delete - Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking

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odd, once I did downgrade once I never had to download the package again as it is stored locally until I delete it. The recovery tool picks up the stored rom and flashes it without downloading.

Here All Guy's are clever, so they uses their own mind and their own step's.
and the steps they uses that is more simple than you described here.
Why you don't go to settings menu in Recovery Tool ?
Why you don't define your "Custom Package" Folder.
Even you don't have copy any large content into any directory.
C:\ProgramData\ Etc Etc It's very complicated to backup your Image Files.
Mean, Assume I've more than 10 device and i want to place my ROM files on different Drive for backup purpose.
I.e "D:\ROMS\RM-xyz

derausgewanderte said:
odd, once I did downgrade once I never had to download the package again as it is stored locally until I delete it. The recovery tool picks up the stored rom and flashes it without downloading.
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Bro its for ppl who flashes their os on their pc as can backup the file's after they are downloaded from Ms recovery tool....

never mind..
djamol said:
Here All Guy's are clever, so they uses their own mind and their own step's.
and the steps they
Why you don't go to uses that is more simple than you described here.settings menu in Recovery Tool ?
Why you don't define your "Custom Package" Folder.
Even you don't have copy any large content into any directory.
C:\ProgramData\ Etc Etc It's very complicated to backup your Image Files.
Mean, Assume I've more than 10 device and i want to place my ROM files on different Drive for backup purpose.
I.e "D:\ROMS\RM-xyz
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never mind it.......i am new to xda....nd all these things which you have been doing so far.....there are mistakes in every man....just learning from them....nd by the way how to open settings menu in recovery tool????
And this tutorial is for beginners.....who are frustrated like me after downloading gb's of files from navifirm....
And thnxx ....just updated tutorial with Note and easier instructions..for beginners..

Hritwik said:
never mind it.......i am new to xda....nd all these things which you have been doing so far.....there are mistakes in every man....just learning from them....nd by the way how to open settings menu in recovery tool????
And this tutorial is for beginners.....who are frustrated like me after downloading gb's of files from navifirm....
And thnxx ....just updated tutorial with Note and easier instructions..for beginners..
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see attached. either right click onto the open wp recovery tool or click the three dots....
You can define new paths for any device you got etc...

derausgewanderte said:
see attached. either right click onto the open wp recovery tool or click the three dots....
You can define new paths for any device you got etc...
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thnxx.... will just update tutorial......i just cant even notice a single simple thing like that.....:good::good::good:

djamol said:
Here All Guy's are clever, so they uses their own mind and their own step's.
and the steps they uses that is more simple than you described here.
Why you don't go to settings menu in Recovery Tool ?
Why you don't define your "Custom Package" Folder.
Even you don't have copy any large content into any directory.
C:\ProgramData\ Etc Etc It's very complicated to backup your Image Files.
Mean, Assume I've more than 10 device and i want to place my ROM files on different Drive for backup purpose.
I.e "D:\ROMS\RM-xyz
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And @djamol you know about any device specific thing that every app reads on first is rm no. which can be changed with your registry hack...but is there anything like google android ID in android .....which can be changed and every app reads that....???

I tried to install via WDRT.. set the location for custom package also. But it won't show the package available on disk. It only says package available on server.
What should i do ?
will it install directly by what is on Rm-xxx folder ?
or I have to do anything else please tell me.

suks said:
I tried to install via WDRT.. set the location for custom package also. But it won't show the package available on disk. It only says package available on server.
What should i do ?
will it install directly by what is on Rm-xxx folder ?
or I have to do anything else please tell me.
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you need to use Nokia Care Suite 5 and higher to accomplish flashing.
edit: ok, ignore this. just see the next post for a good tutorial.

Hi @derausgewanderte,
Nokia Care Suite has become obsolete. Use rather Thor2.
Best regards,

DilanChd said:
Hi @derausgewanderte,
Nokia Care Suite has become obsolete. Use rather Thor2.
Best regards,
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... Really ?
thanks Dilan!


Very Quick Question

If I take a ROM in .ZIP format and unzip it on my PC into a folder with the same name...
Then delete any .APKs of programs I have no use for (Twidroid, facebook, etc) and then replace the boot.img with a different kernel of my choice and different SuperUser.apk...
Can I then ZIP this primary folder and load it as a ROM onto my MT3G?
Forgive me if this sounds really stupid, but I have no idea.
Would it need to be "cooked" before I can load it??
When you cook you need to make sure the gloves are on and you have the oven's temp turned up real nicely to fry that thing
I guess you didnt search or something? I need you to confirm that you cant/can see this at the top left corner of screen:
xda-developers > Dream > Dream Android Development
Press Dream then head to Q&A section please.Wait a sec...Thats not a Dream..You belong here for asking q's about your phone:
Just do a search for signing tool and it shows up.
rbrainard said:
If I take a ROM in .ZIP format and unzip it on my PC into a folder with the same name...
Then delete any .APKs of programs I have no use for (Twidroid, facebook, etc) and then replace the boot.img with a different kernel of my choice and different SuperUser.apk...
Can I then ZIP this primary folder and load it as a ROM onto my MT3G?
Forgive me if this sounds really stupid, but I have no idea.
Would it need to be "cooked" before I can load it??
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its more complicated than it looks...
First u will have to know if removing those .apk will not cause any trouble...
Second u will have to sign the apks u r going to add, and signed the zip too...
about changing the boot.img has been tried before in another thread...
but most important u will have to search, search and read, read...
going to try and find some thread for u, before the mods closed this...
Need to have it resigned...once a zip file is open it breaks the signature but I would aslo like to kno if this is possible
ilostchild said:
Need to have it resigned...once a zip file is open it breaks the signature but I would aslo like to kno if this is possible
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here its a thread about resigned:
read it all, has interesting stuff, but keep searching...
actually i would like to try this too...
if u ask devs, unless they want to teach u, great...
You can open zips (roms/updates) and browse them without the need to resign them. If you change any of the contents in a zip (rom/update) file, as in remove or add, then you have to resign. You do not have to resign the apks you add to the zip (rom/update) file.
To do what you want to do, refer to the link about signing zips that was posted above. Remove the APKs, sign the zip (rom/update) file, and apply the update to your phone.
bring in the wrecking crew!
anyone know how to run this on a mac?
Ha people had post, but the one that make the thread, its no where...
Sweet! Thanks folks.
The "Search" function is the most important in any forum, but it does the user no good if they have absolutely positively no idea what to search for... lol
My goal is to take Manup's Eclair_2.1-v1.5 and remove all the .APKs I don't have any use for... Swap the boot.img for the eclair one with the 10MB hack, replace the SpareParts.APK with one that contains "Keep home app in memory" option, etc, etc, etc.
rbrainard said:
If I take a ROM in .ZIP format and unzip it on my PC into a folder with the same name...
Then delete any .APKs of programs I have no use for (Twidroid, facebook, etc) and then replace the boot.img with a different kernel of my choice and different SuperUser.apk...
Can I then ZIP this primary folder and load it as a ROM onto my MT3G?
Forgive me if this sounds really stupid, but I have no idea.
Would it need to be "cooked" before I can load it??
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You've just described in detail what about 90% of roms out there really are: open zip, add/remove files, ..., profit!!!
As mentioned correctly by Moonspoon, all you'd need afterwards is to sign your package (just to ensure that there's no problems with the signature, delete the three files inside /META-INF (leave the folders alone)).
Also, as mentioned by ginatojr (kind of...), you have to know which files you're removing, for example, removing TelephonyProvider.apk, well, that should be obvious. One that's not so obvious is gtalkservice.apk. When I first started, I removed it because I though it was part of Google Talk, when in fact it's more closely related to GoogleApps and SubscribedFeedsProvider.
The only times you want to deal with signatures is if your roms come from two different sources (if you're using an AOSP test-signed core and want to toss in some release-singed Google apps), but for the most part it's unnecessary and mostly discouraged as it's a different can of worms.
So, yeah, that's basically "Rom Cooking 101", where most other people releasing roms are at "Rom Cooking 102", there's really nothing to it.
rbrainard said:
Sweet! Thanks folks.
The "Search" function is the most important in any forum, but it does the user no good if they have absolutely positively no idea what to search for... lol
My goal is to take Manup's Eclair_2.1-v1.5 and remove all the .APKs I don't have any use for... Swap the boot.img for the eclair one with the 10MB hack, replace the SpareParts.APK with one that contains "Keep home app in memory" option, etc, etc, etc.
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The keep in home might not work on 2.1 roms yet.
If this works out... My future plans would include doing this to streamline and modify any ROM of my choice as they are released.
I have absolutely no intention of modifying ROMs for redistribution.
This will be for my own personal needs alone.
Can anyone tell me where the .APK files of Market downloads are stored on the handset?
rbrainard said:
Can anyone tell me where the .APK files of Market downloads are stored on the handset?
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Found them in /SDCard/BackupRoot/app directory.

Install your own apps via xRecovery - Collection of xRecovery files

Hi Guys!
Now that finally the devs arrived with some amazing ROMs, I change these ROMs a lot every day. But I experienced some problems because I often do that at work where I don't have adb shell available. So I created an xRecovery zip-file to install Android Terminal Emulator before booting into the ROM the first time.
That gave me the idea to offer you some zip-files with useful (free) applications you perhaps want to have pre-installed on any ROM before booting it.
I also attached two blank zip-files where you can easily add your own apps, perhaps a preferred keyboard in your language or whatever you want to push onto your phone via xRecovery.
If somebody's interested we could turn this into some kind of collection for universally usable xRecovery files.
How to use the blank zip-files:
To use this method, you need to have the app available as an apk-file, of course.
If you have the app already installed on the ROM you're looking to replace, you can just use a root file manager like Root Explorer to copy and paste the apk file from \data\app\ to your SD card.
If you cannot get the apk file, you can request it here or send me a PM and I'll try to prepare the zip-file for you. Don't ask me to do this with paid apps! This whole method is meant to be used with free apps and I will not add or support warez in any form!
Okay, now let's start. As you can see, I attached two blank zip-files: and Why two of them?
There are basically two locations where you'll want to install your own apk's:
\data\app\ --> contains all non-system-relevant user apps and should be your choice in most cases. If you install here, you can easily uninstall the apps later if you don't need them anymore.
\system\app\ --> contains system-relevant and pre-installed apps such as vending.apk / phonebook.apk / Email.apk / Gmail.apk / Calender.apk / etc.
Only install here if you want to replace one of these apps with a themed one or if you want to force-update market for example! It's not possible to uninstall anything you installed here the usual way! You'll have to use Titanium Backup or another third-party app.
Only overwrite existing apps in this folder if you know what you're doing!
So, just choose where you want to install your app, open (NOT extract!) the corresponding file with a zip-file manager of your choice (I'd recommend 7Zip or WinRAR) and drag the apk-file you want to install into data\app\ (for or system\app\ (for pretty obvious, huh? ). Confirm to copy the file there and close the zip file.
That's it. Now you just have to give your zip-file an appropriate name and push it onto your SD card to install it via xRecovery-->install custom zip-->choose custom zip from sdcard.
Some comments on the zip-files attached:
This is useful if you installed a new ROM and experience problems like flashing homescreen or no GSM/data connection. In that case, open ATE and type the following:
su (confirm SuperUser rights)
busybox killall servicemanager
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This will restart the phone and hopefully solve your problems. (I know this mini guide seems not to fit here, but perhaps someone reads it before spamming the dev thread with questions that were answered a thousand times )
all KUDOS go to zdzihu. Make sure you visit his thread to always get the latest version of JIT Enabler.
Note that you only need this file on 2.1 ROMs where JIT Enabler isn't pre-enabled! On 2.2+ ROMs JIT is always included.
- New Market
Make sure to sign into your google account and open market once (accept licence agreement) before you update to the new market. Many people experience problems if they don't do this!
You can also create this file yourself. If you open TB and tap on Settings-->more... there's an option to create an
Useful for any kind of problems of course
So, not much of a collection at the moment, but perhaps there's interest for something like that. If you know something that will come handy to have it preinstalled, just tell me!
very nice idea, but i was wondering if there is a guide to how to make .zip files for xrecovery
"instead of giving me a fish to eat for a day, teach me how to fish!"
Sent from my X10 using Tapatalk
mezo9090 said:
very nice idea, but i was wondering if there is a guide to how to make .zip files for xrecovery
"instead of giving me a fish to eat for a day, teach me how to fish!"
Sent from my X10 using Tapatalk
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i like that point of view! well i only found one for creating a whole update. zip for a rom with android kitchen I can explain some of the basics inside this zip file this evening after work. a zip just for installing apps is created quite easily. it gets more complicated if you have to set permissions and things like that.
Sent from my rooted X10i using XDA App
good idea!
Great! thanks a lot for this useful guide, I will use it.
Just one question in the same line like mezo, If I already have a rom zip file and I want to add to this rom the apps, would it be possible? and Could you explain us? or its just copy the files inside the \data\app\ folder?
Thanks again for your help.
Great idea, thanks!
Sent from my Freex10 2.2.1 Darkstyle
770G said:
Great! thanks a lot for this useful guide, I will use it.
Just one question in the same line like mezo, If I already have a rom zip file and I want to add to this rom the apps, would it be possible? and Could you explain us? or its just copy the files inside the \data\app\ folder?
Thanks again for your help.
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As long as the apps aren't system-relevan, it's as easy as that, yes
For all of you willing to learn more: I'm quite a noob, too, but I'll try to make a tutorial on how to create recovery zip-files as soon as I can.
Won't be today though, because I'll go out to party into my birthday this evening
So long,
mezo9090 said:
very nice idea, but i was wondering if there is a guide to how to make .zip files for xrecovery
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You can use the Android Kitchen to create custom zip files, I use the Cygwin method as it makes file management a little easier imo.
Great idea man, a lot of thanks!
1 zip - several apps
Is it possible to create one zip to install several apk's?
Maybe I have a few "stock" apps, the ones that I always need, and want to install all in a single step.
Can this be done or I have to install one by one even using xRecovery?
Great tuto and thank you for sharing
jpdediego said:
Is it possible to create one zip to install several apk's?
Maybe I have a few "stock" apps, the ones that I always need, and want to install all in a single step.
Can this be done or I have to install one by one even using xRecovery?
Great tuto and thank you for sharing
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you can throw as many apps as you want into the zip file. everything inside the data\app folder will be installed
Sent from my rooted X10i using XDA App
Hello all. Ihave a problem with xRecovery 0.2 (the last release) when I reboot my phone holding the back button a few moments after the SE Logo appears, it doesn't work. I've installed it with the xRecovery installer and with the FlashTool with BusyBox 1.17 installed. I'm on a X10 2.1 Generic . Thaks
Gugoo said:
Hello all. Ihave a problem with xRecovery 0.2 (the last release) when I reboot my phone holding the back button a few moments after the SE Logo appears, it doesn't work. I've installed it with the xRecovery installer and with the FlashTool with BusyBox 1.17 installed. I'm on a X10 2.1 Generic . Thaks
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Firstly, the xRecovery depends upon its version of busybox. In the version I use it is 1. 15. 3
So re-install xRecovery(just in case).
Secondly, u don't hv to keep the back key pressed but tap it a few times repeatedly during the screen with "Sony Ericsson" logo.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my X10i on zdzihu's 2.2.1(beta3) using XDA App
thanks for the info!
kloud_ said:
Secondly, u don't hv to keep the back key pressed but tap it a few times repeatedly during the screen with "Sony Ericsson" logo.
Hope this helps.
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Thx but that doesn't working =(
it works ! thx
bro i need your help... im using froyo custom rom on my x10.. now i need to install backup & restore apps but it said apps cannot installed. so how to install it using xrecovery... i have the apk as well.. but i think the apk is for Eclair.
Sof_600 said:
bro i need your help... im using froyo custom rom on my x10.. now i need to install backup & restore apps but it said apps cannot installed. so how to install it using xrecovery... i have the apk as well.. but i think the apk is for Eclair.
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sorry, backup and restore only works with stock se rom and mods based on it (like kx10 or blue sparks,...). it's impossible to install on any 2.2/2. 3 or 2.1 AOSP rom.
Sent from my rooted X10i using XDA App
in deed only have to press twice.. (press one..wait one sec then press again and release...and wait for the terminal to popup) voilà!
hey im having a problem.
I know that you will say "this belong to another thread" but since this way i can trick the thing and install again the system apps like the Package administrator etc, i need to know what to do in mi case with this method:
mi BETA3 was working smooth!
iv been using the BETA3 a long time but some days ago, suddently i couldn't install apps anymore (thouse that are in mi SD or frome the market...not even Applanet...nothing)
The screen shows the "barber shop black and white" bar rolling and rolling and never stop.
Mi USB detection is not working, that means that mi PC is recognazing the phone (it sound like a UYSB is been conected) but never apear the folder of the SD. nto even options of debugging usb etc in the notification bar of the device.
and when i get in Settings> runing aplications, all aplication are in "calculating..." mode. so they say 00 mb. and never stop triying to get the numbers. its so odd.
the other aplication (that came installed with the BETA) works fine.
I have tryed, erasing the firmwares and isntalling them from the beginning and everything worked fine with old firms like 2.0 and 2.1 update1. too!
then i do the root (first z4root, then busybox, then xRecovery) and make xrecovery work. install the beta 3, and again i can't do anything.
i triyed installing the BETA4 but never stop rebooting so i just yield and stick with BETA3.
any idea..plzzz!!! i really don't whon't to use's just so ugly!!
it's not working on mi xRecovery. i put the apps insinde app folder of thwe .zip and put it in a random folder of mi SD, then do >the Recovery > install>Choose from SD card>confirm install the selected "".
and it say:
Finding update package.....
opening update package.....
E i asume E means Error!) can't open blablabla/blblabla folder/ (bad)
installation Abnorted.
i asume iv done something wrong...!?!?
PS: BTW can somebody sen me the original .apk of FROYO bwecasue i can't find them , to use the

Unknown folder in the root of internal memory?!

Hey guys.
I'm a bit intrigued. There's an unknown folder in the root of my phone's internal memory. I delete it every few weeks when I check the storage and sweep all the junk I might find in there.
Here's the folder structure.
GT-I9505\Internal storage\.sp\.94\.743\.cache\LazyList.
Inside that last folder (LazyList), there's a 23 KB file named 663014360. It has no extension. Opening it with Notepad / WordPad reveals a lot of unreadable characters (of course...).
I am having a hard time tracing it back to any app (if it's an app that's creating it, or the ROM itsellf ).
Does anyone here know what this .sp sh*t is all about...?
For what it's worth, I am running the latest SlimKat ROM.
Formhault said:
Hey guys.
I'm a bit intrigued. There's an unknown folder in the root of my phone's internal memory. I delete it every few weeks when I check the storage and sweep all the junk I might find in there.
Here's the folder structure.
GT-I9505\Internal storage\.sp\.94\.743\.cache\LazyList.
Inside that last folder (LazyList), there's a 23 KB file named 663014360. It has no extension. Opening it with Notepad / WordPad reveals a lot of unreadable characters (of course...).
I am having a hard time tracing it back to any app (if it's an app that's creating it, or the ROM itsellf ).
Does anyone here know what this .sp sh*t is all about...?
For what it's worth, I am running the latest SlimKat ROM.
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try this app -
Sent from my GT-I9500
Formhault said:
Hey guys.
I'm a bit intrigued. There's an unknown folder in the root of my phone's internal memory. I delete it every few weeks when I check the storage and sweep all the junk I might find in there.
Here's the folder structure.
GT-I9505\Internal storage\.sp\.94\.743\.cache\LazyList.
Inside that last folder (LazyList), there's a 23 KB file named 663014360. It has no extension. Opening it with Notepad / WordPad reveals a lot of unreadable characters (of course...).
I am having a hard time tracing it back to any app (if it's an app that's creating it, or the ROM itsellf ).
Does anyone here know what this .sp sh*t is all about...?
For what it's worth, I am running the latest SlimKat ROM.
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It is very good that although you are deleting the launcher's (or some other app) cache, it restores it.
I can understand that you're mad about it and you would like that your launcher (or app) shall not create any cache and consequently would work slower.
As well I appreciate your huge work with tracing it (5th link in google search provides the answer what is it).
If you really care what is, your work would be pretty simple. Factory reset your phone, start each built in ROM app and check the folder after. Then, install your apps one by one, starting each of it and each time after closure checking the folder. Easy. said:
try this app -
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Sorry, but that app is of no use to me since the file in question has no extension.
spamtrash said:
It is very good that although you are deleting the launcher's (or some other app) cache, it restores it.
I can understand that you're mad about it and you would like that your launcher (or app) shall not create any cache and consequently would work slower.
As well I appreciate your huge work with tracing it (5th link in google search provides the answer what is it).
If you really care what is, your work would be pretty simple. Factory reset your phone, start each built in ROM app and check the folder after. Then, install your apps one by one, starting each of it and each time after closure checking the folder. Easy.
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What exactly did you use as a search term on Google?
I know most apps create folders that are legible ( Buth with this given specific folder's structure, I don't know what it could be.
For what it's worth, I have been trying to find an answer to this for some months. But only now I made a topic about it. I did my research, which turned out nothing... :/
Formhault said:
. I did my research, which turned out nothing... :/
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Have you:
wiped your phone, and then used titanium backup for freezing each app, restoring it, and verifying which one creates it? did you repeated the same for each installed by you app? Well, if this folder/file is NOT created by one application (or installed, or embedded into the ROM), then only one explanation is that your phone is used by E.T at night while he "phone home" and this is his encrypted message.:cyclops:
about extension/filetype:does the file have header?
spamtrash said:
Have you:
wiped your phone, and then used titanium backup for freezing each app, restoring it, and verifying which one creates it? did you repeated the same for each installed by you app? Well, if this folder/file is NOT created by one application (or installed, or embedded into the ROM), then only one explanation is that your phone is used by E.T at night while he "phone home" and this is his encrypted message.:cyclops:
about extension/filetype:does the file have header?
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You know where that .sp folder comes from? Perhaps you were able to find something on Google that I didn't all this time...
I don't know what that header is / should be...
I know I could wipe all and start over again and check each app... But that's too time consuming... Hence I am asking here.
Formhault said:
You know where that .sp folder comes from? Perhaps you were able to find something on Google that I didn't all this time...
I don't know what that header is / should be...
I know I could wipe all and start over again and check each app... But that's too time consuming... Hence I am asking here.
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1. No idea which particular app makes the cache file, but it is clear that it is cach for one app you have installed, or one you have embedded in ROM.
2. Header is the two first bytes of file in the notepad viewer: for example, PK is characteristic for zip files and by changing the extension you could see what's inside.
3. No one who does not have your ROM AND your specific set of apps installed would be able to provide the answer, therefore without doing your homework, it is unlikely that you'd have information you want.
spamtrash said:
1. No idea which particular app makes the cache file, but it is clear that it is cach for one app you have installed, or one you have embedded in ROM.
2. Header is the two first bytes of file in the notepad viewer: for example, PK is characteristic for zip files and by changing the extension you could see what's inside.
3. No one who does not have your ROM AND your specific set of apps installed would be able to provide the answer, therefore without doing your homework, it is unlikely that you'd have information you want.
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Well, I don't really know what homework I should do here, as the folder structure is weird (come on, just numbers? ) and the file has no obvious meaning whatsoever. I'm usually a tech guy, but when all I see is numbers, I'm really not that wise... :silly:
Since I know for a fact that I don't have any rogue apps installed, guess I should leave it be and carry on.
But anyway, just for the heck of it, I opened the file in Notepad. Here's the first line (as seen in Notepad, lol).
ÿØÿà JFIF ÿÛ „
(1#%(:3=<[email protected]\[email protected]_bghg>Mqypdx
I'm sorry, but this is way out of my league. :/
Mod Edit
Thread closed at the request of the [OP]
Forum Moderator

Lumia 950/950XL Service level execution

I've been able to use vcREG 1.5 on a 950XL to execute any exe file via services.exe, except it's getting stopped by Code Integrity. That's also why putting older NdtkSvc.dll doesn't work on the newer phone (aside from the fact that it has to be in c:\windows). I thought oh maybe any valid arm executable signed by microsoft would be enough, so I copied some executables from the Raspberry Pi Windows 10 IoT image, but I could only get them to run inside the app sandbox because they weren't in the system catalog :'(
21-March-2016 15:04:08.339601 0x000003D4 0x00000F88 Verbose Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity Code Integrity completed validating file hash. Status 0xC0000428.
21-March-2016 15:04:08.339631 0x000003D4 0x00000F88 Error Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume37\Windows\System32\services.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume39\WPSystem\ftpd.exe that did not meet the Windows signing level requirements.
So now the trick is to find an executable on the system that currently exists, that can be used to gain further access... I've been trying various things like OOBE stuff etc without any luck so far.
Hoping someone else has some ideas... maybe even executing a dll function to import registry from a file or something directly, then we could unlock interop on 950's..
Great work
maybe you can MTP your 950/950xl and look for the files in the \windows folder
Can you tell me how to execute a exe via services.exe ? Thanks?
naiple said:
Can you tell me how to execute a exe via services.exe ? Thanks?
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use vcREG1.5 to edit HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\NlpmService\ImagePath
Change it to whatever executable you want, reboot and it will run as LOCAL SYSTEM, provided that it is signed correctly.
NOTE: Changing this will stop your Glance screen from working, so take note of the original value and restore it after you are done if you use glance.
megasounds said:
Great work
maybe you can MTP your 950/950xl and look for the files in the \windows folder
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Actually using MTP isn't the best thing for that, because you are missing out on more than half of the available executable files as they are not viewable via MTP on 950/XL due to permissions. It's best to mount the FFU image and look around that way.
I have already looked and tested most of them, thus why I was asking if anyone else had some ideas.
darkfires said:
use vcREG1.5 to edit HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\NlpmService\ImagePath
Change it to whatever executable you want, reboot and it will run as LOCAL SYSTEM, provided that it is signed correctly.
NOTE: Changing this will stop your Glance screen from working, so take note of the original value and restore it after you are done if you use glance.
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Thanks! I will try it on my lumia
darkfires said:
use vcREG1.5 to edit HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\NlpmService\ImagePath
Change it to whatever executable you want, reboot and it will run as LOCAL SYSTEM, provided that it is signed correctly.
NOTE: Changing this will stop your Glance screen from working, so take note of the original value and restore it after you are done if you use glance.
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I can't find NlpmService because my lumia730 don't have a Glance screen ... is there any way else to run a exe?
naiple said:
I can't find NlpmService because my lumia730 don't have a Glance screen ... is there any way else to run a exe?
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I only decompiled the NdtkSvc on 950XL, the one on 730 might be different. But to answer your question there is only one other way, and it will kill USB so you won't be able to connect to it via PC at all until you reverse the change. If you post your NdtkSvc.dll I can check it for you.
darkfires said:
I only decompiled the NdtkSvc on 950XL, the one on 730 might be different. But to answer your question there is only one other way, and it will kill USB so you won't be able to connect to it via PC at all until you reverse the change. If you post your NdtkSvc.dll I can check it for you.
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Ahh, i find the Nlpmservice. Don't know why i cant find it yesterday... And if you need any thing(unlocked bootloader, uefi...) from 730 or 540 i can post it, both are prototype and can enter massStorage. Hope i can help you. Thank you for the answer
naiple said:
Ahh, i find the Nlpmservice. Don't know why i cant find it yesterday... And if you need any thing(unlocked bootloader, uefi...) from 730 or 540 i can post it, both are prototype and can enter massStorage. Hope i can help you. Thank you for the answer
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I'm trying to do something different and I found this topic so if you still have these devices can you extract NlpmService.dll file from System32 and upload it here for me?

Any way to get file from non-rooted G5 Plus using PC?

There's a file I need from my phone, but I cannot access it as it requires root and my device is not rooted and never has been. When I read rooting guides they all state to do a wipe. Is there any way to get the file from my phone using my PC even if my phone isn't rooted?
Not sure by your vague description, but do a search of QPST and its sub program QFIL as it is Qualcomm's set of tools for development and working with their chipsets.
[email protected] said:
Not sure by your vague description, but do a search of QPST and its sub program QFIL as it is Qualcomm's set of tools for development and working with their chipsets.
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Vague description?
- There is a file on my phone that I want to copy to my computer
- I am unable to access the file on my phone because it is in a location that requires root
- My phone is not rooted
My question is, is there a method using my pc to access the file even if my phone is not rooted? And if so, what is that method? I'm asking if my PC can get root access to files on my phone even if my phone is not rooted.
devvshukla said:
Is the "file" in [root]/data/ or [root]/system/ or it's in your internal storage and your device is locked down?
If internal then there is no way as it is encrypted.
You can copy some of them from system storage, try some file managers eg FX. I could copy the system apps with their lib from /System/apps to my SD Card.
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I'm not sure where it's located. I was given this info from Roboform support. It's a password manager.
"By default it would be RoboForm/_user-data.rfo on your device if you have root access, the folder location itself varies from device to device."
With FX File Manager I can find two Roboform related folders, but access to both is denied without having root. Their locations are:
If you're looking for wifi passwords, and it sounds like that's what you're after, you're not going to be able to get them without root access.
Sent from my Acer Chromebook R11 (CB5-132T / C738T) using Tapatalk
riggerman0421 said:
If you're looking for wifi passwords, and it sounds like that's what you're after, you're not going to be able to get them without root access.
Sent from my Acer Chromebook R11 (CB5-132T / C738T) using Tapatalk
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I already stated what the file is. It's my own user data from the password manager app Roboform. I need the file to import the data into the PC version, as my user data was lost. As long as I don't sync the phone app, I still have all of my 211 site logins/passwords saved... but there is no way to recover the data to the PC app without getting that file.
Isn't there a PC app that can create a 1:1 image of everything on my phone, and then another that can open the image to view the files? Or a way to root without having to lose the data in the process?
I'm just trying to avoid having to manually input every single one of my logins & passwords manually, but will if there's no other way. I've gotten about 40 done so far but quit until I got an answer here.
maybe you can use adb to pull the files
plastic_green_head said:
Vague description?
- There is a file on my phone that I want to copy to my computer
- I am unable to access the file on my phone because it is in a location that requires root
- My phone is not rooted
My question is, is there a method using my pc to access the file even if my phone is not rooted? And if so, what is that method? I'm asking if my PC can get root access to files on my phone even if my phone is not rooted.
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Vague in that you did not say it was in
in your first post. As I posted, QFIL can dump the whole chipset, but getting it to work, and then extracting right file with a hex editor, is pretty involved.
Another option is to try using ADB backup. If the app allows itself to be backed up, then you may be able to extract the relevant files from the backup.
plastic_green_head said:
There's a file I need from my phone, but I cannot access it as it requires root and my device is not rooted and never has been. When I read rooting guides they all state to do a wipe. Is there any way to get the file from my phone using my PC even if my phone isn't rooted?
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Hey, just use Moto lenovo software assistant and back up the file into pc and then access with your computer.
riyan65 said:
Hey, just use Moto lenovo software assistant and back up the file into pc and then access with your computer.
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That won't work as it doesn't provide root access.
42o247 said:
maybe you can use adb to pull the files
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[email protected] said:
Vague in that you did not say it was in
in your first post. As I posted, QFIL can dump the whole chipset, but getting it to work, and then extracting right file with a hex editor, is pretty involved.
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NZedPred said:
Another option is to try using ADB backup. If the app allows itself to be backed up, then you may be able to extract the relevant files from the backup.
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Thanks. I don't think I'll mess with QFIL but will give ADB backup a go.
plastic_green_head said:
That won't work as it doesn't provide root access.
Vague in that you did not say it was in
Thanks. I don't think I'll mess with QFIL but will give ADB backup a go.
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You are not vague... simply wrong!
You need the data belonging to an app so if the phone is not rooted and the app isn't a system app their data is under /data/data/APPNAME/
The Lenovo Assistant does an adb backup,nothing more and nothing less.
nicolap8 said:
You are not vague... simply wrong!
You need the data belonging to an app so if the phone is not rooted and the app isn't a system app their data is under /data/data/APPNAME/
The Lenovo Assistant does an adb backup,nothing more and nothing less.
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Zero idea what you're trying to say there. You also quoted me as saying something that another poster said. What exactly am I "simply wrong!" about? I stated that I can see the location of the folders on my phone, but that I cannot enter into the folders because I do not have root access. "Access Denied". Someone told me to use Lenovo MOTO Smart Assistant, so I figured they were telling me to simply use it to browse my phones directory and copy the file to my computer. Naturally, if I browse my phone with the app it does not give me root access, thus I am unable to even see data/app/APPNAME or data/data/APPNAME. The person who suggested it did not mention anything about using it to create a backup. You stated that it "does an adb backup,nothing more and nothing less." which is completely incorrect. You're the one that's wrong here. The assistant does NOT do a complete adb backup. In fact the only things you can backup using it are contacts, sms, pics, music, video, and apps. Plus it does much more. Not "nothing more and nothing less" as you stated.
Roboform creates folders in the system partition. Are you telling me I'm wrong about where the folders are located? Wrong that the assistant app doesn't even let me see system folders? Wrong that it can't be used to create a full backup? Wrong that it does more than let you back up non-system files? Because I'm not wrong about a single one of those things.
Soooooooo. That brings me to having a full backup using adb command line, but no way to extract it's contents. I tried this but the unpack feature does absolutely nothing & the main interface doesn't even see my phone. Not to mention the install is bug ridden. It creates folders in the wrong locations & with the wrong names, so I needed to manually rename & move files because the app would crash trying to find files needed to run.
Is there any way to easily unpack the backup? If not I'll just give up on this and manually input the remaining 100+ passwords one by one from my phones screen to my PC. LoL.
plastic_green_head said:
Roboform creates folders in the system partition.
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I don't think so! No app modifies /system, it requires root access to do.
Your data is in /data/data/roboform folder.
Do the backup:
Unpack the data:
nicolap8 said:
I don't think so! No app modifies /system, it requires root access to do.
Your data is in /data/data/roboform folder.
Do the backup:
Unpack the data:
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Didn't need the first link. I said I already have an adb backup. You still didn't tell me what I was previously wrong about. The file locations? I'm going by where FX File Manager tells me it's located, which says System/data/app. Does it really matter anyway? I see them, I just can't open them without rooting & once I get the extracting stuff set up I will know where to look for them. A 100% technically (in)accurate location name was irrelevant to even point out as being "not vague, just wrong".
plastic_green_head said:
Didn't need the first link. I said I already have an adb backup. You still didn't tell me what I was previously wrong about. The file locations? I'm going by where FX File Manager tells me it's located, which says System/data/app. Does it really matter anyway? I see them, I just can't open them without rooting & once I get the extracting stuff set up I will know where to look for them. A 100% technically (in)accurate location name was irrelevant to even point out as being "not vague, just wrong".
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This is relevant, the Roboform app
a) was installed by you
b) it's an app that already was on phone
