Intercepting app traffic on Android 4.3 - Networking

I am a first time poster here but have read many great posts and learned a lot from this community.
I am trying to intercept traffic from an app on a Galaxy S4 with Android 4.3 (rooted). The app sends TCP requests which I haven't been able to sniff using conventional HTTP/S proxies, meaning ports other than 80/443.
I am not sure which IP or port it's sending to. I understand that tcpdump may be my best option and I've tried running Shark for root but it seems to stop capturing packets the second i try to exit to initialize the other app.
So what can you more experienced developers tell me about how to do this? What other options do i have and if tcpdump is the best option, do you know of a good tutorial on how to set it up?


[Q] Fiddler or other HTTP traffic capturers for WinMo

Hey, quick question. Has anyone every gotten Fiddler to work for HTTP debugging on their WinMo device? Is there any other alternative for viewing the raw HTTP Requests sent and received by the device? If not, that might be an interesting project...
I'm looking for connected to computer or stand-alone applications.

[Q] Sending files through bluetooth on predetermined devices programmatically

Hi all,
(I'm reposting this here as no-one replied in the general forum.)
In the app I'm developing I will need to be able to send arbitrary files (probably many at a time) to known and previously paired bt-enabled devices. Is there any way to bypass the discovery dialogue and the devices list by somehow providing a registered intent with the address of a device, say, through a putExtra call? In other words, I will already know the bt mac addresses, so I won't be needing the extra discovery and user input.
Downloading an alternative bt app that is capable of this would also work for me. So far I've tried to use the services offered by both "androbex" and "bluetooth file transfer" but with no luck.
I'm developing for a Samsung Tab, android-8.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
No idea anyone? I'd really appreciate some help with this one.

[IDEA/POLL] Use C2DM app for remote phone access

These apps allow you to remotely access your phone from a web browser. However, they all run a web server on the phone, and I cannot connect to any of the over 3g (Verizon).
LazyDroid Web Desktop
Remote Desktop
Remote Web Desktop
I want to move the web server off phone, and (hopefully) onto private site. App Engine might be necessary, but I'm hoping this could be done solely in JS.
The hosting site would provide the UI, and interact with the phone using C2DM (the magic that powers Chrome2Phone, GMail, and installing apps from the web Market).
The UI is pretty obvious. It just needs a whiz to create HTML, Javascript, etc.
The C2DM backend is a still a bit mystifying to me... and searching for c2dm and javascript does not yield any obvious working implementations. But it seems plausible. Push a command to the phone, phone returns/uploads data to website, and UI updates.
Then there is the Android end. Well, there are the 3 projects above, Tasker for a quasi-hackish approach, and RPC (promising, but it seems like a WIP).
Thoughts? Volunteers? Geniuses?
Ooo... 2 birds with one stone!
This would also kill 2 birds with one stone.
No more typing in dynamic IP addresses! You get to use DNS to handle the connections. Bookmark your site in your desktop browser (it is always the same!). And set a preference in the Android app.
On lazydroid i've in planning some kind of trick that will let you connect behind firewall ... similar to a vpn...
CloudsITA said:
On lazydroid i've in planning some kind of trick that will let you connect behind firewall ... similar to a vpn...
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I tried it again last week, and it is still unsuccessful. Webkey is currently the only application that I can successfully use to reach my phone.
Now, I could be wrong, but I believe all of these apps run a web server on the phone. I get a lovely, private 10.x.x.x IP address, which I can't reverse the route to. I have tried and failed to get DynDNS to work.
I have been looking into a solution since my original post. I have not had any time to do code squat, but I have loosely figured out all of the parts.
The big architectural difference I have been seeking is removing the server from the phone. I am not an Android expert, but I don't believe it even requires a running service. (Thank you, C2DM.)
With the app-webservice separation, you can work a "protocol" that reduces the overall bandwidth used... and thus improve battery life. Put all the "hard work" on a webserver, and (things get fuzzy here) possibly push it off onto the client browser (JS).
C2DM Browser Links
I could probably make something like WebKey but with C2DM and some more features. If you want you can give suggestions and I'll start making on saturday (after my exams). It would probably be possible in javascript for the actual sending from server and php just for logging in to your google account. The phone would just be registered on the server and no services (just as you wanted )
nebkat said:
I could probably make something like WebKey but with C2DM and some more features. If you want you can give suggestions and I'll start making on saturday (after my exams). It would probably be possible in javascript for the actual sending from server and php just for logging in to your google account. The phone would just be registered on the server and no services (just as you wanted )
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I am not sure "more features" is necessarily the direction I'm headed. I am focused on making a "seamless" experience (i.e. less separation of phone and computer).
I was headed to App Engine (Python bias + easy Google integration). I have a project created. I haven't pulled together the various examples to make the core, but it seems <naive>simple</naive>. Stir in some templates, CSS, a sprinkling of JS, and voila!
The big "tricky" part that I can't convert from f***ing magic to a clear approach is the data link in the server. I want to avoid any storage to a Google disk, or otherwise, even temporarily. No stored data = easy privacy policy.
nebkat, if you're really chomping at the bit to code, here's my Android client concept.
- C2DM is a wake-up call. (cheat an borrow ChromeToPhone's ID to begin with)
- Connect to web server, send "I'm here," and wait for further instructions (Channels API/Comet/AJAX/.........)
- make the command set extensible
- each command is blockable in the client. (Permission control is set on the phone, not remotely.)
- After N minutes of no activity, send a "good bye," disconnect from the server, and fade into the background.
Don't worry, I'm very experienced with the server side stuff and I know exactly what you want. The only information stored on the sever side would be google account, the device c2dm registration id and some logging features just for statistics. A password could be set on the phone that would be sha512 hashed on the ajax request and would be sent to the phone. Even if a hacker found the hash, it would be useless without being logged in to the persons google account or knowing the server side auth token.
For now i'll just make the reciever, processor and command output and later on the extra security and ui stuff. It will work exactly the same way as Chrome2Phone except it will have server side php and the different commands. The connection from pc to phone will be something like this.
user command -> ajax request -> php c2dm request -> phone
phone -> php server http request -> controller page status
BTW I'm saving up for a Nexus S, how much would people pay for this type of app? There would definitely be a free version, but I just need to get the Nexus S because I have a Galaxy Spica now and it isn't the best for app development. I'm new to how stuff at xda works, would a donate version get me enoguh for the Nexus?
nebkat said:
Don't worry, ... <snip> ... auth token.
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Alrighty then. I'm feeling like I can stop contemplating implementing this.
BTW I'm saving up for a Nexus S, how much would people pay for this type of app? There would definitely be a free version, but I just need to get the Nexus S because I have a Galaxy Spica now and it isn't the best for app development. I'm new to how stuff at xda works, would a donate version get me enoguh for the Nexus?
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Since I was learning the ins and outs of App Engine, I read their quota rules and realized if this were popular it would require funding. I don't know where you are going to your web server, but I assume you'll have to pay someone to keep it running. But I had thought about $$$ already.
"Give away the razor, and sell them the blades."
Make the app free, no feature restrictions.
You get your money through various "membership" levels on the server. (See the account levels at for an example.) So, you can use the app for free, but you only get, say, 2-3 MB of traffic per day, and only X sessions per day. Need more? See the pricing chart.
user command -> ajax request -> php c2dm request -> phone
phone -> php server http request -> controller page status
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user command -> php server http request -> phone
phone -> php server http request -> controller page status
user command -> php server http request -> phone
lather, rinse, repeat.
C2DM is not deterministic, and acts up in low signal conditions. So, I made a decision to only use C2DM to initiate a session. Once both ends are connected to the server, everything goes over HTTP.
Oh.... and not that we need another Lookout/Phone Finder, but a shared-secret SMS code for the case where "they" have shut down the data connection.
I have my own server and there is nothing on it anyway.
The only other way to make "push" requests to the phone is with WebSockets. It would probably be better than c2dm because we have full control over what gets sent (google limits some requests). The advantage of WebSockets is that they send no header information which means that we could send our messages in 20 to 30 bytes.
I'll look into more detail on friday.
With web sockets won't you need to ensure the phone has a routable, external IP address? I know, for one, t-mobile does not expose an external IP address for their phones. Unless, of course, if the phone is connected over WiFi. C2DM works great for me (I have used a couple of apps with it and it is really useful).
MrGibbage said:
With web sockets won't you need to ensure the phone has a routable, external IP address? I know, for one, t-mobile does not expose an external IP address for their phones. Unless, of course, if the phone is connected over WiFi. C2DM works great for me (I have used a couple of apps with it and it is really useful).
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No, WS is server initiated and the ip address' shouldn't make a difference.
MrGibbage said:
With web sockets won't you need to ensure the phone has a routable, external IP address? I know, for one, t-mobile does not expose an external IP address for their phones. Unless, of course, if the phone is connected over WiFi. C2DM works great for me (I have used a couple of apps with it and it is really useful).
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You need an valid external IP address if you are attempting to initiate contact with your phone, which is why the 4-5 apps I've mentioned do not work on carriers like t-mo and verizon.
But the phone can establish a connection, and the carrier NATs (or whatever) will handle the routing for outgoing and incoming data.
I think the right questions are: Will Verizon/T-Mo allow the ports and protocol for WebSockets? Do Android and desktop browsers implement the draft API correctly and consistently?
I like C2DM. I works well when you have a good connection. But there are 3 issues with it.
1) The message size limit is 1024 bytes. Not ideal for file transfers.
2) In a poor signal areas, since the service retries sending messages, you will get delayed and/or duplicate messages. I work in a large "concrete" building, so I get this behavior often enough that I don't want to rely on it.
3) I believe there is a limit on the number of messages you can send. So, hunting around the filesystem could hit this limit (but unlikely in reality... I hope.)
It would be interesting to see exactly how those apps handle all of the data. Do they only use C2DM, or do they hand over to another protocol?
Ok my exams are over and I am starting with it. I'll give updates on this thread

Intercept and modify packets?

Okay so I have an Xbox 360 that's connection is wired through my laptop in a bridged configuration.
Seeing as how all the packets from the 360 are being routed through my computer, you'd figure modifying these packets would be a breeze. Well, I've searched high and low all over the interwebz and I haven't found a straight up answer to this question. I'd ask on a forum geared more so toward gaming, but the difference between those websites and here is about 20 IQ points.
Basically from what I understand I'd need a program that uses the ?PCAP? driver to modify these packets.
The packets I'm going to try editing are in plain text so I'm merely replacing text strings with different text strings.
I'm able to read and understand data captured in WireShark, but I need a program that will modify packets on-the-fly. There are packet builders that will allow you to modify packets and send them after the fact, but these won't work for what I need.
If it matters, I'm analyzing the packets to and from Microsoft's servers during the login process in an effort to allow consoles with older firmware versions to connect to their online systems. Firmware rev is sent in plain text although parts of the packets are encrypted.
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Okay, I found the program I'll be using. It's called HexInject.
Mods can close I guess but this might be useful for peoples' reference later on because it's a perfect solution.

Setting up Global SSH Tunnel on Android

For anyone interested in data security the ability to encrypt network traffic is obviously important-- especially in light of the myriad of recent well publicized reports of private and government electronic snooping. It is also relevant to mention that to date no one has come close to cracking "TwoFish" encryption which can be used by SSH. With this in mind, consider the following tutorial which describes a method for encrypting all 3g, 4g, and Wi-Fi data, thus beefing up phone and personal data security.
Setting up a global SSH Tunnel on Android phones
This tutorial assumes the reader possesses a fully configured SSH server and rooted phone. In lieu of a server, (eg., the reader only has only a Windows-based operating system), research into CYGWIN is recommended. I use CYGWIN to run my SSH server and I have found that it is the most robust option for Windows users; however, setting this up on Windows can be a daunting task.
Setting up global SSH Tunnel on Android
1. Download 2 apps from the Google Playstore: ConnectBot and ProxyDroid
2. Install ConnectBot and ProxyDroid on your phone.
3. In ConnectBot set up Port forwards for your SSH connection. For "Type" field use "Dynamic (SOCKS)." For “Source Port” use 56001 or any local port not being used. The reasoning behind using port 56001 is this: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535)
4. Open ProxyDroid and configure as follows:
Port: 56001 (or the port you chose to use in step 3)
Proxy Type: SOCKS5
Global Proxy: Check the box
The above procedure accomplishes several things. First, ConnectBot remotely connects to your SSH server. Next, the ConnectBot connection forwards to the local port 56001. ProxyDroid then redirects all network traffic through the localhost on port 56001. Once you are connected through ConnectBot and ProxyDroid is activated all of your data will be tunneled through the encrypted ConnectBot session. This is an excellent way to set up a global proxy because it does not require manual configuration of any applications to connect through the proxy. You can test the functionality of the connection by opening up your phone browser and performing the Google search: What is my IP. If the proxy is functional you will see the WAN IP of the network of your SSH server. Additional and more thorough testing can be done with packet sniffers such as WireShark.
An application called "SSH Tunnel" is an alternative to accomplishing the above. However, I find ConnectBot and ProxyDroid is more elegant and gives better control-- not to mention being more sophisticated/chic. When correctly performed the ConnectBot and ProxyDroid method encrypts all 3g, 4g and Wi-Fi data on your phone. This is obviously useful for phone access of sensitive materials especially using unfamiliar or alien network connections. With the current proliferation of identity theft via electronic snooping on mobile devices I do not advocate using cellular phones for any banking or electronic transactions without setting up a robust and reliable encrypted connection.
I'm having trouble with this exact setup on Android 4.3 with DNS Proxy (proxydroid) enabled in China. When DNS Proxy is enabled, no traffic will come through at all. If I disable DNS Proxy, it works but without proxied DNS requests, I can't get to Youtube/twitter/FB.
Any ideas?
SSHTunnel for 4.2.2 is a much better alternative than running 2 separate apps and I still use it on my 4.2.2 tablet. But I don't want to downgrade my phone to 4.2.2 just for this
Android 4.3?
strifej said:
I'm having trouble with this exact setup on Android 4.3 with DNS Proxy (proxydroid) enabled in China. When DNS Proxy is enabled, no traffic will come through at all. If I disable DNS Proxy, it works but without proxied DNS requests, I can't get to Youtube/twitter/FB.
Any ideas?
SSHTunnel for 4.2.2 is a much better alternative than running 2 separate apps and I still use it on my 4.2.2 tablet. But I don't want to downgrade my phone to 4.2.2 just for this
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Unfortunately, I have not done any testing with android 4.3 yet so I'm not sure why the dns request wouldn't be proxied. I'll look into it and get back to you.
DNS proxy on android 4.3
strifej said:
I'm having trouble with this exact setup on Android 4.3 with DNS Proxy (proxydroid) enabled in China. When DNS Proxy is enabled, no traffic will come through at all. If I disable DNS Proxy, it works but without proxied DNS requests, I can't get to Youtube/twitter/FB.
Any ideas?
SSHTunnel for 4.2.2 is a much better alternative than running 2 separate apps and I still use it on my 4.2.2 tablet. But I don't want to downgrade my phone to 4.2.2 just for this
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So I finally had a chance to upgrade to 4.3 this week. I tested the dns proxy with proxydroid and it seems to be working fine. What rom are you using? I'm on Sacs rom and I would highly recommend it. Heres the link:
Dr.Tautology said:
So I finally had a chance to upgrade to 4.3 this week. I tested the dns proxy with proxydroid and it seems to be working fine. What rom are you using? I'm on Sacs rom and I would highly recommend it. Heres the link:
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Tested on kitkat and is working fine. Ssh tunnel app not working however.
Dr.Tautology said:
So I finally had a chance to upgrade to 4.3 this week. I tested the dns proxy with proxydroid and it seems to be working fine. What rom are you using? I'm on Sacs rom and I would highly recommend it. Heres the link:
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I use pacman rom on nexus 4.
thank you for this tutorial!
I have been looking for a new way to setup SSH tunneling since the app "ssh tunnel" from the Google Play store stopped working with Android 4.2+
I can't wait to try this out..
I have two phones both SGS4's one running CM 10.2 and the other stock on 4.3 so i will try both of them out and report back here how it works out.
Thanks again for the tutorial!
Thank you Dr.Tautology
Thank you Dr.Tautology
I was searching a big time for the solution you gave me.
First I was using SSHtunnel app from google play and it worked on my note 3 SM-N9005 (rooted) with jb 4.3. After upgrade to 4.4.2 kitkat (rooted) I could connect but there was no changing to my home ip in the browsers that I use with surfing by example to whatmyip . I also have a tablet "nexus 7" 2012 version upgraded also to 4.4.2 and on this device SSHTunnel is functional and the ip is changing??? I did not understand. Now I was searching for alternatives for my galaxy note 3 and I've found ssh connectbot and proxydroid. After I added the settings that I always used with dyn socks5 port 11723 on both programs.... -> connection to my DD-WRT router (with connectbot) was also possible. I also booted proxydroid and again after running chrome or firefox I still had the same ip so it didn't work.... Now I've found your post and read that the socks5 port must be above 49152. I changed the ports on both programs to 56001 in ('connectbot and proxydroid) and BAM! Connected with my home IP from outside my home :laugh:
The weird thing is that it worked on JB 4.3 with socks5 port 11723.
Now my woking SSH tunnel config -> Host = home-ip:7500 (default port = 22 in DDWRT)
user to connect to DD-WRT router = Root
password = Router password
dyn proxy socks5 port = 56001 as you suggest.
I have an app from my isp that I only can use with my home ip so I had to be home and connect by wifi. Now it's possible again with tunneling
Now the only thing that I have to do is thank you. :victory:
Never thought that the port number should be the problem.
Best regards DWroadrunner
I managed to set this up using SSH Tunnel for android. However I would like to use SSH Autotunnel as it's supposed to handle network changes better and is also more light weight. Does anybody know what type of private key this programm accepts? I have had no luck using putty keygen and the id_rsa I created in ubuntu does not seem to work either.
Glad to help!
DWroadrunner said:
Thank you Dr.Tautology
I was searching a big time for the solution you gave me.
First I was using SSHtunnel app from google play and it worked on my note 3 SM-N9005 (rooted) with jb 4.3. After upgrade to 4.4.2 kitkat (rooted) I could connect but there was no changing to my home ip in the browsers that I use with surfing by example to whatmyip . I also have a tablet "nexus 7" 2012 version upgraded also to 4.4.2 and on this device SSHTunnel is functional and the ip is changing??? I did not understand. Now I was searching for alternatives for my galaxy note 3 and I've found ssh connectbot and proxydroid. After I added the settings that I always used with dyn socks5 port 11723 on both programs.... -> connection to my DD-WRT router (with connectbot) was also possible. I also booted proxydroid and again after running chrome or firefox I still had the same ip so it didn't work.... Now I've found your post and read that the socks5 port must be above 49152. I changed the ports on both programs to 56001 in ('connectbot and proxydroid) and BAM! Connected with my home IP from outside my home :laugh:
The weird thing is that it worked on JB 4.3 with socks5 port 11723.
Now my woking SSH tunnel config -> Host = home-ip:7500 (default port = 22 in DDWRT)
user to connect to DD-WRT router = Root
password = Router password
dyn proxy socks5 port = 56001 as you suggest.
I have an app from my isp that I only can use with my home ip so I had to be home and connect by wifi. Now it's possible again with tunneling
Now the only thing that I have to do is thank you. :victory:
Never thought that the port number should be the problem.
Best regards DWroadrunner
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Hey DWroadrunner,
That's great news! I'm very happy that my post helped you, as my intention was to provide all the necessary information to do this in one place. It's not always the case that a user port wont work, but unless you are big on port level security it's not easy to determine if/when the port is being used. This is probably why 11723 did work for you, however it's always better to go with a dynamic/private port range. Also, if you want a simple way to improve the security of your ssh server change the default port from 22 to something else. You'd be surprised how many attempts to connect will be made by attackers on a daily basis.
droidshadow said:
I have been looking for a new way to setup SSH tunneling since the app "ssh tunnel" from the Google Play store stopped working with Android 4.2+
I can't wait to try this out..
I have two phones both SGS4's one running CM 10.2 and the other stock on 4.3 so i will try both of them out and report back here how it works out.
Thanks again for the tutorial!
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Let me know if this is working on CM. I have tested on stock 4.3 with no issues.
Any luck yet?
rintinfinn said:
I managed to set this up using SSH Tunnel for android. However I would like to use SSH Autotunnel as it's supposed to handle network changes better and is also more light weight. Does anybody know what type of private key this programm accepts? I have had no luck using putty keygen and the id_rsa I created in ubuntu does not seem to work either.
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I've used auto tunnel a handful of times. Just wanted to check to see if you figured out what key it accepts. I will test it out when I get a chance.
Dr.Tautology said:
I've used auto tunnel a handful of times. Just wanted to check to see if you figured out what key it accepts. I will test it out when I get a chance.
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Hi, the developer send me a mail saying that autotunnel should accept both private key types. None of them worked for me, though. He also suggested to try and paste the content of the private key into the bracket. I might give that a try. Edit: I can confirm copying and pasting the private key works. But it does not seem to transfer traffic via the the server, at least not the 3g traffic while using chrome. Edit 2: Turns out SSH Autotunnel does not use a socks proxy. Therefore secure browsing is not an option. The app is for secure pop3/ftp-server/smtp-server connections only. Thanks go to Matej for his kind support.
I've been using OpenVPN but I'd prefer to use ssh, as I have several ssh servers around the world, plus their pipes are bigger than my home line I have openvpn running on.
I have yet to get SSH Tunnel (apk) to work reliably; it randomly stops working and it's just a dead connection.
Using ProxyDroid unfortunately requires me to launch ConnectBot, connect ssh, then start the proxy. It'd be nice if ConnectBot could bring up the connection automatically, or ProxyDroid could do it. What I do right now is VPN unknown wifi connections and I can automate that with Tasker. I might look to see if I can automate connecting with ConnectBot then enable the ProxyDroid connection.
You can use ssh tunnels also with Drony if some proxy with authentication is involved. Works also on non rooted devices.
khaytsus said:
I've been using OpenVPN but I'd prefer to use ssh, as I have several ssh servers around the world, plus their pipes are bigger than my home line I have openvpn running on.
I have yet to get SSH Tunnel (apk) to work reliably; it randomly stops working and it's just a dead connection.
Using ProxyDroid unfortunately requires me to launch ConnectBot, connect ssh, then start the proxy. It'd be nice if ConnectBot could bring up the connection automatically, or ProxyDroid could do it. What I do right now is VPN unknown wifi connections and I can automate that with Tasker. I might look to see if I can automate connecting with ConnectBot then enable the ProxyDroid connection.
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I think a simple bash script could be used to automate this task. I'm going to look into it; seems like an interesting/useful project.
Dr.Tautology said:
I think a simple bash script could be used to automate this task. I'm going to look into it; seems like an interesting/useful project.
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I think so, it's just firewall settings etc.. Unfortunately for me, I need stuff that doesn't support SOCKS so I've gone back to looking into a faster OpenVPN service.
But this is good for browsing and things that use http etc.
Dr.Tautology said:
I think a simple bash script could be used to automate this task. I'm going to look into it; seems like an interesting/useful project.
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hi have you figured out an automated script for this task via tasker, iv tried to create something but ended up no where lol.
Hi my collage wifi connection is proxy based
Whenever i surfed internet on that connection only some basic application are connected through that connection
But many 3rd party apps doses't connect by that connection like games
Any solution like connection tunnel apps or else
I don't want to root my device
sam.jaat said:
Hi my collage wifi connection is proxy based
Whenever i surfed internet on that connection only some basic application are connected through that connection
But many 3rd party apps doses't connect by that connection like games
Any solution like connection tunnel apps or else
I don't want to root my device
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Do you have to login to the proxy or is it an open proxy? If it's open, you could see if you can find a OpenVPN server that listens on 80 or 443. Then use any OpenVPN client on Android and you can add/update config to match the directions here:

