N9005 USB problem - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So recently I noticed my PC can't connect to my phone for some reason, it used to work and it still charges it.
The note shows up as SAMSUNG_Android at Devices and Printers and it shows up as SAMSUNG Mobile USB Composite Device and SAMSUNG Mobile MTP Device.
I thought it could be the cable but it still charges my phone, although it looks like that the phone disconnects and reconnects really quickly when I play with it so it could be some connection problem.
I've read that it could be BC 1.1 (fast USB3 charging) but I tried both USB2 and USB3 and it still does this and it did work before.
I've tried removing the drivers and reconnecting it, reinstalling the drivers, disabling antivirus.
If you can help I'd appreciate it!

After installing a new kernel (to use GLTools) the USB started working again, the downside is I can't update the phone through kies (or do anything through kies), if you have a solution to the kies problem post here please.


Not the usual PC connection issue

Ive got a big problem cause my Galaxy S just stopped being recognized by any PC. I dont know whats wrong, it just treats USB cable like it was a charger, PC doesnt detect anything neither does the phone. Its very strange since everything worked perfect for the last couple of weeks. I tried to connect it to a notebook i used to flash the phone a week ago and it has been turned off ever since so it cant be any driver related issue. Im afraid my micro-USB port is damaged but i have a custom firmware in it and since i cant reflash it the warranty isnt vaild ehh...
Any ideas?
silly question...
Do you mount the phone via the status bar after you plug it in?
Thats the point - PC doesnt detect the phone AT ALL theres not even a sound that an USB device has been plugged in. The same thing in the phone it just starts charing it doesnt seem to know that its connnected to PC.
sounds like your PC mobo got the USB port fried.
try turning off the PC, unplug the power cord, wait for the energy to drain out, then turning it back on
my Windows 7 x64 some time does that, but it's not a hardware error
on yours it could either be a hardware dead, or the Windows gone Bezerk as usual
I tried different USB devices - other phones, pendrives and a printer and everything works fine except for the Galaxy S. The Samsungs USB cable also works fine with other phones..
I wrote to Samsung and they said to send them the device because its most probably damaged :\ Will they check the firmware version?
btw. as I said in the first post the phone doesnt work on my notebook as well
I wouldnt care so much about this because I can send files using ftp but I cant change the firmware without an USB port working (or am I wrong?)
I sometimes also have this problem. For me rebooting the phone and if it then doesn't work again using another USB port at my PC solves the problem.
Yesterday when the problem occurred for the first time I removed SIM and microSD cards and PC detected a device but it was recognized as 'unknown malfunctioning USB device' but no luck ever since.
Just to let you know my Samsung just fixed itself 0_o Might have something to do with the Windows reinstallation on my PC but it suddely works on my notebook as well. Im really confused now...

Cant connect samsung S1 to PC

I'm having a real though time trying to connect my galaxy s1 to a pc. Have tried everything, like kies, direct connection, reseted the device, and no joy.
When I plug the cable it makes that sound as it is connecting but it doesn't show in the PC anywhere, nor even in Device manager.
It can get pwr from the usb cable when is connected; already tried with another cable and same thing.
My final goal is to unlock it.
thanks for any help
have you tried put yoy're phone in depurating mode?
I guess yo mean Debugging mode, as I couldn't found Depurating anywhere. Have selected it and the same effect
I had the same problem after getting nowhere with it, for some reason and I don"t know why, I put it in download mode and then connected it to odin and my PC found it I then disconected it and its been fine eversince.
#Samsung Kies always makes problems on Windows x64 !
##I would recommend, if you got 32-Bit Computer, to use that ;-)
#If you Want just flash over Odin, then is this driver package enough
#The Package is also enough for If you want just to connect to mass Storage (Phone's SD Card)
Don't Forget to Thanks, if it was useful for you!
Hi there.
By direct connection you mean the USB Mass Storage mode, right?
It might be some weird, random problem with the samsung system drivers. I used to have such problems about two years ago, back in the days of Froyo. Have you tried re-installing them? There was a link to proper drivers file in one ICS installation tutorial, and those drivers can be downloaded here. If you go about trying this method, lemme know if it worked.
PS: Unlike diklooc there suggested, do not never EVER go back to x86 OS. That's the worst advice. Kapisch?
Did you check your usb port in System ?
Sometimes it stuck with another lastest device
have tried everything, and finally only in a WinXP32 could be abble to get the error shown on the file atached.
But nothing (warnings) come up in Device Manager
Unninstalled everything (kies) and tried to install only the driver and nothing happens.
Should I try to mount it on a linux?
or is it dead?
i have this problem too
wat chan I do???
my sgs can not connect to my PC
This may help...
Hi there - I don't have the same phone as you, but I did encounter the exact same problem. I've been searching around and it looks like the most common fix was to simply replace the cable. I don't know what kind of cable you have, but my phone (a Samsung Focus i917) uses a mini-usb connector. I found that my Amazon Kindle used the same connector.
When I was using the Samsung cable, I'd get intermittent connects and charge power. The OS would report unknown device. When I switched computer's = same result. I switched to my Kindle cable and the computer instantly recognized the device and installed the drivers. After 12 hours of troubleshooting, factory resetting my phone (blah - lost everything) it turned out to be the cable. I know that this isn't an easy troubleshooting step for most people, because who has an extra cable? I just got lucky that my Kindle uses the same connector. I'm now suspecting (due to the prevalence of this connectivity problem coming from people with Samsung phones - there are a LOT of reported issues) that there is probably a Samsung cable problem in general.
Good luck with your phone.
try select mass strong ...
Tips and unlock advice.
nasdriver said:
I'm having a real though time trying to connect my galaxy s1 to a pc. Have tried everything, like kies, direct connection, reseted the device, and no joy.
When I plug the cable it makes that sound as it is connecting but it doesn't show in the PC anywhere, nor even in Device manager.
It can get pwr from the usb cable when is connected; already tried with another cable and same thing.
My final goal is to unlock it.
thanks for any help
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Nasdriver, I currently have a similar problem but mine is related with Samsung Kies as I can't get either my older SGS1 or my newer Samsung Nexus to get recognized by Kies. I also suspected the cable thing and even read it could be a USB port issue but neither of them was my problem (I have 3 cables and 8 ports on 2 computers that result in the same thing). I can connect other devices with the same cables and they work, so I suspect my problem is focused around the Samsung device drivers.
My advice is if you can go in a systematic manner, first focus on the cable (easiest to replace), if you get the same results with a new cable, then focus on the USB physical port, clean it with some Isopropyl alcohol, if the port works for other devices (camera, other phones, etc..) on the same cable but not with the SGS, then try reinstalling the samsung device drivers.
Oh, and if you want to unlock your phone, the EASY way is to download the Galaxy S Unlock application from the Android market (no affiliation) it's free (but the developer does accept donations) and it WORKS. I won't bore you with my 3 week journey trying to unlock my Bell SGS phone here in Canada, had I found this app first I would have done it in less then 2 min saved myself a LOT of frustration.
Good luck

HD2 Charges but no data!?

Hopefully someone can help with this. I'm running Yuki 2.1 on my phone and my phone will connect to any pc and charge but will not be recognised as a device. Even after removing all USB devices with USBDVIEW i get no luck.
So steps I have tried:-
1.) Restarting everyting, phone and computer.
2.) Hard Reset phone
3.) Uninstalled all phone related software (zune, wp7 sdks etc)
4.) Different USB cables
5.) Disabled virus protection
Now I as far as I am aware I could just flash another Rom through magdlr (havent checked if this will actually work yet) but I only have the one sd card at the minute and because im using Yuki it'll be locked. So without being able to sideload the unlocker am I screwed? or can anyone think of something I can do?
I forgot to mention I also tried connecting to it via Ubuntu and both magdlr and WP7 dont appear to connect yet the phone charges fine. I'm stumped guys, any ideas?
the phone charging has nothing to do with windows desktop recognizing your phone.
what you said about ubuntu doesn't make sense...what are you saying about ubuntu?
i've found sometimes it takes a while for the pc connection to recognize the phone...shutdown phone an pc. try again. don't use pc to charge your phone..use external charger.
go into devices in the control panel..remove hd2 entries...reboot pc, try connecting.
OK what I am saying about both Windows (Multiple versions on multiple computers from Win7 to Xp) and Ubuntu (desktop os) is neither of them recognise the device what so ever, it is not a driver recognition issue, the device is apparentley not connected. There is no sign of it being connected to the PC at all, except for the fact it DOES charge. I have removed all previous drivers (including on my own pc where HD2 appears under devices & printers as suggest above), software and restarted both deivces many times since.
I am not charging my HD2 via the PC, I charge it from the wall. What I am saying is when it is plugged into a computer it does charge but according to the PC's it is does not exist as a connected device. Let alone recognizing the phone. This has only happened since this particular boot of Yuki 2.1, I have had multiple other Roms including this one before and never had this issue before.
I have connected it to computers on which the phone has never been conected to, and others that it has worked on all with multiple cables. So I am under the impression it is a phone issue, unless I have been a real derp and you can think of anything I may not have.
it could be a phone issue. i've always had yuki rom my phone, currently v2.1since first out, and no problems whatsoever. as i said, the phone charging via pc has nothing to do/with the pc recognizing the phone...it's a straight usb port power connection like connecting to any usb port.
see if you have the same issue with a different rom.
Thanks for your help. Think I have sorted it now.. I don't know why I didnt think of it sooner but I checked the usb port on the phone and the internal "pins" had been pressed up against the side of the connection so werent making contact with the cable. Looks like it was happily taking a charge like that but no data connection... seems to have just been a coincidence that after finishing installing yuki again that I was a total drip and mashed the charge into the port bending the pins.
So happy now I can keep my beloved HD2, untill the quad core run of WP8 devices are released.
I had the same problem in my MAGLDR mass storage USB phone connected to the PC but not in WP7.5, eventually was a problem with the cable.
glad to hear it was just misaligned pins.
Might also be the cable. I think I've got a similar problem - using the original USB cable Zune recognices the device, using another cable it doesn't (Unknown hardware). But the phone is charging with both - and I don't see any damaged pins on the phone.

[Q] Note 3, Windows 7, USB Device not recognized

Yet another instance of "USB Device not recognized" with the Note 3.
To save both you and me some time, I've tried every possible solution online. Tried reinstalling drivers, with Kies, without Kies, with universal android drivers, with toolkits, with anything. At some point, while having nothing else but Wondershare MobileGO for Android installed, it found it properly. But next time I connected, nothing. The phone doesn't give any sign of being connected to a pc other than charging (so goodbye "pull down the menu and change between mtp/ptp" solutions) and the pc simply says that the device has malfunctioned and cannot be recognized. I've tried 4 different pcs with ~6 ports each, no luck. I randomly tried on my gf's father's laptop, perfect connection, recognition, immediate installation of Samsung's drivers. So it's not Note's problem, it's my pc's. But the only thing the 4 pc's in my house have in common is Kaspersky, which i tried disabling and completely exiting between my tries.
Please help me, I've lost my sleep and my patience...
Looks like a bad usb connector on the phone after all. The phone is at a Samsung service point.

[Q] Note 4 USB Internet Tethering not working

I'm going out of my mind with this. I've tried everything in my knowledge to do.
So. I have the 32 gig version Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with the Snapdragon 805 processor. Wifi tethering on it works just fine but my desktop computer doesn't have wifi for now. If I use the built in usb tethering, EVERYTHING that has anything to do with my internet connections on Windows, freezes. It won't load Network and Sharing center let alone anything else regarding networking devices until I unplug the phone. I've tried using device manager to reinstall the device "Samsung NDIS internet sharing device" (or something), without solving the problem. I've tried using generic drivers, samsung drivers, I've uninstalled drivers using USBDEVIEW, I've reinstalled android drivers and samsungs own drivers, not solving the problem.
I tried using an app from the app store that uses usb tethering via USB Debugging and installing a 3rd party app on the computer that acts as a virtual networking device, but as soon as I connect the phone, the software on my Windows pc says "USB I/O Error" or something of such.
I'm going mad with this problem. What am I doing wrong?!
Oh...... my god. The frustration!
I plugged the damn thing on another usb port (which happens to be a USB 3.0 port, I don't know if that has anything to do with it), and now it works.
Why the hell does it have to be so random? Is there some way in Windows to just... RESET everything regarding usb ports and drivers and everything?
(sorry op for expressing myself)
I tried usb 2 it's working correctly
