Safe to encrypt - G3 General

Is it safe to encrypt my phone after root? Any side effects?


Can I have encryption and xposed?

I do not have this phone yet, I'm just planning ahead.
From my reading I see that you can't encrypt a already rooted phone but if you encrypt first then use Towel Root it does work. I want to know a little more. Can I do the following in this order and have it all work together at the same time.
1: Encrypt the phone
2: Root with Towelroot
3: Have supersu disable knox so xposed can work
4: Use root to change it so I have separate unlock and encryption passwords
5: Install xposed framework and ad blocking
I mainly need to know if the need to disable knox for xposed is going to turn off encryption or if it should stay since it is already setup. Like it does for basic root.

Encryption and rooting

Does having your device encrypted affect the ability or result of rooting?
Conversely, does rooting affect the ability to encrypt / decrypt the device?

Root without tripping Knox

Does the new Odin root work without tripping knox on 6.0.1?
If not is this like a normal root where some applications can detect is and won't work properly (eg banking apps)
It would be nice to have SU every now and then for specific apps such as titanium
No patch to this moment. For now it's impossible to root without the triggering knox.

S7 Edge - SM-G935V - Rooted- December Update?

I just recently rooted my phone and I noticed a December Security update. If I update, do I lose root? If I use fireflash to install the update, will I be able to maintain root?
You might as it depends on what you're using to modify your device to gain root privileges.
Most likely scenario is you lose root when the system update overwrites your /system partition.
Other risks include your device being flagged if sensitive props have been changed.
You could try to root the device after the update but the risk is still there unless you do a factory reset. The risk is minimal if you used a systemless approach, though.

Quickest way to get stock system updates?

I have unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP, root and Xposed Framework. What do I need to deactivate to to do stock system updates, possibly without losing data?
Also, any way I can install Magisk without losing all data by locking the bootloader (except backup)?
The only way is go back to stock. UNroot, relock bootloader and get rid of TWRP. There is no other way round it.

