Lg g3 has timeshift recording like z2 - G3 General

Just wondering if the lg g3 have something similar to Xperia z2 timeshift apps.
So what it does is you do the video shooting at around 8mp first and then you can choose from where to where to have slow motion inside that clip.
So does g3 have this function because I cannot find any type of apps that can do this no matter free or paid version

i was mislead.

radeonxt said:
i was mislead.
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I concur. I thought I was being told it did, only to find out that the statement was indeed a question.

rayraymond said:
Just wondering if the lg g3 have something similar to Xperia z2 timeshift apps.
So what it does is you do the video shooting at around 8mp first and then you can choose from where to where to have slow motion inside that clip.
So does g3 have this function because I cannot find any type of apps that can do this no matter free or paid version
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U should probably change the title and the G3 does not record at 8MP (3,264 x 2,448) for slow motion it records at 720p. I'm not sure if it does but we will have to wait and see if anyone can get their hands on a Korean model and check for us also forgot to mention u posted in the wrong section
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Camera capable of 120FPS?!

Go in to camera, then click mode (bottom left) then at the top left of the menu, click Apps
Now go to bottom and download V1 Sports
Link :
In the description it says "Now with Sony Action Cam WiFi Support – Transmit 120 fps HD from your Sony Action Cam to the V1
Sports App."
Does this mean we can capture 120FPS?!
Sony "Action Cam". Not Sony Xperia.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
I thought that was another name for the camera app ...
May as well delete this then mods
Currently the only Qalcomm S800 equipped phone supporting [email protected] is the LG G2. I have it (as well as the Z1) and its bloody good! The S800 however, is not able to process 120fps AFAIK, so forget it..
cheetah2k said:
Currently the only Qalcomm S800 equipped phone supporting [email protected] is the LG G2. I have it (as well as the Z1) and its bloody good! The S800 however, is not able to process 120fps AFAIK, so forget it..
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Umm, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but, Note 3?
B1nny said:
Umm, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but, Note 3?
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Ugh... Note 3? camera sucks big time on that phablet... is it a phone, is it a plane, no its a fkin big brick in your pants lol
cheetah2k said:
Currently the only Qalcomm S800 equipped phone supporting [email protected] is the LG G2. I have it (as well as the Z1) and its bloody good! The S800 however, is not able to process 120fps AFAIK, so forget it..
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there a LGcamera app that let you take 1080p 60fps vid with Z1. The app isnt made by LG btw.
Gitaroo said:
there a LGcamera app that let you take 1080p 60fps vid with Z1. The app isnt made by LG btw.
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just found it in the appstore, tried it and yes it has the option. but it makes bugger all difference to the actual video. its def not filming in 60fps.
cheetah2k said:
Ugh... Note 3? camera sucks big time on that phablet... is it a phone, is it a plane, no its a fkin big brick in your pants lol
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I'm not asking for your opinion on the Note 3, I'm saying you are wrong because the Note 3 CAN record at 120fps (at 720P) and since it has the same processor as our Z1, the Z1 should also be capable of doing this. Although it seems like when you're proven wrong, you can't handle it and go in some weird "but the Note 3 sucks" mode, very childish.
cheetah2k said:
Ugh... Note 3? camera sucks big time on that phablet... is it a phone, is it a plane, no its a fkin big brick in your pants lol
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Note 3 camera beats both z1 and g2 in still shots and video outdoors and in bright conditions. But haters gonna hate.
MohJee said:
Note 3 camera beats both z1 and g2 in still shots and video outdoors and in bright conditions. But haters gonna hate.
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i gave up note 3 for z1... n trust me note 3 is f**** crap... low light is horrible... and also i hate samsung plastic fones...n in regards to india .. i did not liked the performace of exonys chipset

LgCamera 6.4

Is anyone there who tried LgCamera 6.4 on LG G2? If yes what is your experience? Could you record 1080p60fps video?
I tried and tested few functions and so far it works perfectly on LG G2 too. Also It shots pictures without any sharp blur or any other dirt. Only the pure clear picture which is unbelievable in this modern world. It doesn't want to impress the user with too sharped photos on mobile screen but pictures look good on monitor and TV as well.
Is it this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1677645
If not, can you post some infos, a link?
viking37 said:
Is it this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1677645
If not, can you post some infos, a link?
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Yes, it is.
I hadn't seen this camera before and just installed 6.4 final. It appears to be taking great pics. Better than stock G2 cam. Will test tonight indoors with low light on my GF.
I noticed you can't take pictures with the phone vertically.. The pictures come out sideways
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
joemagistro said:
I noticed you can't take pictures with the phone vertically.. The pictures come out sideways
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
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Same with the stock camera.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app
trickster2369 said:
Same with the stock camera.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app
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Stock camera as in aosp? Or the g2s stock camera? Bc the g2's camera works either way
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
First is vertical
Second is horizontal
LG G2 camera
Thanks Devs. From my VZW G2.
trickster2369 said:
First is vertical
Second is horizontal
LG G2 camera
Thanks Devs. From my VZW G2.
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That's not very good quality. I began thinking it was the software causing this camera to be a bust. It's the hardware I am gathering.
Did anyone try to 60fps video option. G2 can do. This software also has such option but result is always 30fps. Factory camera software can record 60fps video.
My low light pics were awful, the aosp camera did a better job, if that tells you anything
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------
"a better camera" from the play store is working well for me
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
It tells not too much. I haven't used AOSP camera on LG G2 so far but low light function is not in my focus sorry, although I am very satisfied with low light capabilities of built in camera. What is interesting for me in this program is that pictures and video post-processing is much less then others'. As I see every phone manufacturer built as many post-processing options in their phone as they could do. Typical is the sharping and denoising which make pictures on mobile screen wow but zooming on monitor to just 100% it is already terrible usually. I hate this and in addition such kind of effects cannot be removed subsequently. I know these effects can be good and useful sometimes but I prefer if I can do the post-processing according to my taste. So this program is very promising from this point of view.
I did video in sunlight too and I got always 30fps result in spite of 60 fps setting. I am wondering whether any of you knows a trick how to turn it on. Thanks for it in advance.
Does anyone know whether you needed software to take advantage of the ois in the G2? Meaning, can a camera aside from the stock camera use the ois? I noticed this camera app has an anti shake mode but I'm guessing that's a software stabilization.
Dearborn1977 said:
Does anyone know whether you needed software to take advantage of the ois in the G2? Meaning, can a camera aside from the stock camera use the ois? I noticed this camera app has an anti shake mode but I'm guessing that's a software stabilization.
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All camera software takes all advantage and disadvantage of OiS. It cannot be turned on/off. Also I see that software has an anti shake option but I haven't turned it on yet. I think using it does not make sense in case of photo because of OiS. In case of video? Interesting... I think so that software anti-shake function does not eliminate disadvantage of OiS .
obladi64 said:
Did anyone try to 60fps video option. G2 can do. This software also has such option but result is always 30fps. Factory camera software can record 60fps video.
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Qualcomm libs handle hfr rates differently max fps range is 30 but if you add this camera parameter video-hfr
161// Values for HFR settings.
162const char QCameraParameters::VIDEO_HFR_OFF[] = "off";
163const char QCameraParameters::VIDEO_HFR_2X[] = "60";
164const char QCameraParameters::VIDEO_HFR_3X[] = "90";
165const char QCameraParameters::VIDEO_HFR_4X[] = "120";
video-hfr 60
video-hfr 90
video-hfr 120
you can enable hfr
Thanks a lot indeed. As I see I can do it just on rooted system. I am planing to root my phone, may be this weekend.
EVOme said:
I hadn't seen this camera before and just installed 6.4 final. It appears to be taking great pics. Better than stock G2 cam. Will test tonight indoors with low light on my GF.
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sounds hot.
Sent from my LG G2 using Tapatalk Pro
Nobody expect something special in case of low light! As I see it does not contain any special function for it. Use built in camera in low light! It works very well in these circumstances.
Aosp camera better than stock G2 camera? Must be something wrong with the phone . I can't make this phone take a bad picture.
What is nice about this app is that you can change the bitrate from very low to very high. Also, it will allow you to choose the file format you create and will allow for touch to focus in video, unlike the stock app in the G2.
Also, it automatically brightens the screen to 100% which is convenient. It seems to me that there are things that different camcorder/camera apps do better than others. Apparently there it's capable of recording from the input jack in a certain configuration that other apps are not able to. I don't recall exactly what the details are, but if you are interested in connecting an external mic, apparently this app can do something 'special'.

Will Official G2 Lollipop update have 4k camera?

Just wondering if anyone know if the LG G2 official lollipop update have 4k video camera?
I don't see why not (other than interfering with LG G3 and higher-end phone sales). All the G2 4k mods that are well over a year old now have performed solidly, and evidently more reliable than other phones that officially had 4k functionality.
The updates apparently have been rolling out in other countries...........anyknow know?
poog said:
Just wondering if anyone know if the LG G2 official lollipop update have 4k video camera?
I don't see why not (other than interfering with LG G3 and higher-end phone sales). All the G2 4k mods that are well over a year old now have performed solidly, and evidently more reliable than other phones that officially had 4k functionality.
The updates apparently have been rolling out in other countries...........anyknow know?
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Nah it won't. In that aspect, LG is not better than any other major supplier.
Heck, they even removed wireless storage in the official Korean ROM without adding new features.
As i know, korean g2 users who update to lollipop doesn't have 4k option. But probably it will be a mod like Xcam for 5.0
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
mckenji said:
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
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The G2 is very capable of 4k (UHD) There have been great mods out for more than a year. via Xdabbeb, Cloudy roms are wonderful. etc. Example the Cloudy G3 roms for G2 all have solid working 4k camera apps built-in.
mckenji said:
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
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g3 has the same chip as g2. only additionally has lazer focus. so anything can g3 do, g2 should do too camera wise.
I don`t understand why all G2 users crying about 4K video. All you have 4K TVs at home....? In my opinion it is completely inusable! Even on big TV human eye is incapapble to make difference between 4K and FullHD from distance more than 1-2 metres... FPS are those who make the difference in video quality and I`m very happy that we have FullHD on 60fps...
4k resolution looks better on a fullhd screen than a fullhd video. Think it's called scaling or something I think, could be wrong though
Try watching this video for example:
zefircho said:
I don`t understand why all G2 users crying about 4K video. All you have 4K TVs at home....? In my opinion it is completely inusable! Even on big TV human eye is incapapble to make difference between 4K and FullHD from distance more than 1-2 metres... FPS are those who make the difference in video quality and I`m very happy that we have FullHD on 60fps...
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We are quite capable of discerning the difference, even without displaying it on a native 4k monitor, that being said, this is XDA my friend If we can, we will!
To the OP: I wouldn't count on LG to support it officially, but I have my hopes up that XDABBEB can/will cook it up.
I dont know much about the technical details or ramifications of how lollipop handles camera drivers and stuff, but I figure the probability of being able to do it are pretty high since the hardware does it.
mckenji said:
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
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Actually there is people who claims with video samples as a proof that the LG G2 4k is better than most of the phones that provides this feature
TheSonic said:
Actually there is people who claims with video samples as a proof that the LG G2 4k is better than most of the phones that provides this feature
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Of course it is better when it is fully modded. xdabbeb did lots of work on the g2 camera. you can thank him for awesome camera.

No raw support lollipop> Sony's nailed there coffin:(

The main feature off lollipop and sony chooses to ignore it.
Let's all start the digging
That is terrible news :<
Sent from my D5833
Fu**! Stupid sony!
I do not see more reasons to upgrade to lollipop . The RAW function was my main reason to upgrade .
OK the xperiablog.net report says no raw support for 3rd party cameras as yet. Can anyone confirm the same for the inbuilt camera
Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk
mariojuniorjp said:
Fu**! Stupid sony!
I do not see more reasons to upgrade to lollipop . The RAW function was my main reason to upgrade .
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Really, Samsung don't have it, LG don't have it either. Or has that changed?
sony wouldnt implement it in its camera firmware anyway, but i was hoping that at least they would include the support for it for 3rd party camera apps, but acordingly to xperia blog, all features are disabled.
This is a shame really, sony ****ed up big time. Galaxy s6 has RAW option, manual focus, manual everything, and all this in the default camera app. You can go even further and use 3rd party apps that have more features.
we cant even get away from the mediocre camera results from sony now, this is sad.
i expect that they implement some of the advanced camera api features from lollipop on Z4, so soon or later it would be ported to z3 series, but this is just a speculation by me.
Can anyone tell, if soft skin issue has been fixed for front facing camera?
ogyct said:
Can anyone tell, if soft skin issue has been fixed for front facing camera?
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Isn't fixed. Source from the other lollipop thread here
ogyct said:
Can anyone tell, if soft skin issue has been fixed for front facing camera?
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Nope not fixed.
Sent from my D5803 using XDA Free mobile app
But can developers implant these camera api's in there roms even if sony haven't?
zetrri said:
But can developers implant these camera api's in there roms even if sony haven't?
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No, we can't because the camera binaries for the Sony Exmor IMX220 camera sensor have to support it and the only phones to use this sensor are the entire Sony Z Series and the Meizu MX4.
Can someone say if it's possible to use another devices camera binaries for the same sensor?
Since our only hope is riding on the Meizu MX4: gsmarena.com/meizu_mx4_and_mx_4_pro_to_get_android_lollipopbased_flyme_os-news-11023.php
criscodecookies said:
No, we can't because the camera binaries for the Sony Exmor IMX220 camera sensor have to support it and the only phones to use this sensor are the entire Sony Z Series and the Meizu MX4.
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I remember reading something about a new HTC phone coming out with the same sensor which could theoretically make that possible. Can anyone confirm?
because YOU want RAW doesnt't mean other want it, 99% of customers don't care about RAW so don't say stupid things.
Would have been nice to have to play around with and to show off to my iPhone friend . In the end it all depends on your point of view. Compared to smartphone camera a few years ago the Z3c is amazing. I've made some beautiful shots with it. And compared to a "real" camera all smartphones are garbage (except maybe Nokia?).
So for me the camera is perfect. I don't want to make a photography album with my pictures I want to have a quick shooter to capture some memories. And with the auto mode and the dedicated button the Z3c is exactly what I need.
It's frustrating because the camera hardware in the phone isn't being utilized to its full potential. Yes, it's fine for the average user, but for some, and I think many on this forum share this mindset - we try to get the most out of our devices. Not tapping into our camera's full potential is like leaving our device unrooted - it's neutered.
pepeo123 said:
Galaxy s6 has RAW option, manual focus, manual everything, and all this in the default camera app. You can go even further and use 3rd party apps that have more features.
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The main difference between the S6 and the Z3 being that the S6 is running Lollipop out of the box, where the Z3 is running Kit Kat. Implementing the Camera2 API is a lot more work than just porting the legacy firmware on Lollipop. That's why all OEMs chose to port their old firmware and stop here.
ilgreco112 said:
because YOU want RAW doesnt't mean other want it, 99% of customers don't care about RAW so don't say stupid things.
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Ok mystic meg
Sent from my D5803 using XDA Free mobile app
pepeo123 said:
sony wouldnt implement it in its camera firmware anyway, but i was hoping that at least they would include the support for it for 3rd party camera apps, but acordingly to xperia blog, all features are disabled.
This is a shame really, sony ****ed up big time. Galaxy s6 has RAW option, manual focus, manual everything, and all this in the default camera app. You can go even further and use 3rd party apps that have more features.
we cant even get away from the mediocre camera results from sony now, this is sad.
i expect that they implement some of the advanced camera api features from lollipop on Z4, so soon or later it would be ported to z3 series, but this is just a speculation by me.
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S6 does bit have RAW in their official camera app. Nor do they have manual shutter speed etc in their camera app.
Sent from my XT1032 using xda Forum
---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------
adamk7 said:
I remember reading something about a new HTC phone coming out with the same sensor which could theoretically make that possible. Can anyone confirm?
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HTC use a Toshiba Sensor.
Sent from my XT1032 using xda Forum
criscodecookies said:
No, we can't because the camera binaries for the Sony Exmor IMX220 camera sensor have to support it and the only phones to use this sensor are the entire Sony Z Series and the Meizu MX4.
Can someone say if it's possible to use another devices camera binaries for the same sensor?
Since our only hope is riding on the Meizu MX4: gsmarena.com/meizu_mx4_and_mx_4_pro_to_get_android_lollipopbased_flyme_os-news-11023.php
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the funny thing is, I tried snapchat today, and the front camera does not soften the skin.
I guess there is a way but I'm no developer so I cant check or try.

XCam by xdabbeb (originally for G3 works for the Stylo)

Hi everyone.
Thanks to an user from Android forums find out that this particular app works nicely with our LG Stylo , i have notice pictures are better than the Native cam app installed on this device.
You can download the LOLLIPOP ..APK from this Thread and thank you @xdabbeb for this amazing camera software.
You guys can give it a shot and tell us here what you thing about it if is Better than the native lg cam app or non at all.
some LOW-light and Night Picture test using XCam
Thanks you for posting this. I love the phone, but I really hate the camera. This app makes the pictures come out so much more clear.
I just noticed the front camera only goes to 2m. I thought It was supposed to be a 5m camera?
have you tried to see if the phone can record on the 1080p 60 fps option
[email protected] said:
have you tried to see if the phone can record on the 1080p 60 fps option
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there is no 1080p slow-motion (60 fps) option available.
EDIT : LoL sorry ihad the front camera instead and 1080p 60fps which is slow-motion isn't available LoL
I was talking about this
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[email protected] said:
I was talking about this
Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk
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LoL sorry ihad the front camera instead and 1080p 60fps which is slow-motion isn't available LoL, yeah i just did a recorded test using 1080p 60fps (Slow-Motion) and records pretty well, i really don't recommend record video using 60fps unless you are playing to playback at slower rate (24fps or 30fps) for a slow motion effect.
Low light max quality night mode both front and back
6th_Hokage said:
Low light max quality night mode both front and back
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yeah the Tmobile/Metro variant have the LG G3 Camera power so i always expected this kind of quality but LG have Nerfted the camera in the stylo (software wise)
Good fine and thank you. Makes ya wonder what else in the lg3 threads will work.
southphillysean said:
Good fine and thank you. Makes ya wonder what else in the lg3 threads will work.
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the only close thing we have to the G3 is the Camera as far as i know, CPU,GPU ,Board, Screen Res. is completely different......
I was thinking just app wise.
southphillysean said:
I was thinking just app wise.
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opppsssss LoL, well we can use the Xcam for G3 and so far Xcam is the best LG Stock Camera App out there.
Lol. Im going to try to learn how to make a Custom Rom over the weekend. We definitely wont get our own forum without it.
Installed and loving it, thanks.
Does the XCAM settings app work on the Stylo?
Yes--I use it with mine.
Telyx said:
Yes--I use it with mine.
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Ok thanks!
Which version of x canm settings are you using ?
tube517 said:
Ok thanks!
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Wont work on my Stylo just crashes after launch. I am rooted and running Katana Rom would that matter ?
arbyn said:
Wont work on my Stylo just crashes after launch. I am rooted and running Katana Rom would that matter ?
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I'm also on Katana. Just to make sure, You did install Xcam app in addition to Xcam settings app?
