Issues with density changing - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

If changing density from 640 to 540 I have issues with ui.
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Someone know how to fix this without getting back to density 640?

Captain_iGlue said:
If changing density from 640 to 540 I have issues with ui.
Someone know how to fix this without getting back to density 640?
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You can't, until someone makes a multi DPI touchwiz. You either have to use a third party launcher or use xposed App Settings to change the ui back to 640. You will also need to change camera, contacts, in call ui, calculator etc too
sent from somewhere

liquidguru said:
You can't, until someone makes a multi DPI touchwiz. You either have to use a third party launcher or use xposed App Settings to change the ui back to 640. You will also need to change camera, contacts, in call ui, calculator etc too
sent from somewhere
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Ok. Thank you.


Change DPI on entire Gnote UI

Just tried this out and i must say it's pretty awesome.
Anyway, The app is called LCD resolution, Link to market below.
Basically it changes the DPI on your device(Any android, HD screens suggested)
I have tried the settings 280 and its pretty good with zero negative affects(So far), Best always to use a thirdy party launcher i believe. I use Go launcher.
Anyway, Give it a shot everyone and post some feedback on different DPI settings.
LCD Resolution Android MarketPlace
Edit, took a screenshot of my app launcher with a 6x6 row ratio, That is with the 280DPI setting, It actually looks extremely nice.
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epic thats epic i love it soo much thx for sharing
whats the theme called btw
thebomber said:
epic thats epic i love it soo much thx for sharing
whats the theme called btw
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It's called future world, Its quite nice!
Changed DPi to 260 and it again works well for me. Market works perfectly as does every app i tried.
Check out the screen shot of my dash.

[Q] How to change system wide dpi?

I was thinking about changing my system wide dpi. Can anyone advise how to do that? What are the commonly used settings?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Assuming you are rooted you will want to use an app that will allow you to edit text files. There are several but I use root explorer to do so. The go to your phone folders and look for the build.prop text file. Look in there for something like lcd density. Should have value around 480 I believe. I use 320 for reference. Keep in mind that this may mess up how some programs look. For example the gallery will run off the screen to the right unless you go and change the settings using xposed. Change gallery to 360 and it will look just fine.
Hope this helps.
Here is what 320 looks like.
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Tap'n & Talk'n on my Note 3
Thank you greatly. I found and changed it no problems. The file is in the system folder...
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

[Q] Font Size in TouchWiz UI AppDrawer...

Hi there.
See image here;
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As you can see the Icons are a nice size but the fonts look too big for the icons and over lap and make the appdrawer look messy, i've got my font size set to Tiny but the font on the touchwiz drawer is still ALOT bigger than the font on my settings...
Is there a way i can make my app drawer fonts smaller, maybe by modifying touchwiz? If so how would i go about doing that? This is the only problem i have with touchwiz and don't want to use Apex or any other launcher as i love the default touchwiz widgets.
I see someone managed to edit Touchwiz for the galaxy S4 which included decreasing the font sizes here;
If you are rooted you can change the DPI, 420ish or so should suit nicely for TW
I changed the DPI via build prop editor with rom tool box and it just shrunk the sides into the middle of the screen, i'd like them to be stretched so it seems 420DPI isn't gonna do it for me.
You can go as low as 320 on the Note iirc before you run into issues, try a different one. Or install iFont and change the fonts?

How to trick playstore to supported resolution?

I updated to X-Note 10 and kept the DPI that came with the rom, but now, some of my apps have not synced back because of the modded DPI. (i think). One of them is the Call of Duty Ghost app that was supported before i installed X10 and now says that it's not. Another one is Office Mobile 365...Is there any ways to trick the playstore, or a way of officially downloading the apps with my current DPI?
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Im using X note 10
Using stock x note 10 dpi.
I dont have the compatibility issue..
polish_pat said:
I updated to X-Note 10 and kept the DPI that came with the rom, but now, some of my apps have not synced back because of the modded DPI. (i think). One of them is the Call of Duty Ghost app that was supported before i installed X10 and now says that it's not. Another one is Office Mobile 365...Is there any ways to trick the playstore, or a way of officially downloading the apps with my current DPI?
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I use romtoolbox lite , to change the dpi to 480 , and change it again after that.

[PORT] [MDPI] Xperia Z5 Home Launcher

Hello Guys Here is Xperia Z5 Home launcher for MDPI
I'm Using lsd.dpi=130 I have wt19i (Live with walkman)
If screen not fit well try changing screen dpi
Changing virtual dpi really need to fit xxhdpi to mdpi
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Another great work.Bro you Rock:good:
as soon as I change my dpi from 160 to 130 the phone starts to hang like forever and becomes really slow, dont know the reason...
it's mini Pro(mango) by the way
Kianush said:
as soon as I change my dpi from 160 to 130 the phone starts to hang like forever and becomes really slow, dont know the reason...
it's mini Pro(mango) by the way
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hang system is not cause of changing screen dpi , may be you not change build.prop properly make sure build.prop has rw-r-r- permission
i found an app for you.. >

