S7 Edge - SM-G935V - Rooted- December Update? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I just recently rooted my phone and I noticed a December Security update. If I update, do I lose root? If I use fireflash to install the update, will I be able to maintain root?

You might as it depends on what you're using to modify your device to gain root privileges.
Most likely scenario is you lose root when the system update overwrites your /system partition.
Other risks include your device being flagged if sensitive props have been changed.
You could try to root the device after the update but the risk is still there unless you do a factory reset. The risk is minimal if you used a systemless approach, though.


Rooting after update Q

My mother Nexus 10 has an update for 4.2.2 (currently rooted on 4.2.1) and I'm wondering if besides making backups is there any way to keep all the data during the rooting of 4.2.2?
Are you sure you will lose root? If you have SuperSU it has the option to enable it to try to keep root during an upgrade. OTA Rootkeeper will do the same thing for Superuser.
But if you do lose root, you should just be able to re-root without losing data. Someone else can probably answer this better than I can, but the only time you have to lose data is when you unlock the bootloader. Updating won't change that. I forgot to check the option in SuperSU to keep root before I updated last night, so I lost root but I just rerooted without losing my data.
theninjapirate said:
Are you sure you will lose root? If you have SuperSU it has the option to enable it to try to keep root during an upgrade. OTA Rootkeeper will do the same thing for Superuser.
But if you do lose root, you should just be able to re-root without losing data. Someone else can probably answer this better than I can, but the only time you have to lose data is when you unlock the bootloader. Updating won't change that. I forgot to check the option in SuperSU to keep root before I updated last night, so I lost root but I just rerooted without losing my data.
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Had to grab pro SuperSU real quick but that did it! Thanks.
Riku98523 said:
Had to grab pro SuperSU real quick but that did it! Thanks.
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Sure - that works fine. Another possibility is to download Voodoo RootKeeper, use it preserve Root (saves a copy of su), and then fire up RootKeeper again after installing 4.2.2 and use it to restore Root. Works perfectly as well.

Security update and systemless root

A new update is out for the 6p with monthly security updates. I have two questions:
1. I'm assuming Google is going to break systemless root. Does this update do that or does it still work?
2. Now that we're seeing monthly updates, keeping root is going to be a pain. What is the least painful process to update? I've searched around and have not been able to find a good guide.
1. I downloaded the new MMB29P image today. I flashed the system and vendor partitions via fastboot. Systemless root is still working.
2. See #1
1. It still works
2. Not painful at all. Fastboot the relevant updated factory images and reflash SuperSu. 2.66 is working perfectly and the existing guides/stickies are still valid.
Did this. Lost root.
@gthing can you be more specific on what you actually did and that will help for advice.

OTA update, keeping root

I keep receiving an OTA update for 6.0.1 but it fails, probably because I have rooted my Moto X Force.
How do I keep root and manually upgrade?
You can try the app FlashFire made by Chainfire. I personally haven't used and am not sure if it is supported on this device it so I can't vouch for how well it works. Otherwise the only way to do what you want is to unroot, update, and then reroot.

Possible to root and still receive OTAs?

Hello all,
I have a P2XL but my previous phone was a N6P. I am lending it to my brother for a bit until he gets his own P2XL, I have the phone back to stock and have relocked the bootloader but am curious to know if I can root the phone so he can install Substratum, V4A and AdAway and still receive OTAs. He knows to disable the Substratum OTAs and uninstall V4A before OTA but I'd have to teach him how to sideload OTA if he wouldn't be able to receive the typical method OTA via Google/carrier.
The N6P is Google bought, being used on Tmo.
cwburns32 said:
Hello all,
I have a P2XL but my previous phone was a N6P. I am lending it to my brother for a bit until he gets his own P2XL, I have the phone back to stock and have relocked the bootloader but am curious to know if I can root the phone so he can install Substratum, V4A and AdAway and still receive OTAs. He knows to disable the Substratum OTAs and uninstall V4A before OTA but I'd have to teach him how to sideload OTA if he wouldn't be able to receive the typical method OTA via Google/carrier.
The N6P is Google bought, being used on Tmo.
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Most likely not. Over the air updates do checks for that kind of thing including root unlocked bootloaders and modifications to the system partition. Unless you know how to go into the Manifest and override this I would suggest you leave it at full stock if you plan to use OTAs
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Actually, when you do systemless root and do not modify system partition in any way (changes done via Magisk do not count), then OTA may go through, but it will remove root since it replaces boot partition with its own (and systemless root modifies boot partition instead of system). Because of this, you would have to root again after OTA.
Instructions for applying OTA if rooted using Magisk: https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/blob/master/docs/tips.md

Throwback to engineermode

Back when engineeringmode was a big deal because of security concerns, i took advantage of it and rooted my oneplus 5 with magisk installed. This root did not go away with updates until android pie, though i had to reload magisk every reboot. In this latest update, *#808# root test says that i still have root, but i cannot load magisk and thus, cannot use root. Is there anyway to make it so that the I can regain root without unlocking bootloader and wiping?

