Perfect game settings on any windows - Windows 8 General

Hi guys
Downloadas a shining new game and not able to play it coz game lag a lot.
Solution is there for everything afterall its windows.
Did you notice that when you install a new game on pc and run it for first time.It creates a folder in "my documents". There is a file for settings of game on pc which contains verybaensitive details which most of users sidnot know about.
If you are brave enough to change them just read my previous guide
Or if you are not confident for what to do just send me the following details
1 -- game folder in my documents.
2 -- your pc configuration
Monitor resolution
Version of windows
Graphics card data
At my gmail [email protected]
I will send you the moodes data folder back. You have to place thst datz folder back from where you copied it and game will run smoothly.


Folder structures - can't see files from word or excel

Does anyone have a hack that would allow me to view and save data files at a lower folder than the first level?
I.e. my folder structure is \Personal\Financial\ but excel and word can only see files stored under \Personal\ and not the next folder down. I need to be able to access this second level from within the application.
Would be a great help to me.
If you haven't installed Mad Programmer's dialog changer, you're not using your pda properly.
Thanks vijay555 but this is not in relation to installing apps.
There is a particular problem in WM2003 whereby if I store for example my pocket excel files in the folder:
I cannot access this folder from Pocket Excel but only from File Explorer. Pocket excel will only show the files existing in the folder "Financial" here. It means that when I create a new excel (or any other document) from within the application, I have to save it to the "financial" directory first, then manually move it to the next folder down.
Same applies to Pocket Word, Listpro etc files (any files in fact).
pauldcullen: although the link I gave is talking about installing cabs and stuff, Mad Programmer's dialog changer hooks into the OS and changes all of the rubbish OS dialogs (that only allow you to see My documents etc) and replaces them with the more advanced kind that let you navigate anywhere.
The link I gave is a useful one on installing the app itself, because Mad Programmer's website is generally Japanese. But hopefully, try installing the app and you should be able to navigate anywhere for saving files.
Ensure you use the right version for your OS.
thanks a lot I'll give it a shot - any stability problems with it?
I've never had any and used it for > 1year on both Wm2003 and Wm5.
vijay I've installed it and it seems to work for SAVING new files into a sub-directory which in itself is great!
However, as soon as I OPEN pocket excel etc, I cannot see these files in the subfolders, only those in the parent folder - any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Hmm, I just noticed that...
It seens mad programmer only hooked the saving, not opening dialogs.
Not the best option I know, but I never open files using word, I use gsfinder to locate them and open directly by double clicking.
Other then that, I don't think Word was "designed" to show the subfolders as you've got them configured. PITA I know.

Help Please Programs in windows folder

Hi there
Thanks in addvance
Could any body help i think i read some ware in this forum that less files in windows folder meens that your device runs faster !!
I also think I read some program can only be installed to windows\ I Don't know which? programs need to be in which directory or is it all down to the reg enteries or is it dependent on the *.exe & *.dll files
If it is posible to install office mobile to something like \program files\OfficeMobile\ ?, Would there be any benifits for doing this ? or would i be wasting my time ?
It seems a lot of programs install into windows\
Easy - if you know how!
swampy395 said:
Hi there
Thanks in addvance
Could any body help i think i read some ware in this forum that less files in windows folder meens that your device runs faster !!
I also think I read some program can only be installed to windows\ I Don't know which? programs need to be in which directory or is it all down to the reg enteries or is it dependent on the *.exe & *.dll files
If it is posible to install office mobile to something like \program files\OfficeMobile\ ?, Would there be any benifits for doing this ? or would i be wasting my time ?
It seems a lot of programs install into windows\
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Various options here mate (listed in order of user level):
In WM5+ you can choose to install to the Storage Card by default - any programs that cannot be installed here will usually tell you when you try, and ask you to try again in the correct folder.
Go get yourself a copy of a program called Pocket Mechanic and it has an option that lets you move programs to your storage card (it changes all the links/shortcuts and reg entries for you) - it can also move the 'My Documents folder and IE cache, too - saving even more space.
Find a program called CECabManager (30 day trial) which lets you edit the cab files for programs and change their default install folder.
ALWAYS backup your device before playing around with this stuff - it's a real P.I.T.A. when you have got yourself almost set up, then you destroy the system, or cause a glitch!
My best advice is to go buy a copy of Spb Clone and install that before you fiddle about! Also, backup your PIM data to Outlook, or with Spb Backup, too! Then you're pretty much safe to do what you want, as you can always go back if all goes tits up!
Bird_FAT said:
Various options here mate (listed in order of user level):
In WM5+ you can choose to install to the Storage Card by default - any programs that cannot be installed here will usually tell you when you try, and ask you to try again in the correct folder.
Go get yourself a copy of a program called Pocket Mechanic and it has an option that lets you move programs to your storage card (it changes all the links/shortcuts and reg entries for you) - it can also move the 'My Documents folder and IE cache, too - saving even more space.
Find a program called CECabManager (30 day trial) which lets you edit the cab files for programs and change their default install folder.
ALWAYS backup your device before playing around with this stuff - it's a real P.I.T.A. when you have got yourself almost set up, then you destroy the system, or cause a glitch!
My best advice is to go buy a copy of Spb Clone and install that before you fiddle about! Also, backup your PIM data to Outlook, or with Spb Backup, too! Then you're pretty much safe to do what you want, as you can always go back if all goes tits up!
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Thanks Bird
PS do you know it doe's run faster whith les files in windows folder ?
Speed or Space?!?!
swampy395 said:
Thanks Bird
PS do you know it doe's run faster whith les files in windows folder ?
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No idea - anyone?
I think that if you have too little space, you'll be in trouble when some programs run as they may need to use it as RAM or a swap file - I've filled it to within a MB or 2 and it has slowed down the system!
See my post in this thread for how I keep space in my Storage area (at the bottom of the second post)
If you're looking to speed up your system, why not try an overclocking utility?
I've just got Pocket Hack Master - I'm testing it now! I've used Anton's Pocket Mechanic for ages now, and so I'm pretty confident in the quality of the app.
And there is a starter guide here:
Let me know your results!
Thanks again bird
Don't fancy clocking my CPU realy wanting to know if it's worth the effort of hacking all my *.cab files and OEMs to install into sub folders rather than windows\ Idear been Keeping as little as posible in the windows\ "folder" I could have a sleep some times waiting for file explorer to finish opening windows\ was hopeing that if there's less in windows\ the device my run faster with a smaller directory ??
You could always try using Pocket Mechanic!!
Instead of hacking the cabs, you could just use Pocket Mechanic - it will move the programs across to your SD card and change all the reg entries, links, etc. for you!
I find that there are some cabs that really don't like to be hacked! But, if that's the route you want to go down (saves having to do it all again in the future), then CECabManager is definitely the way to go! Pretty pricey software, but gives you a nice 30 day trial period to play with it! Just remember to remove any 'setup.dll's' from the tree in the left-hand window if you change anything - can cause the install to muck up if you don't!
And the best bit of software on the net in my opinion is Spb Clone (god I love Spb software - it's just so good!) - once you get your system looking and working how you want it to, just clone the whole thing on to some spare space on your card and you're safe from any general errors! Use Pocket Mechanic to move all your documents, mail and cache folders onto the SD card and you're even safer - go one step further and get Spb Backup to save teh PIM data onto your SD, too and you get ultimate safety (as long as you remember to save reguarly LoL!):
PIM synced with main PC or onto SD with Spb Backup
Documents, mail and cache on SD
Clone of system on SD
Any screw ups, any dodgy software, ANY problems and you just go back a few days!
Free even MORE space!!
Found a way to get even more space! Really helpful for me when I want to play certain games, as some of them were refusing to start as they needed more space than I had. I managed to claw back about 8meg, but then I have somewhat overloaded my BAs with about 250 apps/games! )
Using Pocket Mechanic, you can move the AppMgr file from the Windows directory of you BA onto your Storage Card - (the original folder structure will be recreated if you try to install anything new!) - when it's finished, just soft reset your BA and VIOLA! more space in the storage section.
If you want to delete any of your apps - or even install a new version over the top of an old one, you have to move the corresponding folder from the AppMgr folder on your Storage Card back into Windows/ApMgr or the uninstall/reinstall will fail - If you haven't installed anything since you last moved the AppMgr folder, then you will have to create the AppMgr folder before moving the folder of the app you wish to delete.
Have fun,


Windows Mobile Based p2p!!!
I found this windows mobile based p2p....I think it may come in handy for sharing cab files tsk files etc....
check it out here
also attached the cab file for anyone who wants it.....enjoy!
I'm using it now looks pretty smooth has a nice interface
anyone wanting to add for file sharing the name is "wyzepro"
I'm loading movies and music as well as usefull windows mobile files for all to share
privacy issue, sorry
abjeroen said:
I see you just uploaded a view it's name is n/a.. sow it's a online harddrive, for sharing and private files?
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seems that far I've loaded some music a few movies and some windows mobile files...
ok I signed up for it and so far I have a gig of space and the files are served from their storage...the interface allows you to upload from and download to the phone and it's ad supported far the ad games and vids aren't annoying.....I see it as being cool say if you have a few people that you share mobile pc enthusiasm with...this would allow you to share cabs and other important files based on your similar interest...for example anyone interested in downloading and watching whole movies of which the files are generally less than 200 mb on avg feel free as I will load more movies to see how well this actually works...I also see it as an alternative to rapid share for those files small enough to stay on the phone or load to their storage ...would make getting a new cab file easy if say with your sig you had your p2p id so someone else could snag the file.....that's my two pennies...anybody else trying it out?

Popcon Rom

I have a Samsung fridge that has a TV in it. This TV runs windows CE and a program called "POPCON" (I think it means popular convergence). I want to modify the rom so that I can get it to boot up with a desktop instead of the POPCON. If I need POPCON then I'll place an icon on the desktop. I can get access to the .hv files (default, boot, and such) but never worked with CE before. It also runs the TV signal wireless via 802.11b and that would let me connect it to my wireless network if I want to pull down info while in the kitchen. I can get into the "Windows" folder and see explorer.exe and a whole bunch of other files, the POPCON is in its own partition or drive but there are a bunch of .exe files in the parent folder that run the POPCON application.
There are two drives
\ - I suspect this is root, size is 55megs with 51megs available, type is TFAT
popcon is the name of the other partition and it doesn't show a size but is FAT32
Almost every .ini files states "[email protected]\Windows\ceshell.dll,-20488" so i'm a bit lost as to how CE boots up.
Now, before you think that I paid a bundle for this, your wrong. The fridge is worth about $3,500 but since the guys a Lowes didn't have a clue how to set it up upon delivery, they brought it back and marked it down as damaged electronics for $850. I scooped it up in a heartbeat, read the book and now have a great TV with a fridge stuck to it.
If anyone could help, it would be greatly appriceated.


I HAVE tested a nice tool . you can get in Windows store :
search for:
Pocket File Manager
it is a real file Manager.... some less fuctions are missing but it is very very nice.. and all they have told me it is impossible.... it is possible how you can see it
it works fine and great .... it can follow: send every file by Bluetooth... you can open every file it is legal docx, rar, zip txt . jpeg, mp3 , mp4 ... realy legal ... it opens what is on the device! !!! and you see a great file structure and you can use skydrive........ everyone who says it is impossible im think that they doesn't try whats possible ...
I have find somtehing interessting
maybeee it should us help to get a Explorer to wp8
Have you looked at the description? It is limited in exactlly the same way as described around here all the time.
Limitation (Please read it!):
Windows phone has some limitations which prevent third party applications from accessing parts of files system. You cannot access video files, music files, Document folder. So, until Microsoft open it, please do not ask us to implement this feature. It is impossible right now.
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It can access SkyDrive, FTP servers and it's own private storage. You CAN NOT access the phones Documents Folder and other Folders. You can launch an Office Document and edit it but it will then be saved to the Office Hub and the Explorer Application will still retain the old version prior to editing.
So while this does look like it works around it a file explorer in the way that people are demanding is still not possible.
StevieBallz said:
Have you looked at the description? It is limited in exactlly the same way as described around here all the time.
It can access SkyDrive, FTP servers and it's own private storage. You CAN NOT access the phones Documents Folder and other Folders. You can launch an Office Document and edit it but it will then be saved to the Office Hub and the Explorer Application will still retain the old version prior to editing.
So while this does look like it works around it a file explorer in the way that people are demanding is still not possible.
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i have tested the tool ! and it works .... it reads out some lokal files and the complete Photo and Video library!! it is a tool for lokal the link in the link it is development of it that will be release in future
but that what im testing it works everything what im saying.. and it is a file Explorer for local and for skydrive!!!! as i tested some other tool too ... it is a pdf Reader... not the Microsoft one! another one ... it can be read out the pdf files of sdcard and on local phone ... .. so im think it is possible to do a great file Explorer but we have to try it..
Oh boy
I wish it were trued, but it aint.
Second, what Stevie said.
im think we can use one trick ... srry im not a guy who can much develop
but the idea is maybee great?
if i can Open a file of the Folder of the pocket Explorer so maybee Folder Pocket Explorer\docs\Alice in wonderland.docx in word mobile 365 /15 opend it ... but the Office hub can't find the file if im opened...... but in the functionality it opend................ im think the "lock" isn't realy a lock....... im think it is something like a key in the Windows regestry of wp8 ...that disable the Show of other Folders... but every tool can be Access all the Folders that are on the phone...... if it was a real access lock it isn't be possible to open a docx file in word from a Folder outside it is registered in Office hub ... in the tool it is added the photo hub ...
im think a clever developer shouldbe can solve the Problem without to Bypass the "lock" of MS ... Note ... In Real Windows 8 it has security informations .... but if the locked for some users you can't see the files and you can't opend it.... but im think in wp 8 there isn't this the Problem ... the Problem is it disabled in the regestry to Show something that can be accsess all the Tools
No the developers can't bypass this, as far as I am aware. It isn't just the registry key (you may be right about that one), but the runtime itself does not allow these kind of things. I have been looking for way to break the file associations, and there seems to be none, other than jailbreaking and hacking into system settings.
Yep tested this one today on my new Lumia 520 and it even does not show the music folder -_- ... Stupid limitation from MS.

