Wanted - help beta testing my browser game - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello fellow XDAers!
I have ported a WinMobile game to Silverlight and I am really desperate for some beta testers – having been immersed in the project now for over 500 hours it's getting hard to see the wood for the trees.
If you're keen, the URL is www.squarepeggame.com
As an (attempt at an) incentive, I will reward useful beta testers with free copies of the game when it's released. Currently, things I would really like to know are:
- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
- Are you able to create an account, and is your level position saved when you re-start?
- The Level Designer (this'll be the first time anybody has used it, go easy on me) what do you think?
- Comments on useability and interface.
- General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
- Anyone have access to an Intel-based Mac? Does it run on that?
There are separate forums on the game site to post any questions/bugs, I am of course happy to reply here in this thread too, providing it doesn't get too cluttered.
Thank you in advance!
PS: I'll soon be on the look out for paid level designers as well, if this is something that interests you, just sign up in-game as a developer (see the website for more info)
PPS: You might need Silverlight 2, but it only takes 30secs to download & install the plugin

- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
- Are you able to create an account,
haven't tried (was not required
and is your level position saved when you re-start?
When I clicked the x i restarted, but when I clicked the x again the screen stayed white, nothing happened
- Comments on useability and interface.
I though the pregame pointers (in training mode) disapeared a bit too quickly
- General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
see my 2nd comment

Mr_Gee said:
- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
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Hi there
Thanks very much for this, I'm nearly ready to release it - anybody else fancy giving it a go? http://www.squarepeggame.com
What would be very helpful would be if somebody wanted to use the level designer to make their own level for the game - doesn't have to be anything complex - and let me know how you get on?

I will try right now

hmm seems like ppc has a new level to achieve ... will try
quite heavy on my memory eats up a lot of ram; was nice to play it and as been said was able to play without using my email address

Frickin' level 7....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Now you have done it. I'll be at this for hours.http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Runs well on Firefox 3 with Silverlight 2 for me. It allowed me to create an account and login. Haven't tested saving yet. Will do in a moment. Likewise with the level designer. The only thing that could do with altering is that on my 1920 x 1200 monitor (24 inch) the game is as far to the left of the browser as it will go. Would be better in the middle.

Yes, it did save my level when I went back. Just had the signup email. Might be worth obscuring some of the password in it . And volume controls for SFX and music would be good rather than just on or off. Level 9 of the tutorial has a spelling error, Giong instead of Going.

- Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
It runs, I am using my bro's core2duo laptop with firefox 3.0.5
- Are you able to create an account, and is your level position saved when you re-start?
Yes, I used red_hanks also and it says I am logged in with that name. Still waiting for the game to start for 15minutes now, it says "please wait" with a square spinning around. It is not my internet connection because I have a high-speed broadband. Silverlight was installed also and system is up to date with Windows Update.
- The Level Designer (this'll be the first time anybody has used it, go easy on me) what do you think?
Looks clean, like in nurserys... (just the first page where it says START, INSTRUCTIONS...)
- Comments on useability and interface.
None at the moment
- General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
It is not loading???
Oh it's loading now...Playing it...nice game...hit thr back arrow button and it went back to the first page...playing again...hit the x button and nothin happens..hit it again and everything just went white...

Hmmm... the level editor crashes Firefox for me as soon as I click in the email box. Also happens in IEtab and Internet Explorer 7. My machine is Vista Ultimate with a Core 2 Duo E6600 with 2gb RAM. I've also had it go to a blank screen in the menus but I see this is a listed bug on your forum.

character said:
eats up a lot of ram.. was nice to play it and as been said was able to play without using my email address
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Thanks, I'll look into any ways of further minimising RAM usage, although could be a browser thing too. Lots of sounds and pics to cache too, but will definitely investigate.
ahuskins said:
Frickin' level 7....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Now you have done it. I'll be at this for hours.
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Level 7, really??! The one on the tutorial is really easy, so maybe you're talking about the actual "first hundred" playlist? Hope you cracked it! Let me know if you can't get there and want me to developer-enable your account so that you can try out the level designer.
Prof. Yaffle said:
The only thing that could do with altering is that on my 1920 x 1200 monitor (24 inch) the game is as far to the left of the browser as it will go. Would be better in the middle.
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This is an interesting comment - I will try to get it to centre in the browser rather than left-aligning. It's funny as I had just assumed that people would move or resize the window rather than maximising it! But I want it to be as helpful as possible to the user so you're right, it should align to the middle of large browser windows.
Prof. Yaffle said:
Yes, it did save my level when I went back. Just had the signup email. Might be worth obscuring some of the password in it . And volume controls for SFX and music would be good rather than just on or off. Level 9 of the tutorial has a spelling error, Giong instead of Going.
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These are all excellent suggestions, thank you - and typo now fixed. (the joy of all the levels coming from a SQL server is that this was a relatively trivial thing to do - if you've ever tried deploying and staging an Azure server site you'll know how long it can take...)
The volume controls might not make it into the beta release but will definitely be added later.
red_hanks said:
Hit the x button and nothin happens..hit it again and everything just went white...
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Thanks for this, red_hanks. Can't replicate the error but could easily have been the webserver being down. Calls to WCF services from Silverlight are a little tricky and I think I need more error handling for when they don't work. I don't think you have tested the level designer by the way, just the game, in answer to your comment.
Thanks everyone! As I said before, if anyone fancies trying to design their own level using the level designer and wants to let me know the name, etc, I'd be interested to (1) play your level and (2) hear how you got on with the level designer!
There's forums over at www.squarepeggame.com too if you need help, tutorials still being made but some are there.

Any idea what could cause the level editor to crash in IE7 and Firefox? I've tried Run As Administrator as well but still the same. As soon as I click any of the boxes (including the tickbox) it crashes.

Prof. Yaffle said:
Any idea what could cause the level editor to crash in IE7 and Firefox? I've tried Run As Administrator as well but still the same. As soon as I click any of the boxes (including the tickbox) it crashes.
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Hmm okay it would certainly be good to get this solved!
When it crashes, does it just white-screen or is there an error message? Can you try (in Firefox), after it's crashed, going to Tools -> Error Console and seeing if there were any error messages?
PS: I'm assuming you're running Silverlight v2 and not some earlier beta or something. Perhaps you could try uninstalling and re-installing Silverlight for me as well, making sure of course that all browsers are closed during installation.

Great, but a few issues
It runs along fine with very few issues on my Sony Laptop (Model VGN-CR240E with Windows Vista/7 partitions, 2 gb RAM, 2 gigahertz Centrino Duo, and a 1280x800 LCD screen. I have not actually tried it on Vista, only on Windows 7 and it works wonderfully except when you enter a level and hit the "X" button in the top corner, which crashes IE8 Beta It doesn't crash under those circumstances on FireFox (Windows 7) though. However, these issues could also be attributed to the fact it is a beta OS running a beta Browser. The game seems more stable on FireFox. I will try it on Vista later, and see if that makes a difference using IE7. As for the UI, it's fine but if you added a way to go back to the main menu after you choose the green "Start" button, that would make it even better. Accounts work fine as far as I've used them. And I have not noticed any RAM issues with the game, according to Process Explorer. The game is amazing overall, and you'll have yourself a real winner when this is done. Good luck with the game

Does it load and run on your machine / browser?
It works fine on my HP laptop. I'm running Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 and using IE 8 Beta 2
Are you able to create an account, and is your level position saved when you re-start?
Yes. I created an account and the level position was saved
The Level Designer (this'll be the first time anybody has used it, go easy on me) what do you think?
I haven't been able to login to it.
Comments on useability and interface.
Nice UI. It's simple and intuitive
General bug reports (please be as specific as possible)
Problem logging into the level designer. It says I need to complete the tutorial though I've finished it.
How did it run on an Intel iMac?
Once I get to my newspaper class 2 days from now, I'll update my post.
Since I couldn't login to the dev portal, I'm just saying: I'm a Silverlight developer and I would be interested in designing levels/improving the code of the game.

The game runs well on my Mac Book Pro with Firefox.
I was able to create an account with no issues.
UI is simple. Makes the games easy to learn.
Crashed to a white screen on level 9 of the tutorial after several moves. Was able to restart from the beginning. This was prior to creating a login. After creating a login and then finishing level 8 of the tutorial I got a pleas wait icon. It then crashed to a white screen after about 30 seconds.
Do you want us to post in the squarepeg forum instead of here?

carlosp_uk said:
Hmm okay it would certainly be good to get this solved!
When it crashes, does it just white-screen or is there an error message? Can you try (in Firefox), after it's crashed, going to Tools -> Error Console and seeing if there were any error messages?
PS: I'm assuming you're running Silverlight v2 and not some earlier beta or something. Perhaps you could try uninstalling and re-installing Silverlight for me as well, making sure of course that all browsers are closed during installation.
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When it crashes it actually kills Firefox and I get the Mozilla Crash Reporter asking if I wish to report details of what I was doing. I've tried several times looking in the Error Console and there's nothing other than a couple of dead RSS feeds. If I clear it still nothing at all related. I have V2 of Silverlight installed but have just tried rebooting, removing it, rebooting again, re-installing it and still the same.

Had to d/l silverlight- plays just fine
Created account and didnt have to log in as it remembered me and where I was
Nice game, looks good and is easy to use, though the levels get tough
No bugs that I have found
Using this on my HP 17" laptop running Windows XP
Thanks for this

Everything works perfectly using Silverlight 2 on an (intel) Macbook. The levels are tough, most definitely.

DaveTheTytnIIGuy said:
On Windows 7 and it works wonderfully except when you enter a level and hit the "X" button in the top corner, which crashes IE8
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Thanks Dave, and also for your kind comments / feeback on the game - all noted. I have not been able to reproduce this bug (IE8 beta 1 or 2?) so I'm going to put it down as a win7/ie8 quirk for now, unless I get multiple reports. How did you get on with Vista?
ND4SPD said:
Problem logging into the level designer. It says I need to complete the tutorial though I've finished it.
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Thanks this worries me as if the game is not correctly developer-enabling accounts at all times we're in trouble. Did anything happen when you completed the tutorial? Any sort of message at all? I cannot reproduce the error as when I complete the tutorial on my machine a message box appears telling me "Congratulations!..." and my account is upgraded to developer status.
ND4SPD said:
Since I couldn't login to the dev portal, I'm just saying: I'm a Silverlight developer and I would be interested in designing levels/improving the code of the game.
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Sure, that sounds very interesting, if we can't get this problem sorted quickly let me know and I can manually developer-enable your account so you can have a crack at the level designer. In the next phase of the launch, we (ie me) will be paying out cash for levels as well.
blazingwolf said:
Crashed to a white screen on level 9 of the tutorial after several moves.
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Thanks for this - this sounds like an error in code rather than comms. Can you remember what moves you made in the level? If you're able to reproduce this error and then (in firefox) go to Tools -> Error Console, hopefully there will be an error message that could help me to fix this bug. The other error you mention is a known comms exception that I'll be looking at.
Prof. Yaffle said:
When it crashes it actually kills Firefox
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Seriously? Whoa! And this happens when you click anything in the login screen of the level designer, right? (I'm assuming you got the logo and login textboxes appearing with no issues) Does the Mozilla crash reporter give you any additional info that you could send me about the crash?
Thanks so much for re-installing, by the way, sorry this didn't help. This doesn't sound like it's something that's going to be easy to diagnose, in fact I already have a headache just thinking about it. Possibly a silverlight bug, a browser bug, or both. Do you have javascript enabled in Firefox, by the way? And have you tried logging in with Internet Explorer, does that work?
blazingwolf said:
Do you want us to post in the squarepeg forum instead of here?
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You know people, as we're now discussing multiple issues, and I don't want to abuse the charity of xda-developers for hosting this discussion, it might actually be better to gradually move things to the squarepeg forums. (http://forums.squarepeggame.com) I'll disable email account activation for a few days to make it quicker for you to set up accounts.
Of course if people would prefer to post here, that's understandable, I'll still gladly answer posts in this thread.
On a general note, thanks for all the testing so far (eg stanglifemike) - and I'm really pleased that the general impression of the game itself seems to be a good one... ...oh, and @elazullizard - thanks for the feedback... are the levels really that tough? Are you talking about "The First Hundred" or the tutorial?.. ..if it's the tutorial I'm now worried that I've made it too hard!


Android Apps for the Vogue Port

It was suggested that we start a thread specifically for the apps that run well on the Android port to the HTC Touch/Vogue. I personally own an (Sprint=CDMA) HTC Touch Diamond, but upon seeing the maturity level of Android running on the Touch, I immediately went to eBay and picked up the Touch handset...and I am glad I did. The only reason I boot back to winmo is for work calendar (Lotus), Skype (iSkoot kinda sucks), and Podcasts (hopefully we getting DoggCatcher soon).I've found that battery life with Togga on to be about 8-10 hours which I can live with it, but it's a pain to keep toggling if you really need to conserve (but it could be worse )I plan on posting more battery data soon, but need a few more days of collection. Hopefully we can find a more permanent way of managing the data connection with balance for battery life.
You can find many apps on http://slideme.org/, AndAppStore (both have phone clients - very market-like) and by searching ".apk" on 4shared.com
The apps I have found to run well on my CDMA with dzo/f00bar's (much respect) latest files:
-Scoreboard - I'm not that big of a sports fan, but this app is slick!
-aLastFM - Just got permission to post the link from the developer. Thanks Oleg!!
-Stocker - Simple but effective stock app, but no graphs. If someone could find a better one...
-Weather - Simple, but effective. Multiple Cities, current and forecast, with menu link to detailed outlook including radar from Undergroud Weather.
-AnyCut -Great for making shortcuts to just about any screen in the OS, especially useful for Battery and Sounds&Display
-TextEasy - for sending a text to multiple contacts, until someone can get a hold of ChomperSMS or K9SMS (K9Mail I have not gotten to work either, we need a better mail app, the native client doesn't even recognize URLS, wtf?!)
-OIFileManager - It's the only one I've tried, so can't comment on the others, but there are several out there. UPDATE: I tried out Astro and Glance. I liked Astro, but after a day it stopped working for me and gives me a force quit. I prefer Glance over OI FileManager, it's on 4shared I believe.
-OIFlashlight - amazing how handy this comes in
-OINewsReader - No frills RSS aggregator
-ShopSavvy - Did you say "We'll match any price"?...but be fast with your fingers, camera is not fine enough to capture the barcode
I wanted to add SMS PopUp as another great app. You can find it along with a bunch of other APKs here. One of the G1 owners that grabbed all of the apps and is hosting them for download.
-DoggCatcher - for my daily podcast fix
-A true Skype client
Please post replies with your own favorite apps that run well on this port (with links, please!)
Wow, no replies?!
I'm looking for SMS PopUp if anyone can post a link.
The Meebo app is well worth a look - look for it on 4shared.com. Lets you IM on just about any IM network (Yahoo, MSN, AIM etc). IMs appear in the notification bar while you are in any other program. Great stuff.
I believe im the only person hosting the meebo.apk at the moment.
Meebo Instant Messenger:
I did recieve the "ok" from the meebo!
steve98 said:
The Meebo app is well worth a look - look for it on 4shared.com. Lets you IM on just about any IM network (Yahoo, MSN, AIM etc). IMs appear in the notification bar while you are in any other program. Great stuff.
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i installed and signed into my MSN account, however, just a white screen shows up. No list of contacts, etc. No menu options other than to add another account or sign off. Not exactly useful (at least this version). Is anyone using this successfully?
EDIT: I received a chat, and that gave me a buddy online, maybe no one on my list was signed on at the time I first checked.
Also, it doesnt remember your username and password, which is annoying because it randomly closed on me after tapping the notification in the bar during a chat session today. I'll keep looking for a better app or updated version.
Ideal2545 said:
I believe im the only person hosting the meebo.apk at the moment.
Meebo Instant Messenger:
I did recieve the "ok" from the meebo!
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you might be the only one who got the 'ok' from meebo but as i said, it can be found on 4shared.com also.
What about an updated version of Shopsavvy. Mine keeps saying there is a new version, but of course we can't update off the marketplace.
I'm looking for the Locale application. Even though we don't have GPS running, Locale still alows profile switching based on time and days of the week, which would be useful for office vs. non-office settings. If someone could post this I would appreciate it!
how do i install apps i have them saved to the storage card i just dont know how to load them up, sorry if this is a dumb question
thoughtlesskyle said:
how do i install apps i have them saved to the storage card i just dont know how to load them up, sorry if this is a dumb question
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If they are in the AndroidApps folder then they should be installed already. I found that sometimes icons don't show up to launch the program, however. This is where AnyCut comes in handy. Use AnyCut to search in "Activities" to find your app. If you are not seeing it in this list then you may have to "manually" install the app. Open a file browser such as OI File Manager or Glance and navigate to your AndroidApps folder. Click on the .apk file and it should launch teh app installer.
Hope this helps.
Any word on aLastFM?
etx said:
Any word on aLastFM?
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See the update first post.
I am very interested in the Scoreboard app, I got it running fine, but the other day the game I added to my favorite never really gave me updates until the game was over by a few hours.
Isnt this application able to provide real-time results?
I am having more success simply by going to www.nhl.com :-S
Thanks for aLastFM!
I was looking around and found another 4shared user with a bunch of APK's!
Someone in the main topic said something about an ebay app. What is it and is it any good? Is it secure? It'd be nice to have for me.
There's been a couple apps I liked that didn't fit our screen plus having to reinstall android files often I lose all my saved info so it doesn't work out for me. Sprint needs to hurry up with an HTC Android phone.
Maybe a stupid question, not sure... Why can't someone extract the android market application from the G1 to be used on other phones? Seems a bit odd of Google to limit the market to only a specific phone.
There is a discussion about the marketplace on the big long forum. The marketplace is not open source. They're talking about the commands and encryption and such for it. I'd think it's not open because they plan on having pay for apps but I could be wrong
G1 Central
This is a must have for any one with a Grand Central account- G1 Central
Allows you to place calls and check voicemail for your GrandCentral account. Pretty much allows for unlimited free calling. Works great on my friends G1.
Still missing a few features.. like the ability to call contacts that are only in your GC account, but still very good.
Heres the problem.. it crashes when trying to dial out on the Vogue!!! Ahhh!
So close to beating the telecoms... If anyone knows anything about error codes or how to get this working, I might have a GrandCentral account invite...
megalewis said:
I am very interested in the Scoreboard app, I got it running fine, but the other day the game I added to my favorite never really gave me updates until the game was over by a few hours.
Isnt this application able to provide real-time results?
I am having more success simply by going to www.nhl.com :-S
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I noticed this also. i resolved by changing my time zone in settings. Only problem is that this then modifies your "synced" time with your carrier, it adjusts + or - according to your time zone, so you have to comensate...each time you boot. Not by any means an elegant solution, but if you need realtime scores this is the answer. Probably better off sticking with NHL.com
aven_soulgazer said:
Someone in the main topic said something about an ebay app. What is it and is it any good? Is it secure? It'd be nice to have for me.
There's been a couple apps I liked that didn't fit our screen plus having to reinstall android files often I lose all my saved info so it doesn't work out for me. Sprint needs to hurry up with an HTC Android phone.
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I tried the "Ebay.apk" from 4Shared, but it doesn't display properly. The tabs extend all the way to the bottom of the other screen which is a common problem for us vogue port users.

Registered WP7 Developer looking for ideas!

As the title states, suggest away.
direct sync to outlook .pst
What the [email protected]#$% was MS thinking by leaving this out? Even the iphone syncs to outlook.
mightyeric said:
direct sync to outlook .pst
What the [email protected]#$% was MS thinking by leaving this out? Even the iphone syncs to outlook.
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Jesus, how many times is this going to be brought up? The function is NOT there, and it was known BEFORE any device came out. Quit the *****ing and get a phone that supports it, or move on.
Anyways, I'd like a good sports app like Sportacular that has notifications when games start, during and after with the scores. Fantasy updates with custom rosters would be great too.
Not sure what the SDK will let you do, but is it possible to develop an app that can be pinned to the start page, that toggles 3g/wifi/bluetooth? I know we can just drop in to the Settings menu, but I would pay for an app that put those three in one easy place.
I would also like an app that rotates, like a slideshow I guess, all sorts of images from the various Xbox games I've been playing across the tile. That would look cool on the start page. Maybe it does a Bing image search to find the images to rotate, etc. I'm not a developer, but it was something I thought of earlier today.
dougp.me said:
Jesus, how many times is this going to be brought up? The function is NOT there, and it was known BEFORE any device came out. Quit the *****ing and get a phone that supports it, or move on.
Anyways, I'd like a good sports app like Sportacular that has notifications when games start, during and after with the scores. Fantasy updates with custom rosters would be great too.
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this is comming in dec development almost done..
The direct sync with outlook is not possible with the WP7 SDK. That would have to be incorporated into the Zune sync software. The WP7 is meant to be a cloud device so I don't see this coming anytime soon.
The idea about toggling the radios is also not possible im afraid. The SDK does not give developers any direct access to the hardware like that. Hell, we can't even adjust the volume.
rruffman said:
this is comming in dec development almost done..
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love to see more on this...
JMackey said:
The idea about toggling the radios is also not possible im afraid. The SDK does not give developers any direct access to the hardware like that. Hell, we can't even adjust the volume.
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That really blows. Just thinking about what various iPhone and Android apps can do easily, it seems this platform is much more closed than even iPhone's. The key to both Android and iPhones success has been as much the developer community as it has been the solid hardware the apps run on, maybe even more so the developers. The new WP7 hardware seems solid enough so far. If MS doesn't open up the SDK to a greater array of components, this will just continue to lag behind, even fall farther behind.
...Hoping someone can cook up some nice WP7 ROM's
ability to take any music file and assign it as a ringtone!
an independent youtube app that doesnt simply goto a web page. Also bein able to watch high def on 3g, and not only on a wifi connection.
TOA Duck said:
an independent youtube app that doesnt simply goto a web page. Also bein able to watch high def on 3g, and not only on a wifi connection.
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There's already one in the Marketplace for free. You have to have the YouTube app installed to use it, but it allows for searching, etc. from within the App.
prubin said:
ability to take any music file and assign it as a ringtone!
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This is supposedly coming in January according to reports this morning. See: http://www.wpcentral.com/rumor-january-firmware-update-wp7-include-custom-ringer-support-more
(Sorry, forgot to multi-quote.)
not sure if you can make do this or not, but I would like to be able to connect to hidden networks. Also be able to use the device as a wifi router.
Could it be made downward compatible? It would be nice to be able to run some of my already-purchased software.
As an alternative, the single-largest bummer of making this switch for me will be loss of the two coolest apps I have EVER had – “Pocket Earth”, and “Pocket World” by Bluepoint Studios. These apps, especially Pocket Earth, were stunning! I don’t know their status, but if you could buy the rights and the code and somehow rewrite them for WP7, I suspect you would do very well.
I need programs which are NOT web-dependent. Dictionaries, translation programs, an atlas, etc. which are device-based. Traveling internationally is where one needs the language converters and I work a lot on the plane. I’d prefer to give up space in the device than to continually pay for international data.
Best of luck,
Battery indicator showing remaining strength in percentage or bars.
A recorder...
There are a few out there, but I need it to either have voice activated start/stop, or stop/start control from my bluetooth. I am a sports photographer, and if I can describe what is on a picture that I take right after I take it, it is much easier to do my captioning when I get home. But I don't have time to take the phone out of my pocket and start/stop after each play.
It seems a lot of the suggestions are things to do with hardware. The only hardware access the SDK gives developers is the GPS, Accelerometer, and the radio. We don't even have direct access to the camera. (When an app takes a picture, it opens the camera app then sends the taken picture back to the app).
riceboyler said:
There's already one in the Marketplace for free. You have to have the YouTube app installed to use it, but it allows for searching, etc. from within the App.
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Will we ever be able to watch high quality youtube vids over 3g. Now you have to be on wifi. I know on iphone the vids are HQ over 3g.
1) Something that bypasses Exchange-enforced password entry. Android has it; and frankly, PIN enforcement is a meaningless layer of security that does nothing more than inconvenience the end-user.
2) Something that let's you copy synced Calendar entries and Contacts to the Phone instead of forcing them to exist in the stupid cloud. <--I would pay good money for this. Again, something that Android let's you do that I like.
Edited to Add:
3) An app that keeps the phone on and unlocked. I don't like this forced lock/timeout thing, I'd prefer to have complete control of when it is locked and when it isn't.
1) A Remote Desktop Application compatable with MS's current RDP services
2) Something that periodically rotates the Logon Screen Picture
3) Something that would quickly display Battery Life, Used/Remaining Storage, etc...


Is ubuntu possible on our u8800?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN4c61ETCWg maybe, try it
Without having seen the youtube vid that d3xtr0 linked, I'll post this link:
sebgus said:
Without having seen the youtube vid that d3xtr0 linked, I'll post this link:
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lit's the same source
It will probably work if this device supports "loop devices" whatever that is? anyone know or tried it succsessfully?
skifyr123 said:
It will probably work if this device supports "loop devices" whatever that is? anyone know or tried it succsessfully?
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I had no time to try it, maybe later in the week.
skifyr123 said:
It will probably work if this device supports "loop devices" whatever that is? anyone know or tried it succsessfully?
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It supports loop device. I just tried to mount a loop device with a loop image and it worked.
EDIT: With flibblesan's r5 kernel but it should be supported by stock kernel anyway
You are aware that ubuntu has no proper support for touchscreens; even if it runs you won't gain anything by doing that. When I installed a linux a few months ago on another device it worked, then I was fascinated about one minute and then I decided that there is no use for it an deleted it eventually.
I just do not understand why it is so important to get a desktop-os running on a smartphone. Battery drains fast, no support for the radio etc.
XphX said:
You are aware that ubuntu has no proper support for touchscreens; even if it runs you won't gain anything by doing that. When I installed a linux a few months ago on another device it worked, then I was fascinated about one minute and then I decided that there is no use for it an deleted it eventually.
I just do not understand why it is so important to get a desktop-os running on a smartphone. Battery drains fast, no support for the radio etc.
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Its not important, but funny and cool if it works (on this device). How did you do it?
Until recently I still had my old samsung-omnia-winmo6.5-phone. There was an app for linux available; you just had to install an imagefile to the sd-card. The fun did last for a minute and then I realized I cannot do anything with this small screen and that it was pretty much useless.
I think that a lot of people here will just read the topic and think "omg this is amazing, now I can have my desktop-os on the phone, great" and later they realize how much time they just wasted.
If it really is fun for you guys, I won't try and stop you
How about using linux programs? i think that it may be quite useful sometimes... Put honestly... it is just for funright now... but it may be helpful if we could dual boot.... maybe in the future
I got this working, it isn't that slow as you could imagine, firefox takes around 30 sec to start and load the front page. That said, the keyboard works but is way off and impossible to use (I push "d" and "f" shows up and so on).
if anyone understand this the keyboard will be fixed:
In VNC’s xstartup file: $HOME/.vnc/xstartup
You have to add the line export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 before
/etc/X11/Xsession or gnome-session (in case you use GNOME)
Screenshot actually taken with an ubuntu tool, I have set the resolution to 1200*800 in the virtual enviriment.
Here is a video with Huawei Ideos X5 running Ubuntu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SaoneDtNqA&feature=BFp&list=WL01C152CD7D31A7C8&index=1
Will try this later tonight and let you guys know if it works. Just have to work first >.<
The significance of linux running is to have a backup operating system to use on the phone if the Oracle / Google dispute over Java begins to really disrupt the market.
Think also freedombox.org, your own personal, secure and anonymous cloud system as a refuge if a dictatorship emerges or particularly nasty rise of corporatism occurs.
At heart, our U8800's can easily be linux box server with up to 32Gb of onboard storage with wi-fi AND gsm network connections. Being battery operated, if the thought police decend upon your community, you could take it to another place, unknown to the nasty guys, and re-establish mesh network connection to get reports of civil rights abuses out to the rest of the world.
Reason enough to have the capability to run Ubuntu Server edition (or any other Linux Server flavour)?
If you're interested to see what's already possible, even within Android (Linux will deliver more power), install "File Expert" from the market to get your very own web file server, right there in your phone.
-- wrong post just ignore --
XphX said:
Until recently I still had my old samsung-omnia-winmo6.5-phone. There was an app for linux available; you just had to install an imagefile to the sd-card. The fun did last for a minute and then I realized I cannot do anything with this small screen and that it was pretty much useless.
I think that a lot of people here will just read the topic and think "omg this is amazing, now I can have my desktop-os on the phone, great" and later they realize how much time they just wasted.
If it really is fun for you guys, I won't try and stop you
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You didn't Found a better ubuntu boot-file, x5 faster, keyboard works, WIFI, pre-installed with many programs ( Open Office for work.. etc) easy to use with touch screen. here is how it works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUG9aC_tH5s
And the files/instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=962023

What do you Think of Technical Preview

This thread is to discuss the Windows 10 Technical Preview. Some things can be things that you like and don't like about it and bugs you have come across while testing it out. Here are some things I like about it.
- Start menu has returned (yes I'm a laptop user and this is very welcoming for me)
- Seems to use slightly less RAM than Windows 8 did and a good bit less than 7 did.
- Most apps and programs seem to work without any problems or compatibility issues.
- You can now run modern apps from within the desktop which helped solve the two-faced issue that Windows 8 suffered from
- Multiple desktop support, something Linux and Mac have been able to do for years now.
- You can now create desktop shortcuts for modern apps
- With there being practically no window boarder, some programs may look weird or render improperly
(example: there is a dark bar under the close button in Chrome EDIT: Chrome has been updated and doesn't do this anymore)
- Windows Explorer may freeze up and stop responding for about 30 seconds (it usually will work again when you close the Explorer window and reopen it)
- Charms work on the desktop, but not in modern apps (Charms are completely gone in build 9926, but it doesn't bother me)
- You can't remove or move the search or task view on the taskbar (I find them useful, but I know the shortcuts for them and they just add clutter to my taskbar EDIT: It's been fixed for a while I know, but I never updated the thread for it)
- Navigating the task view can be a bit cumbersome and your added desktops don't save.
Bugs I've come across:
- Textbox went away at the lockscreen, forcing me to restart
- Snap is currently broken. I can only snap one window but I can't snap another window while the first one is snapped (EDIT: This issue seemed to fix itself after restarting my computer. Snap works properly now after rebooting)
- Second display support is currently broken. When you plug a laptop or tablet to a screen wit ha higher resolution while the computer is either off or asleep, you will be greeted with either a black or blue screen, which also forces you to restart (fixed with October 2014 patch)
These are temporary workarounds to fix various issues, bugs or annoyances in Technical Preview
- To be able to snap two windows, snap your first window and then minimize it. Open or select your second window and snap it to the other side. Bring back up your first window and both windows should be equally split across the screen.
- To use a second screen, tun on your computer and log on before connecting it to a second screen. Also, unplug the second screen before putting your computer to sleep, or else you will have the same problem
I'm a laptop user - is it still possible to keep the Windows 8 style start menu? I prefer that, better to make full use my 17" screen, rather than the imo annoying Windows 7 menu that opened up in a postage-stamp-sized window.
I had multiple desktops on my Amiga 19 years ago Though the downside is it's harder to do things like drag and drop, and more confusing keeping track of where things are. Can't say I've missed them.
I agree it's annoying if the search button can't be removed - similarly it's annoying they stuck the start button back in Windows 8.1. I know the shortcuts for keyboard, and the hotspot worked fine with a mouse/touchpad. Particularly annoying on my 10" Transformer Book where I have less screen space.
mdwh said:
I'm a laptop user - is it still possible to keep the Windows 8 style start menu? I prefer that, better to make full use my 17" screen, rather than the imo annoying Windows 7 menu that opened up in a postage-stamp-sized window.
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In the taskbar properties, you can customize the Windows 10 start menu settings. Here you can activate start menu as well kown of Windows 8 by turning off the Windows 10 start menu.
Tested it and removed it. Nothing to see if your not an developer or IT pro. And the fact that you can only use
it when your online, or at least use an online account just creeps me out. It looks like MS is going to close the
system up and demanding users to use cloud based systems. In other words, there getting even more on the
data mining bandwagon. And closing it up is hoping an new bread of developers will commit to Windows again.
Which isn't all that bad if the price and quality of the apps get way better then they are now.
Sure, they call it an tech preview, but they obviously already have the thing ready. The tech demo is buggy
by design that's for sure. And the start menu, if that is going to be the way it's going to be, is just silly and boring.
Must be an prank, surly they can come up with something more inspired. Using windowed apps on the desktop, an
sell point. seriously? Been doing that from Windows 8. Other features underlined for the time beeing all boring!
So move along, nothing to see for now.
All in all, if the preview is any indication, it will be nothing to write home about. For the average user.
Just the same old thing again. Except if the apps get consistent design! Not that oldskool Windows crap.
I have been using Windows from 1.0 or at least 30 years in my case. And its still flat and squared. Just saying...
XP endured for 10 years. Sure, it was an robust OS after win 9x, I loved it. Also loved 95-98 NT2000, so..
But was also glad to see Vista(..) after all those years working with the same old thing. Windows 7(what Vista should have been) was sweet but eventually quickly broken. 8 an experiment. 8.1.1 what 8 should have been to start with. Now that I am no longer in IT for some years, I hope that windows 10 will amuse me like Android or Mac does for Apple users. But respect individuality and freedom within the os. No forced net hookup and no extra data mining/spying.
With that out of the way, Windows 10 is either going to be an NT2000, Vista or a 8 seeing that 8.1.1 is just getting momentum and an base in the tablet segment.
What is there to think about Windows 10 Preview, if you are just an user, nothing. Just being an bore
Buggster said:
Tested it and removed it. Nothing to see if your not an developer or IT pro. And the fact that you can only use
it when your online, or at least use an online account just creeps me out. It looks like MS is going to close the
system up and demanding users to use cloud based systems. In other words, there getting even more on the
data mining bandwagon. And closing it up is hoping an new bread of developers will commit to Windows again.
Which isn't all that bad if the price and quality of the apps get way better then they are now.
Sure, they call it an tech preview, but they obviously already have the thing ready. The tech demo is buggy
by design that's for sure. And the start menu, if that is going to be the way it's going to be, is just silly and boring.
Must be an prank, surly they can come up with something more inspired. Using windowed apps on the desktop, an
sell point. seriously? Been doing that from Windows 8. Other features underlined for the time beeing all boring!
So move along, nothing to see for now.
All in all, if the preview is any indication, it will be nothing to write home about. For the average user.
Just the same old thing again. Except if the apps get consistent design! Not that oldskool Windows crap.
I have been using Windows from 1.0 or at least 30 years in my case. And its still flat and squared. Just saying...
XP endured for 10 years. Sure, it was an robust OS after win 9x, I loved it. Also loved 95-98 NT2000, so..
But was also glad to see Vista(..) after all those years working with the same old thing. Windows 7(what Vista should have been) was sweet but eventually quickly broken. 8 an experiment. 8.1.1 what 8 should have been to start with. Now that I am no longer in IT for some years, I hope that windows 10 will amuse me like Android or Mac does for Apple users. But respect individuality and freedom within the os. No forced net hookup and no extra data mining/spying.
With that out of the way, Windows 10 is either going to be an NT2000, Vista or a 8 seeing that 8.1.1 is just getting momentum and an base in the tablet segment.
What is there to think about Windows 10 Preview, if you are just an user, nothing. Just being an bore
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You are missing the point.
This is a preview, microsoft needs to keep track who is actually testing it. Don't worry, there will be no such thing as a cloud OS. Plus, this version is just to test stability and stuff. Features will be added in time.
You are missing the point.
This is a preview, microsoft needs to keep track who is actually testing it. Don't worry, there will be no such thing as a cloud OS. Plus, this version is just to test stability and stuff. Features will be added in time.
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I think you are missing the point here(no insult intended) Cloud is already integrated in the OS, every iteration a bit more. A lot of users already use there Outlook account
to log on daily and use the cloud drive. MS don't need to keep track in the way you mean with this preview. There are lots of background services already sending telemetry
to the servers, with unique id.
So the preview, as we all know it's an preview for testing, doesn't really need your explicit permission to use your system data. That's already part of the agreement of using this preview. It's "informally suggested" you test it as your daily driver. That's why they ask for an personal outlook account. In which you give explicit permission to use your private data and cover any legal issues. What else would be the point of testing it publicly without explicit user data and telemetry. I'm not slandering MS here. That's not my intention.
Again, there's not much to test for your normal user. The new feature aren't in there remember? Your not getting anything. It's you that's being tested
There could still be a local account be used... There is an option on account create
The search box on the task bar could be hidden with menu on right click
Windows 10 became laggy and slow after few days... Super UI, have to wait for final release.
Well I did come across a minor wifi issue when trying to connect to my college wifi. The issue I had was it had a hard time connecting to it at first (I was able to get it to connect after trying a few times). I think the issue was it couldn't figure out the network security settings (which requires logging in with a username and password) and it would immediately pop up saying can't connect to network. Another wifi issue I've came across is there is difficulty disconnecting from a network and hopping on another one. When you hit disconnect, it will sit there with the spinning circles until you switch the wifi adapter on and off.
In all honesty though, it could be my laptop causing the problems because it's a 4 year old computer but I never ran across those issues on Windows 7
no contora up till now
I experience some bugs wth windows store
I think Cortana is jealous of Android
True story:
I installed build 9926 (major hassle but another story) and started playing with Cortana.
I set Android as topic that interested me and a few links popped up. I clicked a link, IE opened, and the page started loading, and just kept loading - no text. A minute later (I'm running Win 10 in VMWare) I copied the link, went to my host system, and pasted it into Firefox. Worked fine. Another two or three minutes later, IE said the page was running 'a very long script'. I clicked to send a frown (IE feedback to MS) A window popped up, I explained the problem, and Win 10 crashed. HARD. Just locked up. Finally had to delete the VM and reinstall.
I'm kind of afraid to tell Cortana I like Android now.
Tried installing the Preview on my PC. Nothing unusual happens during the installation. All runs well after series of restarts. The problem only arises after I switched off my PC. When I opened it again I was greeted with BSOD.
Anyone here experiencing the same issue?
JeySi said:
Tried installing the Preview on my PC. Nothing unusual happens during the installation. All runs well after series of restarts. The problem only arises after I switched off my PC. When I opened it again I was greeted with BSOD.
Anyone here experiencing the same issue?
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Can't say that I have, but can you include any other information within the BSOD such as the bugcheck code or any other text besides the usual "Your computer has been shut down and we're collecting data" text? It could be a driver that's being updated through Windows Update or a preview update that's causing issues.
i think windows 10 will be a success unlike windows 8 failed to attract users

Opera Mobile and TLS 1.2

It's time to show a little more love for arguably the best browser for the NST/G
I've been reading up on the whole TLS 1.2 thing and bemoaning the gradual eroding of the NST/G internet capabilities as various apps wink out of usefulness due to the recent change. I felt the same way about Opera Mobile 12.10, especially when I had finally figured out an app for Google News, only to find that many of the external links could not be opened, presumably due to this new security protocol.
Imagine my surprise today when I revisited the configuration screen for Opera Mobile and saw that even on this nearly prehistoric app there is an option for TLS 1.2!! Once I had selected that I could suddenly navigate to all kinds of sites that were previously snubbing me! Woo-hoo!
The procedure, in pictures, below. Love live Opera Mobile (at least until TLS 1.3).
Edit: I should mention that this has nothing to do with the recent NST/G update to 1.2.2. B&N only added TLS 1.2 handshaking for their own purchasing system, not anything else. I have one device running 1.2.1 and one updated to 1.2.2. They are identical in their need for and response to this change in settings for Opera Mobile.
Edit, Edit: I've been looking at this issue again recently and found sites that actually test the browser and recommend changes in settings. It turns out that ONLY the TLS 1.2 should be enabled, not older protocols. One site also recommended disabling the SSL v.3, but my tests with two devices trying to access the same sites indicated that was a bad idea.
My most unexpected discovery was a post on an Opera board somewhere that suggested simply clearing cache (from the Menu: Settings>Privacy>Clear Cache) will often allow access to sites that initially give a security connection error. This actually seems to work in many cases. I have no idea why, but it prompted me to try unticking ALL cache settings except for "Empty on Exit" (last screenshot below). Don't forget to "Save" at the end of that section before exiting.
This is great, thank you!
Has anyone gotten this tweak to allow you to sign into Overdrive (online library) websites? New York Public Library's Overdrive page, nypl.overdrive.com still won't let me sign in, even with both TLS 1.1 and 1.2. For the record I think I'm still actually on firmware 1.1.0
jptiger said:
This is great, thank you!
Has anyone gotten this tweak to allow you to sign into Overdrive (online library) websites? New York Public Library's Overdrive page, nypl.overdrive.com still won't let me sign in, even with both TLS 1.1 and 1.2. For the record I think I'm still actually on firmware 1.1.0
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That was the second thing I tried. No joy. Unfortunately there is zero information in a logcat of my unsuccessful session, almost as though the system was ignoring the browser activity entirely, so nothing to work with there.
Out on a limb here, but it could be a case of no contact with systems older than the oldest one to still support an Overdrive app (2.3, I think?). When I encounter a site that still won't connect with Opera Mobile, despite the addition of TLS 1.2, I think that's similar. Such an old browser (and OS) is seen as a security issue. Now exactly how the determination is made, that I don't know. It seems unlikely that it's something as simple as the User Agent string, as I have two NSTs, one running 1.2.2 and the older one with 1.2.1. I'm pretty sure I have not done anything with the UA string on the 1.2.2 device (it's a beast to type in) but I know I altered the other one to match the original stock browser on the device. I'll have to run down both values to see if there's something about the OS in there.
If the sites have a way of querying the system to recognize whether it is "safe" or not, then there's not much to be done. There was that one older version of UC Mini Browser which was able to negotiate a login at one time, but even if you could get into the library's Overdrive section, the closest you would come to a book is downloading the acsm file and then what? AFAIK there is no way to deal with it on the device itself. It would have to be processed on a PC and then transferred to the NST.
Login would allow you to checkout Kindle books and even confirm the download at the Amazon site (painful as that is), but I don't see how to make the epub thing work solely on the device any longer short of a new OS. That's way beyond my pay grade. I'm curious about it but recognize that it's not something I'm going to pick up at this stage of my life. Too bad the few projects directed at that weren't more modest in their goals. A change to just Gingerbread would have made a huge difference, although even with that, the handwriting is surely on the wall.
but even if you could get into the library's Overdrive section, the closest you would come to a book is downloading the acsm file and then what?
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Open the file with Aldiko! I actually used to do this all the time, it was the main way I used to interact with Overdrive for years. Worked great... until I wasn't able to log into Overdrive sites and access my holds any more.
You might need a specific old version of Aldiko, I'd bet I found it on these forums somewhere. I'm writing this on my phone on a subway, otherwise I'd link here. Moot point atm anyway.
jptiger said:
Open the file with Aldiko! I actually used to do this all the time, it was the main way I used to interact with Overdrive for years. Worked great... until I wasn't able to log into Overdrive sites and access my holds any more.
You might need a specific old version of Aldiko, I'd bet I found it on these forums somewhere. I'm writing this on my phone on a subway, otherwise I'd link here. Moot point atm anyway.
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There may yet be a magic version of Aldiko that can do this, but I think the operative word in your response might be "used" to interact with Overdrive.
I don't know why but I decided to look at this issue again and stumbled on @straygecko's post re: Overdrive and Aldiko here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35917607&postcount=2
I scrounged around for a "2.0" version of Aldiko and came up with 2.00.081 (maybe close enough?). Anyway, it does install and the first few steps of the procedure @straygecko outlines actually work great, even the sign in with Adobe--which I found shocking. I was able to painfully add my local library's Overdrive URL to the "My Catalogs" section and actually "browse" to the URL, if you can call it that. If we think Opera Mobile is antique, think more along the lines of the stock NST browser. Mostly floating text appears here and there, lots of broken images, and Search does not seem to work. Oh, and scrolling up the page? LOL! If you can get lower on the page to something like "available now", the screen will not update. It may not be absolutely necessary but while I was chortling and grimacing I also tried the "sign in" option. In little tiny letters across the top of the screen comes the "oops! something went wrong" message, all too familiar.
I hope, I really do hope that there is another version of Aldiko 2.0 that would work. But the post by @straygecko was from 2012 and while at my age that seems not so long ago, in the world of Android, it might as well be 500 BCE.
For your entertainment, I attach the version of Aldiko I was able to scare up. YMMV.
Odd. I think you might be trying to make Aldiko do a different part than I was referring to. Here was my usual workflow after installing Aldiko and logging into my Adobe ID on it:
1 open opera mobile
2 navigate to my library's overdrive page
3 sign in (not currently working)
4 browse and check out an epub ebook
5 download the ascm file
6 when prompted about what to do with it open it aldiko
7 Aldiko then downloads the epub using your Adobe ID and shows it in your library until it expires
If those are the steps you're following, where do you hit the unreadable text? After the book downloads?
jptiger said:
Odd. I think you might be trying to make Aldiko do a different part than I was referring to. Here was my usual workflow after installing Aldiko and logging into my Adobe ID on it:
1 open opera mobile
2 navigate to my library's overdrive page
3 sign in (not currently working)
4 browse and check out an epub ebook
5 download the ascm file
6 when prompted about what to do with it open it aldiko
7 Aldiko then downloads the epub using your Adobe ID and shows it in your library until it expires
If those are the steps you're following, where do you hit the unreadable text? After the book downloads?
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You're right, those were not my steps. On my local library Overdrive site it is not possible to check out an eBook without eventually signing in. Catch-22.
nmyshkin said:
It's time to show a little more love for arguably the best browser for the NST/G
I've been reading up on the whole TLS 1.2 thing and bemoaning the gradual eroding of the NST/G internet capabilities as various apps wink out of usefulness due to the recent change. I felt the same way about Opera Mobile 12.10, especially when I had finally figured out an app for Google News, only to find that many of the external links could not be opened, presumably due to this new security protocol.
Imagine my surprise today when I revisited the configuration screen for Opera Mobile and saw that even on this nearly prehistoric app there is an option for TLS 1.2!! Once I had selected that I could suddenly navigate to all kinds of sites that were previously snubbing me! Woo-hoo!
The procedure, in pictures, below. Love live Opera Mobile (at least until TLS 1.3).
Edit: I should mention that this has nothing to do with the recent NST/G update to 1.2.2. B&N only added TLS 1.2 handshaking for their own purchasing system, not anything else. I have one device running 1.2.1 and one updated to 1.2.2. They are identical in their need for and response to this change in settings for Opera Mobile.
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Wow. I have tried every other browser. This is definitely the only one that works. Thanks so much for the info.
lz199366 said:
Could you share your Opera Mobile.apk? I can't get opera 12.1.0 install on my NST(firmware1.1.2).
Besides, which app did you use to take screenshot in Black&White color ? I tried screenshot ER before. It is good but producing shots in colors only.
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Opera Mobile: https://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/android/mobile/1210/
For screenshots, I made two apps. The original produces slightly gray b&w images. The second gives better quality color images. Here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/nook-touch/themes-apps/app-screenshot-t3648855. When I post images I always convert to greyscale anyway since that's what will be seen on the device.
That older firmware may be a problem. B&N did actually have reasons to update firmware now and then. If the Opera Mobile will not run you might try Opera Classic. Some people said it worked for them.
Some additional discoveries
Just a bump to bring this post back up again. I've done some additional tests with different settings lately and have improved the connection success rate quite a bit. Changes reflected now in the original post.
Since you're bumping the thread maybe you can help me with a problem? I think I've tried this APK on my last three Nooks (Glowlight Plus, NG3, and now Glowlight Plus 7.8) and every time I launch Opera Classic from my launcher I get a short splash screen that says "Opera Mobile" and then it immediately dies. Nothing shows in my "running process" screen either (so it's not just hidden in the background).
Any idea where to start looking as far as logs, etc. go? I've never really had much use for a browser on a Nook before, but with the 7.8" display my interest is somewhat piqued again...
spedinfargo said:
Since you're bumping the thread maybe you can help me with a problem? I think I've tried this APK on my last three Nooks (Glowlight Plus, NG3, and now Glowlight Plus 7.8) and every time I launch Opera Classic from my launcher I get a short splash screen that says "Opera Mobile" and then it immediately dies. Nothing shows in my "running process" screen either (so it's not just hidden in the background).
Any idea where to start looking as far as logs, etc. go? I've never really had much use for a browser on a Nook before, but with the 7.8" display my interest is somewhat piqued again...
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Mmm.....first, this is Opera Mobile 12.1, not Opera Classic, although I don't think that is the issue. Not sure about the Glowlight Plus, but I think the others run at least KitKat? My first suspicion was that Opera Mobile (or Opera Classic) might be too old for those devices, but I just tried installing it on my SIM-less KitKat "phone" and it did just fine.
So maybe screen density? It's hard to know. Like @Renate NST says, a logcat might reveal the cause of the crash--or not. Meanwhile I should think that with a KitKat device there must be a number of more modern browsers that would work OK. I recommend Via Browser. Slick and simple, small footprint. Requires Android 2.3 and up (too bad the NST just missed it...). I run it on my Oreo 8.1 tablet and love it.
nmyshkin said:
Mmm.....first, this is Opera Mobile 12.1, not Opera Classic, although I don't think that is the issue. Not sure about the Glowlight Plus, but I think the others run at least KitKat? My first suspicion was that Opera Mobile (or Opera Classic) might be too old for those devices, but I just tried installing it on my SIM-less KitKat "phone" and it did just fine.
So maybe screen density? It's hard to know. Like @Renate NST says, a logcat might reveal the cause of the crash--or not. Meanwhile I should think that with a KitKat device there must be a number of more modern browsers that would work OK. I recommend Via Browser. Slick and simple, small footprint. Requires Android 2.3 and up (too bad the NST just missed it...). I run it on my Oreo 8.1 tablet and love it.
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Ah yes, I forgot that the original NGP was where the jump to KitKat occurred which opened up more options for apps. I'm going to give Via a try - thanks for the quick response!
First problem:
Our (at least my) /system/lib/libgui.so does not have
status_t GraphicBuffer::lock(GGLSurface* sur, uint32_t usage)
The Opera libOS15.so requires it
Eclair had this function, I don't think KitKat has it.
I think this Opera "Opera_Mobile_12_1_Generic_Opera_Armv5v7.apk" was designed for Eclair and uses stuff no longer in KitKat.
You need to find a different APK.
@myshkin Once again, you've answered one of my questions before I asked it! I am going to use an NST to interact with my online scheduler for a sweet e-ink, easy on the eyes, scheduling unit.
First I want to thank for well written guide how to set things up to make any browser (in this case obviously Opera) working on NST. I read several threads about browsers and wondered how those could be solved. It seems to me that some of those problems could be solved using web grabber or offline browser or some of those plugins that redirects to cached version of the web page on Wayback machine (Brave browser is gone incorporate that option so I have been told). Naturally that might work for reading cached content on NST inside your browser if it supports page rendering and so. Still for pages that need user/reader interaction that won't solve anything. Would application like Gapps browser resolve at least some of the issues you experience? It should run on Eclair but I am not sure will it run on NST. That need to be tested.
SJT75 said:
First I want to thank for well written guide how to set things up to make any browser (in this case obviously Opera) working on NST. I read several threads about browsers and wondered how those could be solved. It seems to me that some of those problems could be solved using web grabber or offline browser or some of those plugins that redirects to cached version of the web page on Wayback machine (Brave browser is gone incorporate that option so I have been told). Naturally that might work for reading cached content on NST inside your browser if it supports page rendering and so. Still for pages that need user/reader interaction that won't solve anything. Would application like Gapps browser resolve at least some of the issues you experience? It should run on Eclair but I am not sure will it run on NST. That need to be tested.
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I had never heard of Gapps browser but I can tell you now that it does not work properly on the NST. It never gets past a partial, immobile screen of Google News. None of the other options do anything at all.
While I still prefer Opera Mobile for general browsing and value its ability to open local HTML files (something I have exploited in a number of my news apps), Opera Mini 7.6.4 also functions on the NST and can skirt around some of the SSL issues because the pages are initially picked up by Opera's up-to-date servers, rendered, and then passed on to the user. However, sites with complex constructions and modern WebView requirements will not display properly, if at all. Opera Mini also has a "picker" that will allow you to open media files (like videos) in an external player. This is something Opera Mobile will not do. It just refuses to deal with them at all.
On the whole, the browser issue is the proverbial straw for the camel's back when it comes to older Android OS. I have seen this working with KitKat ROMs where already many sites cannot be accessed because of the outdated WebView. Lollipop, which is the first OS version with a WebView that can be updated, is a little better. But custom ROMs (or ROMs like on the NST) that are not properly updated for SSL are never going to be able to hold on forever in this regard.
Thanks for thorough reply. I fear that it is not only updates of the software that is hampering factor but very nature of e-ink devices that hold us back. Even Kindles from Amazon have the issues in that regard and it is certainly not from lack of funding that firm can provide to solve the problem. That is why I mentioned web grabber approach. As last resort someone might try to print some web page as PDF for later reading but that would not solve problems like logging in some web services etc. I even considered text based browsers as alternative. My friend who is proficient in programming, web administration and computer related stuff said me the same thing as you did that Opera is by far best browser for mobile device.

