HTC M8 and Windows Phone 8.1 - One (M8) General

Howdy all,
Anyone with some inside knowledge forsee Windows Phone 8.1 being a farily strait forward install to the M8 now that we know the phone specs are likely to be identical??
Android user from way back and won't be changing anytime soon but wouldn't mind a look at WP if it's an easy (or moderately easy) flash.

Thread closed,
Thread has been closed as this is still classed as OT at the minute as there is no actual information if windows 8 will be released for the m8. If it is it will likely be a different phone as I cant see the hardware / bootloader being compatible with it.
Remember to search before posting. There have been a few of these threads closed already.
Many thanks,


[Q] WinMO on DHD is it possible? 2

Hi all
Is it possible to have any version of windows mobile on DHD? With or No dual boot?
Please kick,kickban,dns-ban, h*** even isp ban basically NO.
Why you ask , here is the story.
you want win , wel oke call mircosoft .
umm mircosoft can i put this on my phone.
h*** no !!
can i get the tons of G's of source code then?
Ow well tnx any way.
Dude Realy
Windows Mobile isn't open source, it's very unlikely that'll happen.
why would you want to i came from win mo and andriod drizzles all over it
I guess if you pay M$ $500000000 they will make it happen.
geez hell no!..
thats like saying...
uhhh..can u plz replace the engine of my ferrari with the engine of a toyota yaris
:cool :
And what's a HD2 compared to a DHD? Answer: a step backwards.
If you want winmo on a DHD, well... keep on dreaming because winmo is dead! Only windows (I)Phone 7 will be put on new devices.
Cut the guy some slack.
I can understand the question. WM6.x is still, at the moment, THE best company mobile OS; tons of apps, legacy code, intra-infrastructure .... WP7 and Android just are not at that level of company wide mobile integration.
Plus, I have to say that programming for WM6.x is the best programming expreience I've had: visual studio, c# and pinvoke when needed make for an easy, fun programming environment. Android is tricky, WP7 is incomplete and locked down ... as a former WM6.x dev who is trying to transition to android on my new DHD, I can understand wanting to just run wm6.x and the programs I've dev'd on my DHD.
maybe he mentioned it wrong.. maybe he was intended to ask either is it possible for WP7 for Desire HD
my answer is, once WP7 is ported to any highly supported by dev phone such as the nexus one.. it might come to desire HD
though im not disagreeing with statement above the HTC desire hd and HD7 have similar spec and size it might be (not really a dev just a thought) easier to port. If im honest i would love to have windows phone on my DHD i like the idea of having 2 nandroids and swapping between them as windows phone brings some nice features and apps to the table.
name 1 app that google cant handel
hahaha...this thread is funny..
Thats like dating Diana Vickers and trading her in for Jo Brand...
Ok, let's go over the rules one more time:
No questions posting in ROM development
Respect other members
report a post if it's against the rules
So, basically, why shouldn't you all be banned?
Seriously though, thread NOT closed.
It' moved ....
Wow, I can't believe I wasted my time trying to decypher your post.
At the moment I don't believe its possible, no. If you want to play with Android and Windows Mobile 7 at the same time, get yourself a HTC HD2 for testing purposes (though I'm not even sure that WM7 roms on the HD2 are actually real)
Different thread same answer......NO
If you want MP7 buy a WP7 device, Android is Open source so you can install it on any hardware, MP7 isn't so you can't.
You're onto drugs huh?
Nice post.
Didn't I closed a thread with the same title a while ago?
I guess I'm losing my sanity Oh well....just to be polite the answer is NO...
Thread closed now.
Your now confused Mod

[Q] A few small questions.

So, after having my fix of Android, I've decided to move onto a Windows phone. Just to expierence something new. Hopefully picking up the AT&T HD7s tomorrow, any reviews on that to start out?
But as the topic states, have a few questions that wil most likely refer to android since ofcourse I'm more familiar with that.
First things first, is there a thing as such as rooting/jailbreaking a Windows phone?
What about roms?
Also, i've read a lot about the Mango update, do most phones have that now?
And finally, whats your favorite feature, and what are some good apps to have that the Android market doesnt really have.
I appreciate anyone who answers all of this. I'll toss a thanks because I am sure there are threads out there that answer all this, but it'd be nice to have a few collective thoughts all in once place.
Hey check where are you posting on!
Nor this is a general forum for windows mobile or windows phone or android. This forum is about Development and Hacking on Windows Mobile.
You're query seems to be related to windows phone so post in Windows Phone 7 General, WP7 Q&A or Forum General.
Mods, please move the thread and keep the forum clean.
Best Regards

[Q] Looking for a way to run Windows 8 somehow

I've been using my A500 just to mess around, but I really want to get it to run on Windows 8 so I can use it for school a lot more effectively. I know there are some unsupported hardware, but are there any work arounds?
There's already a discussion on this topic.
Yes but most are saying it's impossible while others are saying its possible but I don't see any links
Why did you expect to get a different answer by starting your own thread? All discussion takes place in that thread, good or bad.

dual boot Win 6.5 & Android 4

There are several old threads about dual-booting, and using this particular phone. I want Windows 6.5 or less and/or a desktop version of windows (because of certain apps)... and Android 4.0+ Is it possible? Would this phone be too slow... Is there a better phone that could do it? Is there no phone that could do it?
robertkjr3d said:
There are several old threads about dual-booting, and using this particular phone. I want Windows 6.5 or less and/or a desktop version of windows (because of certain apps)... and Android 4.0+ Is it possible? Would this phone be too slow... Is there a better phone that could do it? Is there no phone that could do it?
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I'm not sure about desktop Windows but as for Android just place the ROM folder on the root of your SD card then run CLRCAD and HARET and it should work just fine. No other phone can do it as well as the HD2 (if they can do it at all).
Nigeldg said:
I'm not sure about desktop Windows but as for Android just place the ROM folder on the root of your SD card then run CLRCAD and HARET and it should work just fine. No other phone can do it as well as the HD2 (if they can do it at all).
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Thankx for replying... I've posted on a few forums and haven't received anything till now. Anyway: So what you are saying is buy this HD2 phone preloaded with the Win 6.5 OS... Then put Android 4.0+ on the SDCard and boot into that. I would really want to run Android most of the time. I would connect the Android OS to my AT&T and make calls with it... and only use Win 6.5 rarely.
1) Are there examples of people actually doing this? recently?... or just back in the days of 2.2 which as I mentioned in the 1st thread, i found many google links/forum threads on.
2) Can I still get to the Android market and all normal apps, and not have other DRM issues?
3) Since the OS is actually on the SDCard, and I hit the reset, would it automatically go to Windows, when I reset?
robertkjr3d said:
Thankx for replying... I've posted on a few forums and haven't received anything till now. Anyway: So what you are saying is buy this HD2 phone preloaded with the Win 6.5 OS... Then put Android 4.0+ on the SDCard and boot into that. I would really want to run Android most of the time. I would connect the Android OS to my AT&T and make calls with it... and only use Win 6.5 rarely.
1) Are there examples of people actually doing this? recently?... or just back in the days of 2.2 which as I mentioned in the 1st thread, i found many google links/forum threads on.
2) Can I still get to the Android market and all normal apps, and not have other DRM issues?
3) Since the OS is actually on the SDCard, and I hit the reset, would it automatically go to Windows, when I reset?
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Come on, you don't even have to search to get your answer, just browse to the SD Android development forum. You're just being lazy now.
Nigeldg said:
I'm not sure about desktop Windows but as for Android just place the ROM folder on the root of your SD card then run CLRCAD and HARET and it should work just fine. No other phone can do it as well as the HD2 (if they can do it at all).
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Nigeldg said:
Come on, you don't even have to search to get your answer, just browse to the SD Android development forum. You're just being lazy now.
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From Star Trek: Sarek said: "It is difficult to answer, when one does not understand the question." Or in my case, it was difficult to go looking for the answer, when not understanding how supposedly easy it was to find. Us IT people are in the business of making others feel stupid often, but we don't have to flaunt it.
Yes this is a good link, that now you have so eloquently pointed out:
robertkjr3d said:
From Star Trek: Sarek said: "It is difficult to answer, when one does not understand the question." Or in my case, it was difficult to go looking for the answer, when not understanding how supposedly easy it was to find. Us IT people are in the business of making others feel stupid often, but we don't have to flaunt it.
Yes this is a good link, that now you have so eloquently pointed out:
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There's a difference between not knowing/understanding and simply not trying. This was quite obviously the latter. I'm not trying to make you feel stupid at all, in fact you're probably the opposite since you're going to buy an HD2 . I'm just saying that you weren't exactly trying to find the answer and just wanted to be spoon fed, and as someone who's new to this you're probably going to have a lot of questions along the way and it's better to learn how to find the answers yourself than to just get given them because it's faster and better for everyone.
Nigeldg said:
There's a difference between not knowing/understanding and simply not trying. This was quite obviously the latter. I'm not trying to make you feel stupid at all, in fact you're probably the opposite since you're going to buy an HD2 . I'm just saying that you weren't exactly trying to find the answer and just wanted to be spoon fed, and as someone who's new to this you're probably going to have a lot of questions along the way and it's better to learn how to find the answers yourself than to just get given them because it's faster and better for everyone.
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If you wish to keep noobs as noobs, and turn them away, then continue to use sarcasm. But if you wish to turn noobs into contributors, and receive more thanks, than you treat them with respect. --- I've been looking for weeks for the right place. I wish to upgrade my phone soon, but not in that big of a hurry.
You wish me to defend myself? OK. Your XDA site is huge with a vast array of forum links. I was not aware I would need to look under HTC development'. I didn't know it had anything to do with Development.... Sorry (why am I apologizing to you?). To me software development is when someone programs an application that runs on a Win-mobile and/or Android device better known as an 'app'. Or what I do... I am a software developer for the environment. When searching for dual-booting as I said in the 1st thread I get tons of threads from years ago about Android 2.2. The same happens when searching from google. Is it really that easy to find as you say? Unless like you, you know exactly where to look. 'It is easy to find the answers, when you know right where to look', 'you understood the question'... but I did not know where even to look!
robertkjr3d said:
If you wish to keep noobs as noobs, and turn them away, then continue to use sarcasm. But if you wish to turn noobs into contributors, and receive more thanks, than you treat them with respect. --- I've been looking for weeks for the right place. I wish to upgrade my phone soon, but not in that big of a hurry.
You wish me to defend myself? OK. Your XDA site is huge with a vast array of forum links. I was not aware I would need to look under HTC development'. I didn't know it had anything to do with Development.... Sorry (why am I apologizing to you?). To me software development is when someone programs an application that runs on a Win-mobile and/or Android device better known as an 'app'. Or what I do... I am a software developer for the environment. When searching for dual-booting as I said in the 1st thread I get tons of threads from years ago about Android 2.2. The same happens when searching from google. Is it really that easy to find as you say? Unless like you, you know exactly where to look. 'It is easy to find the answers, when you know right where to look', 'you understood the question'... but I did not know where even to look!
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There was no sarcasm in my post at all, but now I'm going to be quite blunt. You're acting like an idiot. I understand why you may think software development is to do with apps but when there are two separate forums for NAND and SD then it should be obvious that it's not. I was 14 and I managed to figure out how to install SD Android without any help whatsoever, I refuse to believe that a software programmer couldn't figure it out. You wished to dual boot WinMo and Android on your SD card on an HTC HD2:
1. Find XDA
2. Find the HD2 forum
3. Oh look, it has a section called 'Android'. The answer's probably in there somewhere
4. I want to boot Android on my SD card. Conveniently, there's a forum dedicated to SD Android. I wonder if there are modern ROMs there
5. Whoa, threads with ICS and JB ROMs as well as guides on how to install them. I guess I've found my solution.
Yes, it's just as easy to find as I say if not easier. Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 could have been solved with Google.
I couldn't care less about thanks, they're not a very good reflection of... well, anything really. I've seen people with 0 thanks post amazingly useful guides (in fact I think the guide I first followed to flash NAND Android was someone's first post) and people with thousands of thanks ask 'best ROM' questions. Whilst it would be great to turn more people into contributors it'll be impossible for you to become one if you don't put any effort in yourself.
Because this thread went off the rails I am going to close it, but here's the quick rundown:
if you want to dual-boot WM6.5 and Android, you can do so using the haret method mentioned. Yes it is fully featured (market etc.) and yes when you restart you boot back into WM6.5, but you can boot into Android really fast after that if you want.
You can also dual-boot WP7 with Android, put Android on NAND or other options.
Searching really is the key, I know the HD2 forums can be a bit daunting and some things are going to be a bit hard to find but generally speaking if it has anything to do with Android (like dual booting from WM6.5) you will find it stickied in the Android forum.
Check stuff out here

Windows 8.1 OS for M8 ?

So guys as we all know that HTC will release "M8" again with same specs but now with Windows OS .
So will it be possible to run it on normal M8(Android OS) ?
Not a window OS fan but i think htc will add some tweaks to make OS much more useful .. :fingers-crossed:
Nobody knows until they announce it. Been asked a million times already.
Thread closed,
Thread has been closed as this is still classed as OT at the minute as there is no actual information if Windows 8 will be released for the M8. If it is it will likely be a different phone as I can't see the hardware / bootloader being compatible with it.
Remember to search before posting. There have been a few of these threads closed already.
Many thanks

