Blackberry APK - Java for Android App Development

Hi everybody
I hope this is the right section for my question, if not, please don't kill me.
I'm a Blackberry Q10 user. We can run Android apps on Blackberry because there is a emulator that comes with the phone. Most applications run very smoothly, although there is one that doesn't work. And I just don't know why...
The Z10 (the bigger Blackberry) can run "The Simpsons Tapped Out" without any problems, although the Q10 (the Blackberry with touch and keyboard) cannot. When you launch the application it will show the splash screen (EA logo, etc) and then it will turn black for infinite time.
First I thought it was a resolution issue. I decompiled the standard APK from the Play Store, changing the resolution with some success. The splash screen is now the "normal" size for the screen (720x720). Rest is still the same. Then I thought, it might be a data issue. I've downloaded all the data, extracted it, etc. Without success.
Now, I am clueless, I'm not a programmer and I tried for several hours fixing the problem. I just can't, I need help on this on.
Would anyone here be so kind, helping me in this process of finding out why the screen turns black?
Kind regards

namenamename111 said:
Hi everybody
I hope this is the right section for my question, if not, please don't kill me.
I'm a Blackberry Q10 user. We can run Android apps on Blackberry because there is a emulator that comes with the phone. Most applications run very smoothly, although there is one that doesn't work. And I just don't know why...
The Z10 (the bigger Blackberry) can run "The Simpsons Tapped Out" without any problems, although the Q10 (the Blackberry with touch and keyboard) cannot. When you launch the application it will show the splash screen (EA logo, etc) and then it will turn black for infinite time.
First I thought it was a resolution issue. I decompiled the standard APK from the Play Store, changing the resolution with some success. The splash screen is now the "normal" size for the screen (720x720). Rest is still the same. Then I thought, it might be a data issue. I've downloaded all the data, extracted it, etc. Without success.
Now, I am clueless, I'm not a programmer and I tried for several hours fixing the problem. I just can't, I need help on this on.
Would anyone here be so kind, helping me in this process of finding out why the screen turns black?
Kind regards
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You have to logcat, but since this is a BB device it's hard to help, maybe some libraries are missing in the emulator

mohamedrashad said:
You have to logcat, but since this is a BB device it's hard to help, maybe some libraries are missing in the emulator
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The emulator comes standard with BlackBerry OS 10. The APK runs fine on a Z10 but not on a Q10. Is log cat an application?

Logcat is a program that tracks all system actions, you can read the log to debug your rom or apps
for your prblem i suggest that the game need specific resultion that is not avaiable on the small q10 screen

mohamedrashad said:
Logcat is a program that tracks all system actions, you can read the log to debug your rom or apps
for your prblem i suggest that the game need specific resultion that is not avaiable on the small q10 screen
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I call bull**** on the last one.
Thanks for nothing XDA.


application idea: make thiefs return my MDA-Pro

Hallo, I have a cool applcation idea that I plan to implement that would probally make thiefes return my MDA-Pro after they stole it.
For that reason I need to be able to run an application or show a clickable screen on the MDA-Pro BEFORE login. That screen is supposed to be shown EVERYTIME the MDA-Pro is turned on. You can only proceed to the login screen from there with a certain keybaord shortcut. Also doing a reset should not disbale this feature. Can that be done some how ? If so how ?
I saw somewhere a password screen that was a picture and you had to click in just the right spot of the picture to gain access. I imagine that your message could be a picture to accomplish this. As for a hard reset solution, you'd have to add it to the ext rom so it would be re-installed automatically.
Tron_Of_Borg said:
I saw somewhere a password screen that was a picture and you had to click in just the right spot of the picture to gain access. I imagine that your message could be a picture to accomplish this. As for a hard reset solution, you'd have to add it to the ext rom so it would be re-installed automatically.
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do yu have any more info on that passwordscreen ?
PicturePassword for Pocket PC
and my recommedation, 1pass by Omega One
This can be nicely resource edited to match your theme.
However, I've stopped using all such programs because they reset your hardware button settings if you're using AEButton Plus or any third party mapper (eg ButtonMax).
I don't think this will get your phone back. I'm writing a program that might though. Working on it, I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, check out IIWPO.
Maybe I should be more specific:
I have already finished an app that does what I want:
It it has a little embedded window showing what the video conference camera currently sees. It displays some fake government info and an animated GPS localisation icon. It has several other little scary acting features (such as a windows that pops up after a short random while, saying "EuroSecure GPS localisation data and video sequence sucessfully transmitted!" ) and the thief can see the adress where the device should be returned too. That application can only be cancelled with a certain keycombination. Now my only problem is getting this application to ALWAYS run BEFORE the login screen.

Wanted - help beta testing my browser game

Hello fellow XDAers!
I have ported a WinMobile game to Silverlight and I am really desperate for some beta testers – having been immersed in the project now for over 500 hours it's getting hard to see the wood for the trees.
If you're keen, the URL is
As an (attempt at an) incentive, I will reward useful beta testers with free copies of the game when it's released. Currently, things I would really like to know are:
- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
- Are you able to create an account, and is your level position saved when you re-start?
- The Level Designer (this'll be the first time anybody has used it, go easy on me) what do you think?
- Comments on useability and interface.
- General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
- Anyone have access to an Intel-based Mac? Does it run on that?
There are separate forums on the game site to post any questions/bugs, I am of course happy to reply here in this thread too, providing it doesn't get too cluttered.
Thank you in advance!
PS: I'll soon be on the look out for paid level designers as well, if this is something that interests you, just sign up in-game as a developer (see the website for more info)
PPS: You might need Silverlight 2, but it only takes 30secs to download & install the plugin
- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
- Are you able to create an account,
haven't tried (was not required
and is your level position saved when you re-start?
When I clicked the x i restarted, but when I clicked the x again the screen stayed white, nothing happened
- Comments on useability and interface.
I though the pregame pointers (in training mode) disapeared a bit too quickly
- General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
see my 2nd comment
Mr_Gee said:
- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
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Hi there
Thanks very much for this, I'm nearly ready to release it - anybody else fancy giving it a go?
What would be very helpful would be if somebody wanted to use the level designer to make their own level for the game - doesn't have to be anything complex - and let me know how you get on?
I will try right now
hmm seems like ppc has a new level to achieve ... will try
quite heavy on my memory eats up a lot of ram; was nice to play it and as been said was able to play without using my email address
Frickin' level 7....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Now you have done it. I'll be at this for hours.
Runs well on Firefox 3 with Silverlight 2 for me. It allowed me to create an account and login. Haven't tested saving yet. Will do in a moment. Likewise with the level designer. The only thing that could do with altering is that on my 1920 x 1200 monitor (24 inch) the game is as far to the left of the browser as it will go. Would be better in the middle.
Yes, it did save my level when I went back. Just had the signup email. Might be worth obscuring some of the password in it . And volume controls for SFX and music would be good rather than just on or off. Level 9 of the tutorial has a spelling error, Giong instead of Going.
- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
It runs, I am using my bro's core2duo laptop with firefox 3.0.5
- Are you able to create an account, and is your level position saved when you re-start?
Yes, I used red_hanks also and it says I am logged in with that name. Still waiting for the game to start for 15minutes now, it says "please wait" with a square spinning around. It is not my internet connection because I have a high-speed broadband. Silverlight was installed also and system is up to date with Windows Update.
- The Level Designer (this'll be the first time anybody has used it, go easy on me) what do you think?
Looks clean, like in nurserys... (just the first page where it says START, INSTRUCTIONS...)
- Comments on useability and interface.
None at the moment
- General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
It is not loading???
Oh it's loading now...Playing it...nice game...hit thr back arrow button and it went back to the first page...playing again...hit the x button and nothin happens..hit it again and everything just went white...
Hmmm... the level editor crashes Firefox for me as soon as I click in the email box. Also happens in IEtab and Internet Explorer 7. My machine is Vista Ultimate with a Core 2 Duo E6600 with 2gb RAM. I've also had it go to a blank screen in the menus but I see this is a listed bug on your forum.
character said:
eats up a lot of ram.. was nice to play it and as been said was able to play without using my email address
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Thanks, I'll look into any ways of further minimising RAM usage, although could be a browser thing too. Lots of sounds and pics to cache too, but will definitely investigate.
ahuskins said:
Frickin' level 7....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Now you have done it. I'll be at this for hours.
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Level 7, really??! The one on the tutorial is really easy, so maybe you're talking about the actual "first hundred" playlist? Hope you cracked it! Let me know if you can't get there and want me to developer-enable your account so that you can try out the level designer.
Prof. Yaffle said:
The only thing that could do with altering is that on my 1920 x 1200 monitor (24 inch) the game is as far to the left of the browser as it will go. Would be better in the middle.
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This is an interesting comment - I will try to get it to centre in the browser rather than left-aligning. It's funny as I had just assumed that people would move or resize the window rather than maximising it! But I want it to be as helpful as possible to the user so you're right, it should align to the middle of large browser windows.
Prof. Yaffle said:
Yes, it did save my level when I went back. Just had the signup email. Might be worth obscuring some of the password in it . And volume controls for SFX and music would be good rather than just on or off. Level 9 of the tutorial has a spelling error, Giong instead of Going.
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These are all excellent suggestions, thank you - and typo now fixed. (the joy of all the levels coming from a SQL server is that this was a relatively trivial thing to do - if you've ever tried deploying and staging an Azure server site you'll know how long it can take...)
The volume controls might not make it into the beta release but will definitely be added later.
red_hanks said:
Hit the x button and nothin happens..hit it again and everything just went white...
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Thanks for this, red_hanks. Can't replicate the error but could easily have been the webserver being down. Calls to WCF services from Silverlight are a little tricky and I think I need more error handling for when they don't work. I don't think you have tested the level designer by the way, just the game, in answer to your comment.
Thanks everyone! As I said before, if anyone fancies trying to design their own level using the level designer and wants to let me know the name, etc, I'd be interested to (1) play your level and (2) hear how you got on with the level designer!
There's forums over at too if you need help, tutorials still being made but some are there.
Any idea what could cause the level editor to crash in IE7 and Firefox? I've tried Run As Administrator as well but still the same. As soon as I click any of the boxes (including the tickbox) it crashes.
Prof. Yaffle said:
Any idea what could cause the level editor to crash in IE7 and Firefox? I've tried Run As Administrator as well but still the same. As soon as I click any of the boxes (including the tickbox) it crashes.
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Hmm okay it would certainly be good to get this solved!
When it crashes, does it just white-screen or is there an error message? Can you try (in Firefox), after it's crashed, going to Tools -> Error Console and seeing if there were any error messages?
PS: I'm assuming you're running Silverlight v2 and not some earlier beta or something. Perhaps you could try uninstalling and re-installing Silverlight for me as well, making sure of course that all browsers are closed during installation.
Great, but a few issues
It runs along fine with very few issues on my Sony Laptop (Model VGN-CR240E with Windows Vista/7 partitions, 2 gb RAM, 2 gigahertz Centrino Duo, and a 1280x800 LCD screen. I have not actually tried it on Vista, only on Windows 7 and it works wonderfully except when you enter a level and hit the "X" button in the top corner, which crashes IE8 Beta It doesn't crash under those circumstances on FireFox (Windows 7) though. However, these issues could also be attributed to the fact it is a beta OS running a beta Browser. The game seems more stable on FireFox. I will try it on Vista later, and see if that makes a difference using IE7. As for the UI, it's fine but if you added a way to go back to the main menu after you choose the green "Start" button, that would make it even better. Accounts work fine as far as I've used them. And I have not noticed any RAM issues with the game, according to Process Explorer. The game is amazing overall, and you'll have yourself a real winner when this is done. Good luck with the game
Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
It works fine on my HP laptop. I'm running Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 and using IE 8 Beta 2
Are you able to create an account, and is your level position saved when you re-start?
Yes. I created an account and the level position was saved
The Level Designer (this'll be the first time anybody has used it, go easy on me) what do you think?
I haven't been able to login to it.
Comments on useability and interface.
Nice UI. It's simple and intuitive
General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
Problem logging into the level designer. It says I need to complete the tutorial though I've finished it.
How did it run on an Intel iMac?
Once I get to my newspaper class 2 days from now, I'll update my post.
Since I couldn't login to the dev portal, I'm just saying: I'm a Silverlight developer and I would be interested in designing levels/improving the code of the game.
The game runs well on my Mac Book Pro with Firefox.
I was able to create an account with no issues.
UI is simple. Makes the games easy to learn.
Crashed to a white screen on level 9 of the tutorial after several moves. Was able to restart from the beginning. This was prior to creating a login. After creating a login and then finishing level 8 of the tutorial I got a pleas wait icon. It then crashed to a white screen after about 30 seconds.
Do you want us to post in the squarepeg forum instead of here?
carlosp_uk said:
Hmm okay it would certainly be good to get this solved!
When it crashes, does it just white-screen or is there an error message? Can you try (in Firefox), after it's crashed, going to Tools -> Error Console and seeing if there were any error messages?
PS: I'm assuming you're running Silverlight v2 and not some earlier beta or something. Perhaps you could try uninstalling and re-installing Silverlight for me as well, making sure of course that all browsers are closed during installation.
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When it crashes it actually kills Firefox and I get the Mozilla Crash Reporter asking if I wish to report details of what I was doing. I've tried several times looking in the Error Console and there's nothing other than a couple of dead RSS feeds. If I clear it still nothing at all related. I have V2 of Silverlight installed but have just tried rebooting, removing it, rebooting again, re-installing it and still the same.
Had to d/l silverlight- plays just fine
Created account and didnt have to log in as it remembered me and where I was
Nice game, looks good and is easy to use, though the levels get tough
No bugs that I have found
Using this on my HP 17" laptop running Windows XP
Thanks for this
Everything works perfectly using Silverlight 2 on an (intel) Macbook. The levels are tough, most definitely.
DaveTheTytnIIGuy said:
On Windows 7 and it works wonderfully except when you enter a level and hit the "X" button in the top corner, which crashes IE8
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Thanks Dave, and also for your kind comments / feeback on the game - all noted. I have not been able to reproduce this bug (IE8 beta 1 or 2?) so I'm going to put it down as a win7/ie8 quirk for now, unless I get multiple reports. How did you get on with Vista?
ND4SPD said:
Problem logging into the level designer. It says I need to complete the tutorial though I've finished it.
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Thanks this worries me as if the game is not correctly developer-enabling accounts at all times we're in trouble. Did anything happen when you completed the tutorial? Any sort of message at all? I cannot reproduce the error as when I complete the tutorial on my machine a message box appears telling me "Congratulations!..." and my account is upgraded to developer status.
ND4SPD said:
Since I couldn't login to the dev portal, I'm just saying: I'm a Silverlight developer and I would be interested in designing levels/improving the code of the game.
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Sure, that sounds very interesting, if we can't get this problem sorted quickly let me know and I can manually developer-enable your account so you can have a crack at the level designer. In the next phase of the launch, we (ie me) will be paying out cash for levels as well.
blazingwolf said:
Crashed to a white screen on level 9 of the tutorial after several moves.
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Thanks for this - this sounds like an error in code rather than comms. Can you remember what moves you made in the level? If you're able to reproduce this error and then (in firefox) go to Tools -> Error Console, hopefully there will be an error message that could help me to fix this bug. The other error you mention is a known comms exception that I'll be looking at.
Prof. Yaffle said:
When it crashes it actually kills Firefox
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Seriously? Whoa! And this happens when you click anything in the login screen of the level designer, right? (I'm assuming you got the logo and login textboxes appearing with no issues) Does the Mozilla crash reporter give you any additional info that you could send me about the crash?
Thanks so much for re-installing, by the way, sorry this didn't help. This doesn't sound like it's something that's going to be easy to diagnose, in fact I already have a headache just thinking about it. Possibly a silverlight bug, a browser bug, or both. Do you have javascript enabled in Firefox, by the way? And have you tried logging in with Internet Explorer, does that work?
blazingwolf said:
Do you want us to post in the squarepeg forum instead of here?
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You know people, as we're now discussing multiple issues, and I don't want to abuse the charity of xda-developers for hosting this discussion, it might actually be better to gradually move things to the squarepeg forums. ( I'll disable email account activation for a few days to make it quicker for you to set up accounts.
Of course if people would prefer to post here, that's understandable, I'll still gladly answer posts in this thread.
On a general note, thanks for all the testing so far (eg stanglifemike) - and I'm really pleased that the general impression of the game itself seems to be a good one... ...oh, and @elazullizard - thanks for the feedback... are the levels really that tough? Are you talking about "The First Hundred" or the tutorial?.. ..if it's the tutorial I'm now worried that I've made it too hard!

[Q] How to install Google eBooks (Google Play Books)

I have read that it's possible to use google books on the NST (or NTG) but i can't find it in the market place. and every time i try and side load the apk i get INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK. I downloaded google play books 2.3.5 apk which is supposably built for 2.1. I thought the NST/NTG was on 2.1 (or is it 2.2?) so im curious why this doesn't work... anyone care to comment?
If i just have the wrong version please let me know the correct version to use.
You can try apktool-ing the apk and see what version it specs in AndroidManifest.xml.
You could modify the version and see if it crashes.
We're running Eclair, 2.1, API level 7 on the Nook Touch.
Any luck OP?
Tried this one: since it said compatible with 2.1, but I had no luck.
Then I tried this one: and it looks to be working! I saw my library in the window and I have it downloading one of my books now for reading to test.
EDIT2: AAaaaaand... works. Perfectly I might add. The only thing that doesn't work is the side buttons don't switch pages. I think because they are bound to PAGE_NEXT or something. Changing them to Right and Left arrow should do it.
EDIT3: Yep. A quick change to the keylayout lets me page with the right hand buttons. It does break the ability to page in the stock reading app though with those buttons. For now I'm leaving it with paging in Google books with right side buttons and paging in Nook with left side buttons. I'll probably go all in later.
What I did was edit /system/usr/keylayout/TWL4030_Keypad.kl and switch RIGHT_NEXTPAGE to DPAD_RIGHT and then switched RIGHT_PREVPAGE to DPAD_LEFT.
Hopefully that makes sense. If not I can probably make it easier for you by pulling the file itself, but I figure I'd try to "teach a man to fish."
Dynamic button remapping; getting rid of page-turn animation
(Interested lurker speaking. I don't have a NST, but a rooted Sony PRS-T1, which is similar, but running Android 2.2. Please take what I say with a grain of salt.)
The latest version of Google Play Books that does not require 3D hardware (for its carousel view and its page-turn animation) and that is available for older Android versions appears to be version 1.5.4.
I'm using that version on the PRS-T1, but was annoyed by its flickering slide animation when turning pages. If you're comfortable with the Android SDK and apktool, here's a hack I did to remove that animation:
The problem of different Left/Right key bindings for different apps plagues the PRS-T1 as well. This led me to look for a solution to remap these buttons dynamically, depending on which app was currently running in the foreground. Here's my hack for the PRS-T1, which a semi-experienced developer could port over to the NST. I'd be happy to accept patches.
(Sorry for not posting direct links – I'm not allowed to post links yet.)
altruizine said:
(Interested lurker speaking. I don't have a NST, but a rooted Sony PRS-T1, which is similar, but running Android 2.2. Please take what I say with a grain of salt.)
The latest version of Google Play Books that does not require 3D hardware (for its carousel view and it page-turn animation) and that it available for older Android versions appears to be version 1.5.4.
I'm using that version on the PRS-T1, but was annoyed by its flickering slide animation when turning pages. If you're comfortable with the Android SDK and apktool, here's a hack I did to remove that animation:
The problem of different Left/Right key bindings for different apps plagues the PRS-T1 as well. This led me to look for a solution to remap these buttons dynamically, depending on which app was currently running in the foreground. Here's my hack for the PRS-T1, which a semi-experienced developer could port over to the NST. I'd be happy to accept patches.
(Sorry for not posting direct links – I'm not allowed to post links yet.)
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That's awesome! I only just got this device last night so haven't got too far into hacking it, but I have plenty of other Android experience. I'll see if I can replicate.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
So close!
ViViDboarder said:
Then I tried this one: and it looks to be working! I saw my library in the window and I have it downloading one of my books now for reading to test.
EDIT2: AAaaaaand... works. Perfectly I might add. The only thing that doesn't work is the side buttons don't switch pages. I think because they are bound to PAGE_NEXT or something. Changing them to Right and Left arrow should do it.
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Thank you so much for posting this!
I installed the1-4-5 apk without incident and all my books synced beautifully, including where I left off in them. I was pretty sure I was home free at this point but I've found that the actual content of the books never loads. I get the spinning loading icon off into infinity.
This is the way for all my books. Looks for all the world like it should work fine but just never loads the actual content.
I've tried a system reboot, scanning around between pages, fussing with text size/line spacing and same outcome.
I tried the 2-4-3 apk and got a parsing error when i tried to open the package.
This is so close I can taste it. Any ideas anyone?
Thank you
I found that if I toggled on "Original pages" in the book options the content would load. After I did that once I could switch back to "flowing text" and adjust as needed.
Update 2:
I still intermittently have issues with book content loading. Probably once per day the loading icon displays indefinitely. The flowing text/original pages workaround I listed before was likely a flook, I haven't been able to find a way to reliably get around this problem. It's terribly annoying.
Update 3:
I tried using the refresh option on the library view prior to loading my book this time and it popped up immediately afterward. I'll continue to experiment with this to see if it works consistently.
Update 4:
That's unreliable as well. There doesn't seem to be any good way to prompt my book to actually load the content of the book. Super annoying.
Version 1.0.16
jorgenric said:
Thank you so much for posting this!
I installed the1-4-5 apk without incident and all my books synced beautifully, including where I left off in them. I was pretty sure I was home free at this point but I've found that the actual content of the books never loads. I get the spinning loading icon off into infinity.
This is the way for all my books. Looks for all the world like it should work fine but just never loads the actual content.
I've tried a system reboot, scanning around between pages, fussing with text size/line spacing and same outcome.
I tried the 2-4-3 apk and got a parsing error when i tried to open the package.
This is so close I can taste it. Any ideas anyone?
Thank you
I found that if I toggled on "Original pages" in the book options the content would load. After I did that once I could switch back to "flowing text" and adjust as needed.
Update 2:
I still intermittently have issues with book content loading. Probably once per day the loading icon displays indefinitely. The flowing text/original pages workaround I listed before was likely a flook, I haven't been able to find a way to reliably get around this problem. It's terribly annoying.
Update 3:
I tried using the refresh option on the library view prior to loading my book this time and it popped up immediately afterward. I'll continue to experiment with this to see if it works consistently.
Update 4:
That's unreliable as well. There doesn't seem to be any good way to prompt my book to actually load the content of the book. Super annoying.
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Here is an older version that I found somewhere on the web. It is version 1.0.16...I installed it and it seems to work excellently so far. The bug where version 1.5.4 often never loads the book doesn't seem to be present. :cyclops:
finitary said:
Here is an older version that I found somewhere on the web. It is version 1.0.16...I installed it and it seems to work excellently so far. The bug where version 1.5.4 often never loads the book doesn't seem to be present. :cyclops:
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I may have to give this a shot. I am frequently annoyed with this bug. Thankfully the books I'm reading actually fit perfectly on the screen when viewing the scanned versions.
Just wanted to bump and see if you're still getting good results with that version of Google Books. I haven't switched yet (started reading something on Kindle) but I'm about to start a new book on Google Play.
Seems to work!
finitary said:
Here is an older version that I found somewhere on the web. It is version 1.0.16...I installed it and it seems to work excellently so far. The bug where version 1.5.4 often never loads the book doesn't seem to be present. :cyclops:
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I just loaded up the 1.0.16 version and the book loaded right up where as 10 minutes ago it stubbornly refused. I'm not going to get my hopes up yet but I'll try and remember to give an update after some more use. Thanks for the post! has version 1.5.2 for download. Worth a try.
jorgenric said:
I just loaded up the 1.0.16 version and the book loaded right up where as 10 minutes ago it stubbornly refused. I'm not going to get my hopes up yet but I'll try and remember to give an update after some more use. Thanks for the post!
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Seems to be working consistently with this version of reader.
jorgenric said:
Seems to be working consistently with this version of reader.
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Awesome! Thanks for the update.
Finally got around to rooting my Nook Touch, as I wanted to utilize the syncing feature of Google Play Books. They now let you upload your own epub files to your library, and I have been reading mainly on my phone or Nexus 7 as a result.
Unfortunately it looks like the 1.0.16 version does not support user uploaded books. All of my purchased books appear, but none of the many I uploaded. 1.5.2 and 1.5.4 both have the book not loading issue.
Anyone have any thoughts or other versions to try? Would love to get this working.
urinsane said:
Finally got around to rooting my Nook Touch, as I wanted to utilize the syncing feature of Google Play Books. They now let you upload your own epub files to your library, and I have been reading mainly on my phone or Nexus 7 as a result.
Unfortunately it looks like the 1.0.16 version does not support user uploaded books. All of my purchased books appear, but none of the many I uploaded. 1.5.2 and 1.5.4 both have the book not loading issue.
Anyone have any thoughts or other versions to try? Would love to get this working.
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I'm in the same boat. I can see my uploaded library in play but it's not loading the book. I think it has loaded the book but it's not ending the load part of the function. Just guessing.
Hope we can get this worked out.. This would help me tremendously being able to read on the N2T and sync across my computer and Nexus.
*update For some strange reason this started working for about a minute. Book I'm reading synced right to the exact page. Exited and went back in to see if it would still work and it went back to the looping circle page. It's so close I can taste it.
*update Managed to get 1.5.2 working but only in offline mode only. I've noticed the more pages the book has the slower it is to load, but it's loading none the less 9/10 times. Progress, so it is possible to get this working.
ForSquirel said:
I'm in the same boat. I can see my uploaded library in play but it's not loading the book. I think it has loaded the book but it's not ending the load part of the function. Just guessing.
Hope we can get this worked out.. This would help me tremendously being able to read on the N2T and sync across my computer and Nexus.
*update For some strange reason this started working for about a minute. Book I'm reading synced right to the exact page. Exited and went back in to see if it would still work and it went back to the looping circle page. It's so close I can taste it.
*update Managed to get 1.5.2 working but only in offline mode only. I've noticed the more pages the book has the slower it is to load, but it's loading none the less 9/10 times. Progress, so it is possible to get this working.
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I'm not really sure what version I am using now but it loaded once on my NST. However, the next time I tried loading a book it took forever to load (and I eventually closed the app). It might have to do with memory... Who knows... The funny thing is that once it has loaded the book it works like a charm. Really fast (I would say as fast as the native app). The only thing that don't work are the hardware buttons but it was quite expectable.
enekomh said:
I'm not really sure what version I am using now but it loaded once on my NST. However, the next time I tried loading a book it took forever to load (and I eventually closed the app). It might have to do with memory... Who knows... The funny thing is that once it has loaded the book it works like a charm. Really fast (I would say as fast as the native app). The only thing that don't work are the hardware buttons but it was quite expectable.
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Any updates? Looks promising....
Here's a link to an old version that worked for me (I later uninstalled it,finding better sources for books).
nmyshkin said:
Here's a link to an old version that worked for me (I later uninstalled it,finding better sources for books).
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Sorry meant the 1.5.2 or up version. I have uploaded books on Google Play that I hope to read.
I'm also searching for this solution. I have tried the older versions, but there doesn't seem to be a solution. Best I've got is installing an old Google Drive apk, and downloading from there. Box also works, but it's Drive for me.

[Apps] for I'm Watch Smartwatch

I started on the wrong foot, but finally found that it likes Android 1.6 Apps!
- Angry Birds!!!!!! (with music and usable, albeit, it just takes a little time to Start just Once Initially, the everything is quite normalish after initial start..... But the initial Splash screen looks so cool on the smartwatch it is worth the wait).
- Dolphin Browser
- Opera Mini Browser
- To download anything in Opera Mini, select the DCIM folder, it seems it does not like to download on initial root. Warning, it is not fast downloading.
- When typing remember that it is a good idea that when typing in the small keyboard, that if you are fast, and keep pressing a key and notice it was not the one you intended, before releasing the key, if you do it fast enough, you can move your finger towards the correct key before releasing your finger. This is much faster than having to delete a wrong entered letter. If you keep pressing and fail to move fast, it would suggest alternative based on the wrong letter and you can no longer move to next, but if you click elsewhere, it won't type the wrong letter.
- Dolphin Browser is great because you can define shortcuts for common menus (remember you don't have a menu key), with its gestures. I made a gesture for settings and other to go to downloads and for full screen!
More Apps come!!
Please Share your Apps!!!
More Apps!
- Aptoid works quite fine to install new apps.
- Backgammon Free
- Bazooka Rabbit works! (albeit, not all the screen appears, but it is playable).
- ES File Explorer
- .... more to try ...
Are you running the latest 2.1 os?
I'd be interested to see these apps in action on the watch. Anyone want to make a youtube video?
Rooted it
speedyink said:
I'd be interested to see these apps in action on the watch. Anyone want to make a youtube video?
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I just recently got my imwatch and I'm already using the amazing side loader machine to load random apps onto it. I'll try to get a video going of it if I can but otherwise not many apps seem to work on it. If you can give me some ideas and a link to the apk to make things easier I will have more examples to show.
Great little thread. Lets hope more people post the names of more suitable useful apps.
saint3251 said:
I just recently got my imwatch and I'm already using the amazing side loader machine to load random apps onto it. I'll try to get a video going of it if I can but otherwise not many apps seem to work on it. If you can give me some ideas and a link to the apk to make things easier I will have more examples to show.
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I'd be interested to see how some apps work compared to my Motoactv. So some examples would be emulators such as gbcoid, snesoid and n64oid. Maybe some android games such as Hill Climb, and Hardest Game Ever. Apps, I dunno, maybe root explorer (or just explorer), a browser (I use boat browser mini), and mxplayer playing a video would be cool to see. Everything but the emulators I just got off the Google Play store. If you can't access the store on the I'm Watch yet I remember being able to take apps off my phone. Just download the app on your phone, then use a file manager to browse to /data/app/, then send it to your computer (I use bluetooth). I can send you the emulator apk's, just PM me your e-mail.
Use bluestack make it easier to grab the apk and download multiple apps at the same time,
Games or apps compatible with android 1.6 will have a much better chance of working...
Good info
Got some more apps that seem to work on the i'm watch after the 2.1.2 adb update
go jkeyboard works
advanced task killer
voice search kinda works, cant find netwrok connection. would like someone to get that working.
dropbox works
graffiti pro keyboard works
dolphin browser works
gesture search
but there arent many people who are rooting and or doing things for the watch,. So if you can give me any ideas as to what to do to it or how I'd appreciate it,. Such as unlocking the bootloader
What I'm finding is that anything where you can draw or speak is more useful for this watch.\
rooting with super on click was the best way of doing it honestly .
Ok so I found a useful group of apks that make customization something a greater thing.
email me @ [email protected]
for the link. (don't have enough posts for links)
There is a new ADB version out. The last was 2.1.2 but now there is a 2.2.0 which I am going to update to now and attempt to see if it changes much.
Heres hoping.
how do you install those apps on the watch , i just got me a i'm watch 2 weeks ago and this sounds interesting:good:
eddol20 said:
how do you install those apps on the watch , i just got me a i'm watch 2 weeks ago and this sounds interesting:good:
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Well theres two ways to do it.
1. you can do the whole rooting process by getting the ADB software from imwatch and using super one click to root it then install it through a sideload manager.
2. you can download all the apks in there and go to the im market and get Sideload Manager app from there. Then you'd put the apks in the DCIM folder and go through the Sideload Manager and install it that way.
Note: You should disconnect from the pc when trying to install through sideload manager app for option two.
Hello, could anyone help me check "Endomondo" and/or "Runtastic" apps can work on the I'm Watch pls?
Very BIG thanks !
I'm watch with last july firmware
Hi all with this smartwatch. How is it with the last update? Better sound in conversation?
Or still buggy?
Thanks all
cob94440 said:
Hi all with this smartwatch. How is it with the last update? Better sound in conversation?
Or still buggy?
Thanks all
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It's still pretty buggy. But from the things I've seen android phones have apps that are capable of handling and changing the volume and etc on there.
Don't quote me but its just what I've heard. I have an iPhone 5 so I can't really share from experience.
saint3251 said:
It's still pretty buggy. But from the things I've seen android phones have apps that are capable of handling and changing the volume and etc on there.
Don't quote me but its just what I've heard. I have an iPhone 5 so I can't really share from experience.
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Same problem ... The calling from watch is bad ((
How do you get hangouts to work with this watch? Also other apps like whats app and KIK

Some way of getting cron on the Nook Simple Touch?

I've got Nook Manager and have repurposed my simple touch into a slideshow style picture frame. I use an app called Electric Sign that points to a server on my network that continually changes the pictures. Everything works great until at some point the app has built up too much in its webview cache folder. Then the setup is stuck on a blank screen, when I clear the folder it immediately works again. Is there any way to set up a cron command to automatically delete the contents daily? I've tried an early version of Tasker, but the version that works for Android 2.1 isn't available to purchase anymore and every version I can download expires after a week... Are there any other inventive solutions out there?
jamesroodney said:
I've got Nook Manager and have repurposed my simple touch into a slideshow style picture frame. I use an app called Electric Sign that points to a server on my network that continually changes the pictures. Everything works great until at some point the app has built up too much in its webview cache folder. Then the setup is stuck on a blank screen, when I clear the folder it immediately works again. Is there any way to set up a cron command to automatically delete the contents daily? I've tried an early version of Tasker, but the version that works for Android 2.1 isn't available to purchase anymore and every version I can download expires after a week... Are there any other inventive solutions out there?
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He specifically mentions one phone running GB, so there's no knowing. Make a backup first, if you want to try it.
Also here
That's an older thread with a straightforward app. Might see if it will install.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm actually just giving the cron app a try! It installed correctly and has enough options for me to customize the rm rule so I'm hopeful this will work.

