[Q] What did it take to crack LG G2 screen? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Since i'm constantly wondering how thin with a case i can go, I thought it would be interesting to hear what did it take for you to crack LG G2 Screen.
Did you use a screen protector? Tempered glass? Case? (tpu, hybrid...)

vklexer said:
Since i'm constantly wondering how thin with a case i can go, I thought it would be interesting to hear what did it take for you to crack LG G2 Screen.
Did you use a screen protector? Tempered glass? Case? (tpu, hybrid...)
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I had mine in one of those ultra-thin 99p cases from ebay (the ones that they claim are 0.3mm thick) and no screen protector. I dropped it while getting out of the car (so probably only about a 2 foot drop), and it landed perfectly face down on some slightly rough concrete. It smashed the screen up fairly badly. To be honest I'd call it bad luck - I reckon if it had landed at any other angle it would have been OK, or at least not badly damaged.

The best protection for your screen comes in the way of care and handling of your phone. As far as cases go, I prefer the tech21 d30. It's relatively thin, and has impact resistance built in. It has also, a nice rudge surrounding the screen, for face down protection.


Scratch-resistant screen?

Anyone know how tough the glass screen on the Hero is? I've been mollycoddling mine ever since I got it, but my brother just slings his iPhone in his pocket and it's never scratched.
My Touch Diamond screen ended up with countless tiny scratches after 6 months living in my pocket. :-(
Can confirm, concrete and the screen do not mix.
Get a screen protector
Hero's screen is made of "gorilla glass" same as the Iphones
I've been taking good care of mine too, only keeping it in an otherwise empty pocket. Somehow managed to get a tiny scratch tho.
Sorry for reviving the thread, but didn't want to start a new one. Can anyone confirm that the screen is indeed made of the same material as the iPhone per NisseGurra's post? (not doubting, just would rather ask and potentially find a source that confirms this )
I must say that the screen to me feels more plasticy than the iPhones ( I've held them side by side ).
I bought some protector screen off ebay, and so long as you put them on with care, they're very good.
Yeah I threw one on that came w/ a Flexishield case I purchased from eBay, but now I'm really starting to appreciate the anti-grease coating that was on the screen before I put the protector on. That's why I was wondering... if it truly is a scratch-resistant screen, I'd consider going protector-less for the sake of having a TON less smudging.
while it's pretty expensive, I suspect the HTC official screen protectors must have the anti-grease coating too - I certainly haven't noticed a difference in smudging level
in a small portion in the corner of my screen i thought i would test this out, even using a screw or blade with a fair bit of pressure it didnt scratch i think for normal usage ie keys in pocket you will stay scratch free.
I must admit, whatever they have coated the screen with seems to be far less scratch prone than other handsets I've had.
I do look after it TBH, but then I always do look after my handsets, hate scratched screens.
It does appear to be coated in a plastic and does not feel like glass. yet its cold to the touch just like glass would be, whereas plastic would feel 'warmer' to the touch.
In the most supreme irony, my screen has picked up a couple of small scratches. Lol. No clue where from either, it hasn't been dropped or mistreated.
Seems a screen protector is in order.
soulehmoo said:
In the most supreme irony, my screen has picked up a couple of small scratches. Lol. No clue where from either, it hasn't been dropped or mistreated.
Seems a screen protector is in order.
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That's bizarre, especially considering your little corner-of-the-screen test!

Gorilla glass question

Hello all, I have a question about the gorilla glass on the DX. In your opinions, do we need a screen protector or not? I'd love to just have the glass front but also don't want to harm the phone. Also, exactly how many gorillas were sacrificed to make each glass screen? I want to rub it in PETA's face.
EsotericPunk said:
Hello all, I have a question about the gorilla glass on the DX. In your opinions, do we need a screen protector or not? I'd love to just have the glass front but also don't want to harm the phone. Also, exactly how many gorillas were sacrificed to make each glass screen? I want to rub it in PETA's face.
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To use a screen protector...or not to use a screen protector.. that IS the question...
Um.. I think its more of a personal preference... Do you tend to be harsh on phones? Or do you take care of them.... That is probably some of the thinking you should put into the matter.
I have had my X for around 7 months, and I take it all over. I have not scratched my screen at all... Its really if you are overly worried about it getting scratched... If so, why not spend a few bucks to protect your precious investment!
I NEVER rocked screen protectors until I got my X... and that wasn't until I saw a scratch on a friends.....
My advice would be if you are going to get one, get a good one like steinhell or however you spell it.
If you get their top of the line it s also good at fighting against fingerprints.
+1 for sysadmin
and elevendy6 gorillas were sacrificed
If you are going to keep the phone in a jeans pocket I would say get the protector.
The SGP crystal clear you can't even tell it is there.
How easy is it to get a piece of sand in your pocket and it is harder than the glass.
get anti-glare ones, they show less fingerprints
Never used a screen protector or case. Never even bothered to take care of my phone. No marks on it whatsoever and I got it on launch day. Get a screen protector if you want to crappy looking layer of scratched up plastic over your screen. Get a case if you want your phone to be all scratched up.
Cases and screen protectors both do more harm than good.
My Droid X has proven very sturdy. It's been dropped, kept in random pockets exclusively (with keys occasionally) and has no scratches on the glass. The only damage to the body is a couple of minor dents in either upper corner, which have to be pointed out, and scratches on the back "M" logo.
I typically use a two-piece plastic shell, because I like the way it looks and it offers a little protection when dropped. I tried the Zagg Invisi-shield, as well.
I can't recommend the Invisi-shield, though. It went on with a little work and it felt fine to the touch. It was also only slightly more smudge prone than the glass itself. However, I scratched the protector the day after installation with a paper napkin. A couple weeks later, and a few bucks for shipping, my replacement shield was delivered with a tiny scratch in the center of the front side.
I say run without protection.
I have had my X since it came out. I briefly had the crappy Verizon screen protector/antiglare film on. I keep my phone in my pocket with the glass against my leg and have had no problems. For Christmas I got the Seidio surface combo case. So it isn't in my pocket as much anymore.
Ive had my X since before froyo with no protection whatsoever. I carry it like jgraham with the glass against my leg. I've dropped this thing on blacktop and facedown on concrete. Not a scratch on the screen. I have some nasty battle scars on the little ridge that protrudes up past the screen though.
I can't stand the screen protectors. I don't like the look or feel of them. If you destroy the glass somehow, just pay the $50 deductable or whatever. Well worth it to me.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
I also recommend the Seidio Crystal Clear protector. It's much more invisible, and less friction, than the Zagg InvisibleShield. It's also much cheaper (you get a 2-pack for almost 1/2 the price of one InvisibleShield).
I've been using the Seidio for a few months now and it works great. I can't even tell it's on my phone, except it collects smudges a bit more than the naked glass. But a quick wipe on my shirt removes them. Cheap insurance in my book.

[Q] Screen protector to cover the WHOLE surface?

Hey guys, so I just got my membrane screen protectors for the nexus 4, installation was pretty quick and bubble-less. I noticed tho, not all of the surface is covered.. just the screen. The edges and the other parts of the frontal glass are not covered and therefore scratch-exposed. I googled a bit and found out there probably is no screenprotector which allows FULL cover of the surface.
Can you guys confirm? I think these Membrane protectors I got are just bad.. crazy cheap price for 6 protectors. They are crystal clear tho.
Bytecode said:
Hey guys, so I just got my membrane screen protectors for the nexus 4, installation was pretty quick and bubble-less. I noticed tho, not all of the surface is covered.. just the screen. The edges and the other parts of the frontal glass are not covered and therefore scratch-exposed. I googled a bit and found out there probably is no screenprotector which allows FULL cover of the surface.
Can you guys confirm? I think these Membrane protectors I got are just bad.. crazy cheap price for 6 protectors. They are crystal clear tho.
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It has a slight curve at the edges which doesn't allow for complete adhesion, and at the top for the camera and prox sensors need to be open...so someone decided.
mrhiab said:
It has a slight curve at the edges which doesn't allow for complete adhesion, and at the top for the camera and prox sensors need to be open...so someone decided.
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Thanks man. So which protector covers more?
I always have taken my phones to Ghost Armor, they cover everything for $40. They'll replace all of it for $10. It's almost rubber feeling but it's crystal clear.
ZULU2189 said:
I always have taken my phones to Ghost Armor, they cover everything for $40. They'll replace all of it for $10. It's almost rubber feeling but it's crystal clear.
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$40? That's a lot for a screen protector. I'll just stick to Membrane protectors
To anyone having tried both Membrane screen protectors and Mediadevil protectors, which one is the best? My membrane protectors get veeeery dirty with fingerprints and crap, and cleaning up is not that easy. Crystal clear tho.
The screen protectors have to expose a few essential parts like the the front camera and proximity sensors etc. I don't see what the problem is as just about all of them cover a large percentage, unless you want to paint the phone in wood gloss.
You can use Skinomi wet screen protector and it seems to have a larger surface area and curves around the side edges of the phone. But that expose the screen protector to cases, when you put a case on, the case edges will dig into the screen protectors and lift it up. Skinomi is pretty good with resisting fingerprints and smudges for me.
I'm currently using the "iloome tempered glass" and the only thing it exposes are the front sensors.
eksasol said:
The screen protectors have to expose a few essential parts like the the front camera and proximity sensors etc. I don't see what the problem is as just about all of them cover a large percentage, unless you want to paint the phone in wood gloss.
You can use Skinomi wet screen protector and it seems to have a larger surface area and curves around the side edges of the phone. But that expose the screen protector to cases, when you put a case on, the case edges will dig into the screen protectors and lift it up. Skinomi is pretty good with resisting fingerprints and smudges for me.
I'm currently using the "iloome tempered glass" and the only thing it exposes are the front sensors.
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Ordered a couple Mediadevil today from Amazon, in a week or so I'll get them. Don't mind if it doesn't cover the entire surface (btw I knew FFC and proximity sensors don't have to be covered).

[Q] Scratches on screen, glass replacement?

Hey guys! Alright, so, a clumsy fashion student knocked my Nexus off the table while it was charging in class, but I was quick enough to somewhat save it by stopping the initial impact of the cement floor by lightly "kicking" my phone with my shoe, so instead of smashing to the ground it instead slid across the floor face down (but not too violently). There's no serious damage at all, the sides, corners, and back are all scratch-free, but there are a few scratches on the front screen that I can notice (might be a bit OCD, who knows).
So I looked around for replacement glass and found these. Now, would this be want I would want to get if I wanted to replace the front to get rid of the scratches? Also, if anyone could recommend a good and not too expensive brand for screen protectors, that'd be wonderful as well.
Thank you, guys!
You probably want to go to ebay instead and get the digitizer replacement so it come with both the glass and the digitizer, otherwise the one you linked won't have any touch ability.
Replacing the glass/digitizer is not an easy process, but you can check out this youtube video: the glass/digitizer is glued onto the LCD, so you need to heat it up, seperate it while not damaging the lcd, clean the glue, then replace the glass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paRc_n4uB8s
You can try XtremeGuard which is a wet applied screen protector and its pretty cheap. If the scratch is small enough it will be hidden by it: http://www.amazon.com/GOOGLE-NEXUS-XtremeGUARD©-Screen-Protector/dp/B00AA281D6/
Skinomi is another brand. I like XtremeGuard more than Skinomi because I can trim it easily with a paper cutter while keeping the edge straight and its easier to install, but Skinomi material is better quality, thicker, and smoother feel.
You can also get tempered glass screen protector which is more expensive, but easier to install. I had an iloome version, but it cracked in half when I tried to peel it off to readjust it.
Right now I'm using XtremeGuard and this bumper: http://www.amazon.com/Google-Nexus-E960-Bumper-Case/dp/B00B199960/ These are cheapest alternatives, but I like it best so far.

Scratches on my screen

I put my phone in my gf's purse in a pocket just next to her earings (which I had not seen obviously) so my z2 screen got now a very obvious scratch that I would like to remove.
I can't feel it with my finger but it's still visually very annoying.
I tried the toothpaste but didn't do anything.
Would you have any product to recommend?
Thanks for your help!
Damn, thought the screen would be more resistant than that : ( Guess it's not as solid as Gorilla Glass.
Apply a screen protector, it normally helps hiding scratches
I highly recommend grabbing a glass screen protector (Nillkin on eBay is pretty good). It'll hide the scratch *and* feel great.
ijeff said:
I highly recommend grabbing a glass screen protector (Nillkin on eBay is pretty good). It'll hide the scratch *and* feel great.
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I'm using Nillkin tempered glass on all my devices and it's awesome.
First thing when I'm buying new device is ordering Nillkin TG.
I still have one I applied on Z1 and it's just like it was the first day.
I'm cleaning my devices by showering them and washing them in water so that's pretty awesome protector which could take all that and still stay proudly on screen
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Thanks guys.
Just ordered it! I'll keep you posted!
clemz91 said:
I put my phone in my gf's purse in a pocket just next to her earings (which I had not seen obviously) so my z2 screen got now a very obvious scratch that I would like to remove.
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Metal should not scratch the screen.
Sand, glass or any other kind of silicon will though.
I had Nillkin Tempered glass, it couldn't apply/align properly. One edge was not good. Got angry and broke the glass lol. I'm totally OCD about screen protectors.
I generally do not use screen protectors, because even if they are immaculate when you put them on, they quickly become less so. The cure is worse than the disease. The only way I'd use one is if I was very very concerned about resale value and did not care if my display quality was impacted.
Use tempered glass on all my devices and it's awesome. Don't even notice it's there, it just protect my screen. The first thing I order when I get a new phone.
fredriks said:
Use tempered glass on all my devices and it's awesome. Don't even notice it's there, it just protect my screen. The first thing I order when I get a new phone.
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Abby Oddie said:
I generally do not use screen protectors, because even if they are immaculate when you put them on, they quickly become less so. The cure is worse than the disease. The only way I'd use one is if I was very very concerned about resale value and did not care if my display quality was impacted.
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Screen protectors vs tempered glass is a world of a difference. Tempered glass does not show signs of scratches or air bubbles unlike normal screen protectors. They also dont hamper touch sensitivity and save the screen from the various damages we might inflict otherwise..
stanley08 said:
I had Nillkin Tempered glass, it couldn't apply/align properly. One edge was not good. Got angry and broke the glass lol. I'm totally OCD about screen protectors.
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You can try Glass4M or iTop Tempered Glass.
iTop is quite hard to find but it's verry popular in my country. The screen protector fit perfectly and cost me about $10.
