Best way to test waterproofness - Xperia Z2 General

For all of those who actually bought a sony xperia z , z1 , z2 , z3 phone and know that it comes with waterproof abilities but,you are really thinking if you should try that or you end up damaging your phone,i have the solution for you...maybe you just replaced your back cover and you dont really know if you put it back right,or the adhesive is fine,or a flap cover is damaged and you dont know if this is going to affect waterproofness, i made a tutorial on this on youtube and by watching it you should be pretty sure if it is or not...
-On the tutorial,i am presenting you two ways of testing waterproofness.Both of them are safe and they obviously dont require water or any kind of liquid that can damage your phone.
LINK to my youtube tutorial on HOW TO TEST WATERPROOFNESS :
1st way​ :
By entering the service menu on your phone,you can easily navigate to presure sensor test and from there you can test whether its waterproof by pressing your phone (not hard ) and if all flap covers are closed,you should see the numbers changing ...if you do so, you should be good to go
2nd way​
The second was is to completely close all flaps except for it just a little and then stick your lips there and blow...if you dont here air coming out from somewhere,then continue to the next step...So when you are sure you dont here anything,close the flap ,and open anotherone and do the exact same thing... thats in order to test if the flap that you opened previously doesnt have any problems....i explain everything on the video so please make sure to check it out.thanks


or you can do it the crazy way and open a flaw, go to presure sensor, record screen, blow into and check how much it increased xD

arismelachrinos said:
For all of those who actually bought a sony xperia z , z1 , z2 , z3 phone and know that it comes with waterproof abilities but,you are really thinking if you should try that or you end up damaging your phone,i have the solution for you...maybe you just replaced your back cover and you dont really know if you put it back right,or the adhesive is fine,or a flap cover is damaged and you dont know if this is going to affect waterproofness, i made a tutorial on this on youtube and by watching it you should be pretty sure if it is or not...
-On the tutorial,i am presenting you two ways of testing waterproofness.Both of them are safe and they obviously dont require water or any kind of liquid that can damage your phone.
LINK to my youtube tutorial on HOW TO TEST WATERPROOFNESS :
1st way​ :
By entering the service menu on your phone,you can easily navigate to presure sensor test and from there you can test whether its waterproof by pressing your phone (not hard ) and if all flap covers are closed,you should see the numbers changing ...if you do so, you should be good to go
2nd way​
The second was is to completely close all flaps except for it just a little and then stick your lips there and blow...if you dont here air coming out from somewhere,then continue to the next step...So when you are sure you dont here anything,close the flap ,and open anotherone and do the exact same thing... thats in order to test if the flap that you opened previously doesnt have any problems....i explain everything on the video so please make sure to check it out.thanks
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Dont fish for thanks. This has already been posted before and the thread there is active and usually on the first page of the general forum.
 @mods please close this thread.


Screen Alignment Problem Fixed 100% Working (WithOut Voiding ur Warranty!!!!)

Hello There everybody....
I have been using htc tytn sn ht628 from the begining of the september and the sa probs started to occure after 2 week or generelly occure when the device got hot due to recharge or using for some time and also when i try to clean the screen with a soft i tried all the methods discribed here like flashing particular rom or keeping 20 mb free on phone!!! or loosing the two screw on the back of keyboard...but nothing helped me...the sa probs do get back again and again due to hotness or pressure on screen when cleaning the screen....
then i tried the business card method.....and removed the fomes that was glued with the screen and casing....but alas it lasted for some hours only....i have to do the same thing again and finally i got frustated and sold my tytn to one of my friend...(i could not go for warrenty easily as i brought it from usa and i live in south asia..) and then i brought a dopod 828pro with serial sn ht639 3 weeks ago when i was returning from malaysia after a business visit....
but the sa probs get back to that new device too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just after 2 days...but i have left malaysia within that time so i am unable to claim for warrenty now....
from my frustation i had been almost decided to open the set completely and use the method described in two japanise site where they mentioned to remove the foam and use some small sized foam...but that also instied me as it will void the warrenty and im not that of expert on opening set so anything might happen...
so finally i decided to apply my own method (actually not my own method but the combination of all the existing method...) and walla... i got wonderfull success now i have two perfectly working hermes (tytn and dopod 838pro) which where used to have sa they dont show any sa probs even due to excessive hotness of 3-4 hour use and charging not even for hard pressure on screen due to cleaning or so...i am using both set extencievely (one me and one my friend) for more then 13 days now after fixing it and they are working like angel.....i was thinking to share the methods here as you all helped me on many things over long time...i waited those ten days to make sure everythings working ok and sa probs dont came back....and for 100% confarmation....
now here goes the steps that i used to fix the two set.....
1)open the two (2) small screw located on the back of the keyboard...
2)Use a hard and sharp business card (i used prepaid scratch card i got when i do refill my mobile) to clean the foam and loose the screen from the will see a noticiable empty space between screen and casing if all the foam is will be needed to do this step a number of time to make sure everything is actually need to do this thing in both side of the screen (left and right)
3)Now the actual thing that i used from my own thoughts...i cut two piece of that business card i used in step two (in my case the prepaid plastic scratch card which is thin and hard ) and pushed them in the empty space of both side of the screen (left-right) that been created in step two....the size of the piece is small enough to get inside of the hole and hide its presence when you look straight to the screen you can only see its pressence when you will look from one side....also make sure the length is not two long mine size is like 10/1 size of the whole screen length and the wideness it also importent make sure to push it as far as it go to the end of the that its presence is unoticed...also make sure the tickness is not two much so that the screen and casong doesnt get two much presure....
4)now put those two screw again you can tight it up but dont tight too much...
This two piece stoped the screen from getting in touch of the casing body and as a result the sa probs is gone permenantly for good....i can assure you that this will work 10000% for sure i tested it in both of the hermes verient....
now if you got any more question then you can ask me or if you like me two take a picture of the procedure or the plastic piece i used then i will post it here...
I'd say: Show me the pictures ...
I've got a Vario 2 HTC635 and only had SA problem after i cleaned the screen to apply the screenprotector. After a reset/reallignment the problem was gone since so I think you're right about pressure to the screen.
Also i've done the business card trick just to be sure it wont happen in future.
I wonder how this does not void your warranty?
Just for opening up the device does that (tho no-one can tell if you had done it), but surely, if you remove foam or anything else from the phone.
I'd think that any kind of modification to the phone, will catch the eye of service guys and after they have done the repair, they will send a bill.
On the other hand, if the phone works without any issues during the warranty time with that modification, hell with the warranty.
picture please.
Well, you don't need to remove any of the tamper tags with this method so unless the device gets close scrutiny beyond that, the chances are that it'll go under the radar, especially if you remove the shims prior to sending it back.
If I understand this procedure correctly this is what you're saying.
1. Remove the screws.
2. Take a thin rigid card-like material and push it between the cover and screen on both the left and right sides of the Hermes screen (when held upright) to dislodge the adhesive.
3. Afterward, wedge a screen length piece of the thin card-like material between the screen and cover on both the left and right sides of the screen to prevent the screen from touching the case in the future causing the SA problem to come back.
If I have this correct I may try it this afternoon.
some pictures would be nice
what is the length of the card pieces that you placed between the screen and the body before tightening the screw? was it one tenth of the length of the screen?
as I said please post some pictures, it would help
yes the length is like 1 tenth of the screen size...i will post a picture of the plastic lateron that i used...
I've had serious SA issues, I just tried this.
Of course, I also lost one of the screws *grrr*
I'll let you know how it works, though!
edit: found the screw on the floor with the help of the tytn's camera LED .
Sounds true...
Actually I had the screen alignment issue and after applying a screen protection and therefore "pushing a bit" the display it is gone (hold thumbs)
Just thought I'd report that my screen has been fine (after doing this) for the past 24 hrs, a new record .
hey pkx glad to hear that my hack worked for now on 15th day and im not having even a slight screen mis allignment after the hack even giving hard pressure on right side of the screen is not making any its now safe to say that god freed me from the sa problem curse....
I woke up this morning and my screen was misaligned .
So it's not a permanent problem for me, but it helped considerably.
1) what do you use to loosen the screws? mine looks like a 6-pointed star
2) pictures!
The screws in mine are Phillip yours are Torx based on your description. My guess would be a size thats between T-4 and T-6. I haven't done it yet so no pics.
ah torx! i knew it! i thought you only use torx on screws with messed up heads.
now where to get that screw
please,send me the pictures...
vampirello said:
please,send me the pictures...
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ok i am going to post a picture tomorroaw as my camera is not at my hand right now..
and to clearify one thing more u need to use a bit of fatty card to resist the screen to get in touch of the casing..mine is like 2 time thick then of the thickness of a standard sim card...i thing it will help..
Sajib: thanx a lot for trying to help us with this annoying problem. I removed the two screws that appear under the screen when I slide out the keyboard. But I couldn´t loose the screen from the casing since apparently there are two more screws hidden between the keyboard and the screen. I don´t understand how you did it. Can you please explain me with more details???? I am aligning the screen at least 6 times a day!!! Thanx!
I need some help..
If i understand correct, just relax the screws, put the plastic to the both sides (left and right) between the screen and the front panel(WITHOUT disassembling the whole case) and then tight the screws back to the original state.Is that correct?
Also i deleted some files to get more than 10mb free space and that helped me alot
But when i clean the screen there is small change in the screen position so i still may need to do the hax.
Thansks in advice and sry for my bad english

Need help for reprinting a Warranty Seal

hi I've bought my Touch Dual on ebay and it was said to be under warranty (receipt) but when I opened the backside of the phone I discovered a broken warranty seal. Now I have severe problem with my ear speaker which doesn't work anymore. I've found photos of the dual opened but it seems to be too dificult to access the broken speaker...and I don't even know which remplacement speaker I should buy...
But as my phone is normally still under warranty I need your help : can you take a picture (macro and highest quality) of your warranty seal ? I'll also need the exact measure of the circle in order to reprint it as life looking as the original one...
Thanks a lot
sorry mate - i broke mine ;-)
but i am sure there are some dudes outside having a working warranty seal ..
good luck
hi, the seal is made of really thin latex like material, i know cos i popped mine to open case and align some issues. it really isnt difficult to open and get everything out, trust me!! and the whole case is like $80 from
i have link to opening instructions too when i get home
be brave!!
BTW: my seal was white with 'VOID' written on it in red, just covered the top right screw hole
Warranty seal
If you still need a photo of the seal I can do one for you. Post again if you still need it.
Thanks for your support. What do you think about my problems? Will it be solvable by myself? :
-First I've encountered a ear speaker problem :indeed the speaker I use to aswer a call doesn't work anymore...I've tried to hard reset the phone but it didn't solve the problem...I've already had this problem a month ago, but after a week the speaker miraculously re-worked...
So I don't really know if the speaker is just unpluged or broken...In the first case it will be really easy to solve by opening the Dual. In the second case I don't know which kind of speaker buy and if it's sold somewere.
I've not seen any post speaking about this problem. I saw a tutorial with photo of the dual opened ( : I didn't really see the aspect of the ear speaker and it seemed to be directly joined to the electronic card...Have you ever seen it? Do you think it'll be easily solvable?
-My second problem is about the sliding screen part of the Dual. I have recently let my niki fall while the sliding sreen was opened. Since then I have noticed that the screen part of the phone move a little when the phone is closed. It's really unpleasant when you hold it closed in your hand because it's always moving and doesn't give you the initial sensation of rigidity...
I think I have bend the rail that the screen part usually follow and I wonder if there is an easy way to dismantle the two parts of the phone to rebend the rail properly. Do you think it'll be easily bendable or sould I buy a new case?
These 2 problems make me hesitate about a warranty return...Indeed I don't want to destroy the plastic case by making bad manipuation, and then just see that the speaker isn't easily exchangeable... As my phone is still under warranty I'll mostly choose the easiest way by returning to the vendor...
Anyway I don't have any time to open it this week so I'll think about it in the next 2 weeks. Could you please take a picture of your seal and give me the size of it : it'll always be useful in case I renounce to open my niki (and in 2 weeks maybe no one will agree to send me the seal picture )
Thanks a lot for your support
mouh_stach007 said:
hi I've bought my Touch Dual on ebay and it was said to be under warranty (receipt) but when I opened the backside of the phone I discovered a broken warranty seal. Now I have severe problem with my ear speaker which doesn't work anymore. I've found photos of the dual opened but it seems to be too dificult to access the broken speaker...and I don't even know which remplacement speaker I should buy...
But as my phone is normally still under warranty I need your help : can you take a picture (macro and highest quality) of your warranty seal ? I'll also need the exact measure of the circle in order to reprint it as life looking as the original one...
Thanks a lot
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Hi I'm digging this post up : my warranty lasts for 2 more months and I'm very bored of using the hand free speaker and cannot have a private conversation...
so I definitely need your support ! Please send me a photo of the seal (macro mode and also high quality jpeg)
Thanks a lot for your help !

[FIX] Finally! Fix your Xperia keyboard by yourself

Hello ,
now before I start you should that you will need to disassemble the rear of your phone , If you think you cant then PLEASE dont try this .
THIS IS A FAST TUT , I WILL MAKE ANOTHER ONE LATER ON WITH PICTURES , hopefully when I make my second topic one of you guys will remake it with better english =)
# There is no other way to do this , no program no .cab , nothing without a disassembly .
# You will need 2 micro screwdrivers (one + & one - ) which can be found everywhere for less than a 1$
# a Guitar pick or any piece of plastic ,use it to separate the parts instead of using the screwdriver , we all know how the Xperia is easy to break =\
# a tooth brush & a hair dryer .​
I had enough of the keyboard lags & honestly having a phone with a QWERTY keyboard that doesn't work is just useless. Today I decided to fix my phone till the X2 comes out in Dubai , heres what I did in simple steps
Disassemble the rear of your phone using this video :
Xperia X1 - Disassembly Rear
# its VERY easy & doesn't need a lot of brains , but again if you think you cant do this
# the sides of the phone are very very thin & can be broken easily so be careful.
# No need for the gay gloves & all the other useless things its a phone not a nuclear bomb.​
Take the keyboard chip & grab a glass of water , soak it in ( Yes soak it) but keep the left side out of the water ( the side where the yellow wire is attached to the keyboard )
leave it for a few second & go get a tooth brush.
Wet the tooth brush & start cleaning the rear of the chip , soak it again & then use the tooth brush again , make sure you clean the nets or whatever its called on the back of the chip
Take the hair dryer & start blowing the hot air on the rear on the chip to dry it off , If you look at the front of the chip you will notice that there is water under .
you will need to remove the FIRST layer which is the transparent one but not completely start with one end & leave the other end attached so you can stick it again as it use to be.
Remove the second layer which has the silver buttons on it , & blow air under it.
#Make sure everything is completely dry under every layer otherwise you will fry your phone or at least the keyboard chip.​
Stick the layers back together carefully but firmly & make sure everything is at the right spot. test each & every button & blow hot air here & there just to make sure. put your phone back together Start the phone & TADA ! works like a charm
I hope I helped , my keyboard works perfectly now , no more retarded on screen keyboard !!!
Goodluck people
Marry X-mas & happy new year ​
i did as u said... it is not too hard... now it works better but still not perfect...
Sadly for me nothing change.
The keyb is yet clean.
I have cleaned mine like 3 months ago and still working perfectly. I have not done the blow dry thingy. I cant remember the chemical i used but i think it has an alcohol content. i thoroughly clean the board and the white plaster with silver buttons. i think, the glue used is spreading over time. So it really has to be cleaned.
To return that white part onto the board, use a pin. There is actually a small whole on both parts to ensure it will be placed back properly.
how did u guys open the top two 6 pointed screws? I took my smallest size 6 point and it wasnt small enough!
hatlo0or said:
# No need for the gay gloves & all the other useless things its a phone not a nuclear bomb.
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You need that gloves to make your stupid brain not to be corrosive.
Sexual orientation is not joke.

How to disassemble the HTC HD2?

I need a guide how to take off the screen from the backcover. There are 4 screws, but when you remove them, the screen doesn't move, also when using a vacuum pump.
Is there a special trick to get the display removed?
I know, a guy @ has managed to disassemble the HD2, but as i don't understand chinese i can't register there and ask him.
Benz-Driver said:
I know, a guy @ has managed to disassemble the HD2, but as i don't understand chinese i can't register there and ask him.
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No idea about your question, but did you ever try the google translation tools on this web site? It should be possible to translate it to English at least. Mabye that brings you forward ...
When taking your HD2 apart, could you PLEASE do the following:
Take high resolution pictures of the chips inside (pref. ALL chips)
A lot of us here really want to know what the memory chips say and what the broadcom chip says!
This would help a lot in the possible (if possible) development of a FM transmitter driver/app for the HD2 and it would once and for all answer the question if we have 448MB or 576MB of RAM and 512MB or 1GB of ROM.
Thanks a lot!
Yeah, i totally agree with ralphfx.
In this thread, i also requested some high quality pictures of the chips located inside the HD2 - the Boradcom chip especially.
This would be highly appreciated.
yeah,we are all interested about ram rom and comm chipset....we really appreciate if you take photos about this argument....
1. have a nice insurance
2. use excessive force
3. take pictures
4. call the insurance company, tell them someone bumped in to you on the bus and the phone fell and people walked on it
5. Win Win situation, we get pics, you get new phone
may I ask why you want to open it?
br3nt said:
may I ask why you want to open it?
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because the right upper corner of the display is lower than the other three corners and i would like to fix this. But i won't do that unless i have a really good guide, in order not to destroy the HD2.
i can recognize the same thing on my phone (at least it seems to be so). but:
(1) it is maybe 0.1mm difference at the top right corner _at most_ (just feelable when you move your fingers over the corners slightly and compare)
(2) there is no difference in the other corners, especially not in the lower left one. which makes me assume that it is not the screen that is tilt, but the frame that is bend. (did you check that with a master tool? maybe difficult due to the keys at the bottom...)
anyway, the difference is (at least over here) so small i didnt even realize it until i read your thread and took a _very_ close look at mine. of course, how bad it really is is highly subjective and as we all want pictures from the chips inside as well: plz go ahead! (and someone give him that howto finally!)
I had to remove the camera from my HD and here is how I have done it:
(This information is provided as is without warranty to accuracy. I take no responsibility for your action. Removing the back cover will void the warranty!)
Image 1:
Remove the 4 Screws. As you see on the Image, two of the screws have a stickers on them. I tried but I couldn't remove them in one piece. From this point on, you no longer have warranty on your phone!)
Image 2:
To remove the back, you need a plastic tool like the one on the Image.
Do not use metal or other hard tools. (They will damage the very soft and fragile frame and your phone will look ugly.)
Image 3 - Top:
These are the hooks that keep the top in place. You have to insert the plastic tool between the display and the frame and very carefully disengage the hooks on both sides.
Image 3 - Bottom:
The bottom side of the cover. On this side there are no hooks only a long retaining edge. At the reassembly this edge clips in first and then the top hooks snap in.
That's all. I haven't disassembled the phone any further as I only needed to get to the camera.
For all of you, who are not allowed to carry a phone with camera at work: this is your device! As there is no second forward facing camera, only the main camera must be removed. It is held by a cage (see last image). This can be carefully pried up and turned to the side. Then the camera can be removed and the cage closed again. Be very careful! The release for the cage is above some capacitors and you have not much space to work. Use a sharp and tiny screwdriver.
The camera driver is intelligent enough not to cause any side effects. When the camera software is started, nothing happens. No error message, no freezing, nothing.
I closed the camera hole with a piece of black plastic (from the back of a CD cover) and so it still looks fine.
The HD2 is the best business phone and it is a real joy to use in a daily basis...
you've solved your problem?
Thinman24, please repeat procedure and open up on top right corner so we can check to see if the BCM4329 chip is present for FM transmitter function. See here for more info :
Great job!
where is the external speaker?
thinman24 said:
For all of you, who are not allowed to carry a phone with camera at work
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Why would you not be allowed to carry a phone with a camera at work?
Spike15 said:
Why would you not be allowed to carry a phone with a camera at work?
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Thinman24, please repeat procedure and open up on top right corner so we can check to see if the BCM4329 chip is present for FM transmitter function. See here for more info :
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I'm sorry, I can't do that. I took the images in December right after my phone arrived and as you know: never change a runnig system...
The Frame around the Display is VERY soft and disassembling the phone repeatedly will certainly introduce some dents and bumps.
I had two minor ones (due to the fact, that there were no guides and I was looking for the hooks on the side) but I could smooth them out, so hey are barely visible.
I will check my images at home in the evening. Maybe I have one where the chip is visible but don't hold your breath as it wasn't my main concern back then.
Why would you not be allowed to carry a phone with a camera at work?
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I'm working in a Design Center of a car company... camera == loss of job, immediately. They take this very seriously here.
where is the external speaker?
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It's to the right of the Camera Opening on Image 3. It's attached to the back cover and is connected by springloaded contacts (can be seen on the last image).
There are no wires between the back cover and the Display/MainModule. Everything is connected by touch contacts. Makes the removal very simple.
Thinman we can check to see if the BCM4329 chip is present for FM transmitter function.
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I checked my photos, but the chips are covered so the images are not much use...
It's alright - thanks for your time though ^^ <--- internal pictures of the HD2
thinman24 said:
I'm working in a Design Center of a car company... camera == loss of job, immediately. They take this very seriously here.
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Are you not allowed to bring your eyes to work either?
Spike15 said:
Are you not allowed to bring your eyes to work either?
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actually you made me lol
pretty common sense/logic that he is not allowed to use the camera inside the building in his line of work
another example is when I went to the VW/Audi factory in germany with my class a couple of years ago we had to turn in our phones at the entrance due to security reasons... also in places where there's government secrets/building - if you get caught in action you can get jail (something like that, was a while ago....)
Really extensive disassemble photo-guide in russian.


Before Reading,
Don't forget to --> click thanks button if you found my post useful, you won't be killed if you click that button LOL
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Inspired from members' aging x1 and SESC full of crap... I'm gladly introduce you this full guide that isn't supposed to be exposed. But IMHO, it is supposed to be known by X1 owner.
I think every X1 headset is out of warranty now. While Sony Ericsson Service Centre is always full of crap, bringing broken X1 is absolutely not good idea.
They will asking "faithful" price sometimes the price is higher than the phone itself. Shame on Sony Ericsson.
So please read this guide before you bring your phone to SESC or any Service Centre.
NOTICE: However I'm not responsible to anything. SO take on your own risk!
1. What is in your X1?
Download these pdfs to read the components in your X1
a. Component in your motherboard (Advance user)
b. Component in your handset (Moderate user)
2. How to (dis)assembly your X1?
Download there pdfs to (dis)assembly your X1 in proffesional way
a. Videos in PDF (high bandwidth ISP or no FUP ISP)
b. Pictures in PDF (low bandwidth ISP or limited quota ISP)
3. How to diagnose and repair your broken X1?
Download there pdfs to repair on yourself
a. Problem and solution related to mainboard (Advance user), (!) read "Component in your motherboard
b. Problem and solution related to phone component (Moderate use)
Additional Fixing COMMON ISSUE GUIDE
(thanks to Hkt, triondave, mymailx and russell.eclair (aka rx.eclair)
Taken from local forums and some from XDA-Developers, it's weird some of these methods are never been shared to here...
1. Broken Flex Cable
a. When slide out, the digitizer (touchscreen panel) isn't working (screen might be working).
b. When slide out, the screen goes blank
c. The mic and front camera buzzing
a. FIRST Aid, (It's temporary and somehow fail if you are not skilled, in unkown way)
First method "Tape Patching",
- You can also apply this method preventing this problem while you like using the XPERIA X1 keyboard.
- As easy as ABC, just put insulator tape on the scratch side of flex cable -see blue rectangle with red 'X' inside.
- You may put on another side but it will give a hard slide-out.
Second method "Arc Manipulator", (it's working)
- Try this when you are failing from the first method.
- You can make a very thin plastic with a proper size -see black rectangle with red 'X' inside- and the thick of the plastic should not be thicker than half height of left compartment -see gray rectangle. (I use broken Lego, about 2-3 mm thick and 1x2 cm large)
- Glued it as close as possible to the edge of the 'arc' flex cable -see yellow line.
Explanation: So even the flex cable being retracted while the slider out, the position of 'arc' flex cable is manipulated as closed slider flex cable position. You've got to be sure that the thick of the plastic will not make the flex cable out of the housing so for assurance, try to move the slide locker upside down several times -see gree rectangle.
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b. Replace with new flex cable
- search on eBay is the cheapest price. In my country, the price is usually half than local shop but need to wait several weeks.
- After buy the replacement, see the guide to assembling your phone above
How long will it last?
- It's various based on how often you slide it out
- refer to point a.1 (isolate the flex cable) might be useful
- slide it out smoothly (because every time you slide it out roughly, the flex cable being tracked)
- Never / once upon time to slide your X1 out.
2. Unreponsive keyboard
It's very easy to repair it...
[Tutorial] Cleaning X1 Keyboard (Disassemble)
NEVER! follow the threa that is started by hatlo0or, because it is just horrible for beginner and offensive word for some person.
3. Scratching Housing
There's no other way to make it as new, replacing the houding is quite cheap right now. I found that the price varies from 12 to 70 USD.
Which one to buy?
I bought 3 housing for me myself and 1 for my friend.
* I compare those, priced arround 12 USD is better built than priced arround 20 USD.
** the 12 USD is fitted well and the chrome is shinner than 20 USD, the 20 USD Priced is not fitted and quite tricky to assembling it.
*** However the arround 70 USD is the best because it's complete. The housing with 12 and 20 USD have no keyboard but the 70 USD is quite good with keyboard.
Now I am using the keyboard and backplate from the 70 USD priced housing. but for front case and rear case, I used from 12 USD priced housing. As soon as, bought a leather case to prevent it from scratching...
Update!4. Unresponsive Volume Key
Okay, it has been long time that I've been vacuum. After 2-3 years, my X1 has been so terribly damaged. Now, I'm gonna share something else to you all. I dunno know how much people will be helped by this thread since only 20 persons who give comment while 8000 eyes (2x 4000 ppl) read this. But who care? so far there's noone complain.
To be honest, I finally buy another brand new XPERIA X1 from local shop (old stock) with great price because my X1 is what I called "un-help-able"LOL. The problem is unresponsive volume key.
First time, I think it is caused by faulty button but I don't find it wrong after checking up. And after several days' analysis, I found that it is caused by something on motherboard (but I could not determine which one, someone know?). However, the solution is just put something (paper, clip with thickness less than half milimeter) over the USB port (there's a slight gap between the housing and USB port) so it will push down the USB Connector (and Mother board), for unknown reason, your volume key back to normal.
I'm surprised that there are still ones who use X1 since the only person I know using this X1 in my city is me... lol
I just love X1 unfortunately death Sony Ericsson just like White Star Line who make Titanic for becoming so weak.
Thanks for sharing and the credit ;-)
looking good, hope it will be kept up to date
stuck it for the time being
Your information is very useful
Your information is very useful and I learnt much from it! Keep working...
Very usefull thread it helped me a lot when I was changing broken display for a new one
OnThomaz said:
It helped me a lot when I was changing broken display for a new one
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Hi! What instruments have you used to disassemble the phone and to change display? I want to change display touch sensor - mine is totally scratched.
J0hnTR said:
Hi! What instruments have you used to disassemble the phone and to change display? I want to change display touch sensor - mine is totally scratched.
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It is named aas digitizer not touch sensor.
It's tricky if you want to separate those parts.
You need only:
1. Micro- scissors (No idea how to say it in English) but razor blade is okay (I always used my husband's)
Just very careful to slide between the display and the digitizer or it might break your LCD as well.
Suggest you to search on youtube maybe there's no tutorial about how to replace X1 digitizer but there's a lot tutorial how to separate 'em on other models.
Just watch and learn from those videos. After you have courage, just try it. But I won't take any responsible for you acts. Because everyone's skill is different, I have no idea on yours. One advice from me is be patient and don't execute any acts until you are really sure on what you do.
VSJ said:
It is named aas digitizer not touch sensor.
It's tricky if you want to separate those parts.
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Wow. I knew it will be hard to disassemble Xperia X1..
And then I looked into the Disassembling Guide - it will be impossible to disassemble it at home!)
Thanks, will search for some repair center!
Wow,, thanks! Great one
Thx for the great GUIDE)
Broken link
The link to the 'component of the motherboard' is broken (goes to ad fly and no further). You can still find it under your My 4shared division of the website, from another download..
downloading now, thanks.
the_analyst said:
The link to the 'component of the motherboard' is broken (goes to ad fly and no further). You can still find it under your My 4shared division of the website, from another download..
downloading now, thanks.
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Sorry I don't know about that, I just copy paste the link from a local forum.
You may contact rx.eclair (kaskus) or russell.eclair (xda-developers) for questions about the link and so on
Fix Link
Here is the Component of The Motherboard of X1.
thanks for posting this.
It sucks having to dissasemble the phone to clean the keyboard every now and then. I wonder, is there anyway to prevent it from ever happening again?
Thanks for the extremely useful guide mate!
thanks as the aging X1 will surely need this.
Nice guide, but i still with the volume/keyboard problems...
Like some others, i have traced the proble to the motherboard, but i can't find the real cause... I think, it might be some cold solder or a faulty ground connection (this may explain why if you push the usb connector, the keys start to work again)
Great Job Bro
Great Job Bro!! Solved Problem with my X!
Thanks (;
Hi guys.
I have an old SE X1 lying around. The keyboard was not working properly, so I sent it in under warranty, but they sent it back saying I had physically damaged the screen, so my warranty was void.
When I got it back it wasn't even switching on, so I opened it up and found 2 small components broken off the mainboard. I don't know what they were but I've taken a photo of their locations, so if someone opens their phone, could they tell me what they were? It would also be brilliant if you could measure their values. I want to try soldering some replacements on...
I can't post the link to the image as an image, so I'll link it here:
I'd love to get this thing working again, I miss it.
Thanks, Jodie.

