difference.
MrGibbage said:
With web sockets won't you need to ensure the phone has a routable, external IP address? I know, for one, t-mobile does not expose an external IP address for their phones. Unless, of course, if the phone is connected over WiFi. C2DM works great for me (I have used a couple of apps with it and it is really useful).
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You need an valid external IP address if you are attempting to initiate contact with your phone, which is why the 4-5 apps I've mentioned do not work on carriers like t-mo and verizon.
But the phone can establish a connection, and the carrier NATs (or whatever) will handle the routing for outgoing and incoming data.
I think the right questions are: Will Verizon/T-Mo allow the ports and protocol for WebSockets? Do Android and desktop browsers implement the draft API correctly and consistently?
I like C2DM. I works well when you have a good connection. But there are 3 issues with it.
1) The message size limit is 1024 bytes. Not ideal for file transfers.
2) In a poor signal areas, since the service retries sending messages, you will get delayed and/or duplicate messages. I work in a large "concrete" building, so I get this behavior often enough that I don't want to rely on it.
3) I believe there is a limit on the number of messages you can send. So, hunting around the filesystem could hit this limit (but unlikely in reality... I hope.)
It would be interesting to see exactly how those apps handle all of the data. Do they only use C2DM, or do they hand over to another protocol?
Ok my exams are over and I am starting with it. I'll give updates on this thread

[Q] need help ,developing group messaging over WLAN

I am supposed to develop a group messaging app (IM client) using WLAN ,its a term project.This app is supposed to list all the available users that are connected over the wlan and provide the user with the options ,to create a group ,send group messages or send messages individually over the wlan.I have had experience of developing android apps in the past but none of them have ever been network based.
I need to know :
1.what Internet protocols will be used .(sip? ,voip?) for DNS etc ,yeah i have below meager networking knowledge.
2.what areas do i need to research any links to resources will be quite helpfull .
3.any open source app that offers the same functionality i need to set up a server aswell ?
I would be really thankfull for your advice on this .
Take a look at XMPP which is an extendable and open source messaging protocol.
DNS is just used to convert names to numbers, so you'd give your server a name and create a DNS A record, then the clients would use that name to locate the server. XMPP works over TCP/IP which is useful as it's implemented in every operating system I'm aware of. There are also XMPP clients (which is a protocol that works on top of TCP/IP) for all platforms out there as well.
Check wikipedia for XMPP to give you background information, then look at something like openfire as a server implementation, it's pretty simple to setup and has a web based configuration.
Configure Microsoft Communicator

[Q] Udp Server always running

Hi, this is my first post on this forum.
I'm developing an udp server on Android, it is a sort of messages dispatcher from clients to masters (namely servers) and vice-versa. It consists on three separated threads launched by a foreground service and every thread has MAX_PRIORITY flag set.
The problem is that the OS suspends threads and on certain devices i receive this message:
JIT unchain all for threadid=XX
Is there a way to prevent thread suspension by the OS?
NOTE: This app is for developing puropose, it will not be released in store. We need to have an UDP server always running without suspensions.
Thanks in advance.
First I would check how GCM service is implemented to get an idea how they manage process to keep untouched.
Basically GCM does the same - keeps socket opened to receive push in real-time.

