[Q] Samsung galaxy S5 900FD - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello to every one
I have samsung galaxy s5 900fd CAC origin i recently applied its lollipop update through odin 3.07 . but when i tried to downgrade to kitkat i donno how its boot loader changed to 900md and also secure storage become enabled with UDC Start. each time i flash / format cell i got locked untill i provide my samsung identity . Reactivation lock is ticked but it is off at boot screen , it won;t vanish no matter how many time i provide my samsung identity. finger print scanner crashes with an error. Fingerprint scanner works fine and reactivation lock tick disappears when i apply lollipop update but 900md and udc start dont remains there .... Please tell guide me how to apply clean firmware ??? and get rid of 900md and UDC start... Thanks any advance.. ????
I solved it by
Flashing firmware again and when half done i pulled off cable firmware error and the again boot into download mode and flashed complete with latest Odin version.


Reactivation Lock

Hi , i have Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F).
i tryed to reflash rom (beacause the fingerprint lock dont work) and encountered in problem of reactiovation lock that avoid me to acces to recovery mode.
tryed to find any solution and allready tryed everything i found.
android version.......5.0
Baseband version.....G900FXXU1BOD3
Bootloader version.....G900FXXU1BOD3
Build Number.... XtreStoLite INTL v2.2 - XXU1BOD3
here is what i tryed and it didnt work for me.
Download Kies
Connect your phone to Kies
Select the option to emergency/reset your phone.
You will be prompted to first enter your phone ID, then your serial number.
Then Kies will prompt you to boot up into dowloadmode.
Kies will then dowload and flash your phone.
When Starting up, you will have to log in to your Samsung acc to remove the lock.
MAKE SURE YOU GET IT UNTICKED. If not possible, try to remove Samsung acc from your phone and try again.
in this solution i had problems with : cant connect to kies (even with samsung cable, and tryed all usb ports in few comps).
Go to Settings > Security > Uncheck Reactivation Lock
in this solution i had problems with : Settings> Security < Dont Have "Find My Phone" options (that have the reactivation option)
tryed to flash CF Root Via Odin ... or anything via odin (other kernel,other rom...)
everytime got an error
i noticed that i didnt had Samsung Account in account options , and when ill tryed to add it havnt shown in the list.
so i downloaded Samsung Account APK and installed...but still havnt got the find my phone options.
plz help i allready dont know what to try...
Flash stock Kitkat from sammobile dot com with ODIN
Log into all accounts
Disable reactivation lock
*Detection* said:
Flash stock Kitkat from sammobile dot com with ODIN
Log into all accounts
Disable reactivation lock
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tnx ill try...
do you have a link for this thread/download , i cant find it...
Links to that site are banned here, because the owner didn't adhere to the rules of XDA
You'll need to click on the firmware section and type in your S5 model number, if it's G900F, type that in
Site is sammobile . com
*Detection* said:
Links to that site are banned here, because the owner didn't adhere to the rules of XDA
You'll need to click on the firmware section and type in your S5 model number, if it's G900F, type that in
Site is sammobile . com
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i need to downgrade bootloader and baseband too?
before or after ill try to flash the stock kitkat?
ok...i have a progress but still no solution.
i succeded to gain the Find My Phone menu..
i noticed that i hadnt the option of USB Debugging!!! so i found tut that fixed it (Settings>About Device>Tap 7 Times on "Build Name">then back to Settings and to the "Developer Options" menu that showed up>USB Debugging>[v])
after that i connected my phone to pc and opened "Smart Switch" (beacause Kies dont want work with my phone) i did "Device Software Update" after about hour it finnaly finished...
after the reboot i entered to Settings>Security>and saw that "Find My Phone" menu showed up and the Reactivation Lock too! , BUT when i try to UNTICK the reactivation lock it unticked for second and showed up back!!
i checked in download mode and the reactivation lock still "ON"...
found Stock Rom on sammobile G900FXXU1ANG7 but do i need to find Bootloader and Baseband for this ? im coming from lollipop...
I have the same problem on latest stock firmware. I spoke with Samsung support and they said to sent them a phone.
right now i noticed that after i did the last things (turn on USB Debugging and Updated devide software via Smart Switch).
Fixed the problem of entering to recovery mode !!! now there is no message of Reactivation Lock and its entering to recovery mode without any problem!!!
i tryed to flash other rom or cwm via Odin and via Recovery mode and both failed!!!
so i finally downloaded this stock rom from sammobile :
Model SM-G900F
Model name GALAXY S5
Country Israel (Cellcom)
Version Android 4.4.2
Changelist 2289584
Build date Tue, 22 Jul 2014 04:34:39 +0000
Product code CEL
Downgraded via Odin (no need Bootloader and Baseband file).
after installation i got bootloop...
just removed the battery,then entered to stock revcovery mode,did Data/Factory Reset,Reboot and walllla after 15 seconds entered to the galaxy menus,entered all my accounts and deactivated this ****in Reactivation Lock!!!
now i can breath freely
i hope that all the proccess that i wrote here will help to others in this problem.

SM-N910F FW problem

Hello everyone!
I need a little advice to fix my softbricked note 4
So here are the facts:
I boght a bricked N910F i tryed different roms from sammobile using odin and twre, more than 7 to be specific, and most of them did t work as it shoul. My imei was the same as on the case but i noticed SN was different in system and knox 0x1.... I got a version of android 6.0.1 to work but there were different little, big problems like not rememering wi fi passwords, fingerprint not working version :null in testing, and often restarts and bootloops after installing different aplications. i tryed many things even repartition with proper pit file, i still had back-up of my efs but considering the serial number was screwed up i gave up trying anything else. I tryed rooting with different methods but everything failed.
I boght another N910F with screen broken but working mainboard and knox 0x0
Swaped the mainboard, tryed samsung kies 1, entered serial and model and it gave me the fw i needed to flash. Tryed flashing with kies and at the middle of transfer it said failed and phone froze, didnt even power on for a while. Tryed again after a few howrs, same rezult with message emmc read fail, and at the bottom emmc write fail.
kies said i need PDAG2/CSCE2 / PHONEE3 CNX
Now, later in the evening i managed to power it on agan and i dont know what to try so i dont screw up with knox
Here are some pictures of my current status:
Current status: cant post picture...
CURRENT BINARY Samsung Official
System Status Official
Knox 0x0
qualcomm secureboot enable csb
secure download enable
"Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies and try again"
What should i try next?
Later Edit:
looked up on youtube and found that smart switch can do the work, tryed it and seems it went all the way and installed proper rom without fail. LOL
Morning edit:
So everything worked perfect last night so i left it on fastcharger. In the morning i found it in download mode with dii emmc read fail, could not do normal boot.... After this i have to let it rest a bit without battery, then it boots up ok, works a few minutes then it shuts down and never wake up
faurionutz said:
eMMC from phone is damaged harware
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I found the only way to keep it working is by preventing it to go into sleep mode. Play music on repeat muted keeps it working
Lucky i have fast chargers and 3 battery
i tried different keep alive apps but they eventually fail and phone dies

note 4 SM-N910A black screen with blue notification light after samsung boot

i'm having some trouble with my note 4. so i recived the note from a friend and she told me what was the problem. the problem is that she would turn it off then when she trys to attempt to turn it back on it will show the samsmung boot screen then all black with the blue and white(maby baby blue, i cant tell exacly)and sometimes boots a 2nd or 3rd time. leave it like that and the phone would start getting hot. so i used odin and installed a freash BL, CP, and CSC. then i left the phone withpout the battery for about 10 minute's then i put the battery back on and turned it on. it worked! but after a while i accidentaly turned it off. the same problem was back(i dont know if this is important but when ever u tryed to update the software it would alway's fail). so i thought why dont i just install freash clean OS and i whont have to face this problem again. i installed android 5.0.1 and it did not work, this time the blue adn white notification light was not on. so i installed it again but only the BL. the light was back. please help me on what to do or give me a link to a legitament clean OS. i've tryed every trick! pull out the battery then press and hold the power button to drain out the ramining power and leave the phone for about 10 min. try to go in recovery mode(when i try to do this, it goes all black also), install a clean freash OS, ECT. im running out of options! what should i do! it cant be the hardware because everything was working fine. it cant be the screen because i've personally seen the screen work perfectly fine, plus the samung boot logo( the "samsung galaxy note 4 powered by android" boot). i dont know what to do!
Reboot into download mode and see what firmware is on it. then download the latest MM 6.0.1 firmware and flash it with odin. Depending on the model, the BL may be locked to prevent flashing older firmware. If that doesn't work you may have to flash a pit file with the firmware but that is last resort. If you can take a picture of what download mode says and post it here it would be way easy to help you fix it bro
noob4598 said:
Reboot into download mode and see what firmware is on it. then download the latest MM 6.0.1 firmware and flash it with odin. Depending on the model, the BL may be locked to prevent flashing older firmware. If that doesn't work you may have to flash a pit file with the firmware but that is last resort. If you can take a picture of what download mode says and post it here it would be way easy to help you fix it bro
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imsorry but i am unable to post a link nor a picture due me being a new user.
but it does say this:
RP SWREV: S1, T2, R1, A2, P1

Help with SM-T337V

A while back my friend gave me his tablet to try and fix. He was screwing around in odin and did a nand erase. From my research it seemed I needed a pitfile to fix it. This weekend I was clearing out some junk and found the tablet so decided to give it another try. I was actually able to finally find the pit file, so I downloaded odin, the pitfile, and the newest lollipop. In odin, I loaded the pit and selected repartition. Odin goes through the process, reboots the tablet to the little android guy it loads then reboots again and it hangs on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 screen and won't go any further. I can access recovery and download mode still and according to the recovery logs the OS installed and is there, it's like this thing isn't setting the boot partition correctly or something. Anyone have any experience with this, or able to tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
Sm-t337v band gone
Hi I too click the nand in odin and now I can't get it pass the Samsung galaxy tab icon.
I have gotten a put file and did that it passed tried to do a stock firmware it won't go passed the incon
I am attaching pics of what it says please help
It wont let me attach them here is what it says
Odin mode
Product name SM-T337V
Current binary Samsung official
System status official
Reactivation lock off
Qualcomm secure boot enable (csb)
Rp serve s1 t1 r1 a3 p1
Secure download enable
Udc start that's the safe mode I think
But I also can get in to recovery mode as well it also says mutil csc?any thoughts
tammster37601 said:
Sm-t337v band gone
Hi I too click the nand in odin and now I can't get it pass the Samsung galaxy tab icon.
I have gotten a put file and did that it passed tried to do a stock firmware it won't go passed the incon
I am attaching pics of what it says please help
It wont let me attach them here is what it says
Odin mode
Product name SM-T337V
Current binary Samsung official
System status official
Reactivation lock off
Qualcomm secure boot enable (csb)
Rp serve s1 t1 r1 a3 p1
Secure download enable
Udc start that's the safe mode I think
But I also can get in to recovery mode as well it also says mutil csc?any thoughts
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get rid of it and get a t377p you be alot happier

i agree the update from the settingApp and my G935fd makes bootloop.

i just agree to the update from my phone, he download the update and start install it. i had 60% of battery.
in the end of the update, the phone is stock with Samsung logo and make a 2 restart until he show my black screen and blue light.
i try to flash new ROM from samoblie. with i chose g935fd. and he back to do a 2 restart and blue light.
the phone is a gift i do not have warranty. the phone is international from Emirates
i need some help plz! i try fix him a 4 days.
in odin mode:
product name: SM-g935f
current binary: samsumg official
system status: custom
frp lock: on
secure download : enabled
warranty void : 0 (0x0000)
rp swrev : B:2 k:0 s:0
Download Samsung smart switch and install through that
in the smart switch it write "model are not supported "
Hello guys, I'm also facing the same issue. My phone is the S7 Edge duos black and never been flashed but has gone through an update from Marshmallow to Nougat. The problem is, one day it suddenly restarts itself and gets the bootloop issue everyone is facing. I can't even go to recovery mode to wipe cache partition as instructed everywhere.
I already tried to flash the phone using the firmware available on Sammobile.com but it still experiencing the bootloop right after it has been completely flashed.
Please help,
