Secure boot error after ota update - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been using my LG G2 for 3 months. when I first get it, I update it to kitkat immediately then rooted it after a month. Then I tried to install cwm but failed (at that time I didn't realize that cwm for kitkat hasn't been released ). I got secure boot error when I try to go into recovery but still can use my phone. I got another ota update but when I try to install it, I'm stuck in recovery and cannot start my phone normally also my phone cannot be detected by pc. Then it's still stuck in secure boot error until now. Please help thank you.
Sent from my SM-T211 using XDA Free mobile app

back to downloadmode, flash via lg mobile support tool, obtainable via the lg website. There is an option emergency recovery, that should do the trick.
or, try to search for the solution of doing ota on custom recovery. It shouldnt be done on this phone, custom and ota

I was trying to go to download mode by holding volume up button + power button but it was no luck, it forces me to recovery section and because of that my phone is not detected by pc
Sent from my SM-T211 using XDA Free mobile app


Rooting issue...CWM not able to install?!?!

Hi all,
Not sure whether anyone having similar issue.
I owned a SM-N9005 and I've followed the guides from to attempt to root my phone.
1. Downloaded n9005-cwm-recovery-, odin3 v1.85, & Samsung USB Driver.
2. Installed Samsung USB Driver. (Win 7)
3. Ensure phone "Unknown sources" & "USB Debugging" enabled.
4. Put phone to Download Mode (Volume Down + Home + Power)
5. Connect phone to system, start Odin, and install CWM (Shows green PASS sign without failure)
6. Phone rebooted, and try access CWM (Volume Up + Home + Power)
7. Issue (No CWM shown, instead, seems like the stock recovery with an Android showing "No Command" in the middle of the screen)
Something went wrong? My phone still managed to boot normally and I've tried the 2nd flash of CWM and similar case.
silverbold17 said:
Hi all,
Not sure whether anyone having similar issue.
I owned a SM-N9005 and I've followed the guides from to attempt to root my phone.
1. Downloaded n9005-cwm-recovery-, odin3 v1.85, & Samsung USB Driver.
2. Installed Samsung USB Driver. (Win 7)
3. Ensure phone "Unknown sources" & "USB Debugging" enabled.
4. Put phone to Download Mode (Volume Down + Home + Power)
5. Connect phone to system, start Odin, and install CWM (Shows green PASS sign without failure)
6. Phone rebooted, and try access CWM (Volume Up + Home + Power)
7. Issue (No CWM shown, instead, seems like the stock recovery with an Android showing "No Command" in the middle of the screen)
Something went wrong? My phone still managed to boot normally and I've tried the 2nd flash of CWM and similar case.
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You might of had a bad download , download again if still no try
I've tried redownload the .tar file and getting the latest n9005-cwm-recovery- file. Followed same procedure and issue remains...still getting into stock recovery with an android lying down with Red triangle ! stated "No Command".
Something similar to this photo >>
What's worst is that it seems like I am not able to perform Software Update now with error message "Your device has been modified. Software updates are not available"
I'm having the same problem did you ever find out how to fix it
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
bricked phones you have-samsung did a good job protecting from rooters:good:
Ah I have root so I thank you dang it I just can't flash a custom ROM
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
iixanubisxii said:
Ah I have root so I thank you dang it I just can't flash a custom ROM
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
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Did you just use CF-AutoRoot to gain root but no CWM installed?
Yes I did and everytime I go to flash a custom ROM I get stuck in a boot loop
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app

Deep hard brick.700 paper weight

Rogers d803 bootloops to fast boot mode.when i try button combo to enter recover it get stuck at strangge message saying loading recovery and just hangs there.i have twrp recovery.i can also enter download mode but cant recognise on computer so i cant flash stock rom using lg recovery tool.please help me.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium HD app
jamesrfraser said:
Rogers d803 bootloops to fast boot mode.when i try button combo to enter recover it get stuck at strangge message saying loading recovery and just hangs there.i have twrp recovery.i can also enter download mode but cant recognise on computer so i cant flash stock rom using lg recovery tool.please help me.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium HD app
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Have you tried downloading the USB driver from LG for your phone?
(Link here)
Also, have you tried using LG Flashtools rather than the LG recovery tools? LG Recovery tools does not detect my AT&T LG G2. With the LG Flashtools you can restore your phone back to stock using a .tot 'image' file, no weird or fancy drivers, just install the USB drivers from the LG website link I provided.

[Q] Xolo Q800 TWRP not working

I tried to flash TWRP to my Q800, but now after falshing i am not able to reboot into TWRP recovry mode(pressing power and volume up). My phone just restarts when i try to enter recovery
I am only able to enter factory mode when i press power and volume down button
Used Farmaroot and mobile uncle tools to falsh recovery, also tried to flash using SP flash tools
Please help me as i need to flash custom roms
Twrp not working then u can use cwm recovery
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
I tried that already, none of the recovery is booting up not even the stock recovery
I can go to factory mode when i press Volume down plus power button and when i press volume up plus power button it just restarts
Is ur phone dead?
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
My phone is not dead, i am able to start it and use it
Issue is i am not able to boot into recovery mode, I tried to install TWRP, CWRP, and stock recovery also, but i am not able to boot into recovery
Steps - Rooted using farmaroot and flashed recovery using mobile uncle tools and also tried falshing through SP tools
When i press volume up and power button phone just restarts
When i press volume down and power button it enters Factory mode
I also tried booting inot recovery by connecting my mobile to system and used ADB to boot into recovery, but the phone just restarted
-----adb reboot recovery
THink my revcovery is corrupted and also want to know what is factory mode
Badly need help here as i need to falsh custom ROM
Try mobile uncle tools to reboot to recovery or may u hv flashed wrong version of twrp.
Download stock rom using sp flash tool, if problem still persist, go to service centre
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app

[Q] Nexus 4 Bootloop

Yesterday, I tried to load the aandroid Lollipop image from Google on my Nexus 4 using Fastboot. For some reason, something went wrong and it started bootlooping. But the worst part is that now, whatever I try to flash, it will bootloop. When I go into TWRP Recovery, it says :"can't find "/cash"", I think the probleme may be comming from here.
Any solution very appriciated
Thanks in advance
Now when I try to flash a recovery, it says "Partition table does not exist"
if ur struck in bootlooping after flashing factory image 5.0 on wugs nexus 4 roottoolkit 1.9.6.
boot into fastboot using POWER and VOLUME DOWN ..connect your device ,the pc will detect the device as ADB device .
then open nexus root toolkit
just click on unlock and follow the steps, twrp will be installed .
perform factory reset and wipe cash .
re boot the device .it takes 8-10min ....
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app

please help ive bricked my phone :(

i have note3 n900
i rooted my device and installed twrp
then i wanted to add 3 dots menu to my stock touchwiz 5.0
i followed instructions in that thread:
then my device stuck at samsung logo
i waited 10 minutes then pulled the battery
but here the surprise that the power button dont work ever even when try to open recovery mode
its only work when open download mode
and from there i can reboot and turn on the device.
i tried to install recovery again but when boot it stuck at black screen
please help :crying:
When I have bricked a device I either use a computer and adb. You could also use a rootkit . Which is just a graphical adb interface. The idea being - return to stock. If you get there with root and custom recovery - back up. You can then start again with what you are trying to do. I know with the Nexus 6p the Nexus root software saved me.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Premium HD app
its only work when open download mode
Then flash your stock rom via odin.
If the phone gets stuck again after flashing a stock ROM, boot into stock recovery and perform a factory wipe.
thanks guys it worked after flashing firmware throght odin
