[Q] A few small questions. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

So, after having my fix of Android, I've decided to move onto a Windows phone. Just to expierence something new. Hopefully picking up the AT&T HD7s tomorrow, any reviews on that to start out?
But as the topic states, have a few questions that wil most likely refer to android since ofcourse I'm more familiar with that.
First things first, is there a thing as such as rooting/jailbreaking a Windows phone?
What about roms?
Also, i've read a lot about the Mango update, do most phones have that now?
And finally, whats your favorite feature, and what are some good apps to have that the Android market doesnt really have.
I appreciate anyone who answers all of this. I'll toss a thanks because I am sure there are threads out there that answer all this, but it'd be nice to have a few collective thoughts all in once place.

Hey check where are you posting on!
Nor this is a general forum for windows mobile or windows phone or android. This forum is about Development and Hacking on Windows Mobile.
You're query seems to be related to windows phone so post in Windows Phone 7 General, WP7 Q&A or Forum General.
Mods, please move the thread and keep the forum clean.
Best Regards


Question for a starter

Hey all,
As you can see I'm new to the community and I had a few questions. I wanted to build my own android build, but I don't know where to start reading. So I'm asking for any tutorials on the web in where I can start off at.
I saw a few builds and was shocked on the creativity. I have a spare HD2 so I'm willing to play with it a bit more
I also wanted to know if there is a IRC server/room that I can connect to and perhaps get more involved in the community
Anyways thanks for all your help
knowing a crap-load of linux is probably the best place to start @[email protected] and im pretty sure you have to know how to use the Android SDK, but im not a pro or anything @[email protected] maybe ask in the other forum, the development forum.
Well I know a bit of a linux and haven't read up on the Android SDK. I know that it's a start but wanted a bit more information on the topic before anything.

Whole HEAP of noob questions (sorry, but my head is hurting!!!)...

I have been playing around with SD builds since they first came along on the HD2. I have done a lot of skinning (and a really small amount of coding!) in WinMo/CHT. I am an intelligent guy, but I am beginning to think that everyone who's really into Android is speaking a different language to me! I have searched and read and searched and read, but really hope there is someone out there who knows what they are talking about to answer these few utterly basic questions which I can't find simple answers to
1. Are all of these builds that are being cooked for HD2 already rooted (I did say basic!)?
2. If not, how do I tell and what do I need to do?
3. Does Magdlr allow you the option of retaining WinMo on device and booting into an SD/RAM Android build?
4. What is ADB and does it do anything I can't already do on my phone with ESExplorer/Root Explorer/Titanium Backup?
5. What does mount/unmount SD card mean?
6. How can I tell what mods from other device threads can be safely applied - is it basically whatever device the HD2 ROM is based off is a safe bet for mods (framework.res, etc)?
7. Why is it all the devs never answer reasonable questions in their own threads and everyone in the Android forums treats you like a total idiot if you don't know EVERYTHING already! (Don't need an answer to this one, just blowing off steam )
So please, if anyone can stoop low enough to offer me answers in my quest for a basic understanding PLEEEEEASE do. And if we can make this thread a safe haven for fellow idiots to ask blindingly stupid questions of their own then so much the better
Dunc001 said:
I have been playing around with SD builds since they first came along on the HD2. I have done a lot of skinning (and a really small amount of coding!) in WinMo/CHT. I am an intelligent guy, but I am beginning to think that everyone who's really into Android is speaking a different language to me! I have searched and read and searched and read, but really hope there is someone out there who knows what they are talking about to answer these few utterly basic questions which I can't find simple answers to
1. Are all of these builds that are being cooked for HD2 already rooted (I did say basic!)?
2. If not, how do I tell and what do I need to do?
3. Does Magdlr allow you the option of retaining WinMo on device and booting into an SD/RAM Android build?
4. What is ADB and does it do anything I can't already do on my phone with ESExplorer/Root Explorer/Titanium Backup?
5. What does mount/unmount SD card mean?
6. How can I tell what mods from other device threads can be safely applied - is it basically whatever device the HD2 ROM is based off is a safe bet for mods (framework.res, etc)?
7. Why is it all the devs never answer reasonable questions in their own threads and everyone in the Android forums treats you like a total idiot if you don't know EVERYTHING already! (Don't need an answer to this one, just blowing off steam )
So please, if anyone can stoop low enough to offer me answers in my quest for a basic understanding PLEEEEEASE do. And if we can make this thread a safe haven for fellow idiots to ask blindingly stupid questions of their own then so much the better
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1. Most of them are, if not, you read the 1st post and it's most likely being mentioned there.
2. Read 1.
3. No. You can check the Android Development Section (non NAND) to use builds running from the SDcard so you can keep your WinMO)
4. It's a piece of software where you can edit/copy/add files and scripts to your connected Android device. Personally I don't use this.
5. IT mounts, or unmounts your sdcard. (Please do a google search)
I'll leave the other answers for what they are... as you are blowing off steam.
The only thing i can tell you is to read before you start. There are topics for first time users that explain how everything works. Read these topics and i doubt that anything can go wrong.
Sorry if this is not a satisfying answer, but there are more and more of these threads piling up with questions where answers easily can be found on XDA and if not, Google a little bit. I've been answering so many questions from people that or "can't find" the answer or simply are too lazy to do some homework before they take the plunge into Android.
1. They are supposed to be but sometimes the end up not been rooted properly.
2. Just install z4root from market.
3. No, it was suppsoed to have this feature originally but not sure if they changed mind or posponed it.
7. Because devs get far too many questions that have already been answered in abundance. 90% of questions can be answered if you do research. If you serach and cant find a answer then ask in the relevant questiosn forum unless the question specifically relates to a specific build. Plus devs dont always read all posts because teher is far too many retarded ones liek "hey thanks" (which is why the thaks button has now been added).
KrewsialNL said:
Sorry if this is not a satisfying answer, but there are more and more of these threads piling up with questions where answers easily can be found on XDA and if not, Google a little bit. I've been answering so many questions from people that or "can't find" the answer or simply are too lazy to do some homework before they take the plunge into Android.
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Faith in XDA members duly restored, thanks. Like I said, I have read and read, and have been resisting asking these questions because I can easily find the answers to the bigger more complicated ones so though I must be missing the basics everywhere I looked. So thanks for taking the time to answer, sorry if anyone thinks this thread is unnecessary (mods please delete it if you think it needs to go).
Dunc001 said:
Faith in XDA members duly restored, thanks. Like I said, I have read and read, and have been resisting asking these questions because I can easily find the answers to the bigger more complicated ones so though I must be missing the basics everywhere I looked. So thanks for taking the time to answer, sorry if anyone thinks this thread is unnecessary (mods please delete it if you think it needs to go).
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I do admit sometimes it's a big pile of nonsense where you have to read through to get a straight answer, though with persistence and the will to know Android and setting it up, it will get you somewhere.
Next to that, I am very happy i've restored your faith in all XDA members

[Q] Can Someone Please Merge These Threads?

Am I only one who visits XDA HD2 Windows Phone 7 thread, and 9 out of 10 threads are about the same thing.
At the same time mods and admins are moving threads, however this thread / category stays the same. At least 9 out of 10 of the threads on this page should be merged.
If you need help pm me, issue me mod privelages lol.
No Disrespect, can someone do something?
Quite agree - while the excitement around WP7 has dragged a lot of new users to these boards, their chronic inability to search, look beyond page one (not even sometimes) or assume that someone else might just conceivably have had the same problem is intensely frustrating.
Most days I visit here to find that someone has started a new thread for something that has been discussed ad nauseam elsewhere.
But what to do? Plastering the site with exhortations to search first doesn't seem to work. Gentle reminders around the groin and kidneys? Maybe merging threads is the kindest solution.
Is there any way that the site could pop up a dialog after someone clicks 'New Thread' with advice about searching and Continue/Cancel buttons?
It is like you said. ''the excitement''.
I say lets merge those threads and clean up the forum.
I agree on your statement
+1 for the proposal.
I´ve seen quite some nasty stuff, noobs asking the weirdest questions, instead of checking the stickies in each subforum. 99% of all important questions are answered there. But people are lazy.
The thing is that the tutorials how to get WP7 onto the HD2 is so easy, but getting rid of it or solving other issues is not that easy sometimes (even if it is easy once you read even only a little in the forums).
Best case is if they even ask for personal consulting via email.
too easy....
There already is a feature when you start to create a new thread that the subject is cross referecned against existing thread titles for similarities.
It cant get much easier than that....
I'm sure the excitement will calm down soon. The uptake of HD2 owners switching to WP7 must peak at some point?
+1, I agree with the OP.
Come on mods do your work!

HD2 NAND and new keyboard

If you ended up to this thread by just clicking on it, because you thought, it has got something to do with HTC HD2 NAND or New Keyboard, I am really sorry and I do apologize to you.
The only reason I have created this thread is because the way one of the HD2 forum moderators have just deleted a thread I created out of the blue! I could not find who, how and when deleted my thread but it's gone!
I don't just find it unjust but I also found it ridiculously childish behaviour! I nudge or a PM would have made better sense before deleting!
The OLD Thread that is now deleted din't do any flaming or spamming either! All I had asked was If any HTC HD2 developer would be willing to help us lot in TG01 forum in developing Android kernel, the way they helped out here. I din't post it in ROM thread or any other forum. I posted that thread in 'general Q&A' as that was where it fitted the best.
If you read any of this (unlike earlier thread) please CONTACT ME first! Deleting thread only because it's title said TG01 doesn't mean I am stupid enough to write TG01 query in HD2 forum! I have created this thread with HD2 and NAND in title - so that themoderator who can't even be bothered to read into the content will NOT delete this as the title relates to HD2!
To all the users who come to this thread:
I ONLY APPEAL to please be at my place and see this situation! I am not intending to flame, spam or anything! I wanted to ask for help from all HD2 developers so that our android development in TG01 forum which has paused right now due to lack of help and guidance can go forward. After all I thought XDA was all about helping each other out!
I again apologize to all users! I am not writing this thread to cause you any inconvenience. The old thread, had correct title and correct format of posting into XDA forums. I had followed all rules. Only because I asked for help for TG01 forum and not for HD2, it was deleted! Where else can I ask for help from ALL developers at HD2? Can't be sending PMs to hundreds of you lot - that would be spamming!!
Have you tried sending out just a few pm's to hd2 chefs, maybe someone will point you in the right direction,
also have you also tried the irc channels since your query is a dev related
kam333 said:
Have you tried sending out just a few pm's to hd2 chefs, maybe someone will point you in the right direction,
also have you also tried the irc channels since your query is a dev related
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Thanks a lot for the response!
Since I wasn't sure who the hd2 chefs are - I couldn't PM them. If you please guide me towards profiles of chefs involved in android port to HD2, I will PM them and see if they are interested in helping us out.
Also, am new to IRC. How do I go about that as well?
Once again, thanks for the answer, and I hope the mods don't delete this thread again before I get some help
drupad2drupad said:
Thanks a lot for the response!
Since I wasn't sure who the hd2 chefs are - I couldn't PM them. If you please guide me towards profiles of chefs involved in android port to HD2, I will PM them and see if they are interested in helping us out.
Also, am new to IRC. How do I go about that as well?
Once again, thanks for the answer, and I hope the mods don't delete this thread again before I get some help
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Some of the main devs behind the actual HD2 Android port were Cotulla, dcordes, NetRipper, LeTama, Markinus, just to name a few, though i doubt you will get much response (with maybe 1 exception)
As for HD2 chefs, its a bit worrying to hear you say you're not sure who they are, they're fairly easy to find...
head over to the HD2 Android NAND Development sub forum & look at the author of the threads, if he/ she states its their build/rom, there is your HD2 Chef
its not for me to suggest any names, just take a random pick, most seem friendly enough someone might able to give you some pointers.
have to say tho, really cant understand why you dont sell up & just buy a dedicated android or if you want something to tinker with, why not a HD2 (it is starting to show its age tho).
Anyways, Goodluck
kam333 said:
Some of the main devs behind the actual HD2 Android port were Cotulla, dcordes, NetRipper, LeTama, Markinus, just to name a few, though i doubt you will get much response (with maybe 1 exception)
As for HD2 chefs, its a bit worrying to hear you say you're not sure who they are, they're fairly easy to find...
head over to the HD2 Android NAND Development sub forum & look at the author of the threads, if he/ she states its their build/rom, there is your HD2 Chef
its not for me to suggest any names, just take a random pick, most seem friendly enough someone might able to give you some pointers.
have to say tho, really cant understand why you dont sell up & just buy a dedicated android or if you want something to tinker with, why not a HD2 (it is starting to show its age tho).
Anyways, Goodluck
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Thank you very much for this answer! It helps a lot!
I am not a chef for HD2 forum roms. I mainly interact in TG01 forums. Hardly pop-in to these forums. Hence had no idea who is very active developer out here. But now the tast seems easier to contact them.
The reason I din't want to sell up (and mostly others out there too) is the contracts. We are tied up in 18-24 months contracts and as much as we hate the bloated OS that our respective carriers have put on this nice piece of hardware, we do want to explore the development on this device to it's max. Hence we were trying to see if someone could help us take the stalled development further on Android.
Most likely TG01 owner might move to android or WP7 in next 6-8 months and then the community might be dead, but android development on this device will bring a new life to enthusiasm
drupad2drupad said:
Thank you very much for this answer! It helps a lot!
I am not a chef for HD2 forum roms. I mainly interact in TG01 forums. Hardly pop-in to these forums. Hence had no idea who is very active developer out here. But now the tast seems easier to contact them.
The reason I din't want to sell up (and mostly others out there too) is the contracts. We are tied up in 18-24 months contracts and as much as we hate the bloated OS that our respective carriers have put on this nice piece of hardware, we do want to explore the development on this device to it's max. Hence we were trying to see if someone could help us take the stalled development further on Android.
Most likely TG01 owner might move to android or WP7 in next 6-8 months and then the community might be dead, but android development on this device will bring a new life to enthusiasm
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+ 10 my friend

dual boot Win 6.5 & Android 4

There are several old threads about dual-booting, and using this particular phone. I want Windows 6.5 or less and/or a desktop version of windows (because of certain apps)... and Android 4.0+ Is it possible? Would this phone be too slow... Is there a better phone that could do it? Is there no phone that could do it?
robertkjr3d said:
There are several old threads about dual-booting, and using this particular phone. I want Windows 6.5 or less and/or a desktop version of windows (because of certain apps)... and Android 4.0+ Is it possible? Would this phone be too slow... Is there a better phone that could do it? Is there no phone that could do it?
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I'm not sure about desktop Windows but as for Android just place the ROM folder on the root of your SD card then run CLRCAD and HARET and it should work just fine. No other phone can do it as well as the HD2 (if they can do it at all).
Nigeldg said:
I'm not sure about desktop Windows but as for Android just place the ROM folder on the root of your SD card then run CLRCAD and HARET and it should work just fine. No other phone can do it as well as the HD2 (if they can do it at all).
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Thankx for replying... I've posted on a few forums and haven't received anything till now. Anyway: So what you are saying is buy this HD2 phone preloaded with the Win 6.5 OS... Then put Android 4.0+ on the SDCard and boot into that. I would really want to run Android most of the time. I would connect the Android OS to my AT&T and make calls with it... and only use Win 6.5 rarely.
1) Are there examples of people actually doing this? recently?... or just back in the days of 2.2 which as I mentioned in the 1st thread, i found many google links/forum threads on.
2) Can I still get to the Android market and all normal apps, and not have other DRM issues?
3) Since the OS is actually on the SDCard, and I hit the reset, would it automatically go to Windows, when I reset?
robertkjr3d said:
Thankx for replying... I've posted on a few forums and haven't received anything till now. Anyway: So what you are saying is buy this HD2 phone preloaded with the Win 6.5 OS... Then put Android 4.0+ on the SDCard and boot into that. I would really want to run Android most of the time. I would connect the Android OS to my AT&T and make calls with it... and only use Win 6.5 rarely.
1) Are there examples of people actually doing this? recently?... or just back in the days of 2.2 which as I mentioned in the 1st thread, i found many google links/forum threads on.
2) Can I still get to the Android market and all normal apps, and not have other DRM issues?
3) Since the OS is actually on the SDCard, and I hit the reset, would it automatically go to Windows, when I reset?
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Come on, you don't even have to search to get your answer, just browse to the SD Android development forum. You're just being lazy now.
Nigeldg said:
I'm not sure about desktop Windows but as for Android just place the ROM folder on the root of your SD card then run CLRCAD and HARET and it should work just fine. No other phone can do it as well as the HD2 (if they can do it at all).
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Nigeldg said:
Come on, you don't even have to search to get your answer, just browse to the SD Android development forum. You're just being lazy now.
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From Star Trek: Sarek said: "It is difficult to answer, when one does not understand the question." Or in my case, it was difficult to go looking for the answer, when not understanding how supposedly easy it was to find. Us IT people are in the business of making others feel stupid often, but we don't have to flaunt it.
Yes this is a good link, that now you have so eloquently pointed out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1986437
robertkjr3d said:
From Star Trek: Sarek said: "It is difficult to answer, when one does not understand the question." Or in my case, it was difficult to go looking for the answer, when not understanding how supposedly easy it was to find. Us IT people are in the business of making others feel stupid often, but we don't have to flaunt it.
Yes this is a good link, that now you have so eloquently pointed out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1986437
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There's a difference between not knowing/understanding and simply not trying. This was quite obviously the latter. I'm not trying to make you feel stupid at all, in fact you're probably the opposite since you're going to buy an HD2 . I'm just saying that you weren't exactly trying to find the answer and just wanted to be spoon fed, and as someone who's new to this you're probably going to have a lot of questions along the way and it's better to learn how to find the answers yourself than to just get given them because it's faster and better for everyone.
Nigeldg said:
There's a difference between not knowing/understanding and simply not trying. This was quite obviously the latter. I'm not trying to make you feel stupid at all, in fact you're probably the opposite since you're going to buy an HD2 . I'm just saying that you weren't exactly trying to find the answer and just wanted to be spoon fed, and as someone who's new to this you're probably going to have a lot of questions along the way and it's better to learn how to find the answers yourself than to just get given them because it's faster and better for everyone.
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If you wish to keep noobs as noobs, and turn them away, then continue to use sarcasm. But if you wish to turn noobs into contributors, and receive more thanks, than you treat them with respect. --- I've been looking for weeks for the right place. I wish to upgrade my phone soon, but not in that big of a hurry.
You wish me to defend myself? OK. Your XDA site is huge with a vast array of forum links. I was not aware I would need to look under HTC development'. I didn't know it had anything to do with Development.... Sorry (why am I apologizing to you?). To me software development is when someone programs an application that runs on a Win-mobile and/or Android device better known as an 'app'. Or what I do... I am a software developer for the asp.net environment. When searching for dual-booting as I said in the 1st thread I get tons of threads from years ago about Android 2.2. The same happens when searching from google. Is it really that easy to find as you say? Unless like you, you know exactly where to look. 'It is easy to find the answers, when you know right where to look', 'you understood the question'... but I did not know where even to look!
robertkjr3d said:
If you wish to keep noobs as noobs, and turn them away, then continue to use sarcasm. But if you wish to turn noobs into contributors, and receive more thanks, than you treat them with respect. --- I've been looking for weeks for the right place. I wish to upgrade my phone soon, but not in that big of a hurry.
You wish me to defend myself? OK. Your XDA site is huge with a vast array of forum links. I was not aware I would need to look under HTC development'. I didn't know it had anything to do with Development.... Sorry (why am I apologizing to you?). To me software development is when someone programs an application that runs on a Win-mobile and/or Android device better known as an 'app'. Or what I do... I am a software developer for the asp.net environment. When searching for dual-booting as I said in the 1st thread I get tons of threads from years ago about Android 2.2. The same happens when searching from google. Is it really that easy to find as you say? Unless like you, you know exactly where to look. 'It is easy to find the answers, when you know right where to look', 'you understood the question'... but I did not know where even to look!
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There was no sarcasm in my post at all, but now I'm going to be quite blunt. You're acting like an idiot. I understand why you may think software development is to do with apps but when there are two separate forums for NAND and SD then it should be obvious that it's not. I was 14 and I managed to figure out how to install SD Android without any help whatsoever, I refuse to believe that a software programmer couldn't figure it out. You wished to dual boot WinMo and Android on your SD card on an HTC HD2:
1. Find XDA
2. Find the HD2 forum
3. Oh look, it has a section called 'Android'. The answer's probably in there somewhere
4. I want to boot Android on my SD card. Conveniently, there's a forum dedicated to SD Android. I wonder if there are modern ROMs there
5. Whoa, threads with ICS and JB ROMs as well as guides on how to install them. I guess I've found my solution.
Yes, it's just as easy to find as I say if not easier. Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 could have been solved with Google.
I couldn't care less about thanks, they're not a very good reflection of... well, anything really. I've seen people with 0 thanks post amazingly useful guides (in fact I think the guide I first followed to flash NAND Android was someone's first post) and people with thousands of thanks ask 'best ROM' questions. Whilst it would be great to turn more people into contributors it'll be impossible for you to become one if you don't put any effort in yourself.
Because this thread went off the rails I am going to close it, but here's the quick rundown:
if you want to dual-boot WM6.5 and Android, you can do so using the haret method mentioned. Yes it is fully featured (market etc.) and yes when you restart you boot back into WM6.5, but you can boot into Android really fast after that if you want.
You can also dual-boot WP7 with Android, put Android on NAND or other options.
Searching really is the key, I know the HD2 forums can be a bit daunting and some things are going to be a bit hard to find but generally speaking if it has anything to do with Android (like dual booting from WM6.5) you will find it stickied in the Android forum.
Check stuff out here
