Unknown folder in the root of internal memory?! - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys.
I'm a bit intrigued. There's an unknown folder in the root of my phone's internal memory. I delete it every few weeks when I check the storage and sweep all the junk I might find in there.
Here's the folder structure.
GT-I9505\Internal storage\.sp\.94\.743\.cache\LazyList.
Inside that last folder (LazyList), there's a 23 KB file named 663014360. It has no extension. Opening it with Notepad / WordPad reveals a lot of unreadable characters (of course...).
I am having a hard time tracing it back to any app (if it's an app that's creating it, or the ROM itsellf ).
Does anyone here know what this .sp sh*t is all about...?
For what it's worth, I am running the latest SlimKat ROM.

Formhault said:
Hey guys.
I'm a bit intrigued. There's an unknown folder in the root of my phone's internal memory. I delete it every few weeks when I check the storage and sweep all the junk I might find in there.
Here's the folder structure.
GT-I9505\Internal storage\.sp\.94\.743\.cache\LazyList.
Inside that last folder (LazyList), there's a 23 KB file named 663014360. It has no extension. Opening it with Notepad / WordPad reveals a lot of unreadable characters (of course...).
I am having a hard time tracing it back to any app (if it's an app that's creating it, or the ROM itsellf ).
Does anyone here know what this .sp sh*t is all about...?
For what it's worth, I am running the latest SlimKat ROM.
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try this app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kokanes.fileextensiondirectory
Sent from my GT-I9500

Formhault said:
Hey guys.
I'm a bit intrigued. There's an unknown folder in the root of my phone's internal memory. I delete it every few weeks when I check the storage and sweep all the junk I might find in there.
Here's the folder structure.
GT-I9505\Internal storage\.sp\.94\.743\.cache\LazyList.
Inside that last folder (LazyList), there's a 23 KB file named 663014360. It has no extension. Opening it with Notepad / WordPad reveals a lot of unreadable characters (of course...).
I am having a hard time tracing it back to any app (if it's an app that's creating it, or the ROM itsellf ).
Does anyone here know what this .sp sh*t is all about...?
For what it's worth, I am running the latest SlimKat ROM.
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It is very good that although you are deleting the launcher's (or some other app) cache, it restores it.
I can understand that you're mad about it and you would like that your launcher (or app) shall not create any cache and consequently would work slower.
As well I appreciate your huge work with tracing it (5th link in google search provides the answer what is it).
If you really care what is, your work would be pretty simple. Factory reset your phone, start each built in ROM app and check the folder after. Then, install your apps one by one, starting each of it and each time after closure checking the folder. Easy.

anu.cool said:
try this app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kokanes.fileextensiondirectory
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Sorry, but that app is of no use to me since the file in question has no extension.

spamtrash said:
It is very good that although you are deleting the launcher's (or some other app) cache, it restores it.
I can understand that you're mad about it and you would like that your launcher (or app) shall not create any cache and consequently would work slower.
As well I appreciate your huge work with tracing it (5th link in google search provides the answer what is it).
If you really care what is, your work would be pretty simple. Factory reset your phone, start each built in ROM app and check the folder after. Then, install your apps one by one, starting each of it and each time after closure checking the folder. Easy.
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What exactly did you use as a search term on Google?
I know most apps create folders that are legible (com.android.thisgameproducer). Buth with this given specific folder's structure, I don't know what it could be.
For what it's worth, I have been trying to find an answer to this for some months. But only now I made a topic about it. I did my research, which turned out nothing... :/

Formhault said:
. I did my research, which turned out nothing... :/
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Have you:
wiped your phone, and then used titanium backup for freezing each app, restoring it, and verifying which one creates it? did you repeated the same for each installed by you app? Well, if this folder/file is NOT created by one application (or installed, or embedded into the ROM), then only one explanation is that your phone is used by E.T at night while he "phone home" and this is his encrypted message.:cyclops:
about extension/filetype:does the file have header?

spamtrash said:
Have you:
wiped your phone, and then used titanium backup for freezing each app, restoring it, and verifying which one creates it? did you repeated the same for each installed by you app? Well, if this folder/file is NOT created by one application (or installed, or embedded into the ROM), then only one explanation is that your phone is used by E.T at night while he "phone home" and this is his encrypted message.:cyclops:
about extension/filetype:does the file have header?
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You know where that .sp folder comes from? Perhaps you were able to find something on Google that I didn't all this time...
I don't know what that header is / should be...
I know I could wipe all and start over again and check each app... But that's too time consuming... Hence I am asking here.

Formhault said:
You know where that .sp folder comes from? Perhaps you were able to find something on Google that I didn't all this time...
I don't know what that header is / should be...
I know I could wipe all and start over again and check each app... But that's too time consuming... Hence I am asking here.
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1. No idea which particular app makes the cache file, but it is clear that it is cach for one app you have installed, or one you have embedded in ROM.
2. Header is the two first bytes of file in the notepad viewer: for example, PK is characteristic for zip files and by changing the extension you could see what's inside.
3. No one who does not have your ROM AND your specific set of apps installed would be able to provide the answer, therefore without doing your homework, it is unlikely that you'd have information you want.

spamtrash said:
1. No idea which particular app makes the cache file, but it is clear that it is cach for one app you have installed, or one you have embedded in ROM.
2. Header is the two first bytes of file in the notepad viewer: for example, PK is characteristic for zip files and by changing the extension you could see what's inside.
3. No one who does not have your ROM AND your specific set of apps installed would be able to provide the answer, therefore without doing your homework, it is unlikely that you'd have information you want.
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Well, I don't really know what homework I should do here, as the folder structure is weird (come on, just numbers? ) and the file has no obvious meaning whatsoever. I'm usually a tech guy, but when all I see is numbers, I'm really not that wise... :silly:
Since I know for a fact that I don't have any rogue apps installed, guess I should leave it be and carry on.
But anyway, just for the heck of it, I opened the file in Notepad. Here's the first line (as seen in Notepad, lol).
ÿØÿà JFIF ÿÛ „
(1#%(:3=<[email protected]\[email protected]_bghg>Mqypdx
I'm sorry, but this is way out of my league. :/

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Anyone have Polaris Office working?

I have the tablet version .apk installed that was posted in the collection of Transformer apps, I think in the Xoom forum. Anyways, it opens fine before it force closes, but when I try to open my resume it crashes. I tried installing it outright and also putting in system/app. Both ways give the same results, it opens then crashes when opening a file. I cleared the data, reset the device, nothing.
jkuhna3449 said:
I have the tablet version .apk installed that was posted in the collection of Transformer apps, I think in the Xoom forum. Anyways, it opens fine before it force closes, but when I try to open my resume it crashes. I tried installing it outright and also putting in system/app. Both ways give the same results, it opens then crashes when opening a file. I cleared the data, reset the device, nothing.
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Did you check the apk details to see if there's some sort of license/drm check?
Many apps and games are now coming with a license check, just like computer software to make certain people aren't pirating them. Something could be checking for a serial number.
I don't know if that's a paid version too. If so, I'm pretty sure discussing pirated apps is against ToS. If it's a freely available thing then, no worries. I'm waiting, maybe forever for a LibreOffice port to Android. Probably be a long while, dunno how well Dalvik and something that big would play together.
muqali said:
I don't know if that's a paid version too. If so, I'm pretty sure discussing pirated apps is against ToS. If it's a freely available thing then, no worries. I'm waiting, maybe forever for a LibreOffice port to Android. Probably be a long while, dunno how well Dalvik and something that big would play together.
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That's true, it may be a paid app. If so I'm not trying to do anything that's frowned upon here. I do know that the app isn't available in the market yet. I think I'm gonna put this off for a while and see what happens with the official release because it's obviously not working right now.
From what little I can learn Polaris Office comes preiinstalled on the Transformer tablet only. I found advice that I needed to move two lib files over to system/lib to make it work. Well I only found one lib file, copied to system/lib and still crashes. I can get it display some stuff but it won't let me start a new doc or read an exist in doc. There are some nice YouTube videos showing how it works, and it looks real nice. I hope some can figure it out.
Look at this post. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1114100
The two files are libpolarisoffice_Clipboard.so and libpolarisoffice.so. It works fine for me without any FCs.
Yep, It Works For Me Too..
but you have to push the two lib files to system/lib using ADB (or Root Explorer)
Thanks for the names of the two file...it works! I am amazed at how this info is found and shared
bpivk said:
Look at this post. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1114100
The two files are libpolarisoffice_Clipboard.so and libpolarisoffice.so. It works fine for me without any FCs.
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Perfect, thank you. I knew there had to be a way.
However (you just knew there was going to be a however!), Polaris Office loads OK, but many of the functions don't work. For example I am able to type in text for a new document but very few of the tools at the top work and I can't highlight any portions of the text. There must still be something missing to make it work correctly. When I do a check for updates within the program it says I am up to date. Any one else seeing these problems?
daveheine said:
However (you just knew there was going to be a however!), Polaris Office loads OK, but many of the functions don't work. For example I am able to type in text for a new document but very few of the tools at the top work and I can't highlight any portions of the text. There must still be something missing to make it work correctly. When I do a check for updates within the program it says I am up to date. Any one else seeing these problems?
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Seems to be OK for me, I've had it running for nearly 2 weeks now. What functions specifically aren't working for you? I'll try them on mine...
I found a couple of YouTube videos by andyxover that I was able to try out. I could do all of his examples.
The problems/limitations that jumped out at me were
(1) you can not move pictures around in a document (MS Word limits you also)
(2) in spreadsheets you have to type in the blind when you are making enties into boxes
I need to ply around more to get a better feel for this UI.
daveheine said:
I found a couple of YouTube videos by andyxover that I was able to try out. I could do all of his examples.
The problems/limitations that jumped out at me were
(1) you can not move pictures around in a document (MS Word limits you also)
(2) in spreadsheets you have to type in the blind when you are making enties into boxes
I need to ply around more to get a better feel for this UI.
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1. Yes you can. Single tap on the image and it will select.. Then you can move it where you want within reason.
2. There is no "in cell" editing. Editing is in the text box at the top of the screen.
bpivk said:
Look at this post. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1114100
The two files are libpolarisoffice_Clipboard.so and libpolarisoffice.so. It works fine for me without any FCs.
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Hello, I was readig your posts looking for help and maybe you can help me, as I can see you solved the problem.
I have an Acer Iconia A500 w/Honeycomb and tryed to install Polaris Office.
I donwloaded the P.O. files and read the txt file: (Using root explorer or adb, push the two lib files to system/lib.).
Downloaded and install rootexplorer, copy to pen drive "lib files", opened rootexplorer, copied lib files then went to System File, opened lib file, did hit paste and a warning message says this file is reading only.
I began to investigate and found that needed to root the device, I did it and tested with root checker, it said it was rooted succesfully, and then repited the hole process, again, read only file.
I was reading posts and found that what I think is the problem, "Fix permissions", so it let me paste the 2 lib files. But still havent found the answer to this. Is there a step I missed? or I'm just doing it all wrong?
I thought if I could find the way to solve the "fix permissions" problem and could paste the 2 lib files in System/lib folder it would be the solution, but can´t paste the 2 files. What should I do?
Thanks in advance for reading and helping me.
It's kind of funny.
You've missed an option in Rootexplorer. It has a button on the top corner that says "Mount R/W" press it and copy the files. You have an old version of rootexplorer if it doesn't have that option.
Ok, here goes:
OPEN Rootexplorer,
top right is the Remount as R/W button, click on it and it changes to Remount R/O
found MNT folder and click, foun usb_storage folder and click,
found the folder I made with 2 lib files and click,
Multiselect and mark: libpolarisoffice.so and libpolarisoffice_Clipboard.so files and Copy
Back to System folder and then to lib folder, click PASTE and " You cannot paste here because the file system is read-only.
What happen??? What am I doing wrong?
aero2much said:
Ok, here goes:
OPEN Rootexplorer,
top right is the Remount as R/W button, click on it and it changes to Remount R/O
found MNT folder and click, foun usb_storage folder and click,
found the folder I made with 2 lib files and click,
Multiselect and mark: libpolarisoffice.so and libpolarisoffice_Clipboard.so files and Copy
Back to System folder and then to lib folder, click PASTE and " You cannot paste here because the file system is read-only.
What happen??? What am I doing wrong?
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By the way, the 2 lib files have an icon in golden color with a star i brown color, would it mean something?
aero2much said:
By the way, the 2 lib files have an icon in golden color with a star i brown color, would it mean something?
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Opened the system file folder, found the lib file folder, opened and tried to paste:
the same answer "You cannot paste here because the system file is read-only"
But I noticed something, when I click R/W it changes to R/O, when I open system folder to Paste the Remount automaticaly changes to R/W again after it was R/O, I don´t know if it something important to this case, afted denied access I cilk the remount button again, just to see if it changes to R/O, but it doesn´t.
I usually just copy the files and then press the r/w button and paste. I don't leave the folders. You shouldn't have problems if you're rooted.
bpivk said:
I usually just copy the files and then press the r/w button and paste. I don't leave the folders. You shouldn't have problems if you're rooted.
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Just double check with rootchecker and it says I have root access.
I don't know! Maybe is not for me this time.
Thanks a lot for your time

Where are the installed apps stored on the NC running from eMMC?

Does anyone know where those installed-apps getting stored on the Nook?
I thought they stored in /system/app but when browsing there, it only seems having those built-in apps such calendar, email, market, ...., and not those that manually downloaded and installed such google earth, astro, ...
votinh said:
Does anyone know where those installed-apps getting stored on the Nook?
I thought they stored in /system/app but when browsing there, it only seems having those built-in apps such calendar, email, market, ...., and not those that manually downloaded and installed such google earth, astro, ...
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If you have a SD card installed, it depends on the app. There is a setting in CM settings for applications to by default it set to automatic. In that case, the app chooses where it wants to install. You can change it to card or internal. I believe there is also an internal partition that mimics SD so they may be going there. I don't have mine with me to look right now. Perhaps someone can provide more detail.
If you're just looking for the apk, I usually get the path via package manager in terminal.
Open terminal (or adb shell) then enter the following command
pm list packages
This will show a list of packages for the system installed. They are usually named com.android.application.name (that an example) or similar, so its easy to find which one you want. After you find the appropriate package you can use the following command to find where it is location
pm path com.android.application.name
It should spit out the path and you can find it via file manager or anything else.
I'm sure there is an easier way to do it, but that usually works for me.
Big thanks to both patruns and biohazrd for your quick response.
I tend to use my NC w/o an uSD card, so no, I don't have it installed.
Yes, I am aware of the "application" setting and I did set it to "internal" from the default "automatic".
I keep thinking they were stored under /system/app but apparently not.
If you do have time, pls help with the answer. TIA
Never think of that way. I'll definitely try it out, hopefully I can learn something new.
Thanks, m8
votinh said:
Does anyone know where those installed-apps getting stored on the Nook?
I thought they stored in /system/app but when browsing there, it only seems having those built-in apps such calendar, email, market, ...., and not those that manually downloaded and installed such google earth, astro, ...
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If you're looking for the .apk files for stuff for installed apps, they're in /data/app.
Downloaded apps (like a beta linked from a webpage) land in /sdcard/download (at least with the default browser), but the .apk in /data/app gets overwritten when you install.
At least, that's what the sizes and mod times on the files would indicate, and the only obvious jarfiles I can find are from Apparatus (in /sdcard/Apparatus) and in /system/framework.
If you're looking for app config info and minor storage, that's in /data/data, in a stylized tree that (I suspect) lets the app manager find and clear an app's data and cache when you tell it to, and in /sdcard for some apps.
I'm having a hard time making things put their data in /emmc, but the default music player finds .mp3 files in /emmc/My Files/Music automagically.
The app framework hides much of this inside abstracted APIs, so the app itself may not actually know where its files are. Try getting a filename out of the Music app...
stolenmoment said:
If you're looking for the .apk files for stuff for installed apps, they're in /data/app.
Downloaded apps (like a beta linked from a webpage) land in /sdcard/download (at least with the default browser), but the .apk in /data/app gets overwritten when you install.
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.apk files are what I am looking for. I'll look into the /data/app folder.
You meant, I won't be able to get those .apk files from the /data/app folder after installed since they gets over-written?
Thanks stolenmoment
I found .apk files in 2 locations:
mnt/asec & system/app
stolenmoment said:
If you're looking for the .apk files for stuff for installed apps, they're in /data/app.
Downloaded apps (like a beta linked from a webpage) land in /sdcard/download (at least with the default browser), but the .apk in /data/app gets overwritten when you install.
At least, that's what the sizes and mod times on the files would indicate, and the only obvious jarfiles I can find are from Apparatus (in /sdcard/Apparatus) and in /system/framework.
If you're looking for app config info and minor storage, that's in /data/data, in a stylized tree that (I suspect) lets the app manager find and clear an app's data and cache when you tell it to, and in /sdcard for some apps.
I'm having a hard time making things put their data in /emmc, but the default music player finds .mp3 files in /emmc/My Files/Music automagically.
The app framework hides much of this inside abstracted APIs, so the app itself may not actually know where its files are. Try getting a filename out of the Music app...
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/data folder is empty. Nothing in there.
/sdcard/download. I don't have an external uSD installed so /sdcard is empty.
I don't even know where those downloaded apps stored.
patruns said:
I found .apk files in 2 locations:
mnt/asec & system/app
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/mnt/asec is empty and nothing in there.
/system/app has a lot of .apk files but all of them are the built-in apps, not the manually downloaded apps.
Maybe stolen was right as they got over-written after installed.
I did what biohazrd instructed and sure enough, all the .apk files (packages actually) are indicated storing under /data/app, which exactly what stolen has said earlier.
How come I see NOTHING there. I'm sure I am not blind as I tried both Astro Manager and built-in File Manager.
Are you sure you gave the file manager root permissions? You can usually find this in settings.
- Sent from my LG Optimus V using Tapatalk
votinh said:
I did what biohazrd instructed and sure enough, all the .apk files (packages actually) are indicated storing under /data/app, which exactly what stolen has said earlier.
How come I see NOTHING there. I'm sure I am not blind as I tried both Astro Manager and built-in File Manager.
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Astro doesn't do root access. For the best filesystem digging, buy Root Explorer. Yes, it's a paid app, but it was the first app I bought; this is why.
Astro claims that /data is empty for me too, but Root Explorer shows me everything.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
votinh said:
/data folder is empty. Nothing in there.
/sdcard/download. I don't have an external uSD installed so /sdcard is empty.
I don't even know where those downloaded apps stored.
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Look in /emmc/download; that's the /media NC partition and is supposed to be treated like an SD card.
If you get Root Explorer, do a find for apk and see what turns up. The .dex files are dalvik "object" files, but they contain the apk filename they were compiled from, so they'll show up in the search results.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
stolenmoment said:
Astro doesn't do root access. For the best filesystem digging, buy Root Explorer. Yes, it's a paid app, but it was the first app I bought; this is why.
Astro claims that /data is empty for me too, but Root Explorer shows me everything.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
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That may be it.
Will do
Thanks m8
stolenmoment said:
Look in /emmc/download; that's the /media NC partition and is supposed to be treated like an SD card.
If you get Root Explorer, do a find for apk and see what turns up. The .dex files are dalvik "object" files, but they contain the apk filename they were compiled from, so they'll show up in the search results.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
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I don't have my NC with me now but I swear to Buddha that I don't have "download" folder under eMMC. Only .LOST (directory?) and some of my own self-created folders.
Anyway, will take a look at it again.
Until I get the Root app, I rest my case here.
Big thanks to all
votinh said:
Until I get the Root app, I rest my case here.
Big thanks to all
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I'm going to assume you want to pull the apks off the device?
biohazrd51 said:
I'm going to assume you want to pull the apks off the device?
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Yes, m8, that's what I intend to do.
In some case, when I boot off the uSD (both CM7 and Honeycomb), some apps were not available on Market for some reason, so I try to get those apk files that currently installed on my NC eMMC for sideloading them later on the uSD boot-off.
votinh said:
Yes, m8, that's what I intend to do.
In some case, when I boot off the uSD (both CM7 and Honeycomb), some apps were not available on Market for some reason, so I try to get those apk files that currently installed on my NC eMMC for sideloading them later on the uSD boot-off.
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Well, there are a few ways to get around that.
1) Use adb to copy the .apk off the device.
adb pull /data/app/nameofapplication.apk c:\locationyouwanttocopyto
Use the push command to send it to it/another device.
2) Another way to get around the new market device restrictions is to uninstall the Market updates OR find an old gapps zip file and sideload vending.apk. Either one of these will revert the market back to old where devices restrictions weren't there.
I know either of these methods will work in CM7. I haven't touched HC so I'm not sure.
Thanks again, bio
Will definitely try it out.
votinh said:
I don't have my NC with me now but I swear to Buddha that I don't have "download" folder under eMMC.
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I humbly apologize for being wrong. I don't have one, either...
Do you have the Downloads app? Does it show any files? You can download things w/o the SD in, right?
I took out my SD and it remembers the downloads, but can't find them.. I'm gonna reboot and play around.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App

[TIP/TRICK] Stop Stock Gallery From Creating .thumbnails Folder! Save SD Card Space!

[TIP/TRICK] Stop Stock Gallery From Creating .thumbnails Folder! Save SD Card Space!
First off, I'll start by saying: "I am not responsible if you brick your phone! Always make a nandroid backup before using my steps/messing with Autostarts! (It's a very powerful application!)"
If you use a 3rd party gallery app (Like QuickPic, my personal favorite...) - You are probably tired of wasting over 100mb of space on your SD card... (And waiting a long time for booting up as well...) I had no need for the /sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails folder taking up space on my SD card, so this is how to disable the stock Gallery app from doing so!
I researched a little on how to accomplish this and came up with little information, so I thought I'd share:
What you'll need:
1.) Autostarts app (I used: Version 1.7.0)
1.) Run Autostarts
2.) Look for these entries: Media ejecting/mounted
3.) Choose either entry (ONLY CHOOSE ONE, IT DOES NOT MATTER WHICH! Choosing one entry will disable both entries in Media ejecting AND Media mounted!)
4.) Click on BootReceiver
5.) Choose Disable (A popup will show saying "This is a system app, are you sure? etc.)
6.) Done! Reboot. On boot, go to /sdcard/DCIM/ and look inside for the usual .thumbnails folder, it should be contained with a few (SMALL) files now!
Note: (Make sure you disable the entry BootReceiver ONCE, it should "strikeout" (as in: draw a line through) the entry BootReceiver, to show it has been disabled on boot.) - zmag
Hmm, seems I just looked in my folder and I saw the darn .thumbnails file again... If anyone knows how to disable the stock Gallery app from wasting boot time & sd space; PLEASE TELL ME!!! - zmag
Well, it looks like this is not a big issue for anyone out there - but it still annoys me.
I have since "frozen" the stock Camera and Gallery apps with Titanium Backup Pro, and still; no luck.
Now, granted when I reboot my phone and look in my DCIM folder it doesn't seem to be creating the .thumbnails folder 100% of the time. But the folder is still being created somehow, and my only guess is from a third-party app (and I can't seem to pinpoint which one) but I'm gonna test to find out which and post my results...
I wish someone out there could give me some input, I've been talking to myself here for too long. - zmag
This isn't the same, but you can create a filetype named '.nomedia' and place it at the root of the folder where you want and it will stop displaying the thumbnails in the gallery app.
OK I believe I may have found the possible solution to this problem.
I was searching around on how to fix this problem as well, and tried a few things myself and believe I have found a solution, so I had to sign up for xda to share with everyone else. So please be gentle as this is my first post, although im a long time lurker.
I also got rid of the stock gallery (uninstalled with Titanium Backup) and now use Quick Pic. although I have removed the stock gallery it still builds that 60mb+ thumbnails directory on my SDcard. I was using SD Maid to delete it but it gets annoying that it kept reappearing even after the uninstall of stock gallery.
Now to start fixing,
I realized it was actually a large single file itself named ".thumbdata3-1967290299" in "sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails/" that was taking up the 60mb+ , the smaller individual thumbnails Quick Pic created only added up to a 1mb or so.
So what I did was I just grabbed a random useless file from my SD card I didn't need anymore (an alarm clock plus backup .bak file, but I would assume the *new file" option in root explorer would do the same) and I renamed the unneeded file the same name as the file in /.thumbdata/ (the the .thumbdata3-19672902099).
Now I had a .thumbdata file that was only 1.75kb and just simply moved it to the sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails/ folder and replaced the 60mb .thumbdata file with the smaller one.
After a few restarts of my phone, opening and browsing Quick Pic, checking my thumbnail size a few times with both SD Maid and Root Explore - I now have a much smaller 1.75kb file instead of the old 60mb file.
Hopefully this well help some of you out and solve your problem as well, as far as I can tell it is no longer making that thumbnail file expand so large on my phone.
Phone: HTC Hero CDMA
ROM: Cyanogenmod 7.1
Carrier: i-wireless/sprint
hewillmakehell said:
OK I believe I may have found the possible solution to this problem.
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i've tried both your copied file trick and making a new file with root explorer, both to no avail. ".thumbdata3--1967290299" always reverts to its old size if any app associated with the gallery is opened.
has yours really stopped reappearing?
i can't figure out where the large thumbnail data is stored, but it must be in the system somewhere...
problem solved
hey i figured out how to fixed this on my atrix. should be the same for all android phones.
There's no "external.db" inside my "com.android.providers.media" folder.
However, I didn't even understood what I was supposed to do with this file. What he meant with "trim the thumbnails table with an sql editor"?
I quoted the post you linked below:
i found the place where the thumbnail data is stored, which was making the huge thumbnail file and crashing Entertainment Center.
it isn't storing the entire ".thumbdata3--1967290299" file (which can be hundreds of mb for some people), rather a large (tens of mb) .db database file that is being used to recreate it on demand.
with Root Explorer i could view the file, and Speed Software also sells an sql editor which you can use to trim the thumbnails table.
*be careful: deleting entries from this file also seems to delete it from the device! i deleted all records from the thumbnails and images tables..
learn from my mistake. i thought it would regenerate, but it deleted all images from /sd card. good thing i backed up all my photos first, but better to use the filter option and trim out only the records for files that are no longer on the device.
".thumbdata3--1967290299" now reappears, but a whole lot smaller.
Gallery opens so much faster now, and Entertainment Center works again!
hope it helps!
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i bet it is hiding somewhere. maybe it's slightly different on other phones.
the issue was that i had an ever-expanding sdcard/dcim/.thumbnails/.thumbdata3--1967290299 file being recreated every time i accessed the gallery viewer, even after that thumbnails folder was erased.
my device was keeping track of ALL the media files that were ever on it, not just the ones presently on it. so the more files that passed through my device, the bigger the thumbdata file kept getting. the external.db file contains a table that lists all media files along with a bunch of attributes for each. apparently this db file is used to generate the thumbdata file. all the info for deleted files just leads to more padding inside the thumbdata file, so it keeps getting bigger.
by trimming the table i meant to delete the records in the external.db that correspond to thumbnails for media no longer on the device. that file is an SQLite file, so to open it you need a special viewer/editor. i first used the SQLite Viewer that comes with Root Explorer. with that, i could see the all the redundant thumbnail entries. to edit it, i got the SQLite Editor, though i'm sure there are other ways. then it's a matter of recognizing which files it lists that are no longer on your device, and getting rid of those rows from the table. in my case the external.db file went down from 8mb to 500kb after i did that.
screenshot 1 showing tables inside external.db, using SQLite Editor
screenshot 2 showing 'thumbnails' table
i have a huge thumbnail file in he sd card its almots 2GB
i have already came to opeing the list for thumbnails in the editor
but i dont know how to filter it that i can delete only the files which are not in the sd card (i.e already deleted ) plss guide me throught ,,, this and u will be a star:good:
whitebreadstyle said:
i bet it is hiding somewhere. maybe it's slightly different on other phones.
the issue was that i had an ever-expanding sdcard/dcim/.thumbnails/.thumbdata3--1967290299 file being recreated every time i accessed the gallery viewer, even after that thumbnails folder was erased.
my device was keeping track of ALL the media files that were ever on it, not just the ones presently on it. so the more files that passed through my device, the bigger the thumbdata file kept getting. the external.db file contains a table that lists all media files along with a bunch of attributes for each. apparently this db file is used to generate the thumbdata file. all the info for deleted files just leads to more padding inside the thumbdata file, so it keeps getting bigger.
by trimming the table i meant to delete the records in the external.db that correspond to thumbnails for media no longer on the device. that file is an SQLite file, so to open it you need a special viewer/editor. i first used the SQLite Viewer that comes with Root Explorer. with that, i could see the all the redundant thumbnail entries. to edit it, i got the SQLite Editor, though i'm sure there are other ways. then it's a matter of recognizing which files it lists that are no longer on your device, and getting rid of those rows from the table. in my case the external.db file went down from 8mb to 500kb after i did that.
screenshot 1 showing tables inside external.db, using SQLite Editor
screenshot 2 showing 'thumbnails' table
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I had the sam issue, but unfortunately your solution didn't help me. I have only a couple of pictures on my phone, but a lot of GBs of music on SDCard and I think this is he reason why .thumbdata3 file is so large on my phone.
I also tried using SDRescan as proposed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28516079&postcount=6, but that didn't help either.
I've done some more research and found a solution here: http://www.mobilephonetalk.com/show...in-memory-card&p=311954&viewfull=1#post311954. After I deleted the .thumbdata3 file, created a blank one with Root Explorer and removed write permission to it, the file stays at 0 bytes and Camera and Gallery apps still work fine.
mihir880 said:
i have a huge thumbnail file in he sd card its almots 2GB
i have already came to opeing the list for thumbnails in the editor
but i dont know how to filter it that i can delete only the files which are not in the sd card (i.e already deleted ) plss guide me throught ,,, this and u will be a star:good:
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it sure would be nice if android did that automatically
i don't know how though, sorry.. maybe there is a way, but it is surely safer to backup the media files to another drive, trim the db, then move them back if necessary.
---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------
strom87 said:
I've done some more research and found a solution here: http://www.mobilephonetalk.com/show...in-memory-card&p=311954&viewfull=1#post311954. After I deleted the .thumbdata3 file, created a blank one with Root Explorer and removed write permission to it, the file stays at 0 bytes and Camera and Gallery apps still work fine.
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i guess that's one way of doing it. it just means all the thumbnails have to be recreated every time you open the gallery or file browser.
strom87 said:
I had the sam issue, but unfortunately your solution didn't help me. I have only a couple of pictures on my phone, but a lot of GBs of music on SDCard and I think this is he reason why .thumbdata3 file is so large on my phone.
I also tried using SDRescan as proposed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28516079&postcount=6, but that didn't help either.
I've done some more research and found a solution here: http://www.mobilephonetalk.com/show...in-memory-card&p=311954&viewfull=1#post311954. After I deleted the .thumbdata3 file, created a blank one with Root Explorer and removed write permission to it, the file stays at 0 bytes and Camera and Gallery apps still work fine.
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How did you removed write permission from the thumbdata3 file with RootExplorer. If I try this, then I get a message, that that is not possible on the SD-Card and nothing happens!! The permissions stay !!!
Sunnymen1975 said:
How did you removed write permission from the thumbdata3 file with RootExplorer. If I try this, then I get a message, that that is not possible on the SD-Card and nothing happens!! The permissions stay !!!
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You can try creating a folder instead of a file(no need to set permissions). So far, it's working
lbrfabio said:
You can try creating a folder instead of a file(no need to set permissions). So far, it's working
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Another quick way that seems to work:
rm -rf /mnt/sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails && touch /mnt/sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails
rm -rf /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/DCIM/.thumbnails && touch /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/DCIM/.thumbnails
Hello, I also have this problem. Now I put another file with that name and that seems to work.
However, I came on this because my device went suddenly very slow.
Is it possible that the application that writes these .thumbnail files is still searching through the complete device, even when it cannot update the file?
And, how can I inspect what app is causing this file or slow down?
Fixed!... deleted .thumbnails folder and then created a file called .thumbnails using root explorer....thats worked for me in my THL w1..saved 1.2 gb of space!
Is there anyway to stop the stock camera from posting pics in the DCIM folder? I am somewhat ocd and would like them to be posted in a folder of my choosing.
estranged1977 said:
Fixed!... deleted .thumbnails folder and then created a file called .thumbnails using root explorer....thats worked for me in my THL w1..saved 1.2 gb of space!
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Created a file or a folder?
petrsiri said:
Created a file or a folder?
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try create folder (I do this and see no more thumbdata3-files yet two months)


can someone please explain to me why, since updating to 4.2, I have what looks like a duplicate of my SD card contents in a sub folder called storage/emulated/0/?
all my gallery apps, Gallery, DroidIris etc. see duplicates of all my pictures now?
And If I save a pic from a browser It points to the folders in storage/emulated/0/, not the SD card ones?
deleting any file in one folder effects the other, so it is probably not a true duplicate thats taking up space is it?
I assume this has to do with the multi user addition to 4.2, but I have not set up a second user at all.
Does this just occur to people upgrading, or to people who installed a fresh version as well?
CarsnGadgets said:
can someone please explain to me why, since updating to 4.2, I have what looks like a duplicate of my SD card contents in a sub folder called storage/emulated/0/?
all my gallery apps, Gallery, DroidIris etc. see duplicates of all my pictures now?
And If I save a pic from a browser It points to the folders in storage/emulated/0/, not the SD card ones?
deleting any file in one folder effects the other, so it is probably not a true duplicate thats taking up space is it?
I assume this has to do with the multi user addition to 4.2, but I have not set up a second user at all.
Does this just occur to people upgrading, or to people who installed a fresh version as well?
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I think this has been added as part of the multi-user feature and is where the data/content is stored for other users. It has been mentioned on the forum somewhere else, cant remember where I seen it though.
I also wondered this but then thought logically.
Two users using the same SD card wouldn't be a good idea.
So they sort of virtualise the SD card, and then when a new user is created a sort of partition is created for the user.
I was wondering what that was in ASTRO I thought it was something I did wrong and yes if you delete one file it will end up deleting both of them so be careful luckily I deleted some old downloads I didn't need anymore GOD BLESS YOU GUYS
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
thats all fine, thanks guys,
but now, if I download a new pic from dolphin browser to the /emulated/0/pictures folder, the gallery sees my SD/pictures as well as the /emulated/0/pictures folder, the original has 99 files in, and the new one 1 file in, both are called "pictures".
the "save picture as" action opens up its own file explorer, and it wont let me go back far enough in the file tree to access the SD/pictures folder so I can only save in the new /emulated/0 folder and its sub folders?
I can't find the folder on my pc. I am trying to run a backup app and it stores it there. I try to replace the backup location to downloads for example and it won't work. It's driving me mad.
The linked directories are linked to look like separate directories but they link to what is called a mount point that the actual physical storage and the actual file. What you do in any of folders will be done in all the folders.
I'm still wrapping my mind and this and my Linux knowledge it's weak. So I'm not going to try to suggest how to deal with these folders. As much as possible I'm letting the app handle the files.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
CarsnGadgets said:
can someone please explain to me why, since updating to 4.2, I have what looks like a duplicate of my SD card contents in a sub folder called storage/emulated/0/?
all my gallery apps, Gallery, DroidIris etc. see duplicates of all my pictures now?
And If I save a pic from a browser It points to the folders in storage/emulated/0/, not the SD card ones?
deleting any file in one folder effects the other, so it is probably not a true duplicate thats taking up space is it?
I assume this has to do with the multi user addition to 4.2, but I have not set up a second user at all.
Does this just occur to people upgrading, or to people who installed a fresh version as well?
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Same for me. Music player, gallery and other apps now show two copies of files. Any solution to fix this yet?
algus said:
Same for me. Music player, gallery and other apps now show two copies of files. Any solution to fix this yet?
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I think you are confusing a symlink'd directory with a second copy.
No one - so far - has reported a real problem related to duplicate file - so don't be expecting a fix.
Spend the time reading up on Linux directory structures instead.
rmm200 said:
No one - so far - has reported a real problem related to duplicate file - so don't be expecting a fix.
Spend the time reading up on Linux directory structures instead.
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It's not broken do don't expect a fix. It only 'looks' like you have duplicate files. A change you make in any single place will show up in all locations. Delete a file in one place it will be gone everywhere. The whole file system is an optical illusion. Layers on layers of naming parts of the file system.
For instance /sdcard is actually /data/media/0 if you created another user on your tab they would get /data/media/1 but they would find their files under /sdcard in a file manager.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I understand that it is a link. As I said problem is that applications show two copies of all files put in /sdcard folder. Because applications treat each link as a separate file. This is exactly what the original poster and I wrote in our posts.
So far I fixed this problem for myself by deleting all files from /sdcard (they disappeared from other linked locations as well) and saving them back straight to /storage/emulation/0 (they appeared in other linked locations, including /sdcard, but this time the gallery and other apps show single copy of each file in their collections).
This is not confortable for a typical user to learn about all these linked folders and I consider it as a drawback of Jelly Bean.
algus said:
I understand that it is a link. As I said problem is that applications show two copies of all files put in /sdcard folder. Because applications treat each link as a separate file. This is exactly what the original poster and I wrote in our posts.
So far I fixed this problem for myself by deleting all files from /sdcard (they disappeared from other linked locations as well) and saving them back straight to /storage/emulation/0 (they appeared in other linked locations, including /sdcard, but this time the gallery and other apps show single copy of each file in their collections).
This is not confortable for a typical user to learn about all these linked folders and I consider it as a drawback of Jelly Bean.
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I am trying to understand what you are seeing.
On my device, the gallery app only shows pictures in my user: emulated/0. This is from selecting a picture and then asking for info on it.
What apps are showing duplicates, other than a file explorer that you would expect to show symlinks?
I should add - are you copying pictures directly to /sdcard from somewhere else?
Well I had a problem...because of all the multiuser crap I was unable to restore a titanium backup cause of all the emulated directories that another user makes...I had to delete every /0 directory that it made cause if you install another Rom it makes a new /0 directory inside the other /0 directory so after flashing CM10, MIUI and slim bean I finished with a directory like this: sdcard0/0/0/0.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
restoring backups seems to be a problem too in cwm. Hmm how to fix it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I ran into this problem with Titanium Backup and my Nexus 7. I was trying to copy the titanium backup folder on the Nexus 7 to my windows PC (also tried mac too) as it was taking up a lot of space on the Nexus but Windows and Mac wouldn't have any of it. It just copied the folder and not the contents. Android file Transfer manager on mac just keeped crashing. I did not try adb pull folder with WugFresh toolkit, so that may work. I ended up copying from the nexus 7 to a USB drive using an OTG cable.
I been looking into this too, this is what I find so far I did a fresh install after I installed my Rom I wipe storage on my N7 so I have a clean storage nothing on it about 27.80gb after I installed one game that is 2gb and its show on both storage emulated and 0 n after my available space is 23.72gb. So I think its does create a duplicate that take space. But Im not sure.I going to run some more tests. If this is true this kinda suck cus then my 32gb n7 is only 16gb then.
Ps. Also if u reboot ur n7 and u go to storage there is another folder under emulated with 0 with the same files you can deleted this folder is save you won't loose anything but if you reboot and go back to storage the file reappear and you can delete but once u reebot again it will reappear again and over again.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
No way are there 2 copies of files (unless you are auto backing up, which I do). My free space was 3.9gb before and after 4.2. Have all the extra meaningless folders.
You could think of the emulated storage locations like a shortcut. You could place multiple shortcuts to your 'My Documents' folder on your desktop without creating multiple copies of 'My Documents'.
Same problem with Galaxy Nexus
I have the same problem with my Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.2.1
In my Windows Explorer i dont see the same files like in my Phone with Total Commander on my Storage.
This is not funny.

Can't Modify SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA.apk

Background: Really not loving the default New Contact icons and the random colors. Should be easy enough to change. What I tried (and failed miserably...)
MODest ROM 11 (Twiz/stock 6.01-based)
Flashpoint 5 Kernel
Copied SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA.apk from
to my Win7 PC.
Used 7-Zip to unpack the file to a temporary folder.
Found the .qmg files I didn't like.
Found a .qmg that would be a passable replacement for the ones I didn't dig.
Made 11 copies of that image in a working folder.
Renamed each copy to the exact name of each of the 11 files I wanted to replace.
Dragged those 11 files back into the open .apk in 7-Zip
On the Phone, in Root Explorer:
Made a copy of SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA.apk in the same folder:
deleted the original
Copied my mod'd apk back into this folder and set the perms.
No Phone or Contacts on home screen or in Apps
Tried to 'install' the apk from Root Explorer.
Wouldn't install
Tried to delete cache & Dalvik from TWRP.
No Joy.
Tried to do a partial Nandroid restore of Contacts and sec.phone from Titanium (nothing there called /systempriv-app/SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA)
No Joy.
Nandroid restore from TWRP.
Back to normal.
Okay, what did I do wrong, and how can I change the icons?
Should I have used APKTook instead of 7-Zip, created a new signature, etc?
Should my mod'd apk somehow be flashed from recovery rather than copied to a system folder?
Is this some perverted Samsung-ism that would have worked fine on any other phone on the planet?
Thanks for reading.
ForestCat said:
Background: Really not loving the default New Contact icons and the random colors. Should be easy enough to change. What I tried (and failed miserably...)
MODest ROM 11 (Twiz/stock 6.01-based)
Flashpoint 5 Kernel
Copied SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA.apk from
to my Win7 PC.
Used 7-Zip to unpack the file to a temporary folder.
Found the .qmg files I didn't like.
Found a .qmg that would be a passable replacement for the ones I didn't dig.
Made 11 copies of that image in a working folder.
Renamed each copy to the exact name of each of the 11 files I wanted to replace.
Dragged those 11 files back into the open .apk in 7-Zip
On the Phone, in Root Explorer:
Made a copy of SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA.apk in the same folder:
deleted the original
Copied my mod'd apk back into this folder and set the perms.
No Phone or Contacts on home screen or in Apps
Tried to 'install' the apk from Root Explorer.
Wouldn't install
Tried to delete cache & Dalvik from TWRP.
No Joy.
Tried to do a partial Nandroid restore of Contacts and sec.phone from Titanium (nothing there called /systempriv-app/SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA)
No Joy.
Nandroid restore from TWRP.
Back to normal.
Okay, what did I do wrong, and how can I change the icons?
Should I have used APKTook instead of 7-Zip, created a new signature, etc?
Should my mod'd apk somehow be flashed from recovery rather than copied to a system folder?
Is this some perverted Samsung-ism that would have worked fine on any other phone on the planet?
Thanks for reading.
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That apk took me a long time to figure out too. It's one of the apps you I had to modify for multi dpi. The only way I know of is to change the compression when you're putting the app back together and even then it took a couple tries. There's probably a better way but the compression change seems to work well enough.
I don't know if 7-zip has this option, but with winrar you can change the compression to "store". You should know right away whether or not it worked. You'll see the little phone icon in the bottom left of the lock screen. You may still have to do a factory reset to see your changes (probably not though) but the app should work without it.
By the way, you can swap those image files for .png files if you'd like. Just delete the corresponding .qmg or .pio file.
I saw your post in the rom thread about theming TouchWiz. You should check out @supergrobi94's theming threads. He's put together an impressive collection of options for 6.0.1 and 5.1.1 and there's also a [how to] section that uses the vrtheme zip that will modify the res folder of a specific app without having to break it down. I'm not sure how active he is these days but he's always been very helpful with requests and questions in the past if you need it.
Supergrobi94's theming threads:
This one has all the themes
This is the [how to] thread
kevintm78 said:
That apk took me a long time to figure out too. It's one of the apps you I had to modify for multi dpi. The only way I know of is to change the compression when you're putting the app back together and even then it took a couple tries. There's probably a better way but the compression change seems to work well enough.
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Ah, that makes perfect sense. But I'd never have figured it out myself, lol.
I'll dig into those theming threads, thanks.
kevintm78 said:
☆☆Edge Panel for ModestRom v11☆☆
DOWNLOAD-This will change your Contacts app to the S6 version and the IncallUI app to the Note 7 version because the people stripe will not work with the N4 contacts.
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OK, this is from the MODest ROM thread, but I think it's germain here.
If I want to 'try out' that Edge Panel, is there a way to revert back to the stock apps in question other than restoring a nandroid backup or re-flashing the ROM?
I ask because I'm thinking that, at least in the case of the Note 4 and its well known memory problems, 'bulk' memory writes like ROMs, nandroid retores, etc., stress the device, so I'm trying not to do it more than I have to.
During my last episode(see above) putting the stock apk back in its original folder didn't work.
Is there a standard procedure for either android generically, or touchwiz specifically, for safely reverting back to the stock system apps after experimenting w/ custom stuff?
EDIT: Just tried something. In Root Explorer, went into:
and simply renamed the .apk to .foo
No Contacts, as expected, but no Phone either??? Not sure why.
Anyway, back into Root Explorer.
Rename .foo back to .apk
Still no Contacts or Phone, so something bigger at work here.
Before I have to restore Nandroid anyway (unless there's a better way???),
I flashed your EdgePanel.zip in TWRP to see if it would restore the Phone/Contacts apps.
Wiped the cache. Reboot.
Edge Panel is now there, but still no Phone or Contacts. WTF???
Last resort-TWRP- Factory Reset.
Now the Contacts/Phone are back (and all my other stuff is gone, lol)
So is whacking the Data a necessity here?
If so, it makes trying out things related to the phone/contacts a LOT more tedious...
Any workaround???
Thanks again.
ForestCat said:
OK, this is from the MODest ROM thread, but I think it's germain here.
If I want to 'try out' that Edge Panel, is there a way to revert back to the stock apps in question other than restoring a nandroid backup or re-flashing the ROM?
I ask because I'm thinking that, at least in the case of the Note 4 and its well known memory problems, 'bulk' memory writes like ROMs, nandroid retores, etc., stress the device, so I'm trying not to do it more than I have to.
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No, it doesn't look like I ever made an easy way to go back. I had thought I did but I'm either overlooking it or it's not there. Feel free to rifle through my androidfilehost folders if you want to double check. All of my stuff is very organized so it could be buried in there somewhere.
If you still need a recovery zip let me know and I'll get one together. I'm actually going to make one anyway but if you need it right away I can get on it. I didn't realize that there wasn't a way back to stock.
ForestCat said:
During my last episode(see above) putting the stock apk back in its original folder didn't work.
Is there a standard procedure for either android generically, or touchwiz specifically, for safely reverting back to the stock system apps after experimenting w/ custom stuff?
EDIT: Just tried something. In Root Explorer, went into:
and simply renamed the .apk to .foo
No Contacts, as expected, but no Phone either??? Not sure why.
Anyway, back into Root Explorer.
Rename .foo back to .apk
Still no Contacts or Phone, so something bigger at work here.
Before I have to restore Nandroid anyway (unless there's a better way???),
I flashed your EdgePanel.zip in TWRP to see if it would restore the Phone/Contacts apps.
Wiped the cache. Reboot.
Edge Panel is now there, but still no Phone or Contacts. WTF???
Last resort-TWRP- Factory Reset.
Now the Contacts/Phone are back (and all my other stuff is gone, lol)
So is whacking the Data a necessity here?
If so, it makes trying out things related to the phone/contacts a LOT more tedious...
Any workaround???
Thanks again.
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That is strange that they are not coming back. You may just want to double check your permissions and that there isn't two of the same apps in your folder. At the time of making that Edge zip I was still using other programs to make zips for me and the major downside to that is having to name the new apps the exact same as the old so it would get overwritten so if it doesn't match you'll end up with two active apps in one folder.
Now I think the best way to do that is to use a binary script (osm0sis has great tutorials for this) to change the app getting replaced to a .bak file and then just copy the new app to the system, set perms, and reboot (dalvik cache/ cache needs to be wiped if it's a framework .jar file). But to each their own. If you can get the job done a better way then I would use what you're comfortable with.
My system to test apps isn't much difference than yours. I think the only thing I do differently is change the app to be replaced to .bak instead of .foo although I can't imagine there's much difference. There's been a few apps like the Contacts app that gave me a bunch of trouble when modifying them but I can't remember ever having trouble bringing back the stock app. I wish I had more insight on that situation for you. If push comes to shove I would reflash the rom zip over factory reset only because the factory reset won't correct the system partition problem, if that's what's going on in this case.
kevintm78 said:
If you still need a recovery zip let me know and I'll get one together..
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First, Merry Christmas!
Thanks very much. No rush on that, I'm OK on the Edge version for the minute.
What would be extremely useful if you have some time/curiousity would be to replicate my steps, ie renaming the untouched apk in a fresh MODest flash (i.e. break the contacts/phone function), and then see if you can get the whole thing working again without a factory reset, or if not, why. I see on xda, you & I are not the first ones to be tripping over this contacts.apk issue.
The other thing that would be telling is after successfully installing the Edge.zip, whether you can modify something (like a picture) within the contacts apk within the zip, reflash the zip and have contacts/phone still working with the change active.
I think there just HAS to be abetter way than Factory Resets.
Thanks so much again for the insights. I really want to become at least minimally competent at hacking my own ROMs together so I don't have to feel like such a noob/mooch on here, but I really do appreciate the help.
What are your weapons/platform of choice, or, if there are better tools for noobs learning the ropes, I'm all ears.
EDIT: Just found this. The last post is interesting...
ForestCat said:
First, Merry Christmas!
Thanks very much. No rush on that, I'm OK on the Edge version for the minute.
What would be extremely useful if you have some time/curiousity would be to replicate my steps, ie renaming the untouched apk in a fresh MODest flash (i.e. break the contacts/phone function), and then see if you can get the whole thing working again without a factory reset, or if not, why. I see on xda, you & I are not the first ones to be tripping over this contacts.apk issue.
The other thing that would be telling is after successfully installing the Edge.zip, whether you can modify something (like a picture) within the contacts apk within the zip, reflash the zip and have contacts/phone still working with the change active.
I think there just HAS to be abetter way than Factory Resets.
Thanks so much again for the insights. I really want to become at least minimally competent at hacking my own ROMs together so I don't have to feel like such a noob/mooch on here, but I really do appreciate the help.
What are your weapons/platform of choice, or, if there are better tools for noobs learning the ropes, I'm all ears.
EDIT: Just found this. The last post is interesting...
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I'm not exactly sure what's going on with your contacts app not showing back up. Ever since modestrom v8 (I think) I've been doing the multi dpi on SecContacts_M_OSup_Note_Legacy_USA and every time I would test it doing the same as your way. After a reboot if the modified app was no good, then I would just delete that new app and change the name of the old app back to .apk, reboot and it would work again. I can't remember running in to any problems where I would have to factory reset or reflash the rom to get things working again.
There has been a couple times where I've had to factory reset to get a color change to show up or if you're adding toggles to the QS drop down that also (sometimes) requires a factory reset to show up.
As far as the post you linked, that is exactly how I do it except I use winrar to open the newly compiled app and drag the changes to the original. When I drag the changes over I change the compression method from "normal" to "store". If I don't change the compression the app doesn't work for me. The apps that I've ran into where I had to change the compression are: secContacts, secCamera, secSettings, and framework-res.apk. Any other app that I've worked on can be dragged and dropped without compression changes.
Jar files don't need an original signature though (so long as signature verification has been disabled, which it has in modestrom). They can be decompiled, edited, recompiled, and copied to the system. It does require a dalvik cache/cache wipe though on all framework files except for the framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk
If you get a chance, you should start using apktool to decompile/recompile. It will make things easier for you in the long run and most of the time if you've made any mistakes in your edits apktool will catch it. If you're not familiar with apktool you can try using Tickle My Android or Advanced Apktool. You may also want to get Apktool by itself. I use all three of them. Android can be fickle and sometimes what works with one app won't work with another. What's nice about TMA and Advanced Apktool is that they'll do the drag and drop method for you, but when the compression needs to be changed that's when I use apktool by itself.
Sorry for the word vomit. Hopefully, this all makes sense.

